j'il lilZLER W ; "Sraoiiip. prize; ; : FOR 'BETTER BABIES' i ' ' ,ijr: i"1'1 ::' v : ;f' .Wayne '.Buchanan,' McMlnn- , ville, Runs, Portland -UM Close Second for Honors. Doris ''Gordon; .who won first- prize in two-yearld 'city , girl baby class.,' f - ,f ""l .' u , , r . (Salem Bnraaa of "The Journal.) '' Salem, Or, Oct Toe queen Of Ore igon babies, the on declared "perfect" ' It little Miss Jane Kanaler, who waa rewarded the grand championship prlie for girl babies at the state fair last night. The grand championship prise for the best boy was awarded to Wayne Porter Buchanan of McMinnvllle. Little v Mlsa Kansler aoored 1000, perfect, and the little lad from McMlnnvUle aoored . -. - ' v ' 1 , ' Miss Jane la 41 months old and la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kans ler, MSB East Thirty-first street, Port land. Wayne la M months old and Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Buchanan of fctcMlnnvllle. Each received a grand championship allver cup valued at :S60, and $100 In gold, and a silver medal, the '. last two prises being glvea by an east ern woman's magazine. , The sliver up were- presented by Oovernor- Oswald West and the gold and medals were pre- . sented by Mn Charles's. 61nt4a, repr- " fauvalry Waa ICeea. - 5 '. Besides the awards given to these tWg " grand championship babies, silver caps wer given to 14 other prise babies. The - presentations were made in the audi torium at the fair grounds, last night be- fore a throng of people. The eugenics contest, has been one of the most at tractive features at.' the state" fairi as tha 800 babies entered were the cream of the entire state, being picked from the elimination contests held In nearly very county of tha state. Over 10,000 ' babies were examined in these elimina tion contests, and the 100 examined were the winners In thos county contests. "So the winners at the state fair contest fare winners over all of h 10,000 babies. !1 "I've vial tad, many, falra and have taken a great deal of Interest In the ex ! hlblts, but usually It has been the Hve- i.atock exhibits," , said Oovernor West 'when presenting . the 'grand champion ship cupa "This is the first time I've I been mixed up with the babies.: But It's !. time wa gava more attention to the ba i blea, and perhaps leas to the livestock. ! In tha past llttl or no thought has been given to the development of better ba bies. We have given nearly'all our at tentlon to the .development ot better horses and cows. ' "The babies here tonight are the nick ( of over 10,000 .youngsters. i The parents wnoae Motes tauea to win a nrlxe. still are winners by competing, as they have obtained valuable . Information about their children." ,t : ' ; , Mrs. filmms, who- has been connected f with the eugenics contests at a dozen or more state falra.. declared Jun TTuni. I ler to b as perfect a baby as had been ground in any state In the Union. i. xne utile am nas" auburn hair .an.l naael color eyes and her disposition Is i as aunny as sue la beautiful. Thomaas Wllllama, 80-months.old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wllliama of Balem, was a. close rival of Wayne Bu- .unanau lor grana cnampionsnip Donors forvthe boys. He scored 195, only one point under the winner. . ' - The babies were classified as follows: J City, boys, between one and two, 'two 'and three and three and four years old. L'Clty girls between one and two, two and tnree ana tnree ana tour. Country boys 'between one and two, two and .three! ana inree ana tour, .country girls be. Natural Alkaline Water To "regulate, the Stomach and relieve Indigestion, your Physician J; will recommend the use of 1 iy (ritzNCH itcitrstie jxojtrv) A dejitjhtful water r unexcelled for All .tabl, ttsetk.. . Not Genuine wnaosi we wora ... ... . - ::( "V f . f i i- i r THE twecn one and two, wo-and three, and three and - f oun,. ' Three , prlaaa were awarded In each class, and th grand champ)6nsh!ps were picked from all the Classes, 'Tue-pnxe winners were ' First Porothy Anne Donney, "1? montna, daugnter or Air. ana r, a. . Donney, 1767 'Stanton street, Portland! score, 80 t .. anrAj-.MtilAritA ICmmett.' JS months daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Em met t, orvaiiia; score, via. y nh Ruth 'Piwploim Pruett -' it months, dauahter of Mr. and Mra Jamas K. Pruett, Corvallls; score, 70. , rwo-veaivold Oltv Olrl Baby. ' FlrsfcDoris Gordon, 28 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac J. Gor don. 88 Eleventh street, Portlaidf score, 890. ' . " i Second Lucl J Orula v Clarke, It Kinntki liiirhttt'nf Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur 1.. Clarke. 0303 K. Forty-first street, Portland; score, 080. ' . Third Susan KliJtabth Mthan, months, daughter -or Mr. ana otts. u ward Louis Metaohan, 62 .Twenty- third street, Portland; score 7. First Jane Kansler. 42 months, Bn.aujaWAaiee-.Aiai ii vrv itin nss.aj w daughter of Mr. and Mre. i aeo d .ani- ler, 1136 East Thirty-Ilrst street, rori. : MiuhHA aaa iha avrsinri nnn mnifln. Sf-cond Irene Haltenhoff, II months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wal- . n-htrA .Httnritttta Bishop, 89 montflS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mason Jtsishop, OBI till, Sbuin, ri. . - j. Henrietta . Bishop won ine arauu championship prise last year, and u nArintAnnnnL.fi. m. fiumiiier' ui- wis o emos qopanmeiu piuui . ad contracted a slight ease of adenoids which reduced her score. - . One-year-old City oy saoy. oiutRniuFi TfAntnn ' Adams, f IS months, son pf Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ar nold Adams, 111 N. Sixteenth -street, Portland: -core, 070. - Beoondi David Cherrlngton, 14 montha, son of Mr. and Mrs. JSL 8. Cherrlngton. Salem; score, 070. ' , Third Donald ..W. Stevenson. 14 months, son of Mr, and Mrs Donald . Stevenson, Salem; score, 865.- ' .. Two-year-old City Baoy ,oy. First Thomas Williams. 80 montna. on of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Williams, Salem; score. 805. Second Joseph Andrew Beeman 14 montha, son of Mr. and Mra Ira T. Be man, 449 Kennelworth avenue. Portland; soore, $85. Third-Thomas Hlgglna Jr.. 8 montha, aon of Mr. and Mrs. rT homo Ulggina of Baker; score, 985. ' Three-yea r-oia civy joy oy. -First W. Wendnll Monroe. 47 montha aon Of Mr, and Mrs. William H. .Mon roe, i 435 West Park street Portland! soore, 090. ' Second Kenneth Casey, 43 montha, aon of Dr. and Mrs. I. B. Casey, As toria; score, 080. Third J. Trunsteaa uurtctveii. s months, son - of . Mr. and Mrs..- J. T, Burtchell. 701 Northrup. a tree t. Port land; score, 080.- - '; . One-year-old country wri navy. ' ' First Grace - Holman. 17 montha daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoi man, Salem, R. F. D. : scora '976. ' DOUU1IU Allil J ' X3DIJA ? ' months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Miles Ottaway, Sllverton; soore, 830, Third Dorothy Stevens, IS -montha, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Stev ens, Oregon City; score, 815. Two-Year-Ola country ain Jiany. First Maraaret Hooper. I3i montha daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Hoop er, Uranta Pass; score 080. , . . Second Dolores La Vean Kahle 81 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl KShle, McCoy; score. 885. .iThird Virginia Eleanors. Berger," II moiths, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. H, Berger, Salem, R. F. S3. 1; score 985. ' i Tnree-Tea-oia country am sany. , First Rob y Laughlln. 41 months. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam tAUgblin, Iimhlli: score, vt6. - . Mnnnnd Allrn ' Tiulae McFerlaficL IT months, daughter of Mr.and Mrs, F. K. Mofariana, uswego; score, u. . One-Tear-Old Country Baby Boy, ' First Glenn Mathls. 1 months, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Mathls, Salem, R. V. D. S; score, 880. Second Dan Quick, tl months, aon Of Mr, and.Mrs.J. WT Quick, Balls ton; score,' 185. Third 1 wiiuam fjoieman, is montna son of Mr, -artd Mra.. .Charles Coleman, rtnnilAA innra " S7ft. 1 . ,'v.". Twe-xear-ou country. Baby soy, . First Wavnel Porter 'Buchanan. II taontha, fen 'of Mr. and; Mra. F. H. Bu chanan.. McMlanville: score 8 8 6. grand champion baby." Second Francis Shea,. 28 months, ion of Mr. and Mrs, Francis D. Shea West- port; score. 879. iniro K.ennetn wunpoen, monun, son of Mr. and Mra. John CamobelL Granta Piss: soore. 970. . Three-Year-old Country Baby Boy. ,'J , "... . "i- . First Meivin Khoaes, 4; montna. son Of Mr, and Mrs. Ora Rhodes, McCoy; score, 875. Second Stewart I. Benson, 43 montha, aon of Mr. and Mra Clifford S. Benaoo, Gardiner; score, 960. Third Lou Anne Chase, 40 months, son of Mr. and Mra. Ernest Chase, 611 verton; acore, 945. " In some instances" the' fecc-hd anfl third scores appear the same, and Super intendent, Plummer explained that in such casta the babies were checked over for the second time and the final awnrda made after the second ' examination.. '.p , i .. , .... U. S. SHAKES OFF ' THE MANACLES 0Ff -, : .PROTECTION TODAY (Continued From Paae One.V . which are adequate to express the teeU Ing, because the feeling, that I have is that we -have done the rank end file of the people of ' thla country a : great servioe. t'v t . . t",'! t !r;i "It la hard. to apeak, .of . these thinas without seeming to go off , Into . cam paign eloquence, but that is not my feeling. It Is" a' feeling ' of profound gratitude that, working with the splen did then who 'have carried this ..thing tnrougn witn studious attention and doing" justice all around, I Bhould have naa a port, m--serving the people of this country, an we have. Seen striving to -aery tnem ever since l can remem ber. . ) , ., . ' I iHt . , ' Basalt Xrf)ng Desired.'' v: "I have wished to see the accomplish ment ef something like, this ever since Lwaa a boy. and I know men standinc around me who can aay the same thins who have been-Granting, to see the tninga qone which it was necessary io oo in oraer mat more mient-. ba jusuce m tne-united states.. , . "And so It is a solemn moment that brings busineas, to a- conclusion and I hope will, not be thought demanding too much of myself or colleagues when 1 say ..that .this, great-as it is, Is the accomplishment of only half the jour ney. We have set the business pt this country free .from those oondltiona which have .made monopoly not only ponKi.f, but in a sense easy 'and nat ural. But there is no use taking away the conditions of monopoly if wo do not taae away also the . power to .. create monopoly, ano, tuat in a financial, rather than a merely. . commercial and economic power. , . , . Beady for Seoond Step. 'A DOWer to control and triildo nwn the credits of the country la the power to say wno snaa fina wno shall Hot build up the Industries of the country, In which direction they shall ' be' built and In which direction they shall not be. built We are now about" to take the 'second ' step, which will 'be 'the final , step la setting the business of this eountry free. , That is what we shall do in the currency bill which the nouse has already passed and which I have the utmost confidence the senate will-pass Much-sooner -than-noma ie slmietlo Individuals believa ' The ques tion, now that tb piece of work is done, will arise-all. over the country: For what do we waitt Why should we wan to ' crown ourselves' with con summate honor T -re.we so aelf-dsny ing that we -do not wish to complete our succesaT. t ' . , f t' , . w"Jt . Was , ftuotlng i the other 'day to L OREG OH j DAI LY ' JOURNAL. 1 OHTLAIID. v warn- 'AfAM4-pams - : f Vvl some Of Tny colleagues In the' senate these lines from Shakespeare 'Sy'itenry V,' which have always appealed to met If it be a, sin to covet honor, then am the most offending soul alive.' Xoaor Eaoagh for AXL "And X "am happy to say I ,do not covet It for myself.' ' I covet ft with eaual ardor for the men who are asso ciated with, me and the honor Is going to come from them. . I am their asso ciate. .. I can only complete the work which they do.- X v can only counsel when they ak for my counsel, I can come in only when the last stages of the business are reached. And X covet this honor for them quite as muoh as I covet it for myself; and I covet It for. the great party of which I am a mem ber; because that "party Is not honor able unless It redeems Its' name and nerves the people, of the United States. "' "So I feel tonight like a man who is lodging happllv in the inn which, lies halt way along the journey, ana tnat rejuvenated with a fresh Impulse we shall go the rest or the journey ana slep at, the Journey's end like men with a tiiulet conscience, knowing that we have served our fellow men and have' thereby. tried to serv Odd.'V . Bryan lauds Hew Tariff. . ' "October S marks an epoch. In the eco- nomie history of this generation," said Secretary of State Bryan, discussing tna new, tariff law today. "We have now the best tariff law we have had since the Civil -war. . I am confident that it will not be long before tlfe country will be. able to- celebrate a second triumph the passage nnd signing of the currency bill." .,'.... Despite President Wllaon's . demand for immediate action on currency legis lation In both houses of congress, the house prepared to loaf today. House leaders asserted they planned frequent three day recesses while the senate bank ing committee la studying the Glass Qjven blU...,,, . . . BURGLARS OF ARTISTIC V TASTE ROB' HOUSE. OF .CUT CLASS AND DOILIES 'I ttr, r '-,- i ' J' ' r (Continued From 'Page One.) :- a sliver ice pitoner, a uciunon eiotn and' foxbe - dollies. . Ttom J the dining room they' went np' stairs and , entered two rooms, taking a pair of field glasses, a set of : drawing instruments and a numbr of miscellaneous- articles. . I am tussled to know how : they could carry their booty away unless they had a, wagon or a big basket outside, ""''ft one 'of 'the occupants of the house was disturbed by the burglars,-and. the fact that they had called was not knownJ until this morning, - when the maid on rising observed that the kitchen door was' open and .that the twinging door between - the .'pantry and dining room wag held ajar by a' wedge. Thla was for 'the purpose of making a "quick get-away?. 4n case of alarm. , .Two of the drawers of the sideboard were missing 'These were found after Ward Ma the street. Their contents "were"gono. ; . , The burglars left no track or trace by which -Mr. Fuller .can explain their meth6d of , Carrying away their bulky plunder. i. No money or Jewelry was missing. .-Young Man It Victim." . Roseburg, Or., Oct 4. Harold Har mon, about 20 years old, waa found dead in his bed at CanyonviUe Friday, death being caused by alcoholism. Har mon livedo wJlth his atep-f athor, S. I Blgelow near Canyonvllle. . Of Course They Are! x "Washington, Oct. 4. Postmaster Gen eral Burleson- prepared to investigate all newspaper circular statement to se If the figures given are "net paid." I srAxrxsK onrz.x.z CAgTrtLTAW All kinds Spanish Cooking. BeaUWInes, . Uquors and Beers Served. m KOSUUSOV. . , . SUMMER RESORTS Crater Lake via Ftledford Tkkets""bne and "one-tblrd fare from all points In Oregon direct' to Crater Lake on '3. P. E.,R. uaea. The cheapest, shortest, and moat beautiful scenery of all routes. Big catches of Steel Head trout are now being made by fly fisher men along; Rogue River. Wire for seat reservations on Auto Stage,, Hall Taxi Company, Medford Oregon. ' ' " MOUNT ? ARARAT! LOBBY AGENT FES I "I'm, a-Peaceful Man," Says Reed After Encounter With r 'Manufacturers' Official, - ; (TJnlted Press Leased Win) '.Washington, Oct. 4. Senator James A. Reed of Missouri grinned and Invited a reporter to feel of hi muscle today when asked regarding a report that he blackened the eyes and cut the face of John Molntyre. an official of the Na tional Association of Manufacturers. ' ; "I'm a moat peaceful man," said Sen ator Seed, "and whether I hit him-or not is a tnatters of .small' conoera. But you see m knuckles are not skinned.' .' Senator Reed is reported to have used his flats on Mclntyre when the latter called at his office In search of infor mation regarding the senate's "insidious lobby" Investigation. . . .. COUNCIL AMENDS CITY ; ORDINANCE TO HASTEN THE BOND , MEASURES . r - - - '- Continued From Page One, iroate $800,000 would be used in Initial improvements, Intimated Chairman Frederick W. Mulkey of the dook oom miaslon this morning. ' The plan- of the dock commission Is to develop a great water-terminal In the 'Willamette river between the North Bank bridge and the North Pacific Lum ber company's property. - The removal of Swan island and the channel dredg ing necessary would involve the moving of 50,000,000 cubic yards of material. The construction of the slips and piers .would glvo berthing room for ao ships am RHSQE Hotel "... " ' , ' Multrioitiah Where i$ there a hotel in this country that" ' Biv9 it cniests. its oatrons". and its friends such an entertainment, as the Hotel Multnr , mah . provides . EVERY SUNDAY- EVEN- ,t SIX . HOURS OF AMUSEMENT ' 6 P. M, Until" Midnight r''. 6 until 8 f. m. an Excellent Table d'HoJte Din- , . nerf, 8; untile' 8.30 Promenade on "Mezzanine .," .; ' Floor or Lobby., 8:30 until 10. p. m.. Grand " -. Concert in Lobby, .given by V ' 1 ' t ., , . - " THi. AUGMENTED MULTNOMAH HO ; '.,7V' ' " .TEL; ORCHESTRA : ' - Herman S. Heller, Directors" . - v ." " : '"', t ' ' , . . j - , ' ; .: ; . Seats for One Thousand Persons.-, . - -. 10:15 until 13 p, ml in ; ' '. '. . ,. .THE ARCADIAN , GARDEN CABARET, .': r ; f '. ENTERTAINMENT.' ." Under the Direction of Miss ONeil. ' ' ' ' ' f , , t , i ' i ; The very best Entertainment 'fy';f'U, i The very best Cuisine. i,,'UiHV''' 'V' fl TKe very best Service. " J , ' 9' r",'," The most attractive djning-room in -the city ' "i of Portland. ' h-nil ; 'J i ' .Id r""ThVerybest "orchestra ulnider the directiorTof . Herman S. Jleller. - . . , ';',. '; - . MM f H. C ;v::ning, at Mock's bottom and IS at Bridgeport. each more than COO feet long.; On ad- Joining area there would be room for storage, .bonded warehouse, industrial plants and so forth. It has been esti mated . that the . commission could, not only thus develop a water terminal sys tern; on a oar with Ban Francisco or Seattle, but Improve a large amount of land of high Income producing charao ter for lease to industrial interests. ,, - Commissioner Will Daly said at the meeting this morning that It would be desirable and advisable-to submit the question of Installing a recreation pier on the east side public dock to the peo ple at the November election, under the pouter granted by . the amendment passed this morning. -. .r ir .. in .nun.- V- 5 Bar. Room "Come Back." ' Roseburg. Or.; Oct 4. The' room util- ised as a barroom In the Hotel Mo Clallen whe'n Roseburg was wet" was raided by Sheriff Qulne Friday and1 two barrels of beer, .one. barrel of miscellan eous wines and about II barrels of empty bottles were ' seised. ' Charles Stark, who with " his mother, eonduots the hotel, and Alex Perdue, night clerk, are to pe tried -on a charge of selling intoxicating liquor. ' , 1 Choked . bn Foot Tad,. ' Ban Franoisco, CaL, OcJL 4-Choked, robbed and beaten Into unconsciousness. Miss Betty Bahbarty is recovering today from an encounter with a footpad who escaped with her purse, containing 135, Miss Babbarty was set upon at midnight and .was null unconscious When round two hours later. , , .''.VVa':,. jfl.l. II I) m i II i. il i , i. ' '-A' ' Nominations. for Alatka. Washington, Oct 4. The nominations of F. M. Baxton to be United States dis trict attorney for the Second division of Alaska, and John Randolph Tucker Jr., to be a diatrlot Judge for the same divlslon,-.were sent to the senate today. , j"".. in . mi iiiWi . i! ii ;i "Hiifiiii ii i.;.: :,-r:K Strict Curfew Ordinance. eanta Rosa, Cel., pet 4. An ordi nance was passed for the imprisonment over night, without oojii or a bearing, of everyone under 18 found .on tha streets after P. m. - , Bowers, Manager " i !'; K I1D STA1l GFHCfALS WIN OYER GBL CRAWFORD ' I . , ' , ' Court Holds Complaint In "Re volving Ttind" Case Not Sufficient Cause, gf Action,: - (Ealta Boreas of The Journal.). Balem.. OrvOot. I.-Wudge Percy K. Kelly of the Marlon county circuit court today .sustained the demurrer of the complaint filed" by Attorney General Crawford, on behalt of the state, against Governor West, Secretary of State Ol cott and State Treasurer Kay, to re cover practically 118.000 alleged to have been unlawfully expended from the peni tentiary revolving luno. ine juua sustained the demurrer on the ground that the complaint makes no allegation that the state was damaged in any way. Judge Kelly went even further and de clared that the complaint itself, which sets forth the purpose for which ne money was used, is a refutation that the state has suffered any damages. In his complaint the attorney general stated , that the money was spent for land for the prison brick yard, and for materials and supplies used for tna var ious Industries at the penitentiary, and other purposes in connection with those Industries, The attorney general statea today, however.- that he would amend his complaint and allege specific dam ages. , What court F':t (In rendering his decision Judge Kelly said: . " - , ' f ' "lii the case of the state of Oregon against Oswald West and others, where in a demurrer was argued upon yester day to the complaint, it appeara from the complaint that the defendants Were, respectively, ' governor, , secretary , of state and state treasurer of the state ef Oregon, and it is charged in the com plaint that from tne eaie or, nricx ana the rent 'of the foundry plant of the state oenitenUary . there was obtained funds which were placed in, the state treasury 1 without warrant of - law and applied In the ; payment or claims tor services rendered, material or supplies furnished and land purchased at and for amy Sextette from Lucia in Burlesque tby the Araerlean Beauty Bevue Chorus . In costume. ,',..! 1" actss ' , ,,. - ( Soloist, . v A,lio splendid new programme of ape-;' - claltlea during lunoh,' dinner and after7 the ' theatre. I ; ; ; hOteXi ossaoxr , , QBCKSSZaA- ( ; ' SIGNOR PIETKO , MARINO, " - Musical Pireotor Tak vour after- . the-theatre supper at -, The Oregon service, ' cuisine and appoint-, ments unexcelled. OREGON rl; i' bsl ejli.e" 1 ffli t .... ' it !jl ments unexcelled. ' 'j j Lunch, ik'. m THE Y m, ; u LiHiai-- J 'rS-.HOTEL'-GORNELIiUS !' . Till? iinTTCTf ntf wpt rniitt - ' THE the Orrn'm couteniitd by t ' . " 11 "lt 1 Is no BlleiiMtlua in the . vmiiimJiit i damages sustalnul ly tlie tute. "It ls-soiiKlit to u'fover a ic-i;. . 1 Judgment HKttliist tl.c defendants. 'I ho theoiy of tlie coiiipiaini ij.m, i... i il Is not to this couit a state of j-u-h upon which thla court can iv tii.it the state has been damaged, and lt H the' opinion Of the court that It 1m not enough to charge an 'officer with a mere breach of duty in order to obtain a peraonal Judgment against s" ii officer for such breach, -but It mu t appear that there resulted from aui h breach damage to the party seeking a recovery! Ko ' Speoif to AUegatlons. . It waa argued by the state that to say that warrants might be drawn In defiance of the constitutional inhibi tion against the drawing of warrants by the officers who might otherwise be authorised to-draw the. warrants end cash them for the purpose of, operating the penitentiary and paying the claims for services rendered and material fur nished would be tantamount to giving ' a license to. the officers to purchase a ' railroad or buy a ship. "lt la, in the "mind of this court an answer to that contention to nay that if you were aeeking to recover a Judg-" ment against an officer of ttiia state for the mtrchasa of a railroad or for the purchase of a ship, it would not he j, sufficient lo allege that the railroad or the ship had been bought, but it la the opinion of thla court it should .be stated thnt the State, or the party seeking Judgment, suffered damages, and there is no such alligation aa that in thla . oom plaint, , - . J '. There Ii m general allegation of -l damage, anj the allegation of applica tion of funds to the payment of claims mentioned In" the complaint is, In the opinion of this court, a refutation that the state has suffered any damage.. - "lfpnthese reasons the demurrer to the complaint will be sustained. -. LAKEVIEW IN UNE-". . " , . WITH GAPAGE FIRE Lakevlew. Or.. Oct 4. The lAkeview garage burned last night and seven au tomobiles were destroyed In the fire, c The loss Is about 1 5,000. Firemen re moved gasoline from the plant and pre vented further destruction. ''-.' ' ' Use common senae buy Superior coal; t ton. Main 154; A-U4L. Adv.) AMUSEMENTS r . .., .. . " ITI JCi IJLtl VS ta ead Xorrisea rhonee Wale 1 and A-lltt -; - ' LASI TIME TOKIOHT ' k- . TUM FAMOUS BKAliTX , - ' - JUl'TI OOBDOST ' ,'a IN VICIOR UJSKBKHT8 ' UOUT OPERA SUCCESS MThe naohantress" ' TO PEOPLE SPKCIAi, OKCHESTEA" PrleM U. 1B0, 41.00, Toe, .60c. . 7 AFTBttNOONS S:80T EVENINGS S:W . BEonrHitra toxorxow ajrrmsooif ' Oeorge Kleioe presents - WORLD-FAMOUS MOTION PICTURES QUO VAPIS Mast Rtapenflous Pictures' Efer Taken lu . ' tloUon. ' POPULAR PRICES AFT. AMD NIOHT " ' Katlre Lower Floor,- 60c. Balooay, ' ( lews fide, 14 rows-sum. . ALL BKATS BEBEBVKP V.I.J BAICER - TREATkS ' UAiM i. A-uee. 1 (too. L. Baku. Mwt, v Home of tae ropniar naaer riayen. , : Last Time Tonight First Time Here. , . "XAWTH01YB, V. ft A." , A remantle eomedy, atartllos adtenturea of aa Amerlcaa la the Belkaaa. Charming, thrilling, autoiinf.' Kveulng SSe, BSC, 60o, 75e. tvt4af siat. SSe, SOe. Wa xt week,' starting toaaonow matinee ."Nobody's Widow," s. - ' Broadway aad Aide Btreata The Tear Xarz Brotkari, wlta east ef II, hv "Krs. firaaa'a BaoeptiOB"( Qeane asd Tletef Earrla, Oreve ereea, Tan la BI Skeol, Eddie Koward, Faatageseops, OrahHtra, teenarA. aad Ontla w to "The siatllng Mr, Buatla." peetal added' faatare, "Fearl Tang, ley, Seems," the greatest Set of Its Uad be. fore the publle, Columbia Tfieatrb Sixth "aid Weabiaataa, '''' Perfect Veotllatloo riraproeC Refined Kstertalamant. program Wedueoday to Huadayi Paths Week ly; "Xhe Invivlble tiuvernmeot" (Soils Drama); "Mr. Toot's Tootb"- (Kdlwm Comedy) t vpcal , sololat aud Karp'a Orchuatra, - , , , . . s , l0aAIKISSIOa'loe HOTELS ABtfOi.UTisug iMavf auor . ""' " " 't lORTIAND s! I " ! , OBANDK3T 100 rooms. ,;..... ..$1.50 per day 1 200 rooms, with bath $2.01 per day. lOOjrooms, with bath T2.S0prday Add $1.00 per day to above prices I whn two occupy one rooro i , VERY ATTRACTIVE' PRICES FOR PERMANENT COESTS H. ,C. POSTERS. Manager, IPcrtland's Famcusilctcl . tftts GulslnaEurcpcm plan- KR.CIATASJt mcil" G.d.KAU FTtANN hcz. HOUSE OP WELCOME, ' y fAKK. AND ALUtK bi5 PORTLAND, OR, 1 In 'the theatre and shopping district 'on block from any carline. . Rates, $1.00 per aay and tip; 'With bath, Sl.50 per day and up. TAKE OUR BROWN AUTO-'DUS. C W. Cornelius, Prop.: II. IS. rietrher4 Mrr.