4Vv i'v'.' i8;'.V'vr-'c:v':;'X:r,"h,',: 'the 'oregow'daii.Y'jou'knal. . ortlahd. fr lilDAV EVENING, ' OCTOBER J 3, 1913. ' t 1 1 BY NEW INCOME TAX Waldorf ; Astor Has 'to s Pay L;' v': in England.,1..,;,., i CnHi Pmw Ukw Win r-' J ' New- Xork, OuL WIHUa !.::.. fAetor, the expatriate, will h Ira 1 tiliam Waldorf have to- pay 'tat leaat ttM.OOv to (tie United 6tatea i J i ... Iv government under the new income tax. law. Too flgurea were worked out to day' by an expert on New York real estate, in which the bulk; of tha Aator fortune la Invested: , Tbe expert bael lila figures on the Inrpme ho estimate, that Aator recelres from his holdtnaa here. Tha tax on whatever other AnferU ran income the expatriate may Jiava wilt be extra. , :- ' The beauty of the situation; is that 1 Aator U taxed on "this. Income In- Eng land, aUo at ft considerably higher rate1 than. here. -;'.. .-.rr' '- . It, via1 estimated that ,he -Income other American expatriates) wUl have' to pay will brlns the total up to about i.000.000. , - K n ' ' i . ii ' r. ' Actress Tries. to Die.- , ,1 Sift - Francisco. Oct'. S. Mrs. r May Wobber. a pretty actress, was found unconscious today from gaa. asphyxia tion In her apartments here.,. She .has an even chance for ,recovry.r; Friends are unable to account for tyrs. Webber's suicidal attempts - . -t , f - i "' 1 ., , . J - "Out of the Klra Unt District" Green STAMPS Urit this "adT-rtisemeaty aad ' "ie- ' i-'-'T-.-. vardtasa of- ... Founds w. mm VL-Jlj:.-.:JiJv,'j J.! Njlll-MIM FBOM THE HOUSE OF ECONOMY. Tc'tc Aivnhlc:a cf Ihe Very Low PriceslU DOIMR GDEStFARTDEST WDEH TnAOlKG'AT ilIS CCDERM MARKET CO.COA:ANB) i VilbSckn Old' Homestead Choco- ,'''i;'.Iate . -V'.'V ,'' 5C Vs id. uia , nomesteaa uocoaoc l lbV Old . homestead Choc. .2Sc Baker's Xhocolate, 1 lb?:iW. 40t 1Mb: GhirardelliU Chocolate 30c 3 , cake Sweet . Chocolate . 25c S'..;i . 4 a aak i .ssbib amaaaaaai 3 lbs. Loose FreA Crackers. .25c Re. 25cC Pkr. Crackers... .20c Regi $1 Box Crackers . ; ; . ..90c 6 pkg. Unceda Biscuits . . . .25c Cinirer Snaos. lb.. . .. . V. . . . 10c Fancy Cookies.' lb . . . . . . v loe 3 . okas. : Asstv Cakes . i i 25c Ardmore Coffee for $1.10 epos . 'OHTi'r satdsoat; J f O0T 4ta , ' sos aaosojr st. Between Front 'anal . riret, : 1 MA1W 32S9. SOAPS ana wasu- POWDERS 6 bars Fels naphtha, Sunny Mon " day, !Borax, Crystal .White or 4 Fairy Soap for :, p . v 25c j5 bars" Baby Elephant 5oap 25c 2 "Large;tIVorySoapr.vr'f,' 15c 13 barsSiyon Soap 25c 2 ' cakes , Sapplio r. V . .V . . . 15c 2 ; cans Chloride, ol. LimeV - V c 2 caw Old Dutch' Cleanser . . 15c Polly, Prim Cleanser . : . i . . 5c Larse Peairline, Citrus Powder- or . J Gold Dust . . t .,. , Vvyi .20c Colene;".3d4, i60c aniJ $1.50 -; l:v; 55c ad $1.05 . t, 55 cani Holly Ca, 1 - case Holly Milk;.. , .' ,v" $3.50 3. cans Pioneer or Carnation Milk Eagle Milltr vi:Vir"i,15c 1 doz Eagler MitV. . V W.?? RICEA 5 lbs: Fancy Jap? Head Rice :25c ,6 lbs. Broken Head Riceff 0256 3"Ibs. S. W. Beans .. ; 25c 5. lb.; Pink or Bayou Beans 25c 3 lbs. Lima Bean.. &i:f&2& A VEGETABLES of all kinds on hand, f reshi every 10 lbsJ-Sweet' Spuds . . '.25c 20 lbs. New Spuds . . ; ? .25c 1 ajsck;5puds' FRESD AKD . CU.1ED MEATS Pot Rput. . . . . . . . ; . . . . V . IO0.I2V2C Rib Boiling Beef , . . . . Vv ''J ' .10c .Shoulder; Steak V . vi '. -.V i . . . .15c Best Sirloin Roast . :; ,'..,, . ,15c Beef Shanks, lb. , v.V'l ' Vt' ,16c Firesli .' Side Pork ZTti I ; '.v i 15c Pickled Pork Vi . i .'. . v.V17c ShoulderrPorktChops . i . .i ; ,17V;c W If DKM J3i Salt Pork Sides and Back . . . v. 1 5c Oregon Creamery Butter,'.'r.,.''-' roll 70c Extra Fancy Creamery Butter, . roll. . . . , 75c Oleomargarine) 50c and . . ; . 55c CHEESE Pork' Roast UWMti X-V . 20c 11 .i . 3 liavFresi S feticic !. MAIL ORDERS l:y--o i be carefully packed and. shipped the 'hone : Order JlakeiFri- day e vert ingsftiniil'lO o'clock" P hp n e .Main 5700, A-6255. utton Stew; lb. A . . . . .... 6c toin Mutton Roait, .... . . , ; . ..A2lZc Breast of Mutton 8c Shoulder Mutton . .VV. ; i ,8c arid 10c Shoulder Mutton Choos1 . . . .' . .Y. . T.lOc i-oin muixon : unops ,t 122C Loin Veal . Steak, r. . .V. . .20c Veal, Loin, or Roast. V, ... ..i ,r . ;i .20c Breast of Veal;. v i . t . . . . 1 . 15c Shoulder Veal Steakt. . . V.V. !74c Shoulder Veal Koast. 17c ; ? LARD AND COMPOUND Ko; 3 Pure Lard. . ; . ;45c No. 5 Pure Lard i . 1 1 1 70c No; 10 Pure Lard. . ;;$i.35 No. 5 Coriipound ;tM-:'. : . . ;U .60c No. 10 Coriapound. ; .-.$1.10 TAYLOR 11 2 lbs. Full Cream Cheese ; 35c 2 lbs. Cream Brick Cheese .'. 45c Wicons1hSwiss,s''lb'i;'JT: V 25c Limburger Brick, Ib! Vi . . ;30c 'JMW SPECIAL Our Special tJrandO'n 1 A Flour l)il.iU White Satin $1.25, bbl. . . $4.75 yim'J$1.35,'bbLr Also' Crown,' Olympic and White" River at popular prices.'; 9-1 b. sack Flour . . . . i V .' : . 30c mm 20 IBLSeh! 11 t . - . aw f 1 - . 1 Quaker Oats, pkg. .i . vM . i , 10c 2. pkgsl Puffed Wheat or Rice forv... .,25c Vream ot Wheat . . ,15c 4 pkgs. Corn , Flakes. ; .25c 9 lb. sack .Corn Meal i-. v 1. 30c 9 lb. sack Oats' and Wheat ' mixed 4 . :...,....,. . 30c 9 lb., sack Cream Rolled Oats ,for "'. K ...... . .40c 10 lb. - sack Pancake Flour . 40c 9 lb. sack Wheat hearts. . l;45c skek Rye Flour ; . r. . . 25c OUR SUBSIDE STOKE w C K 994-6 Belmont. . Same prices as main store'. Free delivery Phone Tabor 18. No fresh eats at Sunnyside store. FREE DELIVERIES , Sell wood, ' Tuesdays) 1 Rose City Park,' Arleta, Kern, , Park,' Tr. mont and Lents, Wednesdays and Fridays t .Montavilla, Thursdays. Daily deliveries to other, parts of the city. 7 lbs.' Cube Sugar.. ....... .COc '. ISCCLLAHCOUG Scrub Brushes, 15c and. . . . . HOc S'CrollsToUetjpyper; 5 lbs. Broken Macaroni; r. .c 3 lbs. Handy, Cut Macaroni 2Zc 6 IbsFlake Hominy I . ZZc 3 bottles Cider Vinegar, i . . ZZc 3 bottles Tomato Catsup . . . 23c Snider's Catsup , .:.... r. .20c 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder , 40c Postum . .". ,v .'. . .'. . . ...,. 20c4 Instant Postum, 25c and . 50c Pint . Jar Peanut Cutter, .' ; 25c Large bot. Bluing or Ammonia 5c 1 lblpkgLH. Soda:... 5c 3 doz. Cloth? vPins.T, ; .'5c BroonV 25cv35c'and . . . '. . . 50c 4 lbs. Sal Soda ,Y. : . . . . . 10c 4 pkri. Gloss Starch. . ...... 25c lCc pkg. Corn'Starch ; .5c 10 lb. sack Table Salt '. , .V ..l5c Any Spice '(Mace and Nutmeg Excepted),., can. . . . .'..' . 5g 1 dozen Large Dill Pickles. , . 10c 3 cans Pork aAcfBeans .' ', ti, 25c 3,. cans Minced Crams. . : . . '.23c 2 cans Oysters ;j V . ... ; .'. . . . 25c 2 tins Shinold ; .' . '. , ., . 15c Easybrite Stove Polish. . . .... . . 5c 3 ' cans Pmk Salmon . v . . . . . . 25c 2 cans Red Salmon... . . . ,25c 3 cans Shad 25c 3 cans N. O, Molasses . ..v. 25c r gal Karo or, Ojd , Homestead Synip .'.t .50c l' gal. Towle's Circus Brand : Syrup ; .W. . 65c 3 cans Corn, Tomatoes, Pea 25c 3 cans String Beans. .... .25c Large can Asparagus. , .. . .20c Quart; can Ripe Olives. . ..25c 3 cans Pumpkin ..... . 25c 3 'jars Mustard ; v . .. '. '. ,25c Coleman's Mustard f. , t.k. .v. .15c Puve Olive OiV'in. bottles, ' 25c 45c and . . . J , .s.-. . . . 75c Italian Olive Oil in tins, 45c, 85c $1.50 and .$2.75 Kaola . . . . .60c, 90c an3 $1.60 SwiftVGttouet 65c and $1.35 it w i. & ; n s B - (STALL 22) ' 1 -"j 1 Ripe Olives, 2 cans. .25c 19 lbs Sugar'. . V.$1.00 (STALL 15) Oaf Pickles (n,w),.doi....;i20c' ' BoiWd Tonfue, lb. .......... 40 . Roquefort Cheese , lb. ... . ,B0c ' A - Swiss Xhaaae; Ib,. . . ,30c Cbippad Bf. lb. ' . . .. . . 40e v i CotUfe Cheeaa, lb. . . . , , . , . lSe-, (stall 4) r, Peanut Butter, 2' lb. ..... ,35 c Guaranteed feg f s, dot. . .'i . , t35c Butter, 2-Ib. Ra)U .fi6e Skamokawa Butter, lb.. ,.80e ii EU.il iiil illl Mill "nil ' ' ." M'airkell: Prices 8- i Will Gut YouiiSuay Bill! OrimMalf Wf . Green 'Trading' ;Starrvem 1 Unheard-of (STALL 23) Roast of Boef....t..12)e-lSc Leg of Lamb, lb .....15c Leg of Mutton, lb. 12 He Corned Beef, lb.. 1 0c and 1 2 e (STALL 14) T-Bone Staak, lb. 20c Pot Roast .....U2ic and 15c Boiling Meat, lb. .......... 10c Shoulder of Lamb, lb.. .. . . . Oo Leg of Mutton, lb. 12, e Lamb Stew, lb . . .' 8c r resn' Avieac urrenngs I ". v r MM A I.E. J.A I -.-'h J- -J F, (STALL 29) Fresh ' Columbia Cni nook Salmon, lb. V. . 10c Silver Salmon; lb;. . . 8c Silver Smelts, 3 lbs. 25c Smoked Salmon, lb. 10c Fresh Dressed Hens, lb. ; . . . v . i ... . ... 19c FresH , Dressed Springs, lb. ....23c ,5 ... t STALL 24 . ) ? Roast Beef, lb' . . i . . i . , 1 2 ; Leg of Pork, . . . . ........ 1 17 ' Log of Lamb, lb.. I5 Lamb Stew, lb.. . . . .V. . , ;.. 7 Shoulder of Lamb, lb........ 10e i.f "'STJtLL'ao.'f Hind H Spring Lamb .... ..18a Fancy Lege Mutton, lb... . 12 U e 1 8-lb. TaU Lard '.'i v ; ; . l . 8e - (STALL 20) Mason Jar Caps, dot.. . . . . 15e Large Can Pineapple 20c Crisco, can- ...30c 3 cans String Bean 25c 2 cans AsparagiTs I.2Sc i 1 -pt. bot. Cane Maple Syrup 25c ' 3 boxes Seeded Raisins 25c fS7VlLL 17) f?U.'woet fotatoes, 10 lbs. .....25c Concord Grapes, basket ...:i5c ..15c 25c Tomatoes, 4 lbs. Cranberries, 2 lbs. 'I Big Buncb Calenr 5c 3 t, 1 Green Peppers, lb. , 5c ' ' V ? (STALL 26) '.'( Sam's Blend Coffee, lb. 27c t , Breakfast Blend Coffee, lb.; . 1 9c ' . J l All TSas special, lb. j . .39e 't . t-ipton's Tea1 ...;. ,60c 6 '. Iowa Butter, roll V. : .'..... 84c Double Stamps on i all our- chases of 50c , or over. Bring thu ad. j-;-...;;; v. J. . (STALL 7) Chinook Sainton,-lb.. . . .10c Halibut," lb.... 8c Kippered Salmon, lb.... 17c Alaska Herring, Doz.. . .30c ,'. I, .. (STALL 3) c;;k Tom Cod, lb.. . . ..... .11c Chinook Salmon, lb.. . .10c Halibut, 3 lbs. . . . . . . . . .25c Fresh Crabs 3 : ... --,-.- I (STALL 18) i; Chinook Salmon,. 3 lbs. , , 25c Halibut, 3 lbs. ; -. . . :25e Razor Clams, Doz. ..,'7 . , 10c Fresh Killed Chickens,Tper pound .... . . . . . V; .15 to 20e ; (STALL It) Mammoth Butter,' roll ....'.. Sdc .:, Kamond outter; roll .......75c, ;:; Cornelias Butter, roll . ,. . 70e . ' Fresh Eggs, dos. 38eVv :".'f Sweet Potatoes,' 10 lbs. for 28o f " Huckleberries, lb. . . . V 1 1 Oe' 4 V King Apples, dosen; ,. . . .18k ' . ' U(um. 2 a: jv i -w w v m vara r f-j fe-M.fJa 1 "w -y.i , i . Peaches, per. dos. '...-,. . , 18o'..' 1 ' .,' Double . Stamps ' on ' Erery , Pur. : : : chase of 50c or; Orer. 'vr'",i V Freeh j Garden VegetebUs daily y A a lshw wall' InlaiMa anii -;' 'M .:v;.-r a all 'izi Ci fy .Wo ''carry a full line: of fresh , I MilllS- - Wf Green Trading Stampi Given WiuAlilPhaoel It 4 J ., (STALL 9) Sllv.rton Biitt.r, ' roll , 80 J.fdserwood .Hut- ifr, roli,.,,75 fialail Oil. r bo0i .. . i .30 VrMh Ranch Eas-a, Uoi...0rf t.,:i:l4SiV-. .I' 1... 1 iiu n 1 n u u L.J l. 1 ' v . . - (STALL 21)' Fresh' Vegeta bles at; this stand daily, AT FIRST, SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS . ,v , . 1 . . . "... ...... , . . . . . . w 'fC Prlceo Again Take a Tumble at ttie State lUarlcei vyevofferTpmorrowjhe choicest of Beef; ;Veal, Mutton and Pork at prices so I temptingly' low, .that they're bound to anneal to the most reluctant nocketbook Come!;: Bring your market basket here where vour nuarter will no farthest. No disappointment Plenty for everybody. Be sui-e to; come.; vWe cut 1he A . ; . ; priced but , not the quality. , ' - 1 TOMORROW OIILV . PORKi , J Choice Cuts ; of Shoulder Roast of ; ,.Pork and Pork - , Chops, - " ; V' Per Pound f IThe rTnestJEastern ' ' Sugar Cured . ' . , ' Smoked . ; ilAMS ' Sweet Pickled , Spare , Ribs,per lb.l212C Pig Heads, Jb. ..8c Loin Pork Chops, a ' lb. kv ." ... .20c. Salt Pork, lb. 15c-17c Fancy 'Breakfast Ba- jujconJb.. ,.22c-25c. MUTTON : Shoulder Roasts the best, you evert ate---' , ,,Per Pound, . ' .8q Mutton Stew -per?, pound 8c Nice, Juicy ""V MUTTON COOPS Per Pound ! J -12ljC-.:- Legs of Mutton " r-per lb, WUcv ' .BEEF B oili n g B e e f and .Short . Ribs, per ,,lb. Mc 4' v'V' f .,!. r JT . Extra Choice ' POT ROAST - PW Pound 1 ' , . v" " 1212C, 15c mil R'd Steak 18-20c i Chuck Steak 1 4c . ) IT,' .V.. J- veal: Shkmldeir'. Roast of Veal "Every bite a pleasure" - ;i7;';per,Poundj I ' 1 1 ; FINEST :AND FlHESCHICKENS AT LOW EST :' PRICES I THE'BES HOME-MADE SAU- Tsage thatTcan "i.i:pitoiUcnj Comei ',' Extra Fine DREAST OF VEAL Per Poiind 1 Veal CutleU, per ' pound" . . . .18c 1 7 221 FIRST STREET 1 , ET A:Trl?,.;Rn.A TTT)FrTT7"Tn ' 221 first street SALMON j . iChao. Rudccn .Prop. COR. SALMON i . 1 V4