The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    r.VrNING, OCTOBER 2, 1013.
Twin w i ' ii j. j lji i i Ll-x jsj'bi m
c1 f-i 'i r
ii ulllltl ii,
.LOIS' ffiil
1. 1 1,
1 tu ul
$20 a Wcsk
Tries Gay Llfe.Wilh Usual
DI:actrc'J3 Results,
4 1 (United PreM Leaned Wire.) '
i , ' Kfw York, Oct, 2.-How some fool-
., Ish young men in New Ydrli "fly high"
and imagine they'are plunders havlnsr
rip-rf, iring time,' when they are being
, vlctluil I i ,by" ! unscrupulous ' adven-
turesBca ond fleecod by gangsters, was
, roveaiea f. ru startling e;raihicnass In
j bankruptcy i ""cpriinfrs brought against
f John C. 8ctii i i,t, a youth who worked
tn .Wsm 'i-Croshy flour com
pany lor $30 a week and disappeared
( nrior emnezr.jing 160.000 from th firm.
, He got all the money In a few months,
J spent ttiost ot it on a IT-year-old
' Kiri Known as Effle McMinn. who Is tli
j ronreBstd tool of th notorious Taul
weuy gang. s
i ifts girl, apparently tinal-ashed, told
; xn wnoio sordid story, on thn vifnefi
stand in th bankruptcy inquiry. Sc-niid
knecht, who for many years lived ob
i:uriy in nev iorx on nu yio & week
stipend, a -many thousands of ynim
)"" ao, iinaiiy glimpsed the dass'.i.
. Ughts of the Great White Wav. . J
, . went to a theatre and afterward a cab
aret restaurant, and fell in with some of
me regulars, it was all off. . That was
; the life for him. put be reeded more
than $20 a week for It, and so, being a
Tierjt in tnat part of the . Washburn-
Prusby business where money is handled,
r took some f it. That night he decided
On a Joy ride, and went to the garage
. or ram Kelly, , whose real name
, Paulo .Vaccarelil. Kelly, as he is. known
up and down Broadway, was atracted by
- me youth'ji "roll", and was very at
4, tentlva'ta Sehildknecht's wants. ,,Hts
suavity captivated, the young man, and
, ho made Kelly his friend. Kelly Intro
dueed Schlldknecht to his brother, Nioh.
oias vaccarelil, and the latter Intro
duced - bim to , Miss McMinn, -who - at
... the time, according to her own testi
. wonjr, was living with Vaccarelil.
1. ' "e Tbefts Are Xaereaseo.
' k Schlldknecht became 'infatuated with
the girl and began to spend money on
' her. - First it was only theatres and res.
taurants and automobile rides, but crad
"ally, she tightened her hold, and on
, Vacearei;rs suggestion, . Schlldknecht
rented a flat. Vaccarelil obligingly rec-
ommended the flat, a fcoatly one in West
One .Hundred and Fourteenth, street.
i near Riverside drive. - Schlldknecht fur
nish ed it x sumptuous! y, and there he
lived with Effie McMinn, under an as
sumed name. Washburn-Crosby, unwlt
tingly, to be sure, paid for the flat and
t the furniture. Schlldknecht stole more
and more, ' taking . huge ; sums almost
daily. , . .
, Soon he began to lavish costly pres.
, ents on the girl. According to her own
. ( admissions he gave her . a $1000 "fur
- coat, diamond rings, necklaces and Jew
; elry of all kinds valued at more than
$5000; and about $5000 in money. ; 8h
denied to the court that she had any of
, the money left, and said that she gave
t ,- ' the Jewelry back to Schlldknecht before
' he disappeared, but she turned-over the
' i fur coat, a costly, player piano and other
" i valuables amounting to about $2000.
, " j That,, sum is sbout all that the "Wash
. iJunvOrosby company will. recover, .11
' f ; r Tomth Takes to gambling.
. - Bchlldkneehl proved an apt pupil in
-learning m. .pastimes ox ; ui) ureal
. TVhito Way, He developed a burning
' J; desire to play poker money being the
fueland his Instructors were members
of the Paul Kelly ang. Miss McMinn
' . said that he always lost, but that did
not deter aim,
, i He also got tired of. hiring automo
biles from Paul Kelly and bought sev
v . eral. Ha maintained a touring ear and
. the girl a runabout for herself. Not
satisfied with ordinary speed, he bought
a costly racing car, paying $7000 for
; it, and had It entered in tne vanaerbiit
cud races scheduled for this fall. This
- car. was found in one, of the Kelly
garages and an effort was made to at-
. tach It. v .
During the summer, according to Ef'
- fie McMinn they left their One Hundred
' and Fourteenth ' Street apartment" and
spent the hot months at the Garden
i City hotel. Garden City, IV X. ; This is
1 a most expensive place and the girl said
' tl.ey paid $150 weekly for board. SchUd
', k-eoht continued; to work for- $20 a
- week, - but also continued to embessle
enough to eover his extravagances and
.' those of his companion. During their
, stay at exoluslve Garden - City, they
maintained the New York flat and When
cool weather came, Schlldknecht told
Miss McMinn to return there. She did,
but she, never saw Schlldknecht again.
f He disappeared, and then his def alca
; tions -were discovered. .
, H "Unemployment Insurance.
' ' The problem, of unemployment - being
father aoute in Berlin, two suburban
V municipalities have suggested that all
' the communes , of Berlin should ooop
' erate In a system of unemployment In
1 surance. .The leaders or" the trade
unions say that there are at present
' 80,000 men In the city without work.
he evil Is worst In the building trade,
and is ascribed to the Increased price
of land and the strain upon the money
market. , . ,
. United Mine Workers."
' V The organisation of the United Mine
' Workers has reached the highest point
it has ever attained In Its paid up metnt
h.rnhtn Announcement was recently
made that the paid up membership of
the-organisation on August at was u.-
' -, 168, and that there was a gala during
1 the last 1$ months or. more tnan iuu.vju.
fct,N Call Enda In 'Jail,'',.' ' L t
i Los Angeles, Oct. Z calling at ina.4
city Jail on his daughter. Priscllla, 2f.
i charged with passing worthless cneoKs,
Dr., Bruce KJmmis, alias Chemist, was
arrested on advices from San Diego,
where he is wanted on a felony warrant,
..Qro o u a oujyw cuiiiivui qjj(U)m iiuiiiiL a a iiuica v
Miss Marguerite Caperton.'
Miwport, R. J., Oct 1.' Miss Mar
guerite Caperton, daughter of Rear Ad
miral Caperton, ' U. S. N., who has In
vented -the latest dance, the "lamej
duck," to Newport, and which I being!
accepted with much enthusiasm.
- The -lameraucK,r Ts its origin In
the one step , and is similar in a wy, 1
but is daaced to waits time. It has
a gliding motion and an occasional low
dip with , bended ' knee, and ; is ;Smost
graoefUL ? Several , members of. i the!
younger set have. practiced it and It
quiokly came " Into .favor. Its conven
tional name-Is "valse canter," but It
has been more - familiarly dubbed "lama I
duck," and is J destined to be called byl
tne latter ntune.- . .
r 4 ' "" " ' ('
renaieton, . or., oct. J. At a mass I
meeting of citizens Tuesday 'night , the
commission' government charter as
drafted by a committee ws unanimous
ly, adopted, and the council will be asked
to call a special, election within the
next few weeks in order to submit It to
the voters, indications favor Us adop
tion, nut lateiv loma nnnosiMnn hi Ak. i
veloped because t of the provision to do
away with the. kWfSJSeswater commla
sloit Friends, of the commission favor
the retention of the present board until
the $200,000 .gravity system, aow under
way, s complet ed.
Universal Strike Averted.
The danger of a universal strike" In
South Africa has passed for the mo
ment on-account of concessions mads
by the government, .but no one imag
ines that the trouble: has been settled
for good. 'On the contrary, it Is likely
to recur at any time. Kncouraged by
the success of the recent miners'
strike, the Federation of Trades Unions
and the railway men working in con-
Junction have been making the most
extravagant demands and . the ' only
thing that seems to hold them in check
is the lack of funds available for the
support of the strikers ; .
New Leader at Hoo'd.
Hood Elver, Or Oct S. The Pacific
Power & Light company is building a
fish ladder at its dam in, Hood River
so that ?the salmon now -seeking the
headwaters of, the streams may be as
sisted to' their spawning grounds,
New Lingerie
Waists $1.25
Eight charming styles fresh
new of M arauiaettea and - Batistes.
Daintv Medici collars. - high necks
and frills. Extra special, 1 OC
Friday M X.rfcO
!!' '
"Thousands of, References" '
i'j Firth" and Wash. Fifth Floor
'" . Entrcnce on Fifth Zu
' CA : LZ. 1
fill i w .-ji , i-ja. .' .Xl gg " ' ' . : , , i : z : : ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi
111! 1 - ' ' , "
II lh - , -r- , , 1 nii i
S "r 1
' 1 i ' I ' 1 ' Ik ' 1 ' t " U 1 ' '
of Portland's oldest ahd
A bib- manufacturer who had never shared in our reeular business, offered the Emporium's New York
Representative this lot! Even with the immense stocks already on hand, we could not resist securing
these Suits for you. . i ,,., . t t . ,''
Typical Fifth Avenue models adaptations from beautiful French productions four precisely as illus
trated above. Materials include Bedforda, Bayadere Poplins, Pongees, Crepe Matelasse, Men's Wear Navy
Serges. New BrownsrIabrador Blue, Taupe, Navy, etc. Chic "Frenchy" effects with new gathered, fancy
welt stitched, slot-seamed and panel box backsr Latest draped and slit skirts, Handsomely tailored and
superbly satin lined. All aizes, 14 to 44. They're $2475, $27.50 and $30 Suits in every detail. Friday
and Saturday, f 18.05. ,
$22.5Q and $24.75 Coats
Five different models in these stunning Fall Coats, three illus
trated ktbove. Novelty Tweeds with fancy Balkan back; full
length Chinchillas with patch .poJckets and .convertible collars;
smart novelty Zlbellne Coats, cutaway front and wide panel back,
gathered at bottom. Others in new two-toned stripes. Matelasse
Boucles, etc. Navy, Browns, Grays snd two-tones. Full length
and three-quarter, Bplendld $22.60 and $24.75 coats, S15.S5
$5.00 "Smuthfit"
New lot of famous "Smuthfit" petti-'
coats, . with adjustable waist band.
mey hi, wiinoui alteration, au new
shades equal them under o ng .
5.00 elsewhere, If you can
300 lLoveiy Ostrich Tipimnniep
Hats Go on Sale at $5.9 S
IXHEN can you remember buying a beautiful Ostrich Trimmed Fall Hat thfs early in the
" season, for such a price? In our big trimming rooms" wehave made up" 300 Hat for'
this special toccasion. -
VET HATS, all trimmed with fine French Ostrich Plumes or
Ostrich Fancies and Bands. In manycases- the Ostrich alone is
worth more than we ask f or the entire Hat. Just 300 Friday
and Saturday-, ; . ; . . . .
Save on Furs !
The Emporium is showing an inv'
mense ' stock of beautiful , new Fur
Sets and separate .pieces, cut on
the latest lines. You can save here
on reliable furs.
II I Swai .
Jtm.,nf Ifcl '...B'fci. , -H j JJliLX (I
n vnirn
r '.
stores, occupy
ing a promihent corner, will
soon pass out of existence.
1 he entire new rail stock
outright at
great sacrifice. It will soon
be placed on sale at prices
y naOirSkV hafnfA ilrnAum ' afihic
.. a 4 W V VI V' Aw f It . Utfll
time of year on new goods. Watch!
fa w 1
ft w
h-j (f f n
W ' i fifty ( L 1
k II f 1 I "
- ' v ' ' TO - THE s ' ' : '';, i
Oregon State Fatiir
Friday, Oct 3 -Saturday, Oct 4 .
Leaves Union Depot ..'..... 8 : 1 0 a. m.
" East Morrison 8:20 a.m.
Arrives Fair Grounds 10:15a.m.
" Salem 100.a.m.
Leaves Salem ............ .5:20 p. m.
V Fair Grounds ...... .5:40p.m.
Arrives Portland ......... .7:50p.m.
NO. 19 r'y
Leaves Union Depot .& :35a.m.
" East Morrison ..... .8:45a.m.
Arrives Fair Grounds. .. 11:05 sum.
" - . Salem V . . . . ; . .'. . . 11 :10 a. m.
RETURNING" v',,, '
NO, 20,
Leave Salem . 7:30p.m.
; Fair Grounds ..... 7:45p.ra
Arrives Portland 10:15 p. rn.
fCj SONfcT la-l "
00 Romd Tto
Oi .
(Return Ubiit OctcL.r G)
John M. Scott, Genrrsl rscccrjer Ac-rt