The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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. , !.'.. .:.:.,,.;., if 1.. Tw..r.,:,.. ..-v., ; v .-.t. .,' :.,,! ,.ts".
daily! Journal,
2, lflis.
Authorities' v Believe Slaying
Yesterday - Resulted From
. Attempt ta 'Frifchtefl;WiW.
Accident) suicide instead of murder
ft now considered tbr oiw,;o Philip
KlnsMufg'i' death yesterday enemaon in
Ms rooms Jit th Whitehall Apartments
ft Slith street. .While hie wife declared
far more than an hour after th Shoot
ing thai She. killed her Husband, .aha
Jitter ehang - atorr and now as
serts ha emptied the cartrldsea from the
weapon and anapped .lt at bla neaa . jt
repeat, however, one shall remained In
the fttn and it was thla one that snuffed
ut tha man'a lift.--- ' 4 iri-Tr":
Mr. "Olnstmrav Who is SIM detained
l tha tlif jail, U hysterical half th
time. THIS afternoon the win go before
the eftronWi Jurjr i tell f the affair.
Investigation by Detectives Qolta s and
Coleman and the coroner's office lead
then official, to belle Ginsburr In
tnda to sesra fitt iff whtn Ha wade
the threat of snlclde.
When Mra.- Glnsbur betfarne more
composed, th district 'attorney, and de
tectives took tie their Interrogation, To
them she . said fitf husband took tha
pistol f roro th bureau drawer, ? broke
open the Weapon, dropping- thi cart
ridge! ori th floor, then held It to Ma
- head and snapped tha trigger. ;. v-;
. : On U la olrar. "
ih detectives found. tn Cartridge !n
tiie man'a pocket, two on the floor be
side his body, and the. fourth discharged
in thi revolver. To weapon Is a new
make bf fdrelirn "deslrfn and holds only
four fchetli. Th wound about, two
Inches above and slightly to th back
of the right ear, with tha course of thi
bullet ranfflng; forward and downward,
It la Imbedded Sea the left temple.
Hari Monsel, an employ of - the
Hudson Bay Fur company at 111 Broad
way, of which concern Ginsburg waa
nianaier, la th Woman lira,' Ginsburg
claim Interfered in the home. - When
- questioned by th district attorney: Mrs.
Ginsburg said : her husband had shown
more attention to the employe than he
Durtng" artother'lhiervle "in'b Vtaied
1,'fr supl!lons war groundless, ahd that
hht$ liohset iad given , her no ground
lor Jealousy. -However, : th . detective
learn that ainaburg-and1 his wife have
quarreled milch In, the past two weeks,
the woman being" the cause. ? .,, ,
Mrfc Gliiaburs- Attologlsea. . .
Mr. Glnebtirir Wad tela tea that Mies
SfdnsM visited the apartments of Mr,'
and Mra. Ginsburg at the Roland hotel
Irtst Sunday, and at. tbia meeting the
affair wA dlicu8ed, . the vllt : eldslng
with kpologiea i from Kirs. - Ginsburg.
Monday Ginsburg and tils wife moved
to th Whitehall on Sixth-street, where
2Hss Jaoilael id living.- :v C r
Tuesday night the ttlnstturgi 'otter
reled, the question Of Ginsburg1 friend
Viip for Marl being the cause. Yes
terda morning Mrs. Glttsburg paWfted
lier earrings for ISO, intending to live
Fart from her husband and seek em
ployment. 1
The husband yesterday went home for
lunch a,nd entered his room.. Soon after
) arrived. Mrs.. Ginsburg entered. Bhs
ber at San Pranciioo. '.- Mra. Glnaburgw
maiden-name was Lewi and her birth
place was Tennessee. She IS 84 years'
old and had been divorced from a man
named WUntutn" before her marriage to
Ginsburg. The coroner has so far been
unable to locate .any of Glnaburg'a rela
tives. '
By a vote dF 6 v.-
; . iu ir uuvtnmun v
Continued From rae ona.
curred in pursuant of specif lo author
ity of law, and , ho appropriation hat
been made for its payment, or, if mad
has been exhausted, the secretary 0:
atati ernall audit such cldim Wben au
thorised by the- emergency board." ate,
Md c6h(ended thai this gave him au
thority to expend as great sum as he
saw fit. for the purpose "specifically au
thorlsed by law." .
"When the HSOd deficiency th board
authorised last week, for special agenta
la exhausted, I'm going to quit until
the board authorise another deflalen
said the governor,. "but.o far m
the law. Is concerned I could go ahead
and spend 150,000 and be entirely Within
the law."- 'W'i'Xt i & ? ?r-l
. "Ther would be tlo Crlmlhkl Vlblatioi
of law,. -1 would tttaklnM .chanced oi
the emergency board approving my x-
penditurea and voting to reimburse ma.
It wonld ba for the board to Bay wheth
er or -not' the expenditures wer Justi
fied, and no claim could b audited by
tha secretary of state until this board
bad approved the claims, but there is
nothing in the law to prevent m from
spending the fnoner.".. ; t . w V
Th would 'malt a, fare of th
emergency board." Said Abbott.
I cah't help. that,". replied. th gov-
ermjr. "It J the law Itself." V
Governor west at length explalhed
his interpretation of the law in proving
h had committed no violation or ita
provisions. Thl view wat apparently
taVoh hv nil tha membera. excent Kav.
Abdtt declared it " would be Ihcoh-
alstent for the board 'to allow a, defi
eleney of ilBOfl to Carfy bri tha la"w
enforcement activities in th future and
not approve of the money spent for this
bnrnosa by tha governor in tn past..
While 1 thlnx tn Doard ouaht te
hard been called In . bef or th money
waa expended " he said. "I think we
ought to approve these claims and not
suck on a tecnnicauiy. , -
v ;-j- Wandas X ' Beard. ; '
Perkins, the author of th motion to
reimburse the governor, declared' that
tinder the precedent set vt th board at
lta first meeting there was" bo dlueatlfln
in his tnina tnat the board had amnie
authority to approve, the claim, . '
contend : the board has as milch
right to pay this claim as any other,"
n.aaidi;.,..;:;!f'.'r' &') .
; "in tha Wturi I iU gdlflg td follow
'our interpretation, ' sal- the governor
0 Kay. "but if any district attorney
Wants the claim I now have they can
have them. I know Uier was no Viola
tion of law." -
"According to your Interpretation: yon
could employ 100 aplal agents." said
"I'cdUia etHplbjr SOO,1
gdverhOf. "There's 1 nO
couldrt't employ another atenogrpher
my office after the
US arriveo, Jtxi b.h uiutuui a viiiaisn. sua 1 ,wa salaries
pays he aftkd if the quarrel waa to be the other in
retorted the
limit) but 1
r In
appropriation ran
out I want you to get th difference,
that in one ease there I specitio author
ity of law, and in the other there
-Kay Questioned tha rlaht to amnloV
Chaplain Baaer a a speoiai ageht When
h was serving as chaplain at the peni
tentiary, saying he Was thus drawirig
two salaries from the state, ohe and
V ' DcCLui.L
ft time 1
j3urln J' 1 1
1 of bearing f "s, 'r
low, that they vi
said Dr. .Albert
' ltobtgfiadori. CIttrt Outhfld.
Tbklo, Oct. i It vna been'Mnade
plain .by the Japanese people , tnat
ro w riuthHe. tlid ' hew ' Ameri
can ambassador to Japan, is th moat
popular nvdy that Unci Sani nan
ever bad in the land . Of th mikado,
On hli Arrival here on August S(. an
enthusiastic reception wda given : him
and hia popularity has been , growihg
every hour lc. .
Ambasador Guthrie waa former may
or sf Pittsburg and Oh hli appoint
ment : to his. new station, Viaoount
Chlnda, -the Japanese ambaasaaor . at
Waehlrigtott. said that botn th ttnl
ted States and Japan were to be ton.
gratulated upon the appointment by
which the important Alaaion of rebre
aentitt the .United SUtes in Japan
hnd been placed in hands 80 able
and distinguished. "H is ,tne xignt
man in th right plade," aioV
Cliinda, That the mikado holds the
same opinion waa shown bjr . the .ex
ceptional courteales ' extended to : Mr,
Guthrie on his arrival here. Th--lm
Berlal coach waa sent to meet th
a . nA ha wail UPMIM
munraa rii.u, anu iiv , - .
thrdUgh th strata f thii city by sl
rtnewedj t th earn tlm walking to
the bureaa, where he Secured the pistoi,
removed the, cartridges, a ha apparently
thought, and
Vtxi 1, a 'Ufttwi sms w 'r4VHn
snapped it at hli head. The
remembers hltn eaylni aom-
thing about "Ohdlng It all." ' f
Aa Glnsbur had often told her be
would kill hlmielf, nothing waa thought
when he opened tha bureau for the
) snaptoM BevolVet Sefor.
Last Sunday, she says, he snapped
the piatol at himself several times.' The
Monsel woman -was present at th' time
" and corroborates Mrs.- Ginsburg' s story
ii thi regard. It waa not Until after
the ahot wa fired that Mra. Ginsburg
realised the act was real. She then
called 'for help, telling , persons who
' answered fter summons that eh S 11 ad
killed her husband, Patrolman MArsh
arrived within a few. minutes, arid to
him ah explained she had shot her hus
band. Patrolmen Shftfer and Inskeep
v took th Woman to the police station hnd
during toe trio he fcyaterieaily repeated
her abortion that she-had killed her
husband. ' : . -
Ginebntg Was from, flew TorK. II
ave but few hour week to .hie
duUes as cbaplalni khi wa employed fe
special agent at other times, but ho aald
Bauer had given notice of his resigna
tion from both positions, end hereafter
he Would not employ fine man in both
posltiona. - -,-r. w ,
When the lavorabl Vote hid ben
taken ibe governor remarked;
'Thank ybii. gentiemwi. you ' have
saved me from the grand Jury."
"(WlilntoqjBnreia of. The taornat.l
- Washington, D. d Oct. i.-.fteprese'rit-ative
filnnott was ihformed today by
th chairman Of the eemmllte on ptlbllo
lands that Jt is impossible to ret a bill
creating a state forest reserve out 61
Committee at this keasioh becaus other'
matter ar considered In tli light of
an emergency and so many members are
going away there will be no quorum of
the committee.. ... ,
WiiKlnirlrtri. rdt. 4. "I adVUe every
body to marry young," aald Vic frest
dent Marshall today, in cignieentn
weddlhtf ahniveraafy, "Insttad df wait
ing uhtu ths'ags of 41. a iaia.1'
Athens, Oct. 1. Greek army reservists
he cole
were summoned yesterday to the colon
wlthlh thra "days to fight T
Uniortl Will Amalcamdtt,
Plan have Just been submitted to ths
local unions of carpenters In San Frhti
clsco for the amalgamation of th Unit
ed Brotlterhddd Of Carpenters and Join
era of America and thd Amalgamated
Society of carpenters and Joiners, With
a prospect of the measure beinf adopt
fibtfay tidmsgt &uhs.'
L0 Ahtslcs, Dot. H.--tiarttafe Suite
aggregating $160,000, brought against
Geofge M. ,Blxby by three "Jonquil
girls," were assigned to Judge HorK to
come up Monday.
- - m V ; 1 -,,J;
Expects to Fly Over Atlantic, v
LonoWn, Oct 2.-Aviator Claude Gra
hams White aald he expected to fly
across th Atlantic IhBide of a year.
t!...Hl.W rt.rigfess l
rnn. "When
tudl(l the rlui.. ,
change our theori
liHt'si Influence
"it h been o
no trei8 Wipn :
t rcoior oft
lmv mor full V
concerning pre--x
and character,
inatialfd that in
I'ln-n a mle Into a
fitimle fi'i-n by me ii-oiifr uwe'of colors.
J'lie problem is How how to apply the
ime method to human life." :
''r? . ' ' " ' V ''r'-t'A
;; (Washington ftnfetS of The Jouraef.f
Washington, D. C. Oct. J. Repre
sentative Humphrey of the rjvera and
harbors committee promised Representa
tive Sinnott today that the committee
Will at the next Reunion nutharlxe a
survey ' to determine wnrMier 11.
The most sensational sate of its kind in the history oi. the -whole North
:west a'chanct in a life lirneY It is Seldom, if it ever., happened, that such a
wonderful collection of Persian Rus so -carefully selected, has ever been of
fered to the highest bidder.- It is more unusual that such: a firm of known
reputation would adopt such a method to dispose of these masterpieces of art.
But it must be done. . '.- .
. 1 '
WE MUST ' RAISE $85,000
, Tne moment that amount is raised,-. the sale will come to an end. -Rug '
, buyers; the wise and the prudent, should avail themselves of this - unusual -opportunity,
and must come early," before it Is too lite. " , -f
beautify your home at a small cost. Sale.starts at 10:30 A. M., 3 and 8 P.' M.". ;
, ;a.i. - - s..., U ".. M'.vt .,. J . s
, ; tlx---'
frw-- 3b - Jw art is
'.' Jrt-.cnat fnt 'Ads ItI.'-t ri-x.iM 1 I
L,li.y t '
River. Jin ' . 'ijioi i
this i i lc t'lio j i . i , n go i
at tluit i lace nr. ii '!.t that ti
ornhir'.t utKiml !t.
The Unitod I.iliwj Wink, is of Au
and the Western IVdomtidn of "
tOK ther have n inoijiln '.,', f
OUU.UVIW lllii.
"i HetM-Ciara Cho
' Bkd Salt Mok.
. Rosst Vl With
Salads Lsttuee.
Onloas, Endive.
VBesbls-fswed V,
Qreafl Corn, Potatoes.
Der Pie n titltj
1 !
Vv 1
ova evens.
Tea, conee or Milk.
01- ) Art .
PLcc.:, Sab L
600 pieces of ' KmhroMfry on
while and natural linen. Sonn.-,
Squares and Centerpieces t" -
Yroidcred la colore. Aj?'x
long.ns they last choice w
i I
! J
$1.25 Womcns x J
1 Gloves at 67c I,
I . Otif Beat tlM JrrsidS Wdth- ' I
1 -' en's 1 4iai. blU umbakin - "
,e is a busier store in town tl.p'a d.i.M, v -M 1' i f
itl Little fwondef, wlicn you tee low p .
'O I...' A.
r c
n. . ti.ii .t.i. i, : 1 V ' . ttc
the People," ;
0tf '669 i6Utrit&ihi rrl-p and 1 ! li.'.-i f ' 1 '
bosoms loft or stiff euffs atUelnsd. 1 ins qualify i.l.s
ittd pfeal, in Mores of net patterns; k Splendid OOu,
$1.50 VsJae buy them Friday at the special t'm of VH
BoysA arid Children' Hats
Ifltir 1ib redliied. Childn' sizes,' 2V4 jo 8 years boys
8 tft 16. All new Fall styles, ia every olor, prieed as followl :
All 11.00 Sttt, ipedally priced for Friday's sale at 70
AU 11.50 Hkta, specially pric4 for Friday's sal at
AU 2.00 Hate, ipedally priced for rTiday'i .! at 9l4S
25c Women' Hois 18c
Women's fin eOtton setftlest Eoiel i
ribbed, rery elastie, dotibl heel add
toe 25r (frader rtyeclal tot 1 Q
Friday "Arow,bay' tt only OC .
35c Boys' Underw'r 19c
Jersey ribbed Shifts and Drswiri, 6f
tnedlam weighti the tight-kind for..
Fall Weaft Regular &) tllufr. 1 Q- ;
special Friday "Arrow Day" .
$2.25 Boyi Shoes $1.79
Boyi' ' Calf Shdel, ' double . soleiv a
dod, Btftlfiflehoal shde Reeillftr
f3.23 grades, special pfiee 1 7Q "
for Friday "Arrow, Pay V !'
40c Aprons for 29c
.Wotoan OiBghani Hd 1? reaU
Aprons ) . plain fitted bind ana MB,
styles. : 40e takes, stMeial fof OQs r
Friday V Arrow tay, it oftlyv
$1.35 MusUnGtnnu 98c
Women's irfushn 'and 'CrepT Gown!,
labe and embroidery trimmed. A Hum-'
bit of dhar mlfiff bitterai. QQ .
.-IL85 values, "Arrow Day" at Oyj
; Glass $2.70 J
I ' S60 pieees In nw roe and ;'.'':J-.
A ' ' aunburst tiatterns.. Celery ; - f
If , Trays,; Bllsfar ane. Creamer, X5'
. m Vases, Powder Jari, :tcf ;;
; - -: ,'6.0eTalUS..v.-:;;.'.,',
$25 Woman's Fall
Suits $15.00
J f f 'v..
Lined In Sklliners
Guaranteed Satin
. t i
YPRRECT in every detail suits
that you cannot equal elsewhere)
for' $25. Bmart mlztnres, ebeviots,
navy and brown serge, lined w 1 1 h' '
Skinner's fuarahteed 1 ft tt
satin.1 - For Friday at.P MeUU
Handioinc Coats $15
Just at ths time you need them molt
we have unpacked a lanre assortment
of the newest models and materials
in;Btrat Coats I Bouelesj ; widet
Walei, dlafforiali. homespun, In navy,
brown and black and fancy mix
turei. Tor Friday only c hfl
we prlee them at only IOeUU
Tho Now Balkan
dees $12L50
! 'drees. -4f fine anali
,4rflnJasLvyf brown, Copenhagen; AU lizea
v mi
1 "
L'XJweims 'fine onality ll-Wdol tif
: MM
75c Shadow ;! ,
P Laccant25c
? Just th dainty laces s '
much' In demand how for.
hew waists and trlmmlnga -'
Edges white or
. ecru, to is tnehna wide, Tfid ;
ards, Friday .
: Sansples of ,r the latest -novelties in ' "
v Shell and Amber. Combs,; Barrettea
and Braid Pifisrf pliain and CQ
rhlnMtone trimmed.. Fridsy at "
25c Handkerctiefs 15c
"Daintily embroidered, scalloped or
hemstitched on sheer Swigs. Regular
"25e irrade, specially priced' for
s Friday "Aroow Day' at only IOC -
75c Sample -Glove s ?9c
Samples of Cashmere, Suee,' Lisle.
Chamoii hl Knitted Qkives. In all .
lies black and Colors. Val-9(
sael t 73e, ''Arrow Day' at V C
10c Linen Lace for 5c
: SOOO yards of Lihen Torehon Ddjres, i
S. inchen wide. Rfegular10a Cn
gtadp, Friday ."Arrow Day " at
' u: " " , h '- . " .
Basement. Specials
." Mai saaa sag wait . m rt .. 1 ejw.isa .ataa. ai
. Friday 'Arrow. Day at onlyPf
tJ.OO OeppW-Bottoia Tin C1 ; 0'e'.'.'
Boaera, VAnrtnr Dayvrt.V ua.,;
25c Curtain Voile at 7c
Friday we of fer 5000 yards dainty White Curtain Voile.
40 inchei w regular 23e grades-Fourth Floor, yArd fy
JIM (Stains $1.10 ! 35cn2aIowNet
Hetastitched Scrims, full siee alf?prics on najny. new' and
it-whlte 'or ecru. Our $1.75 "dainty pattern's; 45-in. white
' value, special for (1 1ft or. Arabian, ' Bpecial 1
Friday, thrfpaif plelU Friday at, the yard IOC
I $5,00 Silver V
r j 5 'Sets at $1.69 :
I J navr stlver-vlated ! ,
I , .' Knife and Fork Sets, six Of V -.'
' aVnV' each. Tou har usver '.;'
7"V," lore ssen a valu like this .v. ' w e
A vtJ than ts.oo. . wrway V
- V - r -v - f " '
k ... .
i. v.;t.'.1!V.-."S .
J.':.'.':;::'! V4''
...... ' v.'!.-.'.v.-;:---.i;
That Stays Sweet
bamasctts Milk is, lept cold
' carefully guarded prompt
ly delivered therein lies the
. secret of- Its splendid , rich
ness J and pernnitent purity.
t tft , ,, ' ' ' (V
mob cub ;G?ca mapy
.Why not spnd tTiese Tare Autumn days in: salt
' .: air? Fast train service allows weekly. vacations
f' With6ut bss'of basjnesi timt. ; rMr' '
i arrives Jeich points (or dinner , and rcturna oh
- last schedule Sunday after dinner." - , -
- : '"i V . '-'-V
(( -((riSi-fliii?) )
, ROUND -TRIPS'' ' v .
DeUili : at - Ticket ; Office. .
' f,
Si,l.l '
- .i
jouariAir vrrH ado p.a.y dsst