THE OREGON DAT EVENING, OCTOBER 2, 191o i OCIirrr- tho IleiliT the firm 1 i it cvonlne to "Jiear tiie ile 1 Siul grand, opera BtM, Get !,,:,iic Karrar. for the first time iti Portland upptarlns as con t.ilmk donna. Prominent society ii ..riaini with box parties, ie, & M LM1F-SIH WP F 1 T. HUU AVI I una 11 rs. John Burgard; Mrs. neien 1 CorbPtt entertained her son and I . uif. Mr. mid Mrs. Henry U Cor I , ti; arr. and Mr. Edward Cooking- 1 , tin's frueHtH were Mr. nd Mrs. Oscur 'liulu r and JMins Blanche Davis; Mr. and .' His. K. O. Downing: entertained a party of four; Mr. Rowe.Couraen Reed enter tained a party of six student, ana '1 hoinks Luwson of Boston, who is a 1 guest In .the city, "entertained a party ...Of . tour. ':. .. ' .Dance for Younger Set.' V ' Wifa.s Mui caret Webber and MJhb ' Frances l'ullrr will be joint hostesses , n the evpnint? of October 9, when they will entertain with n informal dancing varty at the Itmue of Miss Weber. Another del , ' r ?l dancinir party to be clven for the , oiinji npnnle will tak Place October 10, wlun Miss Cutherine : Therkelsen and ' her brother. Cacliot Therkelsen wU entertain at the Nor. tenia hotel. , To Travel Abroad. ; - Mrs. Clarence Nichols and her niece MlM' Helen. Bate,' leTTTDestiiiy-niglit for the east, from where they will sail for ah extended trio abroad.. They ex pect to be gone about six monthn. Y - , ' Wfi , , Tea for Smart Sf04i$f, , Tomorrow afternoon Mies Majorie Hoif man will, preside at an elaborately , appointed tea when she will receive a bevy of tHe younger set. , For Miss Gleason. . V : , A I '' Mr. J. : P. Ford -and her- daughter, Miss Genevieve Matteson, entertained yesterday afternoon for the pleasure of Miss Louise Gleason, bride-elect. . The hostesses- were assisted, in receiving by Mrs. Ernest Meyers, The afternoon was enjoyably passed at sewing and guessing games, at which latter Miss CtJadya Howard won the prise- A hand some guest prise was : given ; Mia Gleason, . as . well - as a handkerchief shower. The shower came as a great , ' surprise and -,waa ' novelty r presented. ' Mis' Gleason' ; summer parasol .wa brought' to her and she was asked to talc it to show to the guests.', The dainty gifts , were tied to ;tne parasol with little yellow ribbons, and f ell about -the astounded! honor guest The decorations ' were -of autumn leaves and 1 white and -yellow dahlias. The guest . Included: ' Mrs. '. James Gleason;. , Miss Wille Fields, -Misa ISallie Bterrett Mies ; Helen Hall.' Mia .Edna Mlnstnger, Mrs. ''.-William '.Patterson, ; Miss - Laura " Korell, - Miss. Madeline ,' Stone. Mrs. Bruce Stewart, Miss Edna BinswSngor, Miss Harriet Kern. Miss Mary Kern, - Miss Edna Patterson, Mies GlaydS How ard. 'Mrs. J. Stanley Clemence, Miss Marjorie Road; Miss Leonids Henry, the Misses Aryiila and Naomi , Beckwlth, Miss Marie llaller. Mrs,-. Ernest Meyers 'and little Evelyne Meyers. C. i ! " ' . :.,- if " Mr. and Mrs. Hammond Card Hosts. : Mf4!ind Mrs. Wir.throp Hammond en- - tertained Saturday evening with six tables f Suction bridge. Card honors fell to Mrs. Joseph Webber and Mrs. K. D. Whitney. William Cobb and War ren Keelor. Tho ' guest included Mr. and Mrs. William B, Mersereau. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs.. M.'A. News-It Mr., end Mrs. C. Lewis Head.' Mr. Sitnl Mrs. Boy Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Waltey Warren, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fox, Mrs. Julia Marquam, Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. William Cobb, and. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webber. . After th card games Mr. Cobb played several dellghtf.ul piano selections. The . hoUse was prettily decoratecT with, au ' turns , leaves and dahlias in the same Itues, i ' 4 ' , " ' W V. Adieu to Mrs. Eldridge. . ', Mra.!T, W., Nordby has sent'out ''cards for a bridge party Tuesday, October 7, to be: given at the "Portland hotel foe the pleasure of Mrs. E. M. ' Kldridge, who plans to leave the following day A SUITED By Edn AST her . the "She 1 in so glad.- , Precious never: sleeps well . that chain You know, how .easy it breaks. ' f-'BSSSBBSBBk.SSBBSBBSSSSBBKW' T "-t you, Mrs. BrownT, DO let -Mr. Brown smoke. Byeetl can't be happy without a cigar In his mouth, can you. Cut JeT Dearie, wojjldVou mind lighting that lamp? : Yes: 'this a cosy, little flat, but small. But you don't like it do you,-Darling? ne says ne must go out in tne nan 10 cnange pis mina. Hal hal ha I , My precious , lmuy-ooy na ui n m sense ox numori s , ' "And tJieTe sat that big lobster," disgustedly commented the head clerk,. "blow. Ing smoke rings in the air and looking anything but a 'sweetie,' but taking it all In with a condescending air. Oh, yes I forgot to relet that she kissed him twice right before usl. Saydo you suppose she Veeps that up all the time ov does she only do it for effect when Somebody's looking?" , . "Search me," responded the young lady cashier. , K . Lennon's Style and Service, i-ennon Glove always means because, of our immense buying special concessions, in. which, our iok for "Greot" If You .Want the Best The Glove we Ruarantee. Pique snd Mochas,', Tair for Chicago, where eh will make her future home . Miss Monks Honored. Invitation for the wedding of Mis ... and,. Franfc.jSa.Jaftj v.. liav 1 - , ter of Mr.' and Mrs. James Monks. She Is a beautiful girl with a sweet person ality that has won. for her hosts of friends. ' Her popularity Is more than evinced Jn the, countless prenuptlal af fairs that ftse filling the-few remaining days before, the.j wedding, October 14. The ceremony will take place at St. Patrick's church at 11 o'clock, ; Rev. Father Sfuiphy offlciatlnr. and will be followed by a reception nt the home of the brides parents, Mr. a"d Mrs, James Monks, from 12 until 2 o'clock. "Mrs. J. C. Costello (Margaret Monks) will bo her sister's matron of honor, and Miss Theresa Jennings of Spokane and wins Anne will be the brides maids. Little Mildred Eeufert Will be the flower girl. Mrs. Costello entertained this after noon for the pleasure of her sister with ari Qrpheum party and luncheon at the Hotel Portland. Her gueuts Included Miss Monks, Mrs. John Jennings, lira T, J. Seufert, Mrs. T. ' J. fieufert Jr, Mfsa Anne Hcaly, Miss Kffle Johnstone Mips Viola Barenstecher, Miss KatheHne Kern, M1hs Josephine Mealy. Mis Teis jenninss, Miss Helen Calbreath, JUss AUiy Healy, Misa Evelene Calbreath and Miss Agnes Cororan. . ; Wolverines to Walk. The HI Yu Ho Hes, formerly Wol verines, will discontinue their Friday evening walks on account of the coming incieiuf-tit weather and t njoyable Sun day afternoou walks will be substi tuted. .: The initial,. Sunday walk, Octo ber 6,- will follow - through the pic turesque Macleay park, v meeting -at Twenty-third and Washington streets at 2:80 p. m. They will follow Cornell road to Macleay park, terminating at the historic. - forestry building, . where many giants of Oregon's forests are Shown. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all Hi Yu Ha He, easterner and their friends, while cameras and field glasses can be put to many good uses. Telephone Miss A. Ison, A-6218, or Mrs. E. L.tGale, Main 3914, for information. Kappa Alpha Theta to Meet Members of Kappa Alpha Theta soror Ity will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Allen H. McCurtain. 1224 Eat? Everett?- All Thetas are Invited 4o. sltend.,'i.;s .. :i,c,.v.iv'' In Honor of Mrs. Additoiu b One bf the most lntereatln's meetings ol the Mount Scott W. C. T. U. for the year was- held at the home of Mrs. Luqla Addtton Tuesday -afternoon, in honor ofr the birthday of the hostess, A short 1 business . session - was followed by jeohoes from th" state "convention by the delegates. The president, Mrs. Dun- berl ' then presented a 70 niece china diniier set, the grift pt tho union. There wei-e - also, several individual sifts. Wafers and orangeade werkaerVed, and a plrthday cako with. a . jslngls candle was cut amid much merriment. Tne meeting closed with an Informal recep tion to Mrs.. Oarlock, who is-about to leave for an. extended - visit- to New Yorlc. ' - - . ' ' ; " Society Notes. Mr. and Mrs.- F. H. Irwin have re turned from passing the summer at the Breakers hotel and are domiciled-at Mt. Tabor- for - the" 'Winter. - -'Mrs. .- Irwin's mother.' Mrs. Atkinson of ban Francisco. will 'pass thai winter here with ner daughter. ',: w v ' , , . K09W It Wsll. . ... .'.r From Sag 'Francisco Argonaut.'' ' A man who had been troubled':, with bronchitis for a long tlms jailed on rather -noted tdoctor.;. After a few ques-j uons the dootor toid him he had a very common alllnent that would r readily yield to treatment. ; -: uV&xfys- rYou're sofsuro you can curs my broni chltia,, said the tnan, "you must . have hsd great experience with it ? : "Why, my deaf air," confided the doc tor, 'Tve had It myself for over: SO years!" . tj-fv'-'VV-V'' ,'-'-: ' "-v'.' "SWEETIE K. Woqley. : NIGHT, my wife got mo to' go with to call on some, young married woman ' she'd met at one of ber card fights," began head oierk to tno young lady cashier. did , the Ulking. - and it went some- j thing una mis. tne - side remarks belns , r' .aireciea at me six-rooter: - liuw uo, you do? I never , : dreamed of your coming so BOON. Sweetie, pull up that chair for Mrs. Brown not that one, Precious; 1 mean the rocker. DO r. .a take eff -ydur wraps Darling, take Mr. v Brown's hat Yes. it' settlnc ennlrr when it's hot " Honey. DON'T sit in Y0U jfon't mind the men smoklns. do Gloves Hand in Hand the most fof tho money.' Often,' ' .facilities, we are able to secure' customers always share. ' kid,vCapes CI'CA ifi' TALEfiTED , d Geraldirro Farrar at ' pearance in City S ' Is Artist of First f.-nitude, Music lovers of Portland Kit t nlght paid homage to GeralJine Farrar, snprand, the charming young artist whose delightful vclce, has 'electrified 'thousands in V.w- rope and America. It was Mush T'arrnrs first appearance in this city. 'Jtf ova tion' she-received at the lie ; t. f, which was packed with a represent. audience," pruned that the youthful kimj er. is Justly tntltled, to the reputation Miss , Mary Peary and , Donald -" ' McMillan. " , -.' - i ' ,:...-. NewYork. Sept . 21.- From an ap propriate I source Newfoundland comes the new of the engagement of Miss MarV Peah-vAhnighlto. the snow. bird- to Donald McMillan, the Arctic explorer who Vwas ' with tier ' father, Rear Admiral Robert Peary, on tne let ter's successful dash to the North Pols. Mis Peary- is a' real child of the Arctic She - was born about 77 de grees north, latitude in September, 11)3. Arctlo exploration is herone and only hobby.. - Mr. McMillan is now In . the north at thethead of the Crocker land expedition, which 'left the Brooklyn Navy Yard last July. - , . she has of being one of .the greatest vocal artists of the dsy.-'rMtsa -Farrar sang mostly in German. Some of her songe were Italian, -French and English. , The purity of her voice and her re markable ease in rendition of her num bers were a revelation to the musical critics. Miss Farranproved that he is not only a singer of the first magnitude, but an accomplished actress as well. In list night's verforinance she only gave ' fa' , More f. i'J',::l SPECIAL Friday "find f v i rhr 0 i HE present ' 4 new and enlarged variety to choose . .. j from of extra quality velvet and . , 'iy- ailk flush some with-colored .silk J J fadng-r flexible bf ini-tam crown, -small, medium and larce shapes, These Tarns , , are, all hand made the material and ,"" ', - workmanships, is superior-r-tjhe styles; de-:',-.;';' J girable-Hust the hat for young misses in,, r i . vthcir teens."" On sale Friday and Satur , , day, ONLY for $2.00. f - ' ' .: , SEE WINDOW DISPLAY " The High Class Store Out of the High Rent District. ' - ,On Stort FRIL Third at Salmon i... ,H TO WED ARCTIC HERO ; C t Ap- . IJOO Uliu 1 ' ' 'j' ; ifA-y , ; ; ;:,rv :oj?v ''"i;; , !' C't.' 'F,y7iaZ -''! a glint of her histrionic powers, how ever. : - ''.-? :'''-y:':,: Artist tmarms. She used tbut few gestures, but' the consummate easet combined ' with the facial accentuation, lent a rare charm to her work. It Is because of the fact that Miss Farrar is charming in face and figure and movement that she Is so dearly loved wherever the power of her voice and personality cast their pell. Miss Farrar waf pot demonstra tive, and although . shs was applauded time and again, shs was rather sparing with her encores. w".,'V-- ..,.', .; ,. In the rendition . of the aria frdm "Madam ; Butterfly," ,"Un bel di Vedremoi by Puccini, Miss Farrar showed to best advantage the" flexible brilliance and ample range of her voice. Clearness of enunciation was espe clslly marked in the presentation of the English numbers. In thesd songs, every word of which could be distinctly heard in every part of the hduse, the prima donna demonstrated her . youthful vigor and freshness of voice. , , ' , . "I'm Not Like Qther Lassies," Hugo Wolff, and "Believe Me, If All Those Emdearlnr Charms," Stevenson." and "Bluebell;' MacDowell and TAnnie Lau rie whioh Was given as an encore clos ing the concert, were especially appre ciated by, the audience. '."'' Ohscy of Xaooros. i'."? ' Although she declined-many encores, in those -Miss Farrar gave she acted as her own accompanist These numbers were the : "Maiden ,and the Butterfly," Chad wick: "Th "Sweetest. Flower That Blows," Rogers, and the familiar Scotch ballad. - " -: , . ' ' - '. .Miss Farrar Is a native of Massachu setts. She begsn her vocal studies when 11 years of age, making her debut in 1101 as Vloietta in "Travlata." She was a student . of LIU . Ijehmann and Spailanl. Although her career on the operatic stage is brief, she has already made herself famous by singing' many difficult roles. -'W.' '-:;' The assisting artists of ? tho concert were Alwln Schroeder, cellist, and Ar thur Rosensteln, piano accompanist. Mr. Schroeder has been heard 1 in . Portland before. He was heartily applauded last night, sno was, compeuea to acknowl edge the trlbuto with a number of tu- cores. .-.v.'-"-.!.'-.-',.-! :' ;-:-;rr-r'TVi U'f-ri The concort was given under the aus mm ango rams FOR GIRLS Regular to $4.50 Saturday Only rr crazein ,'the east-V - Only - "r itn aerfn TTiairnrn tatt Street, Portland 1:1 I pices of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman. - "' Th prorraau . . . 5010 for Violoncello: Variations Symphoniques..L. Boellmann Mr. Schroeder. Songs: Wonnevoller Msl Gluck Mit elnen semaiten Bands.,.. Beethoven Oh! Had I Jubal's Lyre..v. ....Hsendel AHeluJa .......... Mozart Miss Fsrrar. - , c, 5011 for Violoncello: , I.e Cygne ................ Salnt-Ssens Hymnus Iver Hotter L'AbelUe . ' .... .Fr. Schubert Mr. eenroeoer. - Bona! Mon Vaccostar all Unit ...... Snhubert Heldonronleln .Schubert Ach! wenn ich doch cln Immchen war . . . . . . ... ........ . , , , ... , , Frans Der Schmetterllng Frans f , to your ft -i'.M III." ..- faris and New York Sh6ps show nothing newer In Dresses for .Fall than the Eastern. Our direct connection with the New York market enables us , l to get the- new styles the moment they make .their appearance. Lovely ' .models with draped or slashed skirts and blouse waists in Eponge, Mate classes, Crepe Meteors, Crepe de Chines, etc.; have just arrived.! Prices are modest SEE OUR ThT Dig, Credit". -" , Institution Inj StcVR'eland v Alexandra Carlisle has been engaged by John Cort to play the leading femi nine role in'' "The .Marriage Game," a new play by Anne Crawford Flexner. , Efforts are being made to exploit, in Pk-fi8LO a ,plaM-3. ,'r-,'Tl It is. from alfaccounts, r piece with "The liure" and "The Fight," and or ganised at Los Angeles. The title of the new nlav bv Rachel Crothers, in which' the Misses- Mabel and Edith' Taliaferro will be featurej, has been definitely decided upon. It will be called "The Wisdom Of Youth." ' New "Tork ' Js to have a. "Harrigan night." for which- there will be a big all-star program, reviving the old time onga and dances or Harrlgan and Hart, popular about 25 years ago, " ' if . Cbrystal Heme, v whom the Shuberts are featuring with Guy Standing i "At Bay.' i a daughter ot that : grand old actor, James A. Heme. Miss Herns' last , notable appearance was with John Mason inAs a Man Thinks' . ' . ' ' . ' George MscFsrlane, who is featured Jn the title role cf "Lleber Augustin," St the Casino theatre, is particularly happy these 'days. For the first time, he has induced his fsther and mother to come to New York from their home in Canada for a visit of several weeks. The prime inducement which brought the old fotks to New York was the pleas ure of seeing George in the first- pro duction in which he has -ever been "fea tured," but they also wished to see all the -wonders of the metropolis, . ' The Messrs. Sbtibert end WllllsnxA. Brady announce that one of hSlr forth coming productions at the Manhattan opera house will be "Sealed Orders," the wonderful new melodrama hit recently produced in London at Drury Lane by Cecil Raleigh and Henry Hamilton. Two of the big features of this melodrama production, which Is said to be even far more remarkable than "The Whip," are the ball on the-deck of the battleship and the fight in the dirigible balloon, the London papers all declare that this Is quite the most sensational and re markable of. all. -the melodramas ever seen at Drury Lane. '.--'H :;' ,i - Railway Strike Threatened. - England is ones more threatened with a great railway strike, and Liverpool, a in former cases, will be the storm cen ter. The trouble begsn with the re fusaLof theUverpool .dockers to handle freight from Dublin, where transport workers are on a strike. The dockers went out, causing a complete - freight tleup on the lines of ths London 4k Northwestern Railway company. Der Edelfalk ....... ILoewe flvlvelin ...................... Slndlnc rltuelgnung ,. ....... .R. Straus Miss Parrar, - Aria from "Madam Butterfly": "Un bel di Ved remo" ....... ... Puccini By request. V Miss Parrar. , Soil for Violoncello: , " ' "Waldesruhe" (Adagio) ...... ..IVvorsIt "Vito," Spanish Dance .........Popper Mr. Schroeder. Songs: - Paix du Solr Gretsohanlnow Le Train des Amours ,v.Oi-leg Ouvre tes yeux bleus ....... .Massenet I'm Not Like- Other Lassies Hugo Wolff Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms Stevenson Th Bluebell , . , w MaoDowell Miss Farrar. fr Brown Trading Stamps NEW REGENT SUITS handsomely tailored and trimmed ' . t : , You'll be surprised at the unusual amount of good tailoring, good style and general all around value in these suit at $17.50, ; ; About 75 of these splendid garments have just arrived "frorn - New York. Mostly plain tailored models, em bracing all the popular 'weaves . such as - serge, .worsted, mannish mixture,, etc. i Lined with splendid quality satin. , ' , - Get one1 of these suits tomorrow. Charge it account. Credit costs you nothing WINDOW DISPLAYS J Get a Beautiful Photo ; Enlargement FREE Surely you have a favorite photoKnc' that you will not part with at any cost. Think how much it would add 'to its ;. value, to have ;the likeness reproduced into a beautiful por- cclaiti medallibn.; One of these medallions will last for yean you 'will appreciate it beyond measure. And you. pet cr. V ''Frce-witlia'-p tomorrow. vThe results will please you more than ve can t '!. ; Bremerton Will . Bremerton. Wash., Oct. I. the town outside tha pates of tim I Hound navy yard, will vot up i adoption of a commission form, ot e ernroent within 9 daya But a woman who makes a gnos herself Is no spring chicken. Z Cough V, ' This Home-Mad Semefl v - Kas . e Mo Squat for riomvj ' e - .. Aesuits. . ;.:,..-r ' o ' Mix one pint of granulated sugar with Vx pint of warm water, and mtir for 2 minutes. Put y ounces of Pine (flftv cents' worth in a pint bottle: then sdit the Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoon ful every one, two or three hours. ..This simple remedy takes hold of a cough more quickly than snythlng else you .ever 'used. Usually conquer an ordinary ,? Cough ' inside "of ,34; hours. Splendid, v too, . for whooping cough, spasmodic croup and bronchitis. . It stimulates the appetite and is slightly laxative, which help end a cough. This makes more and better cough syruo than you could buy readr msrta for $2.10. It keeps perfectly and tastti pleasant. ' - ' . Pinex is a most valuahle concentrstd , compound of Norway white pine extract; and I rich in gualacol and other nature l pine elements which are so healing t the membranes. Other preparation will not work in this plan. ; t , - , Making cough syrup with Pinex snd sugar yrup tor strained honey) has proven so popular throughout the unltil states and Canada that it in often InH- ' tsted. But the old., successful mixture has '.never '.been.' equaled.'.".- ':.;' , A guaranty of absolute ' Satisfaction; , or money promptly refunded, goes wlf this preparation. Your , druggist ha i . Pinex or will get it tor you. IT not send to The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. Order Bulbs Nov Our complete ' stock of French and Dutch flow , ering Bulbs is sin and ready to plant. Buy. now while stocks aro largt and : com- pletevvy;o4;;'"''f Pamphlet Bulb Culture i n d o o r and- outside, and descriptive , cata logue free." Colored: litho graphs on display at ouf . store will help you in se lecting the colors. - Fern Special A large and beautiful lot of ferns and plants this week at ONE- THIRD OFF. DAHLIA GARDENS Visit our display, 16th and Knott (Irvington ear) and i see the latest and best American and European novehies. here. t g UP 405 v: mm It i "Wi serve . you hand and foot,r OdQ.' P. O . ;' r. lnrf wrv 6 'it"" a 1 C. T. Eerg, Mgr. mhr It i- J " "