The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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..:pI A nrjHnimt jmuu
70 per nt of tli property-owners ed
asked that the bl4 b given to the low
est bidder. . , ,
...,'.. ', i ' i " ' ' ft-
'lew Examination ior. Captain
of Police May-Be Ordered
, by' Commission c-.
'; Municipal Civil Service Commission
'is ClarK and CaldwU will this after
noon announce tha decision of their
bindings In the alleged Jutg1lnrvof tlia
i xamlnations fceld last year whlon re
Hilted In tha appointment of Joe Keller,
now resigned, to tha position of captain
uf police. ,
. It hss been aUted that they may can
t'el tha examination and compel - those
Heekingr ,the vacancy left, by, Keller to
take a new' examination. It baa also
ieen rumored that criminal charges may
Ue filed ajtalnet several police officials.
fhe commissioners have frankly staU
:.l that testimony brought out at the
tearing- Monday night was in direct ion
Uradlction j of . statements previously
mado The, way is open, it," la said, for
he fillia of perjury -charges against
ome of thos -who testified at the bear
.na Monday. , , 1
' . ' .5 ; .. i. ' t-
, . . 1 v.,.;.. . .... vt!ij4
budget for Department of Public
j, . Safety Is Completed. . -
Mayor "Albee has Included In his
budget for 1114.' 115,000 to be used
towards tha establishment of a deten
; tion and : Industrial home for 'fallen
women for the city as authorised by
tha people, at the last election.; The
money will be used for tha purchase it
property and ' the -' establishment of a
building If possible. The mayor fcald
1hla morning that It would be impossible
, to provide for all of the needs of such
a home within the next year and thought
it advisable to each, year Include cer
tain . amount in the budget until the
.home was thoroughly established.
" In his budget he . Will also - Include
,"f 1 2,000. the- estimated cost of a estab
lishing a municipal publio market This
I la accord a noe with the request of the
.tiast Side Business Men's club, which
advocates tha building of the. market on
Ire t block- of at-- central
-point on'tha east side.-; :t 'iAz''-!?.' : 5 ', .
Besides these two items he Includes
-the cost of a police signal and telegraph
System estimated atSSS.OOO. The sys
tem if established will take ' the place
CI the present telephonic, system. - '
)(' .. . : ?.!' ' -'-.- A-V -k
Citizens Don't Want Interurban Cars
" ;r on Stark5. Street . '
Business men, , hotel - proprietors' and
others having places of 'business along
jstsrfc street, have filed a petition with
ttl II. Paly, commissioner of public
futilities,; protesting, aj?i!4nat. the , pro
posed granting ef a franchrea to the
iJJortland & Oregon jCltyRailway com
pany . for the Tight toperats electrlo
jnteriirban cars atozur Stark street '; In
tha downtown business section. They
Mayor Includes $2000 in Estimates
for Car of Tuberculosis Patients.
Two thousand dollars Is to be Included! t:'
ucjiprwitvui. iwi ,(.1,4. . 1 , ft-- ;
service of two nurses who will cart
for all tubercular patient In connection
with tha work rarried on. by the visit
ins- Nurses association, i Thfs was -th
agreement reached by th city council
todav. following discussion or the rc
quest from the Visiting Nuraea associa
tion, that ,!00 be appropriated yeany
to halo 1 carry on Its work. ';.:
Ordinance Proposed Prohibits Quar
tering Livestock If et- Residences.
Owners of horses, mules, cattle and
other Mvestock ara to be barred from
quartering 'the animals within ?50 feet
of any residence within certain districts
of the city If an ordinance" drafted at
he reauest of Commissioner Blgelow
passes tha council The ordinance ex
cepts owner who secure permission of
property owners within this radius. -
The nww ordinance is in lina witn me
"chicken" ordinance to be submitted to
the council In an adjourned meeting to
morrow, i The district effected by the
ordinance takes In au except the
lyin sections of the city. -
; '" Liquor , Transfer Refused.' -Because
of the "actions of 8. Brunn,
Of Second and Alder street, in selling
liquor over the counter when he had
only s grocery store liquor license the
city council ' this, morning . refused : to
grant the transfer or a regular' "quor
license to him and the request' for tha
transfer was withdrawn by Brunn s at
torney. . Mayor Albee some. time ago
found'. Brunn- selling liquor' over -, the
counter in violation of the license, he
then held and the council finally f'
Voked , lt'ww.'WVy-i i!'i-'', fr'i:
'"rf ".Must- Close Sundalyi-tt;
By the terms of an ordinance passed
by the city council this morning all em
ployment agencies and companies en-
arae-ed In. securing employment for men
and women are. to be closed 8unday be-
twee nthe- hours of 1 o'clock in the
morning and midnight "The ordinance
was prepared at the request of an asso
ciation of employment agencies. 1 .
also suggest that! the united Railway
spompany ; he ". required tinder tpftif f raa-
clilse to discontinue me use 01 tracKS
n the business' section albng Stark
-street The petition cites that the United
Railways company is ublng Stark street
between 8et-ond and Third-as. a depot,
'liadly obstructing other -traffic 1' '
Tlie franchise of the - Portland . A
uiegon Uty Railway company, now
. pendlnft.vproposes a routing of cars
rom FoSrth street to Tenth on Stark
street' 'It Id probable that a hearing
will be held soon to hear the protest of
the Stark street petitioners. v -
'if ' ."' ... ' L... .1 ' y';l
.11 - 1 1 1 -
;This Is Amount Set for Cross-Town
"''-. . Car Franchise.
",: For its proposed crosstown carline on
Hie east side of tha river, the Portlanl
Railway,' tight i. Power cgmpany; will
ij required to pay to the city 4. cents
per linear foot, per, track yearly If the
franchise now pending-, Is given, to the
compsny. Tlia, members . of .the :, city
YDuncll this morning fixed this .rate in
stead of the $209 per mile rate as pro
posed by Commissioner . Daly. , It will
Am about two months before final action
van be taken. on the franchise,. as. it now
!ti to be advertised. ...V--S "' ':.:'--tf'-i 1:
" The proposed route aa Included in the
franchise to the satisfaction or com
missioner Daly follows: .:;4'. "-''m-
W', From East Twenty-fourth and Broad
way to. , Twenty-fourth 'ahd "Jlialsey ,
.Htreets., to East Twenty-elghUV to An
kny, to BUrk.. to East Tweaty
iilnth, to Hawthorne arenas, f on De-
ura avenue front Thirteenth to Twenty
iir . .....jif.ysS .:' f'' a, . fe'ji -KA
Raving contact awarded
Asphalt Concrete' Will Be Laid on
r- Esjst ' Olisan Street . 1 '
.!! After much- discussion, this morning
rhoi city council decided : to award tho
contract of paving ,Kat Ollaan street
from Fortieth to Sixtieth street with
iitsphaltle concrete to the Oregon Inde
pendent Paving, company, which hadtbe
lowest bid; 'The1 bid ,! of 'the company
' was for about 140.000 while the bid of
'Giebisch c Jonlln was for 147,000.
lit Although bids had been asked for
" paving the whole street the two com-!
Ijmnles had submitted separate bids for
the part of the street between the car
tracks and Abat on either side.'.
't To . Move Apparatus.' ...
The " playground apparatus on the
playground -near the-inclnerator l being
moved to the permanent building at the
playground In Irvlngton for the winter.
The playground near the incinerator Is
to be regraded and furnished with new
apparatus Jn time for the opening next
Named Deputy Sealer.' r' .
John T. Cnright was appointed yes
terday -from the civil lervica ellstble
list to the position of deputy sealer of
weights and measures. He takes the
place of B. F. Jones, a Rushlight ap
pointee who was not under civil serv
ice, having been appointed pending ex
amination. Mr. Canright took up his
n e w, . dti tl'ss;.y satsrday y.-' : - ... C,.:'
Auto Tractor Comes Tomorrow. ,
The tractor purchased by the city for
installation on fire, engine No. 1, will
arrive here tomorrow and work will
start Immediately at the municipal shop
to place- rt w the wiglnev-" The tractor
Is placed on the front end of the en
gine making an automobile out of what
was s formerly drawn by horses. This
when installed will be tha "first of Us
kind in Portland. The pew .machinery
coat about IDOOO. .
bership in tin : i '
marks the I . f . t v
Of Simplified MH:Ilir.; 1
literary and 'scientii lo'worii." tiio co.
mittee declares In in niinounieinent t-t
it ' I ma ,11.1. Liviit ' -) i iiMiiiii turn 'L
of FivjfKEducators. Re--'
cently Selected.
. President William Truf ant Foster of
Reed college, 'Portland, has been made
a ; member of the simplified spelling
board, according to announcement just
made by the executives committee of
the board from 'New York Cit. ' Five
new , members have" Just been , selected,
the others being- John, Burroughs, au
thor and naturalist. West Park. N. Y.:
George W. Cable, author, Northampton,
New 1 1
or Yulu
: 1 Prori!
.. 0: t h.
. 1 ,
1': ' r
! i in men.
m . n;f board
u t cause
iM nn le In tha
members-H 'university piofefii.ois, four
university presidents, tix prenidents of
normal schools and two euperintendents
of education. . Not only do these schol
ars and v educators siiiove the ums of
Simplified spellrR, bat tin t lified spell
ings are nowofflclally .-1 Jn the
catalogues; ' circulars ann "i f wiml
en'ce of some of the . 1 uiiuns of
learning with which they . connected
and some members are usln i itemized
spelling In their books."
President Foster ha (d tim.
pllfled spelling into the publications of
Beed college and has used it in his
own correspondence-for some time.
:to Attend Lunc;,. c,i i,i Sup
port of Important Project.
H -Xverlll' of the chamber of commerce;
a' S. Jackson, acting president of the
Commercial club; Dr. Alfred Kinney,
chairman of the ports of Columbia com
mittee, and former Senator Jonathan
Bourne -Jr. ' .'"' ' "" v; '
"Because of the length and importance
of the program,! we shall begin at 11
O'clock sharp," announced Secretary F,
U Purse of the Portland Bealty board.
nort of the. campaign ror 9 leei on
With three slogans "Deep -water to
the sea.'' "Team work and triumph,"-and
that of Portland, "Where water grade
meets ocean trade," as texts, the Realty
board and Progressive Business Men's
cluhs are preparing to entertain 400
buKlneiis men at their Joint luncheon in
the main dining room of the, Portland
Commercial club tomorrow at noon.
The speakers are to be President Alva
the bar and 86 feet in tha channel could
be more significant,", observed -'President
' Shadrach Dwr Vincent of the
Realty board. -; '.", '.''
' Pan . Francisco, Oct. 2. ratrolmun
Miko Haley elaBlied with' a yellow
headed, sea-bicd Mexican parrot in
Portsmouth Square today and came out
second best. Complaints that "sorao-
thing or tioiu. l -. !y
ply terrible' l:i the
square resulted Ui H.tU y 1 ' ins r t
to arrest tho culprit. l:o tild, ti t i
until after a terrific f lit. J'"
nipped three pii-cca of 1'U-sli fro n
Haley's right hand, brought tho l.loo 1
from a wound. in his. no.- and tore a
chunk of flesh from Ms. lower Hi'.
f Qt h ej'jrriV
a final -snot: .
. "If It hadn't been for yer eo!-n-, j -r
scalawag, I'd a wrung yer ik k."
' -S Stri!-'.e of Electticiars r.tik-d.
;'Tho titrlke of the elen-icians uml-r
the control . of tho of a of publio
works in London, Kngliind. which fol
lowed a strike of house painters and
decorators, hn a been Fettled. The el'---trlclans
Involved Included those em
ployed in Buckingham and flt. J,i p-m'
palaces, the genornt postofilcn, the
tower of London and many other ofil
clal buildings.
City Milk Inspector Resigns, ,
F. Q. Stiller, city milk inspector, who
was appointed under i Health . Officer
Marcellus, resigned his position yester
day. No -reasons for the action were
given., ;.'v,g,V": 'gp'f;:v.; -r I ':,.,
' Revision of Schedules Asked. .'
Locomotive engineers and firemen on
the railroads west of Chicago will soon
ask the railroad ' companies to revise
their schedules of wages, according to
an . announcement made by - representa
tives of railroad labor organisations. .
Clothes with a pedigree: look! them c er
and mark down their winning points style, qualily,
"character, taste all the elements of refinement both
in outward appearance and : inner workmanship
Suits refreshingly and originally styled, rich in fabric
and oolor tones the finest products of foreign looms
as well as sterling American weaves. ;-
Fashionable Overcoats for the crisp Fall mornings and
evenings. You've never seen so" fine an assortment of
weaves,: colors and patterns nor so many variations in
' fashionable style. Overcoats' for motoring street ori
dress wear. - - . . - - -
An attractive stock, attractively priced
Suits nd Overcoats $20 to $40
' Morrison" at Fourth Street
y-jy ?J7-Apfeaw'
t ', : , h mm
" IT1HE popular
I ity of the re
( cent changes
.' ' '", t.' "-'
O Grill including the :
iubstitution of
wai.tTesses is
, ance not . only ' -
ior tuncneon out
for ' breakfast and
- dinner. ; -iY'i
' ''' LWVCHEON--
B I l.:W 1MI 1 1 11 I I ' R- I fill fill SW a sn B SB TI W A . : ;, - .-. ,v. a
-i I . 1 1 1 til i r l 111 til: l l . .
I SB - 'VJTTT II II "Hi 'AMI til -r- ' BSL- ' B I I I SB 't.- . j..!."-. ,1, ' SSL. a a mmtm .v Ki" ' SB
About i tt :4n iiiii c , ? lTiunev. . -
raivw ,,;;v ... '
, .' i;v: 'lit I iraiUH Ws IS I I't'ti WHIIIK II
An Amazing Array of Genuine Bar
gains JThat Will Save Dollars for You
It's absolutely impossible for us, to make you understand what
unusual values' we are offering iflere words cannot, describe
these remarkable chances to stretch the purchasing power of
ybiir coat . anl "suit 'dollars. ' . y ' ' 1
125 Women's' $35, $40, $45 Sample
Suits Your Choice Friday ad Saturday
These ney suits embody a great variety of features, such as
high buttoning cutaway and blouse effects, mandarin sleeves,
vdrapings, Russian effects with belts and sashes, materials ale
eponge, poplin, vBedfords, brocades and Bengalines. ,v , '
4 f
9S Women's $50 and 65 French v
Model Sample Suits Your Choice
These new-models .with their super-excellent style,1, following
closely. the newest and best edicts froirr Paris, yet so Ameri-"
canized that they are sure to suit every woman. A numberof
different styles and a wealth of different fabrics and colorings;
offer a most satisfactory selection to choose from. , - '
250 Sample $25 Coats
v . i' 1 "f " - 1
150 Sample $25 Suits
Cor. 6th and Alder, Opp. Orcsonian
i.r. ,ti-; -i t-'ri'' .' . ;J .-'"J - . r.4'r - ,' .
Mws "Puroia? say" . " . i : . T
I. will help you retain or .regain- a r I v.;: .-s.?. -
.beautiful complexion. f 5 y i ''.. f . ' ' '
'.Fifty cents, with full -directlOflSlV- rZ . ,i.--.S;; ' ' "'
I v At Tow rortsts. t ' ' . T' V
f :g.BflBE::
eWssssstsav ssSMsssssI ' A a ' . v t , I v I iNMssms., jsawwsssf
i Best
I 1 . -
three generations and still
passing all imitations. Wood or
.Hollers; dependable, lasting springs
iaae raises or lowers at will and
'.stays put! 'IMPROVED",
requires no tacks for, attaching
shade, . , -
Inventor's signature on
' every roller.
Take none without it
Tire ; ' -
i Icrgest snd Dest Sunday Pepcr in the Orccri Cc.ry
. ' - '""MBssMsnasBssaeBBmwasmWBasasas