The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 01, 1913, Page 1, Image 1

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    i t :
- ' -. ". l.'-v- " '" -J - -: ' " "' " . ' - -
' ""'4-.41 t '" a,'' "-" --r tr - .... 1 v ( .. -
-Boston, 5 .
j Charleston " ..'.-
J, sw Tork - '. ..
Chicago. 7 a. m. f i
. t. aul - ...t - :
Xan. city u
Torttand humidity, to a. ui...
-w.tii-- ..-II-N"" ., .-. " ?i.i. '",;ir.,;.-VV:
i - , ., , , i ,". .' v"1::: .? r 1 rr i . . T - t - ., . .. ... m , t ,rr- rTT
raws she .
, t ' ) ' tit y,
, U ; -rr , ' "
; : TAC0P,TA5TUDEUT r ft 'i
fiDmoYs Governor Will Resign
Monday NightoPersist Al
though They" Are penied by
Jri.' ; ,Mii i id
' - ; - - :
Broker TpIls!of Account "No.
; V, " 500". and of Sulzer's 1 i
.'"-Speculations. .
, Albf ay. N. V., Oct. J-WUh prl8tent
; rpori f In circulation that ; Governor
' '; J 'William 'SuUer ; has. Agreed to reaiga
' ' when; th leglalatura i reconvenes ' Mon
, I dy night, the prosecution In the Sulzer
j Impeachnient trial rested it case today,
-J m , 8uUey;h(J agreed to resign, rumor
had It, li return for promise thai" Jie
tmpearhnient proceedings would" be
T' droppe-i arid that no "attempt would Te
;! ...') mad to . disqualify him from holding
a offlte In future, v , , ,
,.f Attorneys for' both the' prosecution
''( ,d the defense branded these ratnora
' as ridiculous," Nevertheless, theyper
'j aisted'- r; -v i', ' '
i t itumMe oa Hsw Xiead. , X'
The .prosecution's testimony seemed
' ( be'flssllng (outdurlne; the early, part
- of today's forenoon - ipesslphi-apd' the
, ' e prediction was freely made that thsln'
' peschment, forces wouic? be ; glad to ;
' ! cept ilny compromise th Sulserltes of
' ''v red.l With dramatic suddenness, how
i ever, counsel for h "prosecution stum
; Jf hied, 'toward the middle of the forenoon,
' - 1 upon line of evidence exceedingly, dam.'
..M aging . to the governor, jThelr mannnr
T J,'1 changed -at onoe, they i pressed their
..-.,- advantage remorselessly and it was with
i 11 every appearance of conlfdence In their
i case that, tney restedT at ;. the . doss of
I the inrnihf; session. ' , ,'
" The-story In which-they took so much
f satisfaction was brought out by th
f i testimony' of John B.-Gray, a member
' .'Juf another' of. the brokerage firms of
New York,' through which, the prosecu
Continued on faga Three.
Rescuers ,0ny.38 s F.eet From
. Jdsheskys Prison and Hope
, to' 'Release Him Tomorrow.
(United Pre. Leaaetl Wlr. ) . --
Centralis. Pa., Oct. J. "Please tell
the mlffe boss that after I'm rescued
v. I'll probably , need a day's vacation be
Kif'J-: pre resuming rWOrfc. Aek him about It"
, This' was ;the' first word sent up to
I day br T.homsHr Tosheskjy i miner en
v tombed In the Continental colliery here
, since last ,Frida.'Vmun!cftloa;' With
th entombed man was ' made', possible
t when jrescuers bored through a wall of
J coal and Inserted an Iron pipe, through
- . which food and clothing have been seat
Sto himi .-ph:: tev-iy-'i
tyf& I ,;"Ju ' my;:frleBda';rthat . i 'had -
y" .;pisndid night's sleep''- Toshesky on-
tlnued.'and that I feef fine, 4 Now go
get my Wife.,:;: I want to ialit to her." ' i ;
i'a Mrs. Toshesky conversed , with her
husband for tea minutes, and sent down
ir a. blanket, underwear and s'ox through
.'v,;i;;-he prpe.' Tdshesky then annourtced that
'' 'hs had found a pick and shovel and In
Mv.'tended to help the rescuers dig him out
?V& Mter he could, be hea,rd digging away
Hi'',.with all his mlght. j ; y ir- :.
Rescueri at'uoon were 38 feet from
Toshes';ys chamber nd , expected ; to
..fNch him some tlme.-,toeJKrrfw,,.,rsni.-T?'
! v; Thousands i of persons are watching
the I efforts to rescue the. Imprisoned
tnlner; V, t)ynamtite caunoi -be use,d, for
fear that debris . might cause a fall
f coal, killing Toshesky. v ' -,
x,;Tohesky's wife i, and ' four children
quartered near the mine, Mrs.. Tos
iiesky preparing the food for her hus-
his was . President s Roose- I
lyyvelt's summary order to. Major'
4(joethal -when he placed him m.
5chrgo.;:f,: tht iPanama.:v.canalvj;jj;f,
; Roosevelt wanted a capable man
; 1 who couldn't quit . So he looked
vAto the army tor an engineers r
vi Colonel ,Ooetnal9,i Mfho was a
majof then, s'was appointed. HI
Yone '! dcmanct was t to have abso-f :
! Zone" did thing is a matter of
f'A f special illustrated section -
': iwlnaiiflv lai'rvf t ll' wnrU
f ;The Sunday' Journal from your
i;',evsdcaler.';;Ii'ive:-,Vcenti;; the. I
;" cop'. ; : ' ; ,';;,. . -,
?M Next Sunday - "
aughterof Rich ' Mining - Man
and -Columbia - Sophomore
V Have Strange Adventure in
; Herman .0elrichsr Auto.. 1
D. M.'.CIaghorn's Name Used
by the Man ' Involved in
" X- the Case.':
- (Cnlted Press lessee Wire.) X i r ?
" New York, Oct;!. 'A young girl' was
hurt - lrt Herman Oelrichs', automobile
last night and Jt Was variously asserted
today" that she was stabbed by' a man
who accompanied nerv and, that she ire
celved her injuries t aa acvident which
wrecked the .tnaehlne.'-V!f:r5'iW.t:?-!
'f .Thft ; t,'m. wes Miss- IiUclIle filngie
ton, a pretty music- student .19 years
old," Sdld tOjs&'the daughter of a rich J
wss given by Miss Singleton as "Billy"
Cralghorn, a Columbia university - stu
dent, and ty Pelrichs as 'V. M. Clag
horn, a -Columbia sophomore from Seutlt
Tacoma.-.Wash; -t-;:4 n.vv.:W. .v.
' Their first impression was, as it be
came later again that the girl . was hurt
in. the .accident : Then followed her
story ' that she was o tabbed 10 times
she ssld. ; As her companion. Clash or n
or Cralghorn, could not be found, tftey
nunted up. oeirichs i for -information,
tracing nim'ift-om the license number of
the emrvY'rHi j'-'i? jp-'t
4 The girl's own story WsS .authorlty
for the statement that she was stabbed.
Her version,, was that she. had dined
with her -companion, was taking. a spin
afterward! and was attacked when she
said he wished to return home to keep
another engagement .The car, she said,
crashed into: the curb:, while the Strug,
gle.was in-progress.! Vtyt&.-P-f'V;.
i , Wounds Are rot Serloue.
; Her wounds were . not serious, . how
ever, and' at the Knickerbocker ' hos
pital, where she-was a patient today, it
wss said she might have received them
when- the windshield of the automobile
broke, v She was suffering from shook,
the hospital i attendants padded, - and
scarcely v knew, what had happened,- .
'"Don't make a mountain eut of a mole
hill,",, urged- when JnUryiewed.
'L taaned my ;.ear- to a-triend. bad
sn Acoldsnta slight onav It is ridlau
loes to say Clagliorn Stabbed his com
panion. He wouldn't harm anyone,' let
alone a girl, ; She must have been cut
by pieces ef-ths broken windshield." t
The police were inclined to drop the
casej. i ''v J-'. ",, ?'.;,j;" ;
t Miss Single toa met he'r assSUant,' she
explained, four; months ago. -.had
attended several parties with him." she
went on, ', "and last, night", he . called In
an automobile at my houee and - invited
me to dinner. I went. Intending to re-
Contlnued on Page Fourteen.)
Moves" From -MurtichHotehto
J Quarters j In ' Hospital; Re-
pub!icansAfe Blamed, v.
- traltes Itm LeiMd Wire.) ,
. Berlin, Oot. 1. Ex-King JUanuet of
Portugal was making desperate efforts
today to suppress the scandalous stories
concerning the Illness of his bride o a
few" weeks, .daughter of Prince William,
head of the non..relgning house of Ho'
hensollern. ' V - 'try i v '"'V i-f
Aa a move" foward offsetting t-he ef
feet . of; the ' reports,1.! he ; has . already
moved ! from; his hotel iltt Munich to
quarters in the hospital where his wife
is a patient "The newspaper stories
of this case,',' said ; Msnuel'a secretary,
are scandalous lies." It was said Man
uel will insist as soon as Ms wife la
able to travel, that she accompany htm
to J ui wet f arte, TWtcaenham, England,
to .live. .,1 'i;.;V;,r;- .-.ji
. Oosslps asserted that Manuel has con
vinced - hiS: father-ln-law, t Prince Wil
liam,, that the days of the sowing of
his wild oats tare " past. , aad: the , e
klng's friends- attributed ,th v present
reports regarding his - wife's illness to
the Portuguese ;Kepubllcans, who, thsy
said, have bees worried recently by
th' growtirf -aentimenrin "his " f ai or,"
and wanted to,: discredit, him.
Despite every effort on Manuel's pai-t
the story persisted "that his . bride was
never ill until after her marriage. Ten
days later, according to the rumors, the
honeymoon was abruptly broken off, the
bride fell ill, and ugly atorles of the
cature of her ailment began to circulate.
tMwi6Xi-i tfarrlet Kerf
and Mrs. Beatrice Senders, militant suf-
rragettes, were arwtea ner today for
attempting to reopen (Suffragette head
quarters. Four,' other' "women who at
tacked, policemen with-umbrellas also
were srrested. All the prisoners threat
en to go on a hunger strike.: ,
v :'.';'., i'
, Honolulu Closet Its Tenderloin.
.' Honolulu, Oct. . t.-jThe Service of de
portation -warrants'' egan on !men and
wom.en denizens,' mostly Japanfs9t
the tenderloin, which- Is to be abolished:
' " ' 'i.-'!' ,' ' - i
. Aviator Diet tn Bed. '
London. Oct. li Bertram Plckson
' aviator, lled a natursjl death yesterday.
i -"" ' f ' ! r" .-' " '."..' . . - .... .. ; . ', , ,
Structure and Interior
The hew home of" the University elab
at Sixth and Jefferson streets is ready
for occupancy and will be informally
opened to the members tomorrow. The
formal opening Is to occur on the even
Ing of October IV the date' of the club's
annual -meeting. - The club house ' was
used,' for the: first time last evenlns;
when-James .B. Kerr, president, enter
tained 20 guests at dinner including the
officers, committeemen and other mem
bers' who have-been active in the con
struction of the. ne home. - .
The Club house which was designed
by Whltehouse A Foullhous and fur
nished Under their direction, Is the last
word In comfort and good' taste. The
wall coverings,; hangings, camels' and
rurnltur in the several rooms, -chosen
with remarkable- effect as to color,, alt
combine with- the general architectural
scheme to make, the place most attrac
tive tMsbomtMkwif't.&fZi.z.i.i
On the first flood of the-club proper
are a reception . room, card and domino
room . and buffet T In addition 'to the
offices . and check -rooms. . A spacious
stairway leads into a large hall on the
second floor, from which one entera
the reeding and writing rooms,, lounglnsr
room, mala dining room, and breakfast
room. ni -n. vlZiv'i .;-?"";v '
The. main dining; room, .which "occupies
a large part, of the Jefferson street side
of the clubhouse and IS two stories high.
Is of most striking appearance. - The
kitchen, which adjoins the main dining
room. Is complete in every detail. The
third floor Is devoted'to sleeping quar
ters, with a squash' court available for
tli athletloall y, Inel Ined. ?;k . i: v,, ;.
t1 On the Jefferson street side of the
first floor and accessible by separate
entrance j is . the ladles' dining room,
which; It "if believed, will prove to be
it - popular :' lhno v atlon in , the club. ' A
stairway from this same entrance leads
to a small auditorium la the basement
capable of seating 100 people. The
bilMard and private card rooms are also
located lathe basement v '. ;iy-:'
Mean Longhbrri-Sleer
a Hen Roost and Gores a
: ft-
AS- W ':
' Finally; Throw
ir;mY.:H :;';!-v '- Vi?
. . ' Special ' te Th Jearstt.) v V- (
- Peadletoa, Or Oct ' J rendleton
learned in a first hsad way last night
What a cowboy goes up against when he
tackles a , long horned steer, single
handed. For several hours one C the
meanest of the BoumMTa herd ran wild
through thei city..! threatening; "pedestri
ans with his long horns:" Before he, had
been eorraled he had gored one horse. ;
3to ,itound-VjB teMJibtifi6'M
steers, snd Director Sam Thompson and
four helpers started to drive them to the
stock ards for 1oadIi''.';-aii;:s
turr-cd out the streers scsttered In all di
rections. Several hours later five had
been rounded up but the sixth was on
a - rampage. y
Me started his career by. leaving the
street and dashing across yards and over
. v''W, .rji.i'. ,.A .AA -A.: Ai': 'A: ;.rAAA-A-l.-;AA;Aiiy' ':
' .,:' . "'i.Jk.'s i -i '"' r-'.' ;' 4 !'.' "' ''' -' . ,';'S-"';
$ale?nioyi :Hq)iday .and Extends Glad. Hand of Fellow
tshrp lo-People of State Who1 Gather; f or Pleasure -and s
Mlnstnictibriat Cdmprehensive; Exposition ; of; Oregon's;
"Varied and Wonderful Resources i0(:f arm ' and Factory. ;
iflsttsteaa BlIMaM' ftf Thai TtfMl m 1 A a P.
h Salem. . Or.. i.Oot I It . Is otsdic'tea
that records for attendance lt.t. state
falr-wyr be 'hroken today.. -Plopls are
crowding . through ' the yajea, "by the
thousands.".' "The ' " atteadafhee . yester,-
day, reached 00,, aivumbef Jtwjwj
as great as the attendance oa ...the.fel;"'
ona aay ox .ine.wc w jrwr, f,iuJ
that number is going to be far exceeded.
A more perfect day could not b desired
-Practically every business house and
office in- the city li-closed, as this Is
Salem day at the fair. vThe townspeople
are turning out en mssse, and the big
gest out of town crowd of the week la
hera' ' - . v i. '. ""'
The Radiators of Eugene, . radiaUag
good fellowship; arrived with a large
delegation Of visitors fronj the, towns
Up the valley atlO' o'clofck.v They were
met bv tha Salem Cherrlans, and headed
by the Cherriaa band, marched through
the streets aeiore vaaing me cars io
the fair-grounds; where this, afternoon
they are having a time at the .races.. One
of the best, racing, programs of1Tths
week Is scheduled. ' ..r-S. AW v,-;
In ths t exhibit 1 pavilions and ? stock
bams the Judges are now, rapidly mak
ing awards. Itouglas county -won IWst
in the county eaaioit eompeuuon, Dreaa
Ing Into Beuton county's long- string of
victories.' ,. The ..contest was close, the
exceptional display of corn In ths Doug
las county exhibit turning the decision
in iu favor. , The awards were given aa
f olloWSl;.,. . i'4. A'? A jAAAiiit :;. iA.,A s:
Pouglaa, first,' 1800;. Benton, second,
250; Clackamas, third, $200? .Washing
ton; fourth, lloOiv Wno, fifth, IIOO; Til
lamook", sixth, $1,00; Polk,; seventh, $100.
: Though- Marioa; county had a good ex
hibit lt is not ' permitted, under ; the
rules, to compete. ' 4 ' c"'.Va'i::i;" 'i '
it - After all. Is said abouti! the .flnC ex
hibits at the state fair, about' the fine
-' ' A ' 'J '.' ' "I ' ' ' - J
rilAi 'i''A;;i,A;.AiR
Horse. Before .Cowboys
and Tie Him; 1
' 1
fences; .sending . women" - snd " children
scurrying to safety.-. In one - ysrd he
Went through a chicken house and con
tinued on his wsy with ' wire netting
tratlln-g from his homs. v ' (, ,. ..
Just before o'clock the teer ran the
full length of Main street pursued by
horsemen, and r: after being cornered
neav the bridge he leaped J; feet over
a bluff Into-the river and had to-be
roped and dragged ut.sUil- ;;.,''
-It was -Jll- f'XtetPbMMMiun,
ffi'to' lhe corrsl, Thoroughly angered he
fought off. f ye men snd horses time
and time again, 'charging from one to
another 'v' :i-y?A' Vti ' Av-rf!i :ri A
"One of his long horns - caught the
horse ridden by Bert Whitman and pen
etrated eight Inches... After being taught
with three ropes, the steer laid' down and
had to be dragged. ' , Several hundred
people participated in 'the excitement
ffults.-igralns, grasses' aW .tregetables.
and cKA fine blooded mtetla'i rher la
notplni'that 'excites' the interest and
SUrt'the enthuslasmijece than the chil
dren's jndustrtal 4epnent', yA.:Urge
btAldtifg. ,fcla'.ol the-pfoducu grown by
wlfh . the fancy work, ths sewing the
art a work, the manual) training work,
the canned ; fruit, and scores . of, other
Articles made surprisingly .well by small
hands,; appeals to the heart as well as
to the mind. .
In Its new and larger quarters the
children's industrial exhibit is larger
and better thsa last year. .Those ac
queJnted with this new movement amone
the children say that there never has
beea such an exhibit la any sUts as ths
one now being admired by the . thou
sands of visitors at the Oregon ' state
fair. , : A; '.f. V;'. V;.e:'S:ir'::'A'''!:' :. .-V-,
State Sohool Superintendent S. A.
Churchill aad -Assistant E. 7. Csrleton
express great satisfaction over the in
terest the various county school super-
(Coattaued on Page Nina)
Sixteen Explosions Set Off. by
A),Ai2-SA: i' I AWn':'1' . li'V '. ,
(i, Mounted Banaits vvrjo v
Fsited Press La WUe.l-'- .-' '-:
, Little, Bock, Ark,. Ocu Four
mounted. bandits - today rode up to the
State" Bank", at DardaneUe,. near- hare,
dynamited and looted the Safe and gal
loped" away. ; The amount obtained: toy
the robbers Is not known, but probably
exceeded $200QV , . ; ' ? A, f.,;,
. The robbers worked for more than
an hour n the safe, aqd set ef f to r'
ptosiTOS-efcTer-rihany -was- opened.
Cltlxens, awakened by - the explosions,
exchanged ghots' With , the robbers,; but
nov one . wag ;lBjuw-i:-' ,'i'i..
f.,:.-: ?-,.,:. .- ui -i ;, A
" Corvallls," Or.i Oct 1.- Tying htmself
t the ferry with a rope, cuttinfis wrist
deeply, severing his wlndplpeand then
Jumping, into the Wlllanvetta river Al
bort 'Mjcerit,: I8,i unmarried, committed
suicide last night ;J"oUqwii,g directions
of a letter ia'the dead man's clothes, $20
addressed to Bers C. Hereth, Lutheran
minister; was found In .Mayers' trunk.
The suicide also left written .request
that hlf Dakota farm, be . divided be
tween his two sisters. . -'-. '..';....
Wells, chief ; of police ; who Intended
ferrying across at the upper ferry. The
victim was taken to the Corvallis hos
pltal, where h regained consciousness
ftt midnight.' He died at $:80., . . i V i
Fear that he would - eventually lose
his mind is believed to have prompted
the deed. 'He, was employed by the
Corvallis Lumber ; Manufacturing com
panyk - ,
Meeting Opens in Portland To-.
day and Many Topics of
Interest Will Be Discussed
by Speakers. . , . t .
' , . . ' , ,
V .fa 1 ''' " ' " ,','."l f 1
Visitors Are Guests of. Port
. land Ad, Club at Luncheon -'
. " at Noon". 1 - '
,;Ths League of Northwest Municipal.
Itles opened its annual ' convention in
Portland this morning. Sessions ex
tending over two days Will "be held.
Problems i and progress' of cities1' snd
towns in , Washington, Oregon and Idaho
will be discussed.
Our dearest Ideal Is to so. admin
ister the affairs of tha city that all
men may enjoy the rrults of their
labor."- If means' ttiat officials' of the
city must" handle ths city's business as
they would their own; it means that
Justice must ' be done to every man
said Msyor II. R. Albee, delivering the
sddress of welcome .at the opening
bbbiuq in ins green room ot ine com
mercial club. " ' ; t
"While we consider the affairs of
communities of three states we are also
directing the destiny of a great era
(Continued on Page Three)
Incinerators Will Close at Mid-
night if City Doesn't Pay
Desired Price,
. United Press Letied Wir.' T
Chicago, HL,. Oct. I. Aa ultimatum
that unless the rity agrees to buy the
plant at the. terms proposed by 'th com
pany before midnight, it would be closed
aad garbage, allowed -to rot was tent
to Mayor Carter Harrison today by the
Chicago Reduction company. 1 Alderman
Charles IS- Merrlam and others demand
that the' city seise the plant and con
tinue its operation pending a court de
cision. .The company threatens to apply
(or a restraining order if the city at
tempts any such move. . - ,f . - '
; . Mayor Harrison , was on . his . wsy . to
New York when be was notified of the
stand, taken by the company.! . He, re-
turned immediately to Chicago, and was
engaged in an all night conference with
his advisers. Today the: mayerv called
a . special meeting 01 tne council.. ror
tonight i
: li,' ; .'"." 'i m, .
' (Wa.blBgton Bureau .ef Tie JoaraaL)
Washington,. Oct.- 1, The . president
seat to the senate -today the nomination
of . Frsnk McManamyi Of 1 Oregon, . now
assistant chief inspector-of 'locomotive
boilers ' for ' the r Interstate Commerce
Commission, to be chief Inspector,. J
Minneapolis Rejects Commission.
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct l.-rTha pro
posal that . Minneapolis adopt commis
sion government was defeated here, 'ac
cording rto today's .official returns on
the vote cast yestoraay, ;za,i?. to Ssj.
! . i in ii i,M ,i mi. mi ' ) mA''itfW$
Discoverer of ; Appendicitis .Dies.. .
Boston, Oct. l.-Dr. Reginald "H. Fits,
discoverer of appendicitis, diid of can
cer ot the stomach yesterday) aged 70.
future ' fo jDistrict Seen in
ways; Koyai Kecepiion or
DIwah' Dnnfh l i I itrs fins
,IIVIfi tJUIIWII lJ a Wlti yflvf
'iA-A' A '' '.'?'. "r'-;'-'' ?
-.-!!...' ('-.'' A' jv-'-WVIv'f.rfi " r1 '' '."
Twenty-five good 'roads apostles Whi
went' to Hood River yesterday returned
today with "gasoline; , tanksf tiled with
enthusiasm,' .'--H: j.' W'U jf. YM ' f tf-
ln the mental art gallery ef each there
hung a painting .Of a beautiful', green
valley between two whlterobed 'itio'un
tal sentinels" watching over mlleij and
miles qf appl( treesi;whos :llmbs bent
under their; burden ' ot ;ed-Cheked Baft
ana:'Kftrtherh: SpleS and i - Spltsen berg
and . yellow-faced .'Newtown'.., JsA, .
The whole Picture in Its 'glided seyin
faintly suggested : the- larger and more
beautiful one that will be painted when
the era ot good roads is fully begun and
the farmer transports all that he pro
duces to"'Tmtrket"'an4-the-'taBdT,t8' filled
with tourists. '. AA-!,AA:'t'A.
"The trip was' certainly a revelation
to 1 ms." said ,tf County ; Commissioner
Rufus C Holman. I am ashamed to
confess that t haye"ltved in this country
Is years snd had never been to Knoii
Rivet before 1 am a typical case 1
suppose." - ' . v -
; "Thsti Hood River- bunch Is a live
one,''., said A.- S. Benson. ' '"When we
Taxicab Catapults C. W. A!! : ;i
Over: Girders and Ccn:l.)
Wheels- of Fast Moving I" I
Scott Car on Hawthorne.
Driver Says Victim Stepped
From Behind, Stanchion m
Front ofMachine.
Ground to death beneath-the whfels
of a Mount Scott train after, being. liit
by a taxicab, C W. Allen of 1315 Ean
Salmon street, a - bridge tender on the
Madison street -bridge, was .-the' victim
ef a peculiar accident at ?:4S o'clock
this morning. " ' '
Allen, who ;wsg (S years old, wa
working Just east of the draw In the
shadow of the girders, when he sud
denly stepped out directly Into the path
Of a taxicab coming eastward along the
runway for vehicles. - To avoid , run
ning the man down the driver of the ma
chine turned his front wheels quickly to
'the- left, causing thei. rear' end of the
taxicab -to skid sharply to the right
'Allen , was hit squarely by the rear
mud ' guard and catapulted head first
beneath, the -wheels of a Mount fcoott
train that happened to be abreast of the
taxicab Just as the bridge tender was
hit -..Allen was hurled under the front
car of the train between the front and
rear trucks and, was dragged for a car '
length before the train was brought to
S Stop,'vvS' . '.jjs-t,;:- .;-...'',-,- r. '.,.' .' .'
, The " taxicab, which la owned by the '
City Taxicab . company, -wan driven by
Fred O. Dixon of 0i Broadway. In a
statement made by Dixon thta morning
he estimates the speed at which the cab
(Contiaued en Page. Four.) .
. '. "-. . , ... ' ..-r --. ...
, ,.l.-,'(.l. , .,'., ;,.- :,,
Husband-- Had -Besn " Accused
of Being .Unfaithful to , His
- Wife; Worrlan Hysterical,
Six months effort on the part of Mrs.
Anne Glnsburg to destroy an affection
that existed between her husband, Philip
Glnsburg, foreman at. the Hudson Bay .
Fur' company.; .ahd a young ; girl em- .
ploys at the same place named Marie,
resulted ia the shooting Of Glnsburg by
the Jealous' wife ln their room 'at the
Whitehall, :. 213 Sixth ' street, ' shortly
after noontoday He was shot in the
head. The woman In the ease is Marie
Moselle, who also lives at the -Whfte-hall,-;
A;;''-::':A:,i,A-A ' - '
i Hysterical and almost 14 a r state of
collapse. Mrs. Glnstyirg, who is pretty
and 31 years old, is under the , care of
the police matron at the police station,
where she cries In one breath that ehe
killed her husband, and la the next that
he killed himself. s .( A ,
When Patrolman Marsh, who was th
first to . arrive at the Whitehall after
the woman, had' reported . her husband
dead. ..took the -woman in custody, stie
Stated that she had shot him and then
placed the gun In his hands, to make it
appear like a suicide. v
"I tried for months to get him away
from Marie and failed, so when he cam's
home to- lunch today I shot him as ha
Continued oa Page Four.)
Completion of- GoodHigh-, (
uuests reature or Trip; :MHoca
tf 'Tattnieta . A 'A: t Dnnnn'
,iyviai vO n. . w .tlvlldwil.
- H:A' - A' - t',"' - l. - - . - - Ji'At,;!A.. jv, ',
t"'i'''"- i t.At$ Mjy.- .';"'' .,: AA-y .''
got. iner yesterda y Hhey me t: tii'at 'the
train with, a-, lot of sutornobHes, whirled
us tip-over the, hills at the rate ef
miles an hour, srounj , Mount J ioo l
twice, gave us a fine trout and cjii. ken
dinner and. In' the evening let us il mi
thei talking about good . rooilK. -l ,, '
about apples,-say, I dieame i of n
all night." :i -?ta.
.talking; 'hout srp'.e " l
jeeted anotbtr-one' of th- i-fv,
hotel keepers promised 'that her-they-would
have a big but of
the cashier's defk ,ri(l rC. i
when he 'pAid . his b'll won ; i i
a big red apple for a t.o n . . i
not be necessary to eat tun
ones any more, !
that the next tfw 1 eami v
a set of i-f-ment utet'S t th fn.. i
instead of the M woo leu rp-i t
been seeing for th psct " 1 '
The members of ihe p;i in
land were; .irtiucl li .
misolonets U-.i'iift. A. I
LIghtnor ni'-l 1 . V, f ..-
i .. . t