The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1913, Page 38, Image 38

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Dr, Cummings Now Firm. Be-
liever in This Form of Rev-
Their Life But two or Three
Years and They in Bad
Shape; Half, the Time,"
There Is one man in Portland who U
a firm believer in "hunches." He has
not long been of that faith, but was
"converted Sunday night, when wfrHe
sitting in theheatre he was suddenly
overtaken with Atie "hunch" that his
automobile standing outside had been
Immediate investigation proved to
Dr. W. G. Cummings that "hunches"
come true.
The circumstances that led up to the
theft of the car early Sunday evening
and its recovery early 'Monday forenoon
are quite Interesting.
Dr.. Cummings and family left their
home at Klverview early Sunday morn
ing for a day's outing near Garden
Home.' Ah elaborate luncheon had been
prepared .and carefully packed in a
basket and was carried in the doctor's
Bulck touring car to the picnic grounds.
The picnickers were unable to con
sume, all the food prepared for the
luncheon and the remaining edibles
were carefully packed with the plates.
Silverware and table linen in the
backet for the return trip.
Pasty Goes To Show.
In passing thorugh the, cltythe party
" drove up Broadway andthe young la
dies of the party insisted that the doc
tor should escort them to the Orpheum
for the evening's entertainment.
The entire party was in picnic at
tire, and the doctor admits that ho se
cluded the ladies In the retiring room
until the theatre lights were turned
low and the performance begun.
xne doctor had failed to enter Into
epirit or the evening, and at 9:30 re
ceived the "hunch" that his automobile,
left standing; outside, had been stolen.
The presentiment grew on him. and he
rose ana retired rrom the theatre to
find that the "hunch" was true. The
police were immediately notified, and
an all night search began for the car,
but to no avail.
Early in the forenoon Monday, and
while returning to his office in the
Selling butldlne, from a visit to the
police station, on Kverett near Fifth,
the doctor dejectedly trudged along.
In passing the corner of Sixth and
Oak 6treets, the doctor spied a car
which bore a familiar appearance to
Cummings rinds Car.
The car was drawn up to the curb In
proper order and was apparently in
tact, excepting that both numbers at
the front and rear of the car had been
A hurried investigation proved to the
doctor that he had recovered his lost
automobile, and he was consequently
The only apparent damage resulting
to the csfr was the destruction of one
of t.e rear tires- which had been run
flat, but that had been thoughtfully re
placed by the spare tire carried on the
A further most peculiar circumstance
connected with the theft is the fact
that the lunch basket was missing, but
under the rear seat, in perfect order,
were found all of the dishes and. sil
verware, as carefully arranged as If
placed in a chest.
The doctor Is of the opinion that the
Joy Oder's lady friend is a. methodical
housekeeper, but does not believe that
that .constitutes a clue to the theft of
his car.
Probably the best Joke of the whole
episode Is the fact that the car was
not insured, although the doctor's son-In-laW-
la personally engaged 1n the
Insurance business in this cily
The doctor declares that the next
man to get his automobile will have
to be a safe cracker, as he will here
after keep it securely locked during his
absence from the car.
"Waterbound macadam roads, which
for practically a century have been ad
equate for' the traffic, have now, under
the new conditions, become obsolete,
and their further construction means a
serious waste of public funds," Is the
opinion of one of Portland's most en
thusiastic good roads' boosters.
"Macadam may answer for aide roads
and cross roads where there is little
travel to wear the surface into dust,
and few fast moving vehicles to throw
the dust Into the air to be blown away.
But for main roads, anywhere and ev
erywhere, a method of construction
must be put in operation which will
produce durable roads.
"Wherever it can be used concrete
makes a most excellent road, or a road
base, for some other kind of surface.
The state of California has adopted
concrete construction for practically
its entire system of state highways,
after a most thorough investigation.
Wayne county, Michigan, has been
building concrete roads for the past five
years, and they have given most ex
cellent satisfaction.
"Before the Wayne county authori
ties had learned by experience how to
build concrete roads with expansion
joints, to prevent the concrete from
craaking in cold weather and buckling
in the hot sun, several miles of roads
were built which broke Into frequent
cracks. To repair these cracked sec
tions of road they poured hot bitum
inous material into the cracks and cov
ered them with sand. This has worn to
tho le.vel of the concrete and the whole
forms a most delightfully smooth road
to travel over, and one which looks as
if it would stand for a generation at
"In some sections of the country the
goncrete is being used as a base, and
two or three inches of broken atone,
mixed TwKh bituminous materials, put
on for a surface. If properly built
this kind of road should be very dura
ble, and should Justify the additional
expense. The concrete will furnish the
strength required to hold up the loads
which are constantly growing heavier,
while the bltumenlzed surface will pre
vent the creation of dust, making the
road pleasant to travel over.
"The only proper way to figure on the
cost of a road,, is to consider both the
original cost and the expense of mainte
nance for a period of 10 or 15 years.
Under present conditions of travel a
macadam road would have to be resur
faced every two or three years, and
would be in bad condition two-thirds of
the time. ' The aggregate cost would be
far greater than that of a concrete road
with a bituminous surface and the
latter would present a good road all
the tima."
Big Manufacturer Declares No
Reason Why Rate Should
Not Be -Reached,
Itl Is Here
fJ' '
Ttr iifi ti
Fully Equipped, F. X B, Detroit
And One Hundred and One Reasons for Buying the New Chalmers "Six
1 Left Hand Drive and Center Control The natural position
'for driving; enables the driver to see around any vehicle he
may be passings Permits of entrance to driving compartment
from either side of car. ,
8 Chalmers Eleotrlo Starter The simplest electric starter in
use. Fast, powerful and sure. Silent In operation. Built in
Chalmers shop. "One move starts your Chalmers."
3 T-Head Motor Gives increased power and smoothness of
operation. Permits of use of extra large valves. Valve mech
anism entirely concealed. Utmost flexibility through method
of distributing gases. '
4 Toor-forward Speed Transmission A transmission speed for
every emergency. Adds greatly to flexibility of car. Practi
cally eliminates gear shifting when driving in heavy traffic or
through sand or mud. .,
6 Blleno and Power Combined No other construction offers
the maximum of power with the minimum of noise. The pow
erful long stroke motor with its 4-lnch bore and bhi -inch stroke
gives a strong pull in any kind of going. Silence has been
obtained by enclosing all moving parts of the motor and by
proper construction. . ,, . . ,,. ,
6 tight Weight Reciprocating Farts All motor parts built of
the very best materials, enabling us to use connecting rods,
pistons and other moving parts of exceptionally light weight.
Connecting rods of the new Chalmers ' Six" weigh only half as
much as the usual type of connecting rod. Reduction in weight
eliminates vibration; does away with much of the wear to
moving parts of motor. . .
7 Correctly Balanced Crank Shaft The Chalmers crank shaft
Is drop forged in perfect balance. We do not have to drill out
weight or add weight to secure balance. The Chalmers crank
shaft Is in perfect balance for all speeds and all positions.
8 Bear Suspension of Gasoline Tank On the new Six the
gasoline tana, wun a capacity ui l '
1 1 1 U lent u, V-1 ' - . . . . . r, . . - - n -- -
only gives a more perfect balance to the entire car, but also
makes possible the filling of tank without disturbing driver or
Delegation of Knights From
Cog Railroad See Stude
baker Gain Summit,
"We will pause here a moment, ladles
and gentlemen, to allow you to con
template the sight of a lifetime an
automobile making the ascent of the
Thus spoke the "spieler" on a cog rail
road that scales Pike's Peak, to a dele
gation of touring Knights Templar and
their wives.
The car. a Studebaker "Six" touring
model, and carrying five men, had al
ready passed tho timber line that marks
an elevation of 11,700 feet, and was en
gaged in a battle with the bare granite
mountain side which vtas, in many
places, as steep as the roof of a house.
Its course was an alternate series of
rushes, punctuated with pauses, when
the crew piled out and rolled big locks
out of the way or filled gullies in the
trail, which had been abandoned moro
than ten years ago, on tne completion
of the railroad.
Swirls of cloud occasionally hid the
car from the view of the excitid
watchers. Intermittent dashes of rain
blotted it from sight again and again.
But always, when the air 'cleared, the
car came into view, ncaring its goal at
the summit. The last 1000 feet of tho
climb the rain changed to snow, which
added further difficulty to a task often
pronounced impossible.
The cog train dashed for the sum
mit and its passengers waded through
the snow to the . top .r the old trail
and gazed downward toward the In
visible world more than H.000 feet be
low, listening Intently. Their wait was
short. From almost beneath their' feet
there came the hum or a 'motor; doing
.the bidding of Its driver, who was call
lng on it for all it had. In a cloud of
snow flying from all four wheels the car
fairly leaped the steep gradient at the
tow and, with a cheering crew, pullud
Up on the little plateau beBlde the gov
ernment observatory.
The Knights Templar and their ladles
echoed the cheer and snapped their cam
eras. The climb was history. . The
coast' down was made with perfect ease.
The Studebaker is the third car to
make the ascent, It having been pre
ceded by a runabout ana by a light rac
ing car. V
The car was driven to the timber
line by C W. Hulbert of Denver. He
was relieved on the final dash by W.
W.'Beeson,. now manager of the Stude
baker branch, in Atlanta
Vacuum' cleaners are coming Into use
in New York for cleaning sidewalks,
sweeping, them after eight o'clock In
the morning being forbidden., by law. '
"What do you think the evolution of
the mptor car ultimately will produce
Henry Ford, turned and smiled slight
ly. "Tell me what do you mean," he re
plied. "The clumsy two wheeled cart
of the world's youth evolved Into the
luxurious landau; the Montgolfier bal
loon, lifted by hot air, developed into
the Curtisa biplane. In what way will
thd motor car of the future differ from
the first motor car?"
Mr. Ford passed a hand over his iron
grey hair and his eyes took on a con
templatlve look. The man who recre
ated Sinbad's diamond valley out of his
magician's brain was thinking of the
painful early path. It suggested that
eagle flights of 200 or 300 years do not
belong to the inventor but toilsome days
and wakeful nights with infinitesimal
"Lightness Is what we are striving for
more than any other thing," he said.
"It will not be long before the present
1300 pound motor car will be reduced in
weight to 600 pounds. This will mean
greater speed and somewhat lower price.
But the price cannot be greatly de
creased because lighter material de
mands greater strength and craftsman
ship. "Although I am not a speed enthusi
ast, my aim being to increase comfort,
I see no reason why motor cars should
nut eventually attain 150 or 200 miles
an hour. But there would be no room
for pedestrians on streets used by such
machines. Thoy would require special
highways. In fact, rails would prob
ably be the proper thing, Just as we
have rails now for our Tailroad trains. '
"Would gasoline as used furnish suf
ficient power" for these light, Bpeedy
"Oil, yes, though it might be neces
sary to mingle other liquids."
"Wouldn't friction set on fire a motor
car going at 200 miles an hour unless
some new lubricant were employed?"
"By no means; we have dynamos that
run for a whole year wtio, one applica
tion of lubricating oil."
And this was as far as Henry Ford
would go In snatching motor secrets
from the future.
iSondon. Sept. 87. Extraordinary rev
elations have followed the inquest on
Annle Maria Pearce of Ludlow, who
shot, herself recently after posing for
nine months as the legatee of a fortune
of J50.000.
Her neighbors were completely a-
celved bv the story, which was stated
at the Inquest to be totally untrue.
One woman sold her pigs In order to
lend the proceeds to the supposed heir
ess,' Another woman expected to receive
1250 from' the deadwoman, who ' Is
said to have borrowed $100 and prom
ised to repay $600.
A third neighbor had all her teeth
extracted, Mrs. Pearce promising to pay
for a new. set. '.
preparations had been made for the
"reception" of the money, a room hav
ing been decorated, and champagne and
other ' wjnes- ordered for the celebra
tion. V t , '
A large crowd attended the funeral
of Mrs. Pearce. i
the rear of car. Putting the weight of the fuel at the rear not
S-Won-rlveted Gasoline Tank The Chalmers gasoline tank is
pressed from heavy sheet steel in two pieces, which are elec
trically welded. There is not a rivet in the entire tank, hven
the supports are welded without riveting. There is no chance
for leakage. . ,, ...
10 Oasollne Pressure System From this task gasoline is fed
to the motor under pressuie. There is a hand pump on the
cowl of the dash for use in starting. An automatic pump op
erated by the motor maintains a steady pressure in the tank
when motor Is running. Pressure gauge on the dash always
ln(i.atD lhA Ynff air nrpRRure in tank.
11 Combination Force Peed and Splash Direct Oiling System
The new Chalmers design oiling system operaieu uiracr plea
sure carries a steady stream of oil direct to the motor, gears
and Ho- -each main crank shaft bearing. In addition, spoons at
the lower end of the connecting rods dip Into individual sumps,
splashing oil to all parts of the motor. The new system in
sures equal lubrication on all grades.
IS Non-stallable Motor This is probaoiy tne greatest motor enr
improvement which has been mace in tne pai live .yeiH i n
riiotor of the new Chalmers "Six" will not stall. The Chalmers
electric starter is always engaged with the motor. Whenever
the motor reaches a point where It would ordinarily stall, the
instant the driver releases the clutch and shifts gears the
starter carries on the operation so that at no time does the
,t,,s. In B t a n f t i 11 BXCeOt Bt ttl6 Will Of tll6 driver.
13 Tungsten Steel Valve Chalmers valves are of exceptional
size and are hand made of genuine Tungsten steel. These
valves will not pit or gatner carDon. in practicaaiy no cir
cumstance is it necessary to grind these valves. They are
guaranteed against warping.
Absence of Vibration at All Speeds Because of the perfect
balance of the Chalmers motor, the positive operation of the
. . . . 1 1 -. 1 ,Mnb.A nour "Civ" fa
large vaives ana me uiiuBuuwy i'jun oh uc, w, .. "
notable because of the absence of vibration, even at speeds in
excess of 60 miles per hour.
16 Clean Motor; Enclosed Mechanism Under all conditions the
Chalmers motor lb free from dirt. The entire valve mechanism
is enclosed, giving not only cleanliness, but silence.
16 Motor Thoroughly Protected from Bond Dirt The Chalmers
crank case is so constructed that a dustproof aluminum web
extends from the case to the frame, preventing all road dirt
and mud from getting to the motor.
17 Non-smoking Motor In the motor of the new Six we use
the sectional type piston ring, an exclusive Chalmers feature.
This piston ring construction positively maintains compression
and prevents any oil working past the rings into the combus
tion chamber, thereby eliminating motor smoking.
18 Extra Water Jacketed Oasollne Intake Manifold The Intake
manifold of the new "Six" is hot water Jacketed throughout
its entire length. In addition to the hot water and hot nfr
jacket of the carburetor, the hot water Jacket of the manifold
aids in the vaporization of the gasoline, insuring even combus
tion of the low test gasoline now generally sold.
19 unusual Motor Cooling Facilities The Chalmers motor has
exceptionally large water jackets, fed by a centrifugal water
pump of unusual size. Water Is cooled through an extra large
radiator. .
JO Motor Cleaned with Exceptional Ease To clean the motor of
the Chalmers "Six" it is necessary only to remove the water
manifold at the top of the motor and open a large plug in the
head of each cylinder.
ai Bronse Shell Babbitt Lined Bearings Crank shaft and con
necting rod bearings are patented bronxe shell babbit lined
tvpe. This is the highest grade bearing made and is identical
with the bearings used on the highest priced American cars.
These bearings are readily adjusted.
23 Ample Power By actual electric dynamometer test the mo
tor of the new Chalmers "Six" will develop 40 to 65 horse
power. There is sufficient power for every requirement of
motoring. Even at the highest speeds the motor of the new
"Six" shows no falling off in power.
23 Quick Oet-Away-V-Thls reserve of power makes possible a
wonderfully quick Aet-away. From a standing start the new
Chalmers ''Six" will reach in excess of 50 miles an hour In 30
seconds. It is possible to reach 40 miles an hour in 18 seconds,
or 25 miles an hour in 10 seconds.
34 Walking Pace or 60 Miles an Hour on High The motor nf
the new TSlx" will pull from a walking pace to 60 miles an
hour without shifting gears. The wonderful flexibility of this
motor makes it unnecessary to change the transmission gear
in any ordinary driving.
35 Genuine Cellular Radiator The Chalmers radiator is of the
genuine cellular type, giving the greatest possible cooling sur
face. For 1914 the radiator Is of a new design without any
unsightly or dust-catching moldings.
86 Transmission Gears Interlocking in All Speeds It Is impos
sible for the transmission gears of the Chalmers to be Jolted
out of mesh. Clears cannot he shifted except with clutch re
leased. When clutch is engaged all gears are positively locked
37 All Transmission Gears Ground The Chalmers was the first
medium priced car to have an transmission gears ground accu
rate to V4 of 1-1000 of an inch. This wonfleful accuracy, which
gives maximum smoothness of gear operation and eliminates
nru.-Mcall v all nnlseH of operation, is retained In the Model 24.
88 All Paris of Mechanism Readily Accessible No other car at
any price nas mechanism or sucn accessioniiy. it in possinie
to reach every part of the motor and every working part of the
mnnlnr rr without disassembling the car.
89 Gasoline Gauge On the gasoline tank of the new "Six" is
provided an aosoiute gwsoime gauge, wnicn enowa i u gmuce
ths rnnnnnt nf fuel In the tank.
30 Foot Best for Accelerator The accelerator of the new. "Six"
Is provided with a convenient root rest, i ne root remains in
a perfectly natural position at all times, so that It Is 'possible
to drive, even Inns distances without tiring or cramping the foot.
31 Economical Fnal Consumption The new Chalmers ''Six" will
burn less gasoline than other cars or tne same power. .Through
the equal distribution of gas to all cylinders in their order of
fliln Via rvAtttttttt ?nel Acnnnniv m asftilrAri.
33 Biokel-steel Construction, Fall-float lng Bear Axle No car
- at any price has better axles than, 'the new Chalmers "Six."
The rear axle, or run noaiing type, nas nicnei-sieei uve axies
and driving gears. The housing is the full trussed, welded,
n..uiu tunjtmnl Helena anH f tn rlfflil.
33 Timken Thrust Bearing In Front Axle Spindles The front
axle construction-is notaoie. or extra neavy arop rorgea i
beam type, the front axle has In addition Timken thrust bear
ings on the steering spindles. This construction eliminates
the usual vibration. and makes steering' extra easy.
34 Extra Kcvy Channel Section Drop Frame The frame of the
new ix la or unusual weigni una mireuxin. ine siue mem
bers have 6-ltieh channel section and' aro made of 3-16 inch
metal. The Model 24 frame has practically' no rivets, so that
the full strength of the material is retained. f
- . U .
35 Cork Insert Disc Clutch The new type clutch used In the
Model 24 positively will not grab or overheat. We have sub
mitted this clutch to the severest tests without being able to
injure it in any way.
36 Antomatio Oiling Clutch The clutch of the new "Six" Is
oiled automatically from the motor. It is unnecessary for the
driver ever to pay attention to the lubrication of his clutch,
for as long as the motor has oil the clutch will be ampTy
37 Molded Full Oval Fenders The Chalmers fenders are of the
very latest design and of a type distinctive to Chalmers cars.
The molded full ova) fender Hoes away with tho former un
sightly beading, adding greatly to the stylish appearance of
the car and at the same time giving the utmost protection from
dirt and mud.
38 Clean Banning; Boards The running boards of the new "Six"
have been entirely cleaned off. Tool and battery boxes arn
carried beneath the front seat. Spare tires are carried at the
rear. This not only gives an exceptionally shipshape appear
ance to the car, but makes possible access through all doors
without danger of soiling the clotlungv
39 Convenient Dash Arrangement The dash of the new Chal
mer "Six" carries everything necessary for the control of the
carJ-self starter and ignition switch, electric light huttons.
speedometer, gasoline pressure pump, carburetor adjustment
valve, oil and air pressure gauges, carburetor priming valve
and dash light. All controls are so arranged that they are
easily within the reach or sight of the operator.
40 Unusually Kong Springs The new "Hix" lias springs of
unusual length and flexibility. Built of the highest grade
spring steel, these springs are exceptionally resilient and give
the greatest riding case on all conditions of road. Main leaf,
vanadium steel.
41 Underslnng Bsar Springs The rear springs are hung be
neath the rear axle, instead of being perched on top of the axle
as In most cars. This construction practically doubles the
range of spring action and insures the quickest recovery from
road Jolts.
43 Bosch Ignition The new Chalmers "Six" is supplied with
a single system high tension Bosch magneto. This is the
simplest ignition system built. There are only eight wires in
the entire ignition system.
43 Wo Automatlo Electric Devices The conspicuous absence of
wiring is one of the chief characteristics of the Model 1'4. The
ignition system has only eight wires, and the starting and
lighting system have as few in proportion. There are abso
lutely no automatic devices, cutouts, or transformers In the
Chalmers system.
44 Timken Bearings Throughout Banning Clear Timken tap
ered roller bearings are used throughout the rear axle and In
' all hubs. These are the highest grade bearings made, and in-
Bure the smoothest running qualities.
46 Bon-Battling Tire Carrier An absolutely non-rattliflg and
self-locking tire carrier is suspended at the rear of the tonneau.
This tire carrier operates on the ame principle as a demount
able rim and holds the spare tire and rim rigidly In place.
Holds two tires.
46 &arare Wheels and Tires Wheels and tires are of exception
al sise. Wheels are full 36 Inches in diameter and are equipped
with 36-Inch by 4H-lnch tires.
47 Extra Beavy Wheels Wheels are of genuine artillery type,
built of the best second growth hickory. Spokes are 1 Inches
In diameter. All spokes are bolted to hub flanges. Rear
wheel spokes are in addition bolted to brake drums. Wire
wheels optional.
48 Demountable Bims Continental demountable rims are sup
plied as regular equipment. One extra rim.
49 Flange Driven Bear Wheels Rear wheels are positive flange
drive, flanges being bolted directly to the wheel hubs. Jo
chance for rattle or lost motion.
50 Wiokel-tteel Drive Shaft with Two Universal Joints The
Chalmers drive shaft Is of exceptional size and weight. It car
ries two full size universal joints.
61 Integral Special-steel Cam Shafts Chalmers cam shafts are
drop forged from a solid piece of special-steel. The cams are
so designed as to give in unusually large lift without noise.
The new Chalmers design roller valve lifters operate silently
and through their construction eliminate wear.
68 Bew Type Torque Arm The new Chalmers "Six" has an
extra heavy pressed Bteel torque arm of a new design. It Is
absolutely non-rattling, at the same time allowing maximum
resiliency under road strains.
53 Extra large Brakes The brakes of the new Chalmers "Six''
are of unusual slsse. The two Bets are located on the rear
hubs. Service brakes are KHs Inches In diameter with a
Inch face; the emergency brakes are 16 Inches In diameter with
a 2-lnch face. Both sets of brakes are lined with heat-proof
asbestos composition. They are quick-adjusting, self-equallz-Ing
and double-acting.
54 Bain Vision and Ventilating Windshield The windshield
of the new Chalmers "Six" is a genuine rain vision type. It
is adjustable to every desirable position while driving. It can
be arranged to ventilate the car without losing Its efficiency
as a windshield. This new windshield Is built into the dash
and is fastened absolutely without stay rods.
65 Warner Speedometer All types of the new "Six" are
equipped with a special design Warner speedometer. The
speedometer face is flush with the cowl of the dash. It is
large and easily read. The well known reputation of Warner
instruments assures its serviceability.
56 Silent and Invisible Speedometer Drive The Model 24 Is
equipped with a new type speedometer drive concealed In the
hub of the right Jfront wheel. This drive Is positively accurate
and absolutely silent. Being entirely concealed, there are no
gears to accumulate dust and dirt.
57 Chalmert-Made Bilk Mohair Top The new "Six" is equipped
with a genuine silk mohair top made In Chalmers shops. Each
top Is fitted to the car which carries It. There are no better
made or better fitting tops than those on Chalmers cars.
68 Collins Quick-Acting Curtains All open cars are equipped
with Collins patented quick-acting curtains. These storm cur
tains can be adjusted to give full protection in three Or four
minutes. When not In use they are carried tn the ton of the
car out of the way of driver and passengers. A special com
partment has been provided for the front curtains, assuring
that they will not interfere with the normal headroom of the
59 Acoesi to Driving Compartment from Either- Side The
Chalmers design left hand drive gives ready access to both front
seats from either the right or left side of the car. It Is un
necessary to climb around the steering wheel or over the con
trol levers. The location of the emergency brake and gear
shift levers Is such that a robe can be used In the front of the
car without in any way Interfering with the control.
BO Baw Design Magneto Adjustment The new Chalmers "Six"
has a new type magneto adjustment the simplest In use for
changing the magneto timing. This adjustment Is conveniently
located and easily operated. .
61 Exelusive Design Combination Beadllgbts The Model "i
has combination- headlights of an entirely new design. The
lamps carry two sizes of electric light globes 24-candlepower
globes with reflectors, for country driving, and small globes
for city driving. The customary side lights have been entirely
abolished, giving instead a small light which complies with
all city ordinances and at the same time illuminate,, the street
ahead In a practical way. These headlights are a part of a
high powered, full electric lighting system, current being sup
plied direct to each lamp from the storage battery of the start-
lng system,
88 Accommodation for Eleotrlo Trouble Lamp In addition to
. the regular lights of the car, accommodation is provided for an
electric trouble lamp, cigar lighter or other electrical device.
63 Improved Muffler The new design muffler effectually
silences the explosion of the motor but at the same time does
' . not reduce .the power. This muffler Is one of exceptional
94 Dash Adjustment and Dash Primer for Carburetor The Ray.
field carburetor Is controlled entirely from the driving seat.
On the cowl of the dash Is an edjustment for lean or rich
88 -Easy Steering The steering wheel nf the new "Six" is full
19 Inches In diameter. The gear Itself Is of the worm and
full gear type, giving the greatest amount of leverage to the
wheels. The front axle and steering spindle construction is
of new design. Both front wheels toe in slightly, giving the
minimum amount of friction between the roadway and the tire.
86 Accessibility of All Iubrioetlng points All grease oupa and
ming points on me Moaei are reaauy accessible. Tne motor
nc ttolnta
has , lafge breather pipe and oil funnel. Clutch Is self-lubri
cating, spring hangers, axlos, drive shafts and all other points
requiring lubrication carry large grease cups, all easy to reach.
67 Simple Construction Throughout Simplicity Ja. In faetons
of the chief characteristics of the new Chalmers ' Six." The
entire mechanism Is accessible and easily understood.- The
attention.. -required from the operator is or the simplest kind.
All adJQatments are easily but seldom required.
68 Equal Distribution of Weight Through the new design
placing the weight of spare tire and gasoline at tbe rear, tne
total weight of the car has been equally distributed over the
chassis. The result is a car which hangs well to tbe road,
without the customary annoying aide-sway.
B9 Positively Bon-slipping Fan Belt The fan belt of the new
"Six" is 1 inches in width, made of exceptionally heavy
leather. It is absolutely non-slipping and of such strength as
to &uurantee against breakage
70 -Combination Tail and License Lamp One distinctive feature
of refinement is a new design combination tail and license
lamp. This lamp Is so arranged that it shows a large red light
at the rear of the car, but throws a white light on the license
which is carried Immediately beneath. This design rear light
is the one niot-t approved by all city ordinances.
71 Bear Spring Bumpers and Rebound Straps In addition to
having underulung rear springs, easy riding is further Insured
by the use of heavy rebound straps. After passing a bump in
the road, the new "Six" recovers almost instantly, eliminating
much of the usual annoying jolting.
73 No Windshield Stay Bods The new fastening of the
Chalmers windshield eliminates the customary stay rods. The
windshield is built directly into the cowl of the dash. It is
absolutely rigid and non-rattling. A feature of the new con
struction is a convenient handle on the side of the windshield,
making access to the front seats easy.
73 Rigid Steering Column The steering column of the Model
L'4 is fully enclosed. Its perfect rigidity is further insured by
a heavy brace fastened to the cowl of the dash. With this con
struction the customary vibration of the steering column is
74 long .Wheel Base The wheel base of the new "Six" is 132
Inches. This Insures easiest possible riding over road in
equalities. Nor has the wheel base been so greatly lengthened
as to make turning difficult. The new steering gear construc
tion enables the operator to turn his car in an unusually small
76 Hyatt Boiler Bearing's in Transmission Chalmers trans
mission is supplied with special Hyatt flexible roller bearings.
These bearings make gear operation smooth and noiseless.
They also insure the longest possible wear.
76 Seats Pitched Backward for Biding Ease Both front and
rear seats are constructed with a slight backward pitch so
that driver and passengers sit in a perfectly natural and com
fortable position.
77 Unusual Rigidity Combined vrtth light Weight Riding in
the new "SlxT for the first timL one is instantly impressed
with the absence of vibration throughout the car. The entire
car is exceptionally rigid, secured through the use of heavy
wheels, heavy frame, and long wide springs. At the same time
the construction is of extraordinarily light weight. This is
made possible by the use of highest grade steels throughout
the car.
78 Unusual Pulling Power Not only is there an absence of
vibration, but there is a sense of wonderful power. In deep
sand or mud or on the steepest hills the Model 24 motor pulls
steadily and without Jumps or Jerks.
79 Every Part Tested Under All Conditions This feeling of
solidity and comfortable Bense of safety in the new "Six" has
been secured through the most rigid tests of every part used
In tne car. Experimental models of the new "Six have been
on the road in all parts of the country for two years. They
were given the severest tests by our own engineers before ths
car- was put on tha market.. " "
BO Built Complete in Chalmers Shops The new Six ia built
complete in Chalmers shops. We are not dependent on spe
cialty manufacturers. Kvery purt built by Chalmers experts
under rigid Chalmers Inspection. This method of manufactur
ing is owner's guarantee of satisfaction throughout the Ufa
of the car.
Bl Interchangeable Bodies All body types of the new "Six" are
interchangeable. Bodies may be changed on the chassis of the
new "Six" without any chassis adjustment This enables an
owner to have two or more types of cars at comparatively lit
tle cost.
83 First Grade Genuine leather All bodies are upholstered
with No. 1 grade genuine leather. This gives an interior finish
of exceptional richness and durability. ,
B3 -Leather Lined Bodies All bodies are leather lined through
out. No highly polished surfaces to scratch.
84 Extra Roomy Bodies Roominess Is one of the principal
characteristics of the Model 24 body types. There is unusual
width and depth to all seats. The bodies are equipped with
. HnHcloim Dockets and convenient foot rests.
85 Unusual Leg Boom in Front The roominess of the driving
compartment Is noteworthy. Without giving an ungainly ap
pearance to the car, unusual leg room has been provided so that
driver and passenger ride In the most comfortaole positions.
86 All Metal Bodies All bodies are built of metal, giving a par
ticularly smooth appearance to the exterior and unusual
strength to the bodies themselves.
87 Streamline Bodies The bodies are of the genuine streamline
type. There are no sharp angles. The tonneaus are genuine
bell-backed. The dash Is built integral with the body and has
a long graceful cowl. The straight line effect has been re
tained without freakishness.
B8 Luxurious Upholstery The upholstery of the new "Six" is
designed to give the greatest riding comfort. The cushions are
soft and the springs are flexible. At the same time all up
holstery is so designed that it will permanently retain its
original shape and will not be pounded hard by constant usage.
B9 Side Doors The doors of the new "Six" are of a Chalmers
' patented design. They are unusually wide, making access to
both front and rear compurtments as easy as possible. The
new doors are designed without the customary moldings which
mar the smooth surface of a car.
90 Invisible Door BUngss The door hinges are entirely con
ceMled on the new "Six." Either with doors open or closed the
hinges do not appear. The door locks are conveniently ar
ranged in the top of the doors and are equally accessible from
the Inside or outside of the oar.
91 Adjustable Door Bumpers to Prevent Battling All doors are
provided with an easily adjusted rubber bumper to take up any
motion in the door. Even when driving on the roughest roads,
this niimper may ne aujuiu wuayiuiciy iu fjicvcm. riiiing.
B3 Leather Finish Strip on Doors Finish strips on both front
and rear doors are covered with leather. This gives a uni
form finish to the entire car and eliminates the usual marred
appearance after car has been Ins service. Chalmers door are
built to look well even after hard usage.
93 Cork Linoleum Carpet en Banning Boards and Front Floor
Boards The running boards and front floor boards are cov
ered with an extra heavy battleship cork linoleum. This is the
best wearing covering procurable. The tonneau. has heavy
carpet to match finish of car. ,
94 Best Quality of Finish The exterior finish of the new "Six
is of the very highest quality. All bodies are finished with 21
coats of lead, paint and varnish. The colors are deep, rich and
long wearing. Fenders, motor bonnets and radiators receive
four coats of baked-on enamel. Entire chassis is painstakingly
and durably finished. Even the cylinder castings are enameled
to give a clean appearance to the motor. .
95 All Blckel Trimmings All hardware on the ear Is nickel '
plated. The best grade nickel trimmings are used throughout.
98 Non-rattling Bonnet Locks The bonnet locks on the Modl
24 are of a new design, easily operated and absolutely non
rattling. Hold firmly, can be released instantly.
97 Conoealed Electric Born A deep toned electric vibrator horn
Is concealed beneath the motor oonnet. The button of this
horn Is located In the left hand front door and may be operated
without removing the hand from the steering wheel. -
98 Front and Bear Lloenss Brockets Front and rear license
brackets are provided as regular equipment on. all models.
These brackets hold the license rigidly in place and comply
with the requirements in all cities. ,
99 Looking Device to Prevent Theft The switch controlling
the starting system and Ignition is equipped wrrh a Orbit i
lock, enabling the driver to lock hla, car against intruder
whenever it Is left standing. . ,' .
100 Details of Refinement Special top construction to prevent
wind or ratn coming over the windshield; large pocket and
storage compartments in tonneau ;i windshield handle for easy
entrance to driving compartment; door handles equally acces
.thin from inside or outside: speedometer may be read with
eaual ease from either front seat; daah light adjustment t
Illuminate all P'!" ' cowl: tool, box beneath front seat.
101 Price 12176, fully equipped In every detail, backed by ths
rhilmin ruarantee. ' . ' ..;-:.. . '
V l ''!'