The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1913, Page 29, Image 29

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roaisHEP boohs
I sovssKrcpnro kooha
LAJtalt-beaiitifuny " furnished " front ' TWO neat upstairs rooms, unfurnished,
room with alcove, hot and cold wa-
ter UTfroom, suitable for two. also
lngle-room. stcain. heated1, modern, pri
Vate hone, use of piano and home
rTlvlleges, reasonable, deisirable loca
ion. centrally located. Phone East 6422.
" 'ZV) housekeeping roomn, two bed
rooms, hot and cold water, electric
light, and Bitting: room upstairs, .lin
ing1 room, kitchen, pruitry snd latli
down stairs, 122.60 month, includes light
nd water; Tabor 3660.
N! furnished sleeping ' room, electric
light, bath, hot .and cold water. aJl for
- SI per month; 1042 Belmont, corner of
! 15. ISth st. on Sunnyslde car line.
connecting, wardrobe, meter for gas,
light and cooking, telephone and shower
Main free; near s-a car line. moo j,
Washington st: no children; $5 per
month Tabor 3882
jGwFlJRNISHED rooms Tight house-
keeping, nice and sightly, close in,
rath, electric lights, tteam heat, gas
for cooking, elevator, all modern con
veniences, prices reasonable; 207 M Sec-
na street.
2 FINE h'ekeeplng rooms. 2 peopl
only, no carfare, electric, gas, furnace
heat, hot water, nam. laundry, tele
phones. Choice location. 441 K. Couch
corner 7th.
fclNOLR rooms. 13.50: Jwo room suites.
16; four room flat, $12. 190 Mar
ket, near Front.
I LARGE rooms newly renovated; $8
per month. Including water; inquire
fit 808 E. 10th; ciofie in-
JtlNFURNISUED single rooms, all mod-
corner oin
ONE large well furnished H. K. room,
Gas rante. sink, electricity, bat
Married couple only, both working pre
ferred. $2.75. 690 K. Morrison. K. 6901
$8 month. Walking distance. Nle
clean front furnished housekeepln
room. Water, gas, telephone. 44 E,
7th, 8.
TWO or three completely fur
lied. bath. laundry, gas rante,
phone, large yard, walking distance.
841 TlllamooK.
$14, 118-
1 'A t I 4- T ii-rt sir llir,A enninletelv fur.
nished; 2nd flood; gas and wood stove,
pnone, varil, waiKing distance. urooKiy
car. SeTl wood 1 109. 664 K. 6th.
em. The Westminster.
ynd Madison.
.THREE nice unfurnished rooms. . all
conveniences, close in, reasonable. 267
TTolladay ave. .
4l.60 WEEK Clean, neat front room.
171 13th st
fWANTindren to caro"jorT Ad
. dress Mrs. Mary Vollmer, Forest
IB rove. Or.
GENTLEMAN with child, school age.
room and board. State tenrs.
U. SOUTHERN family of adults desire
refined gentleman to occupy a well
Bleated and nicely furnished toom; two
'windows and extra large closet, west
ide, walking distance. Good cooking.
lrlce reasonable. Phone Marshall 3897.
3 NICE large outside rooms, one of
them a corner room, close in on east
klde In a fine residence district; break
fast If desired; ladles only; phone,
Tabor S109.
THREE furnished housekeeping room
In private familv. Close In, good neigh
borhood. East 3332. 166 E. 12th st
l'OR KENT 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms; no children, $12 per month.
-16 7. a St., N. Tabor 650.
$15. ou MONTH 3 sunny, light house
keeping rooms, furnished, corner 39th
and Helmont. Phone labor ihz.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
with laundry, E. Everett st. Phono
East 6226.
TWO furnished li. k. rooms and bath,
$10 mo. Phone Sellwood 214.
TWO clean, large furnished housekeep
lng rooms. 648 E. Ankeny st.
TWO clean furnished H. K. rooms.
East Stark et
iQOD board, pleasant rooms, electric
lights, hot and cold water, upstairs,
private sitting room; $5 each per wee..
frabor 8660. ;
ItOO.YI and board for 2. close iny pri
vate family, $5 per week. 287 Cberry,
tror. Williams ave.
Ss'ICE front room and board for two
refined gentlemen, $S per week each.
pOOO E. Morrison st.
SIOOM and board for four men, Uiree
meals, in a modern home. S2B per
onth; act quick. 366 Broadway.
FOR RENT Woodstock 4 room house
V U . U W 1 . 1 U,. . U . U . . . 1 ...... . . v . ,
grapes and blackberries. Fine soil for
gardeni 100x100 all fenced. Good place
lor respectable people. J-bbS, journal.
7 ROOM house, gas. electric, furnace
with water coll; 866 East Hoyt, cor.
Zsth. East Ankeny car line: week days
phone Sellwood 176 after 6 p. m. or be-
iore io a. m.
TWO 4 room. $8.00; 2 6 room, $10.00; all
modern, 1 block from car and hard
surface. C. H. Piggott, owner, 142 2d
bl, room Z4.
116. 6 room cottage, not merely a house
but a home. One tenant 3 years. Fine
neighborhood, Tree phone. 773 Roose'
velt, near 23d. Marshall 4116.
. . ...... . ' iiu.u ,a u .. , ....... , , 1 1 u u.: i
1 block from car line, fine view of
city, furnace, fireplace, gas range, car
pets. Marshall 2698.
ICE front room and board $6 per
week, 2 in room to each; free pllone
nd bath. 326 E. 1st st. N.
iICELY furnished room tor 2, -with
board. Marshall 3990. Ill 21st et. N.
VILL board 1 or 2 children, suburban
home; mother'a care. Woodlawrn 94.
JioOAI and board, walking distance. 490
llOOM and board from $20 to 260 up. 461
Rodney ave. East 6896.
LARGE furnished H. K rooms. $10 per
month. Sleeping rooms, $5. Nice
large yarn..- Free oatn ana pnone. 193
Bt Clair st. Main 8816.
MODERN 6 room bungalow. 872 Ivy st.
Key at Day Brothers Grocery Store.
29th and Gladstone st. Phone East 2250.
FOR RENT Strictly ir.odern 7 room
house. Bleeping porch, furnace, fire-
Rlace, etc.. In Irvlngton, Chittenden &
fill, 310 Oak st.
931 Belmont, at 31st, $26; or complete
ly furnished. $30.
618-19 Board of Trade bldg.
KEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
all modern conveniences. 407 Co
inmbia st.
irWO rooms, very convenient, heat,
light, $15, walking distance; lso
uite. 2 beds. 249 13th st.
ffWO front housekeeping rooms. Fre-j
light, bath, phone. $3.00 week, 272
-ENEVIEVE, 446 Columbia; housekeep
lng & gingle rms. ; reasonable. M 7410.
SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, with
Dutch kitchen, heat, water, lights, use
Of phone, laundry, lawn, first class lo
cation. W. car from Union depot 23d,
16th st cars, walking distance to city
proper. $2.60 to $a week; rates by
S86 Vi MILL, near West Park, well furn
1 hed housekeeping rooms with a'.l
modern conveniences; easy walking dis
tance; fine location; very reasonable.
jam 4633
FOR' RENT 8 room house, newly pap
ered and painted. 660 E. Morrison
st., big yard, walking distance. Phone
East 168.
$8. UNION AVE., 1457; clean room
house, opposite Woodlawn school; 2
carllnes. Ask for Mrs. Marlow.
FOR bungalows $20 to 035. furnished
and unfurnished, on pavement, call
Tabor1 4469.
For Rent
Modern 7 room dwelling, in
splendid condition, 965 K. Morri
son St., for $35, and a beautiful
6 room lower flat on E. Morrison,
corner 18th St., for $20 per mo.
Also a completely furnished 9
room homo on Hawthorne ave.,
for $50 per month.
The Shaw-Fear Co.
Main 35. 102 4th st. A-3600.
FOK SALE Furniture and lease. 8
room house, furniture nearly new, WB.D
Butt, electrlo lle-hta. riirnacn. ton floor 1 " A aiuju.
rooms now rented for enough to puy
rent, heat and lieht Close in. walking
uisiniict. n. uitrKHin. -fu. journal. 1 r, , , .
For Rent
1 Rfk
FLRN1TUHE of ll looms. 3 room apts.. Two and thre rnnm aiuVt'mraii. nmH-
all rented, pood income, cash or will I em in every particular. Exceptionally
range terms. 826 K. Stark st. light and convenient. Commodious re-
1'UHNITURE of 6 room house for sale cpPtlon room and social hall. Automatic
cheap; rent $14; close in, east aldo; I Ple.Yal.or' Holmes disappearing bels
call Monday. 4 70 Belmont st.
FLAT lor rent, furniture for sale, 6
large, light, sunny rooms, furniture
nearly new; price $350. 406 M Broadway.
5 room cottage, full lot, convenient to
car, $12.
8 room house new unit modern, close
to car: good aleerjlns- norrh. and fire
place, $18.
7 room, west side house, $18.
6 room, strlctlv modern, close to car.
good neighborhood. $lu.
Chittenden & Neill
, 310 Oak St.
house, 966 E.
room modern
Gllsan st $20.00
room house, 1049 E. Grant st. . . 16.50
room house, 1165 Hawthorne av 25.00
of 5 room house cheap. Leaving city.
rnone Main juia.
built-in buffets, wrltlno- tUska. A renunr
and full-length mirrors. Private tele
phones. The furnished apartments are com
plete in everv detail. ,vrn to table linen
and silverware.
Jtents very reasonable. References.
For reservations call East 4824. or see
manager at building today. 10th and
Hall sts.
I '--?rW .
T A T A W A- tlTlff
cor, id ana
newest mod
COME to our office Monday, we will
tell you all about 3 carloads of high
fade Holstein cows, 6 to 8 gallons;
carloads of hiwh grade -Jersey cows;
60 head 2 to 3 year old Jorsev helfr.
em ornce springing to cair now, ueo. K. Jlokel
bldg. Fori Cow Co., 607 Commercial UJock: Alain
r e ervatlon ; 6120.
,"lc" 20 HEAD of first class milk cowa," i
Bires apply
at building.
Mar. D20.
THE store or business location you
want at the price you wish to pay.
No charge for our services. Hewitt
Rental Bureau, 622 Selling bldg. Mali
6960. .
GREAT chance for those starting bouse.
Keeping or tnose who need some new
furniture. The entire stock of Peter
Mfg. Co.. "bankrupt," has been ordered
sold Immediately, and no other sale can
compare in prices to this. Call and sea.
ex bth St., corner 1'lne.
WILL sell complete for $100, or odd
pieces separately, furnishings of S
room apartment; Includes oak dining
iUJ C0"a9' ilLEA 8ln J 'Apartment 11. Harrison Court. 6th and
22d and Glisan streets.
Walking distance.
Beautiful front 4 room furnished
apartment, with sleeping porch that can
us uacu mu year around. '
WILL pay cash rent for small equipped
farm close to transportation' in WiU
lamette valley and will consider pur
chase of same. W-807, Journal.
WANTED Furnished 5 roflm bungalow
by October 10, in Sunnyslde or Haw
thorne district; rent $25. Tel. Taber
room house. 268 McMillan st... 27.B0
0 room house. 600 First st 25.00
171 4th, bet. Morrlsqn & Yamhill Sts.
M. 6915, A-2815.
'OR RENT Modern 8 room house suit
able for 2 large families. Full cement
basement, large yard; anyone desiring to
rem a gooa nome win ao wen to see
his. House which is completely fur
nished and must be rented this weok:
will rent furnished or unfurnished. Rent
reasonable. 41 E. 26th St. '
$40 Will Rent
My new 7-room house, with beautiful
rounds. Every luxury vou can lmag-
ne. Adults only.
4 23 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
References Required.
Marshall 3162.
$18 TO $22 for 3 room apartments; all
new and modern, with illsaDORarilig
beds, gas ranges, heat, hot and cold
FOK S.l.h; Charter Oak range with wat?r laundry, storeroom, lockers,
coil, heatlnir stove, sanitary couch, nantiy and convenient to Jefferson high
iuu reet gooa runner nosr with noizle.
l.'t 1 t 0 a r v." , . . i ,n , ... ...... i 1 ..
uprlngs, new mattresses, chairs and
table, 36 sacks of potatoes. White ma-1
cnine. 135 . 87tn st. JN.
lawn mower. 1059 E. 13th St. N
FURNITURE iiefore buying second
hand goods come and see what you
can do here on new goods for cash; get
posted. William Gadsby. 1st and Wash. I
school. Location. 146H Klllingsworlli,
cor. Borthwiek Call at Ant H Phono
c-s'0 or call Blanchard & Clemson, 70
3 Selling bldg.
WANTED To rent. In 6 cent limit, a
poultrv plant with furnished house
and preferably stock. X-611, Journal.
Jersevs. 6 Guernseva. E Jeraev Tlnr.
ham, 2 Holstein. Fresh from 1 to
weeks, and some coming fresh from 1
to 3 weeks. Woodstock car to 60th ave,,
3 blocks west and 1 north. ,
A FOUNDATION herd of 16 Holstein
cowa and a registered Holstein bull
now is the chance of your life. Geo, R,
Mokel Coy Co., 607 Commercial block.
Main 81-20. '
1 CAltLOAD of fresh cows. Some fine
Jerseys. A. Helman, near Lents June.
ON long lease, modern 6 room house,
large lot, good neighborhood and
school. Must be reasonable. Hell. 305.
WANT to rent 10 op 40 acres, Improved,
close In. T-806, Journal.
SMALL farm with
L-833, Journal.
stock and tools.
Houses and Flats
For rent on the East Side.
Real Estate and Rentals.
Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
1,9.60 FOR a new 4 room bungalow,
hardwood floors, disappearing bed.
gas range, cooler, basement and attic,
porches; on corner E. 13th and Webster,
oiock norm or Aioerta car. Blanchard
Clemson. 7QZ-3 Selling bldg.
$260.00 Household furniture used one
season. Including a Majestic range, at
great eacrilice. Call 1027 ft Belmont.
MUST sell by Monday, completely fur- class in
nished five room flat Party leaving Marshall 184
cuy. btf lrmuy riace.
$40 Elegant furniture, all outside
corner rooms, outside bath, private
phone, automatic elevator, strictly first
every particular; references.
Fifth and College.
BARGAIN in hiKh grade furnishings:
Roso City Park; some terms; Tabor
FURNITURE almost new. 6 rooms and ,?'"n. cory, three and four-room fur-
contents. $225 cash. Walking dls- fJ "ei? apartments, very cheap. Also
tance. 31 E. 7th St.. N. Dacnelora apartments. Heat, water,
;.,. . ,P"neanq janitor service included.
1 a voocx C-XiLt nvwu v v I OkUVO U.O
good as new; will sell cheap. 231 Vi
HRlscy. mono Last 340.
Formerly the Wheeldon.
Corner Park and Taylor.
A BARN for rent aa garage for auto.
5 minutes' walk to postoffice. 427
Main st.
THE MANOR FARM, Petaluma, Cal.. U
an old established poultry plant, with
the reputation of having the best Rhode
Island Reds out west; last year at Cal
ifornia's leading shows we won 110
handle the best laving tVDe Black Ml-
norcas. White Leghorns and Barred '
Rocks. Only quality sent out, and a
square deal guaranteed. Eggo. chicks
and stock. Send for free 1!bI The Ma
nor Farm, Petaluma, Cal.
FOR SALE Thoroughbreds, tingle
comb Ancona roosters, Indian Runner
ducks. A rolled basket baby carriage,
rubber tires, cushions and top, cheap.
Call or write 1230 Bank st, E. St. Johns,
Or. Midway station.
For Sale
Thoroughbred R. 1. Reda. pulleta $1.
Cockerels your choice $2. 402 Dekum
SEVERAL good cheap
ranch or delivery
horses, express wag
on and harness. If
in need of a horse
come and see me. We
tell you Just what you
are Duying.
14 Union Av, cor
ner of E. Ash.
NINE room house, large garage or barn.
14 blocks from hlch school. 1 block
from fit, Francis church, next to cor.
iztn ana starK. Dr. c. E. Brown,
E. 12th st.
ROOM house, In good condition. large
yard, good light, suitable for sub-rent-
g rooms. On carllne and walking dls
nce. $35 month. 649 Gtli st Teleohone
eek days 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Main 8795.
ROOM house, gas, electricity, furnace.
toilets yard. Inquire 660 Kerby.
Furnished Houses
6 rooms, Vernon district; rent $16.03.
near Columbia Park, $18.00.
6 rooms.
Chittenden & Neill,
310 Oak Street.
room completely furnished house ex
cellent furniture, suitable for high class
rooming house, $40 month; also 3 room
furnished flat, $18. 360 Chapman, cor-
r or Mill. Marshall 4174.
FOR SALE Some good second hand Modern apartmenta in 2, 3 and' 4 room
lurniture, cheap. Phone E. 2671. I suites f.iri-i.h.H rmni.i.' r.riur
FOK SALE Good furniture, cheap. 287 baths, phones, etc.
i;ugene st. I n ine -downtown district. Out quiet.
A HOWARD coal snd wood heating THE WAYNWOOD. 109 N; 18th St. 1, 2
stove for sale. Columbia 641.
FURNITURE of 8 room house, all or
part; desirable location. Main 6961.
and 3 room furnished and unfurnished
apts., $12 to $25 per month. Main 8193.
MALEAULE range, used one winter, $30
ess man cost. t,4U5 44 vtooqsiocK. I FINE modern UDDer flat. 6 rooms and
t Lii.Mi LKii, ror saic, cneap; rooms; sleeping porcn, opposite new Multno
all rented. 268 4th St., opp. City Hall, mah club. Exceptionally nice location
waiKing qistance. inquire b-0 Salmon.
43 UNFURNISHED upper flat of 6 rooms.
gas ana electric llgnt, lurnace, 10
minutes walk from postoffice. $20.
Situated on Lucretia st., 100 feet north 611 Vt Columbia st
ot wasningion si., in an open court in
tne best residence district, within walK
lng distance': finest unfurnished apart'
ments, 2 to 6 rooms. See thein before
locating. Ratea reasonable. References.
Manager. Mar. 1513. janitor Mar. 1506.
SUNNY 6 room lower flat; modern;
rjlen.ssnt nntlnnk nn fmi? ntri-. vononf
Oct, 1st. 127 East 17th near Morrison.
Phone B-2634.
WALKING distance, west Bide. Unex-
U. S, Stables
Has Just received carload of horaea
and mares, weight 1000 to 1400 lbs.
Everything sold with Dosltlve uarantee
aa represented.
248 Front st.
Has Just received a carload of first
class horses, mares; weight 1150 to 1500;
all broke; 8 to 6 years; all guaranteed.
185V4 Madison at,, west approach Haw
thorne bridge.
The Murphy Horse & Mule Co,
Sells on commission, horses, mules, ve
hicles and harness. Auction every Mon
day and Friday, 10 a. m. 240 K. 8to,
near Hawthorne. East 6316.
IjOR SALE $165 buys team and har
ness, weieht 2600; good workers and
true to pull; will hitch and show any
prospective buyers. Call at 163 9th,
cor. Belmont, upstairs, Sunday; week
days after 4 o'clock.
JUST" arrived, carload of mares and
geldings ranging in weight from 1100
ki 1 rroin" 10 6 years old; suit
FOR SALE Black Minorcas, choice
breeding cockerels, 1160 K. Center t
Phone Sellwood 1671.
BUFF Orpington cockerels from splen
did laying stock; $2 each. Cor. 64th
and Burnslde. Tabor 44(59.
OKr-iNGTONS, males and females,
buffs, whites and blacks, going quick.
Sellwood 1230.
CHOICE B. R. cockerels, Myer strain,
75c each. Hins $1.60 each; 685 Col
umbla Blvd. Woodlawn 1762.
FOR BALK Thoroughbred Silver Span
gled Hamburg chickens. Call 1293 Vll-
iarq ave., i, jonns car.
THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock cock
erels; March hatch, both mating for
sale cheap. 675 E. 13th st.. N. C-1464.
NEARLY new Mandy Lee Incubator, 104
egg size. 17.50: 6 White Roclc lairfhor
hens, $7.6p. phone Marshall 4880.
FOR SALE 3 silo chicken houses, good
as new, cheap. 1146 E. 16th N. C-1296.
FINE location for doctor, 7 room mod
ern, all new decorations, clean, close
in, uorner rjagt gtn ftt pine. Mar. 1669.
ROSE CITY PARK, new bungalow I
block from car, 6 room and sleeping
porch. Phone Tabor 450.
A NICE 6 room' house In South Port
land, 84 "Vermont st. Rent $15. Call
406 McKay bldg.
4 ROOM house, 2 lots, barn and wood
shed. 7016 43rd ave.. Kern Park, on
Mt. Scott line. Inquire 6915 43rd ave.
ROOM cottage partly furnished, with
most of furniture, including new steel
range, fine location, very reasonable to
right party. Call before 2:30 todav 71!1
E. 11th st Sellwood car to Rhone at..
one oiocK weal.
THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sts.
Furnished 2-room apartments, $15 up.
Including steam heat, hot and cold WEST SIDE, walking distance, clean.
water in every apartment- public bath, modern, 3 and 4 room flats; city view;
electric lights, gas range, laundry room, $10 and $12. A-4105 or call at Morris'
celled view. Sleeping porch, gas:!bJ8 tor ranch, milk or laundry 'work.
fcuurniueea as represenieu.
x nn nueiier, f ront St.
range, modern five room flat, $14. 441
um. Aiarsnall 3408
all free. Take "S, 23d St., or "W" car
north. Phone Main 859.
Restaurant. 91 6th st.
DESIRABLE 3 or 4 room apartment.
furnished or unfurnished; best in city
for rent, location and arrangement; all
outside rooms, private bath, direct Pa
rent, best serv-
ments, 272 Broad-
$14, OVERLOOKING Peninsular Park,
4 rooms. 164 Atnsworth. cor. Borth
clflc phone: close In, low
ryr 1 ice. Sheffield Apartmen
.' JI,' way, corner Jefferson.
ELEGANT bungalow. East Side.
furnished: all hardwood finish. 3 flrp-
places, furnace, full basement, sleeping O.VPLKTKI.Y furnished 1 room apts..
porcn, gas, electricity; rent $4i. lief- wnn Kiicueneue, sieain neai, running
FLAT for rent, 433 Taylor St., linoleum.
range, gas range and water heater for
sale. A-7277. Reasonable.
A COOri ranch nr ritv wnt-lr
horse, true as steel; will work anv-
erences exchanged. A-4159.
FIVE and six room new bungalows,
1180 and 1187 E. Slst st. N. Phones
Main and A-1236.
RENT 5 room house and auto garage,
west side; very reasonable. M. E. Lee.
622 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT Furnished 7 room houso
with sleeping porch. Lot 75x100. Con
crete garage. Fine location, on Wil
lamette Heights. Whltmer Kelly Co.,
70 4th st.
$26 6 ROOM modern house with fur
nace. 680 E. 69th St., Rose City Park.
Tabor 2626.
ROOM an board. 130 E. 19th, Sunny
side car. near Morrison, (widow's
1 CLEAN, nicely furnished connecting
rooms, sink, gas range, pantry, closet,
heut, light, bath, phone tree. One room
$2. ' 429 Market st.
J 70 N. 16th st. Housekeeping rooms,
suitable for 2 ladles or man and wife.
P'urnace heat, walking distance from
iepot and business.
i'URNIS'HED or unfurnished, clea.i
and light, hot and cold water, bath,
telephone, steam heat, $12 . up. Mar
ema. iOKomis apts., 17th and Marshall
CLEAN housekeeping rooms close In,
reasonaoie; no children; telephone,
bath. Call afternoons. Main 8766. 247
th st.
(ONE or two H. K. and single rooms
for gentlemen, with heet, gas, hot
yater, bath, electric light, phone. 320
Montgomery, near Broadway.
ONE large front room with nice kitch
enette, one single room, and one sleep
ing room, close In, light, water and
path Included. 147 Iownsdale st.
TWO furnished flats, 2 and 3 rooms.
complete for housekeeping, for rent
Jty owner; cheap. 328 Grant.
675 MAIN lu room corner house witli
yard, two baths, furnace, handv loc;i
tlon. Rent very reasonable. Main 1940.
EAST half modern double house, 7
rooms. 662 East Main St., cy. 13th
(Hawthorne park). Phone East 4961.
MODERN newly tinted 8 room house,
sleeping porch. Richmond car. In
fjulre 919 Ellsworth, nr. 30th. Sell. 1661.
306 Spalding bldg. Main 7692
FOR RENT 5 and 6 room houses from
$18 to $22.60 a month rent. 309 Rail
way Exchange bldg. Ford & Co.
MODERN, corner, 6 room cottage 674
Taggart St., $15; key 670 Taggaft at.
Phone Marshall 4317.
LOVELY 6 room modern cottage half
block of car on 39th st. Take W W
car 10 atirn St. io. 838. pnone Sell. 1 844.
4 rooms suitably furnished, including
bath, electric light and steam heat. 301
Halsey. Call at 300 Williams ave, phone
East 3273.
FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished
hot and cold water, phone in every
room; 7 blocks fro.n 6th and Morrison
sts.. $16.50 and up. 291 Columbia sL
corner 6th.
THE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrup. 5
room unturnished apartment, witn
5 ROOM flat, large yard, at 363 16th.
cor. Mill st. $15: free water and
MODERN 3 room flat, water, garbage.
pnone. ji3. woodlawn 1953. 706 Van-
couver av.
TWO upper, 6 room flats, modern; $16.
Al. M. Harris. abZ Eugene St.. near
Union Ave.
or city
I) wnrlr
wnere, single or double; weight 1300
lbs.; a bargain for some one. Call and
see him Sunday or before 8:30 a, hi.
week days. 174 E. 47th st. Tabor 64.
IF YOU want the original Dr. Ward's
Celebrated Liniment and Stock Tonic
from Winona, Minn call at 174 E. 47th
st. Phone Tabor 64. Handled through
ngentg only, with a guarantee.
bath and all modern conveniences, tel- NEW modern 4 room flat, gas and wood lng 1100 to 1300 lbs also 3'i farm
669 Market, near j wagon and harness; horses guaranteed.
NICE young, sound pair of black Shet
land ponies cheap for cash, or will
take del. or driving horses in exchange.
14 Tn i (in ave.
FOR SALE Small gentle horse, with
buggy and harness, new in good con
dition; cheap if you take at once. Ap-
IJ'y mil i -in st. f ounn.
Great Dano puppies. 4 months old:
thoroughbred, full pedigree. See them
today. Take Oregon Electrlo to Garden
Home and ask for McCormlo or address
K-900. Journal.
FOR SALE Pedigreed Bull Terrier
puppies, out of nrtzo winners. Also
Boston Terrier puppies. Dogs boarded.
Flashlight Kennela. 3119 64th BL..H. E.
Tabor 630.
100 IMPORTED Canaries and Import-1
song birds; Panama nnd Cuban par
rots; pets of all kinds. Boyd Bird
Store. 229 Alder.
BOSTON Terrier bitches, one In whelp;
Boston Terrier, French and English
Bulldog pups. Boyd Bird Store, 229
COACH pointer and hull pups for sale.
6 mos. old. Dr. C. E. Brown, V. S.. 91
E. 12th. E-5440.
FINE pit bull puppies,
Thone C-3201. 1239 Bu
Johns cars to .Tessup st.
rrage st., St.
PITT bull terrier for sale cheap; pedi
greed stork. S25 East Stark St.
ephone. steam heat, gas, electrio light, range. Main 4079,
etc. 'lane vv car to isi ana iorinrup. Chapman.
.rnuiien ivihjii Alloo
or unfnrnlKhoH o nrt ...n i.nni,. .- o - m i iuumo ueaumuu, .i
frj.if .nj ' .. ... .. .1. .' modern conveniences; rererencea
. ' " ',-v c,uiu,., V" VU.I HUT, I.IUJ)Q ill.
FIVE room modern lower flat, $26.00.
enquire 300 Uraham ave.
Stable fot of Main, west side.
J40; snap; 1 year,
Tabop 1668.
Owner going away.
6848 Foster Road
Seven room furnished house, three
lots, all kinds of fruit; $25; will lease
for one year.
A NICE 6 room house, completely fur-
nisneo, large lot, luwn, waiKing dis
tance, sleeping porch; a snap; low rent.
can at jiu san ftajaei st., alter 1 p. m.
quired. Marshall 3669.
THE CHELTENHAM, 19th and North
rup, modern furniture, private baths
and phones, hardwood floors, new brick
bldg., refined neighborhood, it blocks
from carline.
NEW bungalow at 688 E. 43rd sL N..
completely furnis-hed, two blocks to
car, $36; lor key Inquire et 715 E. 42nd
N. or at Columbia Trust Co., 618 Board
of Trade bldg.
-huum monern nouse. rurnlshed or
unrurnished; fine neighborhood; clos
In; near Steel bridge. Reasonable. Phono
A-1469 or Main 6786.
634 Morrison. Splendid suite rooms,
large, light, airy. Well furnished.
Close In.
iiOUSEKEEPING suite $10 per month;
hot and cold water in rooms; free gas
104 11th st. near Washington.
-'WO furnished 1L K. rooms, free light,
hot and cold water, bath, phone: $12
481 West Park st,
EaRGE sunny suite of 3 room, $5
'per week; 2 rouni suite, $3; convenl
ynces. 408 Jefferson st.
1 i'WO strictly modern li. 1C rooms,
' first floor, private entrance. 892 Co
lumbla st.
jLARGB front housekeeping room, sult
able for 2 ladles or man and wife'
'reasonable. Applv 308 8d St.. Flat A '
1-ARGE f ront room suitable for busi
ness. Single roomswltli kitchenette.
168H 10th.
tlEAUTlFUL suite z rooms, electricity,
gas, heat, bath and phone. Walking
distance, near 21st st. 6BI Kearney.
FRONT suite H. K. rooms, pleasant
large, well finished, modern; reaaon-
$10 4 room house, 60x100, toilet, bath
etc. 911 E. 13th st. N. Smith
wagoner Co.
FOUR room cottage, $5,
r-eninsuiar add.; see owner,
27th st. Sunnyslde car.
ibuo roster st.
186 E.
WEST side, 7 room residence, furnace
fireplace, electricity, gas. Phone own
er. East 2722, C-1095.
iuu-iii o roum Dungaiow, lawn and rose
ouaiies: one diock rrom carline. 944
v.ieveiana nv. iaKe u car. Main 7516
GOOD 6 room house, central "location
small family; $10.60. Inquire 660
6 ROOM modern house, with garage.
"'"u, gu! no iurnace. 335 Han-
cast, pq.m. jau Monday.
$8 GOOD house, chicken house, cur
den, fruit a')'n A9 . -m
c n.V --- "t. viaJUl, Jill.
$20 MODERN 6 room bungalow, aouth
west side, Raxworthy, 301 Ankeny.
corner 6th. '
MUUliKN 5 room cottage, range, large
.mu. iiiflo r.HRi nurnsinn
$12.60, SNAP, attractive cottage
range, heater. 1215 E. Taylor. '
FOR RENT 6 room modern house. Call
Woodlawn 1827.
TWO clean, light, bright, front house-
keeping rums. 550 Tavlor st.
FURNISH El7 H. K. rooms. 192 Lowns
dale. Main 9457.
TWO and 3 strictly modern H. IvToornT
til and $15 month. f,no Id st.
i ROOM suite, newly funUshed. $15 Dei
month. 350 14th st.
IS'ICELY furnished front
$5 2 ROOM house, 65th near Rose City
car. Main 1018.
6 ROOM modern house, 84 E. 7th st N
$20 per month. "
EIGHT room house, partly furnished
Sleeping porch. 928 E. Couch E. 6163
board, suitable for two.
3 AND 3
nrst rioor. 112 snd 114 mn nun !n,i
two homelike housekeeping rooms at
106 West Park.
FOUR ho usekeeping rooms, reasonable
rem no warning Qistance. 3 26 Park.
it 00 Good 6 room house, 10th
East Couch. Phone East 2409.
NEW 6 room modern house, 772 2d at,
Apply next house. 229 Grover st.
6 ROOM cottage, with basement, $20.
-Tin 1'inuuway west.
room with
i' 11th st. I bl. room house for rent. 112
trlrtly modem H. K. roums i -4f'5.
1r,5,.ro?m cottage In good condition.
925 h. Stark st.
CLEAN modern 7
room house.
ii ix. nurnsioe.
'$I.60-$2.25 weekly; furnisheC. hous
keeping rooms; gas, steam heat.
ratn, launary. ot Commercial street! i
$1.60 week up. Clean furnished H. K
. room. Gas, heat, laundry, baths. E.
fl03. 46 Vancouver. U car.
I10--TWO furnished housekeeping
rooms, S46 E. 27th st. Take Richmond
far to 27th. 1 block foutfr,
. I.ARGE 2 room apts., modern; private
hath. 443 Hassalo. cor. E. 7th.
ll'WO furnishodl housekeeping rooms. $2
week. 8T14 William av. Call Sunday.
FIVE room house,, bath, 189 Mill, near
Irorit. $15. Key 88 N. 16th st
MODERN 7 room house, east side; close
in, low rent. Main 1755.
B ROOM cottage, central. Just tinted,
bath, ca.-i. electricity. Kev 328 Park.
MODERN new home In Irvlngton $35:
a.lnl... i.l.. a AO rr. r. . , - ' T '
.''nn nijr. jij. pin C.
HorssEX-EFiira booms
'-8IP1I PRTTATB gAiqT 74
3 AND I furnished housekeeping rooms;
. modern, near Broadway bridge. 382 E.
I at at. N. Phone East 25 N -
VETXrMrished H. K". rooms, hot and
cold water,' sink. 476 B. Burnaldej
rojm lions lawn.
quire 300 Graham ave.
7 ROOM house, ""673
distance, rent $18.
6 ROOM modern house.
u st.
Belmont, walking
i-none Ben. ih.
453 East Ever-
HANDSOME modern 7 room house In
swell neighborhood, nicely furnished;
$35 a month. Including phone, Wdln.
1392 after 1 p. m.
WILL rent completely furnished mod
ern 6 room cottage to responsible
couple. Cor. Park and Jackson. Phone
STRICTLY modern 6 room bungalow,
Oct. 1st, completely furnished; barn;
$26. Enquire 839 East Everett, Main
2 TENT houses: lry and warm, com
pletely furnished for housekeeping,
convenient to car. $7. 203 Lumber Ex
change, Sunday 2 to 4.
MODERN 7 room house completely fur
nlshed for rent or sale. 663 E. Morri
son st. Smith, 606 Board of Trade.
FOUR room furnished houBe, bath, elec
triclty. Close. East side. Inquire
412 2d.
NICE new modern 6 room house for
rent, furnished: Rma Olv VttrV-
Adults only; reference. Tel. Tabor 254 81
NEW, modern ami completely furnished
7 room house, choice location, lease
to responsible party; adults. East 6411.
FOR RENT 6 room cottage, furnished
or unfurnished. 392 Hall st, Call
between 2 and 4 p. m.
$36, FURNISHED complete, new niod
ern 7 room house, furnace. 966 Haw
thorne ave.
COMPLETELY furnished, modern 3
room house, vard: walklnc- .UntuniM.
$16; 297 Hancock st.
14th and Columbia.
Furnished 2, 3. 4 room apartmenta, all
conveniences; first class, homelike, rea
sonable ralf-H; ref. M. 7337. A-3615.
S rooms, complctviy furnished. Includ
ing bed and table linen, all outside, large
rooms, suitable for 3. See this one.
Tabor 2293.
Burch Apartments
New, modern furnished. 2 room apts.,
bath, phones, dressing room, fine loca
tion. 110 N. 21st st. Mar. 4141 W car.
IHRRIMAN Apts. 164 24th st. Two
large most desirablo 3 and 4 ronm
unfurnished apts. All modern conven
iences. References required. You should
see them.
6 ROOM upper flat, 15 blocks south
from P. O. Key 469 6th or B-2032
4 ROOM flats, 164 E. 20th st, $10. Phone
East 140S.
3 ROOM lower flat, water, woodsRed,
yarq; ,u, t74 Front st. S car.
$18.006 ROOM flat. bath, electricity,
gas, walking distance. 491 Market St.
NEW 6 room upper and lower flat, 728
and 808 V. Belmont st. Rent $18.
2 FLATS, 629 Columbus sC Phone
i ROOM modern flat; phone and heat;
192 Morris st.
mo. and up. 795 First, Gibbs.
$3 per
MODERN 5 rooms, walking distance.
Cor. E. 12th ft Clay. East 4133.
FOR SALE: 1050 lb. mare, sound and
gentle, with buggy and harness. $80
takes outfit. $60 buys 1260 lb. work
h o rse. 196 7 E. Stark st. T rial allowed.
900 lb. horse, rubber tiredbugaTnd
harness. $45. Owner has no use for
It. Call Sunday. 255 Arthur st.
LOTS to trade for team horses and
wagon; weight 1200 to 1500 lbs. Phone
East 4K4S. 148 E, 15th st.
FOU SALE Setter dog. inquire 1276
Kelly st.
WANTED Red Cocker Spaniel. U OT
Makelin, 38S Taylor Ft.
General Repair
109 Front St
FINE Studebaker covered express-delivery
wagon, almost new. Stephen-
son Co.. 23 4 Front st.
1200 lb mare, will work single or dou
ble, at your own price; also light top
delivery wagon. 1029 E. Yamhill.
If OR SALE eheap 1 full blooded Love
lace fine driver, gentle, fond and true,
1060 lbs. 7 yrs. old. 665 Kerby st
FIVE room furnished flat, hardwood
floors, tiled bath, sleeping porch, front
porch, fireplace, gas heater, furnace,
Dutch kitchen, finest location, adults.
308 Gler.n ave. Hawthorne car.
E. Stark and Grand ave,. modern fur
nished apt., private bath, private phone.
Excellent service. Always clean and
warm, summer rates. Phone East 208
431 E. Taylor. Personal
management of Mrs.
Cody-Piper, 2 and 3 rooms, modern.
rree ngni. pnone. .u to 132. 6 0.
MuK'iuX APTS., cor. King and Wash
lngton, 3 room furnished or unfur
nished apt., cheap rent, walking dls
lance. Main ius. A-5.49.
1 and 2 room II. K. eultes furnished
$Z.uo and $3.60 per week.
Steam heat. bath, laundrv. nhones.
The. Thomassen, 402 Vb 3d, cor. Harrison
NICELY furnished 3 room basement
apt., private bath and phone; price
$26. Angela Apts., 39 Trinity Place,
Dei. imn ani -uin.
BRUCE Apt. 26th and Northrup.
room apartment large. t it room.
excellent location. Phono Marshall 1428.
A-81 !.
ONE 8 room furnished house, and one
room rurnisned apartment, 104 E.
18th st Take Sunnvslde car.
FIVE roomed, modern, furnished cot
tage to reSDonslbla nartls. Cnii at q-k
E. Stark for key.
NICELY furnished 6 room cottage, $16
month, also 4 room furnished flats,
$10 month. 864 N. 26th. Marshall 4557
FURNISHED 6 room cottage, conveni
ent location in Sunnvslile
Phone Marshall 1908.
THREE rooms, closet, pantry, porches.
One block from Montavilla car Rent
$12. Apply 103 E. '.4th N.
FOR RENT 6 room well flTrnTshTTI
house, piano, furnace, full basement.
93 E. 8th N. Phone Main 6908.
FIVE 6 room furnished coftacAH fnr
rent Phone Woodlawn K?
6 ROOM house, furnished, gas ami elec-
wiciiv, nice lawn. 844 nivtsior,
The Westminster, cor. Cth and Mad
lson, 3 and 4 room unfurnished apts. All
moaern elevator service.
Park Apartments
t and 4 rooms, furnished and unfur
nished. Park and Harrison. Mar. 3970,
208 16th. near Taylor.
One handsomely furnished 5 room and
one i room unrurnisnei; apartment.
FIVE room furnished apartments, ln-
ciuaing piano auu sewing machine,
ai .io per moiiin, ai ujo unsan, cor
ncr 21st. Phono Main 374.1.
Lincoln apts., 4TH and LINCOLN.
All outside 2 room turn, apts.; low
rates; includes light, heut. private phone.
Take S or lUth st. car south.
LUZERNE upt. : best 2 room ant. In th
city; private bath und phone; brick
oiag., s nun. rrom poaioriicu; $20 to
.'.u. rtiarsnaii oi.
THE ELMS, 191 14th st. Modern 2 and
3 room furnished apts.; excellent loca
tlon. walking distance. Main 4175.
APARTMENTS, furnished or unfur-
I nished. $14 to $18, close in. 89 K.
1 zi li. i';ast nr.ib.
nuuM iunilaned cottage.
Montana ave. I, car.
Call 634
ROOM furnished house, Willamette
Heights: call mornlnr Afuin K"nn
HOUSE tor rent; 7 rooms completely
lumisnen; price $28.00. 270 R. 39th st.
t rr t 1 v. , ,
i mm 1 luiiiisueu nouse, piano, near
Jpfferson High School; phone E. 6092
6 ??'1i.hiOU8e', "Xt car 12 mo. 'FURNISHED 3 room bungaTowTl
o.c. j iiune xauor izio.
, . , , , , ""viii uuniittiuw, niv'J
- yxmyn crossing; in month. A-3642.
6 room modern cnttnirp ul,,in.
very desirable. Woodstock. Sell. 1335!
r ftr. clean 6 room cottage:
"" 0m intil, inquire U1 BL,
8 ROOM house on paved street, with
furnace, $20 ner month Ma'n 836"
room liiiiiHA fl.ti iiiiuiu.fh
i uuitm oeiiwnon lobl. ,
MODERN 8 room house, $18. Wdln. 1799.
COY small housed sink
range. Phone Sellwood 1033.
PARTLY furnished house
y; i a. vvoofllawn 819.
with good
SMALL boarding house, select business,
west side, close in. K-S69, Journal.
MODERN 5 room apartment, Willam
ette Heights; $25; 1010 Savier at, W,
Nicely furnished 3 room apts., reason
able. 494 Market. Marshall 4666.
TWO 2-room apts. nicely furnished,
light, water, gas and steum heat
Close, In, reasonable. 401 10th at
GREY GABLE 289 10th st Strictly
modern, 2 room furnished apt $20 mo.
THE OK.V10NDl Modern 6 room apart
658 Flanders. Nob HID. Main '8261.
IEFf ERSON1AN 614 Jefferson
cor. 16th, furnished. 2 and 8 room
Large 2 room apt., 895 12th.
MODERN 2 and 8 room apartments. 71
v rl,flM . ....... u
, jinnu f v r. ii'irui
2 ROOM furnished apts., $20 per month.
Harrison court, 6t and JUarrUon, i
MODERN 6 room flat newly furnished,
292 ii Margin st, two blocks south
of Broadway bridge fronting river.
Beautiful location. Must be seen to ap
preciate. $22.60.
NEW modern 4 room furnished flat;
walking distance. Main 4079. 669
Market, near Chapman
NICEVLY furnished 4 room flat on Wil
liams ave., near Broadway; phone
East 4326 or C-1120.
WANTED good horso about 1200 lbs.,
must be bargain; also fresh cow. R. 1
box 176. Oswego. Or.
Oregon Vulcanizing Works,
"The, Tiro iShop,"
550 Washington st., at 18th.
Marshall 379. We buy and
sell used tires and do
First Class Tire Repairing.
FOR SALE Garage in town of lO.OuO
and doing good business; 4 nice living
rooms; good opportunity for someone;
owner not able to attend to It ana
must sacrifice if taken at once; $4n0
puts you In possession. 602, Journal,
Vancouver. Wash.
FOR fa'ALE White
lbs. Well broke.
pony, weight
1146 E. 16tb.
A HANDSOME 1260-lb.
mare, 8 years old
makwa fine ranch mare. 14 Union ave.
wen Drea;
PONY, saddle and bridle, good all round
worker, single or double; $26; 1028
E. 80th st. N. Alberta car.
WILL sell or trade for team, 2 lots;
also 1 lot In Sacramento valley. Write
to owner, M. A. Barna, Banks. Or.
Lor" to trade for horse and wagon.
Value $100. Address Z-351, Journal.
$20.00 Nicely furnished 4 room flat. 1
walking distance. 444 Rodney; E. 4866
WANTED to buy a light single wagon;
A-734, Journal.
FOR SALF Small team, one ton camel
back; stand Third and Madison.
$40 takes 1200 lb. horse; works single
or double 839 E. 30th st. W. W. car.
HOTEL PORTLAND European plan,
onlv: tl RO nrt up.
Apply to Business Office
Of The Journal.
FOR SALI2 Fine eastern made buggy.
401 Stock Exchange bldg.
Equity at cash value to trade for
1912 or 1913 Al car. Main 1264.
620 Henry bldi.
AUTOMOBILE tires, ilres. tires. $J.OO
to $20.00 each, we also have a large
stock of new tires and automobile ac
cessories at cut rate prices, mall orders
promptly and carefully filled. Paciflo
Tire & Supply Co.. 32K-330 Burnslde at
SMALL auto trade for clear lot or sell
on terms; will take diamond as part
payment; machine is 4 passenger, or
can take off rear scat for delivery.
E-639. Journal.
STORAGE, fireproof building; drained
cars; $3 per mo. in and out; $5 pr
mo. gasoline and oil. All repair work
fruaranteed. Belmont Garage, 23rd and
WILL exchange a nice 7 passenger car.
In perfect condition, for a smaller enr
or wAl sell very reasonable. Phone Ta
bor 3109 Sunday or Main 7491 weok days.
Written guar
antee with
-OR SALE, bargain, span young Bel- f N 16tn st
umn mnr-fH' rii nn ann a M r. . r l
.! ' ' li. " 1 rtitn, ,.,...., 1 . CnliimVii,. pt.
phaeton in first class condition; casn
$90 TEAM. 2300, double harness, gooi
workers; trial. 426 East Yamhill.
f26 llCE large fat pony, rides and
drives. 426 E. Yamhill.
DANDY rubber tired buggy; fine con-
dltlon. Wdln 2897.
FOR RENT Good location, reasonable
TWO Jerseys, family cows, fresh, 1
big Holstein, 1 Jersey and Holstein
fl gallon cow. 1 Durham. Thes cows r
all fresh and big milkers. Bruce Com. i A I ITfl QPRIMflQ
Co., Union Stock Yards. Phone 2600. I AU I U OrnilNUO
or trade; a big bargain.
4655 or A-2550.
Phone Main
HAVE 6 year sales contract covering
U. S. on patented article. $200 stock
on hand. Trade for automobile or real
estate. 431 Lumber Exchange bigs.
ALTHOUGH Mr. A. B. Leve Is east we
are still doing business. Phone us.
Will buy what you have. J. Leve, 186
Columbia. Main B198.
rem; 4 stores, one has a fine bakii FIVE head extra fancv aood a-rHrl--Ter-oven
and all baker's appliances, shelves, Bey cows- Income $1M
counters, ahowcasea, delivery wagonr: artnWipww. 'fleo. R MokerCow
. ?. goo0dVbakeear'hIn8are. , Commercial blk. Mafnf.r"
Frank Lange,
24 Salmon. Main 181.
Division at.
WE now have a complete list of all
breeds of dairy cowa and helfera. Call
piurerouin wun all tn0 neces-! n,i ,, n r Mob.i - r- -m
eary flxt-ures complete for grocery Commercial block. Main 6120.
nd confectionery; with modern K room ' -
furnished flat above, all outside rotnn ; r INK Jersey cow will be fresh within
Near Jefferson high school. 996 Com- w!.eK?; 4 or 5 gal. milk a day. $75,
l'OR RENT 2 good stores on Russell
street suitable for grocery, restau
rant hardware or olumbinir. t2o nr
uiujiwi. j jioiit) -i j,
EarGE blacksmith shop for rent; loca
tion for good business; $12 per mo.
Good location for automobile repair
shop. 4618 67th wt phone Tabor 2178
BRICK warehouse In South Portland for
rent, iracaage. light and alrv. On
paved street, reasonable. Journal Pub
llshlng Co.. Broadway and Yamhill.
NEW store building, 8 modern living
rooms, fine location for meat market
grocery and confectionery. $15. Phone
store room at Sellwood, well located.
Kent iis.BU. can 4U McKay bldg,
Wm. E. Sorensen, 7 miles E. of Port-
latid, section Line road.
2 GOOD fresh milk cows for sale
chtap If taken at once. Will take beef
cows In exchange. Health certificate.
95 E. 3 S-S car.
i'OR SALE Six fine cows and 1 horse,
1383 E. Irving and 49th. Montavilla
ONE large No. 1 fresh cow, 4 will be
fresh in few days; all young. Come
quick, 794 Tacoma ave. Sell. 2041.
FOR SALE Milk goat and harness
cheap; is broke to drive. Phone B-8282.
CLASSY Flanders 20, roadster, bargain,
$390 cash, fully equipped. Main 9451.
Evenings. ;
FLANDERS 20 roadster, in fine condi
tlon. Snap for some one. Phone Ta-
bor 651.
AUTO trips to Salem Fair; will take
parties of six nt reasonable rates.
Phone Sellwood 1439.
AM unable to k'-ep up my late model
Studebaker "20; will exchange for
suitable lot. Sellwood 75.
FOR SALE Cheap, a 6 cylinder 7 pas
senger ear, or will trado for real ea-
tate. K-396, Journal. ,
7 passenger Peerless, fine condition, for
smaller car or property. E-638, Jour
nal. WILL sell new "1914 Roadster 44 IL pr,
or will trade for good lot. D-556,
Journal. ,
DESK room with use of desk if desired.
603 Board of Trade. A-6070, Main
JEWELER To rent apace, $16, fine lo-
tniiwii, 1 wiiiaiiuuij. iiiuirQ xwoni
A 14n 1
$16 STORE, living rooms bath, hard4
sunace sireei. at .omuar St. Johns
car. . ,
STORE with 6 living roonia In good
location: 125: Main 8785.
DlESK apace to let 809 Ry. Ex. Fori
DESK or desk room with phone In n lea
-gub oxuoe, eve- xtauway ruxen. Diug.
FOR SALE Full blooded Duroc Jersey
pigs, male and female. W. E. Hllller.
Aloha, Or. .
2 HIGH grade Durham heifers, includ
fng calvea, $66. Call forenoons or
eveng, 69 e. Z2d, near stark,
FOR SALE 6 brood sows and one
Duroo registered boar. See owner.
D. H., box 26, Jennings Lodge, Or.
SIX fresh cowa, mostly all heavy rich
milkers; prices $G0 and up. 1480 Ma.
endnm et. Fulton car. Idaho at.
TWO extra good calves.
Home phone C-1533. ,
269 Bain St.
FOR SALE 6 milch goats. Write or
can i nas K Kariw, canhv. Or , box p2.
12 HEAD of cows, 2 fresh and others
fresh woon. at $64 per hesd. B-2656.
GOOD fresh row for sale. 1694 Division
at, near COth, Hawthorn carline.
BUICK -Model 10.
bargains at $250.
touring car,
1st Bt.
HAVE your auto repaired by experts.
FUNK AUTO CO.. 14th and Couch.
Auto trimmings "lnted and enameled
WANTED to buy small auto delivery.
BARGAINS in"alightly used tires; vul
ca nlzlng. 26c; repairing. 207 Madison. '
FIVE passenger Cnalmera for hire. $1.60
per hour with driver. Main .2725.
A '13 model touring car, 60 H., P. A
bar gal n at $1600. Tabor 2906.
FOR SALE LlBhffoadsfei-; cheap.'
lit! Hawthorne. Tnhor'4343,
WILL exchange vacant lots for late'
model 5 paws, 'auto. Marahall 2482
WOUTiD like to buy a 191rive paas. :
Cadillac auto for cash. H-540, Journal, "
V ANTED $600 lot on east side for aui
to aama value., 336 K. 83d. Tabor 1X74.