The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 28, 1913, Page 26, Image 26

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Always Reads Journal Want Ads" Before she buys, rents or sells. The Journal being Portland's
: ,., -v,. ..-, . . . home paper? gives you the opportunity to place your ad be-
fore the larQeSt nUmher Of the WlSe ClaSS Some one wants what you have. Write out an ad and bring it to the office, or phone Main
7173 or AmSOSl . .
Sell for $325 Worth $500
FINE view Iota at Garden Home, on
Oregon Electric, 66x117. only (325; $10
dawn, f 5-month. Water, electric lights,
phones. Close to school and' stores: 6
minutes from station; 7o commutation
fare. Come out Sunday or Monday; get
off at Garden Home and ask for Mo
Cormlc, owner, or address K-900, Journal.
100x200, with fine orchard, on Wood
Btock ridge, overlooking Reed Insti
tute and the city. Forced to sell in order
to realize some casn. see me at biz
Piatt bldg. No reasonable offer will be
SNAP, lot 25x100. on 80th st. Irvlngton
fark. l block from car, u-639, Journal,
60x100, BEAUMONT, sacrifice. Address
owner i'. u. dox iu.
Acreage for Sale
2 acre tract in Beaver Acres,
lying 480 feet from the Base
Line road and 400 feet from the
Mt. Hood Klectrlo road; worth
$1600. Price $1060. (3)
Beautiful V aero tracts on
Base Line road and close to
electric car; all under cultiva
tion; price $600 to $800 each;
terms 10 per cent down and 2
per cant and Interest per month.
702-8-4 Couch, bldg.
FOR SALE at a bargain 20 acres of
improved land 9 miles from Vancou
ver on Northern Paclfio railroad, mile
to station and store, 1 mile to graded
school, near two churches, rural deliv
ery, pnone ana cream route: io acres in
clover, 6 acres seeded to timothy this
spring, 6 room house, barn and out
buildings, wire chicken yard, young
family orchard, small try L fenced and
cross-fenced, splendid soil, adapted to
hay, grain and fruit; no gravel. Terms,
no gravel, lerms,
Vancouver, Wash,
j. m. Auprey, noute z,
1 4i acres, all cultivated, good four
room bouse, new barn and other build
ings, well. This property lies right at
electric station and on main county
road, 85 minutes ride from center of
city. This must be sold at once. Owner
will take city lot If you have some
cash. See
110 Gerlinger bldg. 2nd and 'Alder its.
Quarter Acre at Oswego
$25 down and $10 a month; water
piped to each: electric Hunts, near sta
tion, moderate restrictions; $0 minute
ride from Jefferson street; boating,
fishing, bathing.
210 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder Sts.
40 acres of first-class bottom land
fronting on the Willamette river, 20
minutes out of Salem on Oregon Elec;
almost all In a high state of cultiva
tion. $165 per acre. Terms, nothing
down; a small payment the 4th year,
4 annual payments thereafter. 6 per
cent. To Improve the property in some
substantial way is our only requirement.
618-19 Board of Trade building.
QUARTER acres at Multnomah Station,
' on the Oregon Eleotrlo, sightly, wood
ed property' 20 minutes out; streets
cleared, walks built and Bull Run water
piped to every lot; $450 and up, 10 per
cent cash and bnlance in payments of
$10 per month. This is the last oppor
tunity to get such close in property at
these prices. The Western Sec. Co., 512
Plntt bldg. Agent also at Multnomah
' 2 Acres; Tigard
Only $625
Vine soil, county road In front; only
8 miles to city limits; $65 cash, easy
payments on balance; cheapest acreage
around Tigard.
210 Gerlinger bldg. 2d and Alderstft
Almost an acre, with 6 room modern
house, great variety of fruit In bearing,
lawn, roses, etc., chicken houses and
runs: near 5 cent carllne; $2500 will han
dle. Might consider exchange for larger
house In Southeaut Portland. Y-436,
FOR $1150 CASH
H acre, with 4 room house, variety of
berries and trees, close to school and
Call Main 1741.
Right at Station
One acre, only 28 minutes from center
of elty; fine view; nice grove of trees:
telephone, water and electricity; must
be seen to be appreciated; will sell for
small first payment B-691. Journal.
20 ACRES first class land, new house,
spring, small creek, will raise 50 per
cent more loganberries nnd grass than
the dried up Willamette valley. Near
Astoria, near Columbia river route. Will
make a fine home. $1800. a few hundred
down, the rest easy terms, 872 Yale st
1.16 ACRHS only 20 minutes out on 5
cent carfare, with nifty little bunga
low, barn and chicken house. Only
$2260. On terms to suit you. Owner is
my client and has left Oregon. See at
torney. 612 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and
Washington. .
6 ACRES On Oregon Electric, beautl
ful level land ready for the plow. A
few giant oaks. Will sell for $275 per
acre You can't beat It. Adjoining land
held' at $600 per acre. You name the
terms. Anything reasonable will be ac
cepted. See me at 612 Piatt bldg;
Improved Acreage Snap
4 acres In orchard, berries, chickens,
etc.: good, new house, near city. Price
$1860, on easy terms. This Is a snap.
Close to Portland. 602 Couch bldg.
4S0 acres Klickitat grazing and fruit
land on the timber side; finest for ap
ples, grapes, berries; running water and
spring; easy terms; or what nave you to
trade? 185 West Park; or A-7219.
815 TO $ou PER ACRE.
6 to 2d acre tracts, good soil, road to
very tract, new school, 3 miles to Co
lumbia river and rnilwav station. IV
hours (rora Portland; easy terms. 215
Lumber Ex. bldg., cor. 2d and Stark sts.
10 acres enpecially adapted for prunes:
all cleared and rady to set. Only
$1000, $280 cash, balance 1, 2 end 8
years. 6 per cent interest. For lnforma
tlon, F. M. Shaver, 899 E. 39th.
40 ACRES two miles from Mist, half
cleared, have paid in $1100, have $900
to pay next 10 montns, no interest. Hell
contract for half price for cash. T-816,
TWO acres for sale at Glllls station,
14 miles from city, bargain; .$76 cash
or terms; $160 paid on them; owner
forced to sacrifice through sickness; a
snap Investment. P-460. Journal.
Acre tract near carllne. rich alluvial
soil, free from gravel. Will soil at orlg-
lnal price, iiuuo, terma. h-655, journal,
10 ACRES FOR $600.
Good land for small farm close to
Portland. Easy terms. Guaranteed
description on request. P-860, Journal.
,6 ACRES of Powell valley soil; trees,
living water, close in, 4 blocks from
station on electrlo line. . Price $1900.
Make your own terms. R-461, Journal.
$5 per month .handles chicken ranch
close to city. 6tyc far.
A. C. Mar
sters. 202 Wilcox bldg.
s, 202 Wllcog bids
FOR SALE One acre at Mettger by
w juunn. van at Atlantic st.
on Bt. Johns line.
MUST sell acre and 4 room house, fruits.
Call B-6 ill, then ask for 2826.
1750 BUl'S one acre close In, on electric
line, Terms to suit.
S-821, Journal.
10 Acres, $300 .
$6 Cash, $6 Per Month
20 Acres, $600
$12 Cash, $12 Per Month
$1.00 fare from Portland.
miles from a village.
AH Plow Land,
Roads, neighbors, schools, telephone,
f ertile sou, no rocks or gravel.
Some tracts on a trout creek.
A spring on many.
40 Acres, $1000
$20 Cash, $20 Per Month
2 miles from the same .village.
Across the road from a school.
Crossed by a large trout creek.
70 Acres, $1000
Half cash, long time on balance.
Fred F, Huntress,
400 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark.
4 acres at $65 an acre. All tillable
and easily cleared. Near county road
ana n. it. station.
6 acres for $650. Fine bottom land.
On good gravel road. Fine trout stream
through land. No wast land, only
mile from station.
18 H acres rolling land, 2 acres partly
cleared, 6 acres nearly level. Only $40
u acre.
9V4 acres bench land at $50 an acre.
The soil of these tracts cannot be ex
Railroad and water - transportation.
Good growing community. Terms so
reasonable anyone can buy.
$18 Chamber of Commerce.
The best opportunity to buy rloh
land at the remarkable low pries of
$16 to $30 per acre and easy terms, of-.
rers toaay me ukaxs harbor dis
trict with ABERDEEN and HOQUIAM,
two of the most ramdlv e-rowinir cities
on tne faoino coast, with three trans
continental railroads, a splendid, deep
water harbor and theslararest lumber in.
dustry in the world. The land is located
within a radius of five to 12 miles
from Aberdeen, where labor conditions
are moEt favorable, and Is well watered,
free from rocks and accessible by good
roaxis. uver iuo sauariea settlers live
on the land now. Avoid -dHay and
buy NOW. For further Information
write at once to Washington State Col
onization Co., Aberdeen, Wash.
Buys 6 acres of logged off land. Three
quarters of a mile from center of town
of 1000 population, also cannery and
creamery. Three quarters of a mile
from railroad station on main Una be
tween Portland and Astoria. This land
Is free from rocks and a ravel. Ilea level
and will not overflow. Ideal for chick
en raising, dairying, and small fruits.
Will grow anything that can be raised
In western Oregon. From some of these
tracts you have a beautiful view of the
Columbia river. 400 acres from which to
choose. Perfect title and warranty deed.
211 Railway Exchange Bldg., 2d floor.
netween a and 4tn on Siark.
6 miles from Courthouse on
South West Side: good rioh soli;
some tracts all cleared and under
cultivation and some stump land;
prices $325 to $450 per acre.
Lot us show you this property.
Phone Main 1800 or A-6261.
2nd Floor Selling bldg.
Cor. 6th and Alder.
5 and 10 Acre Tracts
Best of soil with running water.
2H miles from station, 6c car
fare, 9 miles from Portland, fine
crushed rock road. $175 to $200
per acre; small cash payment and
the balance like rent.
The Shaw-Fear Co,
Main 35. 102 4th st A-3500
Back to the Farm
6 acres, all good tillable land. 400
feet of electric carllne. About 2H acres
In cultivation. Balance easily eleart-d.
Good 6 room house, when completed,
barn and other outbuildings. Fruit
trees In nice shape, good well of Wa
ter. $850 cash, balance, for 15 venrs
at 6 per cent Interest. Here Is a chance
ui your nictime.
G. S. Smith & Co.
432 Chamber of Commerce.
With bath and toilet 3 bedrooms with
closets, furniture 2H dozen chickens,
14 acres of choice soil, 60 fine fruit
trees, all kinds of small fruit, fine well
of water,, chicken house, woodshed and
other buildings. M mile from Oregon
CltV OAF. k U. Mnt f,ra In In,ll.J,
$2600 will buy this fine place; $50oM
1'U.BU, utiiance lO BUlt
Office oposlte station. Mllwaukle.
5 and 10 Acres Cheap
820 1 II to 45 Tl oA ,,r, tn.m.
Traots of 6 acres or more; deep, red
shot soil, well watered; easily cleared;
Ideal for general farming, fruit. Vege
tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo
cated nn countv rnari rinsa ti,. ,
on It. R. and river, near Portland. Own
ers. im j,ewis Diag., 4111 and Oak sts.
Main 8078. Evenings East 394.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land; Uresham district. EstilCHrla linn
electric station J4 mile. New aubdl
vlsion, Sunshine Valley orchard tracts;
best soil, free wood; elegant location.
Prices only $76 to $160 per acre in small
Irank Mel-arland Realty Co., 309 Yeon
uhik, j-Til ana, jr.
6 acres on corner, facing city, Vi mile
from Hlllsboro high school, rock road,
black loam soli, R. F. D., telephone, 8
room house, in beautiful grove of old
oaks, some fruit, modern poultry houses.
Price $3800. part cash, bal. long time;
will trade for good business. W. C. Hud
son, ninsooro. ,;r.
iO ACRES fine farm land, 10 acres in
cultivation; 12 miles from Portland,
1 mile from R. R.. 2 miles to electrlo
lino; level, well watered by two nover
inning creeKs; no incumbrance; from
$160 to $360 per acre in 10 acre tracts;
for sale or trade: Clarke county. Wash.
East C376. 292 Tillamook st.
RIGHT near the depot and depot hotels,
for your special convenience we have
opened a branch -office at 63 H N. 6th,
near Davis. Free Information on Ore
gon. You are particularly Invited to
call and get acquainted with conditions.
Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Co.
email or large tracts on easy terma,
Good soli, city water, close to car line,
easy terms; will build to suit purchaser.
Phone Marshall 1585, or Sellwood 476.
Jno. H. Qlbson, owner.
Near Sandy Road
JA acre, large spring stream and beau
tiful shade trees, in center of large
platted tract. With water piped to each
lot; H mile io electrlo line: Price $600.
Terms. S. P. Osborn, 608 McKay bldg.
WANT 18 to 26. acres within 10 miles
- gui oi jroruana ceurtnouse, anywhere
between Powell valley and Sandy roads,
for cash. Nn mnie rr -,aV.i r.. n
must be reasonable. Give full Dartlcu-
mra tn urm leiicr. u-esy, journal
IMPROVED 8 aore tract close to Port
land for sale cheap. Will consider a
trade. 'Address owner, 688 Alberta st
Phone Wood lawn $37.
Suburban Home Sites Worth
From any angle you may look
at the matter, either as a home
or as. an investment. Located
. along both sides of the new 4th
street electric line. '
On the West Side
The new cars will make the
distance 30 minutes from the bus
iness center of the city. One acre
on graded street and good side
walk few minutes' walk to the
station, for the price of a city
lot One tenth of the purchase
price cash and small payments
monthly on the balance. The price
in effect now $250 .to $500 per
acre, will be higher by reason of
convenient and rapid car servloe.
The Shaw-Fear Co,
Main 35 102 4th st .A-3500
Your last Chance
At the best 40 acres In Clarke ooun-
ty, with 35 acres cleared and the bal
ance all In fin pasture, all level and
free from rock and gravel, a good 6
room house, barn 65x70 In good con
dition, 2 wells and running water, 1U
miles from Battle Ground, all fenced
and cross fenced with hog tight fence,
2 acres of assorted orchard, all kinds
or small rrulte, hog house, wagon shed,
smoke house and .root house, 2 good
cows, good team, 2 brood sows and 18
shoats, chickens, all farm implements
and small tools, 27 geese, 8 duoka all
crops, its an Ideal home. Price $7000,
$2000 cash and the balance on or before
6 years.
E. F. Gilbert
101 Washington st. Vancouver. Wash.
Fine Exchange Proposition
9 acres, A-l soil, planted to
choice varieties winter apples,
trees 7 years old, bearing and in
fine condition, splendid 5 room
bungalow, small barn and fine
well. This beautiful orchard
home Is located at the crossing of
two publlo roads and is one third
of a mile from electrlo line, 30
to 85 minutes from Portland and
the price is $9000. Owner will ao
cept unincumbered Portland prop
erty up to $6000 and grant easy
terms on the balance.
The Shaw-Fear Co,
Main 35. 102 4th "st. A-8600
20 Acres Stump Land, $700
i-eriecuy level, rine sou, close
to a good business town, with
high school, bank, creamery,
newspaper, etc; 1 mile to R. R.,
store, P. O. and eighth grade
school, large sawmill with plenty
of work at good wages: $70 cash,
your own terms on balanoe at 8
per cent Interest
Alvord & Co,
218 Board of Trad a
The nrice on this ranch Is only $18.-
000; payments $4500 cash down, bal
ance 10 years at 6 per cent interest
3v Kcrep, a nines lrum i.oiuinuia
river near Cape Horn; fine improve
ments; place in A-l shape; running
water farm tools. Implements, machin
ery, cream separator; all first-class; 8
milk cows, fine bull, 2 heifers, 2 brood
sows 8 pigs, mules; everything in prime
ST. SHARLE8 LAND CO.. 204 Morrison.
43 a., all highly improved, brick house,
big barn, on railroad, mile Rood town.
40 miles from Portland. Will take cleiY
residence and lots or Income with some
Incumbrance. Might consider good groc
ery or merchandise.
602 Dekum bldg.
120 acre stock or dairy ranch, 45
miles from Portland; good macadam
and planked roads; running stream and
3 fine springs. $S6U0; terms. $1800
cash, balance 6 per cent, long time.
ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. 204 Morrison.
12 acres in town on Oregon Electrlo,
28 miles Portland; 9 acres of best vari
ety commercial apples. Just in bearing,
clean and healthy; 3 acres in garden; 6
room house and small fruits. A big,
steady Income, and safe as a bank.
$3600, on terms. Willamette Investment
Co..- 402 Dekum bldg.
Buys 200 acres near Roseburg, 150 In
cultivation. 185 creek bottom, good
house, outbuildings, watered by large
creek and 3 springs, water piped to
house and barn. 40 acres alfalfa land.
60 acres oak timber fit for hogs. Fine
orchard, vineyard. $4600 down. $10 Bu-
cnanan biag.
A Farm Near Gresham
20 acres, mostly In cultivation, good 7
room house, barn, good soil, good water
ano plenty or rrult; on good road, ono
mile to electrlo car; price $6000: will
consider nous worth $3000. S. P. Os
ourn, tU3 McKay bldg.
20 Acres $600
$1 fare from Portland, close to school
and town, splendid farming land; $100
casn; wouia accept $20 down, $10 per
month. Claude Cole. 917 Roaril nf TraA
FOR SALE CANADA 4640 acres.
highly Improved farm, all tillable, rich
loam, mile and a ouarter from station.
Will sell In sections; consider part cash
and good property in exchange; long
terms on naiance. Tne Aloerta Securl
ties, limited. Lethbrl dge. A 1 be r ta.
A BARGAIN 80 acres. 40 has been !m
proved. Now grown to small fir, fine
umDer on one cornor. uood spring: can
all be cultivated when cleared. For
particulars see Milton A. Laird, Castle
rock, Wash., or S. A. Ryman, 67 E. 9th.,
north, near Davis.
Have several nicely located small
farms on the electrlo line near Mc-
Minnville. Will make the price right
and terms reasonable.
80S Spalding Building.
NONE BETTER 74 acres 28 miles Port-
land, close to Oregon Electric. 55
acres in cultivation, clean and rich; bal
ance timber, pasture, well watered.
$5600 takes it. Easy terms. Willamette
Investment Co., 402 Dekum bldg.
WELL" Improved 10 acres, 7 room'
house and outbuildings, good soil,
close to railway, easy distance of Port
land, both railway and steamboat trsn-
Bortatlon, mall del. and tel. A bargain.
'. Stevens. 628 Corbett bldg.
GRAIN fruit, alfalfa and stock farms
In walla Walla country to trade for
property anywhere In western Oregon.
What haveyou? Wilbur F. Brock,
Woodland, wash.
FOR BALE Good Improved, untneum
bered 288 acre farm at Centervllle,
Wash., $6800, terms on part. Guyer
Bros., Dufur. Or. "
WILL Sell cheap my beautiful home
farm on Tualatin river. 16 'miles west
of Portland. Will raise i tons hops per
aore. T. Wlthycombe, 812 McKay bldg.
HAVE 60 acres 4 miles Hlllsboro; all
cleared: first class bulldlnas: rood
orchard. $160 per acre: good terms; no
trade; no agents. E-630, Journal.
90 Acre First Class Dairy
Located on main county road
(graveled) 2 miles south of In
dependence. Improvements, mod
ern house, good barn, silo, gas en
gine, windmill and tank; 90 acres
all In cultivation; lays fine. Just
enough slope to drain well;
west boundar" of property joins
P. E. E. electrlo R, It; good bear
ing family orchard and all kinds
of small fruit. Price $10,000.
part cash, bal. terms.
See owner Monday at
10 6th st. Main $770.
The finest model dairy farm tn all
Oregon, and none better in the world;
perfect in every detail, Just finished; on
35 acres of Ideal soil, irrigated, with new
house, barn, sheds, chicken houses, hog
pens; 9' acres In 10 foot corn, about Z in
kale. With cows and nlas. All com
plete. Handsomely fenced. Five acros
set to commercial aDDles: right near do
pot, In the prettiest part of Willamette
valley, lr you Know tne cow ousiness,
this is the place for you. The model
barn at wholesale net cost, the other im
provements thrown in. Can you beat
that? You have to have at least $2500
cash: balance to suit and at 6 per cent.
You will love this place when you see
It lt'will De your pnae ana joy. can
26$ Stark, or 63 N. 6th st. or 4 Rail
way Exchange bldg.
Fine Little Farm
10 acres all level land and the
very best of sandy loam soil.
6 acres In cultivation; 3 acres al
most ready for the plow; balanoe
fine green timber, only 12 miles
from the center of Portland near
the Fourth street line; eleotrlo
cars will soon be running; close
to school, church, eto. Prloe
$1800. Terms that will suit you.
Alvord & Co,
$18 Board of Trade bldg.
75 Acres
$75 Per Acre
25 acres in cultivation, balance pas
ture, morn, easily cleared; fine running
water, good 9 room plastered house,
cellar, cream house, and separator, 2
large barns and other buildings; 1 acre
ppie orcnara, aiso pears, piums. entr
ies and small fruit In bearing; 2 horses,
sets harness, 2 wagons, new stumo
puller, rake, cultivator, plow, harrows
and other tools; 6 milch cows, 4 head
young stock, some pigs, chickens and all
crop goes: 2 miles from R. It town and
boat landing: terms half cash, balance
at per cent; good county road.
rfc,r,K fc D A IV r J rt,
444 Sherlock Building
640 Acre Ranch
Only $6 an Acre
640 acres, near Goldendale,
Wash. All good land, slightly
rolling. 440 acres easily tillable,
creek runs through one corner and
large spring In center, about 7
acres In cultivation. At $6 an
acre there Is a fine chance to
make some money on this ranch.
Dorr E, Keasey & Co,
Id fir. Chamber Commerce bldg.
100 acres 5 miles from Dayton. 87
acres in cultivation, balance pasture
and timber. 30 acres alfalfa, 14 acres
clover, balance was wheat, oats and bar
ley. Good 6 room house, barn and out
buildings. Water piped to buildings.
Fenced and cross fenced with hog tieht
woven wire. Team, wagon, new mower,
disc, 2 plows, harrow, 3 cows, 1 heifer,
15 hogs, 80 tons hay, grain for feed
and seed. Gasoline engine for pumpinit
plant, all other tools go with place. V
mile from Willamette river, on good
rood. Price only $11,500, 1-3 cash, or
might consider a house In Portland up
to $3000.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
$2500 CASH. BAL. 6 PER CENT.
Never again will you have this op
portunity. It has been owned by one
man for 37 years. ISO acres Tualatin
valley, 12 miles from Portland; schools;
ferry road. The finest land that nature
ever produced. Nothing for miles lesd
than $250 per acre. Will sell the en
tiro 160 acres at $19,000. Will sell 40,
all in A-l timber for $3200; 40, partly
cleared, for $3500; 40, mostly cleared,
ror ouuu; u, nearly all clear, ror $6.
600. Make your own payment terms;
no reasonable oash payment will be
refused. All the owner now cares for
is to havo his money earning Interest
BT. CHARLE8 LAND CO. 204 Morrison.
In a splendid farming neighborhood
near Vancouver I have a fine 10-acre
poultry and dairying proposition I want
you to Investigate; within a half mile
of depot, postofflce and school. I will
furnish all necessary lumber for build
ing and outhouses; also furnish cow and
pigs. Neighbors on adjoining property
are making fine livings. Thirty days
ago I had four places like this one;
three of them are already sold. Ar
range to see this property right away.
Price $1800 (everything Included). Only
$400 down, balance to suit.
G. J. Blomberg. 606 Commercial block.
Uwn Your Uwn harm
40 acres, mile of station. Esta-
caaa electric road. 10.. acres cleared.
Small house, large crek runs across the
DacK or tnis place. About 10 aores fin
est bottom land, not hard to clear. Price
$3000. I have two other tracts near this
one or 40 acres and one of 80 acres that
are good buys and will make somebody
fine little farms. All are on good
county road,. It P. D., milk route and
telephone line. In Rood neighborhood
and near school. Let mn show vou
these before you buy elsewhere. Can
give terms. Perry Kltzmlller, 432
Chumber of Commerce.
40 acres, 87 acres well cleared. 16
acres In as fine bearing orchard as there
Is in the state; the house is a beautiful
2 story mansion, hard finish, cost $6000,
fine fireplace, largo barn end fruit
house; fine soil: on Pacific Highway;
one of the finest country homes In the
state; spring water piped to house snd
barn. Price $7600; best of terms. Good
car aapart pay. Thoa. MoDermott
Kelso. Wiish.
$ miles from Salem, on, fine highway;
17 sores, all level, flnetv lmorovad. lnt
of fruit, nice little house, barn, gar
den, etc. $2760 is the snap prioe; $760
down and make your own trms on
balance at 6 per cent.
ST. CHARLES LAND CO., 204 Morrlaon.
Oregon's Best Dairy Farm
196 ttures rloh soil, produce anything
from onions to alfalfa, nearly level and
all irrigated; perpetual water right no
water rent, 150 acres cultivated; 7 sores
timber, balance open pasture, county
road through place, cream and milk
route, R. F. D. and phone; 60 miles from
Portland, 3 miles from town, on fine
trout stream, well fenced, crops on this
place can't be beat in Willamette val
ley, young and old orchards, all kinds
of fruit, 4$ acres oats and vetch, 20
aores oats, 12 acres wheat. 10 acres
corn, 10 acres kale, 3 fine gardens, 32
aores seeded to clover, and a good stand.
good farm house, also small cottage, hay
am, horse barn, cow barn, granary, Im
plement shed, separator house, wood-
nouse, z line nennouses, nognouse ior ou
head of fatting hogs with killing room, 3
horses, 23 cows, 12 heifers, 1 bull, 40
hogs and pigs, 600 hens and chickens, 10
stands Dees, z sets Harness, z wagons,
mower, 1 rake, single and double culti
vators, fanning mill. Calhoun seeder. 3
horse drills, 2 plows, 2 harrows, plat
form scale, cream separator, milk cans
and buckets, 3 Incubators, lota of small
tools, burns equipped with hay cars,
tracks and ropes, stock, implements and
vehicles all good; this farm has been In
spected by an expert Irrigation farmer
ana pronounced tne Dest aairy rami ne
has seen In Oregon. Diagram at office;
everything mentioned goes for $20,000;
about H cash and good terms; If you
want the best see this. Neal Brown, 319
Swetland bldg.
100 Acre Ranch
Only $22 an Acre
This fine piece of farm land Is
nearly all tillable land; 10 acres
under cultivation, 5 acres seeded
to grass, 75 acres first-class tim
ber, with plenty of grating land:
only 1 mile from school and
church; fair house, barn and out
buildings; good creek and springs.
Only $500 cash required to handle,
balance 3 years, 6 per cent.
Dorr E, Keasey & Co.
2d Floor Chamber of L'ommeroe
Special for Quick Sale
160 acres. 90 acres cleared, balance
pasture and timber, 2 miles from
Rldgufleld on conntv road. Good 6 rooii'
house, barn 60x60 cost $1400. All nec
essary outbuildings and sheds. Well
watered.. Stock consists of 12 cows, 9
heifers, 6 calves, 1 Holateln bull, 9 hogs.
4 horses and over 100 chickens. All
wagona and machinery kept on a good
farm go with the place, also 1000 bush
els grain, 80 tons hay, 20 acres pota
toes. S acres kalo and turnips. Phone In
house. Price 822.000. half cash ' bal-
?,nce at 7 p?r cent, or would sell as fol
ows: 90 acres, 05 acres cleared, with
house and all stock and machinery a
above for $16,000 on same terms, or 70
acres, 60 acres cleared at $105 por aero,
same tenns. H. B. Apperson. Ridge-
field, Wash.
A Couple of Good Ones
8 Vi acres, all nlenreri nnd Imnrnviil
fair house, barn, chicken house and
park; eood well with mimD. nice famllv
orchard; H mile from Slfton station, on
electrio line; 7 miles from Vancouver;
school adjoining tract Very cheap at
$2250; half cash, balance T per cent
26 acres, 9 acres cleared, old house,
fair barn, good well, miles from Or
chards and carllne. Price $2500: $1000
cash, balance years at 7 per cent This
is a bargain, for land around Orchards
sells from $200 to $600 per acre.
Grand Theatre Building,
Vancouver. Wash
FOR SALE improvements on 160 acres
or it. it. land, 1 miles from R. R.
own and mines In southern Oreeon. on
county road: largo creek running through
place and 200 ft In front of 4 room
new, up-to-date log bungalow; latter
furnished by live, cool stirinsr: fre mall
delivery; 5 chicken houses and runs;
1 acre land fenced and. cultivated; some
very good bottom land, balance up land,
timber; good fishing and hunting. Price,
cash $600 if taken at once. Address.
Box 44. Merlin. Or.
At $14 per acre and it will not take
one dollar to get postession of tills
good farm. All I ask Is security for
a first small payment and the farm Is
yours to go to work on. Located 11
miles from R. R., 4 miles from church
and school; lots of water, buildings not
very good. It la a good combination
wheat and stock farm. Write for par
ticulars. W. H. MOORE. Moro. Or.
Farms of All Sizes
If looking for a farm be sure and see
my list; have farms at any price you
wish to pay, some good bargains in
small trades. If you want the best
small farm for the price, come In and
Inquire about the 60 acres for $4000.
Neal Brown. 819 Swetland bldg.
800 acres In Wheeler county, all
tonceo, izs acres in grain, 28 acres al
falfa, $4500 house, barn, muchlnery,
etc.; sacrificed at ,$8000. Might accept
unincumbered Portland property. Large
list of other properties, city and farm,
to exchange. Gill & Dufur. 812 Ablng
ton bldg.
60 ACHE fHrni, all cleared and mostly
under cultivation; plenty of fruit,
berries, etc.; all implements and stock
necessary to work the place; good build
ings, fine water, and beautiful view;
cheao and easy terms; must sell. See
owner. Main 1388. A-1429. Tl-BHfl. Jnnr.
Will sell 80 acres for $2000. Only 4
miles from Scappoose; 60 acres of fine
big timber, balance small timber, well
watered; U tillable when cleared.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE Dairy ranch In Tillamook
county, 245 acres. Price $30,000; 39
cows now on place. Will keep 60 Or
more. Will take desirable residence in
Portland up to $bC00; $3000 cash, bal.
time to suit. Will split and sell half.
Phone East 6390.
ALFALFA farm for sale, 40 acres, two
miles from N. P. and O.-W. R. & N.
R. R. station. Price $10,000. Will take
Fortland property up tb $3000 and good
terms on $4750. For full particulars
address R F. D. No. 1, box 103, 8unny-
iuq, vvasn. j-
DA1RY farm, a bargain. 80 acres. 22
miles east of Portland, near station,
on Columbia. 85 acres clear, balance
pasture; good soil, rouds, buildings, etc.
Portland property considered. Inquire
Mr. Salzman, Clifford hotel. East Mor
rison at 6th.
FOR HALE $20 per acre, 160 acres. In
cluding mill site; 50 acres under plow,
balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal
dairy snd hog farm, phone and milk
route; 4 miles east of Sublimity. John
Willing. Btavton. Or. Route 1.
80 ACRES in Yamhill county, 8 aores
under cultivation, small house, . red
shot soil; would trade $1900 equity ror
smaller piece of land or house; Dries
$3200. fl-713, Journal. V
63 ACRES. miles from Oregon City,
49 in cultivation, new buildings, fine
piece of land, crop, stock and machin
ery, cheap at $7800. GUI & Dufur, 313
uwiKion DiUg,
FERTILE farms All sixes at fair
prices, some stocked, good terms, only
26 miles from Portland. Before buying
elsewhere write your wants. H. B. Ap-
person, Rldgefleld, Wash.
280 ACRE alfalfa ranch near Prinevllle;
240 acres subject to Irrigation. Ma
chinery, stock and crop worth $8000.
Total price $36,000; terms. Claude Cole.
160 A
RES (80 acres aid
er bottom V
tiiiLfiwvw, iiviu rvri"
land dally boat; $15 per sere;. term.
C H. Plfgott owner, 142 H 2d. room 24.
partly improved
i mu iron) Port,
Dairy Farms
In the beat dairy country of
the Northwest where the highest
S rices are paid for all farm pro
ucta of any section of the coun
try, 10 per cent to 20 per cent
saved in marketing the products
of a farm amount to a nice little
sum in a year, and Is worth con
sidering when deciding on a lo
cation. 100 Acres
All bottom land In the Chehalts
valley: every foot tillable when
cleared. 80 acres cleared and In
cultivation, balance pasture. Fine
stream crosses. Fair set of farm
buildings, also span of mares,
colt 4 cows, 2 hogs, 86 chickens,
farm tools of all kinds. On line of
Milwaukee railroad now building,
close to store, high school, etc.
About SV4 miles from town on N.
P. Ry, level hard surfaced road
all the way. Phone; R. F. D
milk and cream routes. Price
$10,000; terms $3000 cash.
40 Acres
All splendid bench land; no
waste land: 12 acres perfectly
cleared, balance clover pasture.
Well fenced; fruits of all kinds.
' Fine spring water which can be
piped to buildings. Good 6 room
house; good barn and other nec
essary outbuildings. Also good
team, 3 good cows, 850 fine chick
ens; barn full of hay,' potatoes,
farming tools, eto. On main'
county hard surfaced road 2
miles from good railroad town
with fine high school; 6 miles
from Chehalis, where there la
large milk condenser, creamery,
etc. Price $3700. very favora
ble terms.
Columbia River Dairy Ranch
Only $50 Per Acre
220 acres of which over 100
aores is bottom land, part of
which did not overflow this sea
son; baUnca bench land, all
splendid soil, no rock or gravel,
practically all tillable. About 25
acres In cultivation, balance- open
Easture, very easily cleared,
plendid water supplies from
creek and springs abundance for
Irrigation if wanted. This bottom
land is located In one of the new
dyking districts where work Is to
begin soon and when completed
this bottom land will easily be
worth $260 per-acre. Family or
chard. Large house; large stock
barn, hay bam. etc. Also team;
9 milch cows, 2 brood sows, alt
crops and farming tools. On main
county road; phone line, right-of-way
of new railroad, 6 miles
from fine railroad town. School
on adjoining property. Price $11
000. Favorable terms.
Alvord & Co.
118 Board of Trad bldg.
Farms for Sale
70 aore farm, 65 acres In culti
vated; 10 mil as from Vancouver.
Wash., 1 H miles from small
town; 1000 bu. oats, 800 bu.
wheat, 1600 sacks of potatoes:
60 to 60 tons of hay in barn; all
kinds of small fruit, 2 horses; 1
colt, 18 months old: farm wagon,
harness, all necessary farm Im
plements; cream separator; 5
fine Jersey cows, hogs, chickens,
and ducks; running stream
through place all year. (G)
820 acres fine land seeded to
grass; 100 acres first class river
bottom worth $100 per acre; 160
acres bench creek bottom; bal
ance good grazing land: 100 acres
cleared, balance In pasture. Lo
cated on river, also several small
creeks. Close to cheese factory,
store and postofflce, one of the
best ranches In Tillamook coun
ty; looated adjoining forest re
serve, that can be had for pas
ture. There are two railroad sur
veys through the land. Price,
$25.00 per acre. M
702-8-4 Couch bldg.
20 Acre Bargain
6 Miles Out
Best Buy Near the City
Here Is a bargain for you: 20
aores, all In a high state of culti
vation. Best of soil; no rock nor
gravel; lies perfectly: hew red
barn, worth $1000. The price of
this elegant 20 acre tract Is Just
$5250; $2250 cash. bal. 3 years. It
Is located directly east of the city,
Just 12 miles from the courthouse,
right on carllne: perfect mao
Bdam roads. Owner needs money.
Must have deposit before Oct. 1.
Certainly you can get together
$2250 and take advantage of this
Hargrove & Sons
122 N. 6t hot., near GUsan.
Main 4381. A-7259.
If Not Exactly as Represented
It's a daisy; you can't beat It 36 Vi
acres, all tillable, all fenced; 25 acre
In fine cultivation; 5 acres In clover
seed; fine water, orchard, barns, chick
en and duck houses; first-class build
ings throughout; 2 horses worth $600,
8 extra fine cows. 2 heifers. 1 steer.
12 hogs, 200 ducks, 200 chickens, 1 flllv,
harnoss, wagon, plow, harrow, cultiva
tor, dine, rake; all new and complete;
hay in barn, oats, wheat: near school
and stores: 40 miles from Portland.
Price $7000. Will make terms or con
sider good residence up to $3500 or
ST, CHARLES LAND CO.. 204 Morrison.
40 acred, only $200 per acre, 25 acres
In fine state of cultivation, less than
3 miles from Vancouver ferry and only
11 miles from business district west
side of Portland. This land will be
worth and soil for $500 per acre in a
short time: 8 acres of fine prune orch
ard, over $800 net Income from it this
year; family orchard of assorted fruits;
fair house and old barn, other good
outbuildings; mile off paved high
way; mile from graded school and
only 2 miles to Vancouver high school.
uwner is sick ana must sen. $3000 in
casn win nandie it.
112 West Sixth St..
. Vancouver, Wash.
Nature never madn anything bet
ter; grows anything as high Is It car
grow. Cheapest thing in Oregon; 15
miles from Portland; 7 minute walk
from Oregon Electrlo station. $76 per
acre; half down.
BT. CHARLES LAND CO., 204 Morrison.
WE HAVE over 60 applications for good
dairy and stook farms; they must be
stocked and equipped and worth the
Srice , .asked; if your location, condl
itlon and pries are right we can sell
your place promptly. Bt Charles Land
Co., 204 Morrison st ; -
VALLEY preferred, not ' necessarily
fixed up fine, but good land, wen lo
cated and right price up to $2000. -Witt
put in house and 3 lota close in on east
ids, clear $6000. and pay balance cash.
B. 8, Cook A Co 10$ Corbett bid.
...WANTED' ' ' '
In Montana, Eastern Oregon or Wash. .
for either of the following properties,
3 story and basement brick building.,
100x100 ft, leased at $600 per month,
value $100,000. Also a first-class Hood
River 40 acres, house, barn. 30 acres
apples 4 to 10 years old, valua $25,000.
822 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
We have clients looking for small
ranches In the Willamette valley, from
80 to 160 acre. We hava good lnoome
property to trade, and will pay cost dif
ference on the right proposition.
City Department.
Main. 6869 A-8267
FARMS and acreage wanted io eS
change for good- city property. Wa
can make you good deal.
602 Dekum bldg.
WANTED to hear from owner who has
good farm for sale. Send description
and price. Northwestern Business
Agency, Minneapolis, Minn.
FOR SALE or rent 9 or 19 acres, on
mile north of Butteville, on Salem
Electrio R. R, H mile to boat; 10 acres
fine beaverdam land, trout stream,
spring water, new house, cro" tools, all
very cheap; part cash, balance longtime.
390 Vancouver ave., Portland. Phone
190 ACRE dairy and grain farm, about
, 12 miles from Salem; near cream de
not; 4 years' lease can be had free by
buying milk cows, work horses and Im
plements to value of $2600. Address
J. E. Hunt 156 E. loth at Phone East
THREH good farms, one chicken ranch,
near Portland, for rent, cash or
shares. Stamped envelope brings partic
ulars R-453. Journal.
20 ACRES 3 miles et&t Oregon City. 15
A. cult., creek, fuel, H mile R. R.
Rent $120 year. H. F. Ronald. Hotel
Bushmark. 17th and Washington.
FOR RENT 5 acres, partly fenced, 4
room house, comfortable, furnished, 40
miles out. Call Woodlawn 2595.
60 ACRES Half clear, buildings, near
Portland; cheap to man who will lm
prove. 695 E. Ash st., evenings. 6 to 7.
HOOD RIVER-Mosler orchard 10 to 40
acres for sale cheap on small month
ly payments without Interest This is
high class property planted to the best
commercial varieties or apples ana
prico will Include expert care until bear
ing age. .There will never be a better
time to buy than now and this oppor
tunity may not be open tomorrow. In
vestigate today. B-397. JournaU
Can furnish a few parties with To
llable information regarding land loca
tlons near railroad now building through
southeastern Oregon. Before you prove
up the land will be worth from $25 to
J 30 per acre. Good grain and alfalfa
For Sale
160 acres good soil in Nehalem valley,
with some good timber, $1260.
Five acres adjoining city limits, all
cleared, $2760.
A, W. Lambert & Co,
East 640, B-1910. 4u4 East Alder St.
Wednesday evening, Oct 8, if you
would get splendid homestead in Cen
tral Oregon. Have lived there four yearn
and know the country well. Will be at
Hotel Alder, Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday. Oct. 6. 7 and 8. Alvin 8. Hawk.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment; 80 aoios
9 miles from Estucada; 6 acres clear,
60 fruit trees, 4 room house, small barii.
woodshed, chicken house. .What have
you to trado? Woodlawn 967.
$400 EACH Two heavily timbered re
linquishment, nearly adjoining; cen
tral Oregon, near PrineviUej monoy
makers. Call 661 E. 48th street, north.'
Rosa City Tark car
GET 320 or 480 acres, best in Oregon.
New survey Just opened; no rocks,
level, timber," railroad now building.
Some good relinquishments. Call 191
14th st. Main 8774.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment. What
have you to trade? 42 miles from
Portland. J. M., 1216 Mllwaukle St.,
Portland. Or.
CHOICE 320 acre homesteads. Malheur
county. Address Wm. Oscar Mast,
cor. 2d and Ash sts., Portland, Or.
RETURNING to my claim the 30th;
can locate you; good relinquishment
for sale. L-811, Journal.
FORTY acre homestead relinquishment.
15 miles from Kalamn, Wash; good
roads anil school. Call Tabor 4961.
SIX fine homesteads, good wheat, oats
and alfalfa land; ready for entry. Ho
han. S6 7 East Everett St.
14 SECTION 4.000,000 feet in 16.
south, 6 west section 4, west of Junc
tion City, Lane Co.; prlca $1750. AImo
80 acres at Trout Lake, Wash., for
$1000; good timber. Call 406 McKay
bldg. Main 934.
TIMBER Two 160 acre tracts for sal
at a bargain in Douglas county. Ad
dress P. O. hox 186. Harrlsburg, Or.
50 Acres
Located 26 miles from Portland near
Rldgefield. mile from boat landing,
excellent soil practically all in hlgiu.
state of cultivation, good house, out
buildings and orchard. All implements, -span
of mares 6 cows, 1 heifer, 1 bull,
some hogs and chickens go with place. -Price
$7o00, Take Portland residence
up to $3500 bal. part cash and terms.
Kauffmann & Moore
326 Lumber Exchange. ...
We have clients looking; for small
ranches in the Willamette valley, from
80 to 160 acres. We have good Income
property to trade and . will pay cash
difference on the right proposition.
City Department,
Main 6N6!, 269 Washington St. A-626T.
An easy way to make a sale or trad
is to have what your customer wants.
Our large listing of properties makes
the exchanging; or selling of properties
easy. Opening for live salesman. Bee
Manager City Dept The Fred A. Jacobs
Co.. 269 Washington at
FOR SALE or trade, 1 to 4 acres cleared
land. 7 miles east of center Portland,
10 minutes' walk to 10c car; price $760 .
or H less than surrounding land; want
Inside house and one or mora lots;
acre preferable; will assume. M-600, -
WHAT have you to exchange for 120 ..v
acres, 4 mile from Beaver, Tillamook
Co. 7 On main auto road from Tillamook. ,
Price $30 per acre. Mtg. $600, Yates,
249 4th St. - i '1' '
THIRTY teres, apple orchard, mostly '
bearing, Spit, and Nawtowns; best
district, splendid tnoome; for $300 to '
$600 per acre; from 60 to 100 mile
south of Portland. K-87T, Journal,
WELL bulli modern Rose Ctv Pairf
home, $2900; for exohange for Im
proved fsrm or acreage near Portland;
not over $40O. Owner only. Tabor 4Uf5.
40 ' ACRES high "state VtuTtivaUoa ;
near Turlock, Cat, Best soil in stut.
Prica 116,000. Will exchange for Oregon
firm. Look Into this. Ywtes. 349 4th.
14 rJin,-
ster for good lot. Q-62R, Journal
TEN aWes for sale or Ira d Jor" TT7
property, He owner. 694 K. 20tht H.
W1L.1, trail $1400 equity In Hood Alter
. land, for auto. Tabor 40$.