ft THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25. -1913 10 10 ' 1350 buys beautiful view lot. near sta- ;. tlon and school, 20 minute ride, vest aide, jrradod streets, water; Ideal home ite; iu cun, i per montn, m. js. , FOR - SALE Lot at Ba voces n worth 1600. Price asked only $150. Make Offer. 401 Stock Ex. bid. FIRLAND lot $360, worth $460;' terms e mommy; graaea street, iu ana wster. uwneri Main iieo or xaDor rii LOT for Mia, Harrison at., Mllwaukle. 1700 cash. T-806, Journal. $T0O for a $400 lot In Woodmere. 5 Ox 100. Cash. Tabor 8029. ACREAGE 67 FIVE) ACRES 8260 110 DOWN. t& PER MONTH. Buys 6 aorea of locared off land. Three quarter of a mile from center of town of 1000 population, alao cannery and creamery. Three quarters of a mile from railroad station on main line be tween Portland and Astoria. This land Is free from rocks and gravel, lies level ana win not overnow. laeai ior cnicx en raisins, dairying, and small fruits Will grow anything that can be raised In western Oregon. From some of these tracts you have a beautiful view of the Columbia river. 400 acres from which to cnoose. rerieci tine ana warranty usso. BELL. REAL. ESTATE CO..' 112 Railway Exchange Bldg., 2d floor. Between 80 ana 4tn on siant. Acreage Six miles from Courthouse on Wrst aide; Rood rich soil; some tracts all cleared and under culti vation, and some stump land. Prlcos $325 to $450 per acre. Let us show you this property. Phone Main 1800 or A-6261. PROVIDENT TRUST COM PANT, OWNERS. Selling Bldg., 6th and Alder fits. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap 120 tin to 145 DtT acre, on terms, Tracts of 6 acres or more: deep, red Shot soil, well watered: easily cleared Ideal for eeneral farming, fruit, vese tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river, near Portland. Own ers. 703 Lewis bldg.. 4tn and uau ats. Main 8078. Evenings East 804. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port- land; Uresliam district, usiacaoa line, electric station u mils. New subdi vision. Sunshine Valley orchard tracts; best soli, free wood; elegant location. Prices only 75 to $160 per acre In small tracts; easy terms; quick train service. Frank Mclarland Realty Co., 309 Yeon bids.. 1 Ttland. ur, QUARTER acres at Multnomah, only 20 minutes out on me urecon feiec Xrio, bo carfare, Bull Run water; all modern conveniences. From $460 to $700. Terms 10 per ret in cash, bal ance $10 per month. The Western Se en ri tics Co., 612 Piatt Bldg., cor. Park nl Washington A Genuine Bargain 0 acres, to. mile from electric station, about 2-3 in cultivation, fine for prunes, berries, dairying, etc., living stream. $76 per acre; no trade; easy terms, TROWBRIDGE & STEPHENS. 801 Wilcox bldg. RIGHT near the depot and depot hotels, for your special convenience we have opened a branch office at 63 H N. 6th, near Davis, Free Information on Ore gon. You are particularly invited to nill nnd get acquainted with conditions. Willametto Valley Irrigated Land Co. Small or large UHCts on easy terms. Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy teims; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 168S. or Sellwood 471 Jno. It. Gibson, owner. 15 TO $o PER ACRE. 6 to 2d acre tracts, good soil, road to every tract, new school, 3 miles to Co lumbia river ami railway station, 1U I onrs from Purtland; easy terms. 215 l.umbrr Kx. bldg.. cor. 2d and Stark sts. & per mouth handles chicken ranch tlose to city. 8 Vic rare, A. C. Mar- smth. 202 Wilcox bldg 1 Pit SALKFARMS 1 7 GeT Your Canadian Home From the Canadian Pacific Rich. frt!lo land tor every kind of lai -ining ironi xn to isn per acre. To approved farmers wo lend $2000 to inako Impiovrmentn. such as house, barn, sinking well and fencing. Terms twenty years to psy for land ii'i irjuj' iiihii. unc iweiiuein aown, balance nineteen yearly . Installments; six per cent Interest. Se" l he CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT of prire-wlnnlng products of fertile t anadinn plains. Full personal Inform ation. Free maps and literature. Person ally condc ted excursions to Canada. L. P. THORNTON, Land Agent, 271 Pine St., .Multnomah Hotel bldg. IMPROVED : ACRE RANCH Located in the heart of the Willa mette valley, 1 mile of high school, 3 miles of station. all in cultiva tion, good house, barn, family or chard, fenced and cross fenced with woven wire, on county road, cream finite. 10 good cows, " horses, wagons, cream separator, chickens, all imple ments and tools; everything goes; cows are making $100 per month. Price only $4760. Kiulers & ilui tsliorne, 431 Cham ber of Compierce. 15V4 ACRES i miles of town on muin county road; part In crop; fair house; rlose to school. $1 fare from Portland; $1800,. $0 75 Incumbrance: want lota or cheap house and lot. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. FOR SALE $35 per acre, 160 acres, ln cluding mill Bite; 50 acres under plow, balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal dairy and hog farm, phone and milk route: 4 V4. miles east of Sublimity. John Willing, Stayton. Or. Route 1. 60 ACRES In Yumhill county, 8 acres under cultivation, small house, red shot soil: would trade $1000 equity for smaller plere of land or house; price $SJ00. B-713, Journal. 280 ACRE alfalfa ranch near Prlnevllle; 240 acres subject to Irrigation. Ma chinery, stock and crop worth $8000. Total price $35,000; terms. Claude Cole, S17 Board of Trade bldg. ISO AORTAS f80 acres alder bottom) partly Improved; 1 mile from Port land: dally boat; $16 per acre; terms. (.', H. PlRgott, owner. 142U 2d, room 24. 10 ACRES near ReedvilTe.1' JO acres, , Tualatin Plains. 162 acres near Washougal! very reasonable. Wolf stein, 20a Altsky bldg. Never Will Mutt Am overcoat. fV6 tTMrf ON TUW ?C FOR SAU& LOTS lj '- ' 17 DAIRY farm, a bargain, 80 acres. 22 miles east of Portland, near station, on Columbia, 15 acres clear, balance pasture: good soli, roads, buildings, eta. Portland property considered. Inquire mr. Batsman, cqiiora noiet, mast Mor- rinon at tin. 100x100. heart of city. snap. T. Withy combe, 113 McKay bldg. Cheap farms, peering wamm groves, reg ra jerseys HOMESTEADS 47 flUSLAW homesteads located, informa- lion, a to i p. m., oiv umosione ave, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 34 Alfalfa Farm for Portland property; 91 acres, SO alfalfa, 25 peaches and pears; rood 6 room bungalow, other Sood buildings, 2 miles from good - H. town; $260 per acre; plenty water for entire place. Dairy farm, over 300 acres, Co lumbia .river; plenty of meadow, lot of stock, machinery and feed, elegant buildings, 10 h. p. of elec tricity with placo free of expense each day. $100 per acre; consider Portland property or mercantile business up to $20,000. 960 acr wheat farm, Sherman county, miles to Grass Valley; R. R. crosses farm; fair buildings). oOO acre on this place worth $40 per acre, take $20 per acre for all; consider good property up to H. balance your own terms. 376 aore stock and dairy farm, western Or., close to good R. R. town; 200 cultivated, has lot of stock, cattle, horses, hogs, goats, sheep, hay and grain, all kinds tarmlng machinery, 600 bushel grain, hay. good auto, 2 new cream separators. $20,000; want good Portland property. L. K. Moore 117 Board of Trade. HXCHANRK Wheat farm in Shertnn n coilntv 90 acres, 260 tillable, 140 plowed, ready for oeu, an lencea, tair DUlldlhgs; 7 horses and harness, wagon, plow, Harrow and train drill. Price $10,000; will take .1000 in Portland property or a small P ace near Portlund. $500 cash and give long lime on balance at per cent 820 acres. 240 tillable. 200 nlowd ready for seed, price 825 Dr cr. Thp are no buildings on place, but this party "i k" leasea joining with buildings on that he wishes to let go In a trade, leased land has 350 acres plowed ready for seed. All he asks for the leased land Is-$2 per acre for his plowing. Tills man also has stock and Jttrra iiipieiiifims to sen with the place. 'ii uiks can mi n PKrnuntrasi T n t a valley farm or Portland property. Nothing better in Sherman county of vreo for trade than the above two W. H. MOORE, Moro, Or THE following property In free and c-iear or lncumorance. What have you to traaey 50x100, upper Washington at. 6 lots In Lyle, Washington. 50x100, head of Broadway, West sine. 100x139, near City Park, West Side. What have you to trade for the fol lowing: 60x100, Fairfield Addition; Im proved with two tent houses. 6000 square ft.. West Side; fine view Int. 8-room house, Irvlngton Park Ad dition. 320 serea. Like County. 20 aeres. Hood River. 40 acres. Hpod River. 1S.900 square feet, Croenway Add! tlon. Fine view of Mt. Hood. 20 lots in Klamath Falls. See LB NOIR, , 228 Chamber of Commerce lildg. Chance of Lifetime S2 room roomlnc hcillMO in liaurt nf cny; tease, steam neat, hot and cold water in rooms. Brunnels carpets. Iron beds; always full; rent less than-sr, a room, has $8 to $10 a night transient; price $3000: will trade for anything I can go away and leave. Peters, 15 N. 8th b ROOM bungnlow and '4 acre land 150 feet from Jenninra I.nHir Htnfinn- will exchange for good team and noma cash or a small cash business. Write or inquire or . t: stover. Jennings i.ofiffp, or. HAVE good brick house, store and 3 riars in umcsgo on northwest side; would like to exchange ror Portland property or farm In this part of Ore gon. Apply for particulars, 687 Com mercial st. 320 ACRES Fine stock, fruit or hav ranch, 120 aeres timber, 8 acres or chard. Trade for city property. Ad dress owner. C. McCoy, 650 Taylor st., city. 20 ACRES in eity limits, best town in southern Idaho; 10 acres in frulf beautiful home. Will trade for Portland property. Phone Main 8201. LOOK 2 new bungalows close to car, unincumbered, one rented for $20, for good farm to $7000. stocked; will as sume; owners only. J-805. Journal EXCHANGE 1 acre on county road, close'Mt. Hood Electric R'y., for prop erty or acreage In or near Los Angeles. vwucr. n-ato, juurnwi. WILL exchange 80 acre Vancouver rarm or Portland business property for 6 or 10 acre well improved country home, Multnomah county. Tabor 3571. TWO modern homes, 1 In Terrace Park, the other at Peninsular station: will exchange for cheap acreage. SEE me ivionnay, joroan, 13 Liimbermena bids NICE lots, Salt Lake City, for Portland or nearby property. Assume to $1600. Call Moodle, Main 1721. HOTEL 26 rooms, has paid owner for past 8 years $150 month net; sell or exchange for $2000, Main 21i. ONE acre in city, 4 room comfortable house. $3000; half in trade, balance to suit. Phone owner. East 2753 WE exchange what you have for what vnn warn Ta n n V. Dal... aim j "i. iwbi v wanci, !-.- .-lite - iock Dtog., na ana usk. Marshall 2654, WANTED Good lot in good district tri exchange for player piano or acreage, balance cash. Tabor 2664, BEAUTIFUL home, 7 rooms, 100x200 around. $3600: want a arrocerv or country store. E-696, Journal. CITY Income property for farm or acre- age. owner. 192 Morris st. EXCHANGES of every kind; we can match you. 602 Couch bldg. WILL exchange bungalow for furnl turo stock. Y-437. Journal. WILL exchange new $400 piano for few acres. F-680. Journal. FOB SALE FARMS Allow Jeff to "Insult" L ' . (Thv is csinSniS rr 1 nmvsi J I MJ lilt-. --v . i T ' 1 u 1 .at- xw .11 i m n-pu$y " j 1 niiKN m i i i . l .j Hiaj if i ' - - v 11.1 k 1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 k . Here's More Business1 ' $12,00 Very select fully improved and stocked dairy ranch for two houses. $18,000 COO a. near Bend; ,300 a, paid water right, good Improvements. . will allow $10 per a. for jplne timber. Big best snap on market. Prefer acreage for subdivision. $40,ooo tiOO a, timothy and grain ranch - near Spokane. Fully Improved. Stock nnd implements worth thousands of dollars. Over 200 a. timothy meadow. Want residence or valley farm. CHAFIN-HKRLOW MTO; & TRUST CO Ask for Beck Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EXCHANGE beautiful new modern four room bungalow, fireplace, attic, base ment, etc. Will take good lot to the value of 3700 as first payment, or will accept lot or Improved property In southern California. Owner 6606 6th St.. southeast. WANTED REAL fiSVATE 81 WORKING MAN wants to buy small home of 4 or S rooms, close to car- line. Price to be $1100 to $1500; can pay jiou cash ana montniy payments Owners only J-582, Journal. LOW orlced lot Mt Scott line, for cash Full Information first letter. 16so Dwlgbt st city. WANTED to buy cheap lots near Mt. Scott car line. Will pay cash. Mar, a vo or J-&8J, journal. WANTED, modern house for cash to sanvu; must tie snap, woouiawn za; t. LUVINGTON T room modern home for cash, from owner. P. O. box 1176. ROOMING HODSES 53 50 Rooms 50 Steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; rent less than $5 a room, tn heart of city; always full, clears $260 a month; cost me $4000, first one comes with H50 takes the whole tning; give terms if necessary. Peters, 16 N. sin WANTED A partner to take a heJt interest in a aooa noiet. one wno cmi look after same and that understand the business. This Is a good money maker, and will stand close lnvestiga tlon. Call Marshall 4783. FIRST CLASS furnished 14 room house, furnace heat; lease, casn or iraae; terms. E. Broadway, near bridge. Phone East 1691. ROOMING houses of every size and price; let us show you our list. Will protect you. 603 coucn Diag. BUStNEHS CHANCES HO BUSINESS opportunities com to stud ents of the Y. M. C A. commercial college, run not to make money, but for the aood of tAen; has a $o00,000 equipment. Ten different business courses; men teacners, rees moaerate. Write or call for catalogue. T. M. C. A,. cor. 6th and Taylor sts GENERAL merchandise store at Belle- vue. Yamhill Co.. Or. Real estate. buildings and stock valued at $10,000. Owner wishes to Hell on account of 111 health. Good business; new buildings. Call or nddress Bollovue Merc Co., McMltinvlllo R, F. D.. No. 3. bHQKXHANDJs the stepping stone to business opportunity. Ji.xpei'1 men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. UOOU paying blacksmith shop. Owner too old to continue ousiness, wants some industrious man to take charge n ommiKsion. G. W. Moe, Route J, McMlnnvllle. Or. A BARGAIN. Bicycle and motor cycle repair shop and Himrti'ig goods; old established rude Hf several years with good trade. I-57S, Journal. RESTAURANT, confectionery, doing hplendlil business In prosperous city, owner leaving. Cash or trade for clear Portland property immediately. Box K29, Portland. 1000 NEEDED to enlarge established crowing business: good Interest al lowed; no bonus. Strictly safe proposl- Inn Investigate. O-610. Journal. FOR SALE Weekly newspaper in srood Oreuon town: '-'ft miles from balem; price $1000; half cash. Address KX-512, Journal. SNAP Country storo In good valley town: will Invoice 12500: will take some trade, save commission. Owner, 82 K. 27th st. KOR SALE. Corner meat market doing a cash business of $:16 per day. If Interested phone Tahor 1811. W. H. Hawtell. OR SALE Carpenter shop; must be sold on account of sickness. Kreat bargain. Answer by letter. Mac, 108 rand live.. Poriland. HUSTLING man with $150 can buy half working Interest In first class aylng business. 727 Thurman. RESTAURANT for sale, beat bargain in the city, if taken at once. A-t03, Journal. WE HAVE stores of every kind, prices from $150 to $20,000; some big bar- ains. 602 Couch bldg. INe pool room, well furnished, central location. Rood lease, reasonable rent. M. E. Lee, 622 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE, by owner, grocery, good cash business, living rooms connected. Woodlawn G4. EED active partner In cleaning and dve works; paying proposition; small mount will handle. 727 Thurman. WEDDING invltatioms and announce ments. Ryder Printing Co., 357 Burn- side at. Main 6538. CONFECTIONARY, claar. tobacco, llv- lng rooms, reasonable rent, leaving city, ni vvnsmngion si. GOOD stock and fixtures of notion-, millinery and silks. Y-699. Journal. RESTAURANT at 127 Grand ave., fine location. Will sell cheap for cash. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE HI CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable rat-as. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bid.; MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Ren; estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhl'l sts. $1000 to $6000 for immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. r arrlngton, 410 t,:onimerclnl Club bid:-,-. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H seltz ft CO. 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark Bt MONEY to loan, real estate. R. E. Hine. 408 Yeon bldg. MONEV TO LOAN KKALv ESTATE OW Is the best time to arrange to renew mat mortgage, u win soon be due. Why pay 8 or 10 per-cent In terest? We loan at 6 per cent. Long time if desired. Pre-payment privi lege; no brokerage. We furnish money to build or for your Investments. Loan anywhere. Suite 1002 Broadway bldg. v MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 918 SPALDING BLDG. WE loan money in amounts of $260 and up to buou on real estate in or near Portland. We do business quickly, at the right rates and at moderate ex pens to me porrower. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 612 Piatt bids., cor. Park and Wash, LOANS made on unproved city property or for building purposes; advances mad as building progresses; liberal repayment privileges. No commission or brokerage, j. p. l.ipscomo, Hi BiarK Mortgage Loans I. U WHITE. 701 Belling Bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, is cnamoer or commerce. LOANS from $1600 to $10,000 on good Portland security. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding bldg. Main 7692. $260. $400, $600, $900, $1360; these amounts to loan real estate. Fred W. German Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce; both phones. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property; special racuiues ror large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Obk. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, lire insurance. McKenzie & r. I " 1 1 , . nM .. .. J AlJn. U . , upj m,ci mu$., fcu mm niuci . HAVE any amount to loan oil good Portland real estate, call z-H Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; fire In- surance. w. u. ecn, aia-am waning I HAVE for immediate loans, $800, ibou. uuu. at current rates. A. u Bell. 201 Gerllnger Bldg. MONEY to loan on good residenoe prop- erty, r. oox via. MONEY TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES ' SALARY OR CHATTEL LOANS MAJ3E QUICKLY ANY AMOUNT. Establish your credit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, when in urgent need of a seoond accommodation be cause they were JUST OUT OF FUNDS? OUR CAPITAL IS UNLIMITED. ' If you deal with us, you msy rest assured that we will be willing and able to accommodate you any time. OUR GfiEW RATES $ .35 weekly pays a $ 10 loan. $ .66 weekly pays a $ 25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $ 60 loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. l 418 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES Between 4th and th sts. on Wash. st. Open it a. m. to 6 p. in.. Sat. till 8 p. m. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOXEb $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUBINiiSH STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 30 FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, etc. AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and Sturk sts. Open 8 a. in. to 6 o. m. SAUKDAY KVKWINU8 UNTIL 8 P. M KLHY COMPANY. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 317, LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STARK STS. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments, See me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. D D. Drake. 828 Henry bldg. A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds nd Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 834 Wash opp. Owl druir store. MONEY sold on installment- confiden tial to salaried peopls. F. A. New ton, 514 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and alewel ry. strictly confidential. 141 H 3d. LOANS WANTED 30 you have Idle money, sea me. No charge to you for loaning on real estate and nothing better. Lawyer. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. FINANCIAL 51 BONDS FOlt SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on Saturday. October 4lh. 1913, at 2 o'clock, P. at the 4 til street door of the county court house, in Portland, Or., sell at public auction. 40 of the ten year, six per cent, cold, mortgage bonds of the Enstern Irrigation, Power and Lum ber company, of Portland, Or., num bered from 1 to 40. Inclusive, and of the face value of $500 each, with inter est coupons attached, to sutisfv th debt and claim of tlte undersigned. Dated this 3d day of September, 1913. E. E. CHAPMAN. CASH PAID FOB MORTGAGES. Or seller'sequlty In contract of salt on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermn bid. Loan a. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Boy for stock room. Apply 408 Manchester bldg. ERRAND boy, chance to learn the trade! Watson Printing C o., 242 Salmon st. WANTBD, Hliinglers, at onco. 39th and Tillamook. FIRST class painter" wanted. Woodlawn 1938. Phono BOYS wanted over 16 year's old. Apply Portlund Cordage Co., 144 Northrup at. SOLICITORS wanted; bast offer in cltyl Van Dyok Studio, 404 Washington St. ''HEIJvXNWlJtf"At"ls',;-"i,:--f SituatlonvWanted :'. Ada. Inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be bought to the office personally by the parties oesiring worn. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees memoer win secure employment or re fund of membership tea: alves two month full membership privileges, 10 wonins social ' privileges. Record for I months ending Aua $1 Calls for men 1698 Positions filled 1095 All young men seeking; employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of tne jKimpioyment Department. , MEN 17 or over I Pay In the U. S. navy average $40 per month. Promotion possible up to chief petty officer at over $90 clear. Learn mechanical trade. Must prove you are an American citi zen. Complete information at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. For free' booklet, "The Making of a Man-0Warsman. ' Address Bureau of Navigation, Box, 327, Navy Dept., Washington, D. C. WANTED For U. 8. army, able bodied, unmarried men between ares of 18 and 85; citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Enellsh language. For Information ap ply to 'recruiting officer, Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED Master of tugs, $4.80 per diem, including Sundays. A competi tive examination will be held for tha above position. For further Information address Commandant, Navy Yard. Pugtt Sound. Wash. WANTED First class operator and all around photographer. Sand refer ences, terms, experience and age. Per manent work to right man. Otto Jacob- n, care or stuaio ue lu, Eugene, or. WIRELESS operators in oonstant da mana. xnis coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. All tha Year Round Dav and Night schools; complete equipment; oest on coast. WA NTED First class sheet ' metal workers, wages $4.60 per day of 8 hours. J. C. Hoyer Furnace Co.. Front and Market sts. FEW high class salesmen to sell fine! property at the moutli of tha Colum bia, the coming great seaport Call only between 10 and 13. 901 Wilcox bids-. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- dress Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTED A few hich srrade. renoonai ble stock salesmen to handle first olasa proposition which is selling. Apply at once, 414 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Man to deepen 80 foot well on nearoy larm. rnone Main 7(80 or East 4398. YOUNG man, not over 20 years of age, for men's furnishing department Lennon's, Morrison St., opp. postofficc BOY for parcel delivery; must have bicycle; good wages. Apply Hoaun- tnat a, i-m iuui. near waani n g ton. MATTRESS makers wanted. King Fish- er mattress vo., is AiDtna ave. Jsasi 497. WANTED 10 young men to train for court renortinir under an mnrt In Pitman shorthand. J-r"9. Journal. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto repairing end drlvlnsr: call at Haw. morn uarage, it j-iawtnorne e. WANTED, 8 men to learn automoblU anving ana ropamng. Belmont Gar age, 23d and Helmnnt. Take S. 8. car. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers, ALIf ORNIA WINE DEPOT, 286 Yamhill st 'URN1TP finishers wanted Til Goldsmith. Freeland Furniture Co. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 OREGON AUTOMOBILE- SCHOOL, 8 268 11th st. Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical Instruction in drlvtne mm repairing auioinuones oy expert in structors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at Urns of graduation. ORKGON LAW SCHOOL; A thorough practical course in law: no time lost from, xegular occupation; recitations evonlngs. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean, M. Morshead, Sec, 818-31? Commonwealth bldg., Portland, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE school, with high arrsde expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment-to train for this coming vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Y. M. C. A. DayVud N ignt Schools, cor, flth and Taylor sts. WA NTED Portland mail carriers, pos tal clerks; $86 to $100 month; Vaca tions; many November examinations; common education sufficient; sample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept RAlLvVAY MAIL CLEH-kS WANTED. Commence $76 month. Write for par ticulars. Franklin Institute, Dept. 824-Q. Rochester, N. Y. ' INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 505 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4142 WANTED Men, 18 to 46, to become Portland mall carriers; $66 to 1100 month. KX-xfU .in fi-ital CENTRAL Commercial College training piMUFs you in inn expert Class; text books free. Central bldg., 10th & Alder. UNCALLED for tailor made suits $. up. Taylor, the tailor. t9H Rurnslda HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 EXPERIENCED WOMAN WAKTm For dyeing slippers, hosiery, etc. Apply at superintendent's office, fth floor, be tween :3U and 9:30 a. m. MEIER & FRANK CO. TWO or three neat, intelligent women ior corset wont; personal instruc tion given. Apply between 9 and 11a. m. Nubons Corset Parlors, 202 Broad way building. GOVERNMENT Jobs, women, $71 month; examinations in Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Sept 70S F. Rochester, N. Y GIRL, not ovr 30 years of age, to clean 10 rooms, afternoon work, at 87 Vi fith St.; wares $6 a week and board. Call after 12 o'clock. irol'SEKEEPKR for light housekeeping State age, price and particulars. Y-80?S, Journal. WAIST and skirt finishers, experienced, good wages, come esrly. 434 Morri son. ' Gllttj for housework, good wages: 1182 Harold ave. Bellwood 1478. W. W. car. WILLING girl or woman, not over 40, for housework. 701 Northrup st; HELPWANEiKEMALE r S . . Situation Wanted Ada. Inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must b brought to the office personally by the parties desiring1 work, WANTEDYOUNG LADIES. FOR TEL JBPHQNB,. 'iPERAVo., ' WITH "t OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE.' ' PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIF.IC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR, 6TH AND EAST ANKENY8T8., OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST W WANTED Widower with 4 small chil dren wants a middle aged, refined and experienced housekeeper o care for house and children. Good wages to competent and reliable person. I will be at room' "221 In Perkins hotel, on Wednesday and Thursday, September 24 and 25. hours 11 to 12 a. in., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. in. Will be glad to ex change references. Address Box 47, R r . u. l, nood KJver. ur, GIRL to fold circulars: must be rapid Apply Immediately, a 318 Spalding nuiming. HELP WANTED JIALE 1NJ FEMALE 29 OREGON Barker College teaches you tne Darner trade in g weens, pays you wniie learning, tools xree, tuiuon re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special Inducements to laoies. z3S Madison fit., zoz, zna. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will ' teach you the trade in 8 wieks. Send for free catalogue: expert instructors: 20 years tn the buslhess; a llfetims scholarship given to each -student; spe cial Inducements to ladies. 48 N. 2d st. MEN AND EN WOMEN wanted for goveiii ment Jobs; $90 month: write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Lept. 33B-G. Kocnester. n. y. WAiSTED To sell automatic water heater in good condition; also cook stove. Kast si PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced tencner, & per month. 393 11m st. FiSK Teachers' Agency secures posi tions ror teacners. sis -journal Diag. WANTED AGENTS e USE your spare time to build tip a mall order business of your own: we help you start ror a share in pronts; 27 op portunities: particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. SITUATIONS MALE 8 MARRIED man would ilka to take charge of .ranch: horse ranch pre ferred as 1 am a first class horse man; can give references. James JJulhio, G reaham, Or. COMMERCIAL teacher desires positloi Am graduate of high school, Orcg.m Agricultural college and Business col lege. Have taught In business college. Auoreaa uox Jin, Aioany, ur PRifn i ER All-around, sober, indus trious, unmarried man wishes situa tion as foreman or mauacer of u country office. Best of references. V-679. Jour nal. YOUNG married man wants porter work in hotel or barber shop or apartment Souse and is a grocery clerk. W-660. ournal. WAITER, one who' knows his business, to wait on lunch counter; wages $10.60 week. Call at once. 40 N. 1st and Couch sts. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and gen eral office man; can operate type writer; would accept good clerical po sition; local reference. V-878, Journal. LOCOMOTIVE and stationery boiler fireman; can take oare of stationery engine or pumps; wishes position. O-01'J, journal. CARPENTER, foreman wants work, day or contract Address Box 67, Wood stock. BY sober, reliable man, experienced in general merchandise and bookkeeping. Call Tabor 3715. , YOUNG married man, good education, wants position of any kind, with chance of advancement. W-23, Journal. GOOD bread baker able to take charge of small shop, work alone; also good rake baker. M-722, Journal. MIDDLE aged man wants position as residence caretaxer or watenman; references. J-683, Journal. - PERMANENT position wanted by mid dle aaed s-entleman. country pre ferred. S-812. Journal. WANTED Expeiionced young . man bookkeeper and stenographer desires position. Address box 816. Albany. Or. JOB PRINTER Platen pressman, ca pable. reliable. Phone Marshall 2828. Ask for Clark. 249 4th st. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk would like work. H4S Lenora st., city. PAPERIKG and tlntlnir, $2.50 up- palnt- tng reasonanta. jn marsnait. l'. zivi. ig rut YOUNG man, 21 years of age. willing to do anything. E-685, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE I FIRST-CLASS ironer wants work by the hour. 35c. pnone ueiween 8 ana 4, East 4554. EXPERIENCED in hotel or restaurant. Will work by day or hour. Phone Main 4336. Room 9. 1 TWO experienced demonstrators would like position with salary, to travel. Marshall 6670, room, 3. EXCELLENT seamstress wishes 6 ori 6 hours' sewing dally, 20o per hour Will take work home. Phone C-2984. HOUSEKEEPING by neat lady with little girl. City or country. J-580, Journal. DISH WASHER, help In kitchen, cham ber work, sleep homo at night. Main F78Z; Mrs. Mason. HIGH school trlr. graduate, wishes sn- eral office wof-K; anxious, and willing to work. 914 Corbett at. WIDOW woman would Ilk care of 2 children at own home. Sell w ood 45. call forenoon. TTOliET'iiR by h respectable laiiy gentleman of means. Dora Leru- for it terbacp, 3rd and Luther. Lenta. Or. LACE curtains, draperies, linens latind rred by expert. Culled for. Tabor 31 7. WOMAN wants ' work, 2.1c hour, or by day. Main 2438 T1"ERYKnc"E'D woman wants ""days1 work. Call all the week, Marshall 6035. n" " 'jsiTCAnoys-rcatAiii ' NEAT German woman would like posi tion In rooming; or apartment house in exchange for rent of housekeeping apt , suitsblet for - two. Reference given. Phone Tabor 2021. ' ' BTENOCiRAPHEJt Beslnner. " wou!4 ltko position, law of fica - preferred : willing- to work for experience and small wages. P-fl. Journal. vV4KTED- position aa housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Phone Sellwood 517; ask for Mrs. Gray, or call Tabor 2928.. - '- . GIRL wanta office work; can -operate Elliot Fisher typewriter. Phons Ta- bor 4814. r"'; ' j FASHIONABLE dressmaker wishes env gagemnts in famine's. II. 60 per dav. 460 Yamhill. Main 4107. Mrs. Evans. LAbY would like Dosltion' to sell tlck- ets for picture show or theatre. Main 4987. AN experienced pastry cook wanta posi tion. 121 E. 27th st. N. LADY will care for children or Invalids afternoons end evenings. Main 1 145.' DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress. making. Tailored Suits; Corsets. Teachers wanted. 804 Qoodnough bldg. DRESSMAKING: satisfaction' guaran- teed; children's sewing: specialty. 474 Alder. Marshall 6279. Miss Armon. FIRST class dressmaking, 46 N. 8th.. between Couch and Davis sta; prices reasonable. PLAIN die4tiiaklng and family sewing, $l.iiO. Good references. Drop card. Mrs. Abbott. 6SC E. 21st St. 8. SEWING by the Jay, $2. Phone Main 5581. FURNISHED KOOMS WEST SIDE FOR y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, - special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. 6th and Tavlor sts. Antlers Hotel Location, 10th and Washington sta. Rates 3 to $6 per week. Modern. With or without bath, TOURIBT HOTEL. 160 1st St., cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished ecor rooms, $3 week up; traa- slent 60c day. H car from depot. uotkl Buckingham, 52H Washington st. New, modern brick all outside rooms, $2.50 week up; with private bath. $5. MYEl EMM hTttS it- ter in rouum, rates reasonaoie. xsat tin. MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mod. ern, parlor, large porch, summer rat'-s THE COLONIAL, 165 10th st; rooms $1 iu per ween; central, quiet ana cooi. Fine baths. - VuUNG man rooming Y. id, C A., wanta roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office Y. M7 C A. HOTEL MASONS Wft at 7ft per wk. Free pnone and oath. Main 7 manent and trans't ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $3.60 week snd up. 455 Alder. NICELY furnished room at Liodel ho tel. $1.60 and ud. 26 Market at rimiriBitiw books 1 vTEBT SIDE fslVATU r AJCTXT TO ROOMS tn private families; we maintain a descriptive list, giving wide rang of choice; can place you in just what you want Call today, no charge, CLA RENTAL BU.1EAU, 1015 Chamber of commerce. Main 4030. TWO single furnished rooms to rent in private family, all modern conven iences, walking distance. Mar. 2703. 3S2 College) st. BARGAIN Large, clean room, close in; all conveniences. 66 ft Yamhill. Mat Khali 256. TWO furnished rooms with board cheap. Gas and furnace heat, with bath. 76 mnmny st. Marshall 6898. 1 PER WEEK Heat, gas. phono, bath, Off hall. Home comfnrta. 1111 Roosevelt at. near 28d. Marshall 4118. NICELY furnished housekeeping roomx , $2.50 up; free light; phone. 621 Mor rlson st ' 1 BEAUTIFUL furnished front room, furnace beat, suitable for 3. S3-59 week. 476 Clay. TWO furnished rooms lor doctor's of fice. 226 13th st. Marshall 5023. SEVERAL rooms In quiet home. Fino view, mono mornings. Marshall 95 1. t. niarwnail u.a. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE G2 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. 6th and Morrison sta. American and European .plan. New and modern, large lobby, special rates by month. THE Larm bee. 227 u unrrabee. Rooms $2 wk. up. Brick bldg-.. steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone, electrlotiy. FVBjrXSXEO KOOMS SIDE PBIVATX TiHTXY BAST 71 LARGE front room suitable for two; modern conveniences; fifteen minutes walk to business center. 687 E. Alder. I'UNNY room for man of good habits, private family, east side, walking dis- tancc. 248 Dupont st. ' - LARGE, light well furnished room. 187 East 16th st. near Belmont. V). 6874. .. I-1 m i SHED room, light, bath, gentle men, $6 mo. 269 Fargo St. V csr. - UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREE nice unfurnished rooms; own entrance; reasonable; doss in. 287 nonaaay ave. THREE 2 room suites. $6, $7; four room flat. $12. 342 Front. BOOKS AVO BOAXS TKIVATX 7AMIZ.T YOUNG German men want roorri and board with private family near Broad- w ay bridge. L-360, J ournal. . fiooM and board, 130 East l9th, Sunny slda car. Near Morrison (Widow's family.) HOOM and board, walking distance. 490 Taylor. FURNISHED room and breakfast, $11 per month, all conveniences. Eat 6377. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD S9 WANTED Board and room in -country or ' suburban home for weak minded but perfectly harmless woman. Can as sist in housework. R-408, Journal. By "Btid" Fisher