The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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    i!( "l
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Earl of Elgin Left Down This
Morning With Wheat for
Cork; Indramayo Coming.
Failing direct for MoJI with cargo for
- oriental ports, the British steamer Den
V Of Rut liven, Captain Stewart, of the
IiOJl Mail' Steam Packet line, is sched
uled to leave down this afternoon for
the Bra. From here the Den of Ruthvon
: will take 65,000 barrels of flour, valued
f 1250,0(10. for Dalney and Tku Par.
The entire cargo of the liner is made
tip of flour and In addition to what she
has loaded here tncre arc 10.000 bar
rels, valued at $39,600. which were
placed aboard the steamer at Tacoma
" before she came in here a week or so
ago. The Puget sound (shipment is con
sugned to Taku Bar. Portland cargo for
":' Taku Bar is 40,000 barrels, valued at
- 1160,000. while for Dalney there are 26,
000 barrels, valued at $100,000.
The Don of Kuthven will complete
her cargo this afternoon and leave
down tho river as soon as her papers
are fixed up. While she will go on
through to London and Antwerp, the
Pen of Ruthven has no cargo for those
ports from the Pacific coast.
The next steamer of the line which
Will come here will be the British
r steamer Indramayo, which arrived at
v Tacoma yesterday. She Is taking on
grain anj general cargo there and will
come here to complete before sailing for
the orient.
The British steamer Karl of Klgin,
Captain - IrfBlie, of 4le -offshore grain
fleet, left down for the sea at 6 o'clock
this morning with a full cargo of wheat,
bound for Cork direct. She cleared at
, the custom house with 239,289 bushels
of , wheat, valued at $201,000, under
charter to M. H. Ilouser.
John McNuliy to Teach Navigation
Free of Charge.
As announced a few days ago, the
public schools of Portland are to have
a course in navigation, and John Mc
Nuliy, nautical expert of the United
States branch hydrographlc office, will
be in charge. Unlike most ports, Port
land-has been deficient in the past In
this necessary course - for a place so
intimately connected with shipping.
Superintendent L. R. Alderman, of the
public schools, has just issued the
following circular, giving further de
" "A course in navigation is to be
given under the city school system
during the coming school year, begin
nine at 8 p. ni.. September 29, at Lin
coln high school. Classes will be held
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
evening between the hours of 8 p. m
and 9:30 p. m.
"John McNuIty, nautical expert of
the naval hydrographlc office, located
In this port, has been elected instructor
by the educational authorities.
"The coursu la free to those wishing
to take it
, "The course will be made as simple
as possible, and for this reason all
those possessing a common school edu
cation and who wish to enter wffl se
cure valuable assistance.
"A knowledge of navigation will be
f value to all those who intend entering
the following lines of work: Merchant
marine, as quartermasters, mates, mas
ters, etc., U. S. naval academy, U. S.
navy, state naval militia, U. S. revenue
service, U. S. coast and geodetic survey,
U. S. geological survey, U. S. hydro
graphic office, U. S. geographical sur
vey, U. S. weather bureau, U. S. light
house service, U. S. army transport
service, U. S. Naval observatories,
teachers of astronomy, computers in
marine branches of public and private
work, surveyors for federal and state
governments, cities and private, proc
tors in admiralty and maritime law.
Rammed by 8 nag Craft Is Tem
porarily Disabled.
Wrecking outfits were taken down to
the" Clatskanio river on the steamer
Ottawa and gas barge Wakena to
day for use in raising the steamer
Beaver of the Clatskanie Transporta
tion company, which after striking a
snag at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
was beached Just below the railroad
bridge in the ClatRkanie slough.
The Wakena. which has been tied up
in South Portland for more than twe
years, will hanole the Beaver's run un
til the latter is repaired and the barge
was brought up to the Couch street
dock and inspected this morning, leav
ing for the Clatskanie river ut noon
With lumber and material for patching
the hole In the Heaver. It Is expected
that with a patch the sunken craft can
be pumped out and brought up to ons
of the local shipyards under her own
When it was discovered that the
teamer was sinking afte- striking the
snag, which tore a hole In her starboard
Bide opposite the engine, the vessel vas
run aground and the freight which
might be damaged by water moved for
; ward. Her bow is out f the water,
and there are about five or six feet
Over her main deck aft. The greater
part of her cargo consisted of shingles.
Captain J. W. .Shaver and D. C. O'Reil
ly Of tho Clatskanie Transportation com
pany, owners of the steamer, went
down there this morning to look th
Beaver over.
C-W. R. & N Company Will l.'se
Water System.
E. R. Budd, superintendent of water
lines for the O.-W. R. & N., went to
Rtparia and Lewlston yesterday to look
over the situation there in connection
,,Wlth the transfer of wheat by steamers
of i that company on the Snake river.
The steamer Lewlston began operating
last Monday, and It Is expected to have
tbe Spokaue out as soon as some repair
work .on her Is completed, which will
ha within a few days. It Is said that
there art how about 20,00.) sacks of
Wheat awaiting transportation along the
banks of the Snake river and a recent
estimate Indicated that there would he
at least 200,000 sacks more to move this
year than last by means of the steam-
Steamers From South Report North
- west (Jules Off Coast.
Reports of bad weather on the coat
re made by steamers Just coming In
from California ports, heavy northwest
weather having fallen to the lof of
hoth the steamer Beaver of the "Big 3"
j fleet t and ; to the American-Hawaiian
steamer PaVuleo, both of which are now
in port. i
On tbe first night out from Ban
' v V-."'.,..
rf-ru-a., omwIM jiW
Kraneisco, the Beaver ran into a heavy
northwest gala which lasted all that
night and detained her in her arrival
here several hours. She arrived at 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon with 275
passengers, among whom were Captain
J. Speter, the local harbormaster, and
John K. Bulger, supervising Inspector
of steam vessels for the First district.
She had 1000 tons of freight.
Captain Jaeobaon, master of the
steamer Paralso, which reached Albera
dock No. 8 at 1 o'clock this morning, re
ported heavy northwest weather all the
way up the coast from San Francisco.
The steamer was delayed in her arrival
here ab&ut 12 hours. She brought gen
eral cargo fron,ft!ejy York and Europe
and will sill again for the Golden
Gale Saturday.
Coming to load lumber for the H. K.
Wood Lumber company, the steamers
Siskiyou and Shasta will be due to ar-
rive here from California October 6
Laden with a full cargo of cement
and asphalt, the steamer J. B. Stetson
arrived at 5:30 last night. After dis
charging her asphalt at Montgomery
dock No. 1 she proceeded to the Supplo
dork to discharge cement.
Grain steamers which started work
ing cargoes this morning were the Brit
ish steamer Kpsom at the North Bank
dock and the British ateamer Bellorado
at the Oceanic dock.
The Hrltlsh steamer Manningtry com
pleted her cargo of lumber at Knappton
yesterday afternoon and sailed this
morning for Sydney. She is under char
ter to Davies & Ken on.
Carrying passengers and a cargo of
lumber, the steamer O. M. Clark is
scheduled to sail for California ports a
4 o'clock this afternoon.
The steamer Alliance, Captain Lof
stedt, Is scheduled to sail tonight for
Coos Bay and Eureka with passengers
and freight
Bringing a cargo of general freight.
the gas schooner Patsy arrived up from
Bandon at 11:30 last night
Passengers for the steamer Multno
mah left down on the Iralda this after
noon and the Multnomah will sail from
St. Helens for California at I tonight
Sue to Arrive.
Shoshone. Am. Sept. S3
Breakwater, from Cooi Bay Sept. 27
Yoaemlte. from San Frauclaco Mept. 27
Temple B. Dorr, from San Franeljco.. .Ht. 2
Hue ii. Klmore, from Tlllumook Dept. m
Klamatb. from San Francisco Sept. 20
Bear, from Lot Augalea Sept 29
Yucatan, from San Diego and way. .. .dept. 29
Tillamook, from Ooqiilllc ".Hept. 29
Alliance, from Eureka Sept. 29
I'rkermark, from Europe and orient ... .Ort. 2
Rose City, from Xjo Angeles Oct. 4
Roanoke, from Ban Pedro Oct. 6
Bearer, from Sen Pedro Ort. 9
Den of Glamua, from ortant Oct. 10
C. Fred Laevez, from Europe and orient Nor. 4
Andalusia, from KuroDe and orient nr A
Sitnonia, from Europe and orient Dec SI
Due te Depart.
Alliance, for Eureka Sept. 25
Tillamook, for ftoqullle Sept. 26
Multnomah, for San Franclaco.. Sept. 2,1
Pataj, for Slualav Sept. 38
San Ramone, for San Franclaco Sept. 27
Pare lo, for Ran Franclaco Sept. 21
Bearer, for San Pedro Sept. 29
Sue H. Elmore, for Tillamook Sept. 30
Voaemite, for Han Pedro Sept. 30
Breakwater, for Cooa Bay Sept. 80
Yucatan, for San Diego and way Oct. 1
Bear, for San Franclaco Oct. 8
Klamatb, for San Diego Oct. 8
Camlno, for San Franclaco Oct. 0
Roanoke, for San Diego Oct. t
Rose City, for Han Franclaco Oct. 8
Troaa tea Fraaclaeat
Stearaera Himrt add Yale, alternating,
lea re San Franalaee tor Sao Diego on Mondaya,
Wedneadara, Fridays and a tarda ja. connecting
with ateamera from Portland. Northbound, they
arrive at San Franclieo on Tueadaya, Thursdays,
Saturdaya and Sundaya.
Orals fleet la Fart.
Thlelbeck, Gar. bk Victoria dolphlna
Bellucia, Gar. aa Elevator
Co) la, Br. aa Irving
Kpaom, Br. aa North Bank
Bellorado, Br. aa E. A W. lailla
leaker Tlaal la rert.
Name Berts.
Beulah. Am. acb Aatorla
w. H. Miraton. Am. acb.. West Slda Rhlnalc Co
M. S. Dollar. Br. aa
.St. Johua
Stratbdena, Br. aa
Salem, Am. acb
Klof Cyrus. Am. acb
Queen Maud. Br. aa..
Cralghall, Br. aa
Commerce, Am. acb..
Quuiault, Am. aa...
. , I.lnnton
St. Helena
Portland Dry Dock
Biaoauaaauas ia Part.
I.. (J. Burgeaa, Am. bk....
St. Nlcholaa. Am. able
. .lamaa-Poulaea
Columbia No. 1
Berlin, Am. ahlp
Hauce. Am. ab ,
Colusa, Br. aa
Sbaata, Am. aa ,
O. M. Clark. Am. aa...
Tillamook, Am. aa ,
Bearer, Am, aa
M Irene, gaa acb
St. Helena, Am. aa Weatport
Olympic, Am. aa Inman-Poulaen
Alliance, Am. aa Columbia No. 1
san Kamone, Am. aa Conch St.
J. B. Stetson, Am. aa Couch Sat.
Patay, gun gaa acb Columbia No. 1
Puraiso, Am. aa Albera No. 3
Ka Bouts te Load Lumber.
alalled rroa.
. .Saa Fraaclace
..Sea rranelaee
. ., Taooma
..Saa fraoclare
..Saa Francis oo
San Dleg
Ban a'randeco
..San Frmclaco
Wm. U. Smith. Am. acb
Arrlna, Br. atr ,
Bangor, Nor. atr.
Den of CrombW, Br. an..,..
Ecclesia, Br. air
Geo. E. BlUinga, Am. acb...
Georglna, Am. bkt.
Uarflcte, Br. aa.
Marlborough Hill. Euaa.
Puako, Am. bktm.
Santa Rosalia. Br. aa
Slam, Dan. aa
Terrier, Nor. aa. .........
Indramayo. Br. aa ,
Border Knight, Br. aa....
Fukoko Maru. Jap. aa
Wm. U. Talbot. Am. acb.
Beagle Dollar, Br. aa
Damara, Ur. as
Xa fteute te Load Oraia.
Name Ballad From.
Adelaide, Gr. bk Aatotogauta
Asgerd. Nor. ab Callaa
Birkdile, Br. bk Uuaace
British lilcs, Br. ahlp.. Callaa
Clyde, Nor. ablp , Callaa
Crocodile, Br. bark Callae
Ernest Legouve, Fr. bark Qlaegow
uaisair, DC mi a, uoanils
tikenesaltn, Br. ship Santos
HarTeetebcde, Gar. ship St. Hoaalla
Ulnemoa. Br. bark Newcastle, at.
IuTerarvn, Br. bark.... Callae
Kaaaal, Belg. ablp Barbura
Lang-dale. Br. aMp.... ...West Coast
Lynton, Br. bark St. BaaaUa
OrotaTa, Ger. ab Yokohama
Philadelphia. Br. able Calla
Scburbek. Ger. bark St. Roaalla
Hegura, Br. ablp .Oallae
Thlatlebaok, Br. bark Beanos Ayrea
narner vinnen, uar pars ....wast Coast
Weatgate, Br. ablp Wast Coast
Wlacomba Park. Br. ab Callae
lnrrrurls Br. bk Buenos Aires
Yaaukum, Jap. aa Orient
Astoria. Or.. Sept. 28. Sailed at 8 a. m.-
Steamer Arollne, for Baa Franclaco; ateamer
Norihlancl. for San Pedro. Sailed at 0 a. m.
Steamer Hoanoke, for Ban Diego and way porta.
Pulled at T-'Mt a. m. Schooner Samar, for
I alluo. Sailed at 9:80 a. m. British ateamer
larlow, for St. Vincent, for ordcra. Sailed at
0 a. hi. British ateamer klanulogtry, for 8yd-
Han Kraiieleeo,
20. Arrived Steamer
Yucatou. from Han
Cooa Bay. Sent. 23. Arrired
Breakwater, from Portland.
Tacoma, Sept. 24. Sailed at 1 D. m. Steamer
Damara. for Portland.
Aatorla, Sept. 24. Arrived and left uo at
noon Oaaoline acbooner Patay, from Florence.
Arrirea at i. and left up at 8:111 D. m.
Steamer Peralao, from San Franclaco. Arrived
down at 3 and sailed at 4:80 p. m. Steamer
tuiTer j. oiaon. for san Franclaco. Arrived
down at 8:40 and sailed at 5:40 p. m. Steamer
oreaawaier, tor cooa Bay. Arrived down at
'4:50 and aalled at 0:30 p. aa. Steamer. Koae
City, for San Franclaco and San Pedro. Ar
rirea down at 0:40 p. m. British ateamer
Harlow. Sailed at p. m. Steamer H. HI
Vance, for San Pedro.
San Franclaco. Sept. 24. flailed at 0 p. m.
Steamer Itochelle, for Portland.
Tides at Aatorla Friday High water, 10:16
a. m.. 8.0 feet; 9:47 . m., 8.1 feet. 1-ow wa
ter 3:48 a. m., 0.8 feeti 48 p, to., 8.3 feet
Cartridges for Mexico Belied.,
Douglas, Ariz., Bept 25. Joseph
Slater, pawnbroker, wat arrested by
federal officers and charged with vio
lating neutrality laws. Ten thousand
cartridges In his possession were seised.
Western Oregon M, E, Confer
ence Expresses Practically
Unanimous Support-
(8lclal to The Journal.)
Kugene, Or., Sept. 26. The Western
Oregon conference of the Methodist
church, now in session here, will go oi
record unanimously, it Is believed. In
favor of support of the state university
appropriations at the special refcren
dum election In November.
Resolutions submitted to the confer
ence this morning, after an address by
President Campbell, received practically
unanimous support, but because certain
members believed the resolutions were
not strom cnoua-h another vote was
taken and the resolutions were sub
mltted to the educational committee.
Declaring that the Methodist church
Is In favor of all education that tendn
to make better cltUeris, Bishop Cook
delivered a powerful address, calling
upon the Methodist church of Oregon to
support the state university, "An lnstl
tutlon that believes In the kind of edu
cation that we believe in."
Bev. Dr. Tonna; peaks
The address by Bishop Cooke was fol
lowed by a fiery speech by Dr. Ben
Jamln Young of Portland, who said that
the legislature had represented the
people In making the appropriations.
and that the referendum had been In
voked by an element that in no way
represented the people
The set of resolutions submitted
was signed by Dr. H, Trimble and W.
H. Fry of Portland and William Riley
Jeffrey Jr., of Grants Pass. Dr. Fletcher
Homan and Dr. E. H. Todd, respectively
president and vice president of Wllla
mette university, were eager to have
resolutions passed favoring the appro
prlations, and reluctantly submitted to
a reference to the educational commit
tee as the next best thing to be done.
D. H. Trimble declared after the ees
slon that the entire Methodist popula
tion of Oregon is with the state univer
sity, heart and soul, and that the reso
lutlon when brought up in a more satis
factory form will pass with a sweep.
At the organisation of the conference
today the following officials were elect
The Organisation.
C. C. Rarlck, secretary; R. A. Myers,
Frank James, assistant secretaries; D.
U Fields, statistician; T. D. Yarns, E.
M. Smith, E. T. Luther, H. T. Green, C.
B. Rees, assistant statisticians; H. T.
Atkinson, treasurer; F. N. Sandufcr. F.
8. Clemo, assistant treasurers; C. T.
McPherson, postmaster.
There Is a oash sum of $11, 290 and
16000 worth of real eatate in the fund
which goes to the support of aged and
retired members of the Methodist min
istry In the western Oregon conference.
At the conference Rev. T. L. Jones, cus
todian of (he fund and also the man who
established it, will turn In the sum of
$823. At a session given over to this
feature of the conference, the ambition
of the conference to raise the amount
to $60,000 in two years was announced.
There are in the conference 24 retired
ministers and 10 widows of ministers
who are claimants to a share of tbe
(Salem Bureuu of Tbe Journal.)
Salem, Or., Sept. 25. Homer Yates
will now have to answer to the charge
of first degree murder as the result of
the death last night of Mrs. Myrtle
Hayes, whom he shot twice Sunday
night because she would not leave her
husband and children for him. One of
the bullets went through the woman's
arm and the other, which proved fatal,
entered the neck and ranged downward
into the lungs.
An Inquest is to be held this after
noon and the case will be presented at
once to the grand jury, which Is now In
The shooting occurred upon the re
turn of Mrs. Hayes' husband from east
ern Oregon, when Yates committed the
crime in his Jealous frenzy to keep her
from rejoining her husband. Five chil
dren are left.
(Salam Bureau ot Tb Journal.)
Salem, Or., Sept. 25. The movement
to organise a second company, of
militiamen here Is'-being given encour
agement today by Colonel C, H. Martin,
the regular army officer detailed 'o
work with the Oregon National Guard,
and Adjutant General W. E. Flnser.
These officers were here today confer
ring with the governor on military mat
ters. It is desired to have another activa
company organized In Salem to com
plete the third Infantry, which is now
short one company owing to the muster
ing out of a company at Baker, which
did not take interest In the organiz
ation. Colonel Martin said If another
company is organised here that Halem
will be made batalllon headquarters, the
batallion consisting of the two com
panies in Salem and the companies In
Dallas and Corvallls.
Alleged Defective Wiring Charged.
A complaint was Issued yesterday by
E. V. Dunlap,' deputy building inspec
tor, against C. B. Jackson, publisher of
the Oregon Journal, on a charge of fall
Ins; to remove alleged defective wiring
and electrical equipment from a build
ing at 864 Hood street. The warrant
was served at the office of The Journal
and the accused was booked at polio
station as released on his recognizance
by Municipal Judge Stevenson. The cae
will be heard tomorrow.
Biplane Throws Its Driver.
3Am Angeles, Sept. 26. After throw
ing Stephen Vilkaltes, Its driver, a bi
plane ran away, hurdling fences and
other machines. Vllkaltas was unin
jured, but the biplane was smashed.
Daily River Readings.
5 -e
" 3 A
i i P b
I h ea ii
2 .a.t.t.3 5"
a ... ... .
20 1.0 0 0
30 0.4 0 II
W .). 8 O
18 2.81-0.1 0
TAT10NS ;- -;it'
Albany ...
Portland .
()Hlaina; (-railing.
A new electric stove for dining tables
has a drawer beneath the heating coll
so toast can be made at the same time
something else is being cooked, on top.
Visits Made Under Guidance
of Teachers to Test Pow
ers of Observation,
In accord wlh the policy of the
board of education that pupils should
learn by observation as well as from
text books hundreds of Portland school
children are being taken to tho Mlllc
show at the Meier & Frank store thli
week as a test of their powers of ob
servation, r
Over 200 pupils Trom the I.tnts school
under the guidance of Principal Hersh
ner visited th show yesterday, and
later made a trip to the Dahlia show
at the new library. Today 250 students
of the Richmond school will visit the
Milk show, coming prepared to take
notes on what they see and to make
these the basis of future compositions
In English. Teachers will accompany
the youngsters to assist In making tho
more Intricate features of the many
milk exhibits clear.
Wherever practicable the school chil
dren of the city will .be given the op
portunity of seeing what Is going on in
Portland. They are being urged to look
for things of interest as nn addition to
the beaten path of book learning. Half
day sessions, as they are called, will be
utilized, to give the students on insight
Into the afaflrs of tho city and as a
practical application of what they leurn
In the classroom.
Petitions Asking That Propo
sition Be Voted on Are
Being Circulated-
(Special to ', .e Journal.)
Astoria, Or., Sept. 2. The progres
siva citizens of Clatsop county, not to
be outdone by others in the lower Co.
lumbta river section, are now agitating
the questioin of voting on a 1400,000
bond issue for good roads at the No
vember election. The principal object
in the move Is to assist tho Columbia
Highway association In establishing the
proposed highway from Portland to tho
sea via Astoria.
To construct the hisfhwav throuch
Clatsop county It is necessary to issue
bonds to raise the required funds, and
petitions are now being circulated
throughout the county to put the ques
tion on the ballot. The petitions must
be filed by October 1, .otherwise the
election will be Illegal.
The plan of those behind the move
ment Is to Issue a series .of 20 year
bonds, which will draw 6 per cent In
terest. The first series Is to be for
$100,000, and will be placed under the
direction of the Clatsop county court,
while the actual construction work will
be under the supervision of the state
highway commission.
(Salem Bureau of Tbe Journal.!
Salem, Or.. Sept. 25. Using her stock-
ngs for a rope, Christina Hchlrnier
committed suicide at the state insane
asvlum this morning by hanging her
self to the window guards In her room.
The attendant had been In the room
a few minutes before and had left the
patient dressing. After making a noose
with the stockings, the woman climbed
on a seat and tied the Improvised rope
to the window and stepped off. She was
31 years old, and was committed from
this county, May 23, this year. Her
brother, August 8chlrmer, and sister,
Mrs. H. K. Schaffer, live here.
Auto Exchanges
The month of September, especial. y
toward Its close, is the time whoti many
autolsts get rid of their old carl to buy
new ones, exchanging touring cars for
runabouts, and effect many other trades
In new and used autos.
If you are such an autoist, or a pros
pective owner, or If you are in the mar
ket for speculation In autos, you cannot
afford to waste a single day before you
get into The Journal automobile "Want
Ad." column.
Watch The Journal "Automobile
Wants." from day to day. and see how
many trade and sale offers in the auto
mobile and auto supply line there
are. (Adv.)
Be wise,
Kdlcfsen's Ties. Kast
King(f;&ff ?
JUST the c li a i r s
you want in your
home K i n g c r a ft
chairs beautiful,
serviceable, right in
price. M a d e right
here i Oregon of
t tie best oak obtain
able. At your dealer.
Chair Company
Gaary Street, abore Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a da up jl
American Plan $3.50 day up l)
New ateal and brick atmcturei Third !
dltlM of hundrad roema now buildins.
Every modora convenience Modaratc
rata. Can tar of theatre and retail dia
tricU On carlinaa tranafarrini all evar
ait?. DaOria aauaiaaa aaaaU tralaa aaa Kaaawra.
AT Wilson Auction House. 18 1st St.
Special auction sale 10 a. m. tomor
row; '
FORD Auction House, 211 1st at., auo
tion sale 2 p. rn. Special offerings.
Business Property
PRICE $4000
Store and dwelling, on corner,
lot SflxlOO, street car passes
property on 100 it. side; room
for mJrc small stores on the
lot. A good investment, and
property will increase in 'value.
'I his is for the careful buyer.
404-5 Lewis bldg., 4th & Oak Sts.
Main 2081
1 00x100, Irvington, cor. and Knott,
67x150, adjoining Cily Park, west
side. $;i600.
.92 acres on Portland llciglitx. $1500.
228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Mortgage Loans
6 to 7
Main 310.
Boom 421 Falling Bldg.
Title and Trust Company
Fourth and Oak Streets.
Mortgage Loans
We Make Building Loans.
$1000 and up at lowest rates.
414 Oorbett Bldg. A-1416, Marshall 93.
We Buy Notes
246 Salmon St. Main 5389. A-1772.
J. l(ukk. erect onr story dwelling, Nevonty
flrst stri'Pt. Ittwecn Thirty-seventh and Thlr-ty-eiEhth
avenue; builder. (Jeorcc Trente; $Hkhi.
Lewis Investment coniprtny, ropnlr one story
shed, Hirer, ttetween Alblna and I-a-wIm; build
er. A. K. Buly: $.
Western Realty iimipeny. repair 11 story of
fice building;. IH fourth street. Iwtween Stark
ind Oak: builder. Hurley Mason company; $10,
(rant Weetman. erect l'i slorr dwelling.
10O4" llalsey street. leteen Seventy-fifth ami
Heventy-slxih; builder, aame; $I2).
Mrs. Ma ( rHnter, erect one story dnelllux.
F.ignfh atreet. between Wyaant and Alberta,
builder. Walter ). Moore; II.'SK).
K. K. Bowman company. Last Nineteenth
street, between Braxee uml Knott, ernrl 2'.
ktery dwelling; building, same; $o,iksi.
I. Johnson, ereet P-j story frame dwellliis
Gay. between Willamette ami Summer; .ullder.
It. G. leaver; 2i00.
1). .Schinllke to Nell t'buvHoii Silver, lot
T. bloik n, KidKeninnl. aerernieiif ... I, son
D. (iate Howes mid wife to Acino I.uin-
hcr couipnnv, Jet 1;!. bUx'k II, Torts- J
moulh Villa Ani. No. :1 nu
NhiIihmIpI T. riilmor mid wife. ITxlio feet,
lot IH. MiclOlcnex 2,.'!o I
Ira It. Ni'l!o to KiNou ;. Itiirki ct ill. 1
lot 2. lilm-k 41. Hw I I'.v 1'ark l'H
John W. Tariiuwky mid lfc lo Annli
l urnnsky. lot 0. Moi k I. Tall sedi
tion MX'
T. 1.. Thivinn I" I lift H. Severance. lot
U. lo, .Shepherd nddillon. MiibdlviHlou
tract "II , Ouk I'Hik uddlllon No. 2.
agreement 4T0
T. L. 'i nomiifl to Anna Scvermire. tH l;l
to Id. Sliepurd'a HdilltUm, Hffreeinent . . . . pod
WilliHnilna Halt Wilxon to John loc, lum
:i. 4. Mock '22. Hyde Park TOO
Etta Tlklieiln and husband to M A. I'llnn.
mI lota 7. (s. Mocks ;iOfi. AlkeiiH
addition 0.2UO
Noon rotate coiDpany to t'ttartefl Johnaon,
lot II. block 4. aiibdlvlaiou Iota 4, IS. IS,
Waverly S30
Western OrpRon Trnitt company to Abbie
K. Krankel. north 2T feet lota 10, II,
block a. I'nrkidrte 7,500
Uerman MPtXKer, Tr., to tJoorgp H. .lea-
mip. lot 21. block 1. Kenervolr I'nrk.... V2o
ljHiirelbiniit e4mpuny to II. I.. I'iltock. lot
i, block tm, l,aiirelhur8t l.tioO
I'. I. Blakealee and wife to .1, M. Nelon,
lot 111, block '2. Tetonka I'nrk nddltlon. :in()
Miuv .1. Ituffcty anil litiNloind In K. ('.
Iliirlbcrl. lota 11. 12. Mock 2. Willnui-
elte Hlvd. Aorea. iiKrecmeni 2,000
Welli'xle' l.nnd company lo Minnie M,
WllllMtns, bits 27, 2s. block 1). Welles-
ley ! .'Wo
WelleKley LhihI compiuiv to John l. Miee-
han, lota 2.'i. 2d. block II. Wellealey ,'IDO
Mill l.nnd comttany to .Vobn .Mir;iiiflus,
Iota 2U. 27. 27. 2!i. block 4, fortune
I'bice addliioii 1,750
Pbebp J. PiirrlMh to I.iikc(m Ilowm-fl no
Cliira I.. WrlKbt. eait 'i. lots .'). 4.
block 10, Sellwood fioo
L. K. Slelliluel and wife to IiIh .M. Amo
tion, lots !l, 4, block 2. ;rca;orT lleiajhtii.
lot 12. block X. Waverly 4, .loo
T. M. Word, Bberlff. to Kinlly Cliilc. lot
7. block 12, rnradine , Hprlnifn Trnct,
deed tl(K)
CKRT1 KICATKS of title inuae. Title &
Trust Co.. f.owls bide.. 4'h nnd Oak.
lt your name appears in
Qflthar phone book you
:an telepnone your mm
'-'-A-BOSr '
and have it charged,
Bills will be mailed t
?ou the follow tag da
or payment.
The Journal cannot
guarantee aeouraey oi
assume responsibility foi
errors ox any aina oo
currlnic in telephoned
adverUsemant, .
V1 a . arTJ
& A. M. i?peclal communi
cation this (Thursday) even'
in a-. 7:30 o'clock. Masonie
Temple, West Purk and Yam-
nni. l.aoor m. m. oegree.
Ittliar brethren welcome.- By
oraer W. M. FRKD U OI.HON,
A. O. N. M. S. Stated
session Saturday, Sept
27. at 8 p. in.. Masonic
Temnle. West Park and
Yamhill sts. Visiting
nobles cordinlly invited.
By order of tho poten
tate. HUGH J . WD u,
WkHtroOT fiAMP. NO.
(6, Woodmen of the
world, meets every n-
oay nignt in w. u. .
Temple, 128 Eleventh
street. All members re
quested to be present.
Visitors welcome.
L J. OOfluON, C U,
A. Lm BARBUR, Clerk.
I Vital Statistics j
marriages, birtbs. Deaths.
Jcrenluh Milton Kay, Buiteiie. Or., lt'sal, and
Wllhclmlna Onoilnlo, liotcl lloyl. legal.
Arthur Weatover, SlHrbuck, Waah., 23, and
Nora May Hamlv, 65 Uuntenbcln avenup, 20.
Itcx Kliuer Kuil. ,'!tM) Wygant Mrci'l, 2U, and
Bell OruVay, 7M Thuroian street, 2o.
Ihiniom Poller Lamb, 1215 Clinton street. 27,
and Helen Dunham, 1215 Clinton atrect, 2ft.
Clyde lIliiihDiHii limbic, l.:i)2 .sixty-fourth
afreet, S. K 25, and Mae Pearl Hatty, SSIHJ
.Forty-fifth nvenuo, B. K., 21.
Carl William Moalier. 402U, Kugene direct,
2,1, mid Kimhi IKwinic, 8Hl Mli-lilitmi avenue. '22.
Ariolph Kluxer, Cleouc, Or., 28, and Mlmile
Bachert, Cleone. Or.) 211.
W. (i. Smith & Co.vtlnVca..
Washington bldg.. cor. th on Waah'ton.
L.K&Esti suits tor rent, all sisew, Uumue
Tailoring Co.. 80 Stark st.
CLARKE BHOS., florists, fine flowers
and floral designs. 28 Morrison at
AUTOMOBILES for hire. 12.50 PEll
HOUR Main 514. A-4314.
BIKtiV To the wife of J. K. burgy. 624
MtirMhall street, September Is. a huh.
LAWKKXCE To tli wife of B. J . Lawrence.
9:i liasl Twelfth atreet. S., September 20, a
OI-SON To the wife of George A. Olson, 2011
Kast Alder wtreel. September 22, a aon.
BI.NPUltU Tn the wife of Kdwarri M. Blnford,
2GG Kast Sweaty -firat atreet, X., September
21, a uou.
WILKIN'S To the wife of C. K. Wllkliw. 1HU
Enst NiTcnly-f If th atrret, N., .September 2",
.1 iliiubtcr.
UOrtJHT -To the wife ot A. I.. Itoughl. 421)
Kut Tuli'tj-ulnih street, .V, September 12,
M KI..NN A September 25.- at' the family resi
dence. JI1 Brazoc sireer. Thomas Krancea
Mrkeuiui, ajte 60 year, dearly IteloTed bus
band of Mrs. Norn MeKellUH. lovlujt father
of Mrs. Kate V. larr, Mrs. Nellie lllltahldcl
Mrs. Mamie Hamilton. Mrs. Nora Welch, Mrs.
Margaret t'otinell. John Thomas. HiiKh, ami
the iHte James McKe-ms. The fuuerul u 111
leave the above residence. Hulurday, Septem
ber 27, at S:.'1U a. in., thence to St. Mary's
chureh, corner Williams areuue and 8tanlou
street, where services will be at 9 o'clock.
Friends are respectfully Invited. lulcroient
River View cemetery.
PAUL-SICN 111 thin oily. StMIembcr Mm,
Kraiii'MK 8. PauUeti, ago iU hrn, wife of
Pr lr I'AutBtMi. Kunprjtl srrlce will lw held
Friday, tStiptPinbor 20, t ii p. m., from Krh-k-soh'k
reiiiitruo' iindrrtHkliiK parltirn, 445 Mor
rism utifct, corner of Twelfth. Iulerment will
(uke pi tut l tho cruliiatoriuoi. FitendH re-
npeclf iilly Invited.
M GUK.HUi ln thin elty. September 24, nt the
resiHeiicc on Biirnes ICuHd, iifgory SrGregw
fiffed 27 yOHTri, M iuohHim. 22 tlnyn, KrieiuH
invited to Httend the fnueral wrvlco, which
wil! be held t the CHttaedrnl, eiiriipr Fifteenth
nod lavls slreela, tomorrow, Friday, at 0 a. oi
Interment M t. 'n I ry ivmpN'ry .
FIS( I IKK -At fjheiwtMHa, n-., fteptt'ixiLt-.
Kuiily FUe.ber, used Ii4 yenr-n. The remains
are at the reHidence etblthraent of J. 1
Finley ion. Montgomt-rj at Fifth. Notice
of funeral hereafter.
COtiL iSfptfinlHT 25, in thi eity. tieoi'Ke
loxel, ait" UO Team. Kemahm nt A. It
Zeller couipany a parlors. Williams h ve
i Mtiit.nilrfir . ifiuiy Iiurl iliMn
IIL'TL,l,i.,kV L..l LJ..n. ..f
SMITH -Hoy I.. Bmlif, I.luiilon, September 2.'!,
tti vchi'h; lMirUy.
TI.'ttXKY Kliauhetb K. Turney. 471) SUtcenlh
;itrccl. Septcinhcr '22. M years; ncntllty.
(iliKKM-'IKI.!) William K. Urecnflelil. Ha
KltMl Wanhlnston direct. 4H ycurM; ncphritia
111 HT)I -JuKcph II. Huffum. .Mlhiuiiklc, Or.,
September '22. 2i years; tutwrcii'lil.
TONSKTH I' LORAL CO., 13 fci..., choice
cut flowers Tor all occasions; prompt
service. Main S02. A-1102.
MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141Vt 6th sc.,
In SelllriR bldfj. Main 7215.
NKW liOMlii UK J. l '1NLKY & SON.
The only residence undertaking estab
lishment in Portland. Representing the
greatest advance In the science of fu
neral service. The automobile equip
ment and secluded driveway ate among
the many exclusive features. The es
tablished policy of moderate prices has
never been changed.
Perfect Funeral Service.
Montgomery at 6th.
MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leading
funeral director, 220 3d St., corner
Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A
1511. Main 607.
6D2-594 Williams ave. East 1088;
C-1088. Ludy attendant. Day and night
Dunning &. McEnteetf S",,
every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430,
A-45B8. Ludy assistant.
Hast Slda Funeral Directors.
414 K. Alder. . Kast 52 H-2525.
Lea d I ng east nido uudertaK
er. Lady assistant. B-1S8J.
East 7ft K. 6th and Alder
wood ave.; take Sellwood cur. Open to
visitors dally from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
HEM STOCK. 16H7 E. 13th. Sell. 71. B
1122 end University Park. Col. 34-JIi
CniLoUIN 8U3. A-2236. 409 ALDKR.
CICALO tudertnkluit Co. Maiu 41M.
Or l LO A 2:i21. coiner Hd and Claf.
PEARSON 8U7rRrusseef,,,-.Ji:1U8U-
Schumann Marble Works
East 2d and Pne: Fast 74.
PORTLAND Marola Woiks, Kn4-ii 410
st. Opposite city hall. Main 8644.
FOR KALE New storo trollding, 26x62.
Living rooms In rear. Good locution.
In Molalia city, arrowing rapidly. Plenty
oi good openings for business. P. Shaw,
Molsila,' Or.
H-A WTHORNF 1 room bungalow, ele
gantly furnished, built-in features you
never saw before makes housework easy;'
fancy hardwood floors, disappearing bud,
dandy" deft, artistic ceilings, complete
with light fixtures and window shades;
come' out to 845 K. 43d st. (and see)- for
yourself. "You will be under no obliga
tions whatever; owner. Tabor 65JL . , .....'
This Is an Ideal Home
S rooms, has 3 fireplaces, break
fast room, sunken den, furnace,
garage, beautiful shrubbery, ex
cellent location convenient to car.
Prloe $9600. Phone Muln 1800 or
I 2d "floor Selling bldg. 6th and Alder.
6 room brand new bungalow, fine fire,
place, beam ceiling;, enamel Dutch kitch
en and 2 bedrooms; doubly constructed
throughout, cement floor, laundry trays,,
concrete porch and brick pillars; extra
larsre rooms; a genuine bungalow; nona
Just like it in the city. On R 86th near
Wygant. Price 12760. A snap. S300
cash; will take good lot and balanca
816 Board of Trade Bldg,
Main 7452; A-4401.
Rose City Park district; have all
the latest built-in conveniences,
hardwood floors; are handy to car.
Prices $2900 to $375d; terms to
suit you, Phono Main 1800 or A.
Selling bldg.. Sixth and Alder.
Beautiful Heights Home for
, Sale
8 rooms, fireplace, porches, all
modern conveniences; fine view.
The Interior will appeal to you it
you want something a Itttlo dif
ferent. Price 10,O0o; some terms.
Call after 6:30 p. m. Woodlawn 72
Two Cozy 4 Room Bungalows
nviiiBiun .rant; gooa bizea lots;
cement sidewalks; some fruit and
close to good carllne. Price 2250
each. Your own terms.
Selling bldg., 6th and Alder sts.
J300 CASH.
New. moJern. 1 rooms in) Kleenlnv
norcii; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen,
fixtures, "screens, full cement basement;
this Dlace lias all thn built. ( n pnnvan.
iences, liurdwood floors, cloak room; east
front; 3 bearing walnut trees, peach
tree, holly and other Hhrubbery. A good
buy for a family. iYic 13500. i'flone
Main 2970.
1600 below the regular price. B room
bungalow, full cement basement, pan
eled dining room, hardwood floors,
rooms tinted, all iicceHsary built in
work. Dutch kitchen with breakfast
nook. See owner, 2606 6Sth st. Ta
bor 170.
J1300 f loom douse, bath anil toilet,
full basement, lot 25xU6, 200 cash,
balance easy terms.
12500 5 room house near Kant 17tn
and Stark, bath, toilet, full basement,
lot 50x50. A nice home ami verv cheap.
W. H. SRITZ & J-Q-a 1 0Spa Itll ngjildv.
New 7-rootn house, 458 Marguerlto
ave., all conveniences of the latest and
most up-to-date hornet ; lot 60x114 ft.,
paved slreets, between W. It. and Haw
thorne cars; must sell; come ami eee it.
Owner at house from 1 to ii p. ni. ;
YOU will grab it If you see It; 8 rooms,
modern. 12 blocks from Jefferson
high school; worth JiiiiOO; will sac rifice
for 4000. Including $600 worth carpets,
shades, linoleum, ranges; terms; owner.
Kast 658, Woodlawn ;)162.
See This
Dandy 6 room modern bungalow 1
block from car. 50x160 lot. $150. $350
cash. Tabor 357!.
TWO of you? Don't pay rent. 2-rooiil
house, bl 60x121 lot, near station,
20 minute ride, ground worth more than
asking price. $400; $225 cash, $10 per
nionth M K. 522 'orhett bldg.
$2250, a sna), nearly new and modern
2 story, 8 room house, large lot, vicin
ity Jefferson high school; Peninsula
park; Inquire 10K5 Maryland ave.
6 ROOM bungalow, two lots, corner,
fruit, berries, 1 block to car;-easy
payments, $2000. Call evenings. Ohs
feldt, owner, 129 6th ay., Lents.
o ROOM house, corner lot, west Ride,
fine condition. Walking distance; 2
mi-lines, $1400, easy terms. Geo. fJ.
Mali'. .125 Hallway Kx. Marshall 257 1.
LOOK, ONLY $950.
New 3 room plastered house, $25
down. $15 monthly Including Interest.
Smith-Wagoner Co., 612 Stock Exchange.
$25 down, $10 per month buys new 4
room house on half hcc, close to city,
7ic fare. Price $1200. A. C. Maisters,
202Wllcox bldg.
NKW 7 room 'house, a 1 1 conveniences-,
$4250. $250, $25 monthly, or will
make terms to suit. Owner. Wdln. 1799.
IF you want to buy, sell or lease real
estate or loan money, see nic. Law
yer, 401 Stock Kxchange bldg.
ROOM modern house, close In, east
side; cost me $3000; will sell for $2300.
if you have $700 cash. Marshall 2574.
$2650. Now, modern, 6 room bungalow
near Jefferson high school. $5.10 casta.
balance easy terms. Woodlawn S229.
$3600 EQUITY in 3 new bungalows for
$1600: good cnance to make 12000.
515 Chamber of Commerce.
A MODERN 6-room house on the west
side, for $2500: any reasonable terms.
Jordan. 619 Lumbermens bldg.
5 AND 6 room bungalow, Hawthorne
district. $50 down, balance rent. 809
Railway Kxchange. Ford & Co.
7 ROOM house, $1700, part "cash; bath,
gas. sewer, 60x100 lot. block car:
K. 27th st. Lee. 15 N. 6th.-
SIX room house and 2 lots In mining
town. Krttlsn ooiumma. uau Colum
bia 19. 209 W. Burlington, St. Johns.
M.ODKRN 6 room house, close In on
Sellwood car: $2200. ioo cash. Claude,
Cole, 917 Board of Trade.
FOR fine homes in Irvington. call H.
1L Herdman; several below cost.
Kast 273.
ROOM house and 3 lots, 6 mlnutei
walk from 2 carlines. Tabor 3070.
KASY terms; new, modern 7 room home.
close to car, .eiiwoon aoi.
ITOO'DOWN. $15 per month; new, mod'.'
i(rn 5 room bungalow. Sellw'd 2204.
Close In
West Side Lots
Located just outside the 3-mlls
circle, tuid commands an nnob
structcd view of the beautiful
Tualatin Valley. Bull Run, water,
graded streets and walks. Price
$450 end up. Terms to suit you.
Let one of our autos take you out
tooay. I'honii Main . liuo or
Selling Bide-, bth and Alder Sts.
' 2 lots, 60x100, one, vacant, 1 with ,
houses, w bringing $57 per month, Wesl.
Side; a snap; $16,000. 1
One corner lot, 50x10, East Side, on
block off Union ave., sewer and street
Improvements all paid; $1600, south of
Alberta St. ; ' ,.
Vt lots, on S. P. 8. n. R., planlnsr 4V
mill, buildings, large warehouse, office
and house In city; snap; $12,000, . Vsn-G
couVer, Wash., new.: modern 8 room "
house, corner lot 60x106; $8000, Vac.
couver, Wash. . . i
Jfor particulars address !-.. ; .
. ItOIITU 2. BOX i , . . '
Sherwood, or.
r 1