THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY.; EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, "1913. 17 17 , A Farm Bargain WBJ MEAN IT, ;;. Hargrove & Sons . Can describe this tract In very few words. . There are 146 acres, one-half In cultivation, balance easy to clear. All level and is a splendid sandy loam bottom, flood 6 room' house, good barn. Pries $66 per aore, $3000 cash, balance per cent interest. That's it In a nut shell. That would be a cheap farm anywhere In the world, wouldn't It? Let us tell you just where this farm Is lo cated, and then you will know just what a bargain It Is. This farm Is located about 66 miles , south of Portland, on level graveled road and just 14 miles from pood town on main line of Southern Pacific. We told you the land was all sandy loam bottom, and we failed to tell you that it was San tiam river bottom (none better), said river forms one boundary of the place. And the land doesn't -ovprf low,-etthes. This land be longs to nonresident widow, who can't run the place and doesn't want to rent It. There are 145 acres, and the price Is only 165 per acre, $3000 down. Hargrove & Sons 122 N. 6th at. Main 4381, A-7269, 100 Acres 16 MILES PHOM PORTLAVTV Close to Clackamas river between Ore ron City and Portland, in Clackamas county. i per m 40 acres In cultivation, 4 0 or 60 more can oe cultivated; 6-room 2-story house, With flreolace: larra bam K1WK2 rf chicken house and all outbuildings; good well of water on porch and two good springs of water that are ruiming the year round; about 6 acres in 'fcood bearing orchard, all kinds of small fruit; fine dark soil; on county road. This Is one of the best places In Ore gon for the money. A fine cattle or hog rancn, ana so close in; yoo casn, bal ance 3 to 6 years at 6 per cent interest. PEFIER & BAKER. 444 Sherlock hldg.. oor. d and Oak sts. DAIRY farm, ) a bargain, 80 acres, 22 mnes east or t-oruana, near station, on Columbia. 36 acres clear, balance pasture; good soil, roads, buildings, etc. Portland property considered. Inquire Mr. Saliman, Clifford hotel. East Mor rison at 6th. FOR RENT FARMS 14 HO ACRE ranch, Improved, will lease 1- to 5 years to good tenant Chance, 3"! Lumber Exchange. HOMESTEADS 47 f'TUSLAW homesteads located, informa tion, 6 to 10 p. m., 870 Gladstone ave. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Chance of Lifetime R2 room rooming house in heart of city; lease, steam heat, liot and cold water in rooms. Brussels carpets, Iron beds, always full, rent loss than $6 a room, has 8 to 10 a night, translena. Price 13000; will trade for anything I caILllF14-lSYp'lLe?1S.ii- 6th . 5" ROOM bungalow on 100x107 lot; slde walk and curbs; price $4600; equity $..90O; trade for 20 or 30 acres of eult lle land in which to plant English wal nut trees; If well located, will go to $7000. Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. second foor Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE beautiful new modern four room bungalow, fireplace, attic, base ment, etc. Will take good lot to the value of $700 as first payment, or will accept lot or Improved property in southern California, Owner 6t06 4th t.. southeast. 3-0 ACHES Fine stock, fruit or hay ranch, 120 acres timber, 8 acres or chard. Trade for city property. Ad dress owner. C. McCoy. 660 Taylor at., rltv. 600 ACRES, $25 PER ACRE ' Near Portland, good land, plenty of livuiR water, somir choice timber; take $10,000 or less in other property. G. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark st. 20 ACRES in city limits, best town In southern Idaho: 10 acres In fruit; beautiful home. Will trade for Portland property. Phone Main 8201. iil'.iv 4 room house, Rose C4tv Park tine, $2i00, equity $600, for automobile or what have you? Will sacrifice. .1-819, Journal. LOOK 2 new bungalows close to ear, unincumbered, one rented for $20. for good farm to $7000, stocked; will as n ii mi' ; owners only. J-805. Journal. HOTEL 26 rooms; has paid present owner for past 8 years $150 per month net; will sell or exchange for $2000. Phone Main 2164. EXCHANGE 1 acre on county road, close Mt. Hood Electric R'y., for prop erty or acreage in or near Los Angeles. Owner. N-378, "Journal. 17 U0T8 in Newberg, ilear of incum brance $2000; trade for city home or acreage. Dorr E. Keasey & Co.. second floor Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1000 IN TRADE' ON modern li room house. 2 lots. Prion $3200; take lot, acreage, business or stock or what have you. Lee, lft N. Rth. START 111 the wood business. W'll trade standing timber on 40 acres, close to Portland for pood city home or acreage, value stou. n-iin, journM WILL exchange 80 acre Vancouver farm or Portland business property for 5 or 10 acre well improved country home. Multnomah county. lanor .,671 NICE lo(s. Salt Lake City, for Portland or nearby property. Assume to $1500. Tall Mooflle, stain 1721 WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker, 444 Bher- jock biog., sa ana un. Mnrsnau Z5t4. $!)295 WORT1 1 of Portland prnpert y . exchange all or fart for land near electr ic carline. Q. L. Webb, 411 K. Stark. WILL exchange bungalow for f urni tore stock. Y-47. Journal. WILL exchange new $400 piano for few acres. K-fxo, journal Ct)ME.upAndBee.-nu;;-leX's do nonw trading. 602 Couch bldg. Jeff Is Indeed a FOR SALE FARMS coiNBunwArfrYoJl VLe . TwptW. UN tecum J maiwe, oissij EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Alfalfa Farm-". for Portland property; Bl acres, 80 alfalfa. 25 peaches and; pears; good t) room, bungalow, other good "buildings, I miles from good H, R. town; $260 per acra; plenty water for entire place. Dairy farm,1 over 300 acres, Co lumbia river; plenty of meadow, lot of stock, machinery and feed, elegant buildings, 10 h. p. of elec , trlcity with place free of expense each day. $100 per acre; consider Portland property or mercantile business up to $20,000. 980 acre wheat farm. Sherman county, 8 miles to Grass Vsllev; R. R. crosses farm; fair buildings; 600 acres on this place worth $40 per acre, take $20 per acre for all; consider good property up to balance your own terms. 876 acra stock and dairy farm, western Or., close to good R. R. town; 200 cultivated, has lot of stock, cattle, horses, hogs, goats, sheep, hay and grain, all kinds tanning machinery, 600 bushels grain, hay, good auto, 2 new cream separators. $20,000; want good Portland property. LrK, Moore $17 Board of Trade. Hit KINDS OF $500 TO CAN MATCH YOUR T, J, LONG, Main 1254 520 Henry bldg, 52 1-2 Acres at Woodburn Thia is decidedly one of the choicest farm homes in the state of Oi-eirnn It adjoins the city limits of Woodburn, uuewaiK to the premises. There are 524 acres, 47 acres in high state of cul tivation, balance nice body of fir. This tract lies perfectly, and every fool of t hex land is exceodinelv rich N in ftict we defy you to find richer land thart this. Splendid S room plastered hous. fine barn and outbuildings. Every building or everything else la In first class condition. Personal property: 4 uuieo i sets naruess, a rnucn cows. 1 registered bull, some fine Pnlnnd China hogs, 200 chickens, 2 wagons, iiaca, ouggy. an larm implements, cream separator, gasoline engine, all crop and household goods. Price $17,500. Will take Portland home to value 18500 Time on balunce. We know this place will nun you. Hargrove & Sons 122 North 6th at. Main 4381. A-72n9. CLOSE IN ACREAGE. Finest piece of acres ee in the Willam ette valley, only 10 minutes' walk from a station on the Oregon Electric car line, 17 miles from Portland. There is 12.96 acres all in cultivation, no rock, sand, or gravel, all fenced and cross fenced, just a little rollinsr. soil is black. well at back porch and force pump in mien en; a gooa o room oox nouse, rus- !,. flnluh .... I .1 .1 . 1 . W. lllllDll. H UCU PI1U HtBlCU Vli lllfj 1 II - side, good brick fireplace, lurge barn, 3 chicken houses, 2 large ones and one small one; large work horse and a small driving pony. 2 good Jersey cows, 200 Ancona chickens, all kinds of Im plements, spring wagon, 2 pigs, culti vator, plow, harrow and all kinds of small tools; price $7000; mortgage of $2000 at 7 per cent runs 3 years. Own er wants a house near a high school. H. Gunther, 918 Yeon b 1 d g. A GOOD BUSINESS OPENING. We have stock general merchandise. $8000. and small hotel In connection, $2000, within 36 miles of Portland, fine business and no competition. Owner compelled to move ana will trade for good unincumbered real estate. A rare opportunity to get a moneymaklng bus iness. - LUDDEM ANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. Trade in Your Lot On pretty 5 room bungalow, best plumb ing, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, window shades, walls tinted; 46x100 lot, cement walk, close In on E. 22U st. Casn price $2000; will take lot at mar ket value, balance at $17 month. LATH HOP. Abington Bldff. HlWSP. Ttt TH.lllR New and modern house on fine lot, 60x135, In good southern Oregon town, would rent for $20 to $25 per month. Cash' price $3500, no .encumbrance. Will trade for lots, acreage, or any Portland property. LITJDHMANN, Rl'LEY & CO., 91.1 Chnmher of Commerce. WILL trade for your equity. We haV property in Central Oregon, clear of all incumbrance, we will trade for equi ties In city property. WM. L. GRAHAM & CO.. K10 Henry bldg. A S ROOM bungalow and 'j acre land 150 feet from Jennings Lodge ctatlon; will exchange for good teHtn and nome cash or a small cash business. Write orv inquire of R. I'". Stover, Jennings Lodge. Or. HAVE good brick 'bouse, Htore and 3 flats In Chicago on northwest Hide: would like to exchange ror Portland property or form In this part of Ore gon. Apply for particulars. 587 Com merctsl st. FACTORY SITE, $950. Small factory site, right on It. R., in side citv limits; take oilier property worth $500 to $700. G. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark st. . WANTED Good lot In good district in exchanse fi balance cash, exchanse for player oiano or acreage. lanor 2bt4. UITV liireiiie pilUii'llty"T8'rfi"rm or acre age. Owner. 192 Morris st. True Friend 875,01101 WE EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ! 24, T STOCK FARM WANTED. Hav beautiful tract eloMe-ln aereaara. S7 Ma acre, within 13 miles of Portland, adjoining good electric station. All in cultivation, fair buildings, a fine close- in country place or Meal ror auDai vislon. Price $600 per sure, and clear Will trad9 for western Oregon or Wil lamette valley stock farm up to full value and might assume small amount. 13 Chamber or commerce. 16 V4 ACHEt 2 miles of town on main county road; part in crop; fair houa-i: close to school. $1 fare from, Portland: $1800, $676 incumbrance; want lots or ib. iiuubp nnu ivi. v,iuue vuiu, 011 Itoard of Trade. - SWAP COLUMN 25 WHAT will you trade me for an Ice ma chin auiichle for butcher shop or oreamery? Y-tson, Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED A nice modern 6 room house near a carline,' not too far out. All cash over $2000 will not be conslderotL Apply to room 201, Merchant hotel iRVJNGTON 1 room modern home for cash, from owner. P. Q. box 1176. ItOOMING HOUSES 33 50 Rooms 50 Steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; rent less than $5 a room. In hdart of city, always full, clears $250 a month;, cost me $4000, first one comes with $960 takes the whole thing; give terms If necessary, peters. 15 js. tin, HKi-tE is a barualn. 23 rooms, fine furniture; best location; will guaran tee $240 a month above all expenses;' $1200 cash required; 4i rooms; furni ture cost $6500; will take $1800 cash to day. 1 must have some money. Arnold, 3(17 couch oidg. 14 ROOMS, KteHm beat, brick building; transient and sceaav roomers; a nai gain for quick sale; $76 month profit. Price $i0; terms; or nuike cash offer. Particulars. 88 10th (near Stark). FIRST CLASS furnished 14 room house, furnace heat; lease, cash or trade; terms. R. Broadway, near bridge. Phone East 1691. WANTED Modern hotel or rooming house up to $4500, for gilt ede city property. 324 Jackson. Wain 7015. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale cheap. Good rooming house, close in. 464 E. Oak st. BUSiNESS CHANCES 0 WILLOW R1VEK INTERIOR BRIT ISH COLUMBIA'S future MANU FACTURING and COMMERCIAL capi tal, offers unrivaled opportunities for money making INVESTMENTS, BUSI NESS and HOMES. Located on FRAHER and WILLOW RIVERS, GRAND TRtTNK PACIFIC, PACIFIC and H CO SON BAY, and other railroads, In the center of a LARGE, RICH FARMING and TIMBER DISTRICT, the natural supplv point for the WONDERFIT. PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, and the RICH CARIBOO MINING DISTRICT, insures the future of WILLOW RIVER. Write now today, for free maps, pints, etc., PACIFIC LAND & TOWNSITES CO.. LTD., 415 RICHARDS ST., VAN COUVER B. C. Agents wanted. BUSINESS opportunities come to stud ents of the Y. M. C. A. commercial college, run not to make money, but for the good of men; has a $600,000 equipment. Ten different business courses; men teachers, fees moderate. Write or call.for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor wts. SHORTHAND is the stepping stone to business opportunity. Expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. REST A I RA NT, confectionery, doing Splendid business in prosperous city, owner leaving. (ash or trado for clear Portland property immediately. Box 629, Portland SNAP Country store lri good valley town; will invoice $2500; will take some trade, save commission. Owner, 82 E. 27th st. FOR SALE. Corner meat market doing a oash business of $35 per day. If interested phone laDor lau. vv. it. aawien FOR SALE Carpenter shop; must be sold on account of sickness, great bargain. Answer by letter. Mac, 108 Grand ave.. Portland. CLEANING and dying shop, my wagons. machines, fixtures, ror iiuu. tsesi location and good business. Invest igate. No ocents. J-076, Journal. BIG poolroom, finely furnished, good central locution, good lease, reason able rent. M. W. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. RESTAURANT for sale, best bargain In th. Journal In the city, if taken at once. A-603, .nrouf w FO R SALE, by owner, grocery, good cash business, living rooms connected. Wooillawn 64. WEDDING invitations and announce ments. Ryder Printing Co.. 357 Burn- side at. Main fts3b GOOD stock an.l fixtures of notion", millinery anfl siiks. Y-t:m, journal. RESTAURANT at 127 Grand ave.. f?ne location. Will sell cheap for cash. MONEV TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire ic surance. W. G. Beck, 315-316 Falling. I HAVE for Immediate loans, $8t.'o, $1500, $6000. at current rates. A. II Bell. 201 JlleTlingerBldg. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts: mortgage Iohiib; reasonable. rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bld MONEY to loan, 6 and 7 per cent. Port land Realty & Trust Co., 21 1 Railway Exchange bl4g Main 212fl. MORTGAGE' loans at current rates. Ren; estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhl.'l .sts. $1000 to $6000 for Immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. WILL loan $20 000 or less, real estate. Farrington, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. 11 Pelti Co., 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING, 31" Ch. of Com. MORTC.AGE loans, fi und 7 per cent. Lmiis Salomon & Co., 220 Stark st. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. .1 Cahalin. 636 Chamber Commerce. MONEY to loan, real estate. R. E. Hitic. 408 Yeon bldg. MONKT to loan on good residence prop- erty. P. O. box 915. 111 WE can make Immediate loans of the following amounts on Portland real estate: !1000 $3000 1500 $3500 1800 $4000 $2000 $600.) $2500 $10,000 If you wisli to borrow, consult with us. Low rates and prompt service. HAMMOND MORTGAGE! COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE; $ bOft $2000. $1000 I2G00 $1500 $3000 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. NOW la the best time to arrange to renew that mortgage. It will soon be due. Why pay 8 or 10 per cent in terest? We loan- at 5 per cent. Long time If desired. ''Pre-payment privi lege; no brokerage. We furnish money . t . . . 1 .1 - .. J ....... . Am t anywhere. Suite 1002 Broadway bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 1 efAIIJl.Nti iJJDtj. WE loan money in amounts of $260 and up to $5000 on real estate In or near Portland. We do business quickly, at the right rates and at moderate expense to the borrower. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 612 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and Wash. LOANS made 011 improved city property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repayment privileges. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipuconib, 242 Stark. Mortgage Loans I. 1.. WHITE, 701 Selling Hldg. WE have money to loan on jour reul estate; first mortgages only HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 42:i Chamber of Commerce. " LOANS from 1 oiio 10 $1U,0UU on good Portland security. HACKER & THERKEL3EN, 306 Spulding bldg. Main 7592. $260. $400, $600, $i)00, $1360; these amounts to loan real estate. Pred W. German Co., 832 Chamber of Commerce; notn pnoneH. MONEY to loan," Improved Portland property; special lucilitles for large loans. Title cv Trust co.. 4th and Oaic. $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire insurance. McKenzie & Co., Oerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. HAVE any amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. $2500 OR less to loan, Portland real !'-:S0. Journal. estate security. MONEY TO IAJAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 67 SALARY OR t'HATTKI, I.OAKft MADE QUICKLY ANY AMOUNT. Establish your credit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, wlien in urgent need of a second aceommodatioo b cause they were JL'ST OUT OF FUND8? OCR CAPITAL IS UNLIMITED. If you deal with us, you may rest assured that we will be wlllinir and able to accommodate you any time. fUR KATES $ .35 weekly paya a $ 10 loan. $ .!; weekly pays a S 25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $ ho loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loanr CAN YOU BKAT THEM? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFI DENTI AL. Rebates Given if Paid Before Due. m si. 413 MACLEAY BLDG. liOHI PHONES Between 4th and 5th sts. on Wash, et Open t a. m. to i. p. 111 . SU. till X p. m SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTEo $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. Id. SATURDAYS TO 8 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 3! FAILING BLDG. ApRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN" MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Plnnos, etc AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and Stark sts. Open b a. m. to 8 p. m. SAURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. ELBY COMPANY. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTIII'.US WANTING MONEY. APPLY ROOM 317. Lli.UBKR EX. BLDO. 2ND A N 1.1 ST A R K STS. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people und others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. D. 1 1. Drake. 328 Henry bldg. A desirable place for Jauiea ana gentle men to borrow mo'icy on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. Wash., opp. Owl dr,ug blurt). MONEY sold on installment' confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New ton, 514 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and 1ewel ry. strictly confidential. 141 V4 Sd. LOANS WANTED 30 IF yon have idle money, see me. No charge to you for loaning on real state and nothing hotter. Lawyer, 401 ,-hock r.xciiHno mug Wanteiv $1000 3 vpars ffnorl secur- v-80:1, itv; prefer Journal. pilvate money. FINANCIAL 31 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract" of sals on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble LnmherinonB btriir. Loans. FOR SALIC--First mortg:iKes 011 real es tate: big discount. 2M3 Clay st. HELP WANTED MALE 1 ERRAND boy wUh wheel. Adrian Swenney Co., jMt$Meor. Morrison. S( LICITO"r"S wflhte; besTWer 1nclt Van Dyck Studio, 404 WasiiRiglon St. MOXfit TO LOAN 'i- REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED MALE , Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be bought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. . Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or ro una 01 memoersmp ree; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months , social privileges. Record "for 8 months ending Aug. 31: Calls for men 1598 Positions filled 1096 All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36; citizens of the United States, of good character and 1 temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English languitge. For information ap ply to recruting officer. Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. WANTEJD-Flrat class operator and all around photographer. Send refer ences, terras, experience and age. Per manent wohk to right man. Otto Jacob sen, care oj Studlo De Luxe, Eugene, Or. wTreleKS" operators in constant de mand. This coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year ltound Day and Night schools; complete equipment; best o n coast. IF YOU are a salesman we can use you, $4 to $6 per day to hustlers. Producers will be given every oppor tunity to advance. Apply 427 Yamhill St., 8 to 8:30 a. tn. SALESMAN w Snted; a business worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co., Salem. Or. WANTEJ A few high grade, responsi ble stock salesmen to handle first class proposition which is selling. Apply at once. 414 Wilcox Diog. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving; call at Haw thorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. MESSENUEKS, 16 years or over. Boys with bicycles guaranteed $40 for full month. 257 Oak st. CHANCE to learn to operate moving picture machine. We can place I more men in theatre. 41 Kothchild. WANTED 3 errand boys. Apply Super intendent's Office, Blumauer-Fiank Drug Co. WANTED, 3 men to learn automobile driving and repairing. Belmont Gar age, 23d and Belmont. Take S. S. car. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, 286 Yamhill st. FURNITURE finishers wanted. 441 Goldsmith. Freeland Furniture Co. CARPENTERS wanted at 317 E. 48th st. HK1 r W ANTKD r.IlsC. 49 WANTED I will teach several young men the automobile business in 10 weeks by mall and assist them to good positions. No charge for tuition until position is secured. Write today. R. S. Price, Automobile Expert, box 463, Los Angeles, Cat WANTED Women and girls who have been arrested and lodsred in the cltv iatl during the administration of Sheriff wora to call Moom 213 Allsky bide, anv time day or night until Friday noon on a master or great importance. C. HERMANN. OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 266 268 11th st. Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical Instruction in drivlne ann repairing auiomoones Dy expert ln struotora and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course in law; no time lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean, M. Morehead, Sec, S16-317 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE school, with high grade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Y. M. C. A. Day and Nignt Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. WANTED Portland mall carriers, pos tal cieruH; bi) to iu montn; vaca tions; many November examinations: common education sufficient; samplb questions tree, rrantcun institute. Dept. 327-G, Rochester, N. Y. LOCAL representative wanted No can vassing or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co., V-80SI, Mar den bldg., Washington, I). C RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED. Commence $76 month. Write for par ticulars. Franklin Institute, Dept. rtj-i-o., itocnester, w. 1. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 606 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4143 WANTED Men. 18 to 45, to become portiana man carriers; & to $100 month. KX-S84. Journal. CENTRAL Commercial College training places you In tho expert class; text Dooks free. Central bldg,. 10th & Alder UNCALLED lur tailor made suits 16.60 tip. Taylor, the tailor. Burnslde. HELP WANTED FEMALE 3 WANTED Widower with 4 email chil dren wants a middle aged, refined and experienced housekeeper o caro for house and children. Good waxes to competent and reliable person. I will ne at room zzi in Perkins hotel, on Wednesday and Thursday, September 21 and 26, hours 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P. m. Will be Klad to ex change references. Address Box 47, R, F. I). 1. Hood River, Or GIRL to take care of child and assist with housework, good home, good wages. US1 East Flanders, take Monta vllla car, get off at 81st. GOVERNMENT Jobs, women, $76 month; examinations in Portland: specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 705 F. Rochester. N. y WAIST and skirt finishers, experienced, good wages, como early. 434 Morri son. MILLfNERY makers; must be experU encea; l() per ween to start, vogue. 3S5 Alder. Marshall 4483. VOMAN to work for her husband s room and board. Phone Sellwood 1jN2. WANTED A lrl for cooklne and Ken- era I nouHewot'K, xL'h. pnone iv nn;i. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. Phone Sellwood 2157. FOR gentleman alone, housekeeper. O iftfl. Journal. WANTED A chocolate dipper. 341 "Washington st HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Situation Wanted Ada. inserted free for those in need of work and wbo are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally Xty the part lea desiring work. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. TH AND EAST ANKENY STS.. OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260. EXPERIENCED BAG SEWERS AND TURNERS. AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLE CO.. 15TH AND HOYT STS. TWO or three neat. Intelligent women for corset work; personal Instruc tion given. Apply between St and 11a. m. Nubone Corset Parlors. 202 Broad way building. WANTED Pants finishers; steady work. 76o apiece. Carter, 128 Va 'id, room 9. HELP WANTED MAIiK VXD FEMALE 23 OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducements to ladies. 233 Madison st.. 262, 2nd. THE MOLKR BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Bend for free catalogue; expert Instructors; 20 years in the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; spe cial inducements to ladles. 48 N. 2d st. MEN AND WOMEN wanted for srovern ment Jobs; $1)0 month; write for list of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 32B-G. Rochester, N. Y. FISK Teachers' Agency secures posi Uons for teachers. 31 S Journal bldg. WANTED AGENTS USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own; we help you start for a share In profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. SITUATIONS MALE MARRIED man would like to take charge of ranch; horse ranch pre ferred as 1 am a nrst class hors man; can give references. James Duthle, Gresham, Or. YOUNG married man wants porter work in hotel or barber shop or apartment house arul is a grocery clerk. W-60O. Journal. WAITER, onu who knows his business, to wait on lunch counter; wages $10.50 week. Call at onue. 40 N. 1st and Couch sts. CHAUFFEUR with 6 years' experience and knows the city by number wants a position. Call wood lawn 1207 be tween 6 and 10 a, m. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and gen eral office man; can operate type writer; would accept good clerical po sltion; local reference. V-67S, Journal. CARPENTER foreman wants work, ds. or contract. Address Box 67, Wood stock. BY sober reliable man. experienced in general merchandise and bookkeeping. Call Tabor 2715. YOUNG married man, good education, wants nositlon of anv kind, with chance of advancement. W-623, Journal. JOB PRINTER Platen pressman, ca pable, reliable. Phone Marshall 2828. Ask for Clark. 249 4th Bt. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk would line wora. jiio i.eiivr m., cny. PAPERING and tinting. $2.50 up; paint- ing reasonable. Jon Marshall, E. 2101. YOUNG man, 21 years of age. willing to do anything. E-oi)u. journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE NEAT German woman would like posi tion in rooming or apartment house in exchange for n nt of housekeeping apts., suitable for two. References given. Phone Tabor 2021. B T ENO J it A P 1 1 5lT Beeinner. would line luniLioii, ijiii-d iiicirnm, willing to work for experience and small wages. P-4, Journal. YOUNG woman wants work by the day, washing, M-onlng, cleaning; will also take home plain sewing. Phone Main 8816. Mrs. Holmes. 193 St. Clair St., city GIRL wants office work; can operate Elliot Fisher typewriter. Phone Ta bor 4?14. WANT1HD Position as housekeeper In the country by a young- woman wltn a baby 8 months old. M-S95, Journal. FASHIONABLE dressmakr wishes en gagements in families, $1.60 per day. 460 Yamhill. Main 4107. Mrs. Evans. LAJJY would like position to sell tick ets for picture show or theatre. Main 4987. FIRST-CLASS ironer wants work bv the hour, 25c. Phone between 8 and 4, East 4554. EXPERIENCED in hotel or restaurant. Will work by day or hour. Phone Main 4336. Room St. TWO experienced demonstrators would like position with salary, to travel. Marshall tbio. room s. DISH WASHER, help in kitchen, cham- her work, wieep home at nignt. Alain 87 S2. Mrs. Mason. HIGH school girl, graduate, wlwKes gen- oral ornce worK; anxious, anu willing to worn. yi4 cornett st. XFERIES'CED woman wants days' wotk. t an sli the weelt, Marshall 0uS. AN experienced pastry cook wants posl tion. 121 E. 27th st. N. YOUNG girl wishes light houseworC K-53S. Journal. Lady will care for children or Invalids afternoons and evenings. Main 1145. e e 40 dressmaking: J ACADEMY of Parisian ctctenllftq Urese making. Tailored Hulta, Corsets. Teachers wanted. 801 Ooodnotiah bldg. DRESSMAKING; "satisfaction guars nt teed; children's sewlnff specisUr. 414 Aider. Marshall 6s7. miss rmon. SEWING by the Jay, 4a, Phone MaU DPTESSMAKiNO. $1.80 day. Uium Whittemore. Phone East 4788. FLItNlSHED ROOMS WEST SIDB - FOR Y?M. ix Xi 1kU-iVBERWKurnthe rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business t rice, cor, stn ana Tayior sts Antlers Hoteh Location, 10th' and Washington t. Rates $3 to $8 per week. Modern. With or without bath. TOURIST HOTEL. 150 1st st. cor. Morrison, modern, fur Dished cool rooms, $2 week up; trail stent 60c day. B car from depot. HOTEL Buckingham, tf&Stt Washington st. New modern brick all outside rooms, $2.o0 ' week up; with private bath. $F. ter in rooms. iaes reasonable. 86H th. MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylo..' Homelike, attractively rurnlsned, inodw em. parlor, large porch', summer rat'ie. THE COLONIAL, 166 10th St.; roome $2 to $4 per week; central, qufet and cool. Fine baths. YOUNG man rooming y. M. C. A want roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office Y. MT C. A. -? HOTEL MA8O00: 247 Fifth Rooms $1.26 ud. per wk. Free phone and oath. Main 7764. HOTEL SAVON pr- rana't. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 weak and up. 465 Alder. NjCELY furnished room at Lindel ho tel. $1.60 and up. 269 Market st rtmarzBxrco books ' yT!8T JrpE PWATB PAMHiT 79 rS(DM S lri private' f am 1 1 fes ; we mi fntalrt a descriptive list, giving wide range of choice; can place you in just what you want. Call today, no charge. CLA RENTAL BUREAU, 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4080. 1 BLOCK from Lincoln High school, i sleeping rooms and 1 housekeeping room; bright and clean. S27 Weat Park. jain c.ihw. TWO furnished rooms with board cheap. Gas and furnace heat, with bath. 761 (juimoy Ht. Marshall 5836. $1 PKK WEEK Heat, gas. phone, bath, off hall. Home comforts. 77J Roosevelt at., near 23d. Marshall 4tl. NICELY' furnished housekeeping rooms, $2.60 up; free light; phone. 621 Mor rison st. BEAUTIFUL furnished front room) furnace heat, suitable for 2. $3.60 week. 47S Clay. TWO furnished rooms tor doctor'e of flce. 226 13th gt, Marshall 6033. WEST SIDE, large room, steam heat, $10. Marshall 1123. FUUNIsnED UOOMS EAST SIDE 02 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern. large loppy, special rates py montn. THE Larrabee. 227 U, arrabee. Koorua $ wk. up. Brick bldg., steam beat, hot and cold water, ftath, phone, electricity. R' - M with sleeping porch, beautiful place, reasonable. Woodlawn 108$. FtTRNTSHZD BOOMS EAST BISB PKJVATE PAMH.T 71 . LARGE front room suitable for two; modern conveniences; fifteen minutes walk to business center 687 E. Alder. . t .si SHED room.'llght, bath, gentle men, $6 mo. 2 Fargo st. U ca r. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREE nice unfurnished rooms; own entrance; reasonable; close In. 257 Holladay ave. THREE 2 room suites, $6, $7; four room flat. $12. 342 Front BOOMS AWD BO ABO PBITATU FAMILY ra ROOM and board for young woman, $1 per week; walking distance. Phone Kant 4732. DESIRABLE steam heated room with good meals. Reasonable to people permanent, pnone. Marshall 47SS. ROOM and board. Vjo East lth. Sunny side car. Near Morrison (Widow's family. ) laomy. 1 FURNISHED room and breakrast, $lf per month, all conveniences. East 6377. ROOM iind board for young lady; home l..iln....n T..l. ,,1,V n .,..13, liniiviswr. i iiuim 1 au. i9u ur D-Aliai. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED Board and room in country or suburban home for weak minded but perfectly harmless woman. Can. ai sist In housework. R-40S, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ONE, 2 and 3 outside housekeeping rooms completely furnished, brick building, free phone, bath. 6461a Wash Ington. GENEVIEVE, 446 Columbia; housekeep ing & single rms.; reasonable. M 7410. WEST SXSB PBIVATB TAWOXiX T3 KOJBKBCTMTCI BOOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished, clean and light, hot and cold water, bath, telephone., steam heat. $12 up. Mar. 4943. Nokomls apts.. 17th and Marshall. ONE large nicely furnished room, for ugnt Housekeeping; well ventilated; In nice neighborhood; central. 474 Alder, S, E. corner of 14th. NICELY fuinished housekeeping rooms, running water, rent reasonable. 882 Jefferson st $Ti- TWO-Targe housekeeping rooms, furnished; hot water day and night. 492 Clay st. 6 NICK furnlshtdd II. K. rooms, from $2.."i0 up; free light phone and water. - 1 at sr. Main S"ii3, Mrs. .1. a. Whl te. TWO neatly - furnished housekeeping rooms; 1 sleeping room. 432 Jefferson, NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 226 13th st Walking distance. By "Bud" Fisher r