no - ) THE OREGOIT DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND. TUESDAY . EVENING, SEPTEMBER' 23, 1913. ACREAGE , ' Scappoose Acfes V M MILES FROM PORTLAND' TRACTS 6 ACRES AND UP, $21 TO 166 PER ACRI5. , . fDeep, rich still, easy clearing, no rock. Tint creeks and springs, railroad station on land, work for settlers on traot, We have 240(r acres cut up Into tracts of 10 , acres and up. This laad Is ideal for trees, loganberries ' and other small fruits, truck gardening, .dairying . and . Chickens. Clone to Portland market now, "and will be suburban .property inf a. tew years. Think what, that- means , for this, property as an investment, and remember that by putting your savings. Into a gftod Investment' in real estate you are laying the foundation for fin ancial independence. i ,'" , v :lsV?.J" TRACTS TO SUIT EVERYONE,,,;; '. . Here are a few of them: V1 ... Tract .No.. 81- - Adjoins Chapman .Sta tion. 19 acres at $55 per acre. Matrt creek crosses northwest corner, leaving nice patch rich bottom land. iBalance of tract , is fairly level bench land. There Is small draw and running water tn rest end, - . ?..., Tract No, 14. 6 acres of fine red shot soil, southern slope, on .graveled road, 4 mile from station, easy clear ing. Price only 1300; 30 rash, 17.50 per month. - Tract No. 183. 11 acres, one mile from station along Scappooae creek. Has fine spring and one acre nearly cleared. O raveled road south boundary. Prise, 170, per acre. Tract No. 66. 9 acres at 165 per ere. fine tract for nearly level upland with lust enough sltrpa- ror drainage, Ideal for annles and other fruits. Deep, rich red shot soil. Oood road and near railroad. Agents to show property every day. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Cham, of Com. bldg. Phone Main 0967. Oood soil, city water, close to car Una, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. "none Aiarsnau istta, or eseuwooa . j no. ti. uioson, owner. FOR BALE FARM 17 Get Your Canadian Home From the Canadian Pacific Rich, fertile land for every kind of farming from 111 to 130 per acre. To approved farmers we lend 12000 to make Improvements, such as house, barn, sinking well and fencing. Terms twenty years to pay for land and repay loan. One twentieth down, balance nineteen yearly Installments six per cent Interest. See the CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT of prize-winning broduets of fertile Canadian plains. Full, personal inform ation. Free maps and literature. Person ally conducted excursions to uanaaa, L. P. THORNTON, Land Agent, 271 Pine St.. Multnomah Hotel bldg. 40 ACRES STOCKED 13000 14 acres grass. 2 acres grain, 12 acres spuds, 110 fruit trees;, team, wagon, harness, cow, 109 chickens, 6 room house and some household furniture; 2 miles from Laid law. Might take suburban residence to about half. Call and see about it. B. 8. Cook &. Co., 06 Corbett bldg. FOR BALE My 10-acre tract at Hllls boro, Or. An Ideal place to raise poul trv; place Is fenced, has 3 room box lioufe, good young orchard, also plenty of berries, runntng water on the back; fcood chicken house and well. My terms are $900 caalu balance Of 1560 In 3 years at 8 per cfnt. For further particulars address V-868, Journal. 10 OH 20 acres along the Tualatin river, partly cleared, level, best of soli, only 13-mile8 to Portland, 2 to town an.l car. Onlv 1100 per acre; small payment down, balance 1100. per year at 6 per cent- W. ft. SEfTZ & CO.. Main 6584. I0 Spalding Bldg, 120 ACRES near Salem, 40 acres crop; house, barn, 7 cows, 4 horses, some young Heifers. 20 tons of hay 1n barn; a snap at 15000. Want home In Port land, or some town up-to 12600. Long time on balance, 210 Madison at. , FOR SALE 135 per acre, 160 acres, In cluding mill site; 60 acres under plow, balance pasture and heavy timber. Ideal dairy and hog farm, phone and milk loute; 4 Va miles east Of Sublimity. John AVIIllnir. Stayton, Or. Route 1. 115 Acre Farm. $50 Acre Including stock and crop; 2 miles R. It.; 29 miles from city. Big snap. Lee, J s .v, 5th st. fcO ACRES in Yamhill county, 8 acres under cultivation, small house, red hhot soli; would trade 11900 equity for Kirialler piece of land or house; price J 3: oo. B-713, Journal. OOOD farm, ,119 acres, ' bottom land, 7 room house, large barn and other buildings; plenty of water; Btore and postofflce on farm. Price 11850. See owner, 267 Oak, room 21. 160 ACRES (80 acres alder bottom) partly improved; 1 mile from Port land; dailv boat; 116 per acre; terms. O. H. Plggott. owner. 142 2d, room 24. 6"o"o ACHKS, noar -Brownsville; some buildings: 120 per acre. Take what you want on terms; 6 acres near Lents, 15000; good house. Hogan. 210 Madison FOR" SALE 120 acre Clarke county dairy anfl stock farm, 11O0 per acre; take some trade. See owner, 645 Union ave. N. , 100x100, heart of city, snap. T. Wlthy combe, 612 McKay bldg. Cheap farms, bearing walnut -groves, reg'rd Jerseys HOMESTEADS HOMESTEADS In thetuelaw country, fine water, deep rich soil, good roads, schools, close to railroad. CM E. 28th et. 8. Phone Sellwood 1626 or 203 Ger- linger bldg. izO A CREW rich- bottom-land, 20 feet deep; also 160 acres near Portland with timber and water, cheap, desirable Covey, 267 oak, Toonr-Si CHOICE homestead'' and relinquish ments, Malheur - county. Wm. O. M awt, cor. 2d and Ash sts.. Portland, Or. f TUSLAW homesteads located,. informa tlon, 5 to 10 p. m., 870 Gladstone v. EXCHANGE It ISA I"' ESTATE 24 WILL exchange bungalow for furnl- ture stock. Y-437. Journal. WILL exchange new 100 piano for few acres. F-C80, Journal. Mutt Fails to Make a Hit as an . jfy j-S la ji . .;- f'-vc,. ' s ' . . 1 ."; .; . EXCHANGE ITEAL CSTATE 24 THE following free and clear of Incumbrance. What, nave you to trade? v' 50x100, upper Washington at. . t lots In l.vls. Wsshlns-tftn. 60x100, head, of Broadway, . West eioe. . . ' 100x129, near City Park; West Bide , rvnai nave you, to iraae tur .ins ioi .... lowina-: 50x100, Fairfield Addition; lm .proved with two tent houses. . 6000 square ft. West Bide; fin view lot. ; ' v 8 -room house, Irving ton Park Ad dition. -- 830 acres. Lake County. 20 acres. Hood River. . 40 acres Hood River. 13,800 square feet, Greenway Addi tion.- tin view or Mt. Hood. 10. lots la Klamath falls. Bee . LB NOIR. " 228 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 66 acres of land in Jordan vauey. near bcio. Oregon 6 room house, pood barn, about 26 acres under plow, balance in pasture This Is goo land; family Orchard; about 1 mile to trading point Price 14000. Will take as much as 12600 In trade. 'balance must be in cash. Will show -property. rrea to parties meaning business, write or call on ' . c. w. TKBAUfr. Albany, Oregon. ROOM house, 56th and E. Pine; trade This Is fine oronertv and I -am oven to trade this for an euto or a bunga low. Price 13250, What, have you to T, J. LONG, 620 Henry bids, Main 1254. , ; EXCHANGE beautiful new modern four room bungalow, fireplace, attic, base ment, etc. Will take good lot to the value of. 1700 as first payment, -or will accept lot or Improved property in southern California. Owner 6606 6tli 31., BOUUieUBl. 'A A 6 ROOM bungalow' and acre land 160 feet front Jen nin sen Lodge Station: will exchange for good, team and some cash or a small cash business, write or inquire of R. F. Stover, Jennings ijodge, or. ; HAVE good brick house, store and. would like to exchange ror Portland property or farm In this part-of Ore gon. Apply for particulars, 687 Com mercial st. 3T0 ACRES Fine stock, fruit or hay ranch. 120 acres timber, 8 acres or chard. Trade for city property. Ad dress owner. C McCoy, 660 Taylor at., city. 20 ACRES In city limits, best town in southern Idaho: 10 acres In fruit; beautiful home. Will trade for Portland property. Phone Main 8201 NEW 4 room house. Rose City Park line, 12000. eauity 1800, -tor automobile or what have you7 Will sacrifice. J-818, Journal. LOOK 2 new bungalows close to car, unincumbered, one rented for 120, for eood farm to 17000. stocked; will as sume; owners only. J-805, Journal. GENTLEMAN has some lots in best harbor city in Oregon and some caan to eioiianee lor arocery iore or ruum lng house, 60Z (joucn mag. WILL exchange a dandy confectionery and cigar store, clear for 1800 equity In house and lot not too high price, 802 Couch bldg. HOTEL 20 rooms; has present owner for past 8 years 1160 per month net: will soil Or exenange lur tuvu. Phone Main 2164 CONFECTIONERY store and waltlog room for sale or trade for acreage or house and lot near Portland. See owner at 113 2d street. ' 1flrtO TN TRADE. ON modern 6 room house, 2 lota. . Prloo stock oc what have you. Lee, 15 N. 5th. 1111 I IHKH Hfk U ..." .1 U 8TAH1 in me wouu uuuuicbb. th trail, standlnsr tlmbef on 40 acres. . m . . j i i ii-iii close to Portland for eood city home or acrease, value 13500. B-710, Journ-.l. EXCHANGE 7 room modern house for timber claim up to zbuu. sun au. way AijiuiiniiB 'vim at, v--v. . - .1 A. . iv.a r r WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper Bt Bauer. 444 tsner lock bldg., 3d and Oak. Marshall 2664. BEAUTIFUL home in lit Louis, Mo., to exchange lor uregon property, u-oio, Journal. ' ,. . WANTED Good lot in good district In exchange for nlayer piano or acreage. balance casn. lapor atn. HOUSE and lot Vancouver, Wash.; want Portland property to value siuou; gro cery or automobile, naineia, uos in. 76 ACRES Yamhill Co.; some Improve ments; yftlue 37&o, ror city property. 310 Yeon. Marshall 3432. EXCHANGE house and lot; want gro cery or rooming hoise. u-eza. journal ClTY income property for farm or acre age, owner. iz morns si. HOUSB.and acreage for Alberta land. S-6R8. Journal. FOR all kinds of exchanges see wide awake hustlers at 502 coucn Diag. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WE WANT lots and acreage In the Mt. Bcott district, nave buyer ror u to 1 acre, with shack. Willamette investment Co., 402 Dektim bldg. WANTED To buy small tracts. 1 to 5 acres, near u re eon; reasonaDie. 310 Yeon. Marshall 2432. IKVINGTON 7 room modorrt home for cash, from owner. P. O. box 1175. ROOMING HOUSES 53 A SNAP Swell est little place In. town for the money, located near 12 tn and Taylor; good furniture; rent only 136; Income 176, leaving 2 rooms for owner. This is going to be sold regardless of price. There are 8 large rooms. If you want a small place make-offer. Others ask 1700. My price- 1376, 1150 cash. Particulars 88 loth st., near Stark. 50 Rooms 50 Steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; rent less than J& .a room, In heart of city, always full; clears 1250 a montn; cost me muuu; first one comes with 8960 takes the whole thing, a ve terms If necessary. Peters, 16 N. 6th. FIRST CLASH furnished 14 room house, furnace neat; lease, casn or trade; terms. E. Broadway, near bridge. Phone East 1691. r PAYING well, 33 rooms, steady and tran- sient nouse, near Driage- may lane art trade. Call 291 East Morrison st. OR SALE 10 rooms. cheap, close in. low rent, run, FhonMain 4336. 6th, corner Main. 241 FURNITURE of 8 rooms for Sale cheap. Oood rooming house, close in. 464 E. Oak st. . 8 ROOMS, H. K., good furniture, cheaD rent: must be sold by first; make of- fen rher, Marshall 47Q.- 10 ROOM e-oom lng house, furnished com plete, rent 130. -421 6th st ROOMING HOfgES ' S3 Buyers. Take Notice Before you buy i rooming house con sult with vs. We will see that you don't get stung. Eight years' successful ex perience in Portland. -We know every house and will give you the advantage or tnat Knowledge, n you haven-1 suf ficient means, we'll help you, Four good qualities must be shown location, rent, name and furniture. Buy so you can sell again when you want to. I have 10 rooms for 1160; 14 rooms, 1450; j)6 rooms,. 1600; 38 rooms, I860; 67 rooms, 11800: 72 rooms, 15000. and many other bargains. Some places can be traded for. , GODDARD BROTHERS, 4 502 Couch bldg. A LiveiVvSnaD 44 rooms, steam heat, hot and eold water in every room, very central loca tion. New lease at 14 per room. This is absolutely the best buy in Portland. Price 12 260; Jlf cash. Clears 1250 month. t WeJT fTnwl shed. Exclusively wltn'aoddaril, 602 Couch bldg, "28 Room$28 All on one floor. Brick bldg. Lease. Nice, neat and clean. Always full. Worth lUOOyAfPrtce, If sold this week, 1600. 1300 will handle - PETKRH. 13 NY 6TH ST. BUS1NE8S CHANCES 20 BU6INE8 opportunities com to stud ents of the Y, M. C A. commercial college, run not to make money, but for the good of men: has a loOO.OOO qulpmerit. - Ten different business courses; men teacners, lees luuuenia. write or can ror catalogue, . x. ai. v. a, cor. 6th and Taylor ats. bHOKTHAND is the stepping stone to Dusiness opportunity. expert men teachers at V. H. CrA. commercial col lege, Write or call for catalogue. Y. .. vj, .( vui , . w,'i" f te tl& H'I'ORE with living rooms, bath, es tabllshed business corner, nard sur faced street: good opening for bakery and confectionery. '387 Lombard. S'- M. u. a., cor. th ana Taylor ats. tionns car. RESTAURANT, confectionery, -1 idoing Splendid business in prosperous city., owner leaving. Cash or . trade for clear Portland property immediately. Box z, Portland. SNAP Country store in good -valley town; will invoice 12500; will take some trader save commission. Owner, b iv. nin st. FOR SALE. , , Corner meat market doing a cash business of 135 per day. If Interested phone Tabor, 1811. W. H. Sawtoll. FOR SALE Carpenter shop; must be sold on account of sickness, great bargain. Answer by letter. Mac, 108 Grand ave.. Portland. FOR RENT Pool room, furnished with room for lunch counter: fine locu tion; reasonable rent. M. E. Lee, 622 oroett plflg. KING HUi delicatessen and restaurant. 44 N. 23d st Reason for selling, go- Inir east: 1400 will handle. Low rent. Good .location. Hurry. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shop; 1100; show cases and dry clean ing outfit worth the price. N-442, Jour nal. WANTED, a first-class buteher to open meat market In a first-class erocerx store; cheap rent for reliable party. Masonic Temple grocery. OR SALE, By owner, grocery, good cash business, livlnsr rooms connected. Woodlawn 64. ' WANTED, grocery store; will pay Dart cash; balance West Side lots. M. su. e. 622 Corbett bldg. SMALL grocery with 3 living rooms, 4 tt1vk from anv nthr store 1600; a nice place. 502 Coucp bldg. WEDDING Invitations and announce ments. Ryder Printing CO.. 36 uurn- side st. Main 6536. RESTAURANT at 127 Grand ave.. fine location, win sell cheap ror casn. 1125 TAKES road Know complete. Call us tast so, room tso. MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 3Ul iU t3U,UUU. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. LOANS made on Improved city property or for Dunning purposes; aavances mri bnlMlnr nroirresses : liberal repayment privileges. No commission or broKerage. J. v. iipscoiim, ia ntarn. Mortgage e Loans HITE, 701 Selling Bldg. WE have money to loan on your real oaiute- first mortiraaes onlv. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 unamoer or tjoinmeroe. LOANS from 11600 to 110,000 oa good HACKER & THERKELSEN. ' 201 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. 256. $400, 1600. 1900, 11350; these amounii to loan real estate. Fred W. German Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce; both phones. MORTGAGE LOANS . For Improved real estate. HURTMAN-THUJl PSON BANK, MortgaKe loan Dept. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property: special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Obk. 7T1A AAA stn mnrlrnirAfl ,ltv nnri farm brbberty. fire insurance. McKenzle & CO.,' uernnger Diag., za ana Aiaer HAVE any amount to loan on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; lire in surance. W. u. wecK, 31&-31B failing. HAVE for immediate loans, ISOo, 11500. 16000. at current rates. A. H Bell, 201 Gerllnger Bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonati rates. F. H. Lewis & Co., I Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Ren! estate aecurlty, Apply room 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. 11000 to 16000 for immediate Jban on real estate, jhdot hi. WILL loan 120.000 or less, real estate. Karrington, 4ie commercial uiuo bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H Belts & CO.. sio Bpaioing piag. , 1 ' V , . 1.... n r 1 o r. , MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent MONEY to losn on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalln. 636 Chamber Commerce. MONEY to loan, real estate. R. E. Hlne. 408 Yeon bldg. f500 OR less to loan. Portland real estate security. P-S80. Journal. USE Basset ts Native Herbs for rheu matism: 60 tablets 25c. All druggists. Umpire MOXE TO LOAN 87 REAL ESTATE ' - NOW la the. best time to arrange to renew that mortgage. It will soon be due. Why pay 8 or 10 per cent in terest? We loan at 6 per cent, w Long time If ' desired. Fre-paymont privl loge;. no brokerage. We furnish money to build or for your Investments. Loan anywhere. Suite 1002 Broadway bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE! CONTRACTS: NO COM MISSION' . . COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. I8 CrALtUJrii BLIJO. WB loan money in amounts of 1250 and up1 to $6000 on eal eatat In o? near Portland. " We do business . quickly, at the right rates and at moderate expense to the borrower, , THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 612 Piatt bldg., cor. Park and Wash. MONEY TO LOAN C7HATTEL8. SALARIES 67 SALARY OR CHATTEL LOANS MADE QUICKLY ANY AMOUNT. NED Establish your credit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, when" In urgent need of a second accommodation be cause they were JUST OUT OF FUNDS? OUR CAPITAL IS UNLIMITED. If you deal with us, you may rest assured that we will be willing and able to accommodate you any time. 0IIIB MEW-RATES'. 1 .15 weekly pays a 1 10 loan. 1 .65 weekly pays a 1 26 loan. 11.10 Weekly pays a f 60 loan. tl.0 weekly pays av1100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM? . YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if . Paid Before Due. 413 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES Between 4th and 5th sts. on Wash. at. Open 9 a. my to 6 p. m.. Bat, till 8 p. in. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN .NOTEb 110 TO 1100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURltT. BUSINKK3 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M, SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 809 FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, etc. AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. 820 LUMBER EXCHANOE BLDd. 2d and Stark sts. Open X a. m. to 6 p. m. SAURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL I F, M. ' ELBY COMPANY. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHKR8 WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 317, , LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STARK STS. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me oeiore aeaung eisewnere: conrioen- tiai, u. u. uraKe. bzb Henry Dldg. A desirable place fur ladies and gentle- men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond raiace. 384 waen.. opp. uwi amg etora. MONEY sold on installment: confiden tial to salaried peopU. P. A. New- ton. 6i4"Hnry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel- ry. strictly conriaentiai. m1 so. LOANS WANTED 80 IF YOU have idle funds, see Henry O. Prudhomme, financial anent, first mortgage securities exclusively. 806 m i cox niog. 1800 TO loan In conneetion with a por- mn.neni position. .n N, Leonard. Bt. Johns. FINANCIAL 51 . I. ...-.lll-1.ll-llll".NI-.--.. .nn SEVER A 1j first mortRages for sale, amounts 2260 to 22300: also several desirable applications on land; all first ciasn security, nenry i;. rruaaonime, iinanciai agent. t wncox bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H, E. Noble, Lumbermwi dm?. Loan FOR SALE First mortgages tin real es tate: big discounts 233 Clay st. HELP WANTED MALE 1 WIRELESS operators In constant de mand. This coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night schools; complete equipment; beat on coast. IF YOU are a salesman we can use you, 14 to 16 per day to hustlers. Producers will be given every oppor tunity to advance. Apply 427 Yamhill St., 8 to :au a. m SALESMAN wanted; a business worth uhlle and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad- oress oapjtai city isursery t:o.. saietn. or. A FEW high class salesmen to sell fine property at tho mouth of the Colum bia, the coming great seaport. Call only between 10 anil 12. 901 Wilcox bldg. WANTED High power salesman with booK or advertising experience, under 40: one who can stand real Drosoeritv and development. Add. J-807, Journal. WANTK1) At once, 2 men to learn auto renalrlnir and driving: call at Haw. tnorne arage, no riawmorne ave. MESSENGERS, 16 years' or over. Boys with bicycles guaranteed 140 for full month. 267 Oak st. CHANCE to learn to operate moving picture machine. We can place 3 more men in theatre. 1T Kothrhlld. WANTED 2 boys, 18-21 years. Apply v-v w ' v. w - ..... . Liai block, 2d and Washington. JOB PRINTER Platen pressman, ca- Dub e. reliable, i'hono Marshall 2828. Ak for ciarK. .49 4tn st. WANTED. 3 men to learn automobile drlvlne and rebalrlna. Belmont Gar age, 23d and Belmont. Take S. S. car. ?HEF Headquarters and Helpers. 286 Yamhill st. WANTED, two men to collect lnstall ments on sewing machines; bond re quired. Apply 402 Washington st. WANTED Poultry dresser who under stands dry picking Hazelwood Co.. Front and Ankeny sts. BOY wanted with bicycle; wnges 60 per - month. Steady work. 8 Chamber or commerce bldg. B6Y8 for cracker factory. Apply F. F. Haradon & Son, JC. 6th and Davis. FURNITURE finishers wanted. 440 Goldsmith. .Freeiand Furniture Co. SOLICITORS wanted: heat offer in city. Van Dyck Studio, 404 Washington St. HELP WANTED. MALE 1 1 ; . Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay (or an advertisement. Advertisements must be bought to the office personality the paruwB sjemrmsr worn. ACTIVE? AMBITIOUS? OVER 17? In the U. S. navy the pay averages 140 per month, clear. Chances to learn highly paid trades such as electrician, carpenter, machinist, plumber, 60 dif ferent pursuits, if under 18 must have parents? eonHent. For complete infor mation, call at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland, Or. Send for free booklet, "The Making of a Man-O'Warsman. Bureau of Navigation, Box 827. Navy Department, Washing ton, r. c, Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social privileges. Record for 8 months ending Aug. SI: Calls for men , 1698 Positions filled 1096 All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of tne n;mpioyment uepariment. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36; citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who oan speak, read and writ the English language. For Information ap ply to recruiting officer, Worcester ldg., 3d and Oak sts., Portland. Or, WANTED First class operator and all arouna pnotograpner. tsend rerer ences, terms, experience and age. Per manent work to right man. Otto Jacob sen, care of Studio De Luxe, Eugene, Or. SOLICITORS for cleaning and pressing, no experience required. Call Morrison Bridge parlors, 189 Morrison st. Open tin nnonigm, HEM WANTED MISC. 49 WANTED I will teach several young men tho automobile business In 10 weeKs by man and assist them to good positions. No charge for tuition until position is secured. Write today. R. S. Price, Automobile Expert, box 463, Los Angeles, tel. OREGON AUTOMOolLB SCHOOL. 266 268 11th st. Latest UD-to-date meth ods of practical instruction In driving and repairing automoniies dv expert in structors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course in law; no time lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich, ardson, dean, M. Morehead, T3ec, 816-817 lommonwealtn bldg., Portland, Oregon. AUTOMOBILE scnool, with 'high grade expert teachers. Complete 110,000 equipment to train for this coihina- vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good oi men. x. m. u. a. uay ana Mgnt Hcnoois, cor. Bin ana Taylor sts. 12.60 per day paid one lady In each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes, per manent position. F. 13. Jjarr Co.. Chi cago. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 605 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4142 WANTED Men, 18 to 46, to become Portland mall carriers; 166 to 1100 montn. k.a-3.4. journal CENTRAL Commercial College training places you in th expert class; text books free, t.entral bldg.. loth & Alder, LOCOMOTIVE firemen. brakemen, wages tiuv: experience unnecessary. Send age. KX-727. Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. ! 6tl u p. Taylor, the tailor. 28H Burns! da HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE! LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. TH AND EAST ANKENY STS., OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260. EXPERIENCED BAG-SEWERS AND TURNERS. AMES, HARRIS, NEVILLE CO., 15TH AND HOYT STS. WANTED Widower with 4 small chil dren wants a middle aged, refined and experienced housekeeper to care for house and children. Good wages to competent and reliable person. I will be at room 221 In Perkins hotel, on Wednesday and Thursday, September 24 and 26, hours 11 to 12, a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Will be glad to ex change references. Address Box 47, R. F. D. 1. Hond River, Or. GIRLS WANTED MANUFACTURING PLANT. 84 N. FIRST ST. REFINED girl wanted in Bmall home fur general housework; need not be proficient cook, but want gU-1 who can appreciate a good, kind home. Telephone monaay or ruwaay. main zdpi TWO or three neat. Intelligent women for corset work; personal Instruc tion given. Apply between 9 and 11 a m. Nubone Corset Parlors. 203 ' Broad- way building. WOMAN t sew carpets, make mattrexs ticks and window shades; none with out AxrterlenCA nA,1 annlv. KMnAr.lB Co., 191 1st St. GOVERNMENT Jobs, women, 175 month; examinations in Portland: SDeclmen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 70S , uocnesier, n. x WANTED Girl or elderly lady to care for children and do light housework. z'j4 -Jjeiano st. MILLINERY makers; must be experl enced; 110 per week to start Vogue, 3 Aider. Marsnau 4488. WANTED Pants finishers; steady work, 75c apiece. Carter, 128 2d, room 9. WANTED A chocolate Washington st. dipper, 341 WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. Phone Sellwood 2167. c s - HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Situation Wanted . , Ada. Inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the rtwi nemring worn. ANTED An experienced alrl to act as neaa or biock in tne notion depart ment. Apply In person or by letter. If by letter give full details as to previous em ployment, experience and salary wanted. Apply Superintendent MacDougall Southwlck. Seattle. Wash, i HELP WANTED MALE VSD FEMALE 29 OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, epeclal Inducements to ladies. Z3B Madison at., 253, 2nd. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert Instructors; 20 years in the business'; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; spe cial inducements to ladles. 48 N. 2d sf. MIDDLE AGED couple, no children, on 8 acres near Tlgard. Must care for several cows, chickens, and orchard. Separate house and garden, moderate Wages. 8ee Kroner 623 Worcester bldg. FiSK Teachers' Agency secures posi tions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. WANTED AGENTS 0 USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own; we help you, start for a sharo in profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunltle s Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. REAL agenta are taking advantage of this; why not you?. Splendid oppor- unity to mako big money; quick results, nqulre 110 N. 6 th st. ' SITUATIONS MALE ENGINEER, good all around mechanlo wants position; can do all kinds oi repair work, have all necessary tools. Oood references. V-476, Journal. WAITER, one who knows his business. to wait on lunch counter; wages 110.60 week. Call at once. 40 N. 1st and Couch sts. MAN wants day work, tinting, house cleaning, caring for lawn or position as janitor, Main nzt. A-zvbs. room la CARPENTER foreman wants work, day or contract. Address Box 67, Wood stock. BY sober reliable man, experienced In general merchandise and bookkeeping. call Taoor Z7io. YOUNG married man, good education, ir nnla vnaftfsn o mr H r H urlth chance of advancement. W-623, Journal. HOTEL CLERK wants position, day or night, married, references. J-810, Journal. PAPERING and Minting, 13.60 up: paint ing reasonapie. joe ataranaii. r.. zivi. THE window cleaner and houseman wants work. Mr. Elgar. Marshall 1608. YOUNG man, 21 years of age, willing to do anything. E-595, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE NEAT German woman would like posi tion In rooming or apartment house In exchange Tor rent of housekeeping apt., suitable for two. References given. Phone Tabor 2021, MIDDLE aged woman, good cook, would like work as housekeeper for gentle men; do not mind children. Phone Main 1698 or call 71 N. 9th st. Mrs. H. C. Mc- naughton ETHNOGRAPHER Beginner, wouUl llkn Dosltion. law office preferred; willing to work for experience and small wages. l'-443. Journal COMPETENT refined widow from th east wants position as housekeeper. A No. 1 seamstress, experienced as man ager. Y-804, Journal wishes position as manager of room ing or apartment nouse. ii-tii, room 225. LADY would take charge of rooming house for room and small waged Main 4987. OIRL of 18 avants work afternoon of evenings, no housewoi-K. MatBhall 5863. Room 8. Good piano player. GIHL wants office work; can operate Elliot Fisher typewriter. Phone Ta bor 4614. WANTED Position as housekeeper in the country by a young woman wun a bsby 8 months old. M-596. Journal. FASHIONABLE dressmaker wishes en- cagements In famines, Jl.60 per day. 450 Yamhill, Main 4107. Mrs. Evans. WANTED Housekeeping for widower or take care or hick lady. inone luisi 1496. 269 E. Broadway.' WANTED, position as housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home: good references, Call East 3201k COMPETENT laundress and house worker with, references wishes worn. Woodlawn 193 LADY would like position to sell tick ets for picture saow or t neat re. Maui inoq EXPERIENCED In hotel or restaurant. Will work by day oi- hour, t'none Main 4336. Roomt9. AN experienced pastry cool Hon. 121 E. 27th st. N. cook wants posl- light housework. E-693, Journal WANTED To do housework, by young woman, woodlawn bin. WANTED Work by day or hour. Mrs. Jonsson, telepnone Again 433S LACE curtains hand laundered. Photic Main 14 LADY will care for children or invalids afternoons and evenings. Main 1145. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by day; 82 day; Marshall 5603. DRESSMAKING; 648 Division st. and E istn. DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress- makinir. Tailored Suits. Corsets. Teachers wanted. 304 Qoodnouah bldg. DRESSMAKING; satisfaction guaran teed; children s sewing specialty. 474 Alder. Marshall 6279. Miss Armon. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE YOUNG man rooming Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office Y. M. C. A. IMYO M1IM 24? H Fifth st. U1VJ) II lUlW UVU . Rooms 11.26 up. per wk. Free phone and bath. Main 776 4. HOTEL SAVON LIK Per- rana't. ROOMS and apartments In modern ho tel, 12.50 week and up. 455 Alder. THE COLONIAL, 165 10th st; rooms 12 to 14 per week; central, quiet and cool. Fine baths. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, special rates at. cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business,, N flee, ior. 6jh and Taylor sts. . Antlers Hotel Location, 10th and Washington sts. Rates 13 to It per week. Modern. With Or without bath. tourist" hot Ei 110 1st st. cbr, Morrison, modern, fur Dished cool rooms, 13 week up; traa sient euc cay, b car rrom aepot. HOTj Buckingham, 52 Vt Washington st New. modern brick ok. all outside rooms, 12.60 week up; with private bath, 16. ' - EE New, modern ho tel, hot. cold wa- ter in rooms, rates reasonable. 38H ata, MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor, Homelike, attractively furnished, mod. ern, parlor, large porch, summer rat'-s. NICELY furnished roum at Llndel ho tel. ii.nv and up. 2 Market st mxxawao rooks yTBSTf SIOB PKIVATB TAMItT, 79 ROOMS In private families; we maintain ; a descriptive list, giving wide range of choice; can place you In Justvhat you want. Call today, no charge. . CLA RENTAL BUREAU, 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4920. I BLOCK from Lincoln High school, ) sleeping rooms snd 1 housekeeping room; bright and clean. 327 West Park, Main 7959. - - - - . . TWO furnished rooms with board cheap. Gas and furnace heat, with bath. 766 Qulmby st. Marshall 6896. II PER WEEK Heat, gas, phone, batlti Off Hail. Home comforts. 772 Roosevelt St.. near 23d. Marshall 4116. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 12.50 up; free light; phone. 621 Mor rison st. LIGHT front room, ground floor. Phone, bath, suitable dressmaking, millinery. 475 Taylor. V ONE neatly furnished room; modern conveniences, 18 per month. 429 Mkt. LARGE, light, well heated room, suit able for 2, 112. 186 14th. Jl.60 ROOM, close in, fine for batch ing; aiso one ror 694 Everett. TWO, furnished rooms for doctor's of- iioe. 2Z 13th fit Marshall 5033. WEST SIDE, large room, steam heat, 110. Marshall 1128. FURNISHED ROOMS, BAST SIDE 53 thr M.iFirnRn iinTH. IS. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern, large lobby, special rates by month. THE Larrabee. 227 Vi larrabee. Rooms lag., steam heat, hot 1 9 lr nn hi and cold water, bath, phone, olectrtelty, RiM with sleeping porch, beautiful Piacff. reasonable, wood lawn 109S. rtTBHTSEXD BOOKS EAST BIDE PBIVATK PAMTLT tl LARGE front room suitable for twot modern conveniences: fifteen minntoa walk , to business center. 687 E. Alder. WANTED A gbntleman to room with private family. No children. 440 UOlllg St. : , 1SHED room, lls-ht. hnth irntU. men. IB mo. 269 Fargo st. U car. ThRKK nice unfurnished rooms; own entrance: reasonable; close In. 267 Holladay ave. TWu room suites, 15, 16, 17 month; four, with bath, 212; plngle. J3.60. 342 Front BOOMS ASX BOIBD PRIVATE FAMILY ROOM and board in a new modern dulet musical home, large front rooms and every home privilege. Call after 1 p. m. 472 Main. ROOM and board for young woman, 13 p.-r week; walking distance. PhoQii East 4732. Uuom and board, 130 East 19th. Sunny Side car. Near Morrison (Widow's family.) RO O MS and board, private family; hath urn! phone. 105 E. 11th. East 2041. LADY employed wishes place in private. r'nll I.' .. .. . to r. , t t nil OlO, DlflV. FURNISHED room and breakfast. Ill ppr montn. an conveniences. ast 6377. ROOM and board, home privileges, 19.60 per week. 755 E. Davis. ROOM and board for young lady : home s privileges. Phone Tab 1920 or B-2084,- FIRST class transient meals. 306 14th. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 WANTED Board and room In country or suburban home for weak minded but perfectly harmless woman. Can as sist lnhousework. R-408, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 114 TO 117 per month, newly furnished housekeeping suites, clean as wax, bay windows, large light rooms, gas ranges,, baths and hot water, all hours, linen washed free, 7 blocks to P. O., save car fare. Desirable people only. 288 3d st.. nesr Jefferson. ONE, 2 and 3 outside housekeeping rooms completely furnished, brick building, free phone, bath. 645 H Wash- NICELY furnished single and housed keeping room, heat, bath and phone, cneap. ajt itn, cor, Aiarxet. GENEVIEVE, 445 Columbia; housekeep- ing a single rms.; reasonable. Al ,410. LARGE, comfortable room for house keeping. 1 75 12th st. WEST BIDS F TV ATX TAMUT 73 HOUS-XE-FISa SOOMS FURNISUED or unfurnished, clean and light, hot and cold water, bath, (Alanhnn. ul.uivi h, 1 nr. V, . 4943. Nokomls apts.. 17th and Marshall! ONE large nicely furnished room, for light housekeeping; well ventilated; in nice neighborhood; central. 474 Alder, 8. E. corner of 14th. ' NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, rent reasonable. 193 jerrersou st. 6 NICE"furnishedd H. It rooms, from 12.60 up; free light,- phone and water. i -1 tot .... wvva. ... n, ttiih,, LARGE front room with kitchen, newly T . . I 1 .1 1 .... w .1. t J I . I . 7zi ist st. Mam 9053. Mrs. j. a. white. x u i ii i is ii cu, i: i i , uai.ii, iHumi umy. nioiiTn. oo mn, near jeirerson. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; 1 sleeping room. 43a Jefferson. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. z-'t utn st. waiKing distance. 361 TAYLOR Sunny front suite, gas! phone, bath, laundry. Reasonable. TWO newly papered front rooms for housekeeping-. 694 6th st. By "Bud" Fisher