- . , the Oregon daily journal, Portland, Wednesday evening, September 17, 1913. 17 Ay'.V.iVil'. ; EXCHANGE ttEAfc ESTATE 24 "nil j j5ttVVVi -un J-'-ii- -ii- ,Good Farm Trades Hargrove & Sons We havs u number of godd farhi trades and submit herewith a few of them. We handle legitimate trades only. Our trades are universally satis factory: x One Acre for $1500 . Tlila is a guud property for party Wishing to raise chickens, have lark Kai-fien. Ati TtmrA Ift nni Ac.rd. R ruom house, barn. etc. Splendid soil. in small town, 13 miles east of peruana, t uiocks to canine, price $ioou, mortgage $6uO. trade equity for Vacant lot, auto mobile, or small house In the city of business. 10- Acres for $3000 Located In nice little town about 100 miles south of Portland, 10 acnes, 8 acres In cultivation. Gqpd soil: lots of fruit ana berries. Good 7 room bungalow. Price With Jersey cow, solne hogs and chickens, is only 13000. Take Portland home to $2800, time on balance. 20 Acres for $5000 This la humeilituw' choice; located about 20 miles eust of the city and commands unsurpassed view of the Co lumbia river, mountains, etc. 'fhere are 20 acres, all in cultivation. Very best of soil and the entire tract lies perfectly. 4 room house, barn, chicken house, etc. Fine, spring. Lots of fruit and berries. Personal property. Team, wagon, cul tivator, plows, harness, cow, 6a chick ens, buggy, crearn separator, 14 tons hay, hoe, and lots of other personal property. Price $5000. Take home In tho city to $4000. Time on balance. 52 1-2 Acres at Woodburn This is decidedly one of the choicest farm homes In the state of Oregon. It adjoins the city limits of Woodburn, sidewalk to the premises. There are 5J',i acres, 47 acres In high state of cul tivation, balance nice body of fin This tract lies perfectly, and every foot of the land Is exceedingly rich. No rock, in fact We defy you to find richer land than this, (Splendid 8 room plastered house, fine barn and Outbuildings. Every building or everything else Is In first class condition. Personal property; 4 hornet; 4 sets harness, 8 milch cows, 1 registered bull, some fine Poland China hogs, 200 chickens, 2 wagons, hack, buggy, all farm implements, cream separator, gasoline engine, all crop and household goods. Price $17,500. Will take Portland hoilve to value $0500. Time on balance. We know this place Will suit you. 485 Acre Stock and Dairy Ranch Located - In Lincoln county, on good county read. 2 4 miles from railroad station. There are 484 V4 acres, SB acres In crop. About a of the place good farm land. .Ml splendid pasture. Spring und trout stream on place. Good 10 roonj house 2 barns and lots of out buildings. Place is well fenced. .Bear ing orchard. Uliltmlted outrange ad joining. Price 130 per ai re. Take Port land or near by property to value of tlO.ufto to $12,000. Time On balance. It is seldom you get the chance to trade for slock ranch as Well located as thin. Hargrove & Sons 122 North '.Iti f-t. Alain I3'l. A-72.19. ' :;.: r,n ai-ke. 24S ai've dairy lfin''h, located 4 miles from North Yamhill, on good country rnnl, R. K. D, and telephone. Laud Is good, rich soil; 4n acres in cultivation, 60 to "o In pasture, bsl. fine oak ana srcnnd-growtfi f!r timber land; g creeks a lit I 4 or 6 springs on property; good barn, mom for 14 to 16 head stock; old house; owner lives on place; good gar den, potato patch, corn and kale for win ter feed; good school on 2 sides of place witnin l Mi nines. Following personal property goes with place: Good team, wagon and harness. .1 nVlch cows, 2 2-year-nlil heifers, ; spring heifers, 35 or i'l fine cl)i ken.H, plow, harrow, mower a,nd Fll kin-Is of small tools; IB nr 20 tons hay ami 100 bushels oats In barn: everything goes for $33.5(1 acre; accept good (house up to $1500, bal. can be ar ranged. See owner today while In clt V to Inspeit propertv. This Is a snap. So see about it AT ONPR. SMITH-Wli.LOI'OHBY CO., 0 5th St. Malh. 8770. . I'An'i't H Y RITE. $96(1. f mnll facrory site, right on R. R In side city limits; lake other pfopertv woith $o00 to $700. O. L. Webb, 414 K. Stark st. $9T9f " VToITFTl of" Portland properly, estchanse all or part for land near elect rjtMMn-JJn c G. L. Webb, 414 E, St a Vk . WAXTlih KteAl. fiSfATK 31 WE want several houses to supply our clients, nan'iely In Portland Heights, I.add aiidillon, Irvlngton nr any voon dis trict. Close In; If you have a bargain, write me a description of famp nr call for Clark, The Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 2U9 Wash In g t on st, Prop' owner, modern 1 room Irvington home, for chsIi. 1'. O. Box 1176. 5ft 75 ROOAIK, strictly modern, 40 private baths, rent $il loom; clearing $350 month above everv expense. Price $5600; $2000 cash, balance $30 month. You cen t beat It. 602 Couch hldg. BEAUTIFULLY furnished home, Tii rooms, $46 our rent; $650 for $350; easy terms. Everything goes, including oil palntli'is. 687 Washington, st. 20 Rooms $600 WpII filled, t htap rent. Main feTRS. FCR SALE ieap. account of sickness, IS room house; brick building. Well furnished, ga N- 3d.. M asfia 1 1 1605. WAN I'El At'out 30 room house, wesl Mde; some trade or terms. (Jive price; terms and location. U-618, Journal. FOR H.M.E 16 rooms, cheap, close In, low rent, full. Phone Main 4338, 241 6th. corner Maln. 10 KOOfflsT ITnr, very central, snap: Pon t mls;H It. lias to be sold quick, 502 Couch hldg. Mutt Simply Had to Bet and That's All jgHTa loa -oKz zcs&) Kiyy t vS?v 03 Bargain Hunters w Here you are, 62 room hotel, near Ore gon hotel; steam heat; hot and cold water in -rooms; lease rent less than $5 a room; takes in $8 to $10 fc (light tran sient; Worth $0000. My price if sold this Week, $1600; $600 will handle. Pet ers, i in. Bin st. ARE yew looking fdr a chance to make money? Have furnishings for 80 rooms at a snap price and liberal terms. Everything the best. Vou'll have to nurry. pnone Kgst ilw. FOR RENT Strictly modern, Targe rooming house, central location, very loW rent. . M. a W, 62,3 Corbett bldg. FOP. SALE 11 room rooming house. 421 f th st Reasonable for cosh. ULMlNESS CHANCES o wfuSw Rl VlfiK lNTtelilOR BRIT ISH COLUMBIA'S future MANU FACTURING and COMMERCIAL, capi tal, offers unrivaled opportunities for money making INVESTMENTS, BUSINESS- aRd HOMES. Located on PHASER and WIl,LOW RIVERS, GRAND TRUNK. PACIFIC. PACIFIC and HUD SON BAY, and other railroads, In the center of a LARGE, RICH FARMING and TIMBER DISTRICT, the natural supply point for the WONDERFUL PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, and the RICH CARIBOO MINING DISTRICT, Insures the future of WILLOW RIVER. Write now. today, for free maps, plats, etc., PACIFIC LAND & TOWNSITF8 CO., LTD., 415 RICHARDS ST., VAN COUVER. P- V- Agents wanted. SAWMILL. Situated on the . .ohth Pacific R. R., capacity 100,000 per day; plenty of tim ber, completely equipped. Come In and get full description; third less than lor volce. J .t FISHER. 309 Ablnglon Bldg. Alain 441 &US1.NESS opportunities come to stud ents of the 1". M. C. A. commercial college, run not to make money, but for tlie good of men; has a $jOO,000 equipment. Tin different business courses; men teachers, fees moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M, C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. HOTEL l-OR RENT. Neat hotel in thriving country town, doing a good business, steady boarders, that's what counts; 31 days, $31, for particulars call on owner, 13 Chamber of Commerce. SAWMILL for sale. Worth $1D00; will take $1090, all cash or partly secured notes, 40 H. P. boiler. 35 H. P. engine. Timber enough adjacent to run mill about 10 months. mile from Summit. H. S. Pruner, Summit, Or. Cigar Store Cigars, confectionery; best location In city; rent $Hu, Including heat. Clears $6 dally, worth $800. Price today $160. Peters. 16 JN. bth st. bHORTUAND is the stepping stone to business opportunity. Expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. Sawmill Plant Sawmill and lugging outlit for sale at a gieat sacrifice. Neal Brown, 319 Swet- laiui hing. IF looking, for a business of ahy kind, sec my list. 1 handle all kinds, have some nal bargains. Neal Brown, 319 Swcilar.d bl d g . UMALL grocery, wllli 3 living rooms; no othi r store witliln 4 blocks any where. Price $r)60. This is right. 602 i ouch bldg. n t a t'n , mt On Washington st.; good location; rent $50 per month. Price $150. This is a snap. 212 Henry hldg. FOR KALE Blacksmith shop with good business; electric power, all new tools; 'i of block, in good location. Ad dress I. E. Dawson, Halsey. Or. PRESSING anj dye work. A-l location; this firm does ft big business and well worth the small Investment; only $250. 311 Lumber Exchange. FOR fcfAIiE, CHEAP- Blacksmith stock nnd tools; only shoo in town. Come and see for yourself. W. H. Jellytnan. St. Helens, Or. HAVE a good free gold mining claim. Would give interest to party erecting cyanide mill or will sell. Will stand in-vaatlgaflu"!!.- W-560, Journal; cnvirt'CTmic if n v store ahd wnltlna room for sale or trade for acreage or house and lot near Portland. See owner at 113 2d st. FOR RENT Strictly modern, large rooming house, central location, very low jenT M. E. Lee. R2gVjrhetthlds. R ESTAFTlA NT and lunch counter, enn show t-plendlrl returns, $500; Rnap. 311 Lumber Exchange. (KM ill bakery ami confectionery In running order; good brick oven, for bnifcain. Call 1020 Belmont Ft, PARTNER for cash business; can clear $150 month for each partner easy; $300 required, 'nll ;n3 Lumber Exchange. WEDDlNlT invilatiois and announce ments. Ryder Priming Co., 'Jul Burn- wld p. st. Main 65.111. HOTEL, 46 ro6ms, furnished, oil Grand ave., $75 month. Sellwnod 14611. CHEAP for cash, complete moving pic ture outfit. 648 Commercial street. alOXEV TO MIAN KEAL ESTATE $100,010 im mor! rages, city or farm property, fire Insuran -cv AlcKenil A Co 1.. iierlinife- hi ,'it 3d and Alder. MONEY lu loan, large loans a p-eiait)r, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance, w (,' H'f. in.xi caning. 1 HAVE . $60007 f lmniirllB ir la,iu kni) t I Rn,l 860007 at current rates. A. II. Bell! Z01 Gernnger oioy CASH paid tor mortgages, lines, ton- tracts; mortcage loans; reasonable rates, F II. LeWia Co . S t.ylhlda. $1400 TO loan on good improved east side properly, 8 per cent. McGuire. Main ICR, MOHi'GAGh loans at current rates. Jtuai estate security. Appiy room zu2 tstook ExebsnBe- blog . lot and ammn sts. HAVE any amount to loan, oh good" Portland real estate. Call 22(1 Cham- per of commerce bldg. No lin kers. $1000 to $600e for Immediate loan 6a real estate. Tabor 771. jvfONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. ! t ahnlln. R36 Chamber Commerce. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estata I Fnrrmgton, 4 1 B otnmarcini Olilti bldg. MONEY to loan, 8 to 8 per Cent, W, HT BeH2 Co.. him Hpaiuing Olclg. MONEY to Joan on fcnl estate. A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of O Com. $300. $400, $600, $800, $1000 on good nouses; vvara, kju aiisk- tunc ROOMLVQ HOUSES - Conttnet MOJTfiY TO tOAX 87 - KfiAL ESTATE! ' (OonWlinndl MOJ5T tO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESf ATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOtiEB; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS! NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO., 91 SPALDING BLDO. IF you are in need of money we have funds to loan on improved real estate. HAKTMAtf-THQMPSOtf BANK. Mortgage Loan Dept. WE loan money in amounts of $250 and Up to $6000 on real estate In or near Portland. We do business quickly, at the right rates and at moderate expense to the borrower. THE 'WESTERN SECURITIES CO.. 612 Piatt bldg., cor, park ami' Wash. LOaN made on improved city property or for building purposes; advances made aa building progresses; liberal repayrmeht privileges. No commission or ProKeraKo. J. P, ijipwcomu, ii4 3 stark WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only, HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 488 Chamber of Commerce, Mortgage Loans 1. X. WHITE, 701 Selling picig. LOAiNS I'tbm $1500 to 1U,U0U on good Porilahd security. HACKER Ac THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding bldg. Alain 7592 $2o0, $4u0, $000, $900, $1360; these amounts to loan real estate. Fred YV. German Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce; both phones, Mu.NE ti loan, Improved Portland property: special facilities for iargt loalm Title t Trust Co.. 4th and Oak. MONEY to loan, B and 7 per Cent. Port land Realty it Trust Co., 211 Railway Exchange blag. Maui aiaa, MONEY, to loan, real estate. rT Hine. 4 08 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 Stark st. monev to Loan chattels, 8ala1ues 07 SALARY OB CHATTEL LOANS MADE QUICKLY ANY AMOUNT. in vi ira Establish your credit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, when In urgent need of a second accommodation be cause they were JUSl1 OUT OF FUNDS? OUR 8AP1TAL IS UNLIMITED. If yOU deal with us, you hiay rest assured that we will be willing and able to accommodate you any time. $ .35 weekly pays a $ lo loan. $ .6 65 weekly pays a $ 26 loan. ii i.iu weeKiy pays a du loan. 90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if Paid Before DU&" 413 MAC LEA Y BLDG. BOTH PHONES Between 4th and 6th sts. on Wash, et. Open 9 a. m. to a p. in.. Sat, till 8 p, 111. SALAHV LOANS ON PLAIN NOtEd 10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEV. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. AL TO P. M. SATURDAY 5 TO tf P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., BOD FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONKV ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, etc. AT LOWEST POSSlUtjlS KATEH, SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. 2d and Stark sis. open 8 a. 111. to 6 p. m. SALRDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. liLUY COMPANY. SALARlfcH PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 317, LliMRKR EX. BLbO. 2ND AND STARK STS. CHATTEL loans Money tur, caiarled people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere: confiden tial. i. D. Drake. 828 Henry bldg. A defclraole place tor ladles and gentle men to borrow morvy on diamonds end jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palac-. 334 Wash., opp. Owl drop siors. MONEY sold on installment: confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New- ton, 614 Henry bldg. a!oNEY loaned on rtlamonds and Jewel ry. strictly confidential. 141 V4 8d. MIAN'S WAXTKll 30 WANTED From private party. $300 for 1 Or 2 years. 10 per cent, $2000 realty security. V-468, Journsl. LET me place your money on gilt edge mortgages. H. E. Hine, 408 Yeon hldg. Marshall 55.i. FlNAXCtAL 51 " CASH 1 PAlirFORllORTaAGES. " Of seller's equity In contract of sal orl rijal estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumberman bldg. Loans. HKLP W ANlEil MALE PAINTER wanted to do painting and tinting by the day for rent. Apply to the ChPlopa. Apartments, 18th and Flan ders st. HALF interest In plumbing business for sale cheap. No experience required. K- 4 4 7, J ou rnaK VVAnTED Reliable Iioy with 'wheeX Apply Foster Drug Co., 34th and Bel mont streets. WANTED Office boy, over 16 years old. Good chance for advancement. Apply Union Meat Co., 4lh and (ilinan. THE Continental Casualty Co., 4ou Ore gonlan bldg., wnnts two or tiree good men. -can Detween u and 11 a. sn. WAN'lTfTiT ll lliell to learn autuinolnl,) dM-lhg and repairing. B"lmont (lar age, 23d Mnd nflinont. Take S. S. ear. WAKYE D Dal ry-hand, married", V.lfi month aiid expenses; M. II. OenLit- mann, sneous. or. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, 295 Yamhill st. WANTED at-Once, finishers and polish ers. Apply Carman Mfg. Co, 1214 Macadam. ..Phone Ma III 238. BOY wanted with wheel for drug slore. Phono A-8241. Main 8310. .150 3d St. HELP AVAX11CD MALE (Centintiadt Situation" Wanted Ada. Inserted tree for these In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally hi the parties oesiring wo?w, T. M. c. a. tiiPLOYMnjN'r iiEp-i. Employment membership guarantee mem Der win secure empioymeni or re fund of membership fee; give two month full membership privileges, 1ft month social privilege. Record for 8 months ending Aug. 31. Call for men .....1688 Positions filled , ..1U5 All young men seeking etnplormsni, especially strangers, are oordlaUy in vited to consult with the secretary bt the Employment Department WANTED-Kor U, S. army, able bodied uouiarriea men Detween ages oi is ana 6; eltixens ot United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can sneak, read una writs the Knsllsb I language For information apply to ra- una oak sis., Portland, Or. WSnTed Young man to learn Calv terla management. Will pay $40 per month and board to start. Opportunity for advancement. No one need apply who does not Wish to learn business and willing to do everything. Apply Gen eral Secretary Y. Al. C.A. WIRELESS operators in don'Btant de mand. This coming vacation taUgut at V. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night schools; Complete equipment; t"-st on coast. PTjUTlAiYD mall carriers, postal cletka, wanted, $65 to $100 murith. Vaca tions. Portland examinations coming. Sample questions free, Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 329 F, Kocliester, M. X, WANTED Few young men to learn promaDie trade, aay or mgni scnooi, plenty of openings, watch making, en graving school, 210 Ulooe bldg, Port land, or. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad di ess Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTEli Messenger boys vCiln ordi nary wheels. Call at U. S. postofflce, 0th at. entrance, from 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. ask for cierg in charge. WANTED A bookkeeper with some ex. perience for position with warehouse company. inquire box 167 Bend, Or. References. YOUNG boy, over 18. wanted to tvofk on oil wagon; no smoking. Red Tank Oil Co., 2U7 E. 8th st. N. Call at 12 o'clock noon. r, WANTED 1 or 2 bright young men. 16 to 18 years of age, to work at ball grounds. Call Thursday morning at 8 o clock. WANTED Strong boy about 18 years old. U. S. Laundry. Grand ave, and E. Yamhill. llEi.P IVANTKD MISC. 49 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 266 268 11th st. Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical instruction in driving and repairing: automobiles by expert In struct s and mechanics. Tuition, part cash 011 enrollment, balance at time Of gradual lorn aUTo M obILE school, with high grade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for tins coming vo cation. Not run ty make money, but for the good ot rtitti. Y. Al. C. A. ny and Nignt Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course In law; no Mme lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich ardson, dean. M. Morehead, See., 816-817 Commonwealth bldg.. Pottlaiid. Oregon. Local representative wanted No can vassing or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co., V-909, Marden bldg , Washington, D. C. PREPARE yourself for a good position and we'll do the rest. Text books free. Central Commercial College, Central hldg., 10th and Alder. MAIL caiTlers wanted, $90 month, port liind examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 826 F, Rochester, N. 1 i;ll'li'l,l. ulw.lK,,,, 1i(wla ti nitiQu for commercial work or reporting: dav and night sohool. E. B. U., 629 Wor cester block. FoRTLA N D Law School gives OTree years course with degree. Ten In structors. Enroll now. 631 Worcester block: Marshall 2761. GOVERNMENT jobs open to men and women, $t!6 to $160 month. List of positions tree, franklin Institute, Dept. 22 8 F. Rochester, N. Y. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, lndt vldual Instruction. GREGG shorthand. 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4268. " iNTl-JItNATlONAL " CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 60S McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4142 WANTED Men. 18 to 45, to become Portland mail carriers; $66 to $lu0 month. KX-384, Journal. UNCALLED ior tailor made suits. Jtl.bil Up. Taylor, the tailor. H9i Burnslda, HELP WANTED FEMALE -J LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. require the service of first class tailors for their custom tailoring department. Apply superintendent's office. 7th floor, be tween 8:811 ami 10 a. 111. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for cook ing; and genera) housework. Second girl kept. S22 Johnson st. FI RST-t LAPriiiln8lds-electriclanwant WANTl5D-EkprI,encpi coat and skirt bands for alteration room. The Bart- holoinew Co., 4 00 WashJnKtoti m t WILL pay tuition, board and room foT services worthy girl or woman. 284 Main st. WAN Th'D Fx perlencr (l presaer on hv dits' fancy garments. Model Clean ers and Dyers, MSI Union ave. N. YVANTED Experlenoed mangle glrlai U K. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. WANTED Girls for bindery work. Portland Printing House, ;!88 JTaylor. GI RLS betwVeti IB and" IS, apply Strech Mrg. Co., 36th ahd llawtbornp. WAl'i'TlJ'.SS Come reaVy to w'ork. I. L. A. restaurant. 76 Russell st GIRL wanted for secomT work and assist vvHh rblldren. 822 Johnson st. WANTEI--Expeflehced sklrFand waist help. 206 Columbia bldg. EX 1 KRI ENVEl 1 Kir! for general house work. Good wages. Phone E.. 927. WAITRESS wanted. Ill N. 3d st. HELP WANTED- FEMALE tOoatiatisd) .Situation Wanted Ads, inserted free for those In need of Work and who are unable to pay 4or an advertisement. Advertisements roust bs brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. TH AND EAST ANKENY STS., OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260. LIPMAN. WOLKE ft CO. require tho services of thoroughly experienced skirt and coat hands for their customer tailoring department. Apply superin tendents office, 7th floor, between 8:30 and 10 a. 111. TWO more neatly appearing, intelligent women, over ju, to learn our work nnd take onlciK fen- Nullone corsets; per sonal in.sli u' Lions and all help given to assist gur holies in their work. -Apply between and 1 1 at NuBone Corset Parlors, 2o2 Broadway bldg., Broadway and Morrison. GIHI.R WANTED TO WORK IN PA 1',(X FACTORY; EXPERl- KNOKD I'ltKKEFlHIilr, MUST BE (f:h 18 VF.;a OLD; apply f. c STKTTl.EI:. COR. 10TH AND GLISAN, WANTED Solicitors to take orders for oilr cleaning powder, healing salve and faro cream Every house a customer. Liberal commission. Wuebel Bros., 3661 if th st. S. E. GOVERNMENT jobs, women, $76 month; examinations in Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dspt. 705 F, Rochester, N. Y HELP WANTED MALE VNII FEMALE SO OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks, pays yoU while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sltion guaranteed, special inducements 11, IflUirs. 00 JVIKUIMUII SI. , AUil, fllfu. THIS Moler Barber cOlLBOb will teach you the trade In 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert instructors; 20 years in the business; a lifetime scholarship gmn to each student; spe cial Inducements to ladles. 48 N. 2d st. FISK Teachers' Agency secures posi tion!) for teachers. 818 Journal bldg. WANTED AGENTS L'HIi your spare lime to build un a mall order business of your own; we help you start for a share In profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Ladv agents for best reduc ing corset made and other popular moiiois. bt. JyOiilB corset Co., at. ixiuis, Mo. HULA 1 1 0 H 9 M A LK 3 EXPKRI ENCEI) accountant, familiar Willi forest products, several years In executive position In Portland, under stand freight adjustments; will do any thing, either outside or Inside, and go anywhere. U-574, Journal. MIDDLE ftged man, single, wishes po sition as watchman, elevator man, Janllor, or work in privato family; good references. 640 Shcrrett aVe., HellWood. C'ilKF wishes position in first class CMfe or hotel, 15 years' experience. Will accept position In or out of town. W-668, Journal. WANTED Position as Janhor In apart ment house; married, reliable and sober, will give good references. VVood- 1 a wn 33 fi L MAN wishes to work on luncTi hour from 12 to 2.:)0 for 0110 meal and 60o. Cafeteria, reHtaurant or Junltor work. T-64i, Journal. , H 1 li N OtJlt A I iTITR with 6 years1 ex poilelice wanis steady position. Bost of references. Phone Main 16K2-- M. A. Heldlng. RELIABLE mhn wants work afternoons or night. Will work cheap for per manent position. X-R33, Journal. WANTED To rent furnished hopyald or tend for owner; experienced man. Address 11. C. Olbbs. Shodds, Or. work, 8 years on big enufctructlon; capable of taking charge of men. V 476, Journal. YOUNG man, experienced elevator op erator,. Wants position running ele vator nt once. S-667. Journal. PAPERING and tliitlnsr, $2.60 up: paint ing reasonable, Joe Marshall, Main 7190. SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED Work of any kind, experi enced in restaurant or hotel work. Will Work hv day or hour. Main 4336. V- F. Johnson. AN experienced woman wishes position as housekeeper in good home or an apartment. No objection to country place llriem 2!, 2064 1st ITAlitES. you can haVe uptodato ladles' tailortng"linner dresses, evening coats mode at homo; perfect fit guaranteed; expert alterations. vvnoillawn .t4!12 FAfiiUONA RLE dressmaker wlnhes eo gagenients In families, $10 per day. 460 Yamhill. Phone Main 410?. Mrs. Kvans. HOOKKEEPEH, with lo years' experi ence, wants position; A-l. references. Miss Valentine. .Marshall 3322. WANTED Position as office girl, ex perienced and will give, good refer erne. Woodiawn 33. 1. TWO sisters would like position as chambermaids; togeiior preferred. Phone East 1425. Apt. 3 WANTED Ch lldren to care for at Long Peach; the best of reference. Address A. E. Bodley, Long Reach, Wash, S T E nooiTapT i Elt " desires piece work or Work by the hour. Main 12. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants po sition. Miss Gilchrist. Marshall 8:122. WOMAN Good plain sewer, wants Work Wl th dreBama ken M a r. 3 UJ u. YOUNG woman wants night work cleaning offices. Phone Knst 4654 IAYwork or chamber work. Marshall 6980. SITUATIOS8 FEMALE iSSSMSSSL, A WIDOW 25, wishes position a house keeper in widower's home or club of t or 3 men In city. 1 have 2 children, 6 and 7 years. Home more object than wages. Phone Col. 278, LACE curtains, draperies, linens laun dered by expert; called for; Tabor 817. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN wants position for aelf and wife as cooks or any other suitable em ployment; will go out of town for rea- Bonable salary. Thompson , Main 717. POSITION for nian and wife; can cook and do general work, salary reason- able. Leonard. Main 71 , . MAN and wife to run an apartment nouse. nest or reterence. K-3S4, Journal. DKESSMAK1NG 40 FIRST class dressmaking done at 867 Cleveland ave. Perfect .'fit. Satisfac tion guaranteed. City lef. Phone Wood lawn3441. ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress making. Tailored Suits, Corsets. Teachers wanted. 304 Qoodnougn bldg. XLItSKS 00 Nl.'RSEvw4shes care child, old person, home. 1215 Mall. V W. car. FtHNLSHia KOll.tlS WEST SIDE THE NEW HOUSTON 72 N. 6tll St. Transient, T.'.e and up. Wuekly. J4 and up. Daviil L. Houston, prop. Main 2S4i. A-66S7. For . M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, special rates at caf.-teria. and 10u other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor, (ill, and Taylor sts. Antlers Hotel Location, lcili and Washington sts. Rates 3 to J6 per week. Modem. With or without bath. HAN NA 1 1 OT E L 11 TWELFTH ST.. CO It. STARK. Strictly modern, phone In every room, private and public baths, $3 to $4.60. Transient T.Sr to $ 1.5U. TOURIST HO I EL, 150 1st St., cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished cool rooms, $3 week up; tran Blent 60c day. S car from depot. HOTEL Buckingham, R2 Washington st. New modern brick, ail outside rooms, $2.w0 wetk up; with private bath. $5, FINELY furnished rooms with hot and cold water in every room, steam heat; very low rent-to steady roomers; 160H 1st St. fUtcrfi -ir" icT n IS (ViTEIH New, modern ho- miiyj u iLt- Jiniirifli tel. hot. cold ws ter in rooms, 1 aiea reasonable. 2U6H 6th. THE COLONIAL. 165 10th St.; rooms $2 to $1 per week; central, qulot and cool. Fine baths. MAXWELL HALL, 14th near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mod eru, parlor, large p oreh. -summer rates. YOUNG man rooming Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office Y. M. C. A. IE 347 Vi Fifth st Hnoma tl fi tin per wk. Free phone and bath. Main 7764 unTITI OAWflM "I Hth su Per- 1 iw 1 it on v jn manent and trans't. ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week ana up. 465 Aiuer. NICELY furnished room at Llndel ho tel, $L50 and up. 269 Market st - . rxmtrtzm-o jtooaxs yi3T BIPE yyAJ-BrAWtTjrO EXCELLENT rooms, clean, newly fur nished, Nob Hill district, 23d near Washington st Terms, $10 per month. Private home. Also nice, quiet room for student, terms $8 per mo.; fine accom modations for business men or women. 772 Everett St., 23d at. car. ROOMS In private families; we maintain a descriptive list, living wide range of choice; can place you in just what you want. CaJl today, no charge. CLA RENTAL BUREAU, 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4030. NEW LY furnished and modern, furnace heat, comfortable outdlde rooms. $ii.f.0 up; rates by the month; Marshall 3610; just on nasnington, .'N. inn WALKING distance, west side, large, light room, steam heat, bathroom. priTaie lHiiuiy, flu. winrwow.il iuj. ROOMS $1.50 and $2 per week; nice clean, pleasant slnglo rooms. 171 13th, FRONT room with ulcove, clean and well furnished; use of piano. 26S 1 4th. JFlillNISHEI) ROOMS EAST 8IDE 62 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL E. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern, large lobby, special rates by month. THE Lurrabee. 227 'A tarrabee. Rooms $2 wk, up. Brick bldg.. steam heat, hot and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. FUBOTSHED ROOMS EAST BIDE PRIVATE fAMTlT 71 - -L-1 -. .. 1. -1 I - - J. LAROE room, single beds, nicely fur nished. 941 E. Glisan st. Call after noons. INFLUNISHEII rOOMH 10 3 NICE unfurnished rooms, nil con veniences, close in, reasonable. 267 Holladay ave. KOOM9 AND HOARD 13 NORTON I A HOTEL. 11th. Just off Washlngtqn St. American and European; beautiful dining room, tea room and roof garden; very attractive lates to families and bachelors. CAPA ROSA 300 Jefferson, like home. Nice furnished rooms; board. ROOMS AND BOA&D PRIVATE FAlrtlLT 73 Ruo.M and board, walking distance. 4!IJ Taylor. BOARD and room, 2 In room, J 1. 60 per weeK. ins r- tiin st. f.nst hixz. RooKTs and board, private family; bath and phone. 105 v.. llth. East J041. HOfSEKEFriXO OOMS WEST S I HE $K to $17 per month. Newly furnished housekeeping suites. Large light rooms, gas ranges, plenty baths., hot water all hours.. Conveniently ar ranged. Desirable people only. 7 blocka P. O. Hotel Cadillac, (.."lean as wax. 3d st., near Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING) ROOMS WEST SIDM Vy-;; 1 GlcNEvnjviv ' Columbia; housekeep. lng & single rms.j resaonable, M 7414. ws uoi rBirm vamut n gQUatlEilFiMtt BOUttl . , Front Room With kitchenette, heat, gas, bath. Fur nished. ;i ietn. 2 ROOM furnished cottage, gas, eleo trlcity, walking distance, suitable for working people, tit kth t Marshall 5768. -; ; S LAROE, nicely furnished H. K. rooms, with Dutch kitchen, furnace heat, phone, and bath, $5 a week, Mala 3U2. 614 4th st. FURNISHED or unfurnished, clean and light, hot and cold water, bath. iciepuune. steam neat, 111 up. aiai. 4943. Nokomls apts., 17th and Marshall. CLEAN, cozy rooms, $8 and $10; heat, light, bath, phone and laundry in cluoed. 429 Market at. 2 AND 3 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas, bath; reasonable. t? b ront st. 1 AND 2 rooms, nicely furnished, mod ern, close In and reasonable. til Harrison. GET furnished H - K. rooms or auites now for the season. Always com 1 ortaoie. uaa and electricity. 867 12tH. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable. Call morning or e.vyjlilIHL.Jl 'l J? 1 11 J t. op. Hotel Cong res. TVO housekeeping room's, own entrance. Jiu.oo month. 407 4th t. Main 7807. 3" NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, very reasonable. 450 6th. TWO suites H. K. rooms, modern; adults. $12 and $15. 481 W. Park St. HOUSEKEEPING! ROOMS 48 EAST SIDE $1.50 week up. Clean furnished H. K. room. Gas, heat, laundry, baths. t 60J'J. 4iW Vancouver. U car. LARGE 2 room apts., modern; private batli. 443 Hassalo. cor. E. 7th. KOUSSKEEPXSCr BOOKS EAtT bIDE PBIVATB f AMtT 74 TWO fine housekeeping rooms, 2 people only, no carfare, electric gas, furnace heat, hot water, bath, laundry, tele phone. Choice location. 441 JC Couch, corner 7th. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, in private family, walking distance, good neighborhood. East 8333. 166 E. i ;;ui st. 5 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, hot and cold water in rooms, use of laundry trays. nza im. Anneny. rnona n;aat i s 4 . FhOHV ET K. room, with sleeping poroh, furnace heat, hot water, every thing furnished. 169 E. 14th st, near Morrison. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, mod ern, with refined private family. 580 B. Madison, corner 13th. Phone E. 42t. SINGLE and housekeeping room, $1 per week and up. 490 Umatilla ave. Phone selnvood 102S. THREE lovely rooms, furnished for light 11. K., $15.50 mo. Sunnyslde. In quire lisi atiniont Phone Tabor 885. ONE, 2 or 8 housekeeping rooms in prl- vate family; all conveniences. 1122 E, Yamhill. Phone B-30S0. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 WEST HIDE. N. W. cor. 14th and Col. lege sts., beautiful view, i block to car, 8 rooms, modern, only $85. $10 7 room modern house, east side, st$14 Walking distance. NT. 28th, E. $2.50 2 room house, Montavllla, Bee Frank L. McOulre, 414 Abington bldg. Main 1088. (We can rent your vacant house.) FOR RENT fi room modern cottag. nice yard, 137 Idaho street; rent oHiy $17.60. ' 6 room modern house, corner Cleve land and Sktdmore; good car Servian; nice yard; cheap rent, $18.00. Mckinley Mitchell, 202& SUrk street Mftln 2131, A-2181. MODERN 8 room house, cement base ment, furnace, desirable location, low rent. 831 Kelly st. S P. InqUirs at 888 Kelly st D. W. Hoelblng. Main 4777. A NICE 8 room bungalow, all modern; will rent cheap to right party. 2fll 49th st., 49th and Division. Inquire it u. f. Ptaoies, z4s f ront St. 4j ROOM house, 3 lots, chicken houss'- and yard, all fenced; $:i per month. 3103 63d st. S. E.. Mt Scott car to Clerks. - FOt RENT Four room cottagS. sleep lng porcn and garden plot, neat1 8. P. shops. $10 month. N. David Turtledove, TWO cottages with modern conven iences for rent cheap. Phone Tabor 777. FOR RENT 6 room modern cottage, west side, low rent. M. E. Lee, 623 corneu nnig. MT. TABOR HOMES. Two very select homes for select peo plc. Mr. Haste. 618 Henry bldg. 6 ROOM house, 3 bedrooms, furnace, yard; two blocks from Multnomaa ciud; $33.00. Marenail 4220. FOR RENT 100100. 4 room cottage, barn, chicken house and fruit trees; rent $10. Phone C-1291. " NEAT 6 room cottage, 122 E. 20th, 1 block to S. 3. car; rent only $16.50. Main 8429. rilX-room modern house, gas and elec trie lights; .furnace; set tubs anj lawn, izn. S7 urana ave., , B. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. MACK.KK & THEKKKLSEN. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7593, FOR RENT 5 and t room houses from $18 to $22.60 a month rent 109 Jiy. nx. i'oro et uo. SIX room oottage on E. 9th st, in good condition, to responsible parties cheap. rnone lannr ibu. FIVE room house, furnished completed with piano. 411 Sumner St., near Union ave. MODERN 7 room house, $17, 1 block car and scnooi. McDonald, 303 Lombard st. 6 -ROOM modern house, $20. Phone Woor"lawn 1799. 1 WO 8-room houses, Irvlngton. East v. 11, iieraman. 5-ronm house $11. Inquire 248 Sheri dan. TsO B HILL, 661 Kearney at., 7 rooms, modern. Sellwood 842, FOl'R room bungalow, modern, in Rose City Park, for $18. Sellwood 1489. COTTAGE for rent or lease, corner Of Vancouver and Beach, Wdln 178. By "Bud" Fisher