THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1913. IS trm v ENGLISH ORDERS FOR HOPS ARE COMING AT EXTREME QUOTATIONS PRICE OF CHICKENS IS BROKEN WITH HEAVY INCREASE IN SUPPLY Front Street Offerings Are Greatly Increased Since Weakness Devel oped in Trade; Large Buyers Are in Bearish Mood. There was a very sharp breuk in the price of chickens along Front street during the last 24 hours. Hen price dropped a. cnt to ltfc a pound and the price of springs lost tiom 1 to 2c t pound. The extreme demand that wan recent ly shown in all lines of chickens and especially tor heavy hens anU large, kprlngs, dlsappeaieu lather suddenly and left in its place nothing tiut ex treme weaaness. This seems to always be the signal for a sharp increase In offerings from the country for no sooner had tue mar ket begun to weaken before there was a noticeable increase in offerings. All of the biK buyers stopped their opera tions and the loss In price was tlio ie- ""one-M the special features of the poultry trade at this time is that while there is an active call from some of the smaller Institutions which are seeming ly willing to stand a higher price than tin big buyers are offering, wholesalers rerue to sell them. Thin was explained by two of the leading interests Oy the fact that Front street has received a number of bank checks from irresponsi ble buyers recently tliart. were returned for the lack of funds. This has natural ly made the street very cautious and most interests are therefore willing to accept a lower price und obtuln their money than tell at a higher price und probauly receive nothing. Where checks are returned for lack of funds the whole saler is the loser, but tne country ship per is now compelled to bear tne bur den by the lower prices forced. EGO 31AKKET IS FIRM MILLING DEMAND AGAIN IS GOOD: WHEAT MARKET BOBS HIGHER Purchases of Kluestem Are Again Made at 87 and 88 CenU Per Bushel, Tide Water Track Basis; Coarse Stuff Rules Very Quiet. Faris, Sept. 17. The offlolal report of the wheat yield places the crop at 323, 400,000 bushels, compared with 333,000, 000 a year ago. Koine, Sept. 17. The Italian crop of wheat is small, and there la muoh in. terest shown in foreign wheat, especially Russian, which is being purchased. PORTLAND OltAIN RKCEIPTS -c- MondH.v TuN(lH.r Wednesday . . . Yenr go SeaHon to date. Year ago Whpat.Burlej. Flour. 0nt.Hajr. . . . sni . .. Ml ... 118 . .. Kill . . .2II7.S ...28J8 2H 23 HI 4 HI ft 15 10 24 T 24 (S 12 8 8 0 4H0 41)8 Wi 5"7 StfS 4S1 186 408 Market for eggs is firm again along Front street, and best stock is quoted generally at 36c a dozen. Receipts are small and the temporary lull in the buying has passed away. Eastern stor age firm at 3Uc today. COUNTRY HOGS ARE LOWER Lower prices were named in the Front street trade for country-killed hogs dur ing the last 4 hours. Bules were re ported no higher than 1-c even for a small supply while the bulk of the busi ness was V4c below this. KAISIX PRICES TOO HIGH Owing to tlie extreme high price be ing: quoted for raisins by the California growers' combine, disaster is threatened to holders. With a very heavy carry over from last year this year's prop, while light, will be sufficient to' take are of all requirements of the trade. Two recent advances of He each have been made in the price. jc VEAL STOCKS VERY SCARCE Stocks of country veals are rather searce in the Front street trade, and prices are holding firm at 15 Vie gen erally for best offerings. Yesterday the receipts were so small that not half of the wants of the trade was filled. CABBAGE PRICES ARE MIXED With some dealers reporting a short age and with others telling of a glut oiifferingH, opinions vary much regard ing the standing of the cabbage trade at this time. Quotations are named from 1 li to 2i4o a pound by Jobbers, it is reported that a erled from a Willa mette valley point remains unsold on the track. OMOX TRADE HOLDS FIRM While handlers agree that onion mar ket prices will probably recede within the near future, the present market is lather firm. A few days ago a car load came forward from California ow ing to the scarcity of the local stock. Sales were made at 9 1.50 Sf 1 .75 a FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau sends the followins notice to' shippers: Protect shipments as fnr north as Se attle against minimum temperatures of snout n2 degrees; northeast to Spokane. 4 8 degrees; southeast to Boise. 48 de grees; south to Siskiyou, 54 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland to night, about 68 degrees. PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES ThMie prieei ore tboaa at which wholcnalera ell to retailers, except aa otherwise atatert: BUTTER Nominal. Creamery cubea. Sic; tat creamery, 8283e lb.; ranch butter, 22c. RUGS Nominal. Candled local eitraa. 8;ic; ordinary candled, 33c; ca count, 2t)c; apot During prire, zwc i. a. u. lurnana; eastern 80c LIVE POULTRY - - Hena 16c; broilers. 17c siiS, ISc; gceae, 12c; Pekln rlurk, lU(iUr Indian Bnnners Ur8!2c; ftMfi, aocpjic rtresaed, Sic; pigeons, oia, si; young. fi.Jo uuspn. CHEESE nominal, rresn uregon fancy fnll cream iwina ana enpicu, jou; aaiataa, 17c Youna America. lTWc. BUTTER FAT Producers' prloa for Portland aenvarj. yor iu., Hops, Wool and Hidas. HOrS Producers' price 20 ($41 21c. WOOL Nominal, 1S18 clip. ..Uiamett ral ley, coaria, Cotawold, Iflo lb.; medium Shrop snire, nc; csmm ti . jd.. ea,tern Xuregon, iuidu, invramf iv anrinKgge. tmiim viv vAoAnA Lis, csr 10IS, DC umu iww, two, x HIDKS ury nioes, xizxa ib.i greea n. .iii hides. 11c: bulla, a men salt. n n... 12&18c; oalrea. dry, B4g28e; oalf skina, Salted or green, 174$18e; green bides, lc e$s than tailed; sneop peiw, amieu, nneannge, loaoc dry. 10c. MOHAIH 1913 Nominal 30c, Meats, fish and Provision!. DRttSSKtl MiiAtB Selling price Countrr killed; Uosa. fancy. ll'AftilVe: ordlna-r i . . rough and heavy, Oc; fancy Teals', 15Vs,!; ordinary, UliQUt; poor, Uisc; lambs 1UC, nutwu, i."., Qvahm, atv. UAMH, BACON, ETC. .uam 20t23UC breaataat bacou, 17144,300; boiled Bum, ;ajw: Picnics, I3ac; cottage, lHc. ' i,jLau vumpouua tierces 10.... . t-acKing nousa utecrs, No. 1 stock WHEAT CAKUOBS QUIET Tendon, Sept. 17. Wbcst cargoes ou passage quiet. KiiRlish conntry markets quiet, French country markets steady. San Francisco Barley Calls. San Francisco, Sept. 17. Barley calls: Open. High. lw. Close. lVeeinber ..14ft 1 43 145 14ft 'i May 14i,iB HBlfeB lilt; 13H1IC; cows, no. i aiora ( I: tiru ...TV. tolA... Umh. Ill . .T ' WBUie., -rj ...".wb, iOlllS dressed bogs, 13M)C. olSXK-T8bollw",' by. per gallon () pet 100 lb. sack )J Oiympia, per callon ?3.50; Pr 100 lb. sack. -,; canned, ef.tefS bi.o can; .S0 (ioienj eastern. Iu .baii. i.70m a per 100; rasor clams, 2)i,25 Hoi, U'lSH Aoninai. uresaeu rioondera. TC! h.M, but, T0e; atriif bass. 17c; cblaook salmon uc; steeinsaaat ; soies 70 lb.; sbrimus ,MrtC( poreu. Sc Ib.i lou.ters. 8uc lb.j black Fruits sad Vsgstablei, FRESH KRU1TB Oraugas W.0o0.00! b oauas, 8c P Ib.i ujous. I0; limes tio par 100; sranetrult. CallforuTa "s&.fiOi p Crawfuras. 40?iOe; Klbcrtaa, . 2C.50e; water! melons, lc; grupea, $i.008,l,50f piira, lOraH.v ; BRBIKS BlackbCrriaa, 1.26; buckleber. ries, iit" " SPOT CASH FOR YOUR Eggs, Poultry, Hog, Veal Nat prices f. o. b. Portland: Fresh Taller egai 8e dosen; ialrjr butter, SSe; creamery, fc62Sc: hens 16(91540) aprlnga, l(417e; sriucka, lid 1c: fancy pork, llVfcigt:; ai, (aucj, l4rt 144e; caacara bark, 60 lb. Ship ua furs, wools and bides. Cash br return mail. Prices In tf. feet until further itntlr. - KVST te Od., ' 107 Front St, Portland, Or v. , - Assets-130.000.00. There Is again a rirmer milling de mand for wncat and activity is ome what more pronounced with purchases of club almost general t 80c tide water track basiR and bluesiem at 87'88c a bushel. One dealer waa quoting 80 c for limited lots of club and as high as 8c for bluestom and claimed that he had not purchased anything at the higher figure. BuNinesa at country points in again developing. CoriBiderable interest is shown in the market by Interior miller aa well as by tidewater interests. The only export business that continues to pass Is for the account of those wltu nearby ships still to load. The market for oats and barley re mains quiet with practically no change in quoted prices. Regarding thewheat trade in that sec tion, the LewiBton Tribune says: "Yesterday witnessed considerable activity in the grain markets, the pur chases being made on the basis of about 70c for turkey red wheat Hfi 11.16 for Lj.he best brewing barley. Several large lots were included in the deals, the Pink Stone wheat crop of 14.000 bushels having been acquired by the Vollmer Clcarwater company, the price being above the 70c market, and the Madden estate barley of 3200 sacks was pur chased by T. 8. Ward of the Alexander company, the price being $1.15 per hun dred. "The Pacific Coast Elevator cempany yesterday purchased three carloadH of club wheat, two cars being In the ware house at Myrtle and the third car at Kendrlck. The price paid for club yes terday was In the neighborhood of 66 tyc. The Kerr-Glfford company was active on the prairie yesterday and in the aggregate secured about 4000 sacks of barley, the price ranging from tl to $1.06. The barley purchased is stored in the warehouses at Vollmer Nezpcrce, Ferdinand, Cottonwood and fcenn. "The Vollmer-Clearwater company was also active in the selling market yesterday and during the day nego tiated the sale of 7600 barrels of flour, the product of the Lewlston mttTs. The flour will be shipped out at once, its destination being China. The company Is bringing in a large quantity of the best turkey red wheat from the Mon tana districts. A large per cent of the wheat will be used in the manufacture of the best flour, but a sufficient quan tity will ba reserved to supply farmers with seed, there being considerable de mand for the Montana turkey red for seeding purposes." Todav's general grain market range: WHEAT Nominal producer' prices, track basis: Club, 80c; milling blue stem, 87 88c; Turkey red. 84 85c; fortvfold, 8182c; red Russian and hybrids, 78c; valley. 81o bushel. BARLEY Nominal producers' pries, track basis: Feed, $24.76g25.00; brew ing $26(&'26.50; rolled, $26.60 per ton. OATS New feed. $25.6026; milling, $26.00 per ton. ' FIXH'R Selling price; Patent, $4.70; Willamette valley. $4.70; local straight, til. 864. 10; export. $3.56(8 3.70; bakeis', $4.60,4.70. HAY Producers prices: Willamette vallev timothy, fancy. $1:1 14; eastern Oregon-ldnho fancy timothy, $15.50; al falfa $12.60S13; vetch and oats, $11 12; clover, $910 per ton. MII-.I-.STUFF3 Selling price; Bran, $21; middlings, $30; shorts. $26 per ton. GRAIN BAGS No. 1 Calcutta, 9g 9V4c. CLOVER STED Buying price, No. 1, lOM-c lb. UMATILLA WHEAT MUX HOLD Those Retaining Best Quality Are Asking Above the Market. Pendleton. Or.. Sent. 17. Pendleton's wheat market has reached the situation where almost every farmer in the coun ty who still has his crop is holding for a few more cents than he can now get. The buyers are quoting 70c for AJ club, but those who still have such wheat are waiting for an advance and those willing to tuke 70c have wheat that is a little smutty or inferior and the buyers will not take it without dis counting it. At the sale several weeks ago when nearly 1,000,000 bushels changed hands at 70c, nearly all of the farmers who wanted to unload at that price took advantage of the occasion. Other points in the inland empire have not sold so much of their crop and the buyers aro taking ths A-l stuff at those places. HOP m E REACHES HEAVY VOLUME A VERY FIRM PRICE Latest Cables From Abroad Tell Loral Interests to Continue J3uy Ing; Heavy Sales, Are .Reported at Extreme Values. 1 Cables from England received by local parlies today Indicate that the forth coming official estimate of the hop crop of that country will indicate an output of 284,000 hundredweight. In no quar ter is the crop estimated even to 300,000 hundredweight and in some of the lead ing centers the word comes that the total will not be above 260,000 hundred weight. According to Barth at Nueren berg, the continental hop crop is now estimated at 673,000 hundredweight, which is almost 600,000 hundredweight smaller than a year ago. Kngllsh Interests are heavy buyers of Oregon hops at this time and sales of several thousand bales were again reported for that account during the last 24 hours. Purchases are reported generally fn;om 20c to 21c a pound with talk of business at 21 Vic The latter cannot be fully confirmed. Kv.n tha most bearish of- the local hop buyers are not flopping to the bull side as a result of the very persistent buying at extreme high prices by Kng llsh interests, It is safe to say today that higher prices have been paid for a greater amount of hops by English interests than ever before in the history of the trade. All of the local dealers having foreign connection have orders to purchase hops on the present market, but those connected only with American buyers report general Inactivity. Amer ican brewers continue to talk bearish and it will likely take a further stiff advance In the foreign as well as the Pacific coast price to force them to real ize the gravity of the situation. A New York mail advice of Septem ber 1.3. tays of the general hop situa tion: Bales Receipts for week Receipts since Sept. 1 Receipts same time last year Exports to Europe for week Exporte from .Sept. 1 Exports same time last year Imports for week Imports from Sept. 1 Import's same time last year "Picking of the new crop has grespd satisfactorily in nearly all sec tions. New York state growers are about winding up the harvest this week, and It is believed that the total yield will be nrouml 36,000 bales. Not many of the hops have been baled as yet, but dealers have purchased a few hundred bales at about 30c, and that price is now bid freely, with higher rates gen erally asked. "CaWe advices from Germany report an excited market with prices 6(ir6c higher, under less favorable crop conditions. New York hop prices per pound 5 1,846 910 60 923 463 S R8 12 pro- State. 1913, prime- to choice State, 1912, medium to good. State, 1912, common State, old olds Pacific coast, 1913, prime choice Pacific coast, 1912, prime choice . . . Pacific coast. 1912, medium good Pacific coast, 1912, common 1618 Pacific cofst, old olds 12&17 Imported. 1913 60 64 82084 . .1820 ..15Cg17 . .12 15 to . .212? to . .21 22 to . .19 20 STOCK MAR T SELLS OFF New York, Sppt. 17. The stock mar ket Fohi off today on reports of smaller crops. The failure of Reading to in crease its dividend rate as forecast was a bearish feature, and forced that issue down 1 H polrjts for the day. The entire stock list was under pressure, with the specialties showing a loss of about a point. American stocks were irregular in London today, but Reading was strong. Range of New York pri;p.s furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company, 216-217 Board of Trade bulldin gj DESCRIPTION OlMMiiHiicli 'Low I Bid AuitiljiHUiuted Copper Co. AniHi-lcau C. & I'dy., c.. Amprlrau Con, c Amerlrnu Van, pf Amrrti'HU Cotton Oil. c. . American Smelr. c American Sm.'lt. pf . . . . Am. Tel. Tel Anaronda Mining Co.... Atchison, r Raltliiinrc & Ohio, c Meet HiifTMr Bethlehem Steel, c IUpl.1 Transit. Cnnadluu Psclfie, r Chicago & (. W.. pi. . Chi., Mil. & St. Paul.. Chino Copp.M- l.hrKiineiko A Ohio Ci.K.rrfilo F. & I., Conolldtcd 3a Corn products, Krie, c Krlo, Jut pf (1. Northern, ore lands (!. Northern, pf 79 47 H m m 4:1 10 iZ r.i w no B 28 4 3HU, '. 20 1071, 44 HO :W 1:1:1 79 j 47 Vv S 00 60 V4 101 vi 131 TO1 WO 28 47 i 34 08 43 Wj 101 131 30 96 S 28 '4 3.1 t 89' 8014 2Hfti, 232 30 107 44 l.j no 1 1:1:1 1 m in, 30.l 301 4M I 4H 37 .'HI 1 1 2S4, 107 4.H4 W'i 33 14 132 II'., 2SI 47 37 APPLKS Kating upples, $1.23&I.T6; cooking apples, fl.00. VKOICTABl.ES Tttrnlpn, $1.00: benta. $1; carrou, t; parsnips, 11.60 saca; cabbnde, (fl.BO; local tomatoes, 654C7Bc bo; airing beam, 2(i',ie lb.; green onions. 124c dosen bunebea; peppors, bell, :))4e; bead Mince, 20 25p doiun; celery, 8or?0c; ( plant, 7cj eaullflower ( ); rhubarb, local, 2c; arti chokes, 75c down: sprouts, JOc lb.; spinach, local, 8c lb.; peaa, 6tf7c; fraen com, 15ffl20c per down. POTATOES Belling prloa: Extra ciiolee, I1.2S; choice, 11.13; ordinary 1.10 sack; buy ing price, carloads, 8500c; country poluts; weets, lb. ONIONS Jobbing price. $1.60; carload buy ing price 11.23 f. 0. b. shipping station; garlic S&9c lb. Groceries. BICB-Japan '!: Nu. I, 544J5cj New Oilaim bead, 0'U7c; Creolt, 6V4c. SUUaE cube, 16.05; powdared. fl.8S; fruit or berry, S.53; beat, 8.45; dry granulated. S3.0J; II yellow, Sf.tK). (Above uuututioua are so days net eauh.t BCfMCy New 12.75 per caaa. BEANS Small white, 6 2-Bc; large white, 6M; piuH, Vaf Ulu eK' Wink". 4c; buju, 4ifeAtT Coarse, half grounds, looa, lo per ton; B0t, I10.TB; table dairy, 60, fig; fa, 117.60; balm, f2.25j extra fin barrels, 2, e, and 10. SS.2O&6-U0; lump rock, $WjW per too, rainti, Coal OU, Ete, LINSEED OIL Haw, bbla., 62e per gal.; ket lie boiled, bbla., 64a gal.i raw cases, 7c; boiled caiea, MM gallon: lota ot Sao gallons. la less) oil cake meal, (44 per too. WHl'iU LlLAO Ton Ml, 80 per lb. f BOO lb. lot Hn per lb.; laaa lot, SHe par lb. OIL UBAL Carloid lots, 134. TUUPBNT1NB In casa, T wood barrels, TOe; iron barrels, Me par gallon i 10 casa lota, Ua. - - , -- New York Cotton Market. 1 Month,' Open. High, lnr, Clese. 1318 CtOi 1314tol 1HM1 1.1141 132tri25 7 4714 34 43 wu iooJ 1.31 39V4 05 28 3014 232 Vi 2iV 106 431, ;iii 132 V4 J 1 .37 S 1-7 U, 127 Illinois central 1W;4 lnOH .loin Int. Metropolitan, c....i is-t, iise,-i i;,ui mi int. Metropolitan, pf.... l Lehigh Valley ! 17 v3 1 Kansas City Southern..! 26 lxmlivllle A. Nashville. j M., K. & T.. c 22'i Missouri Pacific 30'ul Nevada Consolidated . . ' n 't. New Haven ssiij New York Central Oo'-i, roiin AUiiTican 73; Northern I'aclflo, c . . . Pacific M. S. H. fV.. . 1'enus.i Iranln Hallway V. (.. L. 4 C. vJo. . .'. Preaaed .Heel Car. c. . itay Cona. Copper.... Heading, c Itiipnbllo I. & e Hock island, c Uock Island, pf ft. L. & 3. F., 2.1 Southern Pacific c Southern RalKfliy Southern HuSlway. 'IVun. l.'oitper. . . . Texas ft Pacific Union Pacific, c. . . . Villon Pacific, pf.. V. 8. Kubber, r... IT. S. Rubber, pf . . . . U. 8. Steel d., i-. . II. 8. Mte.d Co., pf. Vtnh Copper ; , fMt Western I nlon . Tele. ... oil WestlnKhonae Klectrlc. . Tl l(Sil ISKj! 1ftl., rit no'. III lfi7Hi1.VP,!l5H 2 ai ! 1 35 1, 22 '..j 22'.i TOli, 2S'4 it! im ll'l7,1 wi K pf. pf. 7.". 114"., 114 'ill 22',: aa,' 22', 112 ii:c, :ii2', 1 2.10, 1 22" 3 2Hl,.j' 2N(4 203fct 2" I " V, 1117 1 2.T I 211,4 17S "'; 271. 24 '. 014 04 'ai: 03L, 2.1 24 ' 5 SO 711', 331, ir.',l isi,! is 160V, lia,lMi, H3! g.'l' S3', 04 I (14 'V, 04 107 i ! 1 07 V 11071., or. v. i wv lOIifcllotciu 'K111V 10 171 MSN tw llf 12::', 2Ni-i 2. A, l('.j 25 17 27(, s 2ft Ml tl!l 7 a (wy, 71 'Hi Money 2Vi6f'e. Totul sales 4i.0(X) shares. 22 112. 122', Hf 2V 1M7 24 li 1.1 T 24 II 3tfc 24 4 an I.S lrvsi, s:iu 83 j lo7 Vj M4 loin, .Ml tisy, 71 14 January ......l.'tni Mnren mix Mkr ,....1320 Jdly .... October '. pece tuber ..1820 ..1320' ..1316 1320 132 in-io 1323 1320 1.317 A 1315 1320 2 . i:42tl 13T20 The Canadian Bank of Commerce e HEAD OFFICE. Toronto, Canada. Established 1876. Ctnlral Banking Transacted. Business Interest paid on time deposits, PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sts. F. C MALPAS. Manacer. PEACH MARKET LOW EVERYWHERE WITH A TRADE NOW GLUTTED Local Values Are Generally Lower and Yakima Is Frantically Offer tag Fancy Elbertas Down to 25 Cents a Box Today. The peach market in In rather bud shape with sales from 26c to SOc a box along Front street. Bulk of th busi ness is shown at 36 40c for good stuff. The peach market in broken wide open at all Pacific northwest points. At Yakima today fancy Elbertas were be ini freely offered at 26c a box, but considering the express rate and han dling charge, the Portland market was equally as low. The market Is not receiving quits ss fanoy stuff as formerly and this may be one of the reasons for a slowing up In the demand. The early Crawford He.ason, is over and Elbertas have), been at their best for some time. Late Crawfords have not yet made their ap pearance to any considerable extent. Trading in the peach market to date this aeaeon has already been a third greater tlmn during any entire previous year. This was not due to any jxeat in crease in the crop, but to the fact that outside markets absorbed but few car loades of Pacific northwest offerings. There has not been a good market for peaches at any point in the country since the northwest crop ripened, there fore no outlet was shown. EASTERN FRUI T MARKETS New York, today, half Sept. 17. Through auction boxes Comics (California), 12 to 3.6U, average 12.31; 34 cars Cali fornia, 4 cars Oregon pears, average tl.t'B; 4 cars Washington pears. Il.bS; 3 cars Colorado Anjous. $2.72; 8 cars northwestern Italian prunes, average SOc; 2 Colorado peaches. 3 Washington peaches, both SOc; B cars Salways, 65c; 0 California Bartletts, $2.01. Huston Through auction today, 22 cars deciduous Jrults; 12 California, 3 uregon. 6 Wawhlngton Elbertas, 2 Colo rado Elbertas, Uregon Bartletts, $1.65 to $2.65; Klways, Sue to 6Bc; Howells, $1.75 to $1.85; Washington Elbertas, 56c to 80s; Colorado, 65c to 85c; Italians. Uc to $1.60. Philadelphia Through auction today, 17 cars, deciduous frultsi 3 cars Ban letts, 7 cars peaches, Bartletts overripe, tops 60c to S)0c, balance $1.10 to $1.7(1; Elbertas, 55c to 81c, Italians, 8c. Chicago Through auction today, 3 cars Oregon Bartlettu. $1.25 to $2.60, average $2.24; car Washington Bartletts, hand green, $2.42 to $2.85, average $2.63; 2 cars Ctah Bartletts, $1.68; car Cali fornia Bartletts, $2.17; car Colorado El bertas, 65c; 14 Washington Elbertas, 40c to 70c, average 54c; 6 cars U tails, 60c; car Washington Italians 2c; few Utahs, few lduhos, le; 2 Oregons, 88c; car Idaho riungarlans, $1.22. Pittsburg Through auction today, car Bartletts, $1.35 to $2, average $1.60, very ripe; Yakima Hungarians, $1.25 to $1.70; Uerman prunes, i0c to $1.10; Italians, 60c to !0c; Yakima Elbertas, 80c to 85c; Crawfords, 60c to SOc; Cham pions. 65c to 76c; Bartletts, $1.60 to $2.Hi; Blue Pearmain apples, green, $1.25 to $1.65. St. Eouis Through auction today, 2 cars Colorado Elbertas, 1 tar Yakima Elbertas, 1 California Levi, 1 Utah' El bertas, 1 Utah mixed Bartletts and El bertas, 2 Italians, 2 Grapes. Colorado Elbertas extra fancy, 60c to 60c; fan cys. 65c; another car extras, 60o to 65c; Utah Elbertas, extras, 60c; Crawfords, i!0c; Levi clings, 60's to 80's, 70o to 76o; 90's. 66c; Utah Bartletts, extras, $2.35 to $2.45; fancy, $2.30; Milton Hungari ans, 4x4, $1.15; 6x5, $1.05; Italians. 5x5 and 6x6, $1; Walla Walla Italians, 6x5 und 5x6, $1.05: 6x8, $1. Cleveland Through auction today, 8 cars deciduous fruits. 3 cars grapes, 1 car Milton, Or., prunes, average . $1.02; cur Parker, Wash., Elbertas, 70c; cur Donald Wash.. Elbertas, 72c; car North Yuklma Elbertas, 7dc; car Colorado El bertas, 67c; all good quality and condi tion. Market higher in Italians, trifle easier on peaches account heavy offer ings. Minneapolis Through auction, car IT tah Elbertas, 40c; car Colorado Elbertas, 70c; car Sawyer Bartletts, $2 to $2.55: car Wenatche Elbertas, 60c. Cincinnati 1 nrougrc auction today, 3 cars grapes, cars mixed peaches and prunes; 1 peaches and pears, 1 New York Bartletts; 2 peaches, 1 prunes Colorado peaches, average 64c; Callfor nia peaches, 60c to 80c; prunes, S6c to $1; Tokays, $1.3.1 to $1.75; Malagas, $1.10 to Jl.65; Hungarians, 1.0ft; Italians, 50c to ji.Oft; wasnington peaches, aver age 70c: New York Bartletts,' "Ojies, $1.05; "Twos," 60c. HOG PRICES ARE DIME RUN IN LOCAL YARDS OFF TODAY WITH BIG Values Are Again Lower Although Eastern Prices Begin to Ascend; Steer Trade Is Slow fut Cows, Heifers and Bulls Are aWnted. 444 In the Stockyards. North Portland Hogs cattle weak, sheep firm. lower, Chicago Hogs anl cattle high er, sheep steady. 4k 444 Kansas City Hogs and sheep hicher, cattle steady. South Omahn Hogs steady to strong, cattle 10c higher, sheep 10c higher. POIITLAND I.lVKSTOfK KI N llKH. Cuttle. Calvpa. wednesdaT Mm :i2u TueBday wt 77 Monday 5li:t na Satuniuy Vi 4 Friday 4ir r5 Thursday nil 17 Week ago 2.17 1!K Year sir. sol 10O Two yeart fo.... M4 437 5 I.I 47 4 87 2 11 Bhecjk 2712 1 731 1701! 293 11141 217 There was quite a fair run of hogs reported on the North Portland market at the opening of business this morn ing. Receipts totaled 809 head com pared with 267 a week ago, 601 a year ago and 684 head this day two years ago. Market showed a steady to weak tone with value off 6 to 10c from previous figures. Top sales during the morning were made at $8.85. At Chicago there was a firmer tone in .he hog trade with an advance of 5 to 10c In the price. Kansas City hog market gained a nickel for the day with tops at $8.95. Today's ueneral hoe market ranee: Top killers $ 8. 85 Good and light R.7E Heavy ; 8.50 Bough and heavy 8.00 Cattl Market Is Blow, At the low prices recently in effect the cattle trade at North Portland start ed rather slow today. There was only a fair run hut killers were slow hid ders. Too much real poor stuff lias been coming forward recently and kill ers are naturally bearish in their views. It would do the cattle market much good and save shippers considerable loss if they would hold their supplies back for a while, loo mucn cattle nan neen red the trade recently and few killers are In a position to take care of more than a very limited Surplus owing to the ex treme high cost of feeding at this end of the line. Cows and heifers continue In best re quest and relatively are bringing more than steers. Bulls are also in good call. At Chicago there was In the cattle trade with a dime in the price. Kansas City cattle steady at former prices. Today's general cattle market Best ters $ Ordinary ateers 7.7RHI7.90 Poor steers 6.75S7.25 Best heifers . 7.00 Best cows . 6,76 Medium cows 6 :5ff?6.50 Poor cows S.S0rg6.00 Fancy slags 6.78 Fancy bulls 5.50 Ordinary bulls 6.0005.25 Poor bulls 4.605.00 Prime light calves... 8.76(8' 9.00 Prime heavy 6.507.60 Sheep Market Holds rtrm. There was only a handful of offerings a firmer ton an advance of market ruled range: R.00 riea rings IMajHiev in tha mutton trad at North fortlaml for th day but tha trend of tha trade remains J vsry firm. Yestrdavs ad vanced prices are still In effort; la fact the market Is today stronger at the higher prices. At Chicago there was a steady tone in the sheep trade for the day. Kansas City sheep market ruled strong with an advance of a dim. Today's general nuitton market range: Best spring la,mba.. $ 6.25 Ordinary lambs . . (.TlOt.ut) Yearlings 4.50 Old wethers 4.26H.S'i Fancy wes 3.S0fe4.00 Ordinary ewes Sj263.60 Today's Ursartoek Shipprs. Cattle Tony Jiustlns, Durke, 1 load; O. U Hoffman, 1 load; D. Oartright. 1 load cattle and calves; W. A. Lang-ley, 1 load; Frank M. Burke, Hanson, Idaho i loads; Beck Bros. Huntington, 3 load, Grant Mays, Tenebonne. 3 loads. H . Allen, Wilder, Idaho, 1 load; O. Hill, 1 1??.' Wlar Trinlin 1 lnart: T H-nwJll I truiil: I 4-?t W. M. Younger, l load; Arlingtn Lum ber company. Condon, 1 "load. Mixed Stuff C. R. Belshee. Moro, 1 load hogs and sheep. Sheep D. M. Klrby, Sheridan, 1 load. Tuesday Afternoon Salai. STEERS No. . 2.1 w. . .1 . . li f.'OWS NOnTBWESr BAXK STATEMENT ClearhiM. Wediwaday Ttieartay . . . M.mdar . . , Portias Banha. , K.IU4 7 3,M8.1ie M Vef Sgn. 1 S-J.4tt 1.1 g,BM,74.ii. a.iiu.i4ti..,u Week to dte. 27 ft,13a.SCH,8T nsarliw. T..... T.TV. Balance M.ia.H Seattle Battles. ,.....,,a.l" in..iw. Section. Oregon Oregon Oregon Are. It. HWI l.'Xai ill l'riee. 7.5 7.00 0J Han Pranrisco Pixsiuo Market. - San Francisco, Sept. 17. Wheat, per cental, club, $1.50; northern bluestem and Turkey red, $1.66l.$TH; red Rus sian. $1.50;. foityfold, $1.62 H 1.55. Barlev. ber cental, aood to choice. 'I1.37H Vi.M; lwr re. Jl-JST BlitDDlua and brewing, $1.40 if 1.42H. Potatoes, per cental, delta whites. $ ic; SullnaK, $1.5&2; sweets. fl.0$9 1.S0. Ooious, per cental, aUvcrsklns, $1 1.05. . 1 Oregon H7." Oregon 11 .VI Oregon 4 1177 Oregon 1 i Oregou R SJS Oregon Oregon Oregon. Oregon Seetlon. Oregou Oregon Oregon WISTHEHH 21 :i S .Wi 8 4.1 H KWBS ,..2ii3 K Wadneaday Morning Relet ) N. B t 10 cows Are. 11. 1 167 Hid 1012 Oregon .". Oregon 1 Oregon - 5 HElKKIt.S Oregon BUU.s Oregon 1 Oregon 1 Oregou 4 HOUS Oregon US Idaho HI Idaho 18 Idaho 61 Oregon f Oregon 0JI Idaho M'l! Oregon I Idabo 2 Idaho 1 Idaho 1 SKI I 11 to 1UGO nirto H( Ills 3d IM 171 17 1.4 i.: im 77 ;! 1IK. 270 .77i il.2."i 5.50 $4.:iS i.M. 3.0 Price. 1 H.7R j 7.0 ' 7.K) 1 $:.. till IS. 75 7.2S $4.(0 3.oo I $ i ft.HS) I S.HT. ' .SO j K.NO I S.Jo 1 7.H5 7 i ' 7.v, ; I..0 Neattle Produce Market. Seattle, Sept. 17. Eggs, local rancli, 40c; April storage, 28fi32e. Butter, Washington ci-eamery cubes. S4c; Hty rreamerv brldt. 85c; fresh eastern, $0(H Jlc; Oregon, ZitvXRc. 4'heese, Tillamook, 17Vc; Young: Amer. icas, Jc; Washington twins, 17c; trip, lets, 17 ic i Onions. California yellows, l?Ac per pound; Walla Walla, lc. Potatoes, local, $20 28 per ton; Takl 1 ma gems. $20f25. TRANSPORTATION CHCAUO CATTLE HIGHER Market Is I'p a Dime for Day With Tops at $t.03 in the Yards. Chlcaeo, Sej.i. 17. Hogs Receipts,' 24,000; left over, 1621; -run year ago,' 24,000. Market 6c to 10c higher. Mixed, and butchers. $7.669.06: good and ; heavy, $8.10es6; rough and heavy,; $7.t.O(jjj7.95; licht, $8.209.06. I Cattle Receipts, 14,000. Market 10c higher. hheep Receipts, 40,000. Market steady. KANSAS CITY SHEEP RISE Kaw River Markets Up a Dime for Mutton; Swine Up a Nickel. Kansas City, Sept. 17. Hogs Re ceipts, 7000." -Market 5c higher. Tops, $8.95. Cattle Ptecelpts, 12,000. Market steady. Sheep Receipts, 15,000. Market 10c higher. OMAHA MUTTON ADVANCED THE WHITE STAR LINE'S New "OLYMPIC LONDON PARIS VIA PLTMOUTH. CHEEBOUEa and BOUTHAMPTOH rl. A 9:00 A. M. Nov. 19 Oct. 25 Dec. 13 OTKEX SAILINGS Oceanic, Sept. 27, Oet. 18, Ke. . Majeitic Oot. 11, Nov. 1, Mot. M. New York flueeaafowa LiTsrpoal Cedrie Sept. 15 Adriatic Oat. t) Baltic Oet. tt Cattio Oct. IS Alio Regular Sailinga Between Boatoa Maditerranean Italy. Beaton Queanatewn LiTtrpoel. AMZSICAN LIUE PI ymouth Cherbourg Southampton ATLAHTIC TRASSPOKT LINE. Naw York, Londoa Direct. BED STAB LINE. New York DoTr Antwerp. White Star Dominion Eailinga Every Saturday lrom Montraai ant (tuaaao by tha Largest Canadian Liners Inoludlng the Laurantic . .Sept. 27i Megantie Oct, 11 Canada Oct. 4Tutonio Oet. IS Bend for foldera of tha Short Land-Looked St. Lawrence Bouts to Europe. A. E. DISEY, Faaaenger Agent, Bailey Bldg., 119 Seeand an., Baattla. Tale. Shonaa Main 118, Local Bailwsjr sad tMniabip Agents. Market Up a Dime Generally; Cattle Trices Also Lifted. South Omaha, Sppt. 17. Cttu 4Srm. Market etroug to 10c hlKher. Steer. $f(.aifJ9.iO; imw and helrcm. $S.25i7.50. Hog 7700. Market uteadier to strong at $7.SO(S'7.0B. Sbeep 4600. Market steady to Hie htfrher. Yearlinga $5.r0'l.V7r; wi'thcix. $4.J'(t 4.50; lauiba, $7.0fifu7.2."); ien. 4.iK)(-a4.15. STEAMSHIP Sails direct for SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND; . SAN DIEGO, ; FRIDAY, 6 P. M. Many Chinese, since the revolution, have adopted the European dress, and j this has enlarged the market for collars I and shirts. Money and Exchange. London, Kept. 17. Consols ":! 1.1-1M; aller, 27 lS-Hkl; bunk rnte 4H. New York. Pp. 17. RterllnR ejehange, long 4.8;iV,; ahort. 4.HUH,; llr bullion OoViiC. San Franelam, Sept. 17. Sterling exchang 80 daj-s 4.81; light, 4.S6i; rlor.. 4.80. Transfera, telegraphic R premium; algbt, 2 premium. , III I I "I I THIS is a business m t n 's institu tion one t li a t makes a specialty of the financial needs of business men. We have excellent facilities for making collections through out the entire country. Your account is invited. United States National Bank Resources over $13,000,000 Third and Oak Sts. Security is the First Consideration in choos ing your Savings Bank. Government Supervision Offers protection of funds deposited in the lumbermens National Bank Its million of capital and seven millions of good assets give further assurance of safety. Per Cent on Savings Corner Fifth and Stark 1 SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & i LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. ; ' (With Denver &-Rio Grande Railroad), , 124 Third Street A-4S96, Main 2fl I American-Hawaiian S. S. Co "TEXAmrrzno bouts Freight Service Between New York-.! ! Portland-Europe. ! rrequent Scheduled BallUiff, to Sates ; C. D. KENNED r. Aent. t i tio Railway Excnanye Bldg. i I.OS Anfelet n Ba Sleg ' " YAL HARVARL 4 Railroad or any snip to Kan Francisco, , . ' the exposition City. Largest, fastest , and tho ONLY" strictly first class pas ' tenser ships on tne Coast: average spved ' ' 21 miles pur hour, cost f 2,000,UUO each. ' : bam rLft.toico. romttAKB m xo . ; Axosxisa a. a. co. ' FRANK BOLL.AM, Agent Main 26 134 3KP ITBaST. A4S9 Ladd & Tilton Bank Established 1859 CAPITAL $1,000,000.00 SURPLUS 1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of credit, draft and travelers' checks is sued available in all parts of th world. Corner Third and Washington Streets fUfi0 ITKAMBM JTO& San h ranciaco and Los Angeiea MM. Bear Balls 9 a. m., aeptv it. 88. Base City Sails S . m aept. 84. . The San Francisco a Portland tt, 8. Co. ; Ticket Offloe 3d and Wash, (wltli O.-W. -B. a BT. Co.l Marshall 4300. A-S1S1. COOS BAYLINE Ci L D I i otcaniaiiip urccuiwaicr Salla (rciu Aluawurth Dock. fortluDO. a. m - seat. iu. -I. B 11. in. wm. au anil tnr. aftor at p. m. etry lumwuy tnmag. rrigui rewUed until 3 p. in. ttopt. is and Ti. Ill o'olocit (noon) every Tuewlay thrfier. Paa-si'iUd-r far first cltttw 10, stnd claa 7, " liK-ludlnir liprlh and meala. Ticket vtkt at , Iaww Afnun-firth niMk. lortlanH Jt Rarl NTrHDialiip l.lnp. 1.. U. hcatlug, Agut, rboo;" Main a Hi; A Zm iAJN FltAKClCO, Ufa ANUKUC ' ANU UAH DItiU milUGX NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. t. 8. KOAXOKfi and S. & JttCAl AN , ' Sail Kry Wadocsday, altar ua lair, kiaaai etflce lA Third St., seat AUav, , ' rfhoaaa Mala Ilia; a-Uia. MAttTIM i. UlULgy. Paaa. asaat. r W. U. I.UMtKM. rrolahl UN. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS $1,000,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK-WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Dally to ilarehfiald. Wire reservations to O, Mat toon. Drain. Oreiconi J.C. WILSON & CO. ' KJWBZaS NEW TORK STOCK KXCHANOB ' '. NEW YORK COTTON KXCHANOB CHICAOO BOARD OFJl'MADEi THE UTOCK AND BOND KXC14ANG& " gAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND OJb'FICK , B6 Oak Ground loor. Z.ewls Mldf. Ihonea Marshall 4 lad. A-4137, , OVER BECK & COOK E CO. Stocks. Botds, Cottoa, Orals, t, 1 B1S-S17 Boars of Trade Bnlldlne;. DIRECT PRIVATE WlliCS TO ALL EXCHANGES ' .Members Chlctgtk Poarl of Treda, Corrpon(ifiita or I-inrtn tt krynn, CiilcfttfO, New Xutk, II