: THE OREGON ' DXlLY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12,. 1913. ' 10 07 This Is the Time to Electrlo ear service ha and will continue to make land available for suburban homes elose to Port land command much higher prloea than land not r.Q well located. The ' new Fourth street electric car will non be run nine. Our prices on Ruavcrton-Reedvllle Acres, with graded roads and streets, close: to station. 30 minutes out on this line, are $250 to $500 per acre; one-tenth or the purcnase ft irice aown ana mau mummy natllmiita on the balance. The man -who buys now will reap the benefits of higher prices. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 85 102 Fourth st. A-S500 FIVE ACRES $250.- tin down is pen month. Buys 6 acres of logged off land. Three quarters of a mile from center of town of 1000 population, also cannery and creamery. Three- quarters of a mile from railroad station on main line be tween .Portland and Astoria. This land is free from rocks and gravel, lies level and win not overriow. ideal ror cnick en raising, dairying, and small fruits. Witt arow anything that can be raised in western Oregon. From some of these tracts you have a beautiful view of the Columbia river. 400 acres from which to choose. Perfect title and warranty deed. RRTX REAL ESTATE CO.. 21 Railway Exchange Bldg.. 2d floor. - HPtween ua ana tin on stars:. Choice Acreage Pallay Park, just outside of the -mile circle from, the oostofflce, on the West Side: very best of soli, some stump land and some cleared and under cultivation; best of drainage; prices range from $326.00 to $460.00; we will build to suit you. PRO YJDENT TRUST COM PANT Owners, Second Floor, Helling Building 5 and 10 Acres Cheap 120 ud to 144 car sore, on terms. Tracts of ' 6 seres or more; deep, red snot soil, wen watered: easily cleared; ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairvlni and chicken raising: lo cated on county road, close to live town on K. k. ana river, near roruana. uwn- trs, 703 juewis Diag., 4tn ana uaa sis. Main 8078. Kvenmgs East 84. CH1U1.KN and Iruu ranches near Port land; Greanam district, Eataoada line, electrlo atation mile. New subdivi sion, Sunshine Valley orchard traots; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only $,S to $150 per sore In small tracts; easy teii: quicg train service. Frar": McFariand iiealty Co.. 30 Yeon ' .. Portland. Or. FOR sale, 'B acres of best land in Mult nomah county; Vi mile from electric callne station; on good county road; good water; your own terms. L-586, Journal. I HAVE just Bold seven acres off of 40 to a railroad that Is now building. Will sell the remainder, either as a whole or in small tracts, at $65 per acre, on monthly payments. Employ ment can be had nearDy. .Phone Sen wood 1620 evenings or address P-355, Journal. Good soli, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1685, or Sellwood 476. Jno. H. Gibson, owner. 14 TO $0 FISH ACK. 6 to 20 act tracts, good soil, road to every tract, new school, 8 miles to Co lu nbla river and railway station, 1 hours from Portland; eay terms. tl Lumber Ki. bldg.. cor. td ana Stark (. FIVE acres In Powell valley, on elec tric line, living water, best of soil, no rock or gravel. Price $1800. Terms. U- 644,, Journal. 1480 ACRES logged off land 3 miles railway station and boat landing. 30 miles of Portland; S16 acre. H, N. Swank. iHt Northwest bldg. . FOR HALE FARMS 17 It A R 10 OFFER, FINE DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres, rich soil, half bottom land, nil tillable. 12 acres cleared, more la'red and seeded, million feet fine fir timber, worth 8 to $8 per 1000 In lake Vj mil away; spring, crop, on macadam road, creamery route, school' wagon, R. F. D.. telephone, etc.; Vi mile beautiful Sliver lake, 6 miles long, 1 mile wide, full of fish; popular summer resort; 2 miles to store, etc., 3 miles town, saw and shingle mill; $5000 and 26000 school buildings, and the price only 33000; 31600 cash; beautiful location, going to be very valuable property. BECKER, 327 Lumber Exchange Marshall 1346. See the CANADIAN EXHIBIT at the C. P. R. Land Office. A free demonstration exhibit of the products of the famous fertile lands of "AVestern Canada, Call and receive authentic, personal information and Free Literature, L. P. THORNTON. Land Agent. 27t Pine St. (Multnomah Hotel Bldg.) FARM of 81 acres for sale at Myrtle Creek, Douglas Cc Or., with or with out personal property. Price wltn siock and crons $6200. $3200 will handle. For full particulars address owner, C. D. Alderman, Myrtle Creek,. Or. No agents. $60 per acre, 116 acres, stock, crop. 2 miles electrlo line, 29 miles out. Buildings, orchard, creek, lays fine. LEE. 1038 Chamber of Commerce. 40 acres, $50 per acre, 2 miles R. it. 2A miles out. level, shot loam. Partly cleared, fenced; big snap. LEE. 1038 Chamber of Commerce. fono. naiv terms, buvs 40 acres A-l Wash, county. Easy cleared, old burn; snap. Kee. Ivoo iHMmogr oi uommerre. FINE Oregon ranch for sale. 120 acres improved, $8000, on terms, or may tradfl for good stock, country store jr hotel. Address 31 A, Lakevlew. Wash, IMPROVED 160 acre homestead, Kliokl- tat Co., wasn. w. in. swanK, i wortn west bldg. 100x100. heart of 6ity, snap. T. Wlthy combe, 612 McKay bldg. Cheup farms, bearing walnut groves, reg'rd Jerspys 480 ACRE wheat farm. Sale or trade. Eastern Oregon. W-400. Journal. Mutt Gets a fob, ACREAGE (Continued) p1 111 1 1 r ' " 1 . i I r v- I I f. w.t l I I - - - i AAnOaw-y " 1 Nt -gV-J rJ V ; U , rrMtstt J Sfc 7 "?-Y- OT &rf l' I - CRgp " FQR SALE FARMS 17 ."i'.'-'i (cop1 ,a-- HIGHLY Improved farm, tt miles west of Portland, on Carrion road, mile east of Beaverton; will take part city pioperty In- exchange (If good). W. 8. Barsee, Beaverton, Route 2, box 8. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS In the Slualaw country, fine water, deep rich soli, good roads, schools, close- to railroad. 691 E. 28tl BiB. jrnone weiiwooa 1628. SlUSLAW homesteads; ; reliable; locate. Information. 6 to 10 p. m., 870 Glad- niint avenue. IMPROVED ' homestead for sale or trade. ., H. N. Swank. 6U Northwest' bldg. FOR RENT-rl60-aore daTrTTachTfree rent to January 1. , War oniric mil. stock,, Croiv household goods, only 3360. Address O. M. Doutt, Mist. Or. FREE rent 80 acres. Stock and crop tor naie lor casn. sol I wood i44, COTTAGE, 4 rooms, two acres land; close In. Pone Milwaukle Red 8S4. TIMBER- 28 TIMRER'in lArra n'amall nptfiiR' auw. mill and logging propositions, Want a larffn trart nr VAlThnr n tm r niumm 622 Corbett bldg. ' ' EXCHAKOEREAL ESTATE 24 WAi5TE"Dlo-"-trad-e" "31400 equity in nutsu uy rarK resiaence near club house for unincumbered lots of equal value, or will sell for 31250 cash, pur cnasnr to assume balance, 31800 mort gage and koo contract, at $30 per mo. Worth fully $3800; 6 rooms. 2 halls, large floored attic, full concrete 80x40 basement, hardwood floors, large kitch en, built In conveniences, kitchen, bed rooms and bath In white enamel, fire place, built In bookcases and buffet, gas and light fixtures, lawn, flowers, roses, garden, everything modern and up-to-date, 2 short blocks from car, occu pied by owners Address ow$er. G-5J7, Journal, -and - state what location and vaiue of what you wish to trade, your aggress ana pnone numtier. No agents A SNAP, 280 acres, 140 now open; build . lngs, water, fine stock and grain ranch, for Willamette valley farm, $9000, $8000, equity. Have others. uuycr Bros., uurur. Or WILL exchange 80 arre dairy farm, city luniis, Vancouver, wasn., lor .Portland business property to $16,000 valuation. no cominiHsion. uan rnDor 3o7l. A. b kuum mooern nungaiow or 2 va cant lots to exchange for stock and farming Implements. 948 Tlbbett st.: or - . . 1 i 1 pnone peuwooq iot. OWNER will accept lot in good dls- trict as nrst payment on ;micvrn home in tood part of town. No actnis. nr inn T t IF you have a rooming house or apart ments that are not paying I will t ro Ha tnr It VImba Art nnt nffd, n n r . th'ng less than $10.000. W-493. Journal LOTS for sale cheap near Multnomah station, or. would take cows or young gtock in exchange. Inquire at 73 Kooseveit. A-ise TRADE $10,000 apartment house for Innd and some cash. Owner Mar shall 4138. BilHll V WE exchange what you have for what you want. Peper & Baker, 444 8her- lock bldg.. 3d ana uk. aiarsnan zap 4. $15,000 furniture and houaef urnlshing eoods to exchanae for real estato. Z-lis. journal ELEGANT new house, 100x100, trade for (rood farm, stocked, to Ib&OO. uwnera. W-468, Journal. BEAUTIFUL, modern, ten room h'iise to sell or exchange ror uaiuavm, ' si., property. L-802,, Journal. TO TRADE 6 pass. Pierce Arrow, fore door, fine condition, ror smaller car or rt-al estate. W-484, Journal. TEN acres of land near car line; will trade for lots In city; call 33 H Grand ave., room 26. CITY income property for house anj lot. Owner, lii Morris street. BEACH lot for good horse. Wdln. 1392 WANTED KKAI4 ESTATE 31 WANT to buy from owner only, 6 or 7 room house in gooa location, w- 487, Journal. KOOMtXG HOUSES 33 $150 Cash, $15 Month 9 rooms, beautiful west side location: brass beds, (loss mattress, fine carpets; rent $35, Income $75; leaving two beau tiful rooms for owners. Just see the price. $375 tor All PARTICULARS', b8 10th NEAR STARK EXTRA BARGAINS. TRANSIENT and STEADY ROOMERS. 45 rooms, modern corner, brick, best west side location; steam heat, phones in all rooms: private baths: velvet car pets; best of furniture. All new. Pay ing a large profit. Good lease; best buy in Portland. Come and see this if you have 12600 cash: bal. 32000. Your terms. H. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th, NR. STARK A? ruuuie. Birum uca i, guuu i uruiiur'j. ("Manrlf-iar hltr lnrnma trn riaH frvr t h 1 Enough said. I W W 4 WW! I IMIf af v w 1 1 PARTICULARS 88 lOtli, NEAR STARK BIG new rooming house, finely fur nlshed, central location, reasonable rent, long lease. M. E. Lee. 622 Corbett f"6. SMALL rooming house, good furniture, furnace, gas, electric lights, 2 rooms pay rent. Bargain if taken at once. Call A-5078. bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE; Blacksmith shop with good business: electrlo power, all new tools; '4 of block, in good location. Ad dress I. E. Dawson, Halsey, Or. FOR BALE Hnlf interest in new and second hand furniture store In Bend, Or., on sect, of ill health. Apply at FOR SALE, CHF.AP Blacksmith stock and tools: only shoo in town. Come and see for yourself. W. H. Jellyman. Bt. Helens, or. OLD established tin anon in town of 3000 near Portland, 2 shops in town. Owner retiring from business. K-530, Journal. DANDY grocery store, fine location, 6 living rooms, bain, rent jsu. wwner. $160 cash, nai. trade, wain. 2K37 WEDDING invitations and announce ments. Ryder Printing Co., 85T Burn- sine st. main 6is, MEAT market for sale; your own terms and price. Call 1314 Belmont st. MEAT shop doing srood business at bargain. 676 Alberta. but Doesn't Last Long Enough . . i i i i i i ii i J r iar r. l ik l I ' WT i i . . 11 jrm ' ' -j4 4 BUSHf ESS CHANCES ' f Continued OPPORTUNITY for shingle rntil and email sawmill; ib.uuu.ouv it. or. large old growth cedar; good percentage clear, suitable for shingles. The only block of cedar on Grand Trunk Pacific. Will give operator monopoly of trade of Im mense northern Interior. Several lame towns, now building, will take entiro output immediately. . Business 'will in crease as country develops, name tract also has about 20,000.000 ft. fine strut; and hemlock. Close to railroad. Easily accessible. Minimum logging cost Will sell on stumpage basis as out. Only parties prepared to put In a suitable piant naea apply, wmiam u. Kennedy. 601 Dominion bldg.. Vancouver. B. C. AM disgusted with saloon business; have' oest location 'and biggest business in town, clearing over $8000 yearly; stock, license and fixtures Invoice $6000; aver age daily sales past 2 years over $70; ex pense $13; guarantee and prove every statement and everything open for your strict investigation; convince yourself. $8000 epot ca&h buys me out. 618 HENRY BLDG. BUSINESS opportunities come to stud ents of the Y. M C. A. commercial college., run not .to make money, but for the good of men; has a $600,000 'aulpment. Ten different business courses; men teachers, fees moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts, . Laundry for Sale Fully equipped steam laundry, doing full capacity of business. Own water supply, located Jn - Portland's fastest growing suburb. Good reason for sell Ing. Apply Osmond fc Co.. 1 Front Bt. Cigar Store Bpst transient streejt in city; lease, steam heat, worth $r00: doing $16 daily. Price today for all $186. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. FOR SALE Candy and soda fountain outfit complete, Including candy shop and tools, all set up ready for business, in excellent location, at one third actual value. You will have to hurry to get this bargain. W-465, Journal. Partner wanted to take charse of picture show; experience not necessary, but honesty is. Or will sell or trade for city property; fine location, paying business. -470, Journal. POOL room, Brunswick Bajka table, candy case, cigar wall case, cash reg ister, cork carpet, etc.. or any part of above for sale. Inquire at Levins Hard ware Co., 221 Front at. SHORTHAND Is the stepping stone to business opportunity. , Expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call - for. catalogue. Y. m. c a., cor. 6tn anq Taylor wtw PARTNER wanted, lady or gentleman, with $480. paying business; security given for your money. Box 832, Port land. FOR SALE Second-hand store, good business, small capital, good location, cheap rent! 1067 Chehalls ave., Chehalis, Wash. FOR SALE Two cleaning, dye works, doing good business; will teach buyer business; leaving cityj 418 Hawthorne. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheu matlsm: 60 tablets 25c. All druggists. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS ; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 916 SPALDING BLDG. CONFER with our mortgage loan de partment ir you wish to borrow money on improved 1 -al estate. We have funds, $300 to 330,000. riAKiJUAJN-i nuaiJr'auiN ovx IV. NOW IS THE TIME To take care of that mortgage. Why pay 8 or 9 per centT We furnish money. 5 per cent, long time if desired. Will furnish building money. See us. 1002-1 Broad way bldg. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 428 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Selling bid. LOANS from $1600 to $10.00(1, oa good Portland security. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7692. $2i0. $406, $600, $H0O, $1360; these amounts to loan real estate. Fred W. German Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce; both phones. WONKY to lqan, improved Portland property- special racinties ror large loitnn ruie le & Trust Co.. 4th and Oak. Iiuj,090 on mor.jagt. city or farm property, fire lnsuranrc. McKenxle A Co.. Gerlmger lilJy.. 3d and Alder. feioN V. lu loan, large loana a spfciaity. building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W O. Beck. 315-31 Katuns. I HAVE for immediate loans, $800. $1600, $6000, at current rates. A. 11. Bell, n. . II L1J CASH paid tor mortaagus, nctea. eon tracts; mortgage loans; reasonable ra tcs. F. H. Lewis s Co.. a I,wl bias. HAVE any amount to loan, on good Portland real estate. Call 22 8 Cham- per or commerce inug. jno dp nem, MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Heal estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange bldg. 3d and Yamhill sts. $2000 to loan, farm, Willamette valley preferred; will buy first mortgage, about 8400. at discount. H-616, Journal. FROM $600 to $1200 to loan on. real estate. 8 per cent; no brokerage. Phone Tabor MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J. Ctthalln, 635 Ol.amber Commerce. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farrlngton. 416 ''ommerclal Club bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. 11. Belts ft Co.. 3iu tspnming niag. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. MONEY to loan. real estate. R. E. nine. 408 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 aod 7 per cent. Louis Salomon ft Co.. 339 Stark st. $1000 to $600P for immediate loan on real estate. lSDor 771. MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people. New- ton. 614 Henry oiag, MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel- ry. strictly confidential. 141 Vi 3d MONEY loaned, contracts bought. Room 212 Commercial blk.. 2d and Wash. 67 J - (Continued) . SALARY OR CHATTEL LOANS MA13UI QUICKLY ANY AMOUNT.' ' III YOU ETO ' Establish your credit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, when In urgent need of a second accommodation be cause they were JUST OUT OF FUNDS? . . OUR CAPITAL IS UNLIMITED. If you dear with us, you may rest assured that wa will be willing and able to accommodate you any timet, f .85 weekly pays, a $ .65 weekly paya a 10 loan. 23 loan. 60 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a 11.90 weekly pays a s a $100 loan. CAN IUU. MHiAT TMBMT YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given if Paid Before Due. 413 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES Between 4th and 6th sts. on Wash. at. a . . . c... .,11 a .. ... ipen 9 R, ill, m v p. in., pa i. nn o in. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTEa $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACJ! TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITT. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO P. M. SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 09 FAILING BLIJU. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN . MONH5V ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, etc. AT LOWiUHT lJJSlljljh, JKAl.tS. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. OA unfl Ulnrlr HtH OnAfl ft M. til tn A tl. TT1 SAURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 317, LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STARK STS. CHATTEL louiis -Money lor samrieu people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere: confidan- tlal. u. u. urake. a'ti Menry oiag. A desirable place tor ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamond and lewelry at eastern rates. Diamond l-'Biace. a.i4 wasn.. opp. wwi ,orur imra, IMMEDIATE- and confidential loans on autos, pianos, furniture and ware house receipts; mortgages bought. Bauer. 206 Alder st LOAN 8 WANTED 30 WANTED to borrow $5000 on first class city lots, close to car and school, security gilt edged. C-690, Jour nal. LET ine place your money on gilt edge mortgages. R. E. Hine, 408 Yeon bid?. Marshall 656s. A LOAN of $42U0 on Portland home. No agenta. Boom 31 S, Clark notei. FINANCIAL CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. . Or seller's enuitv in contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, !,umbrran bldg. Loans. HELP WANTED MALE Situation Wanted Ads. Inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to nay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two montns run memoersnip privileges, iu months social privileges. Reobrd for 8 months endlnr Aug. 81. Call for men 1598 Positions filled 109b All young men seeking' employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with tne secretary oi the Employment Department. WANTED For U. 8. army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 86; citizens of United btates. oi gooa character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write tbe English language For information apply to re cruiting officer, Worcester building. Sd and Oak sts., Portland. Or. A LARGE manufacturing concern wants a nigJi grade salesman wnn dook or advertising experience, clear Intellect and clean habits 25 to 40 years of ago. A rerfl position for a real man.. L-80 7, Journal. WIRELESS operators In constant ' de mand. This coming vacation taught at Y, M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night schools; complete equipment; best on coast. POHTLAND mall carriers, postal clerks, wanted, $65 to. $100 month. Vaca tions. Pcrtland examinations coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 329 F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED 4 first class salesmen with good reference and able to make sales. Do not apply if you are not this- kind. Apply Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co., 203 isortnwewt Plug., jrort-iana. WANTEb Few young men to learn profitable trade, day or night school, plenty of openings, watch making, -engraving school. 210 Globe bldg, Port land, or. KM'liriNJfl linv nirA.l lit tn 90 tn Art crAn. eral work and learn busfness; must be active, willing: salary to start, $6; American Brush & Broom wka., 871 E. wasnington. WANTED 2 first class, xperienoed packers, none others but experienced men need apply; Inquire Supt's. office, Miumauer-r ranit Lrug uo, STOCK DOOR FACTORY Boys wanted to learn business, steady employment. Nicolal Door Mfg. Co., Kenton Station. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving; call at Haw- thorne .trage, 44i Hawtnorne ave. WANTED. 2 men to learn automobile driving and repairing. Belmont Gar age, 23d and Belmont. Take S. S. car. WANTED By large wholesale house first class all around candy man; also helper. W-473, Journal CHEF Headquarters -nd Helpers, CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, 2 so yamnin st.' WANTED Boy not going to school to help in drug store and deliver on bi- WANTED Man to take enre of aim, 20 miles from Portland; small wages; call 1219 WUhur St.. St. Johns car. WEAVERS wanted; steady work. Ap ply Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns, Or. . j WANT a grocery clerk; 514 Mississippi ave. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS, 8AWKIES to Draw His Salary IJELP VATCTEH MIHC, 40 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 266 268 ilth str-Latest up-to-date meth ods of praotioal instruction in driving and repairing automobiles by expert in structors and mechanics. Tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation. AUTOMOBILE school with high grade expert teacners. complete io,uoo equipment to train for this coming vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Y. M. C. A. Day and Nlgut Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course In law; no lme lost from regular occupation: roMtatlnnii avrnlnti. Samnnl T. Rich. rdson. dean. Morehead. faecn 316-317 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland, Oregon. PREPARE yourself for a good position and we'll do the rest. Text books free. Central Commercial College, , Central Diag.. mm ana Aiaer, MAIL carriers wanted, $90 month. Port land examinations icoming. Specimen questions free. FrunKlin Institute, Dept. 136 IT, Rochester, n. g. UNIVERSAL shorthand leads all others for commercial work or reporting; day and night school. E. B. U., 629 Wor cester block PORTLAND Law School gives three veam course with dearee. Ten in Htructors. Enroll now. 631 Worcester mock; Marshall 2761. GO KRNMENT Jobs open to men ami women, $06 to $160 month. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Jszts r , Koenester. N. x PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Indl- vltfual instruction. GREGG shorthand. 404 Commonwealth bldg. , Mar. 42C8. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 605 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4142 WANTED Men. 18 to 45, to become Portland mail carriers; $65 to $100 month. k.-3K, Journal, GIRLS to learn hair work; combings made up. 718 Hothchlia Diag. UNCaI.L-Li Icr tailor nad suiu. .6t up. Taylor, the tailor. 2Rt4i BurnsKa HELP WANTED FEMALE' Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements mult be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. WANTED YOUNG LADLES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THB PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STS., OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260. EXPERIENCED DRUG AND TOILET GOODS SALESWOMEN WANTED Appiy at Supt's. office, 6th floor, be tween 8:30 and 6:30 p. m. Meier A Frank Co. GIRLS' WANTED TO WORK IN PA PER BOX FACTORY: EXPERIENC ED PREFERRED; MUST BE OVER 3 8 YEARS OLD; APPLY F. C. STETTLER, CORNER 10TH AND GLISAN STS. WANfcb VoJng Lady" To act aU MODEL IN FASHION EXHIBIT; MUST BE TALL AND WELL BUILT. PHONE MAIN 6287 THIS AFTERNOON AND ASK FOR "ADMAN " OR REPLY IMMEDIATELY BY LETTER TO T 632. JOURNAL. A CONCERN of highest Integrity wants business woman with large local ac quaintance. No canvassing. Good pay. Kererences. -64l. Journal. GOVERNMENT lobs, women. 375 month: examinations in Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 705 1 UAV.na,AW VT V COM PETENT saleswomen, thoroughly experienced in suits, corsets and knit ted underwear. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. WANTED Girl to assist in office must be able to receive patients and answer telephone. Hours 10 to 6; state salary expected. L-808, Journal. WANTED Two women canvassers, good salary and commission. Call be tween 8 and 9 a. and 6 and 6 p. m., 435 Washington at. WANTED, chocolate dippers and pack ers. Apply at once. Modern cbrifec tlonry Co., 13th and Hoyt. 25 Experienced waist and skirt fin- ishers, sleeve drapers ani helpers. 484 Morrison. WANTED Experienced coat and skirt hands for alteration room; Bartholo mew Co., 400 Washington st. EXPERIENCED help In dressmaking shop wanted; inquire thU evening or Munaay, a. m.. a. m. ison. itta itn st WANTED Experienced ladies' clothes ironers; u. o. juuuiiury o., urana aw. and E. YamhllL WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help; also errand clrl: 106 Columbia bldg. GIRL to assist with housework and children. Tabor 4600. WANTED Responsible party to take charge apartment house. 252 Gilibs. WANTED Young lady to awslst In gen eral housework; call at 430 j College. HELP WANTED MALE IND FEMALE 23 OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber tracie in s weeks, pays vou while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducement to ladles. 233 Madison st., 2S2, 2nd. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach vou the trade In 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert Instructors: Z0 years tn the business: a lltetunt, scholarship given to each student; spe cial Inducements to ladles. 4S N. 2d st. FISK Teachers Agency secures posi tions ror teachers. 31 B journal blag. WANTED AGENTS (J USB your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own: we help you Btart for a share in profits; 27 op- ... .J , B ........ I jiui tunnies: iinruruiain i m'm. 111111111 Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N Y. SITUATIONS MA LE PAPERING and tintlne. 32 f0 ut; paint ing reasonable. Joe Marshall, Main Tiuu. .3 FROM south Sawyer, filer, foreman and inspector; hardwoods my special ties; I know tbe coast woods; references the best. W. T. Powers Jr., Portland, Or.. Gen. Dot. Phone Sellwood 873. WANTED By experienced fireman a position; German, sober, reliable, un derstand oil. coal, wood or electricity Is stile to take charge if necessary of engine, iz Vs union ave. MARRIED man, age 40, with best of recommendations, wishes position; member of Masonic lodge. W-495, Jour- nni. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general office man; can operate typewriter; would accept good clerical position; lo cal references. F-381, Journal. MACHINIST with 17 years" practical experience deslreB position; at pres ent am out of work. Must find some thing. W-486, Journal. SHOE REPAIRING, Bicycles, umbrellas, lawn mowers, razors honed, etc. We repair anything. Brooklyn Repair Shop. 612 Milwaukle st. WANTED Situation, Janitor, office or building. Long experience. Middle age. Colored man from Kansas. 144 N. 14th st. Chas. Brown. WANTED By a meat cutter with expe rience in a small town; can give ref erences if needed. Address W. L. T Box 403, Amity, Or. SITUATION wanted; my family is in want; win no one orrer me a poiwun : I can make good If given a chance; ref erences. W-63&, journal CARPENTER, 15 years' experience, wants day or contract work. Box 67, WOOUStOCK WANTED Dally, 4 or 5 hours' work of any Kinci, uy a conscientious, amui nous worKer. W-47U, journal. MAN with best of local recommenda- tlons wishes work of any kind. N-4UU. journal. WANTEI) Hv exDerIned man. post tlon driving and caring .for auto. Ref erences. K-SJ7, Journal. ' WANTED By steady, sober, middle aged man a plare as watchman, or somfr light work. Phone Main bzza POSITION wanted, cylinder feeder or Gordon pressman. General .Delivery, City. II. Wilson AN exnerleneed eardener. farmer an orchardist wants Vprk: has best of references. L-s06, Journal. A STEADY, reliable man of aood hab its would like a lob driving laundry wagon or Inside work. Phone Tabor 3821, WINDOW cleaner and houseman wants work. Phone evenings, Marshall lous POfitTfON an dishwasher or baker. G, fltocke, 22 N. Front st L-803, Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE POSITION by elderly widow as house' keener for 1 or 2 men. or would ac. cept housework in small family; can furnish references. Address 460 11th at.. Portland. Or,. Mrs. D. S. R A REFINED middle aged lady, an ex- celicnt housekeeper ana cook, wouia like position in widower's family or noma wncre sne can lane zuii ciiargn. lY! 4, journal EASTERN woman with girl 4 years, wishes position housekeeping; private lamuy or notei. sso iriners apyiy. J 66C, Journal. AN experienced woman wishes position as housekeeper or house work In small family; call Taylor Apts. 206 Vx 1st St.; room 84 EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes position on private exchange, Tabor 76R. "WIDOW, with girl 3 years old, wants position as nousekeeper,, ror wiaower or Dncneior. u-to, journal. tl'IWTl'TDB raflnAil Al1rlv ' miliftvf rtmtnn ttm hnitReken,r for wldnarar or old people, w-oiy, journal. CHILDREN attending school cared for In lady's home prices moderate, Woodlawn 3281. LADY will care for children or invalids, afternoons or evenings. Phone Main 1145. HOUSEKEEPER for a widower. No objections to children. L-810. Journal. WOMAN wants any kind of day work. t ail A-I 804. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work or half day s work. Main iz SITUATIONS WANTEO MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife would like position ss manager on ranch ; years or experi ence; hustler. 711 Myers St., St. Johns, MAN and wife want to run apt. house In city; experienced; best or refer ences. T-887, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress making. Tailored Suits. Corsets. Teachers wanted. 304 Goodnoush bldg. SEWING neatly done; children's clothes a speclnity; reasonable. 3Ui f.. mil NURSES EXPERIENCED nurse want case; will do some housework; references; wages $10 per week; phon Woodlawn 3338. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE 0 TOURIST HOTEL. 160 1st St., cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished cool rooms, $3 week up; tran- s'.ent 5Qo day. S car from depot. HOTEL Buckingham, 652 H Washington st. New modern brick all outside rooms, $3.60 week up; with private bath, 15. FINELY furnished rooms with hot and cold water in every room, steam heat; very low rent to steady roomers; 190 ist si. THE COLONIAL, 165 10th St.; rooms $1 to $4 per week; central, quiet and cool. Fine baths. YOUNG man roomfng Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office Y. M. C. A. MAXWELL HALL. 14th near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mod ern, parlor. large porch, summer ratws ROSS house 213 H 1st. Neatly fur nished rooms, $1.75 up. Transient, iic up. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, beautiful location, walking distance, $i to $12 month. 461 West Park st. WANTED Lady roommate, 886 Washington st., room 1334. 3 (J. Marshall ILimTEf! Ml.ftffi1M i" Fifth St UD U U.U. UVUihi. Wilu Rooms 31.25 ud. per wk. t ree pnone anu oatn. Mam 17I4, UinTTI QAHM 1 UtU st- Per- liui LL vjn v manent and ti I trans't. ROOMS and apartments In modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Alder. RlCELY furnished room at Llndel ho tel. $1.60 and up. 269 Market st e SITUATIONSMALE IConttauedl . " FURNISHED ROOMS .WEST SIDE (OonUanadi TUB NEW HOUSTON. 52S !"rij' . sin-ec Transient, 76o and up, . Weekly. $4 and ud David L. Houston, pro Main 1841. A-nsiw. FOR . M. C. Ak. MEMBERS FurnlshoW rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of flee, for. 6th and Taylor sts Madras Hotel 12TH AND WASHINGTON. . 'Rooms $3 week; private bath, $( week. Corner ront suite $6 week. Antlera Hotel location, 10th and WashlDgtOBj ta Rates. $1 to $ per weak. Modern. With or without bath. InlOTEL IMffi ferhoS wh2: ter in rooms, rates reasonable. 265H 6th. . rXTBKXBHXS BOOKS WEST BIBB fklVATB FAB-XT 10 NICE large room, well furnished, with , alcove, both outside rOoms, two beds. xit. &&3 verett St. DANDY large, warm room, 4 windows,1 furnace heat, walking distance. 655- Washlngton. LARGE, light front room, modern con veniences. 266 12th, near Jefferson. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 62 ROOMERS Take notice. Rent 76o mo. A healthy place to live; come and see from 4 to 8 p. m. Saturday, from 1 to 6:30 Sunday. 426 E. Ankeny., THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. 6th and Morrison Sts. American and European plan. New and modern. large loopy, special rates py montn. THE Larrabee. 33 J V4 Larrabee. Rooms 33 wk up. Brick bldg.. steam heat, hoc md cold water, bath, pnone. electricity. rUKNISHED BOOKS E A8XT STOi; r JPKI VATB T AMH.T Tl FINE large room, neatly furnished, suit able for 2 persona; also room with sleeping porch, very reasonable; horn conveniences, walking distance). 123 K. 18th, cor. Alder. Phone East 2441, or East 4627. LARGE, well furnished room, walking distance, electrlo lights, furnace, bath, piano If desired. 600 Belmont, cor. E. loth. TWO and threa H. K. rooms, nicely fur- ! msnea, an modern conveniences, iu .. and $ 16 month. 1717 Portsmouth ave. FURNISHED room; light, bath, gentle' man. $6 month. 269 Fargo aL, W car.- UNFUff SHED rOOMg 10 3 NICE unfurnished front rooms, -all conveniences, rent reasonable. 267 Mouaaay ave. 2 OR 3 room unfurnished apta., $1 per room per week. Gas plate furnished. Belmont Apts., 480 Belmont. ,E. 6143. ROOMS AND BOARD NORTONIA HOTEL. 11th. just off Washington st American and European; . beautiful , dining room, tea room and roof garden: very attractive rates to families and bachelors. OREGON opportunities at Edenbower. Will exchange rent of modern store and 2 rooms for board. Want young,", progressive, pleasant people. A. W. Ferguson. Roseburg, Or. ... r T 1 um ..... i .1 . ... ,., . Axcmjr uulbiuq rouuia, witn or wimuufc. board, home cooking, modern, reason , able. The Hazel, 385 8d st. WANTED High school girl to work ior Doara ana room on west side; sot Manchester, or Sunday 131 E. 88th. NICE double room and board, suitable for 2 young men. 848 Mill, bet. Broai- way and Park. ft CASA ROSA 300 Jefferson, like home.' Nice furnished rooms; board. HOME cooking, 3 meals dally, outside rooms, bath; $6 week up. 284 Main st. ' BOOKS AID BOABO BiTIFL7oom, suitable for twoi large closet; can have separate beds, two dressers. Also a single room, mod- ern, corner house, near Hawthorn Grammar and Washington High schools. Well ordered table. Terms reasonable. Walking distance. 120 E. 16th, cor. -Alder. East 6148. WILL board i young ladies or gentle men at $20 per month by occupying, one large room, also single rooms in a-, good, clean, modern, musical home. 473 Main st. ROOM and board in small family for' young man with good habits. Bell- wood 766. sz East lotn. NICE room with board. 130 19th aU Bunnysjde car. (Widow family.) ROOM and board, private family, 106 E. 11th. Phone E. 4703. J BOARD and room, 2 in room, $4.60 per weeK. 106 rj. etn st. Rst 0182. GIRL to board, 7 or 3 years old; good' home, good school. N-420, Jonrnal i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE BEAUTIFUL rooms, close in, select lo-, cation, lovely grounds, reasonable.. Students preferred. 54 N. 18th st. A-1607. GENEVIEVE, 445 Columbia; houeekeep- ng ac single rms.; reasonaDie. M 74iu. WE Ox RIDE PBITATB TAKCLX T3 BOPgEyEEFIIfg BOOMg FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ' steam heat and hot water, phone, rea-i sonable. west side. 226 13th. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, reason- able rates. Amhurat Hotel. 408 wasn. NEWLY furnished suite and , single housekeeping rooms, bath, gas, phone, . block to Lincoln High school. 884 Park. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, prices extremely reasonable. 4ft Ciay stt.. nesr i4tn. TWO 2 front room suites finely fur- nlshed and located. Free Tight, pnone. soft i4tn. 1 AND 2 rooms, nicely furnished, mod ern. close in and reasonable. 141 Harrison. NEATLY furnished rooms, with bath. . phone, reasonable. Ella St.. off. Washington. I': HOUSEKEEPING apt and single rooms. Close inv Prices reasonable. Main " 6442 WILL .give room and board to 1 or 1 children; good home; call after 6; phone C-3994. TWO nicely furnished front 1L K. room ' very reasonablo. 404 Park st (CoaUaned on Xsxt Page) By "Bud" Fisher