THE OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL.. PORTLAND, . THURSDAY EVENING, . SEPTEMBER 11. 1913. 1T EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 1 ' (Cottttnned) t . 160 Acres- $19 an Acre Only $500 Cash, or Will Trade , iu acre ranch, au tuiaDta lftiid, IS- acres In cultivation; fair house and (rood barn, lrri' Satlon - ditch -,- ' through ranch. Ight consider a city lot as first payment. This place Is clear of . Incumbrance. Take as low as $500 'cash and give long Urns on balance at 6 per cent. . Dorr .-&. Keasey & Co, , 2d floor. Cham? Commerce bldg-. 100x100 With 2 Houses Room on lot for apartment -bouse, houses rented 3S mouth; price $8000, clear at incumbrance. Trade for farm of equal value. Dorr E. Keasey & Co, 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce -Bldg. Exchange ' Wheat farm In Sherman county In ex change for a small place within 60 miles of Portland; 620 acrcs.450 tillable, 140 a-res ready to seed. Fair buildings, lots of water, good outside range; it's a food combination wheat and stock farm, 'rice $15,000: will take $8000 or $10,000 In a small place and give all the time wanted on balance. W. H. MOOR17. MORO, OR. AN IDEAL STOCK FARM 74t0 acres -with 200 acres finest al falfa land, 60 acres now producing 5 tons to acre. Balance beet grassing mod with abundant water, and oontrolliiR , large area of government land. First class buildings, full farming equip ment, tools, some stock. Price $50,000, clesr. Will consider largo part In trade. , LUT0DDEMAN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce Match This One 8 room house, nearly finished; also a 3 room house, finished; corner lot, 60x100. Pries $2200; mtg. for $?00, runs 3 years. Will trade my equity for anything or value. peters. IB N. ftn KANSAS CITY Income property, value $6000, clear of incumbrance; street Improvements all paid for; Is close In and well rented; will exchange for Port land city property or a good farm In the valley and assume some IndebtedneKs. W. H. LANG & CO.. SIR Abington bldg. TO EXCHANGE for Portland Home, 3V4 acres of land, some in. berries, rest in garden; large 12-room house, finest in Afhland; also large modern barn and milk route; will sacrifice for Portland home or business. J. A. Orchard, Box 111. Ashland, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANT to buy from owner only. 6 or 7 room house in good location. W 487, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Bargain Hunters, See This! A strictly modern rooming house, con 'talning 38 extra well furnished rooms, located on a corner, near Pantages the ntre, always does good business; rent is only $200 a month, with lease. Wo can sell you this for $3000, on terms. R. H. GOODKIND Cp., INC. Apartment House, Special 50 rooms, elegantly lurnhshed, Nob Hill district, rent only $150 a month, that equals $3 a room; full price only $2000, terms. Best bu In the city to day. U. H. GOODKIND CO., INC.. 401-2-3 Wilcox bldg. Cor. 6th and Washington sts. $150 Cash, $15 Month 9 rooms, beautiful west side location; brass beds, floss mattress, fins carpets; rent $35, income $75; leaving two beau tiful rooms for owners. Just see the price. $375 for All ' PARTIOULaKW. S8 10th NEAR STARK ' " " EXTRA BARGAINS. TRANSIENT and STEADY ROOMERS. 46 rooms, modern corner, brick, best west side location; steam heat, phones in all rooms; private baths; velvet car- fiets; best of furniture. All new. Pay ng a large profit. Good lease; best buy in Portland, Come and sea this If you have $2500 cHsh; bal. $2000. Your term.". H. E. JAMEH CO.. S8 10th. NR. STARK MODERN. DOWN TOWN PLACE. 14 rooms, steam heat, good furniture. Clearing big Income traded for this. Enough saidT Price $600, Halt Cash PARTICULARS 88 10th, NEAR STARK FINELY furnished large rooming house. strictly modern in every way; will lease completely furnished from 1 to 15 years. M. K. Dee. 522 Corbett bldg. 9 ROOMS, well furnished, furniture cost $1000; wil take $350. Arnold Co.. 307 Couch bldg. 10 ROOMS for sale cheap if sold once. Main 2753. at IT ROOM rooming house for sale or trade. 421 6th st Rent 30. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 CONFECTIONERY store and waiting room for sale or to exehmge for acreage or house and lot; best location In the city. See owner at 113 2d st. GOOD paying bakery for sale; fine lo cation; Dest reason for selling. Price $700 for quick sale. H-B30. Journal. CAFETERIA lor sale, a bargain, on account of death. 386 Morrison,- near 10th. FOR RENT Pool room with space for barber shop In front;low rent. M. E. Lee, 528 Corbett bldp. ; , " FOR SALK Two cleaning, wdye . works, doing good business; will teaoh buver business; leaving city. 413 Hawthorne. WEDDING invitations and- announce ments. Ryder Printing Co 357.Burn o'de st. Main 6536. . MEAT market for sale; your own terms and price. Call 1 314 Belmont st. What Jeff CAN j I'M (N rrJOL BAD.) WA2THeW0RST' WELU COOLT) YOvT SOR.S YOU 1 - - 7A. 2 WOULD Sff SPARP IT? i . WgLL, COOLO t Urtu got 2 ? . "I" V J HANts rf Vul -v. " V MONDfVY? J , v ' "' ' -s ' "I Tvl' i' "' r - '"''..' '.'."' l'-, ;-'-'" ; :h "":' (,', 1 v.-. Hi '-v' "''.'.'."A ;v:"": !:".n;-;.:v:.vvvl''.'-'--'':-- --ri.... ......... ,... , ty, avn, .-.j 1 . ',.":('. :'.-'.' ' ;' '.'.:'.'.-.' " : . ''.:-'"' '" " "' " v ; I --'"';:.: '-"' ''.'"; ,:'v-r ' ' ." " ' '.,'. CO AM disgusted with saloon business; have uoi location ani uiggesi. ounineBi in town, clearing over 18500 yearly; stock, lloense and fixtures invoice $6000: aver agodally sales past 2 years over $70; ex pense $11; guarantee and prove every statement ana everytning open tor your unci investigation; convince yoursen. f Buvv spot casn Duys me out. - 618 HENRY BLDG. POOL ROOM AND CONFECTIONERY Good clean stock of confectionery, cigars and tobaccos,' counters, show cases, card tables with chairs, ice cream tables with chairs, ice chyst. soda fountain, cash register, ice cream aianea. x ' nooi tames in eooa snap. 'with equipment, four room flat fur- nisiiea wun, gooa rurniture, lease on building; In good farming town. Prlje, $1600; terms if desired. Geo. Y. Moody Co., Washougal, Wash BUSINESS opportunities come to stud - enta of the Y. M. C. A. commercial college, run not to make money, but (or the good of men: has a oulpment. Ten , different business courses: men teachers, fees moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C A., cor. sth and Taylor sts. Laundry for Sale Fully equipped steam laundry, doing iuii ..capacity or Dusiness. uwn water supply, located in Portland's fastest growing suburb. Good reason for sell ing. Apply Osmond & Co.. 1 Front St. Cigar Store Best transient street in city; lease; furnsce heat; will Invoice $100; doln $13 daily; price for all $160. Peters. 15 N. Sth si. OR SALE Candy and soda fountain outfit complete, including randy shop and tools, all set up ready for business. In excellent location, at one third actual value. You will have to hurry to get tins nargain. w-465, journal. A RARE opportunity, - aei quickly, to Invest money In a manufacturing bus iness; a paying proposition; need money for Increase of business; stand for in vestigation. Call at IS9 Corbett nt. Partner, wanted to take charge of picture show: experience not necessary, hut honesty is. Or will sell or trade for city property: fine location, paying business. MJfr-470, journal. SHORTHAND is the stepping stone to Dusiness opportunity. Expert men tiaehers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. OR SALE Second-hand store, good business, small capital, good location. cheap rent. 1067 Chehalia ave., Cht-halls, vvasn. OR SALE Blacksmith shop with good business: .electric power, all new tools: 'i of block, in good location. Ad dress I. K. Dawson, Halsey, Or. FOR SALK, CHEAP Blacksmith stock and tools; only shop In town. Come and see for yourself. W. II. Jellyman. St. Helens, Or. ODD established tin snop in town of 3000 near Portland. 2 shops in town. Owner retiring from business. X-630, Journal. MEAT shop doing pood business at bargain. 675 Alberta. MONEY TO IX) AN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED READ ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXIBLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSION. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 916 SPALDING BLDG. NOW IS THE TIME To take care of that mortgage. Why pay 8 or 9 per cent? We furnish mone, 5 per cent, long--tlme If desired. Will furnish building money. See us. 1002-1 Broadway bldg. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount desired. HART MAN-THOMPSON RAVr Mortgage Loan WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans I. L. WHITE. 701 Selllngbldg. LOANS from $1500 to $10,0uo o.i good Portland security. HACKER &, THERKELSEN. 3,06 Spalding bldg. Main 7692. $250. $400, $600. $900, $1350; thene amounts, to loan real estate. Fred W. German Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce; both phones. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property; special faculties for large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. flU'j.uOO on raurTjages, city or far.a property, fire Insuranro. McKsnzle Co.. Gerlinger hl-lg.. 2.1 and Alder. MoJviv' to loan, large loan specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W G. Reck. 31 5-31 H Falling. I HAVE forimmediaie loans, $S00, $1500, $6000, at current rates. A H. Bell. 201 Gerllnger bldg. CASH paid tir niortKages. nctes, con tracts; mortgage loans; reasonabl retos. F. H. Lewi. Xr Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. HAVE any amount to loan, on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brckers. MORTGAGE loans at current rales iieal estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. 8d and Yamhill sts. $2000 to loan, farm, Willamette valley preferred; will buy first mortgage, about 8400. at discount. H-616, Journal. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalin. 635 Chamber Commerce. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. Sells & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. H. MONEY to lean on real estate. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. MONEY to loan, real estate. R. E. Hlne. 408 Yson bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. ljdls Mammon fi Co.. liv HtarK st. $1000 to $6001 (or Immediate loan on . rtal estate. Tabor 771. Do and What BUSINESS CHANCES - J? f Continued) 27 irtoTblso""1 W eral security, for a thort Oregonlan bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALUUKS 67 SALARY OR CHATTEL. LOANS MADE QUICKLY ANJ AMOUNT.. --..DID YOU EVER' Establish your credit with a Loan Co. and get turned down, when In urgent need of a second accommodation be cause they were JUST OUT OF FUNDS? ' OUR CAPITAL' IS UNLIMITED. If you deal with us, you may rest assured that we will be willing and able to accommodate you any time. t t $ .35 weekly pays a $ 10 loan. I .65 weeltly pays a $25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $ 60 loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. Tin m 413 MACLEAY BLDG.. BOTH PHONES Between 4th .and 5th sts. on Wash, at. Open 9 a. m. to li p. m., Sat. till 8 p. m. BALARV LOANS ON I'LAIN NOl'Eo $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO r , BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINEHd STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOCKS 8 A. JU. AO B P. M. SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 309 FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN ft 'MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, pianos, etc. AT LOWEST SPOSH1-J1.E KATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT l'OR LADIES. 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d a ml Stark sts. Open 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. SAL'RDAY EVENINGS UNTIL S P. M. r.LHl I II M P. M y . SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 317, IjUiVIBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STARK STS. CHATTEL loans luonuy lor iarit)i people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. D. U. Drake. 3 28 Henry bldg. A desirable place for ladies and gentle men to Dorrow moty on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond rsince. sa wnsn.. opp. uwi om more. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on autos, pianos, furniture and ware house receipts; mortgages bought. Hauer, ZP6 Alder st. MONEY sold on Installment: confiden tial to salaried peuplo. b. A. New ton, 514 Henry hldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry, strictly confidential. 141 V 3a. MONEY loaned, contracts bought. Room -. commercial oik., la ana vvasn. LOANS WANTKU 30 A LOAN of $10,000 on acreage valued at I2f.000. will pay 8 Der cent. T-392. Journal. LET me place your money on gilt edse mortgages. R. E. Hi ne. 408 Yeon bldg. Marshall B565. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. HELP WANTED MALE WIRELESS operatora In constant de mand. This coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night schools; complete equipment; hest on coast. PORTLAND mall carriers, postal clerits, wanted, $65 to $100 month. Vaca tions. Portland examinations coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 829 F, Rochester. N. Y. YOUNG man. experienced bookkeeper, for position with large wholesale house. . Applicant must be bright, ener getic and have Initiative; good opportun Ifv for advancement. vv-467. Journal WANTED 4 first class salesmen with good reference and able to mike sales. Do not apply If you are not this kind. Apply Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co., 203 Northwest bldg., Portland. WANTED Few jung men to learn profitable trade, day or night school, plenty of openings, watch making, en graving school. i0 Globe bldg, Port land. Or. A FEW high class salesmen to sell fine property at the mouth of the Colum bia, the corning great seaport. Call only hetwaen 10 ana l. sui wiioox meg SALESMAN wanted; a business worth wnue ana opportunity 10 nuua a business of your own. dsn weekly. A.1 drens Capital City Nursery Co..Salem. Or. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving; call at Haw- thorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave WANTED, 3 men to learn automoblld driving and repairing. Belmont Gar age, 23d and Belmont. Take S. S. car. WANTED By largo wholesale houso first class all around candy man: also helper. W-47.1, Journal. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT, 2S5 Yamhill st. WANTED Boy not going to school to help In drutr store and deliver on bi cycle. 1402 Hawthorne ave. BOY wanted for general office work. Apply at once to Journal office, ad vertislng dept. WANTED, man for cream department. Apply Aldon Candy Co., 12th and Glisan. MAN wanted to work with photog rapher. Call at Radium Studio, 171 Madison. WANTED .1 young: men with 1 10(5 each: good hualnew. L-S00, Jo'irn p 1 . WANTED First class slilnnler to noTS by the thousand; phone Tabor 4741. TED An experienced market man w)th some capital. Call Tabor 3571. MONEY -TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE , (Continued) He WILL Are Two Different Things HELP WANTED 3IALE fConvlntied) v tiki PAlbi while learning meclianicai trade. Join U. S. navy If over 17. Steady- promotion possible up to over fu per mo in ft clear oi living expenses. Excellent chance now for interesting cruises. Must ha an American citiien. Complete Information, Navy Recruiting station, naiiway uxonange aiag., t-ori-land. Or. Uet booklet "The Making of a Man-O'-Warcman." Address: Bureau of Naviagtlon, box 837, Navy Department, wasnington. u, u. Situation Wanted Ada Inserted free for those in ned of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties nesinng wo?k. Y. M. C. A. EwPLOTMUJNT -DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund or membership ree; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social Drlvlleges. Record for S months ending Aug. 31. Call for men .1698 rosltiona rilled iQ9b All vouut men seeking employment, esnecially atranners. are cordially in vited to consult witn me eemi&ry oi the Employment .Department. WANTJfiu For U. 8. army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and id; cituens or united mates, or good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language For information apply to re cruiting officer, Worcester building, 3d and Oak sts., Portland. Or. A LARGE manufactures concern wanti L a high grade salesman with book or advertising experience, ciear mieiieci and clean habits. 25 to 40 years of ago. A real position for a rcaUman. L-807, Journal. WANTED Man to take care of faun, 20 miles from Portland; small call 1219 Wilbur at., St. joiihb car. HELP V .TKI1 U1.-.U. 41) OREGON AUTOMOHlLE SCHOOL, 26 268 11th at. Latest up-to-date meth ods of practical Instruction In driving and repairing automobiles by export in structors and mechanics, 'tuition, part cash on enrollment, balance at time of graduation. AUTOMOBILE school, with high urade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Y. M. C. A. Day and Nignt Schools, cor. 6tb and Taylor sts. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A through practical course in law; no Mme lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rich anism, dean. M. Morehead, Seo., 816-317 Commonwealth bldg.. Portlsnd. Oregon. PREPARE yourself for a good position and we'll do the rest. Text books free. Central Commercial College, Central 1,1, Itr loth onH Alder MAIL carriers winted, $90 month. Port land examinations ccmlng. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 326 F. Rochester, N. Y. UNIVERSAL shorthand leads all others for commercial work or reporting; day and night school. E. B. U., 62U Wor cester block. )?OUTLANL Uw School gives three years course with degree. Ten In structors. Enroll now. 631 Worcester block; Marshall 2751. GO VERNMENT Jobs open to. men and women. $U6 to $150 month. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 328 F, Rochester, N. Y. Private business college, indi vidual Instruction. GREGG shorthand. 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 4258. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 505 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4148 WANTED Men. 18 to 45. to become Portland mail carriers; $65 to $100 month. KX-384. Journal GIRLS made learn 718 hair work; combing Rothchlld bldg. UNCALLED lcr lailur made suns. .6J 'tip. Taylor, the tailor. 28H Burnalda HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Situation Wanted Ada. Inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must ba brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work WANTED Not an expert stenographer, but a girl or nurse in doctor's office, age preferred 27 to 35; state salary ex pected. Hours 9 to 6; previous experi ence not necessary. J-5bl, Journal. COMPETENT saleswomen, thoroughly experienced in suits, corsets and knit ted underwear. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. WANTED Girl to assist in office; must be able to receive patlenta and answer telephone. Hours 10 to 6; state salary expected. L-808. Journal. WANTED Two women canvassers, good salary and commission. Call be tween 8 and 9 a. m. and 6 and 6 p. m., 435 Washington st WANTED girls to work in candy fac tory. Aldon Candy Co., 12th and GJlsan. WANTED, chocolate dippers and pack era. Apply at once. Modern confeo- tlonory Co., 13th and Hoyt GIRL or woman experienced In sewing mattress ticks; permanent position. 845 1st. 25 EXPERIENCED wnist and skirt fln- Ishers. sleevo drapers and helpers. 434 Morrison. WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help; also errand girl; 206 Columbia bldg WANTED Young girl to assist with general housework. Good home. $10 per month. 87 E. 19th st. WAIST, tikirt hsnds and helpers. K. 19t h N., cor. Broadway. E. 68 352 WANTi;!. Experienced chambermaid at the Hart hotel, Sth and Burnslde. GIRL for Recond work In small family w here cook Is kept. Call 741 Everett. SOMEONE take care of 2 boys, age 8 and 7; state price. W-4S2. WANT school girl to work for room and hoard. On 1 1 463 6th. WAifTEl Telephone operator. Apply Lowengart Co. GIRt.8 wanted. Cracker department. Pacific Rlnoult Co., 12th and Davis HELP WANTED FEMALE (Contiiraerl) WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR, TH AND EAST ANKENY 6T3 OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST ISO. GOVERNMENT Jobs, women; $75 month; examinations In Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 706 F, Rochester. N. Y. UEI WANTED MALE FEMALES 29 WANTED A man and wife, thoroughly conversant with the modern methods of caring for apple orchards and also thoroughly understanding caring for hogs, to take charge of a 30 acre high grade apple ranch with additional un cleared land, In the timbered section of Klickitat county. Wash., on a profit sharing basis. Place has a nice new 6 room modern house, water piped In the house, a good barn and hog hoifse with water piped In both, full equipment of tools and team. To the right party would give a long contract. Trees are about 6 years old. Do not apply unless you thoroughly understand modern methods of caring for orchards and hogs. John S. Beall. 309 H. Yamhill St. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks, navs you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special Inducements to Indies. 283 Madlxon St.. 252, 2nd. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert Instructors; 20 years in the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student: sun. ciai maucemenis to ladies, i N. Zat. (ibK teachers Agency sec secureijTJtti Journal blui irons for teachers. 316 WANTED AGENTS USE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own; we helD you start for a share in profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. SITUATIONS MALE FROM south Sawyer, filer, foreman and insnector: hardwoods mv necial- tles; I know the coast woods; references tne Pest. w. T. Powers Jr.. Portland. Or., Gen. Del. Phone Sellwood 873. WANTED Position as furnace and ele vator operator, (.team, gasoline and electric motor experience; references. T- riO. Journal. MACHINIST with 17 years' practical experience desires position; at pres ent am out of work. Must find some thing. W-486, Journal. WANTED Situation, Janitoiv office or building. Long oxperlencf. Middle age. Colored man from Kansas. 144 N. 14th st. (.'has. Brown. POSITION in grocery store, good ap pearance and experienced; first class references; satisfaction guaranteed. L- ba4. journal. SITUATION WANTED I am broke and mv family is in want: will do any thing; can make gaod; have good refer ences. G-635, Journal. WANTED By a meat cutter with expe rience in a small town; can give ref erences If needed. Address W. L. T.. Box 403. Amity, Or. CARPENTER, lo years' experience, wants day or contract work. Box 67. Woodstock. MUSICIAN Cornet and bass viol, non- union, wants work evenings. Main 7190. PAINTER; good all around hand, mar ried, wants work: id per day. M- Journal. WANTED Dally, 4 or 6 hours' work of any Kind, oy a conscientious, amDl- iious worKer. w-470. journal. MAN with best of local recommenda tlons wishes work of any kind. N-400, Jon r n a L WANTED By steady, sober, middle aged man a place as watchman, or wome light work. Phone Main 6225. POSITION wanted, cylinder feeder or Gordon pressman. General Delivery. City. H. Wilson. AN experienced gardener, farmer ana orchardlst wants wtork; has best of references. L-N06, Journal. WINDOW cleaner and houseman wants work. Phone evenings, Marshall J 008. YOUNG married man, formerly special officer, wants work. W-471, Journal. POSITION as dishwasher or baker. G. Stocke. 22 N. Front st. L-808, Journsl. ALL around cook and baker wants Joi. Address A. G. Harrington, Gen. Del. PAPERING and tlntlne. $2.507n; paint lng reasonable. Joe Marshall, Mnln 7190. GENERAL office work, stenography, flnw penman. L-B8B, Journal. SITU ATION8 FEM ALE AN experienced woman wishes position as nouseseeper or house work in small family; call Taylor Apts, 206 1st st. room 3 4. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes position on pr.vata exchange. THbor 758. WIDOW, with girl 3 years old, wants position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. D-554, Journal. WANTED By refined elderly widow position as housekeeper for widower or old people. E-679, Jou rnsl. LADY employed evenings would work forenoons for room and board. Went side. Call forenoon. Main 61 Oil, rooni50. CHILDREN attending school caredfor In lady's home; prices moderate. Woodlawn 3281. WOMAN wants any kind of day work Call A-7304. DICTAPHONE operator wants position forenoons. Call Columbia 3 46. WANTEI Work by the day or hour. Mrs. Schmidt. Phone Main 4336. '.4 POSITION by elderly widow as house keeper for 1 or 2 men. or would ac cept housework In small family; can furnish references. Address 450 Hth at, Portland, Of.. Mrs. P. S. R. MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban home, would like care of one or two children, mother's care. S83 Bidwell ave., Sellwood. EASTERN wofiiau with girl 4 years, wishes position housekeeping; private family or hotel. No triflera apply. J 560, Journal. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work or half day's work. Main 12 SITUATIONS. WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 23 MAN and wife would like position on tanch; years of experience; hustler. 711 Myers st. St. Johns. MAN and wife want to run apt. house in city; experienced; beBt of refer ences. T-387, Journal. DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress making. Tailored Suits. Corsets. Teache.-s wanted. 304 Goodnough bldg. DRESSMAKER from New York wishes engagements by the day; tailored suits and evening gowns. Main 2-2 i. SEWING neatly done; children's clothes a specialty; reasonable. 805 E. 11th. NUltSES l.O GOOD kind nurse would like care ot invalid, good references. Main 625S. 44 6 Tnylor St. EX PEItlLN'CED nurse wants case; will do some housework; references; wages HP per ween: pnonq woouiawn M.I3H. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE THE NEW HOUSTON. 72 N. 6th st. Transient, 70c and up. Weekly, $4 and up David L. Houston, prop. Main 2841. A-6G87. K . . "M. C. M EM bEHS Furnished rooms, reasonable in nriee: firenroof building, pool, club facilities, special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. Dtli and Taylor sts. Madras Hotel 12TH AND WASHINGTON. 5toomR 13 week: private bath. $5 week. Corner front suite $5 week. Antlers Hotel Location, 10th and Washlngtoa sts. Rates, $2 to $3 per week. Modern. With or 'without bath. TOURIST HOTEL, 150 1st St.. cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished cool rooms, $3 week up; tran sient 50e dsy. S car from depot. HOTEL Buckingham, 652 H Washington st. New modern brick all outside rooms, $2.60 week up; with private bath. $6. FINELY furnished rooms with hot and cold water in every room, steam heat: very low rent to steady roomers; 190 & 1st st. THE COLONIAL, 165 loth St.; rooms $3 to $4 per week; central, quiet and uooL Fine baths. YOUNG man looming . M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office V. &1. C A. MAXWELL HALL. 14th near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mod ern. parlor, large porch, summer rataa. ROSS house 213 & 1st. Neatly fur nlshed rooms, $1.75 up. Transient, 35o up. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, beautiful location, walking distance. $5 to $11 month. 461 West Park st. WANTED Lady roommate. $lil Washington St., room 1334. 30. Marsha, ill ROOMS and suites. Neatly furnished. $2.60 and up week. 4lh floor Good nough, 6th ni-d Yamhill. Main 4670. ojiffliiricn iMi($rfhirxn 24 7W Fifth at. $1.25 up. injw u it it lrcmiwtN Roomi per wk. Free phone and bath. Main 7764. e New, modern ho tel, hot. cold w- ter In rooma. lain reasonable. 265 H 6th. HOTEL SAVON nintntr. ROOMS and apartments In modern ho tel. $3.60 week and up. 456 Alder. NEWLY Furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. 407 Columbia. Mar. 6042. NICELY furnished room at Lindel ho- tel. $150 and up 269 Market st FVBSatrBXT BOOMS SIDE FKIVATB FAMTXT WEST 70 CLOSE in, nice, newly furnished sleep ing room, with fireplace, ground floor, quiet, refined surroundings. House back from street. 261 14th, near Jef ferson. NICE large room, well furnished, with alcove, both outside rooms, two beds, $15. 553 Everett st. DANDY large, warm room. 4 windows, furnace heat, walking distance. '655 Washington. LARGE, light front room, modern con veniences. 2C6 12th, near Jefferson. CLEAN, comfortable sleeping room for single gent. $4 per month. 830 Taylor. F L RNISI I ED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern. large loupy, special rates py montn. TH E Larrubee, 227 H L,arratee. Rooms 5Z wk up. iiricK Diug.. steam heat, not and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. FURNISHED BOOMS SIDE PKIVATE FAMILY 71 EAST NICELY do 1-sth riows large closet, furnace, electricity, in neimont, s- car. t 3ox. TWO and three H. K. rooms, nicely fur nished, all modern conveniences, $10 ntxl $ir, month. 1717 Portsmouth ave. $10, beitutif ull tliy furnished room lu at- tractive modern home; walking dls lance, 31 E nit n IN. Fl'RNlSHED room, young man pre ferred. Terms reasonable. 491 E. 37th st. SITUATIONS FEMALE m rxrmirzsKzo stoovs mixta mviTa i-autlY n ICnutinnt')) SAS FINE larga room, naatly furnlshei, suit able for J persons; also room with sleeping porch, very reasonable; home ' conveniences, walking distance, 12$ K. 19th, cor. Alder. Phono East 3411, or East 4627. . - ", ""' ''' LARGE, wall furnished room, walking distance, electric lights, furnace, bath, piano it desired. .. f 00 Belmont, oor. E. 16th, ' . ' FURNISHED room: light,' bath, gentle man. $6 month. 189 Fargo at., w car. UNFURNISHED TOOMS 10 THREE 3 room sullta, $, $6, and $7 mo.; single, $2.60. Market, near Front. - '.' r ' i ' "'"'' " ' NICE unfurliiwhexl front rooms, all conveniences, rent reasonable, 167 Holladay ave. 3 OR 3 room unfurnished apts., $1 per room per week. Gas plate furnished. Belmont Apts.. 473ft Belmont E. 8143. ' , , , , ' , 1 , I'm ' ROOMS AN1) HOARD 15 NORTON I A HOTEL 11th. Just off Washington at. American and European; beautiful dining room, tea room and roof garden: very attractive rates to families , aod bachelors. OREGON opportunities at Edenbower. . Will exchange rent of modern store and 2 rooms for board. Want young, progressive pleasant people. A. W . Ferguson, Roseburg, Or. LARGE outside rooms, with or without hoard, home cooking, modern, reason- ahle.. The Hagel. 385 3d St. HOME cooking, 3 meals daily, outside rooms, ba'h; $5 week up. 284 Main st, BOOMS AID UOABS PRIVATE FAMILY n WILL board 3 young ladies or gentle men at $20 per month by occupying one large room, also single rooms in a good, clean, modern, musical home. 4711 Main st. Room and board in small family for voting man with good habits. Sell wood 756. 692 East 10th. LADY can have board and room, refined home. j:0 month; nice location; call 32 IKtli st. N., near Washington at. NId: room with board. 130 19th at, Bunnyslde car. (Widow's family.) RXJOM and board, private family, 10a E. 11th. Phone E. 4703. BOARD and room, 2 In room, $4.50 per .week. 105 E. 6th at. East 6182. GIRL to board. 7 or 9 years old; good home, good school. N-420. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE ONE, 2 and 3 housekeeping rooms; hot and cold running- water, electricity gas, bath, from $8 up. brick building. 645 Washington at., near into BEAUTIFUL rooms, close in, select lo cation, lovely grounds, reasonable. Students preferred. 64 N. 18th at. A-1607. GENEVll'.E, 44i Columbia; housekeep lng & single rms. ; reasonable. M 7410, HorBEXEEPirra booms WEST BIDE FUVATB FAHUY n ONE or two H. K. apartments. Elec tricity, gas. heat, bath, phone, hot water. Single rooms for gentlemen. Walking distance. 320 Montgomery at, one block from high school. CLOSE In. 3 nice front housekeeping rooma with running water. 2 big clothes closets, yard, quiet, refined sur roundings; house back from street. 361 1 4th, near Jefferson. PURNIbilED or unfurnished, clean and light, hot and cold water, bath; telephone, steam heat, $12 up. Mar. 4948. Nokomls apts., 17th and Marshall, SAVE carfare; clean, coxy rooma, sin glo. $8 and $10; 2 for $15. Heat, ligh jhL 429 nam, pnone ana launary iree. Market St. PLEASANT 2 front room suite, ooin- pioieiy iurnisneu ior nousexeeping. Modern; reasonable; close in. $8$ 11 til. west sine. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, phone and bath, no chil dren. 70 N. 15th st, near Davis. t ut;.Mliib.u housekeeping rooms, steam heat and hot water, phone, rea- sonable. west side. 226 13th. NEWLY furnished suite and single housekeeping rooms, bath, gas, phone. block to Lincoln High school. 384 Park. PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms, nice yard. Main 2266. 8S7 l?t st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, prices extremely reasonable, -485 Ciay stt. near 14th. J FRONT suite, housekeeping rooms, $20; very desirable location. 432 Jefferson. TWO homelike suites well furnished for nouaeaeeping. (Jiose in. siu jsiain. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDB 48 $1.60 week up. Clean furnished H. K. room. Gas, heat, laundry, baths, E. 6039. 406 Vancouver. U car. TWO clean, lig-ht t housekeeping rooms, 272 H Williams ave. steam heat, 318 HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY T4 I TWO fine housekeeping rooms, 2 people only, no carfare, electric, gas, furnace heat, hot water, bath, laundry, tele- ' phone. Choice location. 441 E. Couch, corner 7tli. . 3 FURNISHED housekeping rooms ami bath. 560 E. Morrison. $15. Call after 6 p. m THREE well furnished H. K. rooms, downstairs, private entrance, sink, $3.50 week. 554 Ivon St.. cor. E. 13th. ONE front H K room with porch, heat,' hot and cold water, everything fur nlshed. 109 E. 14th St., near Morrison. TWO and three modern H. K. rooms, near Broadwny bridge, cheap rent i$i E. 1st st. E. 2496. TWO suites of 8 rooms each, in a fins apartment, $13 and $15 each. Call 749 Mississippi ave. ' $10 per month, 2 large light furnished , housekeeping rooms, 542 Karl st. Take Sellwood car. hlk. from school. THREE room apartment in private home, clftsa In. Phone East 3332. NICE, clean housekeeping suite, us of phone, bath; reasonable. E. 1265. By "Bud" Fisher