THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1913. 11 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2t Kl60 Acres $19 an Acre Only $500 Cash, or Will Trade ' ,.. land, It acre In cultivation; ; . fair house and Rood barn, lrrl- atlon ditch through ranch, . ' Might consider A city lot ts first fayinnt. This Place Is clear of ncumbrance. Take at low as 1600 caah and rive long time on baianoa at par cent, V " Dorr E. Keasey &"Co. 2d Fin Cham. Commerce' Bids. GRAZING LANDS TO TRADE. 6673 aorea in Wheeler county along John Day river; one of finest sheept nncra in eastern Oregon, controlling large amount of government range; Suf ficient to run 6000 aheap. No build in ea axcept aheep camps,, but thia of fers exceptional opportunity to get Into sheep business with small outlay of cash and no expensive plant to keep up.. Price $3 per acre, or will take fuil amount in trade. LUEDDEMANN. BULKY & CO.. 9 la Chamber of Commftocji. 100x100 With 2 Houses Room on lot for apartment house, houses rented $86 month; price $8000, clear of incumbrance. Trad for farm of equal value. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2d Fir. Chamber Commerce Bldg. TO EXCHANGE for Portland horned IVt , acres of land, some in berries, rest in garden; large 13 -room house, finest In Ashland; also large modern barn and milk route; will sacrifice for Portland home or business. J. A. Orchard, Box 111, Ashland, Or. EXCHANGE 160 ACRES level land, Tillamook county, clear, worth $2500, for Portland home. H. N. Swank, 611 Northwest bldg. BEHT buy I- can get on modern home on $200 cash. Price limited $3600. Own ers only. W-464 Journal. SWAP COLUMN 85 FOR SALE or"trade-6Vt Korna? View camera in first class condition. Trade ror bicycle, typewriter, cash register. Lester Stacy, Lebanon, Or. ROOMING HOUSES 53 52 Rooms 52 Across street from Oregon hotel; steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms. Sold one year ago for $6000; clears $25J monthly; first one comes gets this for $1600; eaBy terms. Peters. 16 N. 6th. 25 ROOM HOUSE. ' The lowest price and rent for most convenient, well kept house. Location Ideal. A substantial steady income and pleasant home, hustling couple. M. 926. 14 CHEERFUL furnished rooms, mod ern, come ana see, if sold by Wed nesday special cash price. Owner 630 Davis street. I riOOMS, arranged housekeeping:; 3 blocks from Lincoln high and Ladd schools. 348 Clay, Mornings or even ings; FINELY furnished rooming house, strictly modern. Will lease for term of years, low rent M. E. Lee, 622 Cor bett bldg FURNITURE of modern 8 room house; must be sold t once. House new ly painted. Rent $25. Marshall 1406. 8 ROOMS, good furniture, electric lights, gas and furnace; low rent By owner; bargain. Call A-6076. FOR SALE Rooming bouse of 15 rooma for sale cheap; 1 floor pays rent; clean and close In. N-485. Journal. 20 ROOMS for sals cheap if aold at once. Main 2763. BUSINESS CHANCES 1:0 GROCERY, confectionery, bakery, deli catessen and all round store; will In voice In new stuff $900. Price 4300. Rent $35. Living room. Live location. ou j :oucn bldg. POOL room, central location. Will lease for term of years, completely iurniEnsa. low rent M. is. l,ee, 022 corbett blcg. A GREAT bargain; look! Good, clean stock groceries, clearing 14 to 88 oer day; ii vwg wom-4t bakt-4nv-eat4gate tnis. trice $476. woodinwn 2927. OLD established tin shop in town of 8000 near Portland. 2 shops in town. Owner retiring from business. X-630, journal. CONFECTIONERY store and waiting room for sale or to exchange for acreage or house and lot; best location In the city. See owner at 113 2d st. FINELY furnished rooming house, strictly modern. Will lease for term of years, low rent M. E. Lee, 622 Cor bett bldg. CAFETERIA for sale a bargain, on account of death. 386 Morrison, near 10th. FIRST class meat market In Portland, good business, worth $2500; exchange for property near Portland of same vlue. F-67"0. Journal, POOL HALL, cigars, confectionery, rent $20, guaranteed clearing over $100 per month, $1250, 'A: cash, balance easy; might trade. Lee, 1038 Chain, of Com. 13000 WILL buy an Interest in good Willamette valley sawmill. This Is flit edge; will bear closest Investlga ion. .1. O. Stearns Jr., 2 Wash, hldg. GOOD paying bakery for sale; fino lo cation; beat reason for selling. Price $700 for quick sale. H-530, Journal. FOR BALK Two cleaning, dye works. doing good business; will teach buyer business; leaving city. 418 Hawthorne. WEDDING invitations and announce ments. Ryder Printing. Co., 867 Burn- side st. Main 6536. PLUMBING shop for sale by owner, do ing good business, cheap rent, only shop In town of Llnnton. Or. FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery stand. Call at stand, S. E. corner 2d and 236 Burnfelde st. USfi Baosett's Native Ilerbe for rheu matlsm; 50 tablets 25c. All druggists. Sure Jeff Can Sail, but How Far? 'VMcT C Y0U SOR i TSUR.e I THOUCoHT VOO ELlT R6 fePSoNftUNcvliSSl fnu YOU CAN sail - YboCA HAK0L rr. , yV.r SAY! smo yoo COOU) A. halp wift WW HIHTS O"' ,N&J He7 Jr777 CcJ ' K WTeMlTHJ SWC , VOO INSECT J WM5w JLmmL I ' V- 1 SWL? JAY CAUSE!. CAN'T , . UPToN WANeO ( 1, y I AIN'T tNe 9 VOU D04NT . -COfAC OCI,WeLLCn 7 I Yl TO WJlW EV6R. . lp "" VHINfe . , SAIL HER, Tf V PATRIOT Pr.eeMT6rJ 'FOR. f AH ri?rZL J V 1 w-v Jyj mailer 1 7 "4 "fE VCrtUD t CAN 1 ' f ' o-, w cAC FROoA SAIUNO C5- A$l& - 20 AM disgusted with saloon business; have beat location-and blgsrest business in town, clearing over 18000 yearly; stocky license ana fixtures invoice isuvo: aver age dally sales past 3 years over 179; ex pense $12; guarantee and prove every statement and everything open for your strict investigation; convince yourself, $8000 spot caah buys me out. . (II HENRY BLDG. ; BUSINE.KS opportunities come to stud ents) of the Y. M. C. A. commercial college, run not 'to make money, but for the good of men: lias a toOO.OOO equipment Ten different business courses; men teachers, fees moderate. Write or call for catalogue. T. M. C A., cor. 6th and Taylor eta. i ' v Laundry for Sale Fully equipped steam laundry, doing full capacity of business. Own water supply, located - in Portland's fastest crowing suburb. Good reason for sell ing. Apply Onmond & Co.. 1 Front st. Conffintmnftrv. Rnan dn Washington street, buav location. chPip rent. Will invoice $700. Prlue-er quick sale $360.- Terms. Clears $28 week. 502 Couch bldg;. A KAHB opportunity, act quickly, to- Invest money in a manufacturing bus iness; a paying proposition; need money for- increase of business stand for in- vestliratlon. Call at 1349M, Corbett st. Partner wanted to take charge of picture show: experience not necessary, but honesty Is. Or will sell or trade for city property; nne location, paying Business. jyia.-w, journal.. fcHORTHANDr Is the stepping stone to business opportunity. Expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call for dialogue. Y. M. C. A., cor; 6th and Taylor sts. Cigar Store On best transient street In citv: fix tures cost 8500: stock will Intfnlna KM Price for all. $861); terms. Peters, 15 N. 6th st. MONEV TO LOAN 21 RKAL ESTATE NOW IS THIS TIME To take care of that mortgage. Why ay 15 or 9 per cent? We furnish money, per cent lone time if desired. Will furnish building money. See us. 1002-i Broadway Diog. MORTGAGE loans on real estate secur ity in any amounts, mortgages and sellers equities in contracts bought F. A. Beard & Co., 612 Geriinger bldgt) 2d and Alder. WF1 have funds to place on real estate security. 11ARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans I.L. WHITE, 701 Selllnii bldg. LOANS from $1600 to $10,000 on good Portland, security. HACKER & TIIERKELSEN. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 769ji. $260. $400, $600. $900, $1350; thewe amounts to Umn real estate. Fred W. German Co., 932 Chamber of Commerce; both phones. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property; special facilities for iarge loans Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak. $100,000 on- mortgages, city or (arm property, fire insurance McKenaie 4k Co.. (ierlinger hlJe.. 2d and Alder. to loan, large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W O. Beck. SI 5-31 K Falling. I HAVE for immediate loans, $800, $1600, $6000, at current rates. A. H. Bell, 201 Oerllnger bldg. $100 TO 8300 to loan on real or collat eral security, for a short time. 20,' Oregonlan bldg. CAcjH paid tor mortgage, nclea. con tracts; mortgage loans: reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis Co.. i T-wls hldrf. FROM $600 to J12u0 to loan at 8 per cent; no brokerage. 243 E. 69th N. Take M. V. car. Phone Tabor 2899. HAVE any amount to loan, on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. MOK J GAGE loana-at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchnnse nidn.. 3d and Yamhill sts. $2000- to loan, farm, Willamette valley prererreu; win Duy urat mortgage, about 8400. at discount. H-616, Journal. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. j. j. cahaun, eso unamner commerce. WILL loan $20,000 or leES, real estate Fa rrlngton, 416 rommercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. li. Seltz & Co., 810 Spalding bldg. MONEY to lean on real estate. A. H. HARDING, 813 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and Louis Salomon & Co.. 229 7 per cent Stark st $1000 to $6000 for immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10f TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 K M. SATURDAYS TO - 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. 309 FAILING BLDG. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 317; LUMBER EX. BLDG. 2ND AND STARK STS. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people ana otners upon tnelr own names, cheap rates, eaay payments. See me before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. D. D. Drake. 328 Henry bldg. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on autos, pianos, furniture and ware house receipts; mortgages bought. Bauer, 206 Alder st MONEY sold on Installment: confiden tial to salaried people, ton, 614 Henry bldg. F. A. New- MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel ry, strictly confidential. 141 H 2d. JJUSiXESS CHANCES C Continued) 07 A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN - - r ' -MONEY ON , Dilmondn, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, ate. ,,,'AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. ' SEPARATE DEPA RTMKNT FOR : 4 LADIES, v 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE! BLDG. 2d and Stark ate. Open I a. m. to 6 p. m, SAURDAT EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M . KLB1T COMPANY. A desirable place for ladies and aehtle- men to borrow money on diamonds ana jewelry at eastern rates, Diamond Ksiao. n4 wash., opp. owl drug store. LOANS WANTED 30 FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Amounts $250 to $3800, mostly 8 per cent: also several KDmicaxions nn nana for good loans. Heury C. Prudhemme, Wilcox bldg. ' v WANT to -borrow $2600 on improved farm of 14 acres, near Portland, worth $6600. Address owner, Box 832, Port land. J LET me place your money on gilt edge mortgages, it m. nine. us xeon bldg. Marshall 6566. $4000 or less private money. 7 per cenK cuy improvcq; wain nu. $4000 washed, 2d mortgage; $26,000 prop erty: no agents. u-oo4. journal. $1600 ON good real estate security, first mortgage, u-osi. journal. FINANCIAL SI f!AfiW PAID 1TOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sals on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumftermens Ding, Loans. $1000 PRIVATE money to loan on rea estate; also smaller amounts, short time. Hatfield. lttiMi tn st. HELP WANTED MALE Situation Wanted Ads, Inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parlies desiring work. ,. MANUFACTURERS OF 3 ilvest sellers ever patented will close exclusive gen eral agency for Oregon or Washington with parties in position to carry stock sufficient to supply sub agents; one you place on trial in onicea mat sens on iu merit with no competition; re tails $4.60; used by largest firms in the wona ; J.UV per cent pruui, noun-iu-house special; a world-beater, sells 96c, 800 per cent profit; efflce special sells 6o 200 per cent profit S. C Osborn, 379 Multnomah hotel. Y. M. C. A. EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social privileges. Record for 8 months ending Aug. 31. Call for men 1598 Positions filled 100 All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. LEARN A TRADE. U. S. navy paya well while teaching machinists, electricians, carpenters ana other trades, if over 17. Promotion pos sible to over $90 per month clear. Inter esting cruises, steady work. Apply Navy Recruiting Btation, Railway Ex change bldg., Portland, Or., or send for free booklet, "Making of a Man-O'-Warsman. Address, Bureau of Naviga tion, box 327, Navy Department, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED ASSISTANT TO ADVER TISING MANAGER For largo department store. Must be capable of writing forceful, selling copy and understand merchandise. Give references and state salary expected in first letter. R-484. Journal. - BOYS wanted, manufacturing plant. 34 N. ist St. AUTOMOBILE school, with hign grade expert leacuers. complete j.u,vuu eaulDment to train for this comlnc vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good, ot men. x, m. c. a.. Day ana Nignt Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied unmarried men between ages or in and .. . i .. , T . (... . ' 1 character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language For information apply to re cruiting officer. Worcester building, 3d arid Oak star, Portland. Or. WIRELESS operators In constant de mand. Thia coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night schools; complete equipment; best on coast. PORTLAND mall carriers, postal clerks, wa'ited, $65 to $100 month. Vaca tions. Portland examinations coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. S29 F. Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man. experienced bookkeeper. for position with laree wholesale house. Applicant must ba bright, ener getic and have initiative; good opportun ity for advancement. W-467, Journal. WANTED Fe-.v young men to lxarn profitable trade, day or night school. plenty of openings, watch making, en- traving school 210 uiodo mag, fort and, Or. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and opportunity to build a business of your own. weekly. Ad dress Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. CHANCE io learn to operate moving picture machine, we can place three more men In theatres. 417 Rothschild bffiK. WANTED At once 2 men to learn auto renairliig and tlrlvine: ca at Haw- tnorne ijarage, 44t nawth or n ea v e. BOYS wanted, 16 to 20 years old. Steady work, good pay. Apply Mr. Mai one, 76 3d st. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CAlU'-UKNIA WINE DEPOT, 286 Yamhill st. URN ACE men and helpers wanted. Ap ply J. C. Bayer Furnace Co.. 204 Mar ket. WANTED5 Good experienced janitor. wages $60 month and room: must have goon references. 3l Hallway Ex. YOUNO man to work In grocery and de ll ve- u. Jveiianer o& Co., 133 H urana. ' BIONEx TO LOAN C1IATTELH, SALARIES HELP, WANTED MALE Oontinali - FEW high class salesmen to sell fine property st the mouth of the Colum bia, the coming great Seaport. Call only peiween 10 ana ia. - wiicox meg. ' HELP r ANTED MIHC, 40 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 166-68-70 11th st. Practical instruc tion In driving and repairing automo ones oy expert instructors ana me chatilcs: tuition, cart cash on enroll ment, balance at time of graduation, liDerai aiscounv.ier casn; salt term com mences Sept. 1. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. ' A thorough praoticsl course In law. no rime lost from regular occupation: recitations evenings Samuel T. Rich-ards-wi, dean, M, Morehead. bee, $16-817 Commonwealth bids., Portland. Oregon. PREPARE yourself for a good position ana we U do the rest Text doors tree. Central Commercial . College, Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. MAIL carriers wanted, $90 month. Port- land examinations coming, wpecimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept bzq riocnester, n. X. GOVERNMENT lobs ouen to men and women, $66 to $160 month. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept HZ8 F, Koenester, im. y, UNIVERSAL shorthand leads all others for commercial - work op reporting. Day and night classes. E. B. U.. 623 Worcester diock. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opens fall term September 10: coniera aegree 1,1 u. ei Worcester diock. Mar, zioi. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, inoi- vldual instruction. UIUSUU shorthand. 404' Commonwealth hldar. Mar. 4268. INTERNATIONAL ". CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS 60S McKay bldg. Tel. Main 1026; A-4142 WANTED Men, 18 to 46. to become Portland man carriers; & to 1100 month. KX-884, Journal. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen. wages $100: experience unnecessary. Send age. KX-727. Journal. GIRLS to learn hair work; combings made up. 718 Rothchlld bldg, YOUNG man. or woman for general work in restaurant uo,i. . j UNCALLED for lailor made suits. $.i0 up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 V Burnslde. HELP WANTPED FEMALE Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those in need of work and who are unable to pay for sn advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STS.. OR (MAIN OFFICE). WEST. PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 260. MANUFACTURERS OF 3 Ilvest sellers ever patented will close exclusive gen eral agency for Oregon cfr Washington with parties in position to carry stock sufficient to supply sub agents; one on its merits with no competition; re tails $4.60; used by largest firm t in the world; 100 oer cent profit ; Trouse use-to- house special; a world-beater, sells 95c, 200 per cent profit; office special sells sec. zoo Der cent prone a. c usoorn. 879 Multnomah hotel. LIPMAN, WOLFF & COMPANY require the services of several waist finishers and skirt hands for their Custom Tailoring Depart ment. Apply superintendent's of fice, 7th floor, tetween 8:30 and 10 a. m. GIRLS plant. wanted, manufacturing 34 N, 1st st. WANTED Experienced saleslady, suits and coats, steady position, new store, reliable firm. Phone Marshall 6526, A- 2537.. W ANTED- Yotimf -r4Hma- -or Swdih girl to do house-work, at once; must speak English; family of 2; no washing or ironing; $26 mo. Phone , Tabor 3509. WANTED Young lady to attend office and answer phone calls. Call between 12 and 1. or 4 and 8. 901-3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GOVERNMENT Jobs, women, $76 month; examinations in Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 706 F. Rochester, N. Y. FREE room rer.t to woman who works day and stays home 4 nights a week. S90 Broadway. STlRL for general housework. Good cook. Wages 130. Phone East 1179 Or call 508 E 11th st. N. GRL or womai experienced in sewing mattress 845 1st. WANTED Girl for light housework on farm, Inquire Belvedere hotel. CAPABLE woman or girl for general housework. Phone Woodlawn 1106. HELP WANTED MALK FEMALE 29 WANTED" A man and wife, thoroughly oonversant with the modern methods of caring for apple orchards and also thoroughly understanding caring for hogs, to take charge of a 30 acre high grade apple ranch with additional un cleared land, in the timbered section of Klickitat county, Wash., on a profit sharing basis. Place has a nice new 6 room modern house, water piped in the house, a good barn and hog house with water piped In both, full equipment of tools and team. To the right party would give a long contract. Trees are about 6 years old. Do not apply unless yqu thoroughly understand modern methods of caring for orchards and hogs. John S. Beall. 309 E. Yamhill st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE . . . 1 fConMtinad OREGON Barber College 'teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition . re duced this term, expert Instruction, po sition guaranteed, special Inducements to Indies. 233 Madison St., 262, 2nd. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert Instructors; 20 years in the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; ape clal inducements, to ladles. 48 N. 2d st. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures posl tlnns for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. WANTED AGENTS USE your spare tim0 to build up a mall oraer Dusiness or your own; we neip you start for a share in profits; 27 op portunities: particulars free. Mutual PlIPSrAHCl1!6.4!111'', Buffalo, N. Y. SITUATIONS MALE GOOD all around engineer and me chanic, wants noflltlon: "an do otfutn fitting and plumbing and all kinds of repairs; high or low pressure heating systems; guod reference. G-636, Jour nal. POSITION on poultry plant, 'JO years' experience; understand orchard and farm work; aingle; 45 years old. N. McDonald, Troutman hotel, Front and maaiscn. WANTED Position as furnace and ele vator operator: steam, casollne and electric motor experience; references. T 630, Journal. POSITION in grocery store, good ap- Pearance and experienced: first class references; satisfaction guaranteed. L 584, Journal. SITUATION WANTED I am broke and my famllv is in want: will do any thing; can make good; have good refer ences. G-535. Journal.' OUJMG, sober, Swedish man, good worker, wishes for soma steady job. warehouse or other place. W-466, Journal. WANTED Strong boy wants position to work for room and board near Jef ferson high school. LX-386, Journal LIGHT vork wanled by man, 38, on ac count of ill health; salary not essen tial. K-84, Journal. CARPENTER, 15 years' experience, wants day or contract work. Box 67. Woodstock. ' j MUSICIAN Cornet and bass viol, non union. wants work evenings. Main 7190. BOY 16 wishes place to do Janitor work for board, room and about $2 week; object, go to school. Phone Tabor 260. GOOD all round cook wants work. Tabor 4717 or 1691 Vera st Ueo. A, Thomas. Portland, Or ' PAINTER; good all around hand, mar ried, wants wora; $3 per uay. M- 461, Journal. A YOUNG man wants some kind of steady work. Address P. E. Sraool. 485 W. Park st. MAN. and wife want to run rooming house in or out of city. Experienced. best of references. T-387, Journal. BOY of 16 wants work of any kind. Address o. Hunt 70 smitti. . Port land. MAN wants work; speaks six different languages; 4a 1 uroauway. MAN, slightly lame, wants light work. Forrester. Main 717. A-1517. ALL around 'cook and baker wants job. Address A. G. Harrington, Gen. Del. PAPERING and tinting, $2.50 up; paint ing reasonable. Joe Marshall, Main 7190. SITUATIONS FEMALE MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban home, would like care of one or two children, mother's care. 683 Bldwell ave.. Sollwood. CUiviPETENT young lady stenographer wishes position in insurance ornce, 40 Per month: Miss E. BolUons. La. Grande, Or. MIDDLE-AGED lady to . assist with ight housework or staying with a child. Phone Columbia 605, from 1 to 1. m. FIRST-CLASS embroidery girl from New York, understands plain dress making, will sew In families or by dressmaker. Bel aa st, room 11. ENGLISH lady gives music lessons at pupils' homes, 60c per lesson; east side preferred. Phone Tabor 15. WOULD like position as office girl; ex perienced and will give good refer ences NURSE with best ref. will care for house and children too. $15 per week. C-12-1. i-.-M I KNCKO stenographer and book keeper desires permanent position; best of city references. N-427. Journal. COMPETENT stenographer desires po sition; not afraid of work itate sal- ary; 4829 31st ave., S. E. WANTED Washing and ironing l house; called for and delivered. Main :0. 20th and Raleigh. AN English lady desires position In C. S. home, companion, housekeeper or tend on Invalid. T-370, Journal. YOUNG woman, with nice home, would like a child or two to care for reason ably. Phone Woodlawn 1323. LADY employed evenings would work forenoons for room and board. West side. Call forenoon. Main 6106, room 50. DICTAPHONE operator wants position forenoons. Call Columbia 346. A GOOD washwoman wants Tuesday and Wednesday. Marshall H64. WANTED Work by the day or hour. Mrs. Schmidt, Phone Main 4336. GENERAL office work, stenography, fine penman. L.-5S5, Journal. DISH washer or light chamber Miss Mason. work. Main 8712. COMPETI'3fT stenographer desires piece work or half day's work. Main 12 SITUATIONS WANTED MALK AND FEMALE 2:J MAN and wife would like position on ranch; years of experience; hustler. 711 Myers st, St. Johns. DRESSMAKING 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by the day or week; children's wear a specialty; rate $2.50 per day; phone Marshall 6279; residence 474 Al der st. Mrsi M. G. Armon. e e 40 (Coutlnued , ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress . making. Tailored Suits. ' Corsets. Teachers wanted. 804 Ooodnough Vldg. SEWING neatly done; children's clothes a wpnciauy; reasonapie. wii-b. inn. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE THE NEW HOUSTON. 72 N. 6th St. Transient 76a and up. Weekly, $4 and Up David L. Houston, prop. Main 2841. A-6687. l".ui . M. C. a. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, special rates at cuftteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. tith and Taylor sts. Madras Hotel 12TH AMD WASHINGTON. Rooma $3 week; private bath. .$6 week. Corner ront suite $5 week. Antlers Hotel Location. 10th and Washington sts, Rates, 12 to $6 per week. Modern. With or without bath. TOURIST UOl'fcL, 150 1st at, cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished cool rooms, $3 week up; tran sient 50c duy. S ctir from depot. HOTEL Buckingham, 662 Vi WaaninKton st. New modern brick all outsHlo rooms, $2.50 week up; with private hath. $ 6 THE COLONIAL. 166 10th St.; rooms ii to $4 per weeK; central, uulet and cooL Fine baths. YOUNG man rooming Y. M. C. A., wunts roommate to reduce rooming expeuaus. Inquire business office Y. M. C. A. MAXWELL HALL 14111 ueur Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, inod ern. parlor, large porch, summer rates CLEAN, comfortable rooms, beautifiil location, walking distance, $5 to 12 month. 461 West Park st. WANTED Lady roommate, 3S6 Washington st., room 30. Marshall 13'J4. UOuAiU and auiles. Neatly 1 urn lulled. $2.60. and (Bp week. 4th floor Good nough. 6th m.d YBnihIU. Main 4670. 24 7 Va Fifth U Rooms $1.26 up. per wk. Free phone and path. Main 7764. modern ho UIPUI II IWlAltnlUaUU tel. hot. cold wa- ter in rooms, ra lea reasonable. 266V4 6th. HOTEL SAVON manent and trans't ROOMS and apartments in modern ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Alder. NEWLY furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. 407 Columbia. Mar. 6042. NICELY furnished room at Llndel ho tel. $1.60 and up. 269 Market st TXTSt trXSHXY) XtOOMS SIDE PEIVATE FAMILY WI ST 70 CLOSE in, nice, newly furnished sleep ing room, with flreplacp, ground floor, quiet refined surroundings. House hack from street. 261 14th. near Jef ferson. COME AND SEE. Nice side room, $1.26 week; light and bath; near Davis school; breakfast if desired. 286 N. 20th. NICE large room, well furnished, with alcove, both outside rooms, two beds, $15. 653 Everett St. NICE furnished, coxy room, $1.60 week. 530 Davis Htreet, close to rilteentii. NEATLY furnished letjlng room, close to Lincoln high school. 321 W. Park. CLEAN, comfortable sleeping room for single gent. $4 per month. 880 Taylor. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 63 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern. large lobby, gpeciul ratea by month. THE Larrabee. 227 larrabee. Rooms (2 wk up. Brick bldg.. steam neat hot and cold water, bath, phone, electrlolty. rUBU IBHED &OOMS BIDS PRIVATE FAMILY EAST 71 FINE large room, neatly furnished, suit able for 2 persons; also room with sleeping porch, very reasonable; home conveniences, walking distance. . 123 K. 19th, cor. Alder. ' Phone East 2441, or East 4627. 1 i . VJ, J,. IlllVI.V , UI ,,4 l-U ....,V t uuhi. suitable for 2, reasonable; ground floor, furnace; board can be had in the neigiiDornooa, nanay to two canines. 1016 K. 7th st. N.. near Alberta st. NICELY furnished east room, 3 win dows, large closet, furnace, electricity. 1 nth. OTO-UBtmrjiTrtrtt-H-carr E--38, TWO and three IT. K. rooms, nicely fur nished, all modern conveniences, $10 ft n d $15 m onth. 171 7 Portsmouth ave. $16, beautifully furnished room In at tractive modern home; walking dls tance, :;i K. 10th N. FURNISHED rooms in private, modern home, 1010 Kerby St., near Jefferson hltrh school. SINGLE ROOMS for men, clorfe in; bath $1.60 per week. 82 E. 10th st. Phone East 168. UNFURNISHED "OOMS 10 THREE 2 room suites. $5, $6, and $7 mo.; single, $2.50. 199 Market, near Front. 2 OR 3 room unfurnished apt., $1 per room per week, (las plate furnished. Relmont Apts., 470 Belmont E. 5143. ROOMS AM) HOARD 15 NORTONIA HOTEL. 11th. Just off Washington St. American and European; beautiful rllnlng room, tea room and roof garden; very attractive rates to families and liiwhelore. IIOJ1K cooking, 3 meals daily, outside rooms, liaili; $5 week up. 284 ivlaln st. BOOMS AMD BOABO FalVATB FAMILY 73 Il'iOM and board in private family; bath and heat, $5 per week; 287 Cher iv. corner Williiims ave. BK A 1 'Tll'X'L room with board, 130 19th st.; Sunnyside car. ROOM and board, privnte family, 105 K. 11th. Phone E. 4 703. ROOM Hiid board with heat, light, ot n Ludd ave. bath, DRESSMAKING ROOMS AJTD ROAST S'KIVATja f AUlitK icoritijmerti LlL. WILL give room end boArd to l ee children; price reasonable; rear good school. For particulars-call up murn tngs C-2S'J4. ' - THB HKHNS, nicely' furnished rooma with board. Home cooking, reason able price. Opposite city; library. . 167 A 4.111 IL NICELY furnished room, suitable for 8 men, with board; prices reasonable. ' m n, ziBi st, Aiarsnail hit. ROOM and board in small family for young man with good habits. Sell wood 756. 692 Fast 10th. NICE. quiet home with board and room for few boarders. 90 JB. 10th N. A clean hottse, good cook. . WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 89 YOUNG man with best reference wishes room and board In refined private home. Close in. 0-3V4, Journal, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE, 2 and 3 housekeeping; rooma; hot auu i-uiu running water, electricity, is, bath, from $s up, brick building. etc-,, vain, (tun, ,o uj, 1 1 r u 545 Washington at., near 16th. ea BEAUTIFUL rooms, close Jn, select lo cation, lovely ground.. reaeonahl. Students preferred. 4 18th St. A-16i)7. GEMiA u-4 VK, 446 Columbia; houisekeep lug & Bingle rms.; reasonable. M 7419. SOU SSX-EPXllO BOOMS WXBT SIDE l UX7JLJaTAVY' n v ONE or two 11. K. apartments. Elec tricity, gas, heat, bath, phone, hot water. Blngle rooms for gentlemen. Walking disiance;. 820 Montgomery st, one block from JKijh school j CLOS10 In, 2 nice frontThousekeeplne; , rooms with running water, 2 big clothes closets, yard, quiet, refined sur roundings; house back from street. 861 1 4th, near Jefferson. FUKNIfe'H tiU or unfurnished, clea.i and light, hot and cold water, bath, telephone, steam heat, $12 up. Mar. 4U43. Inquire Npkomis apts 17th and Marshall. DK.S1KAHLE housekeeping rooms, pri vate iamily; hot water, good hoat, bath, phones; walking distance; reas onable ;9 Kearney St., near 20th". THREE housekeeping apartments, well furnished, with piano, gas, bath and pnono. very desirable. ifb 11th. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Free phone, bath. Prices reasonable. 475 Taylor. LARGE fiont ground floor housekeeping suite, sink. etc.. $3.25 per week. 10 i 13th st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, close in, prices extremely reasonable. cmy su., near mn. LIGHT housekeeping rooms In modern flat; rent reasonable. 695 Olisan, near 21st. IF looking for a nice H, K. suite in nice place, 110 other roomers, call 232ft Clay. - KSPKCI ALLY desirable 2 or 3 rooms. Well furnished. Both phoues. 634 Mor rison. . TWO homelike suites well furnished for housekeeping. Close in. 310 Main. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, Phone and bath; 221 13th st. heat. NICE clean light housekeeping; also sleeping rooms; 500 Jpfferson St. TWO nice furnished H. IC rooms rea sonable rent; Marshall 6873. TWO nicely furnished front h. k. rooms very reasonable. 404 Park st ONE or 2 front rooms, ground floor, light housekeeping. 296 10th. 2 OR 3 large, strictly modern H. K $10 and $12 a month. 680 2d st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 $1.60, $2.25 WEEKLY, clean, light, fur nished housekeeping rooms; gas, free heat, bath, laundry. 569 Commercial st. vvooninwn loan. $1.60 week up. Clean furnished H. K. room. Gas, . heat, laundry, hatha E. 60:19. 406 Vancouver. U car. KOUSEKE-PINO BOOMS EAST SIDB PRIVATE TAUUmT T4 a ROOMS, furnished, heat, electrlo lights. gas range, bath, porch, modern private residence. 1 block Hawthorne car. Tele phone B-1949. 784 E. Madison. 16 ROOMS, modern H. K., near Broad way. 11 furnished; unfurnished rent - as well as furnished; sacrifice, furniture and good lease. 382 E. 1st st. N. E. 2495. TWO clean furnished H. K. rooms, gas range, bath, hot and cold water in rooms; use of laundry trays; 629 E. An- $18 TTfKEE furnished liousekeepTnK roome. Sink, electricity, gas, wood yard, nice jilace for small children. 69$ Johnson st. CLEAN, single housekeeping rooms, suitable for two; close in, bath, tele phone: no children; $2.60 per week up. 24 7 th at. Main 8766. Call after 1 p. m. $1 3 modern well furnished house- keeplncr rooms; no objection to chll- dren. !)S5 1-2 Albina ave., oor. Blan denn. L car. - - - .; ' TITHEE f urnlBhed. rooms, private house, for housekeeping. Call 693 K., Mor rison st. Phone East 401. TWO H. K. rooms close in; gas, eleo tric lights, bath; adults; II B. 10th st. Phone Est 1 68. $1.00 A WEEK AND UP. T7 . Nice furnished housekeeping rooms. ofK. uiay st. and 804 K. 10th St. TWO suites of 3 rooms each, In a fine apartment, $13 and $16 each. Call 749 Mississippi ave. TWO nice rooms, river front; electrlo light and gas. walking- distance. 271 Margin at. Phone East 4574. THREE well furnished h. k. rooms, wood runge. gas stove, hot and cold water, $16; walking distance. 302 Tillamook. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent 540 East Stark st. ' HOUSES FOR RENT 13 MODERN 6 room bungalow, all conven iences, fine locality, close to school. Phone Bell wood 3 316. - MODERN 8 room house, 19th and Mar shall, Inquire of Dr. A. Tiller. Phone Main 2474. A-Z474. $114 ROOM house, yard, walking, dig imiivpi. - uit iyi 11, near juin si. (Continued on Seat Page) By "Bud" Fisher