- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, - MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1913. 13 It 'Continued) See tha . CANADIAN ' at the n P. n Lund Office A frre demonstration exhibit of the products of the famous fertile lands of western Canada. Call and . receive authentic, personal information and Free Literature," T n milAII X 1'-! NT Tavist innl 271 Pine St (Multnomah Hotel Bldg.) VERT CHOICE FARM HOME. Have 120 acres, only 87 miles south' west of Portland. Has rood buildings, fences, and fine water. Is all under cultivation, near good town and electrlo line, rrieo iizs per acre. win sot cept as part payment $6000 to $8000 In i-or nana property. H. B. EVANS. Marshall 4023. 80S Spalding bide 100 by 100, heart of city, snap Withycombe, 612 McKay bide Fi T. arms, walnuts, jerseys HOMESTEADS 47 A FINK homestead, deep, rich soil, grass all year, excellent for dairying and stock raining, living water, fine climate, good roads, teiepnone line ana scuooi zi'3 oerlinger plug, CHOICE homesteads and desert claims of 320 acres. Malheur county, with railroad In sight. Address Wm. Oscar Mast, cor. 2d and Ash eta., Portland HOMESTEADS, rich level meadow land timber, water, near rond and town; desirable. No humbug. Covey, 267 Oak, room u. . GET a fren homestead in the new land Just opened In Alberta Canadian Homestead Co.i 43 North -6th st. SH'SLAW homesteads; reliable; locate. Information, 5 to 10 p. m., 870 Glad' stone avenue, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 A SPLENDID bouse at Laurel wood, blk. from car,. 6 rooms, $2200; No In cumbrance. Exchnnjre for 6 room bouse near Sellwood or IS. Ankeny car barns. Munt be on carllne. Will assume some. If you have lot give price, terms and location. T-400, Journal. FARM for home in town. 40 acres, part In cultivation, extra good soil, some timber. Good modern bungalow, right St station. Will exchange for modern ungalow In city. Security Develop ment Co., cor. 4th and Pine. Main 1721. I ROOM bungalow, 2 large lots, $2100; mortgage $1000. Want vacant lota, rooming house, automobile, or other property for equity. Hatfield, 165V4 Fourth st. 640 ACRES, house on K. Yamhill, coun try home of S acres, will trade for other property. All this property Is free from incumbrance. Room 11, Cam bridge, 8d and Morrlnon. Tel. Main 945. WILL exchange delicatessen and lunch room for property, auto or building crn tract with part cash. Receipts $30 day. Will run $40 and $50 In 2 months. V-877. Journal. A 6 ROOM modern bungalow or 3 va cant lots to exchange for stock and furmlng implements. 946 Tlbbett st; or phone Sellwood 1365. FOR SALE or exchange on close-In home pretty riverfront bungalow and Vi acre. Phone Monday Marshall 1652. Apt. 6. $4 00 CASH and some clear acreage In Hood River valley to exchange for 1 to 5 acres wllh house for old lady. Must be close to city. 502 Couch bldg. 14 CHEERFUL furnished rooms, mod ern, come and see, if sold by Wed nesday speclui cash price. Owner 630 Davis slreet. FURNITURE of modern 8 room house; must be Bold at once. House new ly pa'nted. Rent $2fi, Marshall 140W. 8 ROUWS, good furniture, electric lights, gas and furnace; low rent. Hy owner; bargain. Call A-6076. FOR HALE Rooming house of 15 rooms for sale cheap; 1 floor pays rent; clean nnd clo?e In. N-435, Journal. TRADE $1 0,00(1 apartment house lor land and some cash. Owner Mar shall 4138. 20 ACRES, close in, suitahlo for plat ting for income; city property, Owner, M-464, Joumnl. WE exchange what you have for what you want, Peper & Baker, 444 Sher lock bldg., 3d ar.d Oak. Marshall 2654. 1 HAVE some lots at Tillamook tor sale cheap, or will trade for horses, or any thing f can use. W-461, Journal. $1 j.jmu furniture and housefurnlshlng foods to exenange for real estate. ftti. Journal. - UOOD acreage to excliange for a small business. Mrs. Kvans, Marsnaii 3 H d ( iTV properly lo exchange for acreage, partly Improved. Hatfield, lfin'j 4th, FOR SALE or trade, a 30 room apart- monl. well furnished. ini oiods st. W ANTED RRAL ESTATE 31 BEST huy 1 can tret on modern home on iliiv cash. I'rire umitea jaouu. uwn ers only. W-464 Journal. SWAP COLUMN 25 FOR SALE or trade 5x7 Korona View camera In first class condition. Trade for bicycle, typewriter, casn reglBter. Lester Stacy, Lebanon, Or ROOMTMJ HOUSES 53 52 Rooms 52 Across utreet from Oregon hotel; (team heat, hot and cold water in rooms. Sold one year ago for $6000; clears $250 monthly; first one comes gets this for $1600. easy te rmB. Pc ters. 15 N. 5th. 25 ROOM HOUSE. The lowest price and rent for most convenient, well kept house. Location Ideal. A substantial' steady income and pleasant homo, hustling couple. M. 925. ROOMING houses of all sixes and prices. If you haven't sufficient means I'll help you. Goddard, 602 Couch bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 W.1TMHING shon for sala bv owner, do ing good business, cheap rent, only hon in lown or i.innton, oi FOR SALE Cigar and confectionery stand. Call at stand. S. E. corner 2a and 235 Burnslde St. V FOR SALE FARMS The fob Was Too Humiliating "7 TT- : ' ' ' 1 1 , 1 . 11 HA'. THAT'S ong T. - -x r s (ntiLO rAuTT, xea on you. sowfl work! wRivn amo Herd's oiAe ( cee.He MUST BE - WKV THE nl' BOUT TWO BOCKS 0K. So KP , 1 C ? I RESIGN, SUIT"? VTJJ 5TAP5 BUT ,VS 56PTS f f 5 1 , - . :, L.,., 1 i - 1 y . ' . . '.- ' ': ' '' ' ' 7 ' '" '! '".-' ' .:'.''''? ' '. :. - 'V":'; v ;';..' ' 1- , - i ..';; '-..:' i' -..' 1 -'-.' '" "'-. - - ',:-.,'," ,',.'.',,'., 1 -. , business chances'- so ' f Con tinned) BUSINESS opportunities come to stud ents oi tne xv m. c A. commercial college, : run not to make money, but tor the good of men; has a $600,000 wjuipment. Ten different business courses; men teachers, fees moderate. Writs or call for catalogue. Y. M. C A., curiam ana xayior Bts. - Laundrv for Safe Fully equipped steam laundry, doing tun tttyauny oi business, own water suppiy, locatea in Portland's fastest growing suburb. Good mason for jtn. Ing. Apply Osmond & Co.. 1 Front st. . Confectionery. Snao On Washington cheap rent, will invoice $700. Price for uuicM. saie aoo. Terms. Clears .$28 week. 602 Couch bldg. Cigar Store On best transient street in city; fix tures cost $500; stock will Invoice $400. Price for all. 8B50- term Peioru u N. 6th st. A RARE opportunity, act quickly, to Invest money in a manufacturing bus iness; a paying proposition; need money for increase of business; stand for in veatlgatlon. Call at 1349 Corbett st. SHORTHAND i the stepping stone to opportunity. expert men teachers at V. M. C. A. commercial col lege. Write or call for catalogue. Y M C A rnr ,H nnt fautnr . .. GROCERY STORE, ground building, and stock in eood district! nn lnml competition; 20 minute ride; bargain. mivo ouii iraua in miiK cowh.. GOOD paying business- for sale; fine location, Desi reason ror selling; none need apply with less than Iftniio cash; no agents. MX-449, Journal. OLD established tin shop In town of 3000 near Portland, 2 shops in town. Owner retiring from business. X-kso. Journal. WANTED Live experienced Kiooerv nun to take an interest in ircnoi-ai store; good opening for right man. K 854. Journal. 1RST class meal market in Portland, good business, worth 82500: exchmur,. for properly near Portland of sumo value. F-670, Journal. POOL HALL, cigars, confectionery, rent niunta, iou, y casn, uniance easy; might trade. Leo. 1038 Cham, of Com. WANTED live experienced grocery man iu (una an uiLurpHL in i?nrpriLi NTnrn food opening for right man. K-864, ournal. WEDDING Invitations and announce ments. Rvder Printing Co M r, 7 Rum. side st. Main 6C36. FOR SALE Half interest in plumbing business, $150. No exnerienee re. quired. Phono Tabor 1404. MOXIO TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 NOW IS THE TIME To take care of that mortgage. Why pay 8 or 9 per cent? We furnish money, 5 per cent, long time if desired. Will furnish building money. See us. 1002-1 Broadway bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 1300 to J.'iO.UOO. HARTMAN-THO.UPSON BANK. MORTGAGE lofma on real estate secur ity in any amounts, mortgages and sellers equities In contracts bought. F. A. Beard & Co.. 612 Gei linger bldg., 2d and Alder. I WE hava, money to loan on your real il estate; first mortgages only, HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loan I. L. TVHITE, '.5 701 selling bldg. LOANS from $1500 to lo.oou on good Portland security. HACKER & THERKELSEN. 806 Spalding b ldg Main 7592. $250. $400, $600, $9u'6; $1350; these amounts to loan real estiite. Fred W. German Co., 932 Chamber bf Commerce; Dotn pnones. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property- special facilities for large loans. Title at i rust t;o., tn ana oak. Jiu'j.uou on montages, city or farm property, fire lnsuran:c. McKenzls Co.. Gerlinger bliM- 2d and Alder. AJ O.N 1.1' 10 loan, large loans it specialty. building loans: lowest rates; rlre la suranr. W- U. Beck. 315-316 Falling. 1 HAVE for immediate loans, $800 J1600, $6000, at current rates. A. 11. Bell, 201 Cernngrr mag. $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, tor a snort lima. 20, Oregonlan bldg CAbli taiu lur inuritiagea, nctes. con tracts; mortrage loans; reasonable reus. F. H. Lewis .3 Co.. .1 Lewis bldn. HAVE any 'amount to loan, on good Portland real estate. all aa Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No brokers. MORTGAGE loans at current rate. Heal estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange bldg.. 8d and Yamhill sts. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalin. 635 Chamber Commerce. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg. MONEY to loan, to 8 per eent. W. H. Seltz St Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch.. of Com. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent LoulR Salomon & Co., 229 Stark St. $1000 to $6000 for Immediate loan on real estate. Tabor 771. MONE1" TO LOAN 67 CHATTELS, SALARIES CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See roe before dealing elsewhere; confiden tial. D. I). Drake, 328 Henry bldg. A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rated. Diamond palace. n;i4 wasn.. Ofp. uwi oruL- store. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial lo salaried people. F. A. New ton. 514 Henry bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds end Jewel ry, strictly confidential. 141ft sa. C7 , A PKlVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, etc. AT UhYBST POfctSiJbLE KATHIS. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. S2 LUMBER EXCHANGE, BLDQ. 2d and Stark sts. Open 8 a. m. to g p. m. 8AURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL g P. M ELBY COMPANY. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTBH $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. At TO B P. 41. SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO, 809 FAILING BLDG. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS "WANTING MONEY, APPLY ROOM 817, LUMBER EX. BLDG, 2ND AND STARK STS. LOANS WANTED 30 FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Amounts $260 to $3300. mostly 8 per cent; also several applications on nana for good loans. Henry C Frudhomme, Wilcox bldg. A LOAN $1000 city lots, Astoria, War- renton, Sea Harbor; vaiuaoie part, o- 393, Journal. LET me place your money on gilt edge mortgages. k. hi. nine, iug xeon bldg. Marshall 6K6t. $4000 or leB private money, 7 per cent; city improvpo. jviam lino. $4000 wanted, 2d mortgage; $25,000 prop er rio8gjonts;U-5C $1500 ON good real estate security, first mortgage. u-ti, journal. FINANCIAL 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's eauity in contract of sal on real estate in Washington or Oregon H. E. Noble, Lumnermens "log. Loans. $1000 PRIVATE money to loan on real estate: also smaller amounts, snort time. Hatfield, 165Vj 4th st. HELP WANTED MALE Situation Wanted Ada. Inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. y. m. c a. employment dept. Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 months social privileges. Record lor 8 months ending Aug. 31. Call for men 15!)8 Positions filled 10'Jo All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially In vited to consult with the secretary of the Employment Department. WANTEDASSISTANT TO ADVER TISING MANAGER For large department store. Must he. caiiAhlp of writing forceful, selling copy and understand merchandise. Give relerences and state salary expected in first letter. R-434, Journal. AUTOMOBILE school, with high triads expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Y. M. C. A. Day and Nigut Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. WANTED For U. 8. army, able bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 85; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language For information apply to re cruiting officer. Worcester building, 3d and Oa k sts., Portland.' Or. WANT Eu A first class stenographer with lumber experience; young man preferred; one who can assist book keeper; good place for right man and good future; none but first class need apply; address in own hand writing, P. O. box 961. WANTED Steady, sober man to wait on customers, handle cash, etc., pay $25 a week; no humbug; hours from S to 6; $300 required; money secured. Call 326 Washingto n St.. room 306. WIRELESS operators In constant de mand. Tins coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. -All the Year Round Day and Night schools; Complete equipment; best on coast.- PORTLAND mall carriers, postal dark, wanted, $65 to $100 month. Vaca tions. Portland examinations coming. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 329 F, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Few young men to learn profitable trade, day or night school, plenty of openings, watch making, en graving school. 210 Globs bldg, Port land, Or. CHANCE to learn to operate moving 'picture machine. We can place three more men in theatres. 417 Rothschild bldg. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto reoalrlntr and driving; call at Haw thorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave. PERMANENT position for young man with motorcycle: good pay and guar antee. 441 Stark, WANTED Dish washer. $12 per week. Lelghton's Dairy Lunch. 832 Wash ington st. BOYS wanted, 16 to 20 years old. Steady work, good pay. Apply Mr. Alaione, 76 3d st. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CADlr OKN1A WINK PiSfUI, 285 Yamhill st. HELP V.iNTED MISC. 40 WANTED a few more men and women to demonstrate nnd take orders. Bus iness easy to learn and very profitable. Call 4u3 Rothschild bldg. 111 V ATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, indi vidual instruction. GREGG shorthand. 404 Commonwealth bids. Mar. 4258. INTERNATIONAL CORRES I'ONI iKNOE SCHOOLS 505 McKay bldg. Tel. Main 10i!6; A-4142 WANTED Men. 18 to 45, to become Portland mail carriers; $65 to $100 month. KX-384, Journal. for Mutt MONEY TO LOAN ' CHATTELS, SALARIES (Continued) HELP- WANTED SlISC?. ' 40 Contlnod OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 266-68-70 11th st. Practical instruc tion In driving and repairing automo biles by . expert Instructors and me chanics; tuition, part cash on enroll ment, balance at time oi graauauon. noerai discount aor casn; xau term com mences Sept. 1. ' OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course In law; no rime Jpst rrom regular occupation rnftfttlnfM Avenlnff-fl. Samuel T. Rlflh erdsnn. dean. M. Morebead. fceo., 816-317 Commonwealth bldg.. Portland. Oregon. PREPARE yourself for a good position ana we u ao the rest. Text dooks tree. Central Commercial College, Central bldg., 10th and Alder. i MAIL carriers wanted, $00 month. Port' land examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 326 r , Kocnester, n. T. GOVERNMENT lobs open to men and women, $06 to $160 month. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 328 F. Rochester. N. Y; UNIVERSAL shorthand leads all others for commercial work oi reporting, Dav and nlcht classes. E. B. U.. 629 Worcester blocK. PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opens fall term September 161 confers degree Li j. a. 3l Worcester diock. aiar. sydi. GIRLS to' learn hair work: combings made "P. 718 Rothchlld r,ldg. UNCALLED ft.r tailor made nuns. tt. 60 up. Taylor, the tailor. 28! Burnslda HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 Situation Wanted Ads. inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to pay for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties desiring work. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TII AND EAST ANKENY 8TS., OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 200. GOVERNMENT jobs, women, $75 month; examinations In Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 705 F. Rochester. N. Y. WOMEN wanted to work in fruit can nery; apply 2'j0 N. Front st., near Al blna ferry, west side; phono Marshall 3988. ; FREE room rent to woman who workH dav end rttava home 4 nights a week. S90 Broadway. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for lunch room; afternoons off; steady ppsltlon. Beverly restaurant. GIRL for general housework. Good cook. Wages $30. Phone East 1179 or call 60S E llth st. N. WANTED girl tor light house work. Call Monday. Bell. 2045. CAPABLE woman or girl for general housework. Phone Woodlawn 1105. HELP WANTKD MALE FEMALE AU 29 OREGON Barber College teoche's you the barber trade In 8 weeks, pays you while learning, tools free, tuition re duced this term, expert instruction, po sition guaranteed, special inducements to ladles. 233 Madison st., 252, 2nd. THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert Instructors; 20 years in the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; spe clal Inducements to ladles. 48 N. 2d at. liOPPlCICERS wanted, Hovenden yard Take Oregon City electric car, get off at Broadacres, or call at 108 5th st. FJSK. Teachers' Agency secures posi tions for teachers. 816 Journal bldjf. WANTED AGENTS 0 USE your spare timo to bbild up -a mall order business of your own; we help you start for a share In profits; 27 op portunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo. N. Y. SITUATIONS MALE GOOD all around engineer and me chanic wants uosltion: can do steam fitting and plumbing and a)l kinds of repairs; nign or low pressure neating systems; good reference. G-536, Jour na I. POSITION on poultry plant, 20 years' experience; understand orchard and farm work; single; 4.r years old. N. McDonald, Troutman hotel. Front and Madison. WANTED Permanent position by expe rienced stenographer-bookkeeper. City reference. Call Woodlawn 1429 Saturday or .vlondny. WANTED Strong boy wants position to work for room and board near Jef ferson high school. LX-3J38, Journal. LIGHT work wanted by man, 38 on ao count of ill health; salary not essen tial. K-8C1. Journal, . CARPENTER, li years' experience, wants day or contract work. Box 67, Woodstock. MUSICIAN Cornet and bass viol, non union, wants work evenings. Main 7190. BOY 16 wishes place to do Janitor work for board, room and about $2 week; object, go to yrh'xil. Phone Tabor 2HU GOOD all round cook wants work. Tabor 4717 or 1591 Vera st, Geo. A. Thomas, Portland, Or. MAN and wlfo want to run rooming house in or out of city. Experienced, best of references. T-387, Journal. BOY of 16 wants work of any kind. Address O. Hunt, 706 Smith, E. Port land. MAN wants work; speaks six different languages; 431 Rroadwny. AS traveling salesman with some sub stantial concern. W-456, Journal. PAPERING and tintlnir. J2.50 ui; paint ing reasonable. Joe Marshall, Main 7190. e e SITUATIONS FEM A LE " 4 MIDDLE aged lady, good suburban home, would like care of one or two children, mother' cars. 583 Bldwell ave Sellwood. - COMPETENT young lady stenographer wishes position in Insurance office, $40 per month; Miss E. Bollons, La Grande, Or. MIDDLE-AGED lady to assist "with light housework or staying with a child. Phone Columbia 600, from 1 to 6 p. m. ToUNG Norwegian woman, good exper ience, wonts housework or housekeep ing, gfiod references. East 1418 or 219 rM at. WOULD like position as offloe girl; ex perlenced and will- give good refer encew. Woodlawn 8351. NURSE with best ref. will cars for house and' children too. $15 per week. C-12.1. , iiAiJiMtiE.sCED stenographer and book keeper desires permanent position; best of city references. N-427, Journal. COM PETEN T sti noaranher desires do. sition; not afraid of work; elate sal ary; 4829 81st ave.. 8. E. WANTED Washing and ironing at house; called for and delivered. Main 620. 20th and Raleigh. GIRL wishes position Ifi hotel as cham bermaid; stay homo evenings. Phono Marshall 6986. Miss M. Pearson. WANTED lly lady of years' experi ence, position as private teacher or povernesH. Phone Sellwood 204 YOUNG woman, with nice home, would like a child or two to care for reason- ftbly. Phone Woodlawn 1323. A GOOD washwoman wants Tuesday and Wednesday. Marshall 1864. C O M P E T E N T stenographer desires pieco work or half Uay s work. Main 12 DRESSMAKING 40 KfKl(lHNi:iiI) dressmaker wants work by the day or week; children's wenr a specialty; rate J2.50 per day; pnoiie Marshall o-iU: residence 474 Al der st. Mrs. M. G. Armon. WOULD LIKE u few more dressmaking engagements at home or by day. J 1642. ACADEMY or i'urlwiun Scientific Dress making. Tailored Suits. Corsets. Teachers wanted. 301 Goodnough bldg. SEWING neatly done; children's clothes a specialty; reasonable. 305 H. llth. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. 863 ltn St. Alain 8843. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE THE NEW HOUSTON. 72 N. Gth st. Transient, 76c and up. Weekly, $4 and Up David L. Houston, prop, Main 2841. A-6687. !n ' -d. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, pool, club facilities, spoclal rates at cafetria, and lOo othor fea tures. Full particulars ut business of fice, eor. 6th and Taylor sts. Madras Hotel 12TH AND WASHINGTON. Booms $3 week; private bath. $6 week. Corner ront suite $5 week. Antlers Hotel Jocatlon, 10th and Washington sts. Kates. $2 to $6 per week. Modern. With or without bath. tourist hotel, 160 1st St., cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished cool rooms, $3 week up; tran- s lent 50c day. S car from de pot. HOTEL Buckingham, bu2 Washington st. New, modern brick, all outside rooms, $2.50 week up; with private iatn, THE COLONIAL, 166 10th st,; rooms $$ to 4 perweek; central, quiet and cooL Fine baths. YOUNG man rooming Y. M. C. A, wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. Inquire business office Y. M. C. A. MAXWELL HALL. 14Ui near Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mod ern, parlor, large porcn. summer rates. CLEAN, comfortable rooms beautiful looatlon, walking distance, $5 to $12 month. 461 West Park st. WANTED Lady roommate, 386 Washington st., room 80. Marshall 1334. ROOMS and suites. Neatly furnished. $2.50 and up week. 4th floor Good- noufti. f.tli ami Yamhill. Main 4670. st. up. Ver wk, Frea phona and path. Main 7764. MOTEL IMM aortas wa: ter in rooms, raics reasonable. 265H Gth. HOTEL SAVON manent and trans't. ROOMS ani apartments in modern ho- tel. rt.bO week and up. 45 Alder. NEWLY furnished rooms, all modern conveniences, 407 Columbia. Mar. 604 2. NIC ELY furnished room at Lindel ho- tel. $1.60 and up. 269 Market st FTntttlSBXD ROOMS WT8T BIDE PBrVATE FAMILY TO COME AND SEE. Nice side room, $1.25 week) light and bath; near Davis school; breakfast If desired. 286 N. 20th. 4 ROOMS, partly furnished or unfur nished, and 1 sleeping room. 887 12th st. Phone Main 6793. 435 ALDER A nice front room for one or two gentlemen. i NICE furnished, cozy room, $1.50 week. 530 Davis street, close to Fifteenth. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 52 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL E. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern, large lobby, special rates by month. THE Larrabee. 22 7 Dana bee. Rooms $2 wk up. Brick bldg.. steam heat, hot and colli water, bath, phone, electricity. rXJBNISHED BOOKS EAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILT 71 SINGLE ROOMS for men, close In; bath; $1.60 per week. 82 E. loth st Phone East 168. LARGE front room, walking distance, low rent; 671 E. Salmon st Ins Ttrm.tnffBrr.-n uooua EAST SODB FBIVATB VAUZLY Ti f CAittlnnm led A LARGE, nicely furnished front room. suitable Tor i, reasonable; ground floor, furnace; board can be had In the neighborhood, handy to two carllnes. ii' p,. iin bc. in., nesr AiDerta st NEATLY furnished outside room, pri vate rurally. All conveniences, nuit abls for one or two gentlemen. 76 E. 10th st. N. ROOMS ANT BOARD 15 - NORTONIA HOTEL, 11th, Just off Washington st. American and European; beautiful dining room, tea room and roof garden: very attractive rates to families and bachelors. HOME cooking, 8 meals dally, outside rooms, nam; jt weeK up. za Main st. BOOMS AID BOABS PRIVATE PAMILY 78 WILL give room and board to 1 or 2 children; price reasonable; near good school. For particulars call up morn ings C-2994. SCHOOL girl cun find lovely homo very reasonably In Laurelhurst bungalow' If willing to assist a little mornings and evenings, laoor iixo. THE HERNS, nicely furnished rooms with board. Homo cooking, reason able price. Opposite city library. 167 11th st LADY and small child can have room and board reasonable. Phone Sellwood 1884; address 6122 47th St., Woodstock. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2 men, with board; prices reasonable. 253 N. 21st st. Marshall 1487. NICE quiet home with board and room fd faw boarders. 909 E. 10th N. A clean house, good ofmk. ROOM and board in private family; bath and heat, $5 per week; 287 Cher ry, corner Williams ave. BEAUTIFUL room with board. 130 E. If Ih st.; .Sunnyside car. ROOM und board, private family, 105 E. llth. Phone E. 4 703. ROOM HinJ board with heat, light, bath, at o06 Ladd avr. LARGE room; home cooking: walking ills tance; modern. 57 Trinity Place. WANTED A B 8473. small child to board. WANTED ROOM AND HOARD 30 YOUNG man with best references wishes room and board In refined prl va te home. Close in. Q-394, Journal, YOUNG man desires board and room In plain private family. V-871. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gen. hotel, 665 1st St. Steam heat, new bldg.; rooms 1 week up; free phone NICELY furnlKlied, ull outside rooms. tree phone, bath, close in, cheap; 426 Alder, near llth st. THE GRAND, S87 Yamhill Housekeep ing and sleeping rooms, $2 and $4 per week U ENKV1EVE, 445 Columbia; housekeep lug &r single rms. ; reasonable. M 7410. HOUSEXEEPIHG BOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE PAMXLT 73 ONE or two H. K. apartments. Elec tricity, gas, heat, bath, phone, hot water. Single rooms for gentlemen. Walkitisr distance. 320 Montgomery st one block rrom nign ecnooi. SUITE. -of 3 front rooms on main floor. Also 1 large front room and kitchen ette on 2d floor. Furnace heat, light. and running water In the rooms. Phone Main 4837. S4l .Harrison. FURNIS'HED or unf urtdshed, clean and iignt. not ana coia water, bath. telephone, steam heat, $12 up. Mar. 4943. Inquire Nokomls apla, 17th and Marshall, DESIRABLE housekeeping rooms, pri vate family; hot water, good heat, bath, phones; walking distance; reas onable. f6!i Kearney St., near 20th. THREE housekeeping apartments, well iurnisnea. witn piano, gas, oath and phone. Very desirable. 886 llth. HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Free phone, bath. Prices reasonable. 476 Taylor. LARGE front ground floor housekeeping suite, sink, etc, $3.25 per week. 20d 13th sL NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, ciose in, prices extremely reasonable. 4"5 Clay stt.. near 14th, LIGHT housekeeping rooms In modern flat; rent reasonable. 695- GUsan, near zist. TWO large ground floor front rooms. Rent very reasonable for winter. 295 itn. j-.hfi'jciADi.y aesiranie 2 or 8 rooms. Well furnished. Both phones. 534 Mor rison. LARGE, clean furnished room and kitchenette close in; phone; 623 Couch. TWO homelike suites well furnished for nous"l(eeping. Close In. 310 Main. CLEAN, homelike, furnished housekeep ing nulte, close in. 353 12th st. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. $2.50 per weea. z mm. main i.o.i. SINGLE houseketpl heat phone and bath; ,221 13th st. NICE clean light housekeeping; also sleeping rooniB; 600 Jefferson st. TWO nice furnished H. k. rooms rea sonable rent; Mars-hall 5873. TWO nicely furnished front h. k. rooms very reasonable. 404 Park t 2 OR 3 largo, strictly modern H K., $ 10 nnd $12 a month. 580 2d st, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 $1.50, $2.26 WEEKLY, clean, licht, fur nished housekeeping rooms; gas, free heat, bath, laundry. 669 Commercial st. ootiia wn loss. $1.50 week up. Clean furnished H. K. room. Una, heat, laundry, baths. E. 6039. 406 Vancouver. U car. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS BAST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILT 74 THREE well furnished h. k. rooms, wood range, gas stove, hot anil cold water, $16; walking distance. 302 Tillamook. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent 640 East Stark St. e e - " BOVISXIETmO SOOM KAS7 SUDS rxiTATd rAJUUCT T Cnttmid TWO clean furnished H. K. rooms, (as range, bath, hot and cold watr m rooms; use of laundry trays; 2 E. An keny; phono E. 2949. $18 THREE; furnished housekeeping rooms. Sink, electricity, gsa, wool yard, nice place for small ebildrsn, $$ rqnnson si, CLEAN, single housekenplngr rooms, suitable for two; close in, bath, tele phone: no children; $2.60 per week up, 247 6th st. Main 8766. Call after 1 p. in. $16 3 modern well furnished house keeping rooms; no objection to chil dren. 985 1-2 Alblna are., cor. Bum- 1 V ' . 1. .... uruu. u car. $10 PER MONTH, 4 large Us-hi h keeping rooms, 642 Karl St. 1 ouse Ttaka r-enwooq car. THREE furnished rooms, private bousa for housekeeping. Call 9t IB. Mor rlson gt. Phone East 401. TWO H. K. rooms close in; gas, lec-I trie lights, bath; adults; 12 K. 10th st. Phone East 168. 1 $1.00 A WEEK AND UP. Nice furnished housekeeping rooms. 654 E. Clay st. and 804 E. loth St. TWO suites of 3 rooms each, In a fin apartment, $13 and $16 aaoh. Call 749 Mississippi ave. TWO nice rooms, river front; electric light and gas, walking dlstanca, $74 Margin st. Phone East 4574. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 MODERN five room house, U. Large chicken yard and garden; furnitura for sale. 1st class Kimball organ $25. 194 Ivy si. ' 8 RO(7m modern residence, exclusive neighborhood, 305 Cook ave., near Wil liams ave., close in, large lot, $1-8. "U" car CHEAP rent 2 3-room flats on Iowa st., water, eleo. light, $11.60; also 1 4-room house, $12.60. Inquire 1401 Cor bett st. FOUR room house 1457 Union ava; on 2 carllnes,. paved streets, opposite Woodlawn school, $8. Ask for Mrs. Marlow. FOR RENT $27.60 Modern room bungalow, furnace, garage, corner lot, will lease. 202 E. 47th, cor. Salmon. Phone Mam 2970 or Tabor 1898. FOR RENT 8 room house, 646 Alblna ave., electric light, basement, frith wash trays. houses and flats for rent, hacker & therkelsen. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7692. $20. 7 room house. Bath, two toilltsV wash trays. Electricity, gaa, shades, linoleum. 868 E. 8th st. N. $15. Nearly new 6 room house, cor. lot, 2 blocks from oars. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR RENT 100x100, 4 room cottage, barn, chicken house and fruit trees: rent $10. Phone C-1291. COMFORTABLE 9 room house, on tha east side, with all conveniences; big lot, fenced in; reasonable rent. 195 to. MODERN 5 room cottage, west side, near school: sas. electricity. 162 44 Vaughn. $13. B or 23d st. cars. ' MODERN 8 room house, with or wlth out garage, 24th and Overton st In quire of Dr. A. Tllzer. Main 2474. A-2474, FOR RENT 5 room house and garage, west side, very reasonable, M, B. Lee. 622 Corbett bldg. 5 ROOMS, modern, 1 block from ear; good location. $13.50. Trowbridge & Stephens. 301 Wilcox bldg. MODERN 8 room house, 19th and Mar shall, Inquire of Dr. A. Tilser. Phona Main 2474, A-2474. ONLY $15; 8 rooms, modern, oloss to car; barn and chicken housa. Soott A Beasley, 212 Ablngton bldg. m COTTAGE. 126th 17th at, near Glli Key at 88 North 16th st- t ROOM house, $10 per month. 842 uarrieia ave.. Portland, or. ? . -- 2 MODERN 6 room houses, $16 and $14 per month. Woodlawn 17S9. FOR RENT Modern 6. room cottags. $12,50, Phone Sellwood 778 forenoons. TWO modern 6 room houses E. 19th and Alder sts. Tabor 8496. $16 6 room cottage good condition. zt Cj. KBt. $5 MONTH 4 2m cottage, large yard. E, 67th st iCTain 1141. FIVE rooms, bath, 189 Mill, near Front, $15. Key 88 N. 16th st $11 I ROOM housa. yard, walking dlsl tance. 624 Mill, near 16th at 6 RUOM cottage. $18. Phona East 798." TWO fine homealrYJUngtoiL. Eaat273 W. H. Herdman. FURNISHED HOUSES $16 Furnished cottage, clean and cosy. Take Mt. Soott car, get off at 2d st, 4220, first housa to right, north adults only. , FOR RENT 4 room cottage, furnished. 659 Northup, W. car. Phona Wood lawn 2521. Call Saturday or Monday. A COSY 3 room house, completely furl nlshed. with piano, half clock from car. 1076 E. 16th st N. A 4 room furnished cottage, light water, pnone. tie per month. East side. No children. Phone E. 1602. iiOMS furnished complete, nloe lawn. Adults. 1202 Borthwick. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 82 FOR SALE Furniture nicely furnished 6 room cottage, rent $20, on lease: bath, electrlo lights and gaa, on west side, near business district; very cheap. inquire zzh tatn st., near salmon. FURNITURE of modern 8 room house. Must be sold at once. House newly painted: rent $25. Mar. 1406. 6 ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. Terms. 350 Tillamook at FURNITURE FOR SALE 68 COMPLETE housekeeping outfit for 4 rooms, wnite sewing machine Includ ed, for 18500. Vancouver or Woodlawn car. 1496 Rodney ave., cor. Rodney and Morgan. FURNITURE Before buying- second hand Roods come and sea what vou can do here on new goods for cash: get postea. wiuiam yansny, lgt and Wash, (Continued on XText Page By "Bud" Fisher