THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 5., 1913., TOWN TOPICS HEIMO Eleventh and Morrison.' Dark. 1 , BAKKB Brosdwajr a ad Morrison. The Tor ton Hunter." ' s LYRIC Fourth and Btark. ' Keating Flood Musical Comedy Coinuatiy In "A Mght Out.'' PANTAGES Broadw.r and Alder. Vaudefllle. . Curtain 7:1ft and B:10. COLUMBIA Sixth between Washington and ' Btark streets. Motion pictures. OAKS AMUKEMENT FABK- Runt's Orchestra . and vaudeville, Krery afternoon at 8:80;, av. . ery evenlna- at 8. , h.m , l'ortUnd vs. Seattle, Northwest League. Cam FAIRS AND FESTIVALS1 PENDLETON BOUND-UP Sept. 11, 11 od IS. ii.ak&k COUNTY - FAIR vaocouer, we. Sent.. 8 u. -.--i..-. . --' OREGON STATE rAIR Balem, Ore.,' Beptem- osti. io to v -'- ... j. - - . . Weather Conditions. . Portland and vicinity Kair tonight. and 6at rdaT2 winds beootulna easterly. i : Oregon Generally fair tonight and Saturday; . cooler east portion wiut Jigni irafi; wmua oe coming easterly. t . Wanhlucton flenars llr fair tonleht and St- ' urday, except showers tonight of Saturday ex treme, northwest portion), cooler tonight east portion, with light rrostj soutneaiteriy winaa. Idaho Fair tonight ana tutunuy, cooler to : nltht with lliht . frost. ,i IUEODORB Frr DRAKE, v .Acting District Forecaster, Old Woman to. Take Soar Trip. To UmBWim on tbs Black Sea, thenco in land to Slbas. an eight day rid by cam el, la the Journey which Mrs.' Anumtaran Karagoiean. a native of Armenia, will undertake to perform, leaving Portland this week.' Old and in need, desirous of aeelngr once more her native, land, this woman la. being1 sent hack to her gin hood home by the Associated Charities and fellow countrymen of Portland, each defraying half of her expenses. Al though 76 years of age she Is looking forward to her 9000 mile Journey with ' great anticipation. She will go by rail to New York ' and then by ateamer to the port of Lamsaura on the Black Sea. From there she must ride camel back for eight days before reaching her dee tination. ' This is the longest trip for which, the Associated Charities has ever lent its assistance. Civil - ; Serrioe "Examinations. The United States Civil Service commission announces that September 29, the fol lowing examinations will be held In this city: Logger (male) for position in the San Juan Indian school. New Mexico, at 1660 per annum. - On October 6, 1911, chief bacteriologist (male) , for position In the. bacteriological laboratory of the bureau of chemistry, department of ag riculture, Washington, D. C, at 93500 a year. Special examiner (male) for po sitions in the Indian service, department of. Interior, at J 2000, and cook (male and female) for positions in the In dian service, from $420 to $500 a year. Persons desiring to compete in these ex aminations, should apply to Z. A. Leigh, postofflce department Pawnbroker i Zs Pined. -For doing a pawnbroker's business without a license, Nathan Slegel. clothier at . 53 North Sixth street, was fined $2: yesterday In the municipal court Complaint was filed by the' license Inspectors. P. J. Gibbon of 254 Front street pawned his watch to Slegel a few days ago for $2. When Gibbon wished to redeem It, the clothier said he had lost it At the hearing Slegel said he had found the watch and consented to give It to the .owner upon payment of $2, and 25 cents commission which was done. The- tes timony, Was also the evidence used by "the license inspectors In convicting the clothier for doing a pawnbroklng busi ness without a license. Juvenile Court Statistics. In but 88 out of 1 ? cases reported to the Juve nile court In August was presence in court of the children required, accord ing to a report for the month. In 21 cases investigations were made and the leases disposed of without action. Let ters of warning were sent to parents in fiVe cases. Twelve children were cared for informally by the Fraxer Home and eight warning were given by special night officers. , Two boys were sent to the reform school and one girl to the new state Industrial school for girls. Fifteen children were given an oppor tunity to make good and their cases were continued pending good behavior. will be by ticket. Those desiring to attend may obtain cards of admission by applying at the circulating desk of the old library, Broadway ' and Stark streets. ' Visitors to me exercises win enter the building from Yamhill street The library will be open to general pub lto inspection from I o'clock until 9:30 In the evening, entrance from Tenth street, ' , . . Boast of Pork and Pot Boast Only XlViO. Frank U Smith sells for this price. Beef for boiling and liver are 10c. v Legs and 'chops , of ' real spring lamb are 16a. Shoulders of spring lamb are lie. , fork chops are U7c. , Good teak la . ISo and 20c Smith's own cured breakfast bacon is 20cV, 22 Ho and 26c Best ' hams by the whole or half are 22c. i - Eggs are 26c. .: Fancy Ore gon butter is 75c. Halibut and salmon are c." . Smith's pure kettle rendered lard, three pouAds, 40c; In five pounds, 65c; in 10 pounds, $1.26.. Go to Frank L. - Smith's main market, . 228 Alder street, between First and Second streets, for these good cheap meats, Be sure you get In the right place. Articles of Incorporation. Three firms filed articles of incorporation yes terday- with County Clerk Coffey as fol lows: Ro sari an Cafeteria company, cap ital $12,000, Incorporators, J. E. Dolen, B. C. Dolen and, J. .Woods Smith; North west ' Products company, capital $1000, incorporators, Bidney zetoscn, A. i Gea nelli and P. SI. Oarrlgues; Miami Quar ry.; company, C. I Houston. , A.-C. Berry and J. V. A. Farnell, incorporators. left It while attending a theatrical per formance. Yesterday Patrolman ' Lar son .found the machine, abandoned and out of order, at East Twenty-eighth and Belmont ' streets. .;' The ;: speedometer showed the machine had been driven 65 miles by the night riders. Both rear tires ' wers punctured. i V';"v' Court House Bats to Oo. Goodby will be said to sats at the oounty court house in the near future If a preparation se lected by the county commissioners does the work claimed for it. The manufac turers have agreed that if, after the preparation has been used, any rats ap pear within six months it will repeat Its method of . extermination without charge to the county. ad her Bhe was jealous. A beautiful venturess. -despairing 'of' losing lover, puts deadly poison on her line ana then induces the man to kiss her, thus ending the lives of both. The com plete story leading up to this climax Is shown In the Vitagraph drama en titled "The Kiss of Retribution." on the bill at the Columbia tneatre. Vow mbllo Ubrary Opens September tt All departments of the public library will open in tne new nuuaing, Tenth snd Yamhill, on Monday morning, September Departments will close in the old building as follows: Children's room, September 4; reference room, September 6; circulation and periodical department. (September 5. . Brlok Building on Hood street, be tween Baker and Arthur. Two floors 35x100. Good light.; low-Insurance. JuJt the place for light manufacture. Lo cated on car tracks. Low rental: Ion lease. Call or address F. C. Jackson. Journal business office. Yaoatlon Over, welcome home. Let us make your housecleanlnc little easier, and renovaU your mat tresses and pillows. Portland Curled Hair Mattress factory, low ana ixvejoy sts. Main 224, A-1374. Progressive Party Luncheon at Hotel uregon, Saturday, Sept 6, at 12 o'clock. Miss Alice Carpenter of Boston. Mass., national organiser, will speak. Tickets so cents, obtainable at 703 Lewis bldg., aaturaay at Oregon hotel. Come over and Inspect our factory and complete your 1500 currhai.. wm give 60 days to take delivery. aiuunoman rrunit & Bag Co.. whole sale manufacturers of trunks, suit cases, etc. 80-86 E. Water, cor. Stark. Beading Circle to Meet The Modern Drama Reading Circle will meet tomor row evening at 8 o'clock at room 21 Del Monte apartments. 167 Twentieth street Air members are" requested to oe in attendance. Br. Oeorys Bnbenstela's Specialty Is fitting eyes .with nrooer ela-M. He aoes very good work, and so .erv rt sonaDie, too. Try him. He will please wu. ma -jmra hi., near Taylor. names' Tailoring. Also alterations and repairing. Phone Main 6152 Har ris, the Tailor, 126 18th st, near Wash ington (formerly In the Swetland build- ingj. a Kasamas to Explore Island. For their weekly recreation trtp the Ma samas will leave Second ' and Stark streets on the United- Railways at 8:10 a. m., Sunday, and go to Burlington. From there they will ferry across to Sauvies Island and then tramp down the island until lunch time, and perhaps visit Sturgeon lake. The return to Portland will be made on the cars, ar riving here at 6:65 and 7:10 p. m. Tiokets for Ubrary Exercises. Ad mittance to the opening exercises if the new central library building to be held at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the library hall of the new building. Pre Bailroad Pare Both Ways on $100 oraer. rare one way on 150 order. Kauf man ai factory Manufacturers and riuuuars. . lai front street . Steamer Jessie Harking for Camas. rruiiuugai una way lanaings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington sirin age at z p. m. How is the time to buy trunks, trav- eucg bags, for fall trade Multnomah Trunk & Bag Co., 80-86 East Water street. aa con WnllS It X,aatad Ron LTrenkman's new Locomobile was stolen Wednesday night from Broadway and Salmon streets, where the owner had We Give "S. & H." Trading Stamps on AH Cash Purchases W. H. Markell & Co. Leading East Side Department Store.- E. Morrison and Union Ave. Attractive Showing of Ladies' New Fall Coats and Suits This season we have made greater preparations to take care of our customers with great assort ments and more complete lines than ever" before. We are anxious to show you these handsome new tailored Suits and Coats among the new Fait materials are Scotch Tweeds, Wool Boucle Cheviots, Diagonals and Novelty Weaves $1tfl.T0$ 10.-8&50 School Hose 17c Pair Children's BlaclcIose for school wear: rood! medium .weight ribbed Hose, double heel and joeior ooys ana gins. School Shoes for Boys and Girls, $1 to $2.50 Pair Black and tan gunmetals, box "calf, Velours and vici kid. . 1 Boss moh Business on Check. A young man 22 years old giving the hams of E. S. Blessing was arrested yesterday by v Detective Maloney for passing a worthless check In San Diego. .Blessing exchanged the check for an atuomobile, say the officers. .He represented that he had ah estate at Tlshllawa, Ills., and it was on the strength of this statement that he was able to pass the check. Blessing Is also accused of obtaining $25 from a hotel on a similar check. Another charge made against the young; man Is that he negotiated for the pur chase of an automobile from R. Becker, a local auto dealer. ; He Is said to have tendered a . worthless check, but as the Check was not honored, the sale was not consummated. :, . Woman Commits Suiolde. Following a quarrel with her; husband yesterday morning, Mrs. August Fisher, 886 Mor rison street, swallowed a larva nuantltv of chloroform, dying from the effects later in the day. Investigation by the coroner last evening failed to place any blame upon, tho husband, further than the Incident of the quarrel The Fishers had furnished rooms. He" 11 44 years old, while the woman was 38 years old. Youth Boon Baok lJaiL Out of the reform school one mohth, and arrested for burglary is the quick criminal career of Winter Willis, 18 years old, arrested this morning. The boy served 18 months for stealing a motorcycle. Last night he entered the apartments of Dr. Lillian Baker, Fourteenth and Clay streets, stole a pair of opera glasses, eye glasses and check book. He cashed a check for $13 In a nearby saloon. RHODES TO SUPERVISE THE RAILROAD DIVISION State Secretary of Y.'M, C. A. ' Will Have' Additional ; : Duties, . . . Shoplifters Are ParoiedV Paroles dur ing good behavior were given Mrs. Ethel Mundzel! and Irene Axtell yesterday afternoon in the municipal court, where they were charged with shoplifting from department stores. The Axtell woman pleaded guilty, while a Jury found the Mundsell woman guilty. : Htan Zs Identified- The man who dropped dead Wednesday evenlnar at Nineteenth and Raleigh streets has been ldentKled as Christopher Stearns, pro prietor of a barber shop at Second and Burnslde streets; Heart trouble is pro nounced the cause of death. Beturns to Haval Duty Claud Ken- yon of the United States navy, who has been home on a short furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Kenyon. left today fur Bremerton and witl sail on the Galveston about the ninth for Asiatic waters. Try our 35o Blended Coffee. A pre mium ticket with each pound. Haines Tea Store. 172 Third street B. Oumey, the ladies' tailor. Mohawk bldg,. special discount till Sept 16. Appointment of I. B. Rhodes, stats secretary, to have supervision of the railroad division, was the main busi ness of the state committee of . the Young Men's Christian association which met at the Portland Y. M. C. A. yeeter day afternoon. Mr. Rhodes, while re tainipg his present duties, will assume charge of the. railroad Y. M. C As in the northwest. This work has boen done by W. II Day. who has resigned to be come general secretary of the Pasadena x. m. v. A. Mr. Rhodes announced that A. E. Howell has accepted a position as sec retary of the Y. M. C A. at Oregon Agricultural college. It was also re ported that Guy Needham, new assist ant state secretary, has arrived to begin his work. Arrangements were made for a meeting at Albany Sunday of secre taries from the Albany, Salem and Eu gene associations. Attending the meeting were R. A. Booth. Eugene; Dr. Fletcher Homan, Salem; Dr. James Withycombe, Cor valljs; Leslie Butler, Hood River; Pro fessor H.' L. Bates, Forest Grove; G. F. Johnson, A.. L. Veazie. B. Lee Paget, H. W. Stone and I. B. Rhodes. Portland. SHORT EXHIBITION Of Valuable Silver and Black Pox tins. For a very short time only, H. Liebes & Co. will have on exhibition a number of the most beautiful and valuable black ana silver rox skins. These skins were recently secured In San Francisco and ara here for a dav or so before being sent to the European CITY MAN WANTING TO ? LEARN RANCH BUSINESS v "HIRES OUF 2 YEARS 4 His health impaired by long a years of factory work in Chicago, 4r John Manning came to Portland .a few days ago, determined to e Join the "back to the soil" move e ment, and live the remainder of his life out of doors. a Accompanied by Mrs. Manning, r who was as enthusiastic to get into the country as himself, he took rooms at a local hotel and i started out to find a position. 4 The -Mannings have money tn the bank, and he plans to spend a a couple Ofytars as a "hired a hand" for the sole , purpose of 4 learning the ranch business. He : looked for a particular sort of Job. And he did not find It. Then he turned to the classi fied columns of The Journal. -'A market Your Inspection Invited. (Ai peai dv.) Men's New Fall Suits It pays you to buy of me. More of your dollars go into the clothes. Ground floor stores pay $500 to $1600 a month rent I pay $30 a month. Get wise. Jimmy Dunn, room 316 Oregonian build ing. Take elevator. (Adv.) Two Bodm Outside Suite in Journal building, $40 per month. Br. B. Q. Brown, Eye, Ear, Mohawk. . Br. Amelia Siegler has returned. Br. H. P. Leonard has returned. CONDITIONS IMPROVING IN LUMBER TRADE (doerta! to The Journal, t Aberdeen, Wash.. Sept. 6. That while the lumber business Is at low ebb. a revival Is Indicated by the increasing aemana in orrsnore business. Is the de claration of H. M. Delanty of the Grays naroor (Stevedore company. He says that at the ports of Portland. Grays Harbor and the Bound, Indications point to excellent business from now on. A fleet of tramp vessels is expected, he says, to be divided between the ports named. There is ample stock to fill orders. Last Excursion of Season TO BB OIVXH BY CO. K, 3BD OB. ZHP. Up the Beautiful Columbia Oorge to Knltnomau rails. Danclnr and other amusements fre bept. 7, 1813. dren 60 cents. Fare, adults, $1.00; chll- uring your ramlly ror a rood time, as no liquor will be sold. Bring your lunches. Boat leaves Wash ington street dock at 8:30 a. m. Tickets on sale at Armory or at the dock. Get your tickets now, as only a limited number are to be sold. 1ST 4 Is confident that the two lines of - y journal print nas given nivn a start toward future lndepen- dence. two-line ad did for htm what bis individual efforts had failed to do. Manning got a position on a ranch In Morrow county, where he will have his coveted oppor tunity to learn by practice how to raise wheat, hogs and sheep. He is already on the. Job and Is confident that the two lines of Journal print has given him a start toward future indepen If You Want the Best; It s Here LAST TRIP Of the Steamer T. J. PotVsr from the beach; 8unday, September' 7, leaving Megler 9:00 p. m. Steamer Hassalo will continue to run on present schedule (as shown below) until fur ther notice:. Leaving Forllahd dally ex cept Sunday 8:80 p. m.I leaving Megler dally except Sunday and Monday, i:15 a. m.; leaving Megler on Sunday 8:00 p. m. Reservations can be made at Ash street dock or city ticket office. Third and Washington. (Adv.) journal Want Ads bring results. THE BIGGEST BITULITHIC BOOSTER is the taxpayer who appreciates low up keep and many years' wear. Some books." said Ruskin. "are for the hour, some books are for all time." , Our advertisements are for each day. Form the habit of reading them and you'll know all that's necessary about look ing your best and looks are an important factor in mak , ing success. Everything that's new and correct for men's wear. Fall suits $20 to $35. Light weight overcoats. New raincoats. Buff um 6? Pendleton 311 Morrison St., Opp. Postoffice Why It Pays to Take the Ele- vator Instead of paylnsr hiah around floor I?,.1 'Y8.11. to-yu'- Men's suits at $14.76 and $18.76 save von lift limmv Dunn, room 316 Oregonian bldg. (Adv.) yi mi of Quality bet Akler curd florristm. Phones Pacific Marshall 1, Home A-6281 Again This Saturday Special Sale Prices " ON The most economical and choicest quality meat on the market at this season. This we. guarantee to be hi year's stock LAMB' not mutton. All specials plainly Drice- marked at market. . . J ; ; pecial Program Hazel A O 1 azeiwooa wrchestra GEORGE E. JEFFERY, Director Sunday, September 7th, 6 Until 8:30 P. M. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. "Marche des Heros Hongrois" Julius Fucik Waltzes, "Bruderlein fein" Leo Fall (From motives ofthe operette) Traumbilder (Fantasie) !..Lumlye Overture, "Pique Dame" F. von Suppe Kamenoi Ostrow (Cloister Scene) A. Rabenstein Badinage ' Victor Herbert First Symphonic Suite Paul Rougnon No. 1. Allegro Scherzando No. 2. Interlude No. 3. Legende No. 4. Rigandon' Fifth Nocturne . J. Lejbach El Allaicin (Spanish Gipsy March) Silesu & Valverde Selection, "Lohengrin" Wagner Angelus (from Scenes PittoresQ-ues) J. Massenet Souvenir March, "Templar" Chas. B. Brown Tke HazelwooJ Confectionery and Restaurant WASHINGTON STREET AT TENTH Entrance at Alder, Too Orchestra Music Week Days: Afternoons, 3 to 5 Dinner, 6 to 8. Evenings, 9:30 to 11:30 SPECIAL CONCERT EVERY SUNDAY, 6 TO 8:30 "That's the wy it is with those hay-burners," remarked the satisfied user of a White Motor Truck as the. horses of a competitor were madly dashing away, breaking the wagon and dam aging the load. "You never can tell what those old-timers are going to do." The satisfaction of certain ty accompanies the, use of a good motor truck. The White Company E. W. Hill, Mgr. 69 Broadway In the business district for your convenience. Rare Opportunity . Rev. Julian K. Smyth OF NEW YORK CITY The Official Head of , tlie ' J New Church in this country, will deliver a lecture on the ' Life, Character and Work of Emanuel Swedeaborg Who is now being recognized by scientists and theologians as one of the most wonderful men the world has ever krwn. The lec turer is a gifted eloquent speaker, and an authority on his subject Sunday, Sept. 7, 8 p. rri., at Knights of Pythias Hall, Alder between 10th an'd 11th Sts. Seats Free. No Collection ' FREE BIBLE LECTURES BY W. HORACE BUNDY, OF BOSTON, WOODCRAFT TEMPLE, Tenth and Taylor Sts. Friday, 8 p. m.: "THE CALL OF THE HOUR" Pastor Bundy is an accom plished musician, a talented singer, and has done missionary service in the Orient. Under the auspices of the In ternational Bible' Students' As sociation. -Seats Free. eNo Collections. OT0 buuV vv A GOOD PAIR TO DRAW TQ 0.1 SU1TRY SUrniER DAYS Jones Market .With a reputation for QUALITY MEATS sassssM mmmmmiLmtmmLmmimmmm MEAT PRICES CUT TOMORROW, SATURDAY AT FRYE AND COMPANY'S MARKETS AS FOLLOWS: Rib and Loin Mutton Chops, pound . Mutton Stew . pound Legs Mutton ' pound . . ... 15c ;8c 15c 15c to (This Mutton is of ' superior quality. Try it,) , Choice Pot Roast "J pound Xafill Boiling Beef .i ' ' ... pound . , . Shoulder Beefsteak, Pound .Vi .. 14c Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb. Corned Beef pound Bacon-pound Best Oregon Butter pound ............ .Best Oregon Eggs 30C . Tillamook Cheese ' . pound Hamburger . . '. :'v''i, rp6und''.V.ii'.i.-;:.'.',', 19c 10c 17c ,35c 18c 12k Y.M.CA. Day and Night Schools xQviwmm SO MBIT ISiCHUI 7S eoDasna Day Schools Open SepL 2, 1913 wymnasinms, BWUnmiar. Uoranes, Unit Course. Accounting (course)..... Advertising (course) Algerba Assaying (course).. Architectural Drawing.... Arithmetic Automobile (course),..... Bookkeeping Boys.' School Business Letter Writ inn-. Business Law Carpentry . . ChemlBtry Electricity English (foreign men).... English Grammar.. Eng. Literature (course).. rrencn . R Geometry1 German History Latin Machine Desljrn Mechanical Drafting Penmanship , Pharmacy- -courl Geography , fliysics Plan Reading and Cost Three Months Fee Engineering r-iumuii Inar (short nranllrl . Public Speaking Reinforced .Concrete Con... Salesmanship Bpanlsh Shorthand Show Card Wrltlnir Surveying and Mapping... Tele. and. Dispatching Trigonometry Typewriting Vocal Mualc $ 160.00 15.00 6.00 30.00 7.60 8.00 61.00 M 4.00 a.eo a.N 10.00 10.00 17.60 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.60 7.60 3.00 30.00 6.00 7.00 16.00 16.00 8.00 90.00 B 0.90 8.00 0.00 18.00 10.00 ia.oo 6.00 6.00 3.00 Course (Day Schools) Commercial Shorthand , Electrical Engineering. Wireless Telca-raphy , Automobile Pharmacy Telegraphy and Train DlsDatcninir College Preparatory Boya" Elementary.... , Ueneral -ay tcnooi . . Fee Fall land Win ter terms 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 61.00 30.00 90.00 40.00 88.00 86.00 Write or call for Free lilustrutad Catalogue, Y. M. C. A. , Building, Portland, Or. - ..iv-.. ;.;-'',,..; Similar schools Seattle. ' Twnmi! Spokane, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland. . , , ' ;lhey certainly are com forts on a sultry Sum mer's day." "Sin ma t" hw Ions tho Iron ing, the Electric Iron makes it easy. fo matter how hot the day, ',1 - the Electric, Fan keeps you coot Place Your Order Today NORTHERN ELECTRIC COMPANY 8394 Alder, Bet. 1st ana and. $6 SUPERIOR COAL CO. 103 Fourth St, Lyric Bldg. Phones Main 154, A-1541 " BOSTON DENTISTS (Ve are now located between Fourth ind Fifth on - Waabtngton : street, and are prepared to give you first class work at rrusonabl prices Rubber Plate ....... S5.00 and lis Gold Crowns ........ :t.50 anil up Bridge Work ....... .y.50 and us Porcelain Crowns... . ,3.50 and up Sliver Fllllnas ......... and Gold Fillings ..81.00 mil ut SB. X. F. KWI'OV. Mgr. LOOK FOlt THE U. S. PUBPLESTAlUP IT SIGNIFIES ' . , PURITY ANDT QtfALITV . V ST. HELENS HALITE roanvAXTD, oBxaoir . . Park Ave. and rord St ' ; Resident and day school tor glrla, ' Kohool opens Monday, Bept. 16, 1 Old pupils will register Wednes day, Sept. 10. 9 to 13 A. M. New pupils Thursday and Friday, Sept, 11 and 2t 9 to 11 A. M., The Hair Store vi-" iso 6th St, Wear Wssh. -For Quality Hair Goods. , , mom to suit u. . We Alatch When Otheis fall. . .. ti. arlw waa oka. . ,. f Wigs,1 Toupees. Curls and Puffs mailt i , 10 oiaer. Oregon Humane Society Office MO Oaloa Ave Cot. saaxaet paeae Vast 1433. U-iltilk '' Horse amtuiaoie for sluh or dlsaM4 SBlmala alta moment's ootlca, ptUi.a rMasenable. ' Report ell eaa.a or eru.njr IS this office. J ppaa dav aut s)labt cm;n F.ii;jri::c tul (