The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 05, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Commissioner Says the Wate
. r Service at Present (s Not on
i Logical or Scientific Basis,
1 H Ths'elty can ve liooo month hy
W .. . j . . J . t ...4
v metering ail water service, wunw
SViU H. ta)y, .comrnlesloher f pubi!o
ptilltles, this morning. The Inspection
force, he preaictect, can oe nauraa t
? I to 4 or 8. Benefits from the economy
may be- realise in bettered service and
lessened costs. ,
' Tha commissioner slt that though a
majority.-" 'to date, do not approve mc
plan of paying for ' water quannriy in
advance, but seem, to prefer to pay by
, th month, he still sees. a way out. It
would be through the passage of an en
tbling ordinance charging water nervice,
not aeslnst the tenant "but against the
property, and billing fOr' the service
quarterly, or even emi-annusujr. an'
the water had been used. He has asked
the city attorney If such an ordinance
when prepared would be in accord with
the charter. He has confidence mai
' will be. y
, s Water Supply Tery Important.
'f'The supply of water Is fully as im
Bortant to nronerty as street improve
reents,' : suggested Commissioner Daly,
'Xt special Importance is the con
tinuity of service. But there Is no as
; (rurance or guarantee of continuity of
service on the part of the casual tenant
who may move in this week and nut
next" -
Commissioner Daly's attitude toward
ITater meters is of considerable signifU
eance. His estimate of economy In
metering the water supply confirms the
position of Tbe Journal on this same
matter and vindicates the campaign
undertaken to have meters installed for
... all water consumers.
Without meters individual consum
ers have an opportunity, which the
most- rigid inspection cannot correct,
of using more water than they pay for,
much i of which is wasted. Consumers
aear the reservoir' may take from the
mains so much pressure that consumer
Mar the end of the line may not he
able to get adequate aupply no mat
ter how generous the reservoir stor
M. J- Hay Keanlre Bigger Haiti.
,tn fact, without water meters, the
problem of Installing larger mains to
carry water to-a rapidly increasing pop
ulation is soon; to assume serious pro
portions, ' according to the adviee of
Experts, '.
-xThe decrease of" Inspection necessary
lth metered' service would be caused
from the fact that Inspectors now spend
much of their time trying to detect
Violators of rules and discovering, leaks
which, property owners would them
eelvas take care of if a leak meant in
creased service cost ,
K "Our water service Is not on a lori-
cat or aclentif ic basis,", explained Comri
missioner uaiy. "We cannot hope tn
give service with the greatest eft!
eiency and smallest cost as conditions
ftre. At the same time, tbe problem Is
not easy of solution."
.There are about 60.00 Individual wa.
Ur services In the city, . .
4 ' '.
Warrants Issued Today for
Several Violators of "Tin
Plate". Ordinance,
cutter Seminole is engaged today In aid'
Ing distressed vessels off Diamond
Shoals, according to wireless messages
received at the navy department. Among
the storm-endangered craft it was said,
is the four masted schooner Anna Held'
rrtter. which lost Its topmasts, broke
Its rudder and had two of its crew n
J urea during last nights s tor in.
; (Continued From Pat, One.)
law," showed up and gave her between
300 and $500. v February, of Mil,
she -said he made his unexpected ap
pearano in Portland and gave her
$1700, and in June of 1912 conveniently
arrived tn-tne city and handed her an.
other 11000.
At ho time, she declared under cross
examination, did he come . when Dr.
Howard was present, and in faqt he did
not register at any of the local hotels.
He usually remained a short time be
tween trains. ' v
She stated also that Dudamdor passed
through Portland about three weeks
ago and telephoned her. He, also sent
her a box of flowers. She said she
could not rememoer the florist. At the
time, she asserted, he said he was on
route to Tasmania-
Following the action of the cross
ctitlon yesterday in Introducing a eopy
oi me marriage certificate, in which
the name of her father was omitted.
an attempt was made t6 delve into Mr.
Howard's history prior to her marriage
wun ur. .Howard in Bpokano li 180B.
. Witness Btnng- by Questions,
8tung by sharp and pointed questions.
she said she had resided In New York.
had later separated from her parents
and since her marriage had not corre
sponded with her people because they
did not approve of the match.
In this connection and regard to
how and when she received money from
Dudamdor, she was very evasive and
the prosecution had a hard time pinning
her down to anything definite.
This afternoon Mrs. Howard was
scheduled to take the stand again, and
the prosecution Intimated it would
carry out a line of cross-examination in
n effort to show that the money, which
she testified Dudamdor so conveniently
gave her was in reality given by Mag
Rleter, who at the time was maklnif
hie home with the Howards and was a
patient of Di Howard. In this ' con
nection the plaintiffs charge that the
Howards connived to secure Rleter'a
fortune and took advantage of hla weak
mental condition to work upon hi
pursestrings. '
In an effort to prove Water was fit
mentally to make a will on March 7,
19U, four days before hls .desth. th
defense put Dr.' W. T. Williamson, a
local expert on mental diseases, on the
stand after Mrs. Howard was excused.
Qn direct examination Dr. Williamson
said he had talked to Rleter on March f
just before he made his will and he
seemed ssne.
Under cross examination Pr. William
son stated he found two groaa adhesions
on Rleter'a brain following his death. He
also admitted that he had recommended
that Rleter be sent to a sanitarium, as
the man had suffered from delusions.
In this connection the prosecution
oolnted out that Rleter In 1910 had
Jumped from a moving passenger train
at Prosser to esoapa imaginary enemies
and the Injuries resulting brought him
under Dr. Howsrd care. Asked if such
an action did not indicate lnsanity. Dr. I
Williamson replied "Yes." Noon recess
was then taken.
'v ii immi i. .iip..:'-.-;-t,:
Continued From pag One.
(Special to The Journal.!
Prlnevllle. Or.. Sept". B.-Jehn Mo.
Pherson was last night convicted of
stealing a horse from Oeorge Melllcan,
Thl was McPherson's second trial on
the charge, the Jury having disagreed
the first time.
At the close of the trial last night
began MoPherson, brother of the de
fendant, attacked Mrs. Louise Tobln,
who had been a witness for the state.
McPherson was arrested.
John McPherson gave the sheriff
forces of Oregon and northern Nevada a
long chase before he was captured in
tbe mountain fastnesses just over th
Oregon line. He hsd the horse with
The defense contended that the animal
was not Mellloan's property.
Smith Heads Spanish Veteran.
Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. B. John Lewis
Smith of Washington was elected today
commander-in-chief of the Spanish War
veterans in convention here.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
the 'defendants WacUng and conspiring
together undertook end pretended at
various times between Mgy 1, mi. and
the list day of December, mi, to ap
prove i-iuims agsinsi tne state or Oregon
for services rendered; end materials and
supplies furnished, and land purchased
at, and for the Oregon penitentiary, and
to instruct the defendant, Secretary of
etate Oloott to draw warrant In pay.
mem ut sum cigitna on tne state treaa
urer against (he 'revolving fund.' "
.Appropriation SsoeeaeO.
It Is further alleged that "pursuant
to said instructions said Olcott drew
such warrants and tha said Stat Treas
urer Kay paid the sum, and tha t tbe
total suma so paid wag i,"
The charge l then made that "said
moneys, nor any part thereof, were ever
appropriated rrom the state treasury by
any act or Jaw of the state of Oregon;
nat tne payroent thereof was In addi
tion to ad in excess of all moneys ap
propriated by law for the support, main
tenanoe and any and every purpose of or
conneoted with said Oregon state peni
tentiary for ana during the time herein
mentioned; and that all money appro
priated for any purpose In connection
with the Bald appropriation, end all the
foregoing sums were distributed, dis
bursed and paid out a aforesaid without
warrant or authority of law therefor,
and no appropriation whatever was - ever
made by the legislature of the state of
Oregon, or otherwise, for any of the
purposes fer which said moneys were
so disbursed.
"Pretended Authority."
'That said pretended claims against
the state of Oregon so undertaken and
pretended to be approved and allowed
by said board were, Incurred by direction
of said defendant, Oswald West, gov
ernor of the state of Oregon, acting in
his capacity as trustee of said Oregon
state penitentiary, pursuant to the pre
tended authority and agreement."
In this connection the history of the
case shows that Governor West called
the attention of the attorney general
In a letter of May T last, to charges
made in Portland papers that the pen
itentiary revolving fund had been mis
applied and thatithe earnings were not
turned over to the state treasurer.
Thl charge was made as t the fund
and earning of the brick yard during
the period In lll mentioned in tne
complaint, '. "vvi,,f, ,'-. ;( V
Whatever the result of thia ult may
be it will be shown that the board fol
lowed the precedents ;snd practices of
the preceding board. Tha governor in
his letter asked tne attorney general to
sue -all parties guilty of violating th
lw in this connection, if he found the
charges were true, or that they needed
Investigating. The attorney general ha
not yet seen fit to eover the whole
field, but If any one I sued all should
be, if equity is te be done. Thl would
require that additional suit be brought
gainst the two preceding administra
tion.' This would make the following
' Defeadant aramerosa,
Th Chamberlain administration, with
Chamberlain as governor; Galena, hi
private secretary; Bute Treasurer Moore
and Secretary of State Steele; the Bow.
erman administration with Bowerman a
governor, Pat MsArthur, privaf secre
tary. Benson (or hi estate as ecre
Ury of state, and 8tsls, a treasurer.
Governor West speaking of the mat
ter some days ago, and before this suit
was filed, suggeeted that If the whole
bunch was sent te the penitentiary that
he himself would like to get a Job taking
care of the chickens, that Olcott might
run the hog ranch and Tom Kay the
tailor shop. 1 He also suggested that
"Bill" Ofttene and "Pat" McArthur could
take the shingles off the roof of the
foundry and perhaps put a new roof on.
in governor is not worrying, and at
least think he can show a proper and
beneficial use of the money. Olcott
says any old day- that he has no In
junction or mandamus, or some kind of
a suit filed against him he feels that
he Is being neglected, and Tom Kay
just goes on paying warrants.
Governor weet had not been served
with the papers up to 1 o'clock. He said
he would have nothing to cay until he
had read the complaint,: ... i
(Salem Borenu of Tbe Journal.)
Galem, Or., Sept. 5. Preliminary
statements filed by corporation in or
der to get a permit to do business In the
state will not be regarded as public
documents to tne-extent that they may
be examined by7veryon, according to
a . ruling formulated i by Corporation
Commissioner Watson, &-:' Hfv-
Thl ruling le made for the benefit
of e) number of mercantile corporation,
which do not sell stock, hut which lva
a small number of, unissued shares on
hand, and ' therefore come technically
under the Blue Sky law..
They objected to tbe filing; of the
statement on the ground .that It made
a public document they could be
amine' by, eyeryon. and their finan
cial gtandlnf nd bulne would be
come subject to the inspection of busi
ness rival, ' None, av those Interest
ed Jn the corporation nd tho rep
resenting the etat wl be tWewed to
examine them. . - .
Men's Fall Suits, Extra Value, $1450 to $25
This Store Open Saturdays From8A. M. to 9:30 P. M.
Delicatessen Specials
Potato Salad, Saturday, pound 43JfJ
Manzanilla Olives at, the quart 1$
Tillamook Cheese, special, lb. 18e
Kippered , Salmon, special, lb. ITe)
Boiled Hani, special at, pound 3Tft
Imported Swiss Cheese, pound 33t
Sweet Pickles, special, the quart 36
Sour Pickles, special at, quart 21f
Cafeteria Luncheon
Served Trent 11 A. M. to TOO 7. X,
Noodle 'Soup, lo,
Caseerole of Fish. 10.
Corned Beef, lee. Rout Leg of Pork. 15c.
'Boiled Mutton with Caper Bae, 10c.
. Potato. Tome to or Celery Salad, fe.
Boiled Cabbage, Creamed Turnips,
Mashed Potatoes or Buttered Squash. Cc.
-Pi or Pastry, c Tee, Coffee or Milk, Je.
Shirts $1.15 Each
- '..".i
Jf Dressed Men
will be plcasurably surprised
with our large' and now com
plete stock of '' -
Fall Importations
of foreign and domestic woolens
of every conceivable pattern in
all the best qualities. r
The Business Suit That
Advertises Us
Made in Portland by union labor
"The House That Quality Built" '
289 Washington St, Between
Fourth an3 Fifth
rTen property owner are to be arreat-
ed upon complaints filed today in the
municipal court, charging failure to ob
serve the "tin plate" ordinance which
provides that names of owners be din
played on rooming and lodging houses.
These complaints were filed this morn
ing by the city uttorney's office,
r Warrants have been Issued for the
arrest of Lewis P. Beno and William
Ballis. owners of property at 4S Flan
ders 8SV4 and 95 North Thirteenth
Street; Mrs. Fannie Lowengart, of M0
Irving street, whose property is at 2a
and 81 North Park street and 350 Couch
Street; William Donovan, of 181 East
Sixteenth street, whose property is at
II North Ninth and 24 and J6 North
Tenth street; Joseph M. Healy at south
west corner of Fifth and Morri6n
, Streets; Sanderson Beed. at 387 Couch
treet; Stewart & Ferguson, whose
property is at 408 end 410 Couch and
North Tenth' streets; Mrs. Mary
Gillette, of 194 Abernathv street, whose
property is at 66 North Fourteenth and
491 Davis streets; Oustaf C. Cramer
With property at 464 Davis Btreet. and
.J E.Crouch and C. F. Howard, whose
property is at 29 North Tenth street
Continued From Page One.
"" j 'f i uracoKe, N. C., aa
a result of yesterday's torrential rain
-Detailed accounts of the heroic work
of the lifesaving crew at Oracoke in as-
. Si sting distressed vessels are given but
no mention of any fatalities is made.
"A wireless mesage from Superintend
ent Kimball at the Hatteras station said
'"The schooner Oeorge Wells Is
wrecked. It went to pieces three miles
off North Hatteras Inlet. Its crew of
30. was landed safely hy nfesavinc
- fAn-unidentified,, English oil steamer
with only one mast tandinfr is now
vlslbl 10 miles off Cape Hatteras."
Confirmation of the reported heavy
loss Of life at Oracoke had not been
received at any of the government sta
tions up to 11 o'clock tills morning and
It! wee believed that if there had 'been
any fatalities word would have been
received hours ago. -
A ;reat SatuFday sale of Men's handsome new Coat Style
Shirts with pleated bosoms and cuffs attached. Made of
splendid quality percales and madras cloths and shown in
blue, black and lavender
stripes. Sizes 14 to 182.
Regular $2 values (j 1 r
for Saturday, ea. j) 1 1 0
Men's 4 -in -Hands
i mm v :
i llthh KM.
H 'yi.SiWU ' . 7Sr v Imps at P,-h
f Saturday for 49c
500 dozen men's new Four-in-Hand
Neckties in up-to-date Fall styles and
coloring. Flowing end and reversible.
Hundreds- of different patterns and
all the plain coldts. Regular Afn
Boys' $6.50 School Sui
100 new Fall Suits for school wear go
on sale tomorrow. A splendid lot.
Made from good all-wool fabrics, in
double-breasted and Norfolk tyle.
Have full peg pants. Come in blue,
gray, brown and fancy mixtures.
Ages 6 to 17 years. Regu- AA
lar $6.50 values, for f)tlUll
Sale of Boys1 Regular $1
Knickerbockers for 69c
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants, well made
roomy. Keg. $1 value, special
of good material, cut full and 0
Regular $1.25 Boys' Pants, pair 95
Regular $1.50 Boys' Pants at 91.19.
New Hats for
Autumn Wear
A showing of many fetching styles in
advance of our regular semi-annual exhibit.
Newly arrived and of great beauty are
these hats, featuring medium size hats of
satin, velvet, plush and velour wfth soft,
pliable crowns quite the newest idea in
millinery, and are most effective for tailored
and semi-dress wear. Very reasonably
priced, from f 5.0O upwards.
Special for Saturday
Black Velvet Untrimmed Hats, soft crowns, specially adapted for the
young lady of 16 to 22 years extra special $1.49
I $3.50 to $5 Corsets at $2.
Great Saturday sale of 500 Cor
sets a splendid assortment, in
cluding such well-known, popu
lar brands as "Nemo," "Ameri
can Lady" and "Mme. Lyra," in
beautiful broches and durable
coutils. Come in long hip, me
dium and hih bust and are very
tastefully trimmed. Have the
full complement of hose support
ers. Regular $3.50 to $5.00 val
ues. See our window display.'
For Saturday, while AO
they last, choice at DZf.yO
,few York, Sept. B. Flooded from the
vicinity Of the Grand Central station
te beyond Fiftieth street, the New
York subway Was put out of commis
sion today by one of the heaviest rsln
faJla of th ummer. It started to ralri
at, o'clock last night and continued
until early today. ,
Th operation of subway trains was
impossible, and thousands ef persons
arrived late at their work. All elevated
trains were packed.
'The rainfall during an hour and 15
minutes while the storm raged amounted
t :.7Jt inrhe. There was another
period of If minutes during which an
!fh of water fell.
I' ,
Manjr Veweli Endangered.
JVaehlngton, Repi. . The-'revenue
$1 Face Powder 69c
Piver's Kace Powder in all odors,
such as Azurca, Pompeian, De
Trefle and Safranor. Reg. QQn
$1 value. Priced, special at OtC
95c Fiver's Toilet Water at 69
Mary Garden Perfumery at f 1.85
"Djerkiss" Perfume at, oz. $1.75
50c D. & R. Cold Cream, jar 37
50c Williams' Matchl's C. Cr. 37
50c Palmolive Cream at, jar 45
$1 Pompeian Massage Cream 75
50c Pompeian Massage Cre'm 37
Pound bottle of Peroxide at 19
Vj-pound bottle of Peroxide 12
50c Eureka Family Liniment 27
10c Colton Seed Oil at, bottle 7
25c Lister's Antiseptic Fluid 1B
25c bottle of " Rose Water at 12
25c bottle Spirits of Camphor .170
25c Jamaica Ginger at, bottle 17
25 Essence of Peppermint at 17
25c Eureka Diarrhoea Mixture 17
50c Blackberry Cordial, bot. 17
25c bottle of Pure Castor Oil. 19tf
25c Pure Olive Oil, bottle 19
50c Eureka Sarsapanlla at 37
50c Eureka Wh. Pine and Tar 27
Girls'School Coats $3.98-$20
More than 300 new Fall Coats for girls of 6
to 14 years now ready for your choosing.
Co mc in boucles, plush, cheviot, velvet; zibe
line and fancy homespun material. (POA AA
All shades. Priced at 93.98 to PUeUU
$4.00 School Dresses at $1.98
$1.75 Wash Dresses for 88c
A Clean-Up sale tomorrow of several odd lots
of children's wool and galatea flyi.QO
Dresses. Sizes 6 to 14. Vals. to $4, at vleaQ
Choice of all percale and chambray Dresses,
prettily trimmed garments, 'worth up to QQ,
$L75, to close tomorrow at, each,.....,OOC
Children's 20c Hose 3 Pr, 50c
On the Main Floor, a- great special 'sale of
children's fast black seamless Hose, fine rib'd,
with double heel and toe and double knee)
good, durable, satisfactory hose. Sizes t A-,
5 to 9ViA. Tomorrow at, 3 pairs for.;;. DHL
fA Substantial, "KSV' -t
Wholesome Meal M0. 1
for these coming Autumn days is in
tore for th hungry youngsters if
. mother will order V
'Made-from the very choicest selection JfcS J"
Jrf of Government Inspected meat. J7 - f I
TT' 'Tl JTJLJ .... II
f Not only good to tne
I taste out good for
I the nealtt
I ' It's - pure -stays (
Order, a - Hasft TnAiv -V.'A M
' HI "Mln 49-A.llW'- ..iflUIII
i i " . - a ipl i
$2.50 Long Glove $1.85
Women's long white lambskin
Gloves, 16-button length; fine, soft
quality. All sizes. Values to
$2.50. Priced fot Satur- fl- OP
day at, the pair tPJLeOu
$1.50 Short Lambskins at fl.15
$2.00 Mocha Gloves, pair f 1.19
Gloves cleaned at, per pair 10 f
"Portrair VeiU at $1.98
The new ."Portrait" or "Frame"
'Veils are here. Made of fine qual
ity silk shadow mesh, in beautiful
designs. .Black, white; fl- QQ
new shades. On sale at Pi-50
New Lace Veils, all colors, 75 up
New Veilings, 25 to 650 yard
75c Neckwea r for 50c
A splendid ; showfng of Women's
newest 'Neckwear. Dainty waist
sets and fichu collars of" fine net
also Medici Guimpes. Great va
riety 75c value. Tomor- KA
row, special at,-each:., 7. i.'UVL
13.50 Ostrich ;Neckpieees 1 . f 2.50
".. - ei rv ' . . ,