THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, FRIDAY; EVENING, SEPTEMBER ff 1913. Our Showing of Hats for Men Comprises Stetsons, Shobles, M. & F. Special and Mallory (Cravenetted) at $2.00 to $6.00 1st Fir,, Main Bldg. nanasome, lNew veiour anu riusnnais nre nere in opieuuiu .msmji uiiciu ui ran otyica at tup.uu- m lusns rurnismnus ugpdrtmeot 23 Toilet Requisites Underpiriced lSe WUU Boit Olycerlae Boap. 4711 lid ftOo Barns Theatrical, l-lb. Jars 39 SOo Veda Km Bono 25C 7Sc rorai)lD Massacre Ctmu 49 fl6o Lyon's Tooth Powder. . . 10 880 Bubtfoam. 8 for 25c 85a Barret Jt Bamsdell'e Cream 29 SOo Pond's Extract 29 SSo Sal Hepstlca 35o Caacarets 16c4 SOo Xiarorla 33 1 SOo Diapepsln (Papa's) 29 SOo Java Bio. Tact Powder. 23 BTATXOBXBY 8PSCXAX.S. Monsssline d. Paris Violet Pound Pap.r, 6 sheets, nu linen pa- par, special tn. id 2 Envelopes to match, paoaafe. . KOn Crana'a Oold and SilTer Ei Correspondent Cards, special, the bos. ,43 SSo Aeroplane Unen Bos Paper, white, bine and layend.r, in let ter and note else, special, the . boa 21 Pirst floor Hew Building Edge Spectacles Half Price Kor Saturday only, our regular excellent J5.00 SpectacloB or Eye- flneufs. with best gold filled rumen, and best grade lenses fitted to your eyes by our (Jradu ate and Registered Op- (TO C( tometrlst, for only pfJJ Bast Grade Z,enses fitted to your own frames, the pair, 81. Text Cards for Emb'ry Free-r-with Text Cards for Embroidery skeins of Em broidery Silk, sufficient for working cards. Price of Cards, 50 to 81.25 Prangg' Water Colors 25 Third Ploor Art Seotlon. Official Bound-Up Hats At Bare doing to the Round-Up? You'll surely want one of these Official Rounds-Up Hats all the true en thusiasts will wear one. They're made of 'Pendleton Indian Blan kets, in all their weird and char acteristic colors, and in smart styles. Select your Hat now while the assortment is in its en tirety. Price S2.50. Just maids Morrison St. Sntranoe. O-CEDAR MOP makes it easy to clean and polish those Hard-to-Get-at places. It's a great labor saver. Price ' $1.50 See Demonstration In Basement Just Published! (imi i nreaas or uray By Myrtle Reed. and Gold," Author of "Lavender and Old Laftl '-..' PRICE 1.5 Now on salei in our Bookstore, Basem't Annex. Portland Boys and Girls Return to School Sept 15th Mothers Will Buy the New Attire Tomorrow at Meier & Frank's - Shoes Stockings Underwear Suits Dresses Coats Hats Caps Rain Capes Umbrellas All at Lowest Prices Here! BBIHO PAMXSY OB PBXSVDB j ' TO BOT IB gi $1.00 Table d'Hote DINNER ATVmSAT, tioir.K, Bine Point Oysters on Half Shell Queen OUt.s. Sweet Mldreta Baited Almonds Cream of Press Artichokes, aux Croutons . Consomme Mllanalae Boiled Boyal Chinook Salmon, Orstnl Pommea 9uf our Chicken Pa tti, Cardinal Claret Punch Boast Multnomah Duckling, Apple Sauce Boast Prime Bibs, an Jus Mashed Potatoes. Prl.d sweet potatoes Hot Asparagus, Drawn Butter Wafdorf Bamd Walnut Bisque loe Cream - Cakes Italian Prune Pie Imported Swiss Cheese, Car Voir , j uirect xievator m ServiceableHose-SchoolWear Supply the boys and girls now with good, serviceable Hose for scriool wear Hose neat in appearance, of fast colors and good wearing qualities demanded by energetic, wide-awake boys and girls. Extensive varieties are here for you tomorrow. 25c Misses' and Children's Fine Gauze Lisle Hose of medium weight, either in plain or mercerized finish. Linen thread heels and toes, and seamless feet. Black, white and tan. Special, 3 pairs 65 the pair 22 Boys' School Hose the renov?d Ajax brand, in extra heavy weights, Z2 ribbed, in black only. Sizes 7 to 8J4 3 pairs 65 the pair 23 Children's Pony Stockings fine ribbed and full weight, with fashioned feet. An extra quality Hose not excelled for dura bility. In black only. All sizes. The pair 25 Women's Wayne Knit "Indestructible Hose" of fine gauze lisle, in black only. Double welts 3 pairs 91 the pair 35 Boys' and Girls' Black Cotton Stock ings the "Everlasting" brand, in me dium weight and seamless feet. Fine ribbed and black only 2 pairs 25 the pair 15 Infants' Cashmere Hose with mer cerized heels and toes, in colors and black and white. Sizes 4 to The pair 2( Women's Imported Ingrain Lisle Hose a new line just arrived. , Laven der Welt Tops and Tippings. Full fash ioned and in black only 3 pairs $ 1 the pair 35 50c Women's Outsize Silk Boot Hose with lisle tops and split soles, in black only. Special, the pair, 25 First Floor, Main Building, Mail Orders Filled New Coats for the Girls -IDEAL FOR SCHOOL WEAR Th rincinp' nf the school bell will be eagerly re sponded to by thousands of children, but the mothers will have to respond to the call for school clothes. Anticipating this need, we've secured some splendid new Coats for girls and for service and durability they're unexcelled. There's a splendid variety of Cheviots, Serges, Fancy Tweeds, Velvets, Plush and Corduroy,- in all the favored styles one of the most popular being the belted style. Colors are blue, red, brown, gray and black, and they're all lined throughout. These stun ning Coats are most reasonably priced. , CcaU, ize 2 to 8 years, $5.00 to $15.00 CoatY$ize 10 to 14 year, $5.00 to $18.00 Pretty, New Dresses for School Girls Most girls need three or four school Dresses of wool ma terial for the Fall and Winter months, and we've just re ceived a large assortment of charming and serviceable Dresses, mdst appropriate for school wear. You'll find a modish array of serge, challie, cassimere, velvet and ratine Dresses in blue, brown, red, black and white checks and black and tan. They're fetchingly made in all the most popular styles, including the one-piece styles with long waist and the ever favored "Middie" and "Norfolk" styles. Skirts are plain or pleated. These excellent little Frocks come in sizes 6 to 14 years. Serge and Cassimere Dresses Priced at $2.75 to $5.00 Velvet, Serge and Ratine Dresses Priced $12.50 to $20 Second rioor Main Bulldlna; Mall Orders Pilled "Let 'ErBuck" Chaps for Boys! Worth $3.75--Special, $2.95 Every boy would like to own a pair of Cowboy Chaps, and you may buy them for your boy here to morrow at a saving worth while. They're of gen uine leather, with long fringe down the side, and complete with holster and gun. They're strong and durable and will withstand any amount of the roughest play. Regularly for $3.75. Special 2.95 Roller Skates-A World of Fun and Healthy Exercise for Boys and Girls $2.00 Bail-Bearing Roller Skates nickel-plated, with rubber cushions, and are adjustable to any size. Strong leather straps to fit around the ankle. Special tomorrow, the pair $1.49 $1.25 Plain Bearing Roller Skates adjustable, dur ably made, and very good to learn to skate with, complete with set of extra wheels, at 98 Candy Specials! 70c Victoria Chocolates Spe cial, the pound 48 50c Milk Chocolate whipped cream style, pound 38 50c Assorted Chewing Choco lates, pound 38 40c Ass'ted Buttercups, lb. 28 40c Ass'ted French Nougat 25 Candy Stare. Basement. Mail Orders Pilled Best Results Assured in Developing and Printing All. our Developing and Printing receives the personal attention of an expert formerly with the East man factory, and only "Velox" Paper is used in the printing. SPECXAUS POB BATVBDAT 300 lass Trays, sis 6x8 Ins... 21 C 80c Papier Mache Trays, 4x8... 134 Bo Eastman M. Q. Tubes, 4 for. .15 aso Kodak Aoid ruing-Pow. l lb. 19c Kewpie Royal Society Package Outfits contain everything-, needed ma-' terial, sufficient Royal Society Embroidery Floss and complete Instructions for making-. There's a wide range of Pillows, Center Pieces. Waists, Children's Dresses, etc., for your selection. These Outfits on sale in our Third Floor Art Section, at prices ranging from 25 to 75. "Samson" Suits Are Sure To Give Greatest Service All Wool and Only $5.00 Extra Pair of Knickers to Match, $1.50 Indestructible Samson Suits for boys are built for hard service and lon wear, and they're truly remark able for the price of $5.00. They're positively all wool and the coat and knickers are lined throughout, with the seams all taped and carefully stitched. These smart and most serviceable Suits are of the latest fahrirc anH every new Fall shade is include in our wonderfully complete stock. For school or dress you'll find these trim, stylish Suits most appropriate, and they're phe nomenally priced at only $5.00. Other AU-Wool Suit for Boys, Including Famous "Sampeck" Make, at $3.75 to $15 Men's Store, Third PL, Hew Building Mall Orders Pflled DurableSchool Shoes for Boys & Girls For the wear and tear of the school year, the boys and girls must have a Shoe that is strong and serviceable, as well as neat and stylish. We've some splendid new Shoes for school wear that will answer all these requirements. 'T will-pay you to come and see them. MISSES' AND- CHILDREN'S SHOElS of gunmetal, veiour, calf and patent colt. Soles made for Oregon wear. Broad toes and low heels. Riilton or lace style. Priced according to sires -1.25, f 2.00 and f 2.50 j BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES of box or veiour calf or tan willow stock. Blucher or button style. Heavy double soles and best fitting lasts Little Gents' sizes 1.50 to f-2.50 Boys' sizes 2.00 to $3.00 She store Third PI Hew Bldg. Mail Orders PUled Groceries for Over Sunday! JERSEY BUTTER, THE ROLL High grade Butter low priced, notwithstanding recent advances in yr Butter prices. I DC Eastern Hams, well cured and closely trimmed, lb. 23 Eastern Cheese, fancy Wisconsin make, lb... m 19f Boiled Hams, surplus fat removed. Sliced to order, lb. 40 Cervelat Sausage, Swift's Gothear, in pieces, lb 45$ Fresh Sausages, Frankfurters or Weinerwurst, lb...l7t Fine Bacon, weighing 10 to 12 lbs. each, half strips, 24Va Runkels Cocoa, regular 25c cans, each ( . . . .20$ Seedless Raisins, unbleached Sultanas, 4 lbs 25$ Victor Coffee, a most satisfactory blend, lb 29$ Solid Tomatoes, Del Monte Brand, doz. $1.45, can 12$ Pure Lard, makes excellent pastries, fJo. 5 pails 79$ Invincible' Suits Only $16.50 They're All Wool, Stylish, Handsome Garments Men who seek in Clothing an individuality of style, all-wool fabrics, the best of tailoring and a per fect fit will find their greatest expectations fulfilled in our wonderful "Invincible" Suits. They're made according to our own specifica tions, and you may be sure these specifications are of the most exacting. They're made from specially selected all-wool fabrics, of the newest weaves and patterns designed for Fall, superbly tailored and of distinctive finish. Evidence of our faith in our "Invincible" Suits lies in the fact that every Suit is sojd with the Meier & Frank guarantee of satisfactio'n or money re funded. Comein tomorrow and see the extensive showing. You'll be surprised to find them the equal of Suits sold elsewhere for $25 and more. "Invin cible" Suits only $16.50. Other Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats $15 to $38. Purchase a Sweater for Fall Wear At These Unequaled Prices You will welcome this opportunity to choose from our splendid stock of Sweaters afid Sweater Coats at prices so remarkably low; now that Fall is nearly here, and they will be so much in demand. No garment gives more real com fort or serviceable wear than a Sweater, and they're to be more popular than ever this com(ng season. They're here for men, women arid children in all the popu lar styles and most desired colors. $4.00 and $4.50 Ruff-Neck Sweaters shaker knit, all wool, in Oxford, white, navy, maroon, cardinal and tan. Special, each, $2.98. $6.00 Jumbo Stitch Sweat ers Extra quality wool, in Oxford, navy and cardinal. Special, each $3.98. Ruff-Neck Sweaters for t.boys or girls. Medium weight wool, in Oxford, cardinal, navy and maroon, sizes 6 to 14 years. Special price $1.69 Shaker Knit Sweaters for boys or girls. Ruff-neck col lar style, all wool and in Ox ford and cardinal. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Extra special, each, $2.49. $6.00 Sweater Coats Ruff neck style, all pure wool, in Oxford, maroon and gray. Special at, each, $4.15. $7.50 Jumbo Sweater Coats Extra heavy weight and all pure wool, in Oxford, cardinal and white. Special, each, $5 Boys' and Girls' Sweater Coats ideal for school wear. Worsted plaited, in Oxford, navy, cardinal and fancy trimmed. Extra special, each, 95$. A-GlOl 1357 l Lmm 1813" Th& QjualitV SToite or Portland rifUv, Slxlh,forriaof, Aider 3t MarstnII4600 . "Nofade'Shirts at Only $1.15 Men, the renowned "Nofade" Shirts, that we have secured exclusively for Portland, are guaranteed not to fade or we replace them with new Shirts, free. The beautiful new styles for' Fall are now here in all their diversity of handsome designs. Pleated or plain bosoms, with stiff cuffs, arid all made coat style, and they're of such good quality of material and workmanship that you would pay elsewhere $1.50 for these Shirts. Come tomorrow and make your selections for Fall wear. Each, only $1.15 50c Silk Socks for Men, 29c I An immense special purchase brings to the men of Portland a most unusual opportunity to choose good, quality Pure Thread Silk Socks at the price pf lisle hose. These Socks are of a fine uniform weave, with double-spliced heeU, toes and tops, and in black as well as the most popular-colors for Fall gray, green, purple, wine;' lav ender and Cadet blue. Specially pricad, the pair 29f . - nst Zaslde Morrison ' Bntraaoe MaU Orders PlUe4 V