WM LINER IS FIXED TO TAKE LUMBER FOR RATE OF 4S 6D British Steamer Chartered fo China Trade; Twii Finish Loading Today, ' 3 Among the new charters announuid . yesterday afternoon for the transporta tion of lumber from the Pacific coast - to offshore ports, was the British steamer Indramayo, of the well known Tndra" line. She was taken by the Pacific Export Lumber company to load for China at 4a 6d. The Indramayo ha just arrived at San Diego with cargo of railroad ties from Japan. Two of the lumber carriers now In ' port will complete their cargoes this ' afternoon, with an aggregate of 6.661,000 teet, while the British steamer Algoa is expected to finish at Ltnnton tomorrow ' with the world's record lumber cargo, , the big freighter being scheduled to leave down the river for Australia with approximately 6.600,000 feet of lumber. To A. F. Thane & Co. belongs tne creau of loadinc this unusual cargo. The British steamer Rothley. Captain Kent, which is under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co.. has cleared with 2,611.000 feet of lumber for Adelaide. She is expected to leave down on the first leg of her voyage this evening, in aaui - tlon to the lumber that she loaded here, tha Rothley has 787,000 feet of redwood loaded at Caspar. Cal. The cargo with which the British ateamer Baron Napier, captain txouay, has cleared, and which it is expected will all be stowed by tonight, amounts to 8.960.000 feet, valued at 145.450. It la destined for Tientsin, the Baron Na pier being under charter to the Chlnu Import & Export Lumber Co. FOG AND SWELL REPORTED Adverse Conditions Met Between Columbia River and Sound. Thick fog and an extremely heavy awell between the Columbia river and Puget Sound are reported by Captain C. Kragh, of the British steamer Claverley, which reached Montgomery Dock No. 2, at 6:46 this morning from Vancouver, Sha will load a full cargo of grain for the United Kingdom under charter to Kerr, Glfford 4 Co. The awell encountered by the Claverley was the aftermath of the recent south easterly gale on the coast and as the big freighter was in ballast and light she had her propeller out of the water a large part of the time, which delayed her somewhat. The Claverly lias 31 In her crew including the master, and of that number 10 are Chinese. She will load "6600 tons deadweight of grain. REPLACING CHANNEL LIGHTS Beacons Had Been Carried Out by Recent Freshet. Light In the ship channel of the Co lombia river which were carried out by the recent freshet are being re placed, Robert Warrack, superintendent of the lighthouse service here, having gone down the river with a pi led river to look after the work. Slaughter's light front range dolphin has been re placed and Is to be first . exhibited on the night of September 8. The other aids to be replaced are the light at La Du's, the Doublebower light, which will be placed on a dolphin In the water In stead of on the bank as heretofore, and the Martin Island channel light will be replaced. ' SAILING DELAYED BY ILLNESS Breakwater Held in Port Because of Captain's Sickness. (Spell to The Journal Marshfleld, Or., Sept. 6. The steamer Breakwater did not leave for Portland last night as scheduled on account of the severe Illness of Captain T. J. Mac genn. Arrangements were made to have Captain James Magee take the Break water to .Portland this afternoon. Cap tain Mac germ was ill on the last trip down from Portland and is now confined to his bed. He Is suffering from kid ney and liver trouble. WINTER SCHEDULE STARTS Breakwater AVill Leave Here in Evening Instead of Morning. Announcement was made this morn ing by L. H. Keating, local agent of the steamer Breakwater, that beginning Sunday the steamer will go on her winter schedule, sailing from the lower Alnsworth dock at S o'clock In the evening instead of at 8 In tlie morning. The Breakwater will leave for. Coos Bay Sunday evening. Don't Risk- - Spoiling a fine gown by Our expert dry cleaners who know how to take out ask the driver SALE AND PRINCE GEORGE BRITISH COLUMBIA SITUATED at he. confluence of the Fraser and Nechaco Rivers in Central British i Columbia, 4.j0 miles north-cast of Vancouver. li.C, and 467 miles east of Prince Rupert, B.C. , or midway between Prince Itupert and Edmonton, Alta., on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific, Railway. q By reason of its central location, Prince Georpewillbe the natural distribut ing rniint lor the extensive territory comprised in the. Pacific Province of the ..Domyuon, and it has therefore long been the expectation of the general public that. 'upon the completion of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Prince George will early become a large and important centre. q navlng purchased what was known as tho Fort George Indian Reserve N6. 1 forthepurpose of locating a townsite thereon, the Grand Trunk Pacific Develop, ment Company Limited has catted the same to be surveyed and platted and will offe,.kt m this townaite for sale by public auction at Vancouver, British Columbia, Wednesday September 17th, 1913, and at Edmonton, Alberta, Wednes day, September 24th, 1913. qThe terms of this sale will be cne-quarter cash and the balance payable in one, two and three years with six per cent interest. For further particulars and plana apply to: 1 G. U. RYLEY, , CtaimlMloaer, Crend Trunk Paelfle Rllwr Compeny. WlnnipeA. Manitoba ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tn tow of G. L. Blair, general man ager of'tlie fan Francisco & Portland Steamship company, W. D. AVells, the newly appointed local agent of the line, was on the water front this morning getting acquainted. He ar rived this morning from San Fran- ClSl'O. Making the first arrival of the can nery fleet from the north, the Colum bia River Packers' association ship St. Nicholas arrived in Astoria at 7 this morning from Nushagak. The other sailing vessels of the fleet are due to arrive at any tuner n". i laphnrirlnp' !r cement mren. tne steamer r rancn n. ik- shifted down from the Columbia eon tract dock to Couch street this morn Inar The steamer Camlno, taptain Aimn is discharging at tho Columbia con Matt dock. To go on the drydock for some mino repairs and cleaning and painting, the steamr Multnomah went down tnrougi the bridges this morning. ilie wii load 940,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco. Carrying passengers and freight, the steamer Al ance. Captain L.orsteat, win sail tonight for Coos Bay and Eureka. The steamer Northland will sail to night from Rainier for San Pedro with lumber cargo. Charles Vellerga has sucoeyaeled W. Sllva as master of the steamei vUcan, To load lumber for California ports, the steamer J. B. Stetson is to sail this afternoon for Grays' Harbor. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Due to Arrive Str. Jim Butler, Ssn Krsncisco. . . Rtr. Breakwater. Onoi Bar Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sent. Str. Roebelle, San Francisco Str. Shoalione, San Francisco Str. Roanoke, San Pedro Str. Bearer. San Pedro Btr. Alliance, Eureka Sept. 13 Str. Bear, Los Angelea Kept. M Sept. IS Sept 15 Str. Yucatan. San Diego and war Str. Camlno. San Pranclaco Str. Koae City, Los Angeles Sept. 10 Due to Dapa.it, Str. Alliance, Eureka Sept. Spt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Str. Northland. Los Angeles Str. ('amino, San Frsnclsou Str. Merced, 8an Franclaeo Str. Fort Bragg, San Franclaeo... Str. Breakwater. Cooa Bar Sept. Str. Multnomah, San Diego Sept. Str. Kou City. San Franclaeo Sept. Str. Roanoke. San Diego Sept. 10 Str. Bearer, San Fedro Sept. 14 Str. lucstan. Ban inito ana war sept. IT Str. Bear, &au Francisco Sept. l'J Irom Ban IrancXsoo. Str. HarTard, San Diego Sept. Str. Vale, San Diego Sept. I n Houte to uu Lumbar. Name Sailed From Win. H. Smith, Am. acta... Valparaiso Anglo Californlan, Br. atr Mollendo Arrlno, Br. air MeJIllonea Ar merle. Br. atr Ouarmas Bangor, nor. air nan rrancutco Briagarla. Ger. str llamburg Cape Finuterre, or. air eureka Commerce, Am. scb Adda Ida Crown of Caatlle, Br. atr San Franclaeo Den of Cromble. Br. aru. Antwern Den of Kuttaren. Br. str London Dundee, How. bark Guayquil Koclesla, Br. atr Arapulco Geo. K. ullllnga, in. acn tsydnej tieorgina. Am. bkt. Ctillao Hartlete, Br. aa San Franclaeo Hartington, Br. aa Honolulu Kins- (Jyruf. Am. scb Kabulul Lord Lonadale. Br. aa..... 8an Franclaeo Marlborough Hill, Kuss. ok Callao M. S. Dollar, Br. aa San Pedro Fuako. Am. bkta. Callao Salem, Am. acn Honolulu Santa Roaalla. Br. sa Tacoma Slam, Dan. aa, San Franclaeo Terrier, Nor. aa Nome Uekermark, Ger. aa Hamburg W. 11. Uuraton, Am. acb Antotogaata Ea Bout to Load Grain. Name Sailed From. AUn.lUl, UVB. . ' . . . . . . . ULU1,,,L, 1 J I 1 .1 . f Kir A ............a,. Agerd, Nor. sb Callao Hriliau laiea. or. amp uanao Clyde, Nor. ablp Callao Crocodile, Br. bark Callao Brneat Legoura, rr. bark Glasgow Ualgate. Br. bark St. HosaUa Ulenesalln, Br. ablp. $autoa Harreatabuile, Uer. ablp St. Uosalla Hinemoa. Br. bark Newcastle. It, Inreraroii, Br. bark Callao Kaaaal. Belg. ship Harburg Langoaie, nr. snip neat coaat Lrnton. Br. bark at. Rosalia Philadelphia, Br. fhlp Callao Schurtxk. Uer. bark St. Rosalia Segura, Br. sblp Callao Tbistlebank, Br. bark Boenoa Ayrea Werner Vlnnen, uer bark West toast Westgate, Br. ablp Weat Coast Bellorado, Br. aa MeJIlloues Bellucla. Br. ss Caleta Buena Blrkdale. Br. bk Huasco Colla, Br. us Antorogssla Earl of Elgin. Br. aa Iqulqua Wlacombe Park, Br. ab Callao Mlaoellaneous Foreign to Arrive. Battle Abbey. Br. ablp San Francisco Colllugbam. Br. atr Eureka Uelnbek, Ger. ablp Bt. Rosalia Orals Float la Fort. Jean, Kr. bark, Houser Victoria Ihlelbek. Ger. bk. Kerr, c; if ford l.lnnton Waudsbek. Ger. bark. Port. Kir. Mills. . I. Inn too Harlow, Br. ss., Kerr-Ulfford Oceanic Claverlr, Br. ea Montgomery 2 Lumber Fleat In Port. Name To Sail for Berth Algou. Rr. aa.. Sydney l.lnnton Baron Napier, Br. as.. China North Pacific Irene. Am. acb., Australia St. Hehbs )ohu Psloier. Am. bktn.. W. Coast. Port. Lbr.Ci. Thode Ksgelund, Nor. ss., Balboa. Port. Dr.vdock Samar. Am. scb Prescott Rothley, Br. ss E. A W. mills Saginaw, Am. ss l.lnnton Nortblnnd, Am. ss Burlington Beulah. Am. si h Astoria Kenkan Miiru. Jap. as Portland Mills Kurt Bragg. Am. s Standard Roi J. B. Stetsnu, Am. ss., California Columbia Merced. Am. sa., California Sunplea' Multnomah, Am. as., California St. Helena Misoallansous la Fort. Vestalla, Br. ss North' Bank Kram-ts II. I.egir'tt, Am. ss Couch Csniino, Am. as North Rank Alliance. Am. ss Martin's J. A. (bannlor. Am. s.i l.lnnton home cleaning. are chemists THAT SPOT. DRY CLEANING SCCTION OF USLAUNDRYCO OF LOTS AT . ....Astoria ..Ainsworth MARINE NOTES Astoria, Sept. 0. Sailed at 4 a. m. Steam er Bear for San Francisco and San Pedro. Ar rived at 7 a. m. Ship St. Nicholas from Nuah agak. San Francisco. Sept. 6 Arrived at 1 a. a. Steamer Saginaw from Portland. Arrived at T a. m. Steamer EI Segundo with barge No. SI from Portland. San Pedro, Sept. 4. Arrived Steamer Bearer from Portland. Cooa Bay, Sept. A Arrlred Steamer Break water from Portland. Astoria. Sept. 4. Sailed at l:SO P. m. Steamer Paratao for Ssn Francisco, flailed at 2 p. m. Kteamor lucaian ior nan im-au auu way ports. Arrlred at 2 and left up at 6:30 p. in. Brltun steamer laavcriy iroui rii-wia Arrlred down at 4 p. m. Steamer near; a 8:) p. m Schooner omega. San Kr.nriira Kent. 4. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steamer Hochelle; at 8 p. m. Steamer Sho shone for Portland. Astoria, Sept. 6. Condition at the month of the river at a. m.. anioom; v.iuu aouiurasi 17 milj.fl- wenther. clear. Tides at Astoria SaturdayHigh water, 5:06 a. in., 6.6 feet; 4:85 p. m., 6.7 feet. Low water 10:50 a. in., 2.6 reel. Dally River Readings. e a Si STATIONS I k5 Si Sir. Nicholas, Am, ship. . Hoe City, Am. ss. ....... Uwlstou I 24 0.81 o o I'mstllU 25 8.4 0.3 O Albany 20 2.2 0.6 .04 Salem 20 2.1 1.4 0 Wllaonrlll 37 4.4 11 Portland 15 6.40.1 0 () Rising. ( ) Falling. OREGON LAWS WILL NOT HINDER DIRECT ELECTION (Salem Bureau of The Journal.) Salem. Or., Sept. 6. United States Senator Chamberlain lias asked Attor ney General Crawford to render an opinion as to whether under the amend ment of the federal constitution pro viding for the direct election of United States senator, the. state election ma chinery la complete enough so that an election can be held next fall without complications. Though the attorney general has not reduced his opinion to writing, he says he believes that the election laws now cover the situation, and that a special session of the legislature will not be necessary for the enactment of others. Mrs. McCann Asks Divorce. (Sneelal to The JourncL) Albany. Or.. Sept. 5. Claiming she has paid fines In' the local police out of her own pocket on several occasions In behalf of her husband when he was up on charges of drunkenness. Myrtle McCann, has filed suit in the circuit court against George ' McCann for di vorce on the grounds of non-support. and that he Is a drunkard and gambler. The couple were married In Benton county August 4, 1912. There are no children. LAST TRIP Of the Steamer T. J. Potter from the beach, Sunday. September 7 leaving; Megler 9:00 d. m. Steamer Hassalo will continue to run on present schedule (as shown belew) until fur ther notice: leaving Portland dally ex cept Sunday 9:30 p. m.: leaving Megler daily except sunaay ana Monday, :io a. m. ; leaving Megler on Sunday 9:00 p. m. Reservations can be made at Ah street dock or city ticket office, Third and Washington. tAdv.) Journal Want Ads bring results THE CONFIDENCE which is back of a Guaranteed Certificate of Title issued by this company is justified, not only by years of work well done, but by the added protection which years of experi ence and collected data furnish in title matters. Investigate. Call for booklet. Title & Trust Co., Fourth and Oak Streets. We also issue Title insurance Efficient Service Our earnest purpose is to serve our patrons in every proper manner. Your check account or savings account,your trust business or your invest ments carefully looked after. Your patronage will be appreciated. COMMERCE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Park and Morrison Sts. Portland, Oregon Open Saturday Evenings 6 to 8. FAILED TO SHOW WHERE CRIME WAS COMMITTED Though Deputy District Attorney Dempsey produced evidence to show that Ooorge Pappas committed the crime of contributing to the delinquency of a young boy at Third and Burnslde streets he neglected to prove that that corner Is located In the city of Portland, county or Multnomah and state of Oregon. In instructing the Jury yesterday. Or cult Judge Morrow told the members that It was necessary that the iceno of the crime should be located it. the city, county and state, tn order that convictlqn might be secured. At 10:30 o ciock last nlgnt the jury was ais charged, when It failed to agree, and it is supposed that that point was one which was In dispute. FOREST FIRE STARTED BY GROUSE HUNTERS Special to The journal.) Pendleton, Or., Sept. 6. Due to care lessness .of grouse hunters from LA Grande, fire started In timber and bunch grass near Hilgard, and was put out last night only after three days of hard fighting, according to A. W. Kugg, local wool grower, on whose sheep range the fire burned. About 100 acres of bunch grass, knee high, burned, and the fire got into timber. Rangers and sheep herders Joined In battle against the blaze and by hard fighting saved 12,000 acres of fine range. Hunters will be barred irom tne range nerearier. Fall Suggests Fuel Now that fall la unon us. the fuel question comes up. If you are In a quandary as to where to Duy your win ter's supply, consult the "Coal and Wood" classification, in the Business Directory of The Journal. For small apartments there has been Invented a folding bed so attached to a closet doev tisvt it disappears withm the closet when the door is closed. TRANSPORTATION NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Kaiser Wilhalm Car Gross. .Sept. IS Ksisar Wilhelm II Sept. S3 Kronprins Wilhelm Sept. 30 FAST MAIL BAH.IN08 tOroaaar Kurfuerat Sept. IS fKosnlgin Luis Bept. IS tFriedrioh der Oroasa Sept. it tBremen dlraot. London-Paris-Bremen Baltimore-Bremen direct ; one cabin (II) Wednesdays Ballings on SATURDAY for The Mediterranean Berlin Sept. SO Prtniesa Iron Oct. . Through rates from . Maw Yoik to Eypt, India, Far East end SOUTH AMERICA via. Europe. Lexfast, Newest, Finest Bhlua in this Barrios AROUND THE WORLD f fi Independent Tripe PUaO PANAMA ana WXST INDIA CRUISES Jan., Feb, and March. 1914 In 1912 the Horth Oarmaa Lloyd carried more pas sengers in every class, to and from the Port of Hew Tort, than any other line. OKl.KKJliiJ A CO.. Ueueral Agta., 5 Broadway, N. Y. ; Robert Capelle, O. A. P. C, 250 Powell St.. near St. Francla Hotel aod Geary St.. San Francisco, or local agents. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S New "OLYMPIC" LONDON-PARIS VIA Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton Sept. 13 1:. Oct. 4 Oct 25 Nov. 19 Other Ballings Oceanio Bept. 0, Bept. rf. Oct. IS. Msjestio Sept. 0, Oot. 11, Nor. 1. New York Queenstown Liverpool. Cadrio Aug. 81 Adriatio Bept. 11 Baltic Sept. t Oeltio Sept. IS Also Regular Bailinga Between Boa ton Mediterranean Italy, Boston ftueenitojrn Liverpool. AMERICAN LINE, Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton, ' ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE. New York, London Direct. BED STAR LINE. Now York Dover Antwerp. White Star Dominion Bailings Every Bnturday from Montreal and ftuebeo by tha Largest Canadian Liners Including the Canada Bept. 61 Teutonic ... Bept. SO Megantio ...Bept. 13 Laurentio Bept, 27 Send for folders of tha Short Land-Locked Bt. Lawrence Route to Europe. A. E. DISNEY, Passenger Agent, BMley Bldg,, 619 Beoond are., Bsattls, Tele- 8 hones Main 113, Local Railway and teamahip Agents. iUktitt BtOAilSBM FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles ss, Jsose uiiy sans 9 a, m., Bept. 9. 81. Beaver Bails 9 a. m.. Sent. 14. The San rranolsoo St Portland 8. 8. Co. Tleket Office 3d and Wash, (with O.-W. m. m a. vo. naarsnau eoo, A-6131. AN FRANCISCO, 1AJH ANUKLKS AND KAN IMEGO DIH1CCT NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. ROANOKE and S. S. YUCATAN all Every Wednesday, alter Dalai, at S p. as. ttclts trice m-A Third SC. nest AIJw, MARTIN J. UIULKK. Pas. Agsat, . H. t-HBSiCU. 'lb As.aL COOS BAYLINE Steamer Breakwater Balls frcm Ainswortb bock. Portland, a a. in, Aug. 8. 13, IS, 23, 28, Sept. 2. 7, 12, 17, 22, 29. Freight received until 6 p. id., except da prevloua to sailing; previous day. 8 p. ui. Pas senger fare first class (10, second class T, including berth and men Is. Ticket office st Lower Ainswortb Dock. Portland A Cooa Bar Bteamiblp Mot, L. U. sating. Agent Mala 8600; A -2332. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. "TXHAVHTXPXO OTJTE" Btelfht Service Between New Tork PortUnd-Europai rreqaent Scnednletl Balllnra, lew Kates C. D- KENNEDY, Agent, 110 Railway Exchange Bldaj. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Dally to Msrshfleld. Wlra .re:rvatlops . to O, Mattooa, Drain. Orecear - NEW TODAY Mortgage Loans 6 to 7 H. E. MOONEY Mala 810. Boom 481 Tallin Bldg-. CITY AND FARM LOANS 11000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOVV 14 Corbet Bldf. A.-141B. KAtanaU 18. FEAREY BROS. We Buy Note 246 Salmon St Main 83S9. A-1T71. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Patrick ilurray to W. J. Hallock, lot 15, block 6. Laurelwood Park S 625 Same to aanie, lot 14, block 6, Laurelwood i ara . ea iolut Moudy to Pruella D. Baxtearenth Vi lot 1. Newton - 2.700 John Moudy to Mia O. Braden, north ft ki i, newton 2,ouu W. 8. Nicks and wife to Herman Bonds- son, lot 23, block 2, Woodmere Park.. 600 W. M. Hawea and wife to Victor Bru nei!, lot 17, block 14, Mt. Tabor Villa addition : 8.000 M. W. Hansen to Minnie Hansen, lots v ana is. block 6$, Sellwood; cast 29 feet north U lot v. hlnrk 21. Alblua 1.700 Sarah A. Campbell to John H. Hoover, its l, 2, 3 ana s, block 120, Unlveralty Park 1.830 Frederick J. Rlrcland to Ina R. Forbes, lot 2. block 8. Hsvelock 2.750 J. Eukells and wife to Emma Reming ton, ouxo5 feet, commencing at 8W. corner kit 5, block 147, Caruthera ad dition 1.3S0 8. Russell Smith to Caroline May White tot 8, Diock ra, 1st addition to Holla day Park addition 6,000 P, MeCroskey and wife to T. J. Long, lots 4 and 6. block 2. Willamette View 700 John Petke et al to Alice 8. Kenainger, aoum li reet lot 8, north is reet lot 4, block 35. Vernon addition 2.100 Kenwood Land (Jo. to August Alahuth, lots 14 snd 15, block 87, Kenton 650 A. F. McKay to H. L. Sippla, lot 0, h. T ill. oon Wm. Naslund. lot 63, block 2, Briatol BtVkJ U D. Johnson to G. V. Johnson, lot 13, block 2, Cloverdale tract 250 Holcomb Realty Co. to Percy Walton, west half of tract 33, Beaver Acres 600 Percy Walton to Bassett V. Tremalne, east H of lot 33. Beaver Acres and West H of lot 3.1. Beaver Acres 750 CERTIFICATES of title made. Title St -.Trust CO.. Lewis bid:.. 4th and Oak. BUILDING PERMITS A. E. Bliver Erect 1 storr frame dwelllns. E. 61st between Fremont and Klickitat: builder. same, $3500. United Artisan Repair Z storr frame hall. Lombard between Portsmouth and Exeter: build er, IX S. Walton. $560. A. tscbois -Erect t story nrame dwelling, zlat between rMvier and Thurman; builder, C J. Hoieen, s iuw. Hot H. B. Nelson Erect H4 torv frame dwelling, 26th between Stanton and Monroe; ouuaer, nurterwortn-stepnenson t o., xraou. Hweeney Investment Co. Kepslr 8 torv brick ordinary office building, 8d between Wash- ineion ana Aiaer; Duiider, same, (2000. G. Brunander Erect IVi torv frame dwell ing, K. 55th between Broadway and Barr road; hllllder. Frank CnrLxon. $2500. If your nam appears In either phone book you can telephone your ad t 71J3 A 815! and have it charged. Bills will be mailed to you the following day lor payment. c The Journal cannot guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors of any kind oc curring in telephoned advert inements. . CLASSIFIED AD RATEtj In effect April 1, 1012 ALL PBKVIOUS RATES CANCELLED CASH ADVEUTIAKMENTH Dally or Sunday. 1 time. Be per line. 2 consecutive lime. 8e per line per Insertion. 8 or mors consecutiv times. 7e per Una per lnsectlon; or T Insertion for price ol a. No sd counted for less than 3 lines. The above rate apply to ".New Today" and all other classifications except Situation Want ed and To Bent in Private Ksmlllca. Situations Wanted and Xo Bent la Private Families, tb rate are: 8c per Una first Insertion. 4c per line each subsequent Insertion. No ad tsken for leas than 15c. CHARGE ADH KT18KMKNTS 1 time. 10c per line. 8 consecutiv times, Oe per Un per Insertion. I or more consecutiv times. He per Us per Insertion. The above rate apply to "New Today" and all other classifications, except "Situations Wanted and To Bent In Private Fitmiue ads. Situations Wanted snd To Kent In Private rsmllles th rste 1 7e per line per Insertion. No ad charged for less than two line or 15e Tb Journal will not be responsible for more tbsn one incorrect Insertion of any advertise ment ordered Dor than one time. Contract rat upon application. A pbon -all will bring a solicitor. MEETING NOTICES 41 CALEDONIAN CLUB -Fall opening concert and nance wtll be held in audi torium hall. 208V4 3d St., Saturday eve nine, Sept. 6. Attractive program. Scotch songs, national dances, com mence 8:30. Regular meetings held, 1st, 3d and 4th Saturday each month, MARRIAGE LICENSES Lewis ( Union Uklns, St. Johns, 24, and HUxtt Mnplea, St. Johns. 2X. Charles Clifford Msrkee. (118 Prescott St.. le gsl, and Mamie Hill. 410 Sau Rafael st.. legal. Jnbn Daley, 1181 Oladatone ave., 57, and Kate McDonald, Boring, 53. ! Kdward A. Anderson, 240 H 5th St., 28, and Alvlra May McKayden, 228 N. 2oth rt., 2.1. Bertram Wslter Mejers, Tlgardvllle, U2. snd Maggie M. White, It. F. 1. No. 2, Portland, 23. W. G, Smith & C0,nngSCarnda. Washington bldg.. cor. 4th on Wawh'ton. 'WE'LL haul that trunk- and move your furniture, too. A--3415. Marshall 2415 HI IMT'C EXPRESS AND BAOOAOE nUINI O 289 YAMHILL PTREET LKKHs suits tor rent, all sixes. Unique Teilorlna- C.i.. 809 Stark st. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flower and floral lslrns. tt Morrison at. BIRTHS AI.HKIGHT To the wife of Otto John Al bright. 2N5 Boss St., Augwt HO, a son. BRANDT To the wife of Christopher Brandt, 1451 Macadam si, August 11, a daughter. BIRMINUHAM To the wife of Walter Binning- ham. 220 Bt 70tb at., August 13, a son. RBINKB To the wife of John Retnke,. 8T4 Maryland ave., August 28, a son. .VANBEKK To the v.1fe of Chrlatopher Vn' beck. 1447 Oneonta St., August 2a, daughter, SMITH To thp wife of Chas. 8. Smith. 260 Buffalo at.. August 21. daughter. VKATHS AND FUNERALS HAi Nf iSAllsa Josephine Hsynes, tiood Hsmor-' Iran nospiiai, nepr. -'. ns yesrs; peritonitis. MET1' -Fred Netb,. 452 Rest 151b st, N Bept. 2. 1 1 j ears, cerebral bemorrbige. - ,Sr KMi YOUR WANT ADS 'DEATHS AND FUNERALS AHHENDS In this city,. Sept. 4, Bernhardt Ahrenda, aged 86 years, father of Mrs. Anne itearica ana Mist Manias anrsuaa or wu Mrai Robert CI. flr,wil of U Anseles, Cal., and John M. Abrends of Peoria, 111.. The fu neral service will be held Baturaay, sepr. n at 10 o'clock s. m., at the new chapel of J P. Finley A Bon, Montgomery and 6th ata Friends Invited, Interment at Kose City ceins tery. HAMMOND Mrd Rfiit. i. mt the residence o. her mother. Mrs. M O. Moore. 1809 East 10th St., Frances Moore Hammond, beloved wife of It. I. Hammond of Klamath FaUs, mother of Bessie Hammond and Josephine Meldrum and awter or Kurut 8. Moore, cnas. B. Moore, mrs. I,. N. Bellinger, Berths Moore and Heurletta aioore. roiice or run era i inter. Ml'UHARD At the famllr residence. 702 Up shur at.. SeDt. 4. Msrararet R. Murbard. ,ai il SO years, 0 months, 10 daya, beloved wife of L. B. Murhard. Friends invited to atrena ru nersl services, which will be held at Holmen's funsral parlors, at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, Bept. 7. inierment Kiverview cemetery. RECTOR The funeral service of the late Ed ward h. Rector will be held Saturday, Sept. (, at 8 o'clock p. m., at tb new chapel of J, P. Finley A Son, Montgomery and 6th sts. Friend Invited. Interment at River View ceme- lery. SCHARFF Jerome I. Scharff, Good Samaritan bosDltal. Sent. 2. 70 Tears: uraemia. JONES Moroland Jones, 6118 63d at. 8. E. Kept. 2, I year; acute anterior poll invent is. McKENNA John ,McKeuns, St. Vincent' hospi tal. SeDt. .8. 58 veers: cancer of liver. BTAATS Jacob Steals, 750 Teniae ave.. Sept a. i montns; mo colitis. TOJMSKTH FLORAL CO., 133 6i.it, choice cut nowers ror an occasions: prompt service. Main Ii03. A-Iios. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 t 6th St.. inoeiiingr diok. Main 7216. FUNERAL DIRECTORS NEW HOME OF J. P.. FINLEY & SON. The only residence undertekf ri a- tAh. Ushment In Portland. Representing the greatest advance In the science or fu- nArnl a.rvtna Th. antnmnhll .nuln ment and secluded driveway are anion? the many exclusive featurea. .The es tablished policy of moderate prices has never been changed. J. P. FINLEY A SON. Perfect Funeral Servlca. Montgomery at 6th. MR, EDWARD HOLMAN. tha leading juuerak uirciur, iv aa at., corner Salmon. Lady assistant. Phones A- loii, main ovt. Dunning & McEnteeWe1 rker",n every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 410. A-455S. Ladv assistant. fD) (ftifUl Leading east side undertak m Jl Ml er- Lady acslstant B-18SS, UUUU East 781. E. 6th and Alder. F. B. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors). 414 E. Alder East 62. B-2S25. A. R. ZELLER CO. l9o4thwp'& HKM STOCK, 16S7 li 13th. Bell. 71. B 112il and University Park. Col. I84-I96 FRlPHM UNDERTAKING CO. Main CnlOOUllI 6183. A-I2S5. 40 ALDER. CICACO Undertaking Co. Main 41&A. OIVLIILO A-2321. corn corner Sd aud Clay. PrADQPlM Undertakers, E. 1080. -- noUN 871 Russell st MONUMENTS Schumann Marble Works Eaat 2d and Pine. East 741. PORTLAND Marble Works, 264-268 4tll st Opposite city hall. Main 8K84. FOB SALE HOUSES 01 FOR SALE A swell 6 room bungalow In Piedmont, strictly modern with f lre- filace. sleeping porch and garage, close o all churches and schools, one block to the car Will take lot as first pay ment. No agents. This office. U-559, Journal. $4600 WORTH $200 LAURELHURST On Car. 315 Cljamher of Commerce, $1850 3 room house, barn, lot 26x106; $600 caah. jtjj50 10 room house, lot 25x106, $500 cahh. All cash, 6 pur cent off. 10 minutes' walk from courthouse. Inquire "U Sherman st. LAURELHURST. $3800. New modern 8 room house. Oak floors and furnace. Terms. J. R. HENDERSON. 609 McKay Bld Main 1390. FOR LOVE OF MIKE. Has some one got enough money to buy this 6 room modern bungalow in Rose City Park at the right price. Enders & Hartshorne, 431 Chamber of Commerce. ACHARMING hom e. Irvlngton, 8 rooms, ftnlshed oak, mod ern; best location; suitable for elderly couple. 2 fine bungalows cheap. East 273, W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE 6 or 7 room house, fix- t ii res and shades Included; 2 blocks of Hawthorne: with sleeping porch; nno down, balance rent. 309 Rv. Ex. Ding, t org v to. kOH SALE Modern 9 room dwelling, S. W. corner K. 19th and Schuylnr sts., 100x100; must sell at once. Terms may be arranged. H-519, Journal. HERE is a dandy new 5 room bunga low. Alberta district, built-in conven iences; no Incumbrance., Owner, East 6096. C-2260. FOR SALE 6 room modern bungalow; $100 down, balance rent; Hawthorne district. 809 Wy. Ex. bldg. Ford & Co. A 6 ROOM bungalow at a barguln, good location, easy terms, or will trade. Call owner. Main 1657. A-1625. HOME for sale. 6 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, with or without furniture; easy terms. 646 K. HOth St. North. C-1733. FIVE room house, $2400; terms $65il Jown, - balance ' reasonable. 409 Sac ramen to. near Union. 4 ROOM house and lot. car one block; $390. $150 cash, $5 monthly. N-430, Journal. FINK home and future business lot. Apply 901 Williams ave. "WANT AD FOR SUNDAY JOURNAL TAKEN UNTIL 9:0 o'Clock SATURDAY NIGHT Other nights, except Sunday, the business office of The Journal is open until 10 o'clock. I All ads received will appear in their proper clas sification. , : - fj Telephone ads given particular attention. v Call Main 7173 or A-6051. . - . .. q Ask for.."Want Ad" Clerk. ' FOB ' S AXE HOUSES ' - M . Homea on Easy Payments " 3 roomt) and bath, cabinet kitchen, . full lsed lot, excellent view, 16 mln- utes' ride to the postoffloe, west aide. ' Bo oar fare; 11560, 206- cash, , balance like rent. , ' , . ' . ... JVlodern 4 room bungalow, lot 40x100, matured fruit trees. 3 block to car; 12400. t260 cash, balance like rent,- t room bung-alow, every modern,. con venlanoe, choicest residence section of the city, all street aasessiiventa paid; , 1300 cash, balance monthly. t . 6 room home with sleeping porch, modern in every respect, street improve ments all In, east front, choice restrict--ed district. IS minutes' ride to the pot. office; $6000, $600 cash. 7 room house on the west side, over looking the city, river and mountains, thoroughly modern, street Improvements all in, 10 minutes' ride to postofflce; $6000. $500 cash, balance monthly. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPAQ r, Owners. 2d floor. . Belling bids. SWELL BUNGALOW. OFFJs-n WANT ED. Brand new 6 room bungalow, room for 3 rooms upstairs, buffet, bookcases, fire place; hardwood floors, In fact a com- . plete and very nifty' home, doubly con- t structed and exceptionally well finished; -lot 60x100, east front, on E. 33d, ner Clinton. The owner's, price is $3650, , but has Instructed us to get an offer. , Terms can be arranged. See it today then make us an offer. Our auto at your service. GRIJSSI & BOLDS. 816 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. $2800 That's All Dandy 6-room bungalow, 100 feet from IRVINGTON CARLINE. Close In; the lot Is 60 ft. wide and 200 ft. deep; Just the place for a poultryman; beau tiful view of IRVINGTON AND PORT LAND. Terms very easy to a responsi ble party. . C, DeYoung & Co, 614 Chamber ot Commerce. Go to the Hills 1 room house on west side, view of the city, mountains and rivers; $6000, $600 cash. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Owners. 2d floor. Selling bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP. Furnished 4 room bungalow with bath. 60x100 It. lot. Price $850: terms. $550 cash and 5300 due In one year. Call evening, from 6 to 8 o'clock'.' 1586 Fre mont st.. 8 blocks from. Rose City Parte carline. Cor. 60th st. MUST be sold at once ft y owner, hand some Rose City Park bungalow, one block from car. Furnace, fireplace, beamed and built-in effects; large porch. den, fruit trees, cost $400 few months ago. Make an offer. No trades or exchanges. Tabor 3704. Q-634, Journal. sou uuwii, sio per mo., uuys new o -room house on E. 66th st. Phone Tabor 1368. FOR SALE LOTS 16 CHOICE HOMdfl SITE FOR SALE. We have a few lota narrowest place on the ridge of high ground botweeq Oregon and Washington, overlooking Portland, Vancouver and the two states. They are between Williams and Union avenues. These two carlines give gooJ and quick service to 3d and Washing ton sts. These lots have the upstream ocean breeze most of the year. Pure air. Also a grand view point. The dralnuge is perfect. It is a desirable neighborhood. Situated midway between the two largest schools in Portland, the grammar grade and the high school. We offer these lots for less than their real value. Go and aee them then you will know; a 6 cent car fare, a good In vestment. We also have 3 good apart ment sites. Also a strong site ior a good department store, much needed. and some vacant lots on Union ave. fo.. sale. See E. J. Haight, 969 Union ave.. near cor, or uoing st. Oswego Lake .bhore Lots CAN NOW BE BOUGHT ON EASY PAYMENTS. Buy one or more lots on the lake shore and plan to spend next summer at Os wego lake. Lots will be sold separate from acre tracts from this date. Terms are $100 down on each lot and $20 month. Water pipe laid to each lot You've been waiting for this opportuni ty. Now get busy before all remaining , lake front lots are sold. THE ATCHISON-ALLEN CO.. 210 Uerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder ats. Best Buy in the City We offer city lots In Glenada. located on the west side, 16 minutes' ride from the postofflce on the 4th at. line, which will be electrified within 60 days, at $335 each. 6c car fare. Bull Run watei, streets surface graded. Some of these lots have an unobstructed view of tho Tualaiin valley for many miles. There are only a few of them at this low price. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. Owners. 2d floor. Selling Mdg. For a Builder Have equities of $550 and $450 In I lots, which I will exchange for contract or second mortgage; one equity can be exchanged for a clear lot. B-1490. KOSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $375 cash will buy my $875 corner lot. E. 70th N. and Stanton sts., 60x90; 3 short blocks from Kose City Park car line. Act quick. Must have cash. Phone Tabor 2498. A beautiful building site NEAR PENINSULA PARK FOR $800. where I will build a home to your order on terms like rent. P-360, Journal. BUSINESS lot for $2600. with a 5 room house. Buy this and double your money. Enders & Hartshorne, 431 Cham ber of Commerce. MUST sacrifice something, so here goes my 67 lots, in center of Warren ton, $160 each; some cash, bal. best of terms. W-634, Journal. LARGE Flrland lot. $376; terms, $ month; graded street and water, lift Chamber of Commerce. Tabor 77L ' ONE lot In Seaside, very cheap; your own terms. East 4889. ACREAGE C7 35 MINUTE CAR RIDE. $850 for S acres, $1&S0 per month; beautiful vlew of rivr-ind mountains,' best of soil, 5 minutes' walk to car, west side. A-716. Journal. $5600 HOME on Oregon City line, $400J. 1008 East 18th St. N. ( Continued on ITaxt Page) ' ' -I