12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5 1813. J tidiest PaLSMonsS EASIIION In negliffers follows that Of conventional dress and will ' have nothing to do with the ultra loose, flowiiif effects that used . - " to be considered the chief allur 'Ing beauty of them. Rather they are shapely and much more comfortable. convenient and attractive. , Prevalllne modes in. room rowds of all types are more charming than ever. -Any of the softer silks are suitable for their fashioning, and there are also the mulls and batistes, which are pre ' frred by some. The fal for draperies , . has Influenced this part of one's ward ' robe, for among the collections one sees in the chops there-is much draping and " festooning of silks and laces, some even .VUggestlng the pannier ertecis; dui, after all, some of the unaffectedly slm ..ple designs possess greater charm. Crepe de chine in palest blue makes , up the dainty negligee of the sketch. " which ia designed for wear cither with its own skirt of the same material or with one of lingerie. The coat portion k Is cut on regulation kimono lines, with . surpliced fronts, and held In at an em pire waist line by a row of flat pink chiffon roses across the side and back. The fronts are cut away, running to the . knee at the sides and rounded . slightly longer in back, then edged with ' a deep gathered-on flouncing of white shadow lace. A separate length of crepe de chine running off into pointed -ends Is started with a knotted end ove the r left shoulder, carried down th front, describing the line of the cut away, draped around the sides and back below the . hips and continued up the Other , aide, 1 where the second knotted end'- la caught below the bust on the right side. The extremely short sleeves have an elbow length completed by shadow lace that is extended across the back in pointed shawl drapery. Clusters of chif fon roses catch up some dta ping at tlio Bides and on the front of the petticoat. IN FAIRYLAND Tale of the Gray Dwarf. : , ', Retold by Anne Bunner. A nun," a countryman, and a black - smith ' Were once wandering- through the world together. One day they lost ' their way In a thick, dark forest, and fere thankful when they saw. In the distance, the walls of a house. When they' got close to the house they found that It waa an old deserted castle. As they were homeless they determined to take up their abode' In the castle, and they arranged that one of them, should always stay at home and keep house. ' f The lot of remaining at home ' fell first to the nun, and when the coun tryman and tha blacksmith had gone out. into the wood she set to work, tidied up the house, and prepared all the food, for the day. Just as she 'was jslttlng down to sew, the door opened and a little gray man come in, and, . standing before her, said: "Oh! how hungry I am!" The nun answered: "There is food Jn. the oven, help yourself." , The little man did not need to be told twice, for he set to work and ate Vip everything. When the nun saw this she scolded the dwarf because he had left nothing for her companions. : The little man resented her words, and flew into such a passion that he nearly killed her, then he left her lying on the floor, and hastily walked out of the house. 1 Id the evening the. countryman and the blacksmith returned home, and when they found, on demanding their dinner, that there was nothing left for them, they repreached the nun bitterly, and refused to believe her when she tried to riblo dog, then he, too, had been set Tree. To show his gratitude he begged the three companions to divide the treasure between them, which they did. Tlie princesses, too, were so grate ful to their rescuers that one married the blacksmith and the other the coun tryman. Then the prince claimed the nun as his bride, and they all lived happily to gether till they died. Ik A dainty negligee of azure crepe de chine. asked to be left in charge- of the house. So the other two wont out Into the forest, - and the countryman prepared the food for the day. Just as he had finished clearing away, the door opened and the little gray man walked in, and this time he had" two heads, tie shook and trem bled: as before, and exclaimed: "Oh! 1 how hungry I' am!" "There is food in the oven, so you can tat," replied the cqjntrymn. Then the little man fell to with both his heads, and soon finished the last morsel. . ' When the countryman scolded him for : this proceeding he treated him exactly as he had done the nun. t Now when the blacksmith came hom-j "(with the nun In the evening, unil found , nothing for supper, he swore that lie v. would stay at home the following day wnen aay dawned the countryman and the nun set out into the wood, and .the blacksmith prepared all the food for th day, as the ottiers had done. Again the gray dwarf entered the house, and this time he had three heads. When he said he was hungry, the blacksmith . put some food on a plate and gave It to him. The dwarf made short work of what was provided for him, and then de manded more. When the blacksmith refused to give him another mursal, he flew Into a terrible rage, and proceeded to treat him In the same nay as he had treated his companions. But the blacksmith was a match for hinv-or. he relied a huge hammer and Miiisn v . i i rt u wi i r l - ririi uvrc rinn.io with it. The little man hastily fled from the house. The blacksmith ran after him. pursued him for a lone way; .. but at lant they came to an iron door' ... and through it the little creatine van- Ishad. The door shut behind him nnd the blacksmith hud to give up the pur suit anf" return home. The three com panions determined to free tliomsolves from the power of the gray dwarf, and the very next day they set to work to find him. They had to walk a long way before they found the iron door, and when at last they succeeded in forcing the lock they e-ntered a large hall. In which sat a young and lovely girl. She told them that she was a king's daughter, who had been shut up in the castle by a mighty magician. The day before. Just about noon, she had suddenly felt the maeic Dower over her disappear, and ever since that moment she had eagerly awaited the arrival of her deliverers. She went on to say that there was yet another princess shut up in tlie castle. They wandered through many halls and rooms till at last tkey found the second princess. v Then tho princesses told their rescu ers that a great treasure lay hidden in cellars of the castle, but that It was carefully guarded by a fierce and ter rible dog. Nothing daunted, they all went down below at once, and found the fierce ani mal. But one blow from the black smith's hammer soon made an end of III StcyR'elanid George M. Cohen'a dramatization of 'Seven Keys to Baldpate," is soon to huve its premier at New Haven. Eleanor Gates' successful play, "The Poor Little Klch Girl," will tour the large cities of the cast thla season. The American Music hall In Chicago will be operated this season on llhes something like the Winter Garden of New York. Lw Fields, in "All Aboard." will be one of the early attractions. 9 , m "A Run for Your Money" is the name of a new American farce by John Gold- tng. The play is dramatized from a story about the Mexican revolution, which is postponed in order that the commanding general may attend a horse race. Reginald De Koven, Channlng Pollock and Renold Wolf have written a comic opera, Her Little Highness." The pro duction will be given Its first hearlig within another week or two at the Tre mont theatre, Boston. Louis Nethersole is busy with a num ber of projects over in London. One of his objects is to arrange for a London production of Blanche Ring's latest vehicle, "When Claudia Smiles." He is also looking for an actress to play the leading part In "The Tricky Mrs. irevelyan. Rehearsals will commence this month of "A Htrange Woman," by William J. Hurlburt. Elsie Ferguson will appear in the play. "The Shepherd of the Hills," by Har old Bell Wright, which has been dramatized by the author and his pub lisner, Elsbery Reynolds, will be pre sented at the Fraternal Aid theatre at Pomona, Cat., by a road company, on the evening of October 30. The dramatization of Mr. Wright' novel, "The Winning of Barbara Worth, by Edwin Milton Royle, has been com pleted. The production will be given In Chicago, September 22. Klaw ta Er langer have made elaborate staging for the play. The entire theatre Is being redecorated, and the utmost caution Is being used in the selection of the com pany. There are . now five companies on the road presenting the "Shepherd or J lie Hills, and four con-mantes ore sentlng "The Printer of Udell s." Add ing to this list the "Winning of Bar bara Worth," and It makes 10 companies on the road with Mr. Wrights plays. MANY WEDDINGS OF .INTERNATIONAL v' IMPORTANCE TO OCCUR IN EARLY FALL Til The Ragtime Muse Why Worry? The fewness of the things we need Should make us happy folk. Indeed! We merely need our food and drink And clothes and shelter, don't think? you tell thero what had happened. sJ"1" monster, and they found themselves ' Th nflvt rinv tho rnimtrvman anlrArl I a vaulted chamber full of gold and Mlver and precious stones. Besides the treasure stood a young and handsome man. He told them that he was a king's son, who had been banished to this castle by a wicked maetcian. and that , he had been changed into the three- headed dwarf. When he had lost two of his heads the magic power over the two princesses had been removed, and w'hen the blacksmith had killed the hor- Of course, there's food of various kinds From ortolans to lerrion rinds. And drink that runs from water, plain, Through milk to '88 champagne. All sorts of clothing one may wear Krom rinre mats to laces rare; And as for shelter, there's the tree, And there's the palace, don't you see? It seems to me, with such wide choice, 'Most evervbodv should reioice. j There's something here to suit each - m w;v --jgr' -A a jTW : i; WV'S ':'-v: :-'": ;'--:-S'--s.' '';-' Vv y- i, y"; -j 'Uta, wiYvA.x i " 'I - - - -A ' w f-r OLD , ROSE FESTIVAL'S HEAD URGES SUPPOR T. OF NEW ORGANIZATION Ralph W. Hoyt: Declares That Fiestas Must on No Account Be Discontinued. .: txoyo w COPYItlGXf Miss Jessie Wood row Wilson (on the left), and two of the princesses who prominent brides of the coming fall. They are, on the right above., the Hohenzollern and' below the Duchess of Fife, who is to marry the PrinCe of Connaught. cesg of Hohenzollern is to become the bride of Ex-King Manuel of Portugal. are to be among the many Princess August-Victoria of The Prin-( 'resident Wilson's Daughter Among World's Notable . Bride-Elects, taste. And nothing ought to go to waste. Therefore I often wonder why So many people sob and sigh Those who are rich and have a lot, As well as poor folk who have not. T think, no matter what they get. Some people always fume and fret. Ko foolish you will sit and wish, But I will blithely go and fish. , kiitleStories f or Bedtime WW I I Eor Candy and all the good ' things in confections 4' The Hair Store . tao Sta Bt, Heat Wash.' Tot Qnalltjr Hair Ooods. - W Maic-li AMien Others Fall - , 4 Hair Hett aso. XVtwn Toupees, furls and I'utf. The School in the Old Briar Patch. By Thornton V. Burgess. (Copyrlisht, 1913. by J. G. iJoyfl.) Of h 11 the lessons in life's school For Rabbits, Squirrels, vnu and me, Obedience is taught us first. And most important seems to be. Peter Rabbit learned that when he was very young. It hadn't seemed so important then, but after two or three very narrow escapes from dangers which might have cost him his life, and all because he hadn't obeyed, he had begun to realize that to obey promptly is the first and most important lesnon any one can learn. The older lie had grown the more he realized tills. So now that he had made up his mind that it was high time for his four babies to begin to go to school obedience was the, leKHon tie meant that they should learn first of all. Now usually the teaching of baby Haliblts is left almost wholly to the moiiier. nut 1'eter was too fond of little Mrs. Peter to leave oil the work for her. Besides, she had lived nearly all her life in the Old Pasture and there were some dangers on the Green Mead ows and in the Green Forest that she didn't Know about uh well as he, no he made up his mind that he would do his share. Kittle .Mrs. Peter was only too glad to have his heln. you mav ho mire at.d so it was asn-ed that sli uni.iH Haoli Fuzzy and Wuzzi, while Peter would look after Little Pete n,l J.ni JKl. Allll tills I H how it h:in,,..no.l Hull . ..... ' urav "llrl1 .-.mnn .iav next v s in ti, niA briar pat.h he found that It had been turned imp a school instead of just a playground. He f-und Peter rlvlno urn. ti, o,i i-mie Jed a lesson. Sum mi- rtirin't ir,n, what the lesson was about', but he soon found out. j mi mi jus! wncre you are and ii..n I move until 1 come back," said Peter. "Kemember, now, tlon't ni'jve so mncn us one of Uon t forget!" Tlien Peter hopped off out of sight. The two little bunnies sat Just as he had left them for what seemed to them V'ryJonR tlnip- They Mtn't know where Peter had gone or what he had gone for. They could see their ' two IHlle sisters eatlne- nm. tnH.. t . " ..-...y,r ,.,,.QJ tllcll mother had hrnus-ht th Am they wantprt snff p t Hdnt get over there soon It would all oe gone. It seemed to them that never, never had they wanted-anything so In all their short lives, and probably they never hud. '"' ' At last t.lttln '..u . J mnger. ou s.-e. Mttle P.t. like his, fHtaier. He not only lite hi in. but ho miau th. same happy.go-iuck v kind. h.-- n t, ""S an' Ben" l! Htlng ..". whispered to his neneVi n ..v..! "Ln. mu.Bt. "" P all about us that clover.' kwC'r !'0," UW 1Jt" Jed- "Tou Little Pete sloh..rt i your cars! lover an much looked latner or else he's fnrrott.n I'm going to get some of m, mm Among some of the weddings of International Importance scheduled for this fall, are: Miss JeBsie Wood row Wilson, daughter of President Wilson, to Francis Bowes Sayre. The 'Duchess of Fife, daughter of the princess royal and niece of the King of Kngland, to Ar thur, Prince of Connaught. Grand Duchess Olga, daughter of the Ciar of Russia, and Prince Alexander, heir apparent to the Servian throne. Princess Elizabeth of Rou manla to Crown Prince George of Greece. Grand Duchess Titlana, Czar Nicholas' second daughter and Prince Charles of Rou mania. as he saw that there were only two or three clover leaves left his appetite got tire best of him and he started for the place where his two little sisters were having such a feast.. He hadn't taken two tiny Jumps before an angry thump on the ground right behind him mane him stop and turn his head There wp.s his father, Peter Rabbit, who nan sioien tiaek very softly and had been watching all the time, kittle Pete hung his head. And then when he saw Peter give Little Jed a nice big bundle of sweet clover two big tears ran down his cheeks, for he knew thst as a pun. ishment he was to have none, and It did look, ohT so good! "1 I wish Id minded,'' sobbed Little Pete. And then he wondered vlini 8ammy .lay was laughlnir at as he flew away to the Green Forest. Next story: Little Pete Learns Ktlll Another Lesson. New York, Sept. 6. With the marriage yesterday In Stgmarlngen, Germany, of ex-King Manuel of Portugal and Princess Augustine Victoria of Hohenzollern be gins a period of brilliant weddings of international significance. One of the most interesting facts In connection with th extraordinarily large number of royal weddings scheduled for the near future is that Prince George or Greece, betrothed to Princess Elizabeth of Rou- mania, has frequently been referred to as the probable future husband of the Duchess of Fife, who is to marry the Prince of Connaught. StlU further interesting complications are to be found in the list, however. Ex-King Manuel, now the husband of the Princess of Hohenzollern, was once the devoted admirer of the Duchess of Fife, then the Princess of Fife. Ex-King Manuel visited Windsoq. Castle, not long before he was deposed from the Portuguese throne, and It was rumored at that time that -the object of the visit waa the arranging of a marriage wlh the . Princess Alexandra. Queen Alexandra, who was then oc-cu pying the throne of England with the late King Edward, In said to have favored the marriage of the' Princess of Fife to Prince George of Greece. -Lead ers of political factions SeeTned to think that a union by marriage with Portu gal would be more advantageous to Great Britain: . The Princess Royal, however, mother of the Princess of Fife, offered strenuous objection to a be irotnai to Manuel, ana nothing ever came of the plans to marry the couple. The grand Duchess Olga, daughter of the Czar of Russia. Is one of the most beautiful princesses of Europe. She is a very Independent young lady, and has teen allowed to do very much as she pleased. The czar seldom' rules con trary to her wishes'.' She early pro claimed her determination only to marry a man she loved, and succeeded in de feating several schemes to make . her part of a marriage of state. It may be considered quite certain that her wed ding to Prince Alexander of Servia, who Is a very admirable young man, will he an affair of the heart. Kiss Wilson Marries Por love. Little need be se.td about the wedding of Miss Wilson. Much has already been written about that, and Americans do not need to be told that when daug'hter of their president marries it is because she wants to, and not be cause a handful of grayhaired coun selors of state think such a marriage would further their political schemes. Another interesting point in connec- During the life of ffie old Rose Car nival association there was accumulated a large amount oj, assets in the way of material and eqitfpment of the Illuminat ed parades such as torches, lights, pa pier mache and other sundries. These were turned over to the new organiza tion. Much of it can be Used, it is stated, from time to time. Speaking of the old organization Ralph W. Hoyt, its president, said to day: ' "In my report I .recommended that we all give our hearty support to the new. association. . It is composed 'of some of our best citizens and is in every way entitled to our suoDort. It is the history of similar organisations that if dropped for a year-or two their resur rection is most difficult "We should preserve the feature of the rose. If we once drop it there are other cities waiting to take it up. My connection with the association has been a labor of love rendered at some person al sacrifice. It Is true I bad the same selfish interest that others have, the desire to do something for my , home town ana tne resulting material ad vantage to Portland." Passing into a reminiscent mood Mr. Hoyt continued, "E. W. Rowe was the father of the Rose Carnival. In June, 1907, he and a few others carried out a festival which struck a popular chord and gave a vision of what might be accomplished in that direction. On September 3 the same year the association was permanently organized with a guarantee1 fund of 110,- "At first there waa a combined pa rade of automobiles and horse drawn vehicles. In those days they had not got the automobile to running slow. As a result, the automobiles ran ahead of the rest of the parade and we had two parades. After that we ran the auto mobiles separately. Another feature was the children's parade under the direction of Robert Krohn. ,"ln. 1908 we added the ' Industrial Illuminated parade of the principal his torical events Of the northwest In or der to light this parade we used re flective torches and red fire. In isna we substituted the electric- parade. To unance ine snows we raised the firnt year $7500. The next year it was lis.. 000. The third year our fund w tsn . 000. then $40,090. The largest amount raised was $42,000 in 1912. This year tne amount was about $40,000." Mr. Hoyt was the first truiunr nf the old organisation.' In 1808 he was elected president and remained in that capacity until the end. In the new or ganization he is a member of the bori of governors. , tlon 'With the royal marriages is the fact that brother and sister, of the Roumanian royal family, will marry at about practically the same time. They are the Princess Elizabeth of Roumanta. who weds Prince George of Greece, and Prince Charles of Roumanla, who is to marry the Grand Duchess Titlana, second daughter of the Czar of Russia. If IC Link Your Interest to This Chain of Credit Store Get Your Fall Clothing W JL O JL on YOU may have the most beautiful furs this winter at a very economical price if you will select, therii now, while Summer reductions prevail. Merely a small deposit will hold them .until, cool weather. These are all 1913 models. Fur repairing and re- . . modeling at specUi Summer rates, for- a short time only. L E APING URR I E RS I 1 o J i .m : i umf n a u nil. a Credit No need to put off buying your fall apparel. Fall is here, and new clothes are necessary. Use this plan, that has been so popular with well dressed people in every station. in life., ( , Our. 115 Gately stores can give you the same value for less or bet ter value for the same-price, and you need only pay $1 a Week or $5 a Month Visit Our Enlarged Store Separate Entrances for Men and Women J Special Values Women's Suits at $24.50 Naturally you want the . best values you can find, so we have made it possi ble in these garments. Perfectly: hand tailored 6f fancy blue or brown serge and Bedford "cords, with 38-inch cutaway , coat and ; draped skirts, very specially priced at $24:50. Others from $18.50 up. ' illl I New Styles in Men's Suits at $16.75 to $30 , . You will find, just what you desire in the popular new styles, fabrics and shades. When you buy a suit here you are sure of getting satisfaction as long as the suit lasts. Every little "de tail that, tends to make reliable clothes is thought of, arid we pay particular at tention to fit you properly. STORES EVERY. WHERE Open Saturday Evening Until 10 P. M.v riff mm my mi mm. 131-133 TENTH ST. wasiiington ana Alder Sts. WE , TRUST YOU I Bet. ,i Little Pete s fsctly Will a fe to order. i i'k sai per- inillutea Innira. Tk. 286 Morrison ' Street .- ' " M . T i llfll ' it ;t M ' ' ' ' s. J7.;, .1 " f y -.it ; f ni ... i I I ... ... ' -i . ....... . . ,..