11 MANUFACTURERS TO OPEN "SHOW" MONDAY play Oregon made goods, and endeavor to sell as many aa posaible. The manufacturer' association and tha Commercial club will cooperate by urging consumer to . recognise the day by demanding Oregon manufactured pro ducts only, At tha Armory there will be a special s program and It is ex pected that Governor West will bo pres ent and make an. addres. It will be the first time In the his tory, of the sUte that a certain,, day has been designated "Mad In Oregon Day."-,:-.-;. ,. ,.. , The main purpose of the movement Is to demonstrate that a mora general con sumption of home products means In creased pay rolls and greater develop ment tt Industries. A similar exposi tion was held in the state of Washington last month. ': OUTSIDE BUYER PLACES ; BIG ORDER FOR SHOES - rather, and do, buy in San Francisco, If we have any ill feeling It Is because we feel that the wholesalers, manufac turers and business rrien, generally, of Portland,, could get together and by their united influence cause tha South ern Paciflo to complete the Natron cut off. ", - 1 vr'',: "We are now" 90 miles nearer San Francisco than Portland. The cut-off would put us 200 miles nearer Portland than Bad Francisco. We would b the same distance ittt Med ford. ' It would make every steer worth ti more to ua. It : wVuld remove any question as to whether we will do business with Port land or San Francisco. And the bu si nes of our district in worth while. Tha country district are developing wonder fully. What do you think of timothy six feet high, 21 tons on three wagons drawn by a tractor? We have the big gest cattle and tha finest crops, and September II, 21 and -27 we have the Klamath fair, when w will show to aa large a delegation of Portland people aa will coma tha truth of what I have said to emphasise tha Importance of the cut off." . ' Registration at Buyers' Week head quarters practically ceased this morn ing. Most of the visitors are still in the city and will remain until after the banquet at the Commercial club this evening. Today there Is no formal pro gram, nor for tomorrow, the time being spent in oloslng up purchases. Among the registrations of this morn ing were: W; A. Brend of Sand Point, Idaho; Lane Thornton ef Camas valley, Washington; Q; A. Beoher, of Jefferson, and H. F. Gibson, of Barton. Yesterday's late registrations were as follows: , J. W. Perrlgo, Hood River, Or. J. P. Walsh and Mrs. Walsh. Cornu copia Trading Co., Cornucoplai Or., at Portland hotel; W, O. Cooley and Mra, Cooley, Cooley & Co., Brownsville. Or.;, at til E. i Davie; H. Clay Lvy, Wind Htver Lumber Co., Cascade Locks, Or at Multnomah hotel; W, J. Turndigw, Crabtree. Or., at Oregon hotel; C. 2. Standard, C. E. Standard & Son., Brownsville, Or.; P. 8. Pitkin, Leaven worth Merc. Co., Leavenworth, Wash.; 10. M. Htrauss, Moaler, Or., at Seward hotel; Tom Murtha, Baer Merc. Co., Baker, Or., at Imperial hotel; Walter B. Jones, attorney Eugene Men. aanocia tion, Eugene, Or., at Imperial hotel; R. O. Fay, Eugene Motor Supply Co., Eu gene. Or., 6tt K. 45th St.; John M. Pear eon. Pearson Bros., Waihtucna, Wtth, at Med ford hotel; R. M. Dodaon. Po.lv-n broa., Cornell, Or., at Commercial -iu.; J. M. Nolan, J. M. Nolan Hon, 'orvu lis, Or., at Seward hotel; Walter Kultun kl, Astoria, Or at Imperial hotel: it. N. Warnock, Wurnoclt as Hun-hes, Tnloflo, Or., at St Charles; J. A. Smith, Smith Toggery, Florence, Or.t at Imperial hi. tel; Charles Mack, Mack Shoe Co., 61 mop, Idaho, at Carlton hotel; U. L- Ma tin, Oregon City.. Or. - t , , . Saves Time and Money What is the use In coughing yeuf had off while you are trying all kind of nostrums, when you can get a bottle of "Rum and Pine." the remedythat cures while other remediea merely think abtfut it. Fifty cents the bottle at the Clemehson Drug company, corner Front and Morrison streets. Thia Is tha store that sells at cut rate every day in the year. (Adv.) FOLLOWING TRIP, HERE Continued From Page One. with tha Southern Paciflo by. way pt RodgeraviUe and Wells soon, and who, the president of the Western Pacific says, have the most fertile valley in the United States under cultivation." ' Judge George T. Baldwin of Klamath Falls came to Portland yesterday to buy and to bring a petition. - Completion cf Cutoff Urged. "It la reported." he said, "that we have ill feeling toward Portland in our southern Oregon district and would The manufacturer' exposition will be formally opened at tha Armory next Monday flight at S p. m. by Mayor H. R. Albee., .-..y '.. .- .vw Tha , exposition Vwlll contlnaue f two weeks nd will have Ha climax Septem ber 15, which day will be officially pro claimed by Governor Weat a ''Made in Oregon Day." . , .- x-r t : On thia data retail merchant will dis Special 25c Lunch Served Dally In the Basement Manicuring and Ilalrdrcsslnp Parlors Second Floor Trnnks, Sporting Goods. Wheel Goods, Etc Fourth Floor Rsl Ro3 p. Retiring R 13 mi, Pabllc Telephones, Emergency Hospital, Second Floor, Standard, Central Needle Sewing Machines Sold on the $1 a Week Club Plan THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, . SEPTEMBER 5, 1813. Women's $1.50 Silk Hose Special 89c Pair $1.75 SUk Hose $1.19 Pair BARGAIN CIRCLE Odd lines Women's high grade Silk Hose In popular suaaes.. Double heels ana toes. Reg. . It.oo, 5 J.25. 1.50,, pair 89c BARGAIN CIRCLE Wom en's fine quality black thread silk Hose double garter top,' double heels .and toes. Reg. f in 1.75 grade, pr. 11.7 01i9 Wortniiaie S Mnini Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Store Sours S:30 to :30 Daily, Bseeyt Saturday. atnrday Hours WOO A. SC. to iMV.IC. Women's $2.50 Silk Vest. Special at $1.95 Children's 35c-50c Hose 18c Pair BARGAIN CIRCLE Wom en's Kayser Embroidered $ilk Vests in many hand some patterns. Low neck, sleeveless styles. 1 OC Best 2.50 quality 9 17 J BARGAIN CIRCLE Chil dren's School Hose in black and colors. ... Broken lines selling formerly at 35c to 50c a pair, f Q. Special tomorrow.. IOC QJJ M(Soil ,1 1 V (I i 400 Handsome New Wobl Suits With Two Pairs of Trousers Special Saturday Feature Offering in Our Growing Allen's Clothing Store Thesa pictures are 'axact photographs of tha suits and tha man who wilt take plaasura in waiting upon you. T0 EVERY MAN in Portland -who believes that money-saving is making money we offer I the greatest clothing value ever given up to now by any Portland store! It is a special Note back and. shoulders of these Suits the cut and fit are equal to best work of any custom tailor. feature event that we planned some months ago a sale of four hundred splendid wool Suits made to our special order with two pairs of trousers. Every garment strictly hand tailored by America's foremost makers of men's clothing. In placing these Suits on sale we wish to impress upon you the fact that they are high-grade garments and of course this means that they are guaranteed to fit and wear to your entire satisfaction. These wonderful Suits are being shown in our windows and will go on sale tomorrow morning. If you are in the habit of paying $25.00 to $35.00 for your suits we want you to step in tomorrow and let us convince you that we can sell you just as good a garment forrnuch less monev, and besides you have the added advantage of getting an extra pair of trousers. Many men will buy two of these Suits when they see them. A'll sizes for men 34 to 44 Also all sizes for young men. We Bought the Fabrics and Had the Suits Made to Order. That's the story of the low price behind these suits. In the Eastern market we purchased through our advan tageous buying connections the splendid woolen fabrics from which these suits are made. We turned them over to a reliable tailoring establishment with full in structions as to how we wished them made serge lin ings, haircloth fronts, canvas Interlining, etc., to be of the very best grade. These suits will hold their shape, wear well and look well. And the additional pair of trousers will give you twice the usual service. We want you to examine them. The Fabrics, Style, Patterns and Workman ship of These Suits These excellent suits are made from fine woolen fabrics and are cut in the latest style. There are nobby three-button sacque models and Norfolks ap propriate styles for stouts, slims and regulars, and all sizes for men and young men. Heavy cassimere suits In diagonal and two-tone effects, in leading colors. Scotch cheviots in smart dark , gray tones. Heavy tweeds in' light, dark and medium brown, tan, gray and two-tone effects. Norfolks in brown and gray tweeds. Latest English models, superbly tailored. Splendid range of styles to choose from. A Suit Offering That Will Bring Hundreds of Men to the Store. Not only because of the extreme low price at which we Sell these suits, but also because it's an out-of-the-ordinary sale, offering as it does the best of garments in advance Fall styles. AH men will find models here to suit them for business, or professional wear or stylish dressy suits for occasions. These suits are for every man and this tale is for you, so act promptly. Remember, the "O. W. K." guar antee stands back of every one of these suits. Therefore you are assured of quality, fit and serviceability. Abso lutely the best suit offering of the year. Such Suits as These Would Sell Ordinarily at $20.00 When we state that these are $20.00 Suits we mean that this would be the price usually asked for garments of this character with but one pair of trousers. You will readily see what a remarkable offering this is when you consider our price and the fact that with each suit we include two pairs of trousers. All sizes for men and young men. See Mor-rison-St. window display. Special sale price .' mm --" '!) - V'' SMUl Right-Posture Specially-Built School Suits lor Boys $6.50 to $10 DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR We are now sole Portland agents for this splen did line of Boys' School Suits and we want every parent in tne city to see them, because we" are satisfied they embody all the good qualities that go into the ideal suit. Ritrht-Posture Suits- for iovi are made Jrom the finest of wool fabrics, chosen particularly for tlteir wear-resisting, qualities and at the same time the patterns and colorings are un commonly attractive. The coat is cut on athletic lines, witn snouiaers set wen nacK ana military watst, so-tnat tne Poy who wears a "Right-Posture" suit instinctively feels a pride in his bearing. Hidden away in the oack of the coat is an All sizes for boys. See display in the Morrison-street window elastic device, the aim of which to cure the stoop or round-shouldered tendency. It is not a brace it s simply a re minder a touch to the boy who would forget. $6.50 School-Craft Clothes For Boys Priced Special at Suit MAIN FLOOR Wise mothers will select the chil dren's school suits now while the assortment of patterns and colorings are complete. Our School Craft Suits for boys are made from choice woolen fabrics and have two pairs of pants. These double-service suits are made especially strong, with double taped seams, double sewn and best of linings. Some come in extra weights for outdoor wear. Plain colors, neat mixtures, diagonals, etc. Ages $M nr 5 to 18 years. Regular $6.50 Suits at pt.?J Boys' School Sweaters $1.50 Up to $5 Buster Brown Hose 4 Pairs for $1.00 MAIN FLOOR We are nOw show ing a complete line of boys' Wool Sweaters for-school wear, in Jerseys and Ruff Neck styles,, in Jumbo, Car digan ribbed and plain weaves. Cardi nal, navy and gray.i Outfit your boy here at small cost. sweat ers from $1.50 to, . 55.00 MAIN FLOOR Buster Brown Hose for boys mean hosiery satisfaction. Extra heavy ribbed with double heels, knees and toes. Warranted fast dye and to give satisfactory wear. Four pairs guaranteed 4 months. Priced at, box of 4 pairs $1.00 1 Fall Lines Boys' Hats and Caps Most Complete Showing in the City. MAIN FLOOR Preeminently the Boys' Hat Store. Season after season parents come here for their boys' hats because they are always sure to find the latest novelties and the color and size they want. Just now we are show ing Fall styles in great variety cloths, velvets, velours, plushes, wools, felts. lapes and .$5.00 etc.. in the new Kan Kah shapes and I all the popular colors. Prices AA 1 50c up to V K J 4k. f . i .- fro NEW FALL LINES OF YORKE SHIRTS FOR MEN Priced $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR Men of refinement and discriminating taste the country over wear Yorke Shirts because they fit right and are made from exceptionally fine fabrics. Our new Fall stock is now ready for your inspection nd approval. Imported madras and cords in 0 AA new patterns. Any size. Priced from $1.50 up to pOVV CARTER UNION SUITS FOR THE MAN WHO CARES Priced $1.25 to $5.00 the Suit MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR Being exclusive Portland agents for this famous Underwear enables us to carry a full line of all weights and qualities, in cotton, lisle and wool, and in all sizes for stouts, slims, shorts and regular. Cotton or lisle $1.25 to $3.00. Wool mixtures f AA at 2.60 up to sOO.UU MEN'S IMPORTED FELT HATS PRICED ONLY $3.50 Showing the New Tipperary Greens MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR First showing new Imported Felt Hats for men and young men. Also, some striking new novelties in Chinchillas, i 1 hese were made to our special order, with raw or welted edge, silk band ana Dow at DacK. New lipperary greens, gray, brown all other popular shades. All sizes. Our price, each Silk Petticoats Special $2.39 CENTER CIRCLE, FIRST FLOOR Special one-day sale of Women's Silk Petticoats Rich Taffetas and Messa lines In plain and changeable effects. Styled with narrow plaited 0 ruffles. Saturday, special $3.50 Just Receive NEW VELVET NECKW'R Price 50c MAIN FLOOR Ultra fashionable lor early Fall wear are these hand some Velvet Ties. Plain and fancy effects in richest of colorings. Slip easy under the collar. Our C A, price now at..... .......vUC NEW SHEDRAIN HATS $3 and $4 MAIN FLOOR Fall showing of the popular Frank Schobel Hats for men. Also the famous "Shed rain" Hats, warranted waterproof., Th ideal hat for this climate, Correct new Fall blocks. Priced at $3 and.. ..$4.00 Newton Petticoats Special 98c CENTER CIRCLE, FIRST FLOOR Heatherbloom, Halcyon, Messaline and Sateen Patticoats In all favored colors and black. "Newton" extension or string tops. Splendid grades at QO this price. Special Saturday at tOC School Dresses at Price SECOND FLOOR For tomorrow's selling we have grouped number of Girls' Woojen School Dresses and will sell them at just Yi regular prices. Waist styles and Norfolk Suits In navy, brown 'and cardinal. Ages 6 to 14 years. Girls' Regular $ 10.50 Dresses for Saturday at Only $5.28 Girls' Regular $12.50 jDresses for Saturday at Only $6.25 Girls' Rsgular $17.50 Drsssos for Saturday at Only $8.75 Girls' Dress, Special $2.98 One-piece and middy style in attractive colors. Come in ages 6 to 14. Special at $2.98 Girls', AH-Wool Sweaters. Ages 4 to 1.2. Special now at 98c Basement Sale of Women's Wash Regular $5.00 Up to $7.50 Grades Offered Tomorrow at This Low Figure Take Your Choice for IN THE BASEMENT UNDERPRICE STORE An opportunity to buy a pretty Dress for house or street wear for less than actual cost of materials to say nothing of the making. A great Season-End Clean-Up of our entire stock dainty wash dresses Just 375 of them all told and none but what are worth considerable more than we ask for them. Every dress in the entire assortment is new, stylish and very desirable. Made from excellent materials lawns, batistes, foulards, dimities and many other weaves. Plain colors, neat figured effects, stripes, checks, etc.. in a variety ot patterns sutnetent to piease everyone, some are trimmea witn embroiderv. laces, bands, etc- others in peplum effect with fancy net yoke. Complete ran of all sizes from 34 up to 44 and standard 15.00 to 7.50 grides. On sale at $2.48 eac BASEMENT Women's Medium, flj 3 A O II BASEMENT-Boy.' Black Rubber Rain Q AO Weight Slip-On Raincoats, special at.DO.T'OII Capes for school wear, full-length, for V I ."O fivAWKi iwjis.,. ckmnci Special Sale Seml-Procelain Dinner Sets DOUDle Trading StampS V crockery Department. Third Floor I With all cash purchases made In the Main Floor Shoe Department to- 'u J morrow. Saleschecki must be presented at Stamp Booth on day purchase Is made in order to get Double Stamps. Women's U and 55 Shoes $3.39 Men's S4.O0,$4.5Q and $5.00 Shoes $3.85 Women's Tan Calf, Velour Calf. Black Velvets, Patent Leather and Gunmetal Calf High Shoes in but ton, blucber or lace styles. High grade, stylish footwear of best qual ities. Military or walking heels. Regular $4.00 and $5.00 o 3 A grades on sale, tomorrow Fit)7 Men's high-grade . fall Footweir , in tans, velours, gunmetal .and patent leather In a big selection of latest lasts and styles In all widths and Sizes.- Very best selected stock; Grades' selling formerly at 4.50 to 5.oo Special : tomorrow , QC at the low price, pair- 0OD Fancy shape, 'dainty pink spray, full gold fine, gold trimmed handles and knobs. Very attractive patterns. English Semi-Porcelain. I 5.65 56-piece Dinner. Seta, special 84.25 $ 7.50 60-piece Dinner Sets, special f 5.65 $11.50 lQO-piece Dinner Sets, special 98.60 Green border with gold tracing over and in side border and full gold over edge of each article. Gold handles and knobs. $ 7.85 50-piece Dinner Sets, special tt .S5.0O $10.50 60-piece Dinner Sets, special at f 7.85 $15.50 100-piece Dinner Sets, special at fll.60 Drugs and Toilet Needs Priced Special for Saturday Sellina DRUG DEPARTMENT, MAIN FLOOR Our Special Saturday Drug Sales auraci nunareas 01 women to mis storeana whyr Because they realize our prices are lower than elsewhere. Note the following low prices: 5c Ivory or Fairy Soap for 3c ro Deliveries Limit 6 to a Customer 10c Hand or Kitchen fiapolio. . . .7 ISc Pear's L'nic. Glycerin Soap 10 25c Woodbury's Fscial 8oap...J.5 Assorted Toilet Soaps, 2 for 5e 25o Packer's Tar Soap for 15e S6o Dr. Graves' Tootli Powder.. tOf 26c Dr. Lyon's Tooth Powder.. 15 26c Sanitol Tooth Paste at 15 26c Sanitol Tooth Powder 150 2So Kolynoa Tooth Paste 20 SOo Pebeco Tooth Pasts t.....28 10c Shampoo Powder 5 SOc Rubber Gloves, all sixes... 29 It 2-qt. Hot Water Bottles T5 11.26 3-qt. Hot Water Bottles. .75 All Traveling Cases at....H pries All Pullman Aprons at Va pries 60c Dora Pace Powor now.... 35 26c Bristle Tooth Brushes 15 60c Rubber Cush. Hair Bursbes.39 26c Mennen's Talc. Powder 12 26c Williams' Talc. Powder. ... 10 60c D. & R. Cold Cream for.... 40 $1.00 Fitch's Hair Tonic, spec. 69 fl.OO Danderlne, sale price. ... .80 76c High Grads Perfumes, 0I..25 11.00 Lllao Vegetal.-npeclal. ..,.65 $1.00 Glyco Thymollne, special. TO 11.00 8al Hepatlca, sal price.. 85 soc Fiuup's Mine Magnesia.... 40 60a Merck's Burar of Mil, lb.. 29 26c Malt Nutrlne. a bottle..... 19 26c Malt Nutrlne,. a dosen. . . .$2.25 11.00 Liydla Plnkham's Comp:..,794 $1,00 Pierce Favorite Prescrlp.79 10c unioriae or Lime, a pound... 8 3Bc H gal. Ammonia, now.... .25 lOo H-lt- Merck's Boric Acid. ...8 $1.00 S. S. ., Saturday price... 70 86e Apenta Water, special.. ...25 660 Phenolax Wafers,' special. . .35 duo uromo Beitier, special ..... .40 8 So Fletcher's Castorla. now.... 25 High Grade Whisk Brooms..,. , .8 i.u jreuows eyrup ot Hypophoa- phltes. special, bottle. ..,..$1.17 up 10 ouc onaving ttrusnes. ,...10 $1.00 Llsterlne, sale price. .... .65 1 60 l-os. Bottle Peroxide ror..lS lOo Toilet Paper; 1000 sheets.,.. 7 Sole Agents for Maurine Toilet Goods Maurlne Beauty Lotion 50 ana Ml Maurine Satin Cream 50 And $1 Maurine Rosebud Rouge atcniy 50 Maurine Astringent at only....60e Maurine Skin Food 50 and $1.00 Maurine Hair Tonic, t only, $1.00 waunne nnampoo, at only . .ftue Maurine Eczema Lotion at only 50 Maurin uepiiatory at. only..,. 509 Maurine Hand Lotion, at only 25 Special Sale Electric Portables, Desk, Floor Lamps THIRD FLOOR Special showing of new fall lines In vast assortment of designs. "All now at special reduced prices. Regular $4.50 Elsctric' Desk Lamps Special at Onj $.3.60 Regular $11.00 Electric Floor Lamps Special at Only $8.80 Regular $14.50 Electric Reading Lamp Special at $10.25 Special Sale of $ras and Nickel Coods New Novelties in Pencil Holders, Latter and Book Racks, Desk Sets, Calen dar, Ink,. Score Marker; etc.,, etc. Take advantage. 40c Imperial Coffee Wo deliveries except with other purchase. Order early in the day. Grocery, Bakery and Deli cattsten Depts. Fourth Floor. 1 Malted I Milk i' -Off1 I ru-V ? KaSKO EQUAL ?: Ilss(sl', 3"Borden'sV MallcdMilIi Llemorutrahon Main rioor Just before going to bed at night take'a cup of Borden's Malted Milk and know the pleasure of sound, refreshing night's sleep. The ideal beverage for growing children or for any membeY of the family. Stop at the demonstration booth on the Main Floor and try a cup. - Special reduced prices during demonstration. , ;i - - $3.75 Hospital Sizd ipecially priced only $2.03 $1.00 Medium Size ipecially priced at only COc 50c Medium Size specially priced at only 40c In mikinf purchases never fall to sk for "S. & H." Often Trading Stamps. : They, are an added economy that you cannot afford, to overlook. ,"S. & H.'VStamp Booth on the Main Floor... . r:;;; . ,!';