VOk' XII. NO. 155. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, -SEPTEMBER 5, ' 1913 TWENTY-TWO PAGES., DTJTrw Twn rPMTo oh thazhb aim wewt Jerome Arrested for Ga mbling Thrust in Thaw's Former Cell Mob Hoots at Prisoner's Heels THAW IS OWED RETURNED: HIGHER COURT FORBIDS IT CAMINETTI JURY OUT; VERDICT IS CONSIDERED CERTAIN BEFORE NIGHT Court Warns Jurors Not to Al low Sympathy for Defend ant's Family to Interfere, SMI DAMAGE IS BIG ON AUG; NO LOSS OF LIFE OUTSIDE BUYER PLACES J;' 4 OFFICIALS OF STAIE man ORDER SHOES FlltS SUIT MIS Immigration Finds Matteawan Fugitive Undesirable Citizen rand Orders His deportation Immediately. HABEAS CORPUS WRIT SECURED IN MONTREAL King's Bench Court Orders Thato Brought Before It in That City. 'United PrMi Led WIr Coatlcook,- Quebec, Sept 6. Harry K. Thaw was tound deportable on two counts by the Immigration board here this afternoon and was ordered deport ed immediately, Thaw's counsel at once entered an. appeal. It Is stated that a habeas, corpus writ obtained In Montreal will bar' Thaw's deportation. The grounds for his expulsion from Canada are, first, that he entered Can ada by stealth, and second, that he has been an Inmate of an insane asylum within five years. William T. Jerome left Coatlcook this afternoon in an automobile. Mis destl nation is not known. Habeas Corpus Issued. Montreal, , Quebec, Sept. 5. It is aur thorltatlvely reported here this after noon that Judge Gervals of the king's bench court has issued a habeas corpus writ requiring the Immediate produc tion before him of Harry Thaw. It is stated that the order was obtained by Attorneys L,a Fla-mme and Oreenshlelds, two prominent Canadians, retained by the New York fugitive. A special train Is waiting here in readiness, to take the two lawyers back to Coatlcook. Judge Gervats later personally de nied that he had issued a writ of ha- (Contlnued on Page Two.) LEADS GREAT PARADE ftose-Bedecked Firemen From Oregon Are Cheered by New Yorkers, f l '. 1 Swill to Th JfinmtU Kew York, Sept. 6. The Portland Plre Department band, rose bedecked, wus the leading feature of the firemen's parade tcjday, which was-one of the finr rut spectacles ever witnessed here. Thousands of people thronged the streets and cheered the Portlanders along the way. The band led all visit ing delegations. , MAN KILLED BY TRUCK HAD AN INVALID WIFE J.. Johnson, the elderly man killed Wednesday afternoon when struck by an auto Truck at the corner "of First anT Taylor streets, left an invalid wife, at 387 First street, according to informa tion received by the coroner this aft ernoon. To ascertain if any blame can be attached to the driver of the truck an inquest will be held this aft ernoon. A preliminary investigation yesterday resulted in exoneration of the driver. At that, time, it was not known that Johnson had any relatives' here. Just after the man was injured and on Ills way to the hospital, where he died nbout an hour later, he said his name was I,. Johnson and then became un conscious. This afternoon a woman came to the morgue and Identified the remains and told of the' invalid wife, who whs worrying over what had be come of her husband. ft TEAL PROTESTS CHILE'S LUMBER TAX TO BRYAN I Wmhliifton Bureau at Th Journal.) Washington, Sept. 5. J. N. Teal paused here today on his way from the American Bar association meeting long enough to vslt a score of government j, offices Including the state department. He laid before Secretary Bryan Chill's proposal to put an Import tax equiva lent to, $23.40 per 1000 feet on Oregon pine Bryan said he would take up the matter with the Chilian minister. Ore gon shipped 70,000,000 "feet of fir to Chill -last year. The proposed rate Is termed prohibitive. CHAMPION TRAVERS DEFEATS HERRESHOFF Garden City, L. I., Sept. 5. At the end of the morning round the scores in the golf tournament in progress here stood: Trftvers, 8 up on Herreshoff; Evans, 2 up on Anderson. ' Travers" medal score was 79: Herres hoff's, 0j Evans', T8, and Anderson's, 80. '' ' " ' " '" ' ' Travers finally defeated Herreshoff. 6 up and 4 to "play. i . ' .. j - Anderson- defeated Kvans In the' final round. 2 up 'and one to play, . FOUFTAfir CANDIDATES ' FOR POSTMASTERSHIP (Whlnitoo, Bureau of The Journal. Washington, Sept. 6 Senator Cham. br.rlain submitted to the postmaster general today applications and indorse ments received for th following named candidates for, postmaster st Klamath Falls: W. A. Dulzell, J. H. Everett, Joseph McAllister and William Wagner. 1 BAND FROM PORTLAND William Travers Jerome, the New York Jjawyer Who Has Been Harry K. Thaw's Nemesis Since He Prosecuted Him as District Attorney t, and , who, Since Retiring From Office, Has Blocked Every Effort of Thaw to Leave Mattea wan Asylum. ySfr !sT - - - ftVvi " ( fit &ik: vfr,.A . .nr. A"14 3iW',f:H:k Friends of Jerome Allege Arrest Lawyers, but This Is Denied by the Latter, Who vClalm SThey Were1 Ignorant of Poker Playing. - Coatlcook, Quebec, Sept. 6. William T. Jerome, former district attorney of New York city and the man who sent Harry K. Thaw to Matteawjnl.aiid kept ,hlm ..there, was .arrested today on a charge of gambling. Representatives of New York state who are seeking Thaw's deportation, asserted Jerome's arrest was part of a plot hatched by. the fugitive's attorneys. , . . Jerome was admitted to bail by Magistrate McKee after spending hn hour in a i cell. - The case, against the at torney" probably "will be1 continued to permit him to conclude his work in the Thaw .case here. Jerome was led through the streets with a hostile mob of hooting men and boys at his heels. He was locked in the same cell which Harry Thaw oc cupied when he was first arrested here.' , . Jerome is 'not permrrtedto "receive visitors, and spends his time pacing his cell. ' tr. Kteb, superintendent jf Mat teawan asylum, was greatly uroused over Jerome's arrest. He called United States Consul .Daniels over the long distance, telephone in an effort to ar range: for the attorney's release. While Jerome's automobile was wait ing yesterday in the expectation that Tvaw wojuld be ordered deported, the newspaper correspondents started a poker game, in which Jerome, it Is al leged: joined. The game was played openly, while a hostile crowd looked on. Kesidents of. Coatlcook mostly sym pathize with Thaw, 'and Milford Ald- SUITS ARE COMMENCED AS RESULT OF BLAZE Insurance Companies Defend ants in. Action of Referee in Bankruptcy, As a result of the fire which occurred in th Dekum building, Third and Wash ington streets, March 2 last, two suits have been filed In the circuit court by H. W. Sitton, trustee in bankruptcy of the estate of C P. Long, bankrupt. One is against the Globe & Rutgers Fire In surance company, which operates undr the name Globe Underwriting Agency. for a total pit 12931.26 and Interest from June 21, 1913. The other Is against tho Pacific States Fire Insurance company for a total of $1162.37. ' Long operated a commissfbn business in the building' and had a stock of shoes, findings, repair supplies, rubbers and similar merchandise on hand which he held in trust or on commission and which had been'sold but not removed from the place., The Globe company had five policies covering the stock and the office, fixtures, while the Pa cific company had two policies covering the same. In all $7450 Insurance , was carried.' -:.- r . ' On April 3 Long was adjudged ba f Ir rupt and Sitton'' was appointed trustee. Mr. Kitton alleges that he and Long have complied, , with air. .provision of the, ', policies and that the companies have failed and refused to pay the pro portions due on each policy on account of the damage by; the tire.4 Is Part of Plot of Thaw's rldge, a prominent citizen, notified the police that Jerome and several others were gambling. Jerome was arrested' early today at the Coatlcook hotel, after Aldridge had declared that he saw money passed be tween the players. Jerome betrayed no surprise over his arrest, and, accom panied Patrolman John Andrews to the jail without a word of complaint. Thaw's attorneys denied that they were responsible for Jerome's arrest. Jerome's bail was set at $500. His case is set for 9 o'clock tomorrow, when he may he dealt out the maximum punishment of one year In Jail under the technical charge against him of common gambling on railroad property. Newspaper men who played poker with Jerome say the game was penny ante," with a 10-cent limit. They de clare that Jerome lost 64 cents. MAD TEACHER KILLS 13 Fkins Amuck Through Two Germarf Villages, Slaying and Burning, (Coiled rre leased Wlre.l Stuttgart, Germany, Sept. R. Thir teen persons were klllfH and 11 others injured, fjve probably fatally, when a demented school teacher named Wagner ran amuck today In the villages of Degerloch and Mulhausen, near here. ; Wagner first murdered his sleeping wife and four children at Degerlocn. Then he rushed to Miausen, a shoit distance away, and fired a dozen dwell ings, jeopardizing the lives of scores of sleeping persons. When the inmates of the" "burning buildings rushed to the street, Wagner opened fire, with a le volver. Right women were killed and 11 others Injured before Wagner was overpowered. Two revolvers and li cartridges were found in his pockets. Wagner was almost -beaten to death by a mob before the police arrived. JAPAN'S PREMIER TAKES ACTION AGAINST CHINA Tokio, Sept. 5. -"-Premier Count Yama moto ,went to Nikko today to discuss with the mikado the killing or several Japanese during the battle between Chi nese rebels and government troops at Nankin.. It was believed that Japan would demand an apology and indem nity. Many newspapers demand occupation of a Chinese port until China complies. Japanese warships are ascending the Yangtse river to Nankin. GATES SPENDS TIME IN CHICAGO BUT NO MONEY Ojieago III. Sept. 6.--Cliarles Gates, son of the late Wall street millionaire. John W. Gates, spent five minutes here today en route to Minneapolis, and did not spend a cent. Gates escorted hi mother to a taxicab, lnwbloh she rode to a Chicago hotel, but the millionaire id not tip tha-chauffeur, - - NEAR STUTTGART (United Prtu raaed Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 6. Whether F. Drew Camlnetti of Sacramento is guilty or not guilty of breaking the Mann white slave act by taking to Reho, Nev., Lola Norris, also of Sacra mento, "for Immoral purposes," prob ably will be determined here before night by a jury in United States Judge Van Fleet's court, which took the case at 12:10 o'clock today. Up to 12:30 o'clock the Jury deliber ated on the four counts In the indict ment against Camlnetti, and at that time Judge Van Fleet adjourned court until 2 p. m. As in the trial of Maury I. Dlggs,0the defense took an exception to the court's charge as a basis for carrylngan appeal to the higher courts. Warns Against Pity. At the conclusion of his instructions Judge Van Fleet impressed upon the Jury that they were not to allow sym pathy for the family of the defendunt to tlhcture their judgment. This followed shortly upon the inter ruption by Mrs. A. Caminetti Sr., wife of the commissioner general of immi gration and mother of the defendant, who rose during the proceedings to ob ject passionately to a part of Govern ment Prosecutor Sullivan's argument. The salient points set cut in Judge Van Fleet's instructions were that it was sufficient to establish the guilt of Camlnetti if the Jury found that he had aided in securing the transporta tion of Lola Norris and Marsha War rington from Sacramento to, Reno, whether he actually had anything to do with buying the tickets or not. "It is not necessary,'' said JLbe court, "to show any Specific declaration of intent to carry them there for immoral purposes. Debauchery, as contemplated in the Mann act, Includes any stops taken by a man to lure a woman away from the paths of virtue. Court Defines ' Debauchery. "That man debauches a woman, who by manifestation of affection, atten tions, automobile rides, gentle compli ments, theatres and in other ways wins her confidence and love, and who then (Continued on Page Two.) ENDS OF STREETS TO PAY RENTAL TO CITY Lumber Mills, Transportation Companies Will Be Most Af fected: Also Ball Park, Shippers, manufacturers and othei now using the ends of the city streets abutting the river are to be required to pay rent to the city, the rate to he fixed according to the assessed valuation of the property. C. A. Bigelow, commis sioner of finance, announced at the "kitchen cabinet" meeting of the coun cil this morning that he was now work ing out a plan to put into effect soon to secure revenue from this source Concerns or individuals using other! streets which really are for public us age are also to be compelled to pay rent. The question-of allowing private con cerns to use the ends or the streets on the river has been before city admin istrations for a number of years. All of those now using these streets have the privilege by revocable permit. May or Albee this morning suggested that the city should receive some revenue from this source when Commissioner Bigelow announced that he was work lng on the plan. This new scheme will affect a number of lumber companies, mills, transporta tion companies and other concerns oc cupying ground near the waterfront be sides others scattered thrayghout the city. It is probable that the Portland baseball park will also be affected. Deputy City Attorney Tomllnsou an nounced that the city had the power to collect rents for those streets, so it is likely that an ordinance giving the city the power will be drafted soon. ROCKEFELLER TAKING MOVIES OF SLAVE LIFE New Orleans, Ltl., Sept. 5. Backed by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the National Vice commission, a theatrical company of 20 persons arrived here today to stage fc-'big moving picture piny In Storyvllle, the New Orleans tenderloin. TOie life of a white slave, from the time she leaves high school until sh enters a disorderly house, is to be shown. The first exhibition of the films will be given at Columbia uni versity, New Tork. FIRE THREATENS HOOD ' RIVER BUSINESS BLOCK (Special to The Jouraul.) Hood River, Or., Kept. 6. An early morning blaze practically destroyed the Main restaurant, located In the heart of Hood River's business district, and the entire business block; is threatened.' The origin of tio flrejals unknown, The property was oWneff by E. B. Clark of Portland, and rented by V. J. Rrndv.vl Loss approximately $10,000. Wealthy Smuggler Is Fined. Trenton, JH. J., Sept. 6. Mrs. Annie Velle of Moline, 111., today has paid a fine of $3500 in the United States-court here, after pleading gulHty to a charge of smuggling. Her maid was fined $50 on a-aimilar charge.; r PERSONS IN STUB North Carolina Coast Dam aged $5,000,000 but It Is Believed All Imperiled Per sons Saved From Waves. NEW YORK'S SUBWAY IS FLOODED, TRAINS STOP Inch of Water Falls in 18 Min utes in Metropolis, Block ing Traffic. (United Traaa Leaaerf Wire.) Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 6. Meager re ports received here today say the storm which swept the North Carolina coast last night caused damage estimated at $5,000,000, but so far as Is known there was no loss of life. The wind accom panying the deluge reached a velocity of 100 miles an hour. Twenty-four persons were rescued from the steamer George Wells of Hat teras Inlet. All wireless stations along the coast are out of commission, ahd It will be several days before the extent of the damage is definitely known. Reports from Washington, N. C, say the property loss there exceeds $1,500, 000. Loss of Life Not Verified Washington, D. C. Sept. 5. Wireless reports received today from the gov ernment station at Hatteras do not sub. stantlate morning paper reports of Continued on Page Six F TELL TALE OF New Haven Engineer Could Not See Signals, Raw Flag man Didn't Know Duties, Ktw Haven Wrecks in a Years. e Aug. 28, 1911 Mlddletown, 4 Conn., 60 injured. October 15, 1911 Berlin June- e tion, Conn., 2 killed, 5 injured. June 11, 1912 Clinton. Mass., 8 Injured. July 25. 1912 Stonington June- 4 tion, Conn.. 3 killed, 4 injured. August 8, 1912 Dorchester, 4 Mass., 5 killed. 18 injured. August 9, 1912 South Boston, Mass., 7 killed, 40 Injured. October 3. 1912 Westport, 4 Conn., 9 killed. 50 injured. November 16, 1912 Greens 4 Farms.- Conn., 35 injured. 4 November 1", 1912 Putnam, Conn., I killed, 2 injured. 4 February 22, 1 91 3 Waterhury, 4 Conn.. 21 Injured. June 12, 1913 Stamford. 4 Conn.. 5 killed, 20 injured. September 2. 1 91 3 Walling- 4 ford, Conn., 21 killed, 40 In- 4 jured. (United Prcm Lned Wlr. New Haven, Conn.. Sept. 5. Coroner Mix resumed today his secret Inquest into the Walllngford wreck. Flagman Murray of the wrecked train was still without ball. President Howard Elliott of the New York, New Haven & Hart ford railroad, It was said, played tennis while the Inquest was in progress yes terday. Division Train Dispatcher Kelley tes tified that five trains crowded with passengers were packed on 10 miles of track, despite the fog. He said four trains were on the tracks between Walllngford and Airline Junction when the first section of the White Mountain express was sent on the same tracks. The crash then followed, he said. The company depends upon flgnals, Kelley testified in keen the trains separated. Sign. Ar. Antlauated. V Engineer Rufus Wand of the Bfrtl Harbor express testified that he could not see the signals 200 feet away. He testified thatan antiquated system of "foanje" signals was used on the New Haven road, and that a committee of engineers more than a year ago pro tested to the officials that the signals (Continued on Page Two.) TARIFF BILL SAFE; NEWLAiS' VOTE SURE Nevada Senator Announces He Will Vote for Bill Despite. Caucus Fight, (United Prtu Leited Wire. I Washington, Sept. 6. Expressing his intention 4f casting the deciding vote In the senate in favor of the new tariff bill, Senator Newlands of Nevada said today: "I have never contemplated making a fight on the bill outside the party con ferences." It hud been reported that Newland s vote, the crucial one,, would .he cast against President Wilson's tariff mea sure' when the final test came. - ANTIQUATED SIGNALS BEWLDERED LAGMAN WRECK FOLLOWING TRIP HERE One Merchant of Twin Falls, Idaho, New Trade Convert; "Week" Ends Tonight, Banquet Closes Program. The Buyers' Week entertain ment program will close tonight with a banquet at the Commer cial club, beginning at 6 o'clock. All visitors are invited. A pro gram, which C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Jobbers' and Manufacturers' association, says Is unusually worthy, has been prepared. Buyers' Week brought to Portland a man from Twin Falls, Idaho, who otherwise would have gone to Kansas City, Mo., to place a big order for shoes. To his amazement he found th.nt he saved two days' time traveling on the round trip, and he could get his shipment from Portland to Twin Falls ten days sooner than It could have been sent from Kansas City, that the freight was much less, the prices as reasonable, and the stocks even more complete. "I found that I had done myself a favor in coming to Portland to buy. said this man this morning. He jsJ. L. Buttolph. "I have saved Jjnt( and dollars. I've got some startling things to tell our Twin Falls people when I get Dark, aoout the aa vantages or iraa Ihr with Portland rfther than with Kansas (,'"' I shall certainly do all niy buying In Portland, hereafter. How Glad He Came. The wholesalers and manufacturers to whose Buyers' Week invitation Ml. Buttolph responded consider his vlstt one of the most significant events of the week. He comes from a vigorously competitive district, where Portland business men have had difficulty in Retting a foothold. He is the first one who lias ever come from the .growing Idaho community to test the assertions that Portland wholesale stocks are big ge.r, better and as cheap as can h. found anywhere. "Eight' years ."go," said Mr. Buttolpn, "Twin Falls did not exist. There was nothing tut sage brush. There is now a ponulation of hOOO people, who have laid 80 miles of cement s4dewa!k,4H miles of hard surface pavement, who have a brilliancy of illumination ana an abundance of cheap power, who have built a 1150,000 high school and two other schools costing $80,000 ahd $70, 000. respectively, who expect connection (Continued oa Fag eleven.. WORRIED BY MILITANT Ellis Island May Turn Mrs, Pankhurst Back to Eng land as a Fugitive, New V'ork, Sept. 5. That Mrs. Em mellne Pankhurst, the militant English suffragette leader now on her way to tnis country, may be denied the right to land, on the ground that she Is a fugitive from justice, was intimated to day by immigration officials.. Superin tendent Baker of the Ellis Island im migration station said It had not been decided definitely how to treat the ex pected visitor. Mrs. Pankhurst was sentenced to a term of imprisonment for instigating outbreaks of suffragette militancy, be gan n ht'ngcr strike, was released lest she d'e for luck of food, rearrested as soon as she had partly recovered, again released and rearrested over and over again. unfH finally, while out on leave, and with pert of her sentence still hang ing over her, she went to France. The British authorities, very glad to sei her go, made no attempt to interfere with her. Hoarding School Is Fired. London, Sept. 5. Suffragettes are be lieved to be responsible here today for a lire wnicn damaged Diilwlcli college. a hoarding school In South London, to the extent of $1500. Kerosene cans and oil-souked rugs were found near the building. X-RAY SKIRTS BREAK .UP - nnisr- np mi i inmi HOME OF MILLIONAIRE San Jose, Cat, Sept. SiDlaphanous skirts have Jarred the home life of Mr. Bertha C. Hanscom, 30 years old and pretty, and her millionaire husband, Jimes D. Hanscom, aged 60 years. As a result Mrs. Hanscom today has filed suit for absolute divorce. "My husband is an old ifossll," said Mrs. Hanscom. "I'm built for the X ray skirts and I'm going to wear 'em He doesn't like them, but J don't care. Wait until I get my divorce and I'll make his eyes pop.' Hanscom admitted he thought the new skirts were, "perfectly .scandalous." Bertha not only wore diaphanous skirt," he said, "but slit ones." WATER WILL PASS INTO CULEBRA CUT OCTOBER 5 Washington, Sept. &. According: to u dispatch received today at the war de partment from Colonel Goethals, chief engineer of the Panama canal, Culebra out will be finished' September 15, and water will be admitted to the basin by October 5, . . Former Supreme Justice Dies. , Bronxvllle, N. ' Y Bent. S. Henry Billings Brown, retired , associate Jus tlce of the United States supreme court. Is dead here today of heart dtsease. He was appointed to the Bunreme bench in JU80, and served until Mjty, l&o. . " IMMIGRATION OFFICERS i ' ' ' " w i, ' ' 4 it West nirntt anH Kav Alienor! to Have. "Unlawfully Ex- .1 mm m penueu Moneys or rrison Revolvina Fund." PLAINTIFF SEEKS TO RECOVER $16,518.83 Governor Is Chiefly Blamed in Complaint Filed at Salem Today. . Technicality Basis of Salt. The suit brought by the attor- 4 ney general against the members 4 of the state board Is based upon 4 a purely technical interpretation of the law governing the revolv- ing fund. All the facts upon which the suit is based have been public property from the first, Investigation by the last legls- lature resulted in a finding that the course pursued by the state board, though technically irreg- ular, had been taken with a view to the best interests of the state and that the results had been beneficial to the state. There is no charge that the governor or any other member of the board profited by the alleged Irregular- Hies. '4 (Salem Burnu of The Journal.) . Salem, Or., Sept. 5. Attorney Gen eral Crawford this morning filed com plaint in the circit court here in a suft against -Governor West, Secretary of State Olcott and State Treasurer Kay to recover to the state the sum of' lid,'" B18.83, and for costs of suit. The complaint charges that the offi cials above named "conspiring and act ing together, and assuming to act as a board purporting to' have control of. what was termed the Oregon State Peni tentiary "revolving fund," undertook and pretended to direct the defendant. " Thomas B. Kay. s state treasurer, ton enter and credit on his books of account all money received by him from Ih Bala of brick by the of fleers of the Ore-, gon state penitentiary, and all nioneT4 j received -for rent'tif Jhe stove ' foundry ' buildings at said penitentiary, as so called "revolving fund" for said insti tntion, and that said State Treasurer . Kay received from these sources the total sum of 116,905.92. s The complaint further charges that (Continued on Page Six.) OF BROTHER-IN-LAW' E Irs, Howard, Testifying in Riete-r Case, Explains Where Funds Came From, ' Telling a story of a "brother of her brother-in-law" who had a habit off making unexpected calls between trains ' and who at opportune times presented her with sums of money ranging from $500 to 11700, Mrs. A. K. Howard, wife of Dr. Harry Howard, took the stand for the defense in the suit brought to recover $12,000 worth of property that Max Rleter willed the Howards fou days before his death In ISli. ' i r The cross-examination of Mrs. How ard by Attorney Veazlc for the plain tiffs, Rieter'j two sisters, was so severs that she finally begged for rest and was taken from the courtroom in an almost fainting condition. ,,, . According to her testimony this broth er, whose name sue sura im uavid uutx amdor, is .now In the middle of the Pa cific ocean en route for Tasmania,, an. island near Australia. She was unable to tell what his bust- - ness was, where he usually made his residence, or produce witnesses or let ters to show that he; ever visited her former home, or in Portland. ,,..;;,. In 1909 she said he sent her a draft for $600 from New York city. Whether it was made out to her or whether sha deposited It In the bank, she could not recollect. In December, 1910, the man. who At toreny Vcanle characterised, as the mysterious brother of her brother-ln- Contlnued on Page Six "I ESCAPE, MY DAUGHTER ; ESCAPES, SO 00 WE ALL; , , Hartford. Conn . Sept. C. George L Cohan, actor and playwright, his li year-old daughter Georgia, Wallace fc'U dinger, leading man in conan s nej play, and Francis X. Hopje, Cohan's secretary were only slightly injured when their automobile, late yesterday, crashed Into a garbage wagon, n4r here, according to announcement mads today at the Hartford hospital. ' t ' Cohan's daughter, H was said, escape.! with, a scalp wound, and Cohan sus tained a dislocated shouldr. t JKdilin ger escaped with a few bruiafW , t XonuKenarlan Starves to Death. ? ; Hurrlsburg. Fa.- Sept. 5.-Deatb end ed today the fifty-sixth day fi of William Weldleman, aged 94. ha re fused to take any nourishment foliosrlnj the death of a close rstauva, - , MYSTERIOUS BROTHER WOMAN MONET