The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    ales Will Create Enthusiasm
K1JJA. i tfirthdav
The First Fall Gove
for Everyday Service
On ClMP Plqu Bw Otooo
Kind woman, always buys
Regular $1.25 Pair
Birthday Sale 95c
These gloves have just
come in by express and
are-made of a good heavy
serviceable stock. They
have one clasp and heavy
embroidered backs ; and
can be had in white,'' tan
and gray.
This is a glove that has
given satisfaction, being a
make that we have 'always
carried in stock and one that
we can recommend for serv
ice. First Floor
A Quick Disposal of the
Newest andiMost Fashionable
Selling Regularly at 35c. 50c to $2 Yard
Birthday Sale 25c
The biggest assortment, the most attractive patterns and
the most desirable widths 9, 12, 17 and 27 inches. The
patterns shown are a most beautiful array dainty floral
dots, spray and panel designs. Included are filmy drapery
laces silk run, Point d'Alencon, Feneriffe, Paraguay and
La Boheme styles, in white, cream and ecru colorings.
t In this collection are 1000 yards of 9-inch, 1000 yards
of 12-inch, 1000 yards of 17-inch and 1000 yards of 27
inch laces just enough for early, shoppers.
Laces for frillirigs, waist, dress and lingerie trimmings,
as well as millinery purposes. First Floor
- . Cubist and Futurist Ribbons
Birthday Sale 33c
The very latest ribbon novelties, in a seven-inch
width. Such ribbons as these will be seen on the most
exclusive imported hats and for the new girdles, as
well' as waist trimmirigs. In wonderful color combi
nations, both floral and conventional effects.
,. ririt rioor
; Men's Raincoats 1
That Have Always Sold at $ 1 5.00 and $ 1 6.00
Friday Birthday Sale Price
Boys' School Suits
Very Special $5
Mixtures, Serges, Corduroys
One-Pant and Two-Pant Suits
AgS 6 to 17 Years
This opening announcement' carries with
it the good news to all mothers of good, de
pendable, well-made boys' clothing .from
reputable manufacturers, now offered at a?
price within the reach of all. Our boys' clothing depart
ment was built upon a foundation of quality, not price.
Hundreds of mothers, after close investigation, bring
their boys to us each season for their clothing. We carry
boys' clftthing only. Specialize in boys' clothing. Isn't
it only natural that we should offer the best boys' cloth
ing, inasmuch as we compare boys' apparel from every
reputable manufacturer, and select only the very best?
Norfolk styles, in mixtures, diagonals and checks, in
navy blue serges and corduroy. Colors are brown, tan,
gray and blue combinations.
The mixtures come in two pairs of pants navy blue
serges, corduroys, with one pair. Fourth Floor
Boys' College Hats
Birthday Sale $1.39
Ages 6 to 14 Year
Scratch felt hats for boys, in
Oxford, brown and blue mixtures.
College shapes with bands to
Boys .Golf Caps
Birthday Special 35c
Boys', golf caps in fancy mix
tures and checks and navy blue
serges. All lined and in all sizes.
Colors, brown, navy, gray and tan.
Boys School Caps
Birthday Sale 50c
The. newest shapes in boys' caps,
in plaids, checks, fancy mixtures.
Smartest new Fall styles.
Boys Shirts 75c
Sis 12 V4 to 14
Boys' shirts in solid tan,
gray and white, striped per
cales and white madras. Made
with attachable golf collars.
Ponrth Floor
The season, the weather man and the oppor
tunity to offer these coats at this extremely low
price for our big Birthday Sale have all conspired
to make this an event of importance to every
man in need of the necessary raincoat.
These are Kenyon raincoats known the
world over and are shown in double' texture
and novelty cloth effects. Made with the mili
tary collar and come in the popular tan and
brown shades. Ventilated under the arms, with
the storm tabs on cuffs. All coats full in weight,
splendidly made and finished. First Floor
25c Men's Hose
Birthday Sale Price
18c Pair
This is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss an
opportunity to procure.
. Real Maco cotton hose, of soft
texture, full fashioned and re-
inforced heel and toes.
They come In a variety of colors black, navy, gray
and tan a serviceable, dependable hose that stands the
test of the severest wear. First Floor
II fl '
Merchandise sf J Merit Only"
Owing to the inclemency of the weather and the inability of many of our?
patrons to take advantage of our Anniversary Birthday Sales we shall re
serve one hundred specials
For Monday and Tuesday Selling
Regular Price $13.50
Birthday Sale
. We will leave it to your
good judgment that these
dresses are the very best
you have ever seen for the
The English serge is of the
best hard-tiwsted weave, and
can be had in black, navy blue,
Copenhagen and brown.
Fashioned on the latest
straight lines, having the cuffs,
collar, belt and buttons of soft
velvet. -Third Floor
Klosfit Petticoats
At $1.15 and $1.85
Of extra fine quality black Hal
cyon cloth and fine cotton messa
line. Made exactly as the $5 quality
silk Klosfit petticoats. These pet
ticoats have the deep flounces,
with knife plaiting and bands, and
are finished with underruffles.
Third Floor
In Household Needs
Lowst Prices Ever Made
Electric Irons $2.33
Six-pound guaranteed Triangle
Electric Irons, beautifully finished,
complete with six feet of cord and
$1.25 Welsbach Gas Lights
Birthday Sale 49c
Inverted style, complete with full
braSB burner, magnesia tip, globe
adjustment and a 20c high-grade
Welsbach mantle, with full or half
frosted globe.
15c Straw Table Mats 9c
These mats come in two styles,
consisting of six mats in the set.
25c Liquid Veneer 19c
Rising Sun Stove Polish, 4c
15c Inverted Gas Globes, 8c
Full or half frosted
40c Self Light Gas Mantles,
Birthday Sale 27c
These mantles are guaranteed
for 60 days merely turn on the
gas, it does the rest. ' .
This Birthday Anniversary Sale of Millinery Offers to Every Woman
An Opportunity to Secure the Newest Fall and Winter
Trimmed and Untrimmed -fiats at Birilictay Prices
Untrimmed Hats Deeply Underpriced
$4 Silk Velvet Hats, Special $2.45 velvet hats in small and medium shapes, in the very newest effects, in
black and all popular colors.
$4.50 Satin and Velvet Hats, Special $2.95
A smart hat with soft satin crown. The brims are velvet faced and edged.
Unique shapes, in a variety of styles and all popular colors. These hats require
but a small stick-up for immediate wear.
$5 Hatters Plush Hats. Special $3.95
Smart hats of soft Hatter's plush, with silk velvet brims. They have a charm
and jauntiness that stamps them tone of the popular favorites of the Fall season.
They come in a great variety of shapes, in small and medium styles, now so
much in vogue.
$5 Silk Panne Velvet Hats, Special $3.95
Another smart hat, which is one of the recoznized fashion favorites for the Fall
season. They come , in long sailor shapes and a variety of exclusive models, in
white, black and colors.
smart models,
lots of colored rib-
Trimmed Hats Deeply Underpriced
$5, $7 Trimmed Hats, Special $3.95
flats or satin, velvet and piusn, in a great variety or very
trimmed with cubist wings, soft mahne shirrings, quills and
bons and velvet. A collection of most serviceable hats.
$6.50. $9 Trimmed Hats. Special $4.95
100 hats trimmed especially for this occasion. An enormous variety of popular
styles plush, velvet and satin hats, trimmed with cubist wings, peacock feathers,
aigrettes and small stick-ups, in black, white and colors.
$12.50 Trimmed Hats, Special $7.50
Hats trimmed by our best artists especially for this occasion. Velvet, plush,
satin and moire hats in' the new, fashionable shapes, mushroom crown, jaunty
up-turned brims, trimmed in an immense variety of attractive styles.
$15 Trimmed Hats, Special $10.00
50 hats of Hatter's plush, panne velvet, erect plush. Reproductions of French
hats now in popular favor. A beautiful collection of hats, reproducing Paris
fashions at a moderate cost. Second Floor
Lingerie Blouses
That Are Usually $2 '
Birthday Sale 98c
Simple little things"!"
course. Blouses that are or
nate in their simplicity. Showy
without being elaborate; ef
fective by reason of being
plain. Extremely attractive
models of lingerie and lawn,
adorned with lace trimming,
tucking, plaits or insertion.
Button front or back and long
or short sleeves; high, close
fitting collars or in the becom
ing collarless styler other mod--els
being trimmed with fancy
lace yokes and embroidery.
nurd rioor
t Large Cover-All or
Bungalow Aprons
That Were 85c,
Birthday Sale 59c
Excellently made, the good gen
erous kind no "skimping" oi ma
terial, but an apron that covers
the dress completely.
Made of good quality percale,
gingham and chambray. With
round neck, kimono sleeves with,
turnback cuffs, and belted across
the back. Attractively piped in
white. Come in light or dark col
ors plain, dotted, figured and
striped effects. Fourth Floor
Rogers Plated Table Silverware
Everyday Serviceable Kind
Birthday Drug Sale
50c Dag get & Ramsdell
cold cream, at 29c
50c Peroxide cream 29c
35c Talcum powder 19c
25c Euthymol Tooth
paste, sale. . . . . . . .10c
$1.00 bar imported cas
tile soap, 4-lb.. .. . .89c
$1.00 Lambers' listerine
sale price . . . . . . 59c
$1.00 bottle Glyco-Thy
moline, sale ...... 69c
50c ounce quinine sul
phatefale ...... .29c
50c Phillip's Milk Mag.
nesia, Sale . . . . . . ,29c
$1.00 Pinaud's Eaw de
Quinine, sale .:. ; . .,. 66c
j , . Tlrst rioor.
Berry spoons, each 69c
Cold meat forks, each. .43c
Jelly shell, each 53c
Pie knife, each $1.09
Salad forks, each 98c
Salad spoons, ,eaci . . . . ,98c
Spgar shell and butter knife,
special, the set 74c
Sets of six
Medium knives, H. H. $3.89
Medium forks, H. H. $3.89
Medium knives, flat H. $1.89
Salad sets, Special. . . .$1.96
Child's sets, special 98c
Orange spoons, Special $1.09
Coffee spoons, Special . . 84c
Fruit knives, H. H.. . .$3.5G
Silver Tea Strainers,
Sale' 39c Each
English nickel-silver tea strain
ers and tea balls,, heavily silver
plated. Salt and Pepper Shakers,
Sale 39c Pair
Of glass with genuine Sterling
silver tops.
Syrup Pitcher and Plate,
Sale $1.48
Quadruple syrup pitcher and
plate to match in a plain French
design. ,,
Bon Bon Baskets
Sale $1.89
English style nickel-silver plated
bon bon baskets in pierced design.
Castors, Sale. $1 .48 v ;
Individual two-bottle castors in a
pierced design, good weight, quad
ruple plated. , Frst Floor
Victor and Columbia Talking Machines
$1.00 Down $1.00 Week
New $3.50
, W.B. Nuform Corsets
sii 19 to ae
Birthday Sale Price
Yesterday we received by ex
press these newest of new cor
sets, which were rushed to us in
time for the Birthday Sale, and
for 'Friday only they go on sale
at $2.29.
These popular W. B. Corsets
are , suitable for the stout and
medium figures and are modeled
on the very latest lines for fall
and winter. r They are extremely
long over the hips, with inset lac
ing over the thighs, assuring per
fect comfort, and producing the
uncorseted effect now so fash
ionable. ; , ' fourth rioor
50-Piece China Dinner Set
For One Day Only
Birthday Sale Price $4.98
This is another sensational offering in our china department.
A fifty-piece dinner set of high-grade American semi-porcelain,
in ivory white china, with handsome two-band gold trimming.
This is one of our open-stock patterns and can be added to or
breakage repaired at any time. An absolutely guaranteed ware.
The Set Consists of
Six 7-inch plates.
Six 6-inch plates.
Six sauce dishes.
Six soup plates.
Six individual butters.
-Six teacups and saucers.
One 12-inch platter.
One 10-inch platter.
One 6-inch baker.
One covered vegetable dish.
One sugar.
One creamer. Sixth Floor.
Important Reductions on .
Gray Switches.,
You're likely to' find these ,
switches elsewhere selling at dou
ble and three times the prices for
which we are offering here for one
day only. , " '
$1.95 Gray Switches, , $1.45
18 inches in length.
$2,95 Gray Switches, $2.95
20 inches in length.
$4.95 Gray Switches, $3.45
22 inches in length. ,
$7.95 Gray Switches, $4.45
24 inches in length.
$11.95 Gfay Switches, $5.45
26 inches in length. '
If you save your combings ,
we'll make them up for you in
any desired form.
MtiMiB rioor
Birthday Sale of Stamped Articles From the Needlework Section
50c Linen Towels, Birthday Salt 29c
Regular and guest room size towels,
stamped on splendid quality all linen towel
ing. In all the newest designs for cross
stitch work, French and English eyelet and
cut- work a variety of effective and simple
patterns. k ; 1 ; V V Second Floor
$1 Day Pillow Cases, Birthday Sale 48c
These are the day and night pillow cases, '
stamped on the best quality of Atlantic
tubing. Made up ready for use. Stamped
for punch' work,, French embroidery, Eng
lish eyelet,' cut work ' and the Louis XIV
embroidery. ' - .