The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 04, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Defends His Recent Investiga
tion of I, W, W, Disturb
ances at Bandon.
ft.l.m Riimbii uPThi .Tmirnal.l
8aJm, Or., Sept 4. Attorney General
Crawford last night issued a statsmem
replying to one lssuod yesterday by Gov.
ernor West-, In which the governor
stated that General Crawford had failed
In his investigation as to the failure of
the officers to enforce the laws in Coos
county. ' '
General Crawford says:
"I notice In an evening paper that
you have made soma crltiolsms on my
report of my recent trip to Coos county,
relative to alleged norfenforoemsnt of
the criminal laws in - which you are
auoted as saying in effect that the at
torney general interviewed a few peopU
and secured information whlcn naa ai
ready been furnished him through com'
munlcatiohs sent to your off los by cltl
' sens of Coos counlnc;"" I
"Then you continue: 'This offloe will
' again proceed to take the matter up
through special counsel with the view
of presenting it to the court, as pro
vtded by law, and will await the find'
ings of the court.
Told District Attorney.
- '1 beg to say that I called your atUn
tlon in my report to the fact that the
, court did not meet until the Sth of this
month, and that all documents were
filed with the cleric of the court for
consideration at that time, and then
called the district attorney's attention
to the matter, that all violations of the
criminal laws shown in the documents
so filed, might be punished. Said chap
ter ISO provides that the attorney gen
eral shall present the matter to the
court if requested by the -governor.
was so requested, and I presented the
matter just as far as it oould be pre
sented before the court meets. This
you wall know when you made your
statements to the press. I could have
remained unUl the 8th Instant by neg
lectins; other business of Importance,
but concluded to ask the district attor
ney to present the matter.
Fapera Ave Complete.
"If you send your special counsel
When he arrives there he will find the
evidence and the addresses of the wit
n esses whom he can summon are all
there. In your statement that the evi
dence furnished by your office, if you
mean to insinuate that nothing was se
cured except what was handed me by
your private secretary, then you have
not read the papers accompanying my
report, or else you intentionally ml
state the facts. But very little evidence
wes furnished by your office. The
pspers show every statement I could
secure relative to the neglect of officers
to fulfill (heir duties and that was what
I was requested to do, and in every re
spect I carried out the full instructions
of your communication.
"I would suggest that if special coun
sel goes to Coos county he should ba
mare on or before the Sth Instant, so as
to be there at the opening of court if
na is to am the district attorney in pre
senting the matter. I will cheerfully
assist in preparing a brief."
Continued From Page One.
Europe, were stationed according to
imir ranic, in tne various salons and
usug through which the bridal prooes
slon passed.
Boyal Balute Greets Fair.
A royal salute and a blare of trunv
pets announced to the waiting populace
ins conclusion or the wedding oeremony.
A mighty roar of cheers went up from
the enormous crowd that thronged the
vicinity of the castle. In response, the
uewiy mamea pair appeared upon a Bal
cony of the caatle and smilingly bowed
their acknowledgements. The bride was
flushed and radiant as she appeared
upon the balcony, led by the bride
The wedding presents received by
Manuel and his bride were so numer
ous that columns would be required to
give a Complete list of them. They In
eluded a magnificent set -of table silver
from King George and Queen Mary, a
cold wine flagon from Queen Alexandra,
pearls and diamonds from the king and
queen of Spain, an emerald and dia
mond necklace from the king and queen
of Italy, and several costly articles of
Jewelry from the members of the Ger
man imperial family. Other appropriate
presents were received frowf nearly
everybody present at Vie marriage. One
of ' the presents from Manuel to his
bride was a very old emerald ring
which was once the property of Cath
erine of Aragon, wife of King Henry
.VIII of England.
They Are Distantly Xslatsd.
The bride of today recently passed
rier twenty-third birthday. Her father
Is head of the second nonrelgnlng and
probably the oldest, branch of the
House of Hohensollern, of which Em
peror William is head of the royal
branch. The grandfather of the bride
was Prince Leopold of Hohensollern.
eigmarmgen, whose wife was the In
fanta Antonla of Portugal. She was
a sister of ex-King Manual's grandfath
er, which makes the bride and bride
groom of today second cousins.
Ex-King Manuel Is of the same age
as ms Driae, He was born on his moth
er's estate of VUlavlcosa, not far from
the'Spanlsh border. Before he was 18
years old he served aboard the Portu
guese man-of-war Arlca as a midship
men. He was 18 years old on Febru
ary 1, 1808, when he succeeded to the
crown of Portugal through the assassi
nation of his father, King Carlos, and
his ' elder; brother. Crown Prince ' Luis
Felipe.. A band of men fired upon the
members of the royal family while tbey
were driving; In an open carriage
through the streets 6f Lisbon. The
king and the crown prince were each
shot three times. Manuel was slightly I
The double assassination was the cli
max of internal troubles which had
marked every year since Carlos ascend
d the, throne In 1889. The political
troubles of the country were due In the
beginning to oorrupt government and in
tolerably heavy taxes. The crisis earns
when King Carlos attempted to rule the
nation by absolute deoras, dispensing
with parliament and abolishing the free
dom or tne press.
Bride Bring Dowry.
The discontent under Carlos was not
lessened when Manuel came to the
throne. Students of Portuguese affairs
predicted that the monarchy would soon
be overthrown, and the revolution of
October. 1910, which ended in the fUht
of Manuel from Portugal, was not a
great surprise.
When he was king it was believed
that Manuel would take an English
bride. At the time of his trip to Eng
land In 1S0I it was said that he would
ask the hand of Princess Patricia of
Connaught or of Alexandra of Fife. The
possibility that he might marry the
daughter of Emperor William was also
rumored while he was on the - throne
But all of these rumors died away after
he was deposed. Princess Augustine
of Hohensollern, the bride of his oholoe,
brings to Manuel a plump dowry, which
may be useful to the former king in
the event that he attempts to stir up
affairs In Portugal with a view to re
gaining his. throne.
Continued From Page One.
downpour; and many barns and out
houses havs been turned over to them
for camping quarters.
Idle at Zena.
Zona, Spring Valley, Ore.. Sept. . I
Hop-picking, which began in this sec
tion the fore part of the week, has been
brought to a standstill by the heavy
rain which began Tuesday morning, and
wnicn nas continued since witnout in
termission. The yards were In fine con.
dition before the rain. Scores of pick
ers have been imported from Portland
and other plaoes and are not only losing
their time by the storm, but are suffer
ing the dlsoomforts of cramped and In
convenient quarters until the weather
dears. The outlook is good for a fine
yield or hops.
O. K. at Eugene Yard.
Eugene, Or.. Sept. 4. "So far there
has been no damage whatever to the
hops by the rains of the past 88 hours,"
said J. W, Seavey. owner of Lane coun
ty's largest hop yard, last night. The
rain has scarcely delayed the picking
in bis yard, he aaid, and he expeota to
save the entire crop without difficulty,
unless the rain should oontlnue for a
week or two. His brother. J. H. Seavey.
began picking yesterday. Other yards
win begin picking tomorrow if the I
ground is not too sofV
All Right at Gateway.
Gateway, Or.. Sept. 4. Tuesday
night's rain marked the close of the
longest drought experienced In 10 years.
less man a quarter or an inch or rain
having fallen since July 1. As dry as
has been the season crops have ma
tured well and the quality Is said to
be good. The yield was fair. The rain
is gnerai tnrougnout central Oregon
and will be of Immense value to late
gat dens.
"Picker" Leaving Fields.
8alsm. Or.. Sept. . Ths rain has
been heavy hare for 48 hours. Hops
have not been damaged, except perhaps
soma of the green and very lata crops.
Prunes suffersd some, aa a high wind
prevailed yesterday evening and nearly
all night, shaking down much fruit.
Some hop pickers are leaving the fields
on aocount of the discomfort
Fearful at The Dalles.
The Dalles, Sept. 4. Oooaalonal-
showers have fallen all over Wasco
county ths past two days, there having
been sufficient rain to stop all harvest
ing operations. So far no damage has
been done, out farmers reel considera
ble uneasiness, as a week's rain would
do great damage.
Wet at Nashville.
Nashville, Or.. Sept. 4 Over three
inches of rain has fallen in this vicinity
in tne past z nours.
S .You can have a
I youthful, beauti
ful head of hair.
BJust Uw
To Grey hairs It
renewed life and a natural
color. It eradicates dandruff.
Produces a thick healthy
growth. It U not dye.
Money tikek If not satisfied.
SOe and f I at draffi-a. Sampltboiile
em on mam or ivg nu www mma.
mi Ui ifcdiHies ce, mwiis. ft. .
Chicago. Sept. 4. The famous Elsie
Sigel murder in New York came In as
sidelight today on the killing of
Charles Sing, a wealthy Chinese, yes
terday, and the wounding of his white
wife, who still is unconscious.
Miss Anna Davis of Jollet, sister of
Mrs. Sing, said: "Alice left our farm
at Glbbs, Mo., when a girl and went to
Kansas City. She was a mission work
er in the Chinese section at the time
of the Elsie Sigel murder in New York
and always thought that a certain Kan
sas City Chinaman knew the facts of
that crime, while following up this
supposed clue she met Sing, who was
young, wealthy and handsome as Chi
nesa go. She married him ten months
ago. He gave Alice everything she
wanted, but kept his business secrets
ana ms personal affairs from hor. Even
if she lives, I don't believe Alice can
explain now King was murdered."
(Special to Tlit Journal.)
Aberdeen, Wash., Sept 4. Mayor Eu
gene ranee, elected on an economy
piauorm, met ms nrst aereat last night,
when his veto of a proposed publicity
tax, provided for by a law of the last
legislature, was not sustained by the
council. The publicity law provides for
a tax of 8tt mills, and wiU give to the
chamber of commerce for expenditure
ioduu. Tne budget or the city for 1(14
cans for im,S07 to meet general ex
Station for Farmers' Benefit.
Olympia, Waah., Sept. 4 The depart
mant of agriculture if establishing a
first class weather station on the roof
or the state capitoi building for ex
perimental purposes. The station is
being established solely for the benefit
of the farmers of the district, and If
the schema works out ss planned, other
stations will be established in those
plaoes where the government has bo
bureau. , .
Collins estate Is Divided.
Vallajo, Cel., Sept 4 Mrs. Edna Col
lins Ruhm, wife of Naval Constructor
Thomas Ruhm, who built the electric
collier Jupiter, today inherited 8834,000
from the estate of her father, the late
John Collins of Seattle. The Collins
fortune amounted to $8,000,000, which
was divided ' equally between Collins'
Green Trading Stamps Given on All Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full on or Deforc the Tenth
Portland Agents Cossard Front Lace, Beln Jolle. Nemo, lion Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Dacmo. Monarch Gloves
Out-of-town orders
filled and forwarded
tame day as re
teived. Make use of
our splendidly
equipped Mail Or
der Department
Entire satisfaction is
guaranteed. ,
Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods
eote Smtviigo to Bi Daily. Saecpt llatmsday. Batnrday onx ao A.SCto OOP. 21
( ,
f wWf ...
Special weekly tenr
ice Ladies' Home
Journal patterns.
Published in New
York every Monday
morning and for
warded direct Ask
about this . special
First Showing New Mandelberg Raincoat
EVkm S?nl1 nnr1 Tk1i-. -flYtO -11
SECOND FLOOR We show this celebrated line of high-grade Raincoats in all the new models for 'bote)"
women and misses. Unquestionably the best coats to" be had, no matter what you pay. Made from best im
Plain tailored or belted effects with raglan or set-in sleeves, storm collars, patch pockets, etc. Finished wetted
seams. Women's sizes 34 to 44. Misses' sizes 14 to 20. Select vourinow Ct v 100 CA
while stocks are complete. Prices range from
Second Tloor.
New Tailored Stilts $25.00 and $28.50
All Sizes for Women and Misses
SECOND FLOOR At these popular prices we are prepared to show you many handsome
new models in Army Serges, Diagonals, Cheviots, Tweeds, Matelasse and other popular
weaves in black, browns, grays and novelty mixtures. Plain- tailored. Cutaways, Norfolks
and Fancy models. Effectively trimmed with cloth or velvet covered buttons, LOt
fancy braids, etc Stricdy hand-tailored. All sizes. Priced at 925 and ....... V60."J7
Women's $5 Sweaters $3.49
Second Floor Women's and Misses' Heavy
Knit Wool Sweaters in V-neck, roll collar and
military styles, finished with knit-in side pock
ets, ribbed cuffs and pearl buttons. Full line
of all wanted colors and sizes. QQ A ft
Regular $5.00 Sweaters, at only vOei7
$6.50 Wool Sweaters Sp'l $5
Second Floor Exceptionally good grade heavy
Ktit Wool Sweaters in plain or fancy weaves.
Byron or ruff-neck collars with knit-in side
pockets, pearl buttons and close-ribbed cuffs.
The regular $6.00 quality in all sizes, Aft
Priced special tomorrow at. tJJtJeUU
$12.50 Wash Dresses at $3.98
Second Floor Final clean-up of odd lines of
Women's and Misses' Tailored Wash Dresses
in linens and striped dimities. Several very
attractive styles in season's newest effects.
Selling formerly up to $12.50. Your 4lQ QC
choice tomorrow at the price of... vOeaO
SI, 81.25 Fancy Silkal
59c Yd;
Center Circle. Main Fl.
Special Friday offering of hW
dreds of yards rich fancy Silks at
a phenomenal reduction in price
Fancy Taffetas, alksilk Foulards,
in neat figures and attractive col
ors fancy striped tsengalines and
changeable Taffetas. Desirable
colors, patterns and weaves for
dresses, waists, linings, petticoats,
fancy work, etc. Grades selling
formerly at $l.uu and tZQg
a yard. Special tomorrow tJal
Girls' Storm Capes $2.85
Ages 6 to 14 Years
Second Floor A practical, service
able outer garment for children's
school wear. Made from splendid
quality rubberized sateen and guaran
teeed waterproof. Full length styles
with plaid-lined storm hood. Come
in navy and dark red and in all sizes
from 6 to 14 years. Priced flJO QJT
special for tomorrow at... tPafiieOtl
Girls' Waterprool Coats
Special $2.85
Second Floor Children's lightweight
waterproof Raincoats, full length
styles with close-fitting storm collars
and cuffs. Excellent grade rubber
ized materials with gummed seams.
The ideal garment for school wear.
In good, serviceable shade of tan and
in' sizes for girls 6 to
years of age. Priced
it $2.85
Pretty Lingerie Waists
Special $1.98
Second Floor Many attractive styles
for wear on all occasions. Dainty lin
geries, cotton crepes and voiles, dimities,
dotted Swisses, linen and madras. Styled
with high or low neck and long or short
sleeves and handsomely trimmed with
fine embroidery, tucks, laces, plaits, etc
Some with roll collars. All QQ
sizes in the lot. Priced atvXeaO
Lingerie Waists $2.98
Scores ol Styles
Second Floor In this lot we have
grouped a great many waists selling for
merly at two or three times this price.
Lingeries, voiles, cotton crepes, etc., at
tractively trimmed with cluny, Val. and
shadow laces, hand-embroidery, tucks,
lace frills, net yokes, etc. High or low
necks, long or short sleeves. (PO QQ
Priced special sale at p&VO
$3.50 and $4.00
Regular 35c Kerchleis
Special at 19c
Main Floor Odd lines Women's
fine. linen Kerchiefs some a trifle
soiled from being on dis- " ftp
play; 25c and 35c grades, at Xtl
Men's High-Grade Umbrellas at
MAIN FLOOR Special one-day sale of Men's
Umbrellas. Extra strong construction, with best
steel frame and rod and fast black union covers.
Great variety of novelty handles, at...
cial Factory Purchase and Sale Women's high
grade Umbrellas. Best Silk and Linen Cover,
' with wide taped edge. Strong para
gon steel frame and rod. An unusu
ally handsome assortment of handles,
including light and dark colored
woods, gold, silver, pearl
and gunmetal mountings
in wide variety designs;
$3.50 and $4 grades f 2.00
Men's Raincoats $10 to $30
Complete Showing New Lines of
"Mandelberg" and "Shed rain" Makes
All Sizes lor Men and Boys
Men's Store, Main Floor Raincoats that are out of the ordinary
in style, fit and finish. It's well worth your while to inspect our
splendid showing. Absolutely guaranteed a new coat free if they
split or fail to give you the wear you are entitled to. Gabardines
and Slip-On styles in ail sizes and lengths, including (Qft ftft
extra long. Many smart, new models. At $10.00 to VtiV.UVf
Boys' "Shedrain" Coats at $3.50 to $10.00
Boys' Slip-On Raincoats
Main Floor-FuIl line of the
celebrated "Shedrain" Raincoats
for boys 6 to 18 years of age.
Extra well made. QT l flfl
Priced, $3.50 up to PJLleVl
Main Floor Boys' Slip-Onand
uabardine Kaincoats in new
Fall models. Very best grade of
materials. Ages 6
to 20. At $3.50 to
Boys' Rubber-Rain Capes Special at $2.25
Rain Hats 25c, 35c and 50c
Main " Floor Boys' Rubber
Rain Hats in several different
styles. Just the thing for wet
weather. All sizes. Priced for
tbjs selling at 25c, 35c Q,
Main Floor Keep the boy
warm and dry with, one of these
serviceable Raincapes. Easy to
put on and take off. Priced for
this selling tomor
row at, each
"S. & H." Green Trading Stamps with All Purchases
Women's Underwear, Hosiery
Priced lor Quick Selling
main in nno unDuiKniti.vTiiFvT u a v r a,ih. 111 ... mpammI. r . . -.f
ana unaren s underwear nu nosicry si, in many instances, less man nail reauiar
selling prices. If your size or the color you desire is here you will get an exceptional
bargain. Remember we sell merchandise of good, dependable qualities only no other
klna ever enters our stocks, ask for "b. at H. Green Trading stamps.
Woman's Fine Imported Black Hosiery on special sale at ths low price, pair SOe
Women's 50c Fine Black Lisle Stockings Special low price, three pairs $1.00
Women's $1.00 and $1.50 Colored" Silk Hosiery Special low price, the pair 9e
Women's Regular $1.75 Black Thread Silk Hose Special at low price, pair $1.19
Women's High-Grade Hose Grades selling up to 75c Special low price, pair 3S
Women's fine quality Lisle Hose, selling up to 50c Special low price, pair 19
Women's Imported Black Lisle Hose R.gulsr 75c quality Special price, pair 44c
Children's 35c and 50c highgrade Hosiery Special low price of only, pair 19c
Women's 65c White Lisle Union Suits Special low price, the suit at only 47c
Women's Fancy Vests Clean-Up of many odd lines Special at, the garment 33c
Women's 85c fine quality Lisle Union Suits Special low price only, the suit 49c
Women's Fine Italian Silk Drawers and Combinations Special tomorrow, 13 Off
Women's Fine White Lisle Vests Final Clean-Up price tomorrow at only 11c
Women's White Lisle Vests, selling formerly up to 65c Special tomorrow at 35c
Women'a Gauntlet Gloves broken lines I regular $1.00 grades Special at 75c
Women's Long or Short Washable Lisle Cloves Special low price, the pair 39c
Women's Long Silk Gloves, broken lines, selling to $2.50 a psir Special at $1.69
Women'a 16-button length Long Silk Gloves, odd lots Special tomorrow at 75c '
Scores of other odd lines and small lots marked at like reductions are to be had In the
different departments throughout the store from day to day. It pays to witch our
auvcrwacinciiis ana it pays 10 visit tne store every aay. come tomorrow.
Special Sale Boys' 35c and 50c Underwear
At Main Floor Bargain Circle Tomorrow.Garment
Mothers should profit by this unusual offering and supply the boys' school
underwear at a decided reduction in price. Broken lines of sizes, solendid
quality natural gray shirts and drawers. Regular 35c and 50c grades, at only
Odd Lines Boys' Wool Drawers at 12 Price
Boys' 50c Blouses 39c Boys' $1 Blouses 83c
Bargain Circle There are only
about 8 or 10 dozen garments in
the lot. Fine All-Wool Drawers
selling formerly at 75c and $1.00
per pair. While the lot lasts,
tyhem.r.3:...b.,:r.,2. Price
Bargain Circle Special one
day sale of Boys' School
Blouses, made from extra good
grade percales and chambrays,
in light and medium grades.
Standard Waists, now on QQ
sale at Oa7i
Bargain Circle Boys' fine qual
ity Blouse Waists in percales,
madras and reps. Attractive
patterns. Extra good quality,
perfect fitting. All sizes, QO
on sale at OOC
Third Floor Specials
For Friday
Sure Seal Fruit Jars with sanitary glass
tops save time and labor. Note prices:
Sure Seal Pints, dozen ...65t4
Sure Seal Quarts, dozen ...75
"Mason Special" Fruit Jars with large
tops. Order now for canning use.
Mason Special Pts., dozen 05
Mason Special Qts., dozen 75 .
Universal Food Choppers save their
cost many times in the course of a year.
Regular $1.00 size, now at 7SJr
Regular $1.15 size, now at 8
Regular $1.50 aize, now ?1.10
50c Coal Hods 39tHeavy Galvanized,
with cover. For one day 39$ each
$1.35 Sad Irons $1.08 "Sensible" Sad
Irons 3 irons, handle and stand. Handle
will not shake off. Special at . ..$1.08
Best grade Fruit Jar Rubbers. Priced
special, the dozen , .... .6s
Three Great Basementt Specials for Friday's Selling
Women's "Sllpon" Raincoats
Special $3.48
Basement Women's stylish. Slip-on Rain
coats In medium weight. Fine grade rubber
ized material , in rich shades of tan. Well
cu luaici 111 in iuau9 v. .an. ,iiii
ade, neat fitting and warranted OO AQ
iterproof. All sizes. Special at vOaTtO
Girls9 Rubberized Raincoats
Special S2.98
Basement Special Friday sale of Girls' Rain
coats for school wear. Excellent quality rub
berized material in serviceable navy blue shade.
Cut full length, well made, neat CO QQ
fitting, 6 to 15 years. Priced, each V-GsaO
DoysDlack Rubber Ralncape
Basement Boys' Black. Rubber Raincapes at
a special reduced price for tomorrow, Best
grade heavy black rubber cut full-and Ion
,xceneni wearing. u sizes ror ujt i
boys. Regular $2.50 grade, at. ; , , V Xt7
Men's $4, $5 Shoes
The Pair
Again tomorrow we place oil sale
men's $4.00 and $5.00 high-cut Shoes
at $3.85 a pair. Big selection of very
latest last and styles in dozens of
popular patterns in tans, velours, gun
metal i and patents. All JQ QC
widths and sizes. Pair...,. Pu0O
Women's 54 and C5
Shoes 33.39
Main Floor Women's Tan Calf
Black Velvets, Yelour Calf, Patent
Leather, Gunmetal Calf, etc., in but
ton blucher and , lace styles, with
military or walking heels, bmart, new
Fall Footwear. All sizes. QQ QQ
Special sale at, per pair... 0O,OU
Full Una Rubbers at Popular Prices
PWX SStrt 00.
widow and children. '