THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, . AUGUST 28, 1913.' 17 ACREAGE (Continued) C7 1 Acreage 10 minutes out with the NEW FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC CARS; EVERYBODY will buy after the cars are running; -the .wise Investor will buy now, and reap the benefit. Cars will b running In very few days; let ua how you. Rich oil.: no. rock, - . ravel or hills here. Small easn payment, monthly installments. The Shaw-Fear-Co, . 103 Fourth Street Acreage On new XJermantown Road; rolled rook all the way to city; fine, rich aoil And at a bargain for 1260 to IS6Q per acre, on monthly payment plan. Now la .the time to buy here. Let us show you why , - ' The Shaw-Feaf Co. '!', - 102 Fourth Street. 5. and 10 Acres Cheap 20 up to 43 per a ore, on terras. Tracts of 6 acres or more; deep, red hot soil, well watered: easily cleared; Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river, near Portland. Own- era. 709 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak ata. Mam KU7 8. .Evenings East 4. PROSPECTIVE REAL. Efc'TATIS BUYERS. Don't buy real estate from a map or photograph until you have aeen the property. Don't sign a contract until you have carefully read it and compared it with the verbal 1 statements made by the salesman, THE JOURNAL. Em N and fruit ranches near fort land; Gresnam district, Estacada line, electrlo station hi mile. Newaubdivl ttion, tSuustalne valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only f 76 to $160 per acre in small tracts; easy terms; quick train service. Frar'c McFarland Realty Co, 809 If eon bli Portland. Or. 3 Acres in Town All in cultivation; good soil; 28 miles foriiana on electric tine; nouse ana otn er Improvements, very cheap at $1850; $360 cash, balance monthly payments. Willamette Investment Co., 402 Dekum bldg. lift TO 160 FEU ACKHL ( to 20 acre tracts, good aotl, road to every tract, new school, 3 miles to Co lumbia river and railway station, 1 Vj hours from Portland; easy terma. tie Lumber Ex. bldg.. cor. 2d and Mark tta FOR SALE FARMS 17 8 ACRE HOME 11950. Only 14 mile from live little town on P. E. & E. electric. New house 22x24, new barn, chicken house, etc. 160 young fruit trees, berries, potatoes arid beans. All good soil and under plow. Euay terma. 10 ACRES COMPLETE " Income from the start. Cow, 2 pigs, some chickens, 2 stands of bees, 1 Mi acres of potatoes. Bushels of beans and other vegetables all go. Good new 7 room bungalow, young fruit trees. Run ning water. Price $2500, half cash. 604 Spalding bldg. ImDroved 26 Acre Ranch Located, near good valley town and high school, not far from Portland; good new house bHrn, orchard, all in cultiva tion, mostly in crop; 10 cows, 2 horses, to chickens, creuni separator, 2 wagons, haiess, mower, rake, disc, harrow, plow, all tools, everything goes. Cows are making $100 per month. Price only $4760 Kriders A Hartshorns, 431 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Oontinned) :- ' 66 ACRES fruit and Yiitrrv! on ft P. R. R., close in. Will trad for city ItDAnaliti, . A v. a n A A A r i Nedd & Berry , SOT : T,umh, ' W.irr'hftnPA , folAr. "' FOR sale or trade '"large 8 room house, full basement, cement floors," modern, J4 block to oarltne.a fine home for large family. Call 636 Mitf den-ave., Sellwood. Phone Sellwood 1644. , .- WHAT have yoSi worth, about' $2000 to iraae tor equity in a $suu nouse in good district? Give full particulars In first letter. V-464. Journal. - wlSHlo trade fine 8 room modern resl dence in Irvlngton for residence in soutnern California, Los Angeles or fas aoena preferred, K-855, journal. $2600; $600 mtg. Trade equity for city property. Lee, 1038 (Chamber of vommeroe. ' WE exchanea what vou have, for wha you want. Peper & Baker, 444 Sher- look bldg., 3d and Oak. Marshall 3654 MAKE offer on $600 equity one acre 16 minutes from center of city; fine creek and water. X-621, Journal. CITY Income property for farm or acreage. Owner, 192 Morris st. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 iSiOOED'of f land on R. R or Pacific, highway ror 10 clear iota, jroruana, value $6000 and eastern farm, value $6000. Owner preferred, particulars first letter, 192$ E. Irving St.. Portland I WANT lots or acreage, $4000 equity in 2 modern 6 room bungalows with run lots. For particulars can Mam zsvu, WANTED Close in property from 60S, journal. ' ROOMING HOUSES 53 FOR RENT 26 room house; Just re modeled: close In. ior particulars phone Bel. 1361. 10 ROOMS, all on one floor; good loca tion, only $360; easy terms. Cay 607 nenry Diag. 13 ROOMS, close in. I am leaving city, will sacrifice for $260; worth $600. Particulars, 607 Henry bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES 30 Drug Store 16000. $2000 caaii. balance oity prop erty. This is a good paying store and well located. Must retire; sickness tne cause. ee my agents. Nedd & Berry 207 Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark. BUSINESS opportunities come to the students of the Y. M. C. A. commer cial college, which is run not to make money, but for the good of men; has a $LUU,OU0 equipment. Ten different busi ness courses are ottered; new term opens Sept. 2; men teachers, fees mod el ate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor, 6th and Taylor ata.. AUTOMOBILE- school, with high grade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming vo cation. Not run to make money, but for the Rood of men. See or write Supt of the All the Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor Hts IF you are a salesman and have $500 oi mere to invest, can show you how to clear $200 to $500 monthly; your orig inal investment back in 60 dayB and Still in the business. A clear, gilt-edge business. Best 'selling system in the woild. Investigate. 617 Henry bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ' REAL ESTATE (Contlnnedt MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL EHTATSJ OR FOJV BUILDWQ PURPOS1CS: VBRY FLBTXIBLB CONTRACTS ; n6 : COM-, iviZ3ciioisr , COLUMBIA LIFE! A TRUST CO., 918. SPALDING BLDQ. 1 NOW IS THE TIME ' To take care of that mortgage. Why pay 8 or 9. per cent? We furnish money, 6, per cent, long time if desired. Will furnish building money. See us. 1002-1 Broadway bldg. " MORTOAQB LOANS For Approved Real Estate. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. LOANS made on Improved oity property or for building purposes; advances made as building progresses; liberal repayment privileges. No commission or brokerage. J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark, UELl WANTED MALE -wi.'-'v (Oontlnaed) ' -i v .' . Situation Wanted Ads, inserted free for those In need of work and who are unable to d for an advertisement. Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the parties qeninngi worn. Y. M. O. A, EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Employment . membership guarantees member will secure employment or re- tuna oi memoersnip tee; gives two months full membership privileges, 10 Record for 6 months ending June 80, Call for men 1174 Position filled ......103? All young mien seeking employment, specially strangers, are cordially in vited to consult with the secretary of tne employment .Department. WE have money to loan on your real estate: iirst mortgages oniy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage -Loans I. L. WI HITE. 701 Selling bldg. LOANS from $1600 to $10,000 on good Portland security. HACKER & THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7692. MONEY to loan, improved Portland nroDerty: special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and OaTs. $100,000 on niortjagca, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKensle a Co.. (Jerllnger hid.. d sn'd Alder. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. Real estate security. Apply room Z02 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill sts. MONEY to loan, large loans a specialty. building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W U. Herk. 1J-316 Failing. I HAVE for immediate loans, $800 $1600, $6000, at current rates. A. II. Bell. 201 Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Louis talomon & Co.. 229 stark st. $1000 to $6000 for Immediate loan on real estate. iaoor ill. MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 W (Hi MUSE We have striven to make this offlne the best place of its kind in the city. We are now prepared to say that If we can't convince you that our rates are reasonably coiisiaerlug expenses, risk, nil. larma onav f 1 1 ' V TDW.T MENT OF YOU FAIR, SQUARE and above board, we won't expect yea to make a loan. BE PAID while learning mechanical trade. Join U. 8. navy if over 17. Steady promotion possible up to over $f0 vT month cltar of llvlmr exnsnses. Excellent chance now for interesting cruises. Must ba an American citizen. Complete information, Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Exohange Bldg.,' Port land, Or. Get booklet, "The Making of a Mnn-O'-Warsman.'' Address: Bureau of waviagtlon, box 327. Navy Department. TT ttBlllllBlUII, A. V. WANTED FoV. S. army, able bodied unmarried menbetween aaes of 18 and 16; citizens of UhUed States, of good character and temperkte habits, who can apeak, read and wflte the English language For information apply to re cruiting officer, Worcester building. 3d ana ohk sis., rortiana. Or. WANTED Salesman who does not know what timid is, to present a prop osition which any Intelligent man will thank him for. Unless you are in the $iuuu a year class or Detter, don't an swer. P-419, Journal. POHTLAND mall carriers, postal clerks. wanted, ttt to iuo montn. vaca tions. Portland examinations onmlntr Sample questions free. Franklin InstT- tute. Dept. 329 F. Rochester, N. T. WANTED Several young men of neat appearance between the ages of 18 and 24 years; good pay assured. Apply 8:30 until 2 p. m room 206 Fleldner bldg., 10th and Washington. WANTED Few young men to learn profitable trade, day or night school, plenty of openings, watch making, en- frraving school. 210 Globe bldg, Port and. Or. CHANCE to' learn to operate moving picture macmne. we can piaoe three more men in theatres. 417 Rothschild bldg. . A FEW high class salesmen to sell fine property at the mouth Of the Colum- i seaport. i;an oi 901 Wilcox bldg. bla, the coming great seaport Call only Dei ween ju aa i t WANTED Man to sell a high grade of fice sueciaity. selling experience not necessary; good salary; state experience. K-696, Journal, Hi .Mu-cleay via. Open every day and Saturday even- lnes until P. M. SHOKT1IAND is the Btepplng stone to business opportunity. ttxpert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege: terms moderate., new term opens Sept. 2. Write or call for catalogue. y. M. C. A., cor. (ith and Taylor sts. $60 PER ACHE buys 200 acres 1) miles from Roscburg, 160 in cultivation, 135 acres creek bottom, fine orchard and vineyard, No 1 alfalfa, grain and fruit land! 7 room house, barn, stock and farm tools. Will bear investigation. 610 Buchanan bldg. Foft'SAI.E Fine 2400 acre tract In N E- Oreeon. considerable under cul tlvation. Rood Improvements, finest place for hogs and cattle in the state: might take some Portland property; will divide the tract if desired, nal. L-378, Jour- 20 Acres $800 11 fare from Hortland. splendid level land, nearly ready for plow. Close to school and town. $100 cash, bal. easy terms. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. Dairy Farm Bargain Imnrnveil SO acres, half mile VancoU ver. Wash.; very fertile, no rocks, $150 per acre, hair cash, iauor sill. FOR RENT 10 acres fruit and chicken ranch. Address F. M. Gates, Lents, Or. Take Estaeada car off at Gilbert 100 by 100, heart of city. snap. T. WltnycomDe, &!3 MCtf-ay Ding, farms, fslnurs. Jerseys. 10 -ACRES cultivated, house, barn, close in, $2000. Wolfsteln. 206 Allsky bldg. TIMBER 28 CASH for all timber north of Yaquina Bay, Lincoln County; call or write Immediately; Leonard R. Nuck, 214 Commercial Block. HOMESTEADS 47 TWENTY homesteads ready for plow; no waste land. East 6116. 667 East Everett st. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 WILL trade my equity of $B00 in oor - ner lot, in St. Johns, for equity In 6 room buncHlow, on Mt. Scott or W.-W. c-arllne. Phone Main 2970. WILL take lot as first payment on house, balance rent 309 Ry. Ex. bid. Ford & Co. LOTS or acreage at Manhattan Beach for sale or tradu. Z28 Stark st. See F. J. Cattrell. WILL trade $20,000 general stock mer- 61T Oregonlan bldg. chandis town and build gen firt good country BARGAIN hunters: Restaurant, good location. Income $30 to $40 day. I am unable to care for same. Will sacri fice: 1200. Esuv terma. Call 607 henry bldg. W I KELESS operators in constant da mand. This coming vacation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night schools; complete equipment; best on coast. MUST SELL BY SEPT, 4 3 box ball alleys; Counoil Crest (evenings.) FOR EXCHANGE City lots. Ford au tomobile or sawmill, for merchandise stock. Kenyon, owner, 406 McKay bldg. Main 934. 6Cxtl2 store building and 4 room house on lot 100x100, $2400, one third cash. can Timor 3671 ilUST sell on account of coin away: make me an offer for a small restau rant. Call up East 988 or B-2Q3. FOR SALE- Cheap, old established , prseslng and tailoring business. J- 648, Journa'. TO TRADE for merchandise, one of the best 160 acre wheat farms in Frank lln county, Wnsh. U-399, Journal. WANTED Business -man with capital take interest in active milling indus try with good future. K-431, Journal. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAYS TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 808 FAILING BLDG.. CHATTEL loans Money for salaried people and others upon their own nameji, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing elsewhere: conflden tlal. D. D. Drake. 328 Henry bldg. ELBY CO. A private place to obtain money on watches, diamonds, Jewelry, kodaks, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc 320 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark. A desiraDie place for ladles and gentle ' men to borrow mocty on diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 834 Wash- opp. Owl drug store. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on (lifniture, pianos, autos. Mortgaged 'pou-giit. nauer, aui Aider st. SALESMAN wanted; a business worth while and an opportunity to build a business of your own. Cash weekly. Ad flress Capital City Nursery Co., Malum, Or. WANTED 3 good boxniakers and some prune packers. Harold, 306 B. Com mercial st., Welser, Idaho. WANTED Boy 1 to 20, steady work. good pay. Call Mr. Malone, rear door, 76 3d st. WANTED Errand boy, 14 or 18 years old, Allen's Press Clipping Bureau, 82 '4 3d st. $20 per month. BOY wanted at Heitkeinper's cigar fac tory. 151 Porter. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 OREGON AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 266-68-70 Hth st. Practical instruc tion in driving and repairing automo biles by expert Instructors and me chanics; tuition, part cash on enroll ment, balance at time of graduation, liberal discount for cash; fall term com mences Sopt 1. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. A thorough practical course in law; no lme lost from regular occupation; recitations evenings. Samuel T. Rlch ardsrm, dean. M. Morehead, Sec, 816-317 Commonwealth bldg., Portland. Oregon. MONEY sold on Installment; conflden- tial to salaried people. ton, 614 Henry bldg. F. A. New- MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry, strictly confidential. 141 4 ltd. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTKD Loan, Portland residence. J1600. Wanted, loan, Portland residence. J1MIU. Wanted, loan, farm land, $2600. By owner, u.-bi3, journal. LET me place your money on gilt edge mortgages. R, E. Hlne, 408 Yeon bldg. Marshall 6566. FINANCIAL SI SELLWOOD 2026 Good opening for butcher. E. 41st and Holgate sts.; everything furnished. MUST sell on account of Illness a res taurant at 714 Alberta st. Ayargaln. FOR SALE Cheap, modern shoe repair factory. Phone Marshall 2141. 600 official envelopes $2.26. Ryder Ptg. Co.. 367 Burnsldw st M. 6636. MONEV TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 $100 TO $300 to loan on real or collat eral security, for a vhort time. 20 Orogonian bldg. CASH paid for mortgages, nttes, con tracts; mortcRce loans; reasonabU rates. F H. T,fwis Co.. S I,wln bid. HAVE any amount to loan, on good Portland real estate. Call 228 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. No bn-kers MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. iseitz uo., kiu spaioing Didg. MONEY to loan on real estate. A. H. HARDING, 813 Ch. Of Com. MONEY to loan on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalln, bjo Chamner Commerco. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate. Fnrrlngtnn, 416 commercial oiuo bldg. HAVE $1000 to $2000 for first mtg. loan. Lee, 1U3& unamoer or oommerce. FIRST MORTGAGE for sale; amounts, $260 to $3300, mostly 8 per cent; also several applications for good loans. Henry C. Frudhomme, financial agent, Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE mortgage $7200. Will buy a mortgage on hrick block netting the purchaser laVs Per cent on his money; party leaving town next week. J-54'J. Journal. CASH PAID KOK MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H, E. Noble, lAimborniens bldg. Loans. HELP WANTED MALE WILL give honest boy, not over 15, good ng home, board and wages, for work. 143 82d St., Montavilla. ht CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. 285 Yamhill st. LEARN moving picture operating; room for 3 more men In theatre. Call 612 Rothchlld bldg. DENTIST laboratory man wanted at once. Chicago Painless Dentists, 2i' Morrison. CABINET makers and finishers. Free land FurnltijreCo., 440 Goldsmith st. WANT RIDS on wrecking building. Call 228 Jefferson St. BOY wanted to leurn trade. Coltimhla Wire A: Iron Works, E. Mh and Mkt. WANTED Gordon presM feeder. Print ing office at 881 E Couch USE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own. We help you start for a share in profits. 27 nnnortunltles. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND- ENCR SCHOOLS. Harris k Reed, managers, 605 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phones Main 1028, A-4121. IIELP WANTED FEMALE (Continued! - Situation Wanted Ada. Inserted free for those in need of work nd who are unable te pay for an advertisement Advertisements must be brought to the office personally by the lriira QABiring worn, Wanted TwoHhs between the ages of 17 and 25 years; pleasant and profitable work. Apply 206 Fleldner bldg., 10th and Washington, 2 until 5 P. m. - GOVERNMENT Jobs, women, $76 month; examinations in Portland; specimen questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 708 F, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Trimmers, milliners and ap prentices. Apprentices paid while learning. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED By refined young widower, a refined young lady for housekeeper at tne oeacn. tsA-ore, Journal OIRLS wanted at Manufacturing plant Apply 34 1st st. North. HEW WANTEDMALE FEMALE AND THE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks. Send for free catalogue; expert instructors; 20 years in the business; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; spe ctal inducements to ladies. 48 N. 2d st. MAN or woman with cooking outfit, to run boarding house in a hopyard; a good proposition; 60 hoppickcrs wanted. Call 228 Couch st 100MEN anu women wantea learn barber trade; position guaranteed; tooU free. Oregon Barber College, 2X3 Madison st. HOPPICliERS WANTED Yard at Mls- slon Hot torn. Call at office, 233 2d st. SOA1K one to take charge apartment. rooming house. 262 Gibbs. RAGTIME guaranteed in 10 to 20 les sona, 417 Ellers bldg. FISK Teachers' Agency secures nosl- t.'ons for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. HOPPICKERs wanted. Phone WoodT lawn 1781 or Woodlawn 2162. NURSES on ' t0 PRACTICAL nurse, 20 years' experi ence, ony ana -doctor s references. Phone Tabor 39. NURSIJS Confinement cases specialty. 830 Caruthers Ht. FURNISHED KOOMS WEST SIDE Oaks Hotel 84? Oak st., Just across from the Oregon hotel; ' running water, steam heat; nice and clean; good beds; prices for rooms, $2.50 a week and Up; nothing like it . in '.vicinity for less than $6 a week; only; 8 rooms left. wenn, viu.y o , uoinn text, 10R ii M. C A. MEMBERS. Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof building, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swimming' pool, club facilities, special rates , at cafeteria, and 100 other fea tures. Full particulars at business of fice, cor. 6tn and Taylor sts. Tki& NEW HOUSTON, fc&ISJ 72 N. 6lh St. PMffliSiSI Transient. 76o and uo Weakly. 34 and ud .David JL. Houston, prop. , Main 2841. A66tl7. SPECIAL RATES THE GARLAND 25 Trinity Place, corner Washington. Modern new brick, all outside rooms, bay windows, large and airy, plenty hot water, baths; $2.50 to $4.00 week. Madras Hotel 12TH AND WASHINGTON. 'Vtooms $3 week; private bath, $6 week. Corner rout suite $5 week. Antlers Hotel Location,. 10th and Washington sts. Rstes. $2 to $6 per week. Modern. With or wlthout-bath. TOURIST HOTEL, 160 1st St., cor. Morrison, modern, fur nished cool rooms. $3 week up; tran sient 60c day. S car from depot. W A NTED AGE N TS I YOUNG men with references to solicit: experienced man will so with you an,) teach you the business and assist in closing sales. Big money In it and a permanent Dosltlon. Call evenincH. 92a Chamber of Commerce bldg. AGENTS Household article; commis sion and salary. 2 Grand Ave., room 4, 6:30 p. m. SITUATIONS MALE S PLATER and polisher, experienced In all lines of fixture and 1oh work. desires a position In Portland, also cap able of installing and taking charge. Address A. T. Legge, 126 N St., Salt Lake City, Utah. CHAUFFEUR and Mechanician, touring cars and trucks; 13 years' experience. Excellent references. P. V. Marshall. 2H8 Glisan st. Phone A-1469. WANTED Job where I can work for Doard and room and about $2 or $3 a week. Object Is to earn my way through day BChool. H. L., 8 7 Glbbs st. MIDDLE aged man, thoroughly compe tent, wants position of trust and con fidence; bank references. For confer ence call Tabor 4885. A BOY' 17 years old, strong and willing to work, would prefer work on river boat or launch. George Tews, Hills boro. Or. Box 343. MIDDLE-AGED married man with cood, lively 2400-lb. team, wants steady Job with same, wagon or de llvery preferred. A-681, Journal. YOUNG man wants work driving car. inquire at Z10 W. lUlllngswortb. O. S. Davies. YOUNG man wishes position as shin gle packer; o years experience. Mar- 11 ti hpl 5980. William Pearson, 608 Alder. YOUNG man wishes sningle packing Job: good worker, 6 years' experience, Marshall 59RC. MAN with 20 years' experience for water works. Best or reference. v-878. Journal. . WANTED Painting, tinting and paper- hanging. Best or work. Frlces right yor estimates pnone J anor 4233. THE COLONIAL. 166 10th St.; rooms $3 to $4 per week; central, quiet and coot Fine baths. MAXWELL HALL. 14th ueur Taylor. Homelike, attractively furnished, mod ern, parlor, largit porch, summer rates. MOTaiii'fiuRoo. -jp-. per wk. Free p iioji a and bath. Main 7754. MOTEL BAKES ier-boS ter In rooms, rates reasonable. 265 6th. ROOMS and suites. Neatly furnished. $2.50 and up week. 4th floor Good- nough, 6th and Yamhill. Main 4670. LARGE; front room, 7 windows, built in bookcases, fireplace. 327 6th. NICELY furnished room at Lindel ho tel. $1.60 and up. i(i9Mnjetst: HOTEL SAVON XlJWlrS trans't ROOMS and apartments In modem ho tel. $2.60 week and up. 455 Alder. FTTKltfSKED EOOMS WEST SID11 r&rVATS PAMXLY 70 ONE large front room, nicely furnished, with alcove bed and closet; also 1 sin gle sleeping room; walking distance. 675 Glisan. Marshall 129. TWO bedrooms reasonable, modern. United R. W. line, 6c fare. G-621, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 62 THE CLIFFORD HOTEL. E. 6th and Morrison sts. American and European plan. New and modern, large lobby, special rates by month. Tills 227 u iarrabee. Rooms $2 wk. up. Brick bldg.. steam beat hot and cold water, bath, phone, electricity. EAST rUBlTISHED ROOMS BIDS PRIVATE T A MILT 71 FURiMSHED room and breakfast, $11 month; 2 gentlemen; all conveniences. East 5377. SINGLE rooms close in with bath, $1.60 per week. 82 East mK-Phone E. 163. UNFtllNlSHEI) roOMS 10 SINGLE housekeeping room, unfur nished; must be clean end sunny; west side; state price. Q-385, Journal. BOfssxmsrtNa boom WEST, MOB PJBUTATB 1AAU&T TS Colluu - FIRST CLASS all outside housekeeping; ' rooms, heat, lights, water, phono, in cluded with rental; large lawn, Slooplne porch or tent; splendid locatlsn, wsJkln aistance to city proper ; w car or. from, union depot; $2.50 to $6; rates by. "'whii. gig ymin, totil. t ' ln $12 PER month, Two .rooms first floor. Well ' furnished, gas, bath, pantry, sink, front and back porch, yard. 773 , Roosevelt st, near lira at Prions Mr ahnll J 1 Id nt.atl ill., BASEMENT housekeeping or sleeping rooms, suitable for plain working meii or small family laundry lawn, dry UI pleasant, $6, 612 mo, -676 Couch, cor. 18th. FOR RENT -Furnished and unf urnlshedi housekeeping rooms wltn modern con veniences, light outside rooms, reasow able rent. 276 N. 2d st,' Main 6797. NEWLY furnished H. K. rooms, room! suites, free gas, phone, bath. $S per week and up; delightful neighborhood.' 60 Ella st ' ."-' FKoSTt room and alcove, furnlshea housekeeping, gsg range; Xurnacs) neat. 47o Clay. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping jooma, modern; $16; walking distance; phono Main 7773. - ." FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1. and 2 suites from $2.50 up; fre,e light, phone. 621 Morrison stj - . . GET furnished H. K. rooms or suite now for the season. Always com fortable. Gas and electricity. 367 12tny HfiiTSKk'RKPING rooms, well furhlsheJ. central. Rates reasonable. 201 ti rl cor. Taylor LARGE, airy, front housekeeping rooms i also front ground floor rooms, cheap 206 13th. , TWO housekeeping rooms forfrent $10.50. 407 4th. Main 7807. Cadi. afternoons or evening. HOUSEKEEPING room for . bachelor, , $1.25 per week. 308 Salmon st. ; VERY large, completely furnished, base ment room. 312 Columbia st. near 6tty COMB look for housekeeping rooms, be fore deciding, at 32 N. 11th. A 2 ROOM cottagti and kltchenetts room for housekeeping. 21 N. 11th st. $gXWO and three rooms, sink, frt. light, gaa range, rnone. lay w HOtJSErEZPINO OOJB ' iiBfire" kitchen "with aicOTS dinlngf Bl.nln AAWlh 1,.,. closet and small sitting roomj ground floor. . beauUtful locatfoni overlookinB river; lawn, roses, bath, water, light and phone free; adults preferred; walk inn distance; Biooklyn car. 66 B. ft . . , . i .ma rnone oeuwuuu 2 OR 3 large housekeeping rooms; ga range, modern convemenoei reaauii able to rignt party. s c. una u . m c m y.. . -- - 2 H K rooms close in, gas, slectri lights, bath. 62 East 10th. Phon East 168. $1.50 WEEK up, clean, cool, furnished H. K. rooms; gas, free baths, laundry Phone East 6039. Z3 Stanton; u csr. TWO or three furnished housekeeping . i . i c ran ir, ,...t.nn .. rooms, una uaiii, io. uuw jww. EAST side furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.50 up. 185 E. 6th st. f '"SVSES FOB RENT 19 Houses for Rent MAIL carriers wanted, $90 month. Port land examinations coming. Specimen questions free. ' Franklin Institute, Dept 826 F, Rochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women, $ti5 to $160 month. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 328 F, Rochester, N. Y. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, lndi vldual Instruction. GREGG shorthand. 404 Commonwealth bidg. Mar. 4268. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE Schools, iti&tt sa st. (.near Morrison. Rooms 7 and 8. Main 4048. A-3044. WANTED Men. 18 to 45, to become Portland mail carriers; $66 to $100 month. ICX-884, Journal. STUDY LAW Enroll now in Oregon. Portland Law School, 631 Worcester blk. SHORTHAND speed drills, any system, day and night 629 Worcester blk. GIRLS to learn hair work; comblnge made up. 7;8 Rothchlld bldg. UNCALLED tor tailor made suits. $4.60 up. Taylor, the tailor. 289 Vj Burnslde. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Unincumbered woman to care for Invalid lady and assist with light housework, $40 month. Woodlawn 1028. WANTED Middle aged woman without children, living near school, to care for two girls of 9. Phone Marshall 1162. WANTED Experienced chocolate dip pers. Modern Confeotlonery Co., 13th and Hoyt WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with babv. Two in family. 778 Marshall street. A thoroubhly competent girl for cook ing and general housework. Must be ex perlenced; good wages; 340 10th St. WOMAN for housekeeping. Call even ings and Sunday all day. l id Minne sota ave. WANTED Woman cook for small boarding house, family style; 121 A Grand ave.. phone R. 4731. EXPERIENCED auto driver wants po sition on any car, private or delivery; R-400, Journal. MAN wishes work from 6 to 7:30 p. M. for room and supper. W-C37, Journal. PAPERING and tinting, $2.50 up; paint ing reasonable. Joe Marshall, Main 7190. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk wants posl tlon. Tabor 2492. SITUATIONS FEMALE HIGH school girl wishes home with elderly couple with chances of at tending school. Address R. D. A., Box p.. scappoose, or. EMPLOYMENT by the day or week, fine laundress, or would keep house. inone bvli, room 2S. lB.'j urana ave. AN intelligent, refined, cupable girl wishes position-in office, studio, or as companion. Phone M. 1970. Miss Wilson. A LADY with experience wishes pos' tlon as housekeeper, city or country. O-380. Journal. WOMAN wants day work for Wednes day and Thursday. Mrs. Linton, Main 2753. POSITION by lady; 1st class cook as lunch, dinner cook in private families. S-636, Journal. SIT U A T I ON wanted, work wanted by ephone W y or fain 4386. Tel- WOMAN wants to do day work. Mrs. McGuire. Main 717. A-1517. WANTED Work by the day. Marshall 6980. LACE curtains waehed by expert 26c up. Main 35. WOMAN wants to work Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Linton, Main 2753. DRESMAKING and HOOMS AND BOARD 15 NORTON IA HOTEL, 11th. Just off Washington st American and European; beautiful dining room, tea room and roof garden: very attractive rates to families and nacneiors. llOMB cooking, 3 meals daily, outside rooms, bath; $6 week up. 284 Main st ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILT 79 BEAUTIFUL rooms, suitable for one or two, separate beds, modern, airy, cor ner house, near Hawthorne grammar and Washington High schools, well or dered tablQ, walking distance. 120 . 16t,h. cor. Alder. East 6148. LEWIS LODGE. 726 Prospect Drive. Phone Main 1067. All the comforts pertaining to a good home for business people who like rest, good meals, fresh air and sleeping porcnes. CONGENIAL, refined couple can have pleasant. large room, with hot and cold water In beautiful modern home, west side. Board if desired. Phono A-3976. KIND, motherly woman wants 1 or 2 small children to board; rates very reasonable. B-3168. ROOM and bourd, Jiome cooking, south ern family; walking distance. Phone Marshall 6724. LARGE room; home cooking; walking distance; modern. 67 Trinity Place. HOUSEKEEPING KOOMS WEST SIDE 8 the day, $2 day. Plain sewinir Phone East 2397. DRESSMAKING 40 ACADEMY of Parisian Scientific Dress making. Tailored suits. Corsets. Teachers wanted. 304 Goodnougli bldg. COMPETENT dressmaker wants sewing at home zyzfr t;iay st. Main 863". NURSES UO PRACTICAL nurso wants more cases; wages reasonanin. uan sen wood 749. THE OILMAN 1st St.. cor. Alder. H. K. rooms for families and bachelors. Cheap rates. l'l'KN'l SHED and unfurni&hed house keeplng rooms, very central, cheap rent. Cambridge bldg.. 3d and Morrison. NICELY furnished one and two rooms suites $3 and $4 week. 395 Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS -WEST MBE PRIVATE MMIT 73 SMALL suite housekeeping room, $10 mo.; other rooms: no objection to chil dren. 104 11th, nenr Washington. !61 TAYLOR, comfortable rooms, com plete for housekeeping. rooms, 871 Coibett st rooms. 711 Second st 18 rooms, 429 Main st 8 rooms, 310 Clay st 7 rooms. 27 North 9th st.,.. 6 rooms, 405 Seventh st..... 6 rooms, 491 Alder st....... 6 rooms, 489 E. Davis 6 rooms, 613 Sixth st 6 rooms, 703 Corbett st...,. 7 rooms, 20a Union ave. N... 6 rooms, 640 Upshur st... ... 7 rooms, 563 Irving st 5 rooms, no owns st 10 rooms, 290 12th st........ 9 rooms, 468 Market st 6 rooms, 850 Oregon st...... 6 rooms, 173 Meade st..... .. 6 rooms. 383 North 19th St.. 10 rooms, 227 Chapman st.... 6 rooms, 460 East lltn St.... 6 rooms, 668 Main st 8 rooms, 274 14th st H rooms. 689 B. Broadway ... 6 rooms, 470 Hoyt st , 8 rooms, 405 12th st 6 rooms, 703 Hood st Flats for Rent 6 rooms, 326 10th st...... 6 rooms. 650 Kearney st..... 6 rooms. 24 N, 10th St.... 7 rooms, 192 13th N. ........ 6 rooms, 60H E. 12th st .... 6 rnnmrt 241 U Grant st..... 6 rooms, 666 East Salmon st 6 rooms, 664 East Salmon at. 5 rooms, 308 Third St........ 5 rooms, 600'4 Market et...,. 5 rooms, 251 Clay st 6 rooms, 413 E. 8th st N. .115.00 ...$18.00 ..$100.0 ... $35.00 ...130. 00 ...$33.60 ...$25.00 ...$21.00 ...$15.00 ... $16.00 ...$22.60 ...$20.00 ...$35.00 f 116.00 ..$50.00 ..,$60.00 . ,,f 16.00 -... $20.00 ;. .$13.00 ...$50.00 ...$25.00 ... $20.00 ...$40.00 ...$45.00 ...$18.00 ...$40.00 ... $14.00 Parrish. Watkins & Co. 106 Second St. ...$$0.00 ...$30.00 ,,,$35.00 ... $40.00 ...$25.00 $23.60 $25.00 ...S25.0O ...$28.00 ...$26.00 ,..$26.00 $30.00 , TWO lovely, clean, newly tinted 4 roonv cottages, fine location, close in, 1 block Union ave. car, 412 Constance at. Union ave. Woodlawn or Alberta car to Ivy nt. l-OR RENT Modern 7 room house, furnace, fireplace 108 E. ltth sLl . block from Sunnyslds car; walking dls ta n ce; 825. " HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER & THERKELSEN. 806 Spalding bldg. Main 7692, -' A 4-ROOM furnished cottage, water, light, phone, $16 per month. Pbons Kast 1502. FOR SALE or rent tent house and lot. Call at 886 E. 66th st N. - Rose City Park car. t 7 ROOM modern house; 2 lavatories. Shades and linoleum. 86$ E. 8th St. N. woodlawn 29o8. SIX room house, corner, 994 Clifton St.. $30. 206 btocK .Excn. mag., ta ana Yamhill sts. Mam sszt. l8 6 room modern house, H block . from Mt. Scott car. S832 8 2d & E. Anabel station. $18 2 modern" 7 and 8 rqom houses. 2d st. Apply at next nonse, zzp Orover t KK r- v. i ' - - j v- v mat mm y xji I V Vt $11 4 room house, yard. 24 Mill, ner MODERN 7-room house, good condition. ' t o o . c i. n. x , , , . ' , .... '-.'v'. .w.v. NOB HIIJa Hearney st 7 rooms; mod ern ; owner. Sellwood 842. '. (Continued on xffszt rags) . -. If Mutt Loses Today It Looks Like the Bastile for Him By "Bud" Fisher " '" T- ,. , - ! ' ' ' ' I ' " ' '1" ' " I i. i toU AR. GUILTS Cfc.EFV5(N4 I ( " TO (iCMZ ON V4Her OR-OeRCD ) 1 Wae5,TORCW , N to -do &o by fvn oppiceft. '6H"rrricK NorMrT( t f MTeN Hwievou wrrm,N6Ttt J V'SL KRovc ) ( HOHerVT JXr?. masts swt ero(u x pronouncq J f 7,50 STItcM& amo vue or, vie't-L, eftta on ou7 f v got a OHcHronw 0 v v ' . ' r ( J TottwrtmrroFP , v l gmkkt , n r- HI .Z- . ''' - j Sl' 4 ' " , ; ; I " ' " ' 1 1 " '".Will --L-. V ' CV.frifcMTe.tV3T?f3, t . ........ i ,-' . GlfAfA? A. DOLLAR.' VNOOTH OP THe L " 1 .' L3 rl 4 iA ' 1 IP i S) - !:r.-"