THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18. 1913. ' . ' 10 . .'.'..'f-.Vv1; '."ifi-'vU-r-Fi;-;;'. fei.-b.rj i Uoto0.. Est. of Loii it. is. blk. 6, i.itl. ; ) ..;, ,- '.iae.?0? .?EIV"IS- W, L. M. UUlliWS. 63 ft of E V Wife M l IA SB ft. of Fltuaun IOQ VIOiei J. jarirr si. wi IV3.6 ft, f lot 8, blk. Pi W. 68.6 ft. of 0. blk Pi 130.30. , . William Q. Fiedler .1. : or lot o. ois. w. ieorce ouririo o. xa it. oi . '- W. of Belmont at.. kr 11 blk. It. f 18.70. ; Teto Und Co. -Lot U, blk. 12. 82.4i ; Sweat f. A. Ilbeluj lot 16. blk. 14 82.43. nnd. Chi tommlne UDd. 1-8; J. O. Mann. ! ' -a. and John 8lmoo. und. 1-3 lot -1, 1 So5dhTOP. LlndlPT rt S. hlk. . 87 70. ' . .TW TBRHACB PARK. -- ! -Tb- JI.ii.floM Co.-ljot a. blk. 1. ' H'laJ1. li.fforty Lol 10. blk. I. 84.B5. i Vho Vaoaflold Co.I.ot 12. blk 2. $20.00. blk. Albln Klo Lot 19. blk. 2. 4 Jo. ' C.'R. and Mattle Wilaon Lota 13, 14, blk. B. J.7 J I. H. Falrbanka-Lot 22. blk. 7, J4.JB. L M. Wmpl Lot 13, blk. . 4.18. Adole BB-iot 18. blk. 18. W.B. . ItoM Werner Lot 19. blk. 18. 83.06. Tbe Jianifield Co. Lot 10, blk. 16. 8S.T4. ' Th Manaflelil Co -Lot 8. blk. 16. $20.01. A. A. Backatrotn Lot blk. 16. 8.flO. ' ?. W. DutU IMi 4 and 6, blk. 17, 24.20. TUo Manafleld Co-Lot 1.1. blk. 17. 19.88. Kvorott Loirun Lot 1. blk. 18 "C. Vt. Dala Lot IS. blk. 1. 81B.36. . W. G 8ltto Lot. 2 to 5. blk. 19. 117.60. Homer K. Cummins Lot 11. blk. 20. $2S.M. E. A. Bltiet B. 50 of V 100 ft. lota fl. T. " blk. 21. 14.01. ' TERWIIX1CEB HOMESTEAD. "'. loath Portland lmt. Co. Lot 6, blk. IB. 84. 40 TET0NKA PARK. . Geo. A. RlgE and Thos. Kelson Cud. H each lota 15, it;, nil.' i. (io. A. BIek and Tbos. Nel.on Lot B, blk 'eo. Ai BISB nd Tboa. Nelaon Lot 12 blk. 2. $1.86. A. Rlrra and Tboa. Nelson Lota tS, S7, Wk8a, 'THAYER. ' Leander Martin Lot S. blk. 4. $4.63. . THE COVE. Joaolo Hobaon. Tr. I.ot 7, $1 32. V THIRD ELECTRIC ADDITION. Euaren. Jacrmix W. 101 ft. lot 2. blk. 4, $4.40. Kronk H. Curtis Lot 3. blk. 4. $8.25. , C. L Shelton Lot 6. blk. 4, $10.43. U. at. Morhel W, 26 ft. lot IS. blk. 4. $1.10. TIBBETTS ADD. TO E. PORTLAND. . Clirlat JoUDson Lot 4. blk. 13. $17.00 Corlnd. 8. Preaton Lot 4. blk. IK. $25.80. - Trlnltr Greek CUureU Lot 2. blk. 20. $11.65. M. J. Smith Lot 1. blk. 87. $16.83. lobn 0. Ryan-W. H lota 3. 4. blk. 38. 8U. 00. Portland Motor Car Co. Tax lot 3, blk. 48, ... ... Ellen uuera ixt a. oik. do. aji.w. John M. Freed Moulton and Bcoby . anb blk. B Lot T, blk. 1, $15.40. Bertha A. Rodgera Except part taken " ktroet Lot 86. blk. C, $14.85. of by TTLTONO ADUJTION TO rUKlunu. Ell B. Dutcber 8. 100 ft. of lota 4, o. blk. 1, $48.96. 1 . TREMONT. . . MorrU Frac. of loU B to T, blk. 87, $12.76. . i R, B, Thonapnon Ita 7, 8. blk. 89, $3.i2. TREJIONT TARK. Araoa T. HoKittna Iot 9. blk. 1. $3.52. Idwia A. Smith Lot 10. blk. 1, $4.40. Kamnel C. Cheatham Lota 14. 16, blk. 1. $5.50. ' Jennie K. fbafer Lot 11. blk. 5, $2.75. 1'harvhlU-Matheva Co. Lot 21, hlk 5, $2.33. Howard Ratblmne lxt 4. blk. x. $2.53. I Caroline Petty Lot 7. blk. 8. $2.53. : Chorrhlll-Mathew. Co. Lot 15. blk. 8, $2.53. ' Jessie tiroth Lot 1. blk. 11, $3. OH. : Guy and Ira May KaiT Lot. 15. 18. blk. IT, $6.39. John and Martha Welat -Lota 7. 8. hlk. 12, $4 0B Kalph W. Hoyt U,t 13. blk. 12, $2.20. Olivia Jane R. Mattbcwa lxit 24, blk. IS. $2.20. Ralph W. Hoyt Lots 1, 2, blk. 14, $4 .95. r Wllllani C. Laroy-Lnt 22, blk. 14. $2.20. Olivia Jane R. Matthew. lxt 23. blk. 14, $2.20. William hVbnxui lxt 5, blk. 1J. $3.86. Olivia H. Matthewa Lota lu to 12, blk. 17, $6 60. . Jxttlft IionoT.o Lot 23. blk. 20. $2.20. Peter Donovan Lot 26. blk. 20. $2.20. K. A. HntchiaoB Lota 12. 13. blk. 21, $8.71. Hannah Petemon Lota 16. 17. blk. 21, $5.3I. TREMO.ST PLACE, i Ceorge Bartmeaa Ixt S, blk. 4. $2.53. .Jnmph Stoddard Lota 12. 13. blk. 7, $4.40. Carl B. Wood Lota 10, 11, blk. 8. $3.96. W. H. Old. Lou 12, 13, blk. 8, $3.03. Ella. Enc Lot 7, blk. 11, $6.48. Ratidene Hammer Lots 17 18, blk. 29, $3.71 ' Allco Crowner Lot 7, blk. 112. $5.39. .. John Jeaseo Lot 18 and E. 4 of lot 19, blk. U3, $10.78. K. C. and Anna C. Bolton Lot 7. blk. 33. $8.27. TR01TDALE. Harlow, Bla.ler Harlow N. H lot. 1. 3. blk. K tTi. . Iwiae H. Clarke, Hra. of Lot 8. hlk 0, $2.52. , I . 1 T 1 ( . . 1 klb f) . fiT aiexiDuer umhji ii, niv, vi . Alexander 0bnrn.Hra. of Lot 8, hlk. 9. $2.20. (K'O. K. QuiKgle Lot 4, blk. 9. $2.83. Cora B. Vauderboof Lot 8. blk. 10, $3.93. L. A. Harlow E. 4 lot 2. hlk 11: lot 3. blk. , il: B. V lot 4. blk. 11. $2.67. TROliTDALE FIRST ADDITION. . L. A. Harlow Frac. lot 1. blk. 21: Jot. 3-8-7, blk. 21. $108. U A. H.rlow Lota 1 to 8. hlk. 27. $3.34. 5 TROUTDALE PARK. Clark H.rdln W. H lot 16. $3.96. 7 TUALATIN VIEW PARK. ' Tltte ft Trust Co. Lot 5, blk. 3. $2.44. Titlo A Tru.t Co. Lot . blk. 3. $2.44. Title Trust Co. Lot 11. blk. 5, 61.41. Title ft Tnmt Co. lt 22, blk. 5. $1.28. , Title) ft Trust Co. Lota 23. 24. blk. 6. $2.81. Titla ft Truat Co. Blk. L, $2.56. UNION SQUARE. Base Line Land Co. Ita 0. 7. blk. 8. $2.78. Bate Line Land Co. Lote 3. 4. blk. 4. .$2.20. UNIVERSITY PARK. Jatnea M. Richards Lots 8. 9. blk, 41, University Laud Co. Lot. U. 12. blk. 49, $16.50. $10.45. Jnasnti Mellcl, Lot 19. blk. 60. 14.40. f 'Michel Goldberg- and Chaa. Tonel Lola 1, 2, blk. 1 : 60. $28.60. "Will G. Dd Lydia Steel LoU 10. 11, blk. 68. . $22.00. ! Geo. C Poling Lot 16. blk. 71. $4.40. ' ' lllnnle Clelland Lots 25 to 27. hlk. 72, $35.20. 2. fttmoel W. and Etta M. White Lota 6. 7, Fl'blk. 73. $9 R. h Hattie F. Itlkeulne Ita 10. 11, hlk. 74. $9.68. K W. V. Johnson Lou 1 to S. blk. 76. $1.15. B . Park Land Co. Ex. 1010 aq. ft. In Courtney St. ; lot 8. blk. 102. $2.42. r-Ernest M. Brbwneaa Lota 19 to 23. hlk. 110, a. ' w.po. . t tiwdon Krlba Ixta 24ABI?. blk- "9. 87.48. a.; Wm., Olive C. Pliltott iW Ruth Zors and Ethel if.M. and 8rah J. Alvord Lota 1. 1". blk. 126. ii $4.84. J.Anna K. Fcldman LoU 12 to 15. blk. 128, 1 $30.58. . Mary F. Halllday Lota 15 to 18, hlk. 133. ; $ioi. ! Dtvld E. Johnston Lots 10, n. hlk 133. $1.84. I ; Adam K. Mllner It 4. blk. 138. 8H.0S. Ola B. Palmer Lots r.l to 34. blk. 138 $!.(18. I -Nellie C. Campbell Lots ;7 t.i 4i. bit. 13!), ' $10.84. I Unlverallr Land Co. Lots 34 . 35. blk. 143. 14.40. t f Fraak L. Moore N. lot 28. blk. 130: lot 30. I . blk. 160, . Gordo Krlbe-LoU 83 to 35, hlk. 162, $7.26. ., Knieat W. Bowneas-Lota 30 to 38.. blk. 132 ! 87.26. I .University Land Co. Lot 16. blk. 163. $2 42. I John Mock Lot. 25 to 32, hlk. 164, $19.30. Chrl.tana W.kefield-LoU 33 to VI. blk. 154. ; " Vobia" Mock Ixt. 87, to 40. blk. 154. $10.34. i University Ind (. lots 7. 8, blk 176, $3.74. A. A. Ixjgan Ix)t. 19, 20, blk. 176, $3.74. I J. A. Woolcry Ft.c. of lots 32 to 40, blk 1 176, - $5.1. . i. A. Woolery Frac. of lots 21 to 29. blk. . 177, $3.W. J. A. Woolcry Frac. r.r lot .V), hlk. 177. $1 43. J. A. Woolerv Frac. of lot 11. Mk. 1S2. $1.21. J. A. Woolcry Frac. of lot 3o. blk. 1S2. $1 21. . J. A. wonlery Lot 11. iiik. 183, $1.21 I nlversity Land Co.-Lot 37. blk. ls;t. 11.87 Elmer E. Jones lot 13. 16. hlk 188. 13 74 C. E. Wilson Lota 19. 20. hlk 188. $4.29. ! I Diversity Land Co. Lota 1, 2, blk. 190, 4 29. i James I. Spain- Strip S. of and adjoining lot 10. blV lleO. $1.21. Herbert W. and Jessie Downing lota 2l to 34, blk. 196. $8.03. UPTON PA RE. E. A. Smith Lot 3. blk. I $2 64. , H. B. Chambers and N. E. I'arns worth lot ' ' 12. hlk. 1. $10.34. "s. Ktbel K. Ham W. Vs of lots 1. 2 blk. 2, $f.91. ; ' H. K. Gros Lot 9. blk C. $3.3. b VAN PUYN'S ADD TO ALBINA. Penn. Hospital Rhick 1.:. $33. on. VAUGHTON PARK. 1 , Osc.r h. and Carrie I.. Leeucr lots 23, 24. blk. 2, $3.52. ; VENDOME. Bub. block. 10 and 11, Tract E, Overton Park, i Ullma Peteraon lot 13. $3.90. VERDANTA. Holcomb Realtr Co. lot 6, $1.91. Holcomh Realtr Co. Ex. Ml. Hood Ry Co.'. u. or w . xr.e. oi lot u, ii.dv. Holcomb Realty Co. T.x lot 2, fr.c. of lot! 11. S2 Z3. - Holcomb Realty Co. Ex. Mt. Tl!d Rv Co. 'a ' . B. of W. frac. of lot 15. $3.31. VtCKJHIN. i Congregation Tlffereth Israel- 9. H of lot 10, blk. 2: lot 11. blk. 2. $10.78. Hearr Jackeon Lot 11 blk. 4. $5 72. . W A. Watklna E. of Iota 9, lu, 11, blk. ' 6. 613.20. 1 ! Hansen lot 14, blk. 7, $14.62. B. r. Ca.lwell Lot 14. blk. 8, $11.00. David Brook Thomas Lot 15, blk. 8. $6.18. - Fanny Wacbendorf Lota 3. 4, blk. 9. $14.63. V. U. Banschha.-h Lot 5. blk. 10, $5.17. ' Andrew W. StvMon Frac. of lot. 1 to S, hlk. 11, $11.00. Andjrw W. Bteveneon N. 30 ft. of lot 2, blk. 11: frae. of lot 22, blk. 11. $11.00. ' Huael D. DuPuSo-N. 45 ft. Of lot 4, blk. Itt. $23 32. J. A. Pbleld. and rhrona 81mpklna Lot. 13, 14, blk. IT, $34.10. M. f. Moore Lot 1. blk. 17. $23 10. Henry Jackson Lot 6. blk. 20, $8.8o. 1. R. Marvlu Lot 3. blk. 30, $20.35. Joalet E.-Thomas Lot 11. blk. 31, $19.28. t-nevlee Chapninn , Swret Lot 16, blk. 31, $- 00. ... -'..' l aullne) Murray Lot 16, talk. 113. $1.10. W, C. Rep.ait fit 15. blk. S6. $23 65. J T, Ennla ltt 9. blk. 37. . Otto Rovber.- Tr. -lt 6. blk. 40, $'.'8.05. NI.boI.. KnnlaJ-lot Mk. 47, $21 73. Ft be! A. Lamer Lot 7. Wk. 41, $15 .95. Jeidla t. Hood VT. It tot 1. 2. blk. 61, ; j- $gS&JiJsi IJ.' L. Anjtcll-Lot 0. blk. 65. T.70. ! Marie- Wlcklund-Lot t blk. 06. 18.tT. ' i . . .. rv I... T ..." J 1.1b Mil OA 7K Jot , ieluvt,tmet-c4,.-tM 11. blk. tw. 8T.1B. I W. I), uutonlngt H . ' oi 1J. J. ui. w, lot , ' Durham. Tr.-I.ots 7. 8. blk. 72, 820.80. . VKRSTEEO'S ADD. TO PORTLAND. . Theresa Escble - i.ot .. oik. i. ou.iu. VIEW CREST. Sub. of Lot 4, Ult-k A. Oak Park Addition No. 2. - - - M. Van Alstlne Lot 10. $1.03. M. Van AlKtlne and Jaoira It. Little Und lot 11. J103. VIEVtsJiElC.HTS. i Jamrs A fo.tvt. Jurat's A. .TanieM A. Jiimoa A .Ihium A 2.ti0. JnnifS A. .Ifltncs A. .In in.. a A $2.49. .lames A. .lames A. S1.40. .lames A. .Ismes A. (Jowanlock l)ta II and It, blk. 1. (ivanlnrk Lota 1 to 34. hlk. S. $6.05. lifmanloi-k Lots I to K). blk. 3, $2.27. tlowauloi'k Lota 1 to II. blk. 4. $2.22. Una tniluekv.ot. 13 to 2S. blk. 4, noanlnok T.ots 30 to 34, blk 4. $1.10. uowanlix-k Lots t to 13. blk. S. $2.97. liuivanloik Lota IB to 33, blk. 8, Gowanlnrk Lots 1 Gon unlock Ijta to 7. blk. 6. $1.82 10 to 17, blk Gotcanlock Ita 1 to 12, blk. T. $2.60. (iowanloik Lot. 14 to 28, blk. 7, 8S.24. .In Dies A. flovnnlo.-k Lots 1 to 17 hlk. 8, $S.4. .lumt's A. CouanbK'k Lot 1 to 16. blk. B. $2.97. James A. 4 lo 8. blk,. 10, $1.57. 11. 1. A it mum l n. O. C. Train Lot 10. blk. I. $32.43. VILLA HILL. J .1. S. Smilh -Lots I to Hi, blk. 2. $27.28. The Mansfield t o Lots 7,. 7, hlk. 3. $3.80. I TUe Mnnsficl.l Co.-Lot. 2. 4. blk. 3. $3.63. i The Mnnsficld Vo. Lots 17. 19. 21, 23. 25. 37. I blk. 6. $10.89. j The Mansfield Co. Lots 1". 12. 14. 16. 18, 20, ? "4 '. DN. hlk. 5. S17.49. 3, : Mni-Kiicrite U. Tburacn Lot. 10. 12, 14, 16. blk. 0, $-'2.00. VII.LAMEAD. Portland Trust Co. of Ore.- l ot 6. hlk. 1.. 17.93. J J. E. bonhriflbt Lot 10. blk. 1. $20.35. lngn Biaoiles Ixit IS. blk. 1, $48.20. Portland Trust Co. of On- Ijo 2, blk. 4, $4J5. W. B. Keen Lot 10. blk. 4, $22.00. A. F. Fle.el Lot 13, blk. 4. $20.90. A. F. Flevel-lxt 14, blk. 4, $il.78. Tortlanil Trust Co. of Ore Lot 8, blk. B, $4.40. W AIM CLOVERDALB ANNEX. Gertrude II. Musgixjve 3. of lot 8, blk. 6, $20.35. E. M. McOloln Lot 3. Mk. 6, $28.90. WALDEMEIIE. Llonton Realtr Co. Lot 4. blk. 3, $1.88. WALDEN PARK. J. A. Pettit Lot 1. blk. 1, $3.8R. L. D. and Sa.lle E. Roe.1 ljt 2. hlk. 2, $87. WALL STREET ADDITION. William A. and Janet klacEae Imp. only, lots 10, 11, blk. 3, $1.10. William A. and Janet MacRae LoU 18 to 16, blk. 4, $15.40. WALLULA HEIGHTS. Gresbam Realty Co. LoU 11, 12. blk. 1. $3.76. Greeuatu Realty Cm. Lot 9, blk. 3, $1.88. WALNUT PARK. S. Morton Cohn.R. E. ft lnv. Co. LoU 1, , blk. 6, $02.40. W. M. KllllnBSworth nd F. M. Warren Lot. 1 to 3, blk. C. $68.20. WATTS 81 B. OF LOT 4 FRUITVALR. C. C. Hpencer Lota 10, 11, blk. U, $19.26. William Will l-t 12, blk. 8; W. 6 ft. of lot 13, blk. H, $26.82. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. Harrison G. Piatt Lot 8, i .k. 13. $4.40. W. A. Deaii-r'-ot 7. blk. 14. $13.20. Harrison G. Piatt 11 12. blk. 19, $15.40. Fred J. and Henry T. Kruckman Ixita 12, 13, blk. 20. $2i.8.". Hurriaon G. Piatt Lot 19. blk 20. $10.46. Edw. .McDonald lots 12, 13. hlk. 21, $26.83. Wllda. Jane G.. Elnia and lassie K. Buckm.n Lot 17, blk. 22. $11. on. Edward Holcotn N. 60 ft. of lot. 10, 11, blk. 24, $10.23. C. A. Hov lots 12. 13. bU. 21. $28.06. Harflaon G. Piatt Lot 22. blk. 26, $13.20 T. IL Cory Lot 24, blk. 33, $28.05. Edward Holcom lait 4, blk. 34. $10.45. K. W Reeder Lot 18, blk. 34. $34.03. J. R. Pearl .N. ,-j if lota 2, 3. blk. 3$. $() 90. I 'ha.. H. Mcrrvman- Lot 21. blk. 44. $16.50. Wm. T. Sh.rkey Lot 1. blk. 47. $13.20. Win. McDonald Lot 2, blk. 47. $!.t0. Edw. J. Sharker Lot 3. blk. 47. $! 90. II. E. Noble Lot 21. blk. 47. $34.03. Nellie C. Smith -Lot 3. blk. 48. $:n.2B. WAVERLY ADDITION. Noon Estate Co. Lot (I. blk. 5, $14.86. Bella A. SlelKbt W. 46 of N. 100 ft. blk. 7, $31 .35. Aux. and Charlotte L.tideen W. 40 ft. of E. (Ml of N. Va blk. !)4, $9.90. RIcbards.Ki Sharkey Co. N. M lot. 4. 5, blk. 64. $11.56. It Williamson Inc. N. 45 ft. of E. 32 ft. blk. 40 S 6 ft. lot 2. blk. 66: lot 3, hlk. 65, $8.HO. Kid srdsoo Sharkey Co. Lota 1. 2, blk. 05, $23.05. ' - I V WEHHS A1WI 1 lll.-N. Webb Lot 1. blk. 3, $1.68. WEDGE WOOD PARK. SUB. OF S. LOT 20, MARYSVILLB. Minnie T. Fraley E. V, lot 1. blk. 3, $2.20. Minnie T. Fraley lot. 2, 3, hlk. 3. $13.73. Minnie T. Krsley Lot 9. blk. 3. $6.03. WEHLAM'S ADDITION. Julia E. Fritsche Lot 1. blk. 1: S. H lot S, blk. 1. $35.20. E. W. Uedcr Lot 8, blk. 1. $9.90. WELCH BO ROUGH. Ch.s. H. Welch lot 1, blk. 2. $3.85. Cb.s. H. Welch Lot 11. blk. 2, $4.40. Henrv Freeborouirh Lot 4, blk. 7. $4.62. W. A. Garrett E. 262.26 ft. of 8. V, blk. 8, $39.27. WELLESLEY. Judith M. Lee Lot 23, blk. 3. $1.82. I Judith M. L-- Lot 27. blk. 3, $1.32. Wollesley Lsud Co. Lot 1, hlk. 5. $2.42. Welhley Land ivi lot 2. blk. 6. $1.43. Katie Ilach-Lot 15. hlk. B. $1.43. Win. A. Barron lot lit, blk. 9, $1.32. Wellesley Laud Co Lota 27 . 28. blk. 9. $2.86. I WELLINGTON. I Sec. Sav. It Tr. Co.-lota !, 10. blk. 4. $3.30. Hec Sav. & Tr. Co. Lot 12. blk. 10. $1.63. J. F. Yatca Lota 11. 12 blk. 18, $3.30. Sec. Sav. A Tr. Co. lot fl to 10. blk. IB, $8.25. WEST IRVINOTON. 1 Alice J. Mvera I.ot 3. blk. 105. $38.50. Mary It. Kirktiatrl. k Lot 1. blk. 106, $57.20. i Giistnve Bevlund Lot 19. hlk. 110, $48.40. I Lather H. Burton- lot 3. blk. 123. $30.80. WEST PIEDMONT. I B. E. Sorensen N. K, lot 6. rfilk. a. $16.28. Dalsv D. Whitfield -Ixit 10. blk. 3. $37.40. i Frank M. Heath-S .13 ft. lot 3. blk. 13, $10.34. ! Mary E. Kurten -S. 60 ft. lota 7 and 8, blk. 17. $10.50. WEST PORTLAND. W. Hoaca Wood-Lots I to 8, hlk. 07. $2 18. W. Hosea Wood -Lois 1 to 8. blk. 70, $2.S: WEST PORTLAND CENTER. K. Glldner Lota 10 U. 20. blk. 3. $1.30. Mary S. Gross lots 1 to 24, blk. 7. $2 84. l na F. Epey Lota IB to 24. blk. 8, $1.07. Mary S. (irons Lots 1 lo 10. blk. 9. $1.18. WEST POIIIT.ANi- PARK. .1 J. Mell.-k and E. W. Lc Witt-Lots 9 to 22, blkr 4t. $1,116. WEST PORTLAND PA! FIRST ADD. c. A. Amluw Lots 4 to 15. hlk. 0, $1.30. W. Hosea Wood - Lois 21 to 30. blk. 15, $1.73. WESTMORELAND. Geo. O Reynolds Lot 0. blk. 4 $11.00 1C. J. Ilohrbacber Lot 2". blk. 4. $10.46. Marshall It. Vail -lots 14 and 15. blk. 0. $19.80. Marshall H Vail Lot 6. blk. 15. $9.90. Nora E. Miller lot 9. blk. 15. $9.00. Matrllda S. Stabler Lot. 23 and 24, hlk. 17, $42.36. Wm. Lind lot 19. blk. 21, $9.85. Marshall B. Vb II Lot 24, blk, 22, $12.65. WESTOVER TERRACES. Lewis. Wiley Hydraulic Co. Lot 14, blk. 8, 22.'0. : lowi Wller Hvd. $-J3!. M). Co.-IoU 13 and 13 to 20, blk. ::. $2: . Is lu-v 181 . ID. l.i Is. Wiley low Is W1h)' lowts-WIW j Lewis W iley ey llyd. Co. Lots 9 and 10, blk. 4, Hvd. llyd. llyd. Hvd. Co I.ot 4. blk. 6, $55.00. Co. ljt 3, hlk. 8, $37.40. Co. Lot 8, ,t. 11, $15.40. Co -Iov 20. blk. 11. $24.20. WHITE TRACT. Joseph Glosaen -Lots 11. 12. blk. 1, $55.00. WHITEHEAD'S ADDITION TO GRESHAM. C. E. I'uKb lot. 3. 4, blk. 4, $r2. WHITW0OD COURT. f W. T. Bush Lots 5. 0. blk. 4, $1.62. ' Robert II. Ulan.llntr Lot 5. blk. 19. $2.16. 1 W1IITWOOD COURT SI B. OF LOTS 1 TO ' BLOCK 19. W. H. Boyer Lota 3, 4, $1.52. i W I BERG HEIGHTS. J. Ml.helet-Lot 4. blk. O. $30.80. . i W II. BURTON. I Wllburton lnv Co I.ot 8, blk. 4. $4.99. I WILD ROSE ADDITION. c. A. Eastman W. On ft. of lot 1, hlk. B, , I'loreiH... ( harman McCrlllle Lot. 1. 2, i smi .:i'i. $41.80. blk. 6, Lillian II. Eastman S. 10 ft. of lot 2, blk. 8 lot 3. hlk. 8. $76.46. I B. M. Lombard Lot 4. hlk. 8, $24.90. WILEY ACRE TRACTS. Mabel F. Holt Lote 4. $4.93. ! W1LLALATIN PARK. Wlllulatln luv. Co. Frac. of tract 6, $1.04. WILLAMETTE. Abraham A. Winter Lota 1. 2, blk. 4. $16.80. James H. Naylor Lot 7. blk. 7. $7.70. E. W. Shchl lot 22. blk. 7. $29.70. Eudora Mes.l Lot 12, Mk. 8. $8.80. Dr. G. M. Wn.le Lot 15. hlk. 9, $8.25. T. I). Campbell Lot 11, blk. 10, $29.70. hatle L. Brewer. Ailm Lot 14. hlk 10, $8.20. Mary" Ireton Lots a. 4. blk. 13, $17.80. Maiv Holster -Lois 15. 10. blk. 14. $27.50. l.linly '.)(: ski -lots 6. 0. hlk. 15. $33.00. Mrs. R. Glenn Wood Willamette lot 18. blhW 16. $31. 0. Hamuli Si. .lobn- I.ot 15,"Mk. 18. $18.16. F. J. Boedefeld- Lots 23. 24. blk. 18. $45.10. C M. Shelton -Lots 1ft, 17. blk. 10, $18.15. S";!'!,lf'I',rii.'"nlTI0N T0 K- PORTLAND. H. I). Sill Lot 18, hlk. 1, $2.42. E. F. Heath-N. 8, ft. pf lot 87. blk. 1: lots 38 lo 40. blk. 1. $11.24. Amelia Hastnrf Lots 10 lo 20. blk. Emma snd Sam Maalers LoU 21 8. $28.16. trf 8. $18.31. to 30, blk. Mrs. Hani Masters Lota 8. 9. hlk , $13 64. Napolerni t'rezeau -lot 19, blk. 13 $2 75 Claude G. lo Maste -lots 14. 15. hlk. 17. $6.60. $.'"('")' S'anton. Eat. of Loll 10. 17. blk. 17, Mary A. Feurlnxa-Lota 26. 27. blk. 18. $4.84. lclor Land t o.- Lois 30. 31. hlk. 18. $4.81. Tyler luv. C4.--l.oU 34. !'..-,, hlk. 18, $4.84. Joseph Mnbersetacr-Lot 7, blk. 20. 12',20. w. A. Elinbrl. k -l.ot 31. blk. 20. $2 20 Vb-vor Land Co. Lot 20, hlk. 21, $3.03. Dnniel P. M.'Clure lots 34, T-B. hlk "1 tl 40 Jsinea A. Ilunucll -lot 20. hlk. 1M $2 42. Victor Land Lo. Lou 6. 6, blk. 24. $0 00. - -Ut 28 to 88, blk WILLAMETTH B0DLHVABD ACRES. David Donaldson -W. 00 ft of E 100 ft. lot 4. blk. 2. $8.83. Samuel J. Rafferty Lot 12, blk. F. M. Erasure Wlr. 4 lot 13. blk 2. 80 8. . 2. 84.40. II. and Andrew A. Ely. 1,1 lr 14.51. ' H lot 18 Frnk Bishop N. 132 ft. lot 1. blk. 8. $7.28 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS ADDITION. Hnrry Howard Lot. 17, 20, blk. 3. $79.20. Harry Howard--Lot. 18, 19, blk. S. $35.20. Mary Knauff Lot 21, blk. 4, $8.80. I I, I rncster lots 1 2. hlk. fi. 1136 20. Marcaret Von N. Cook Lot 8, blk. 6; H. H t,,t o hit S, 1102.30. Lewis A Wiley, Inc. IoU 1 to 9. blk. 8. $101.20 CuM A- Wller Inc. I.ot 6. hlk. 8 113.40 Lewis A Wiley-, Inc. Lots 7, 10, J)lk. 8. $23.10. Lewis ft Wiley, Inc. LoU 1 to 11, blk. 0 at tin an. Lewie Wiley. Ine.s-Loti 4. B. 8. 9. blk. Ill STO 40 w'. F. stlna and F. 8. Belcher Lot 16, blk. Irt. $63.80. ' Ele.nore K. Movlan lot 25. blk. 16. $62 70 Rnhcrt E. Davis Lota 3. 4. blk. 28: E. lot 6. blk. 28. $180.40. Cornllla F. Rockwell Lot. 10. 11. blk. 29, 1114.40. ejl.Merrltt L. nolbrook Tax lot 2. blk. 81. $11.00. joim y . Aiexanaer iota o.i. -w, oik. o. ,..w. Chsa. Crogstcr Lot. 17. 20. blk. A. $107.80. WILLIAM'S ADDITION. Don R. Stoddard Lot 7. blk. 3. $1.62. .1. A. Wallace lot 8. dik, a. .in.oi. Wm. Rlrksrds W. 2 ft. lot 13. blk. 3; lot 14. blk. 3, $31.08. WILLIAMS' ADDITION NO. 2. lowla and l.lxile .Tones-lot 3, hlk. 1. $5 60. Clsra M. Matthews 8. lot 7. blk. 1, $20.00. lottie Taylor S. 50 ft. lot. 17 aud 18, blk. 3. $ Richard Wllllama Lot B, blk. 7, $4 2. u. B. and Dora A. Woolrldk'e Lot. 7 and 8, blk. 7, $8.N0. L. J. Scott-Sub. IoU 8 and 4, blk. 2, loU 0 and 6. $2B.2rt. WILLIAMS' AVE. ADDITION. Thoa. Bosgess -N. 40 ft. lot 12, hlk. 2. $20.93. Alfred B. Loomis -lot IS. blk. 13, $35.20. WILLU.MBIA. John Katsuba. Lots u to 12. blk. 1, $20.90. Scandinavian Evan. Lnth. Trefoldlghed Church lot 13. hlk. 1. $3.50. National Bank of St. John, and H. C. Bundy, und. 4 each, lota II to 13, hlk. 6. $10.43. James I), and Elnora M. Brown lot 5, blk. 7, $17 60. WINDSOR HEIGHTS. Tabor lnv. Tabor lnv. Tabor lnv. Tabor lnv. Co. Lot 3, blk. 3, $140. Co. lot 10, hlk. 4, $4.40. Co. Lots 20 and 21, blk. 4. $9.90. Co. Lot 2. blk. 5. $4.93 WITTEN. Stewart Mattey Inc. Vj of vac. alley, N. of and dj. lot 8. blk. 3. $4.40. WOODLAWN. Andraw Story LoU 11 aud IS. hlk. 1. $23.00. C. A. Nation Lot 6. blk. 1. $5.50. Lawrence Council Lot 18, blk. 1, $16. 5a Mary A. Connell Lot 20, blk. 1, $5.60. Harry U Christian Lot 13. blk. 2, $5.50. Clara M. KnlRht Lot 14. blk. 11, $11.00. C. M. and Addle A. Foley lot 4. blk. 17, $10.45. H. D. FlemlnR-Lot 10, blk. 10, $16.60. Florence H. Melton Lot 15. blk. 20. $24.20. Portland Tr. Co, of Or. Lot 6. hlk. 26, $17.60. D. H. Arthur Lota 4 to 6, blk. 30, $22.63. Carrie Piper Lot 9. blk. 39. $13.07. WOODLAWN HEIGHTS. J. L. and Mary E. Paul l ot 1. blk. 0. $20.46. WOODMERE. A. M. Oliver Henry Sterns Lots 23. 24. hlk. 3. $18.48. C. Coalett Lot 4. blk 7. $17.38. Wleneke Lot 5, hlk. 7. $4.18. t has. E. 1). Huntiuii Lot 14. blk. 11. $12.87. lots 16. 17. blk. 15. $7.92. Portland Itlly. ir. Co. lot zo. oik. i?., j.i4. -Lots 5 to 7. hlk. 22. $8.25. WOODSTOCK. Cora E. West- James H. W. Wilson and C. T. Sale, und. each Lot. 8. 4, blk. 11, $10175. Melrln C. George E. H lot 1. blk. 12. $3.50. Emma C. lot 2. blk. 41. $3 50. Rvron Van Slvck -Lot 3. blk. 1. $12.10. Albert M. and Nelila Sebuff Lot 1. blk. 86, $21.45. .Michael and Katherlne Sebuff Lot 4. hlk. 104, X1K 15 01. HolveVson Lot 2. blk H. C. and Eva Premo 8. 106. $13. ',3 lot 2, :o. blk. 111. $5.94. C. E. Fields W. lot 3. blk. 111. $4 07. Portland Tr. Co. of Or Lot 2. blk. 119, $7.10. Emily Lewcllen lot 3. hlk. 123. $12.r. Wm. and Hsttle Gibson lot 1. hlk. UK). $19.80. WOODWORTH S ADD. TO FAST PORTLAND. John Fletcher Ghormlev-Iot 3. blk. 1. $03.80. WYM0RE. H. S. 8tone E. 222 ft. lot 12, $3.48. WYNKOOP VILLA. Irvine and Annie Belle Hoffman Lot 10, blk. . $23.98. YALE. Orexon Reslty Co. lot 1, blk. 0, $2 97. Oregon Realty Co. lot. 3 to H. hlk. 6. $17.09. iasiuiU' it. it n Air.. Anna L. and Peter Mckeuson Lot. 28 to 82, iuita. Emma L. Fltxtrerald lot 15. blk. B, $33.00. .emtm A Dim ION TO THE TOWN OF GRKSHAM. Mt. Hood Co. Frac. of tax lot 77 Sec 10, tp. 1 8.. r. 3 E. . $1.62. Independent Land Co. Lot 8, blk. lfl. $1.14. Independent Land Co. lota 3 to 0, blk. 39, 3-. . RIVERSIDE. Antoinette W. Nicholson Frac.' lot 13. $7.70. GUKNEIKin. T.U lnv. Co. Tract A, $30.60. WBt . 23. 1 N. 1 B. H. WIttenberir Est Tax lot 12. $3.8L SEC. 6, 1 S. Z E. J. M. Henderson Beg. at a point 2t8 ft. S. and 100 ft. E. of a point 20 cha. W. and 30 clis. N. of S. E. cor. of Prettyman D. L. C, sec. 5. 1 a. 2 B. thence N. 62 rt.. B. 108 ft.. thence 8. 32 ft., thence W. 108 ft. to beg.. 08 acra, $1.10. NORTH ACREAGE. Greater Portland Realty Co. Tax lot T Sec. 5. tp. 1 N.. r. 1 E.. 1.10 A., $22 00. L. H. Tarpley Sec. 6 tp. 1 N, r. 1 E.. .55 A 115.96. F. N. starsnau. nna. : r. i. Reiner, nnd. 0, tp. 1 N., A; Rand lnv. Co . una. "4 Kec. . 1 K. . 11 A.. 119.98. Ed 0. Leach Sec. 6. tp. 1 N., A.. 14.1 U2. r. 1 E., 1.88 Cha.. A. Brv.nt See. 7. tp. 1 N.. r. 1 E , 1 E , ., r. 1 1 N.. N.. r. 04 A.. $1.10. Lawrence Connell Sec. 11. tp. 1 N.. r. 8 A.. $14.14. " r E. S. and S. Iff' cox sec. 11. tp. 1 R E.. .20 A.. $4. 05. L. A. and E. F. neath Sec. 18, tp. 1 E.. 19 A.. $107.20. J. F. and Maud Griffith Sec. 14. tp. 1 F... .03 A.. $1.10. Maud Griffith Sec. 14 tp. 1 N., r. 1 E.. 14 A.. $4.95. A. F. Syuirea and Q. L. Matthews In. 1 N.. r. 1 E.. .21 A.. $880. -Sec. 15, I). W. Sears, : Randolph C. Shipley, H E. C. Keyt. K. K. Miner, Mi I nrt. aec. 16. tp. 1 N.. r. 1 r.., 18.UM A., XI18.73 Holdcn In. Co. Sec. 16, tp. 1 N.. 1 .K7 A. 12 42. 1 E. American Rank Tr. Co. Sec. 21 to. 1 N. E.. .04 A.. $2.20. Chss. L. Granton s. E. VS of N. of S. r. 1 r. 1 '4 of N. W. 'i aec. 23. tp. N.. F... 'J.50 A.. 14.'l.ri0. Gertrude S. Murray See. 23, tp, 1 N. E.. .15 A.. $13.20.- Samuel and Emma Masters Sec. 24, tp. 1 N., r. 1 E., r. 1 E.. 2 A.. 152.80. Nellie Klndorf--Sec. .24. tp. N ., 10 A.. 1247.60. B. M. Lombard Sec. 25, .06 A.. $3.30. tp. 1 tp. 1 N.. N.. N., r. 1 0. B. Woodsortn Sec. 25, E., .17 A.. $22.00. B. M. Iombnrd Sec. 25, tp. N.. tp. 1 . 1 .09 .17 A., $5.30. C. L. Horn Sec. 15. tn 1 r. 1 E. $18. iS. H. M. Lombard Sec. 25. 1 N.. r. 1 A.. $12.05. A. l.iiev Se 23, tp 10 80. W. 1 N.. r. 1 E , .20 A.. B. M. Lombard Sec. 25, tp. 1 N.. 1 E.. I6 A.. $10.45. C. L. I loi n-Sec. 25. tp. 1 N., r. 1 E., 25. tp. 1 .20 N.. A.. $28.05. Merchant Sav. & Tr. Co. Sec. r. 1 E., .09 A.. $3(1.30. United Buil.lliie lnv. Co. (K. 100 ft., tax .36 A.. $19.03. N.. r. 1 E., lot 64.) sec. 25, tp. 1 N.. r. 1 E., A. J. wnttnam sec. au, tp. 1 A.. $90.80. lames Anderson Sec. 30, tp. 1 N.. 21.06 A., $194.20. Alice E. Mllner E. of Nv W 14 of 8. W sec. 31. to 1 N.. r. I K., 20 A.. 4U.B(. F. C. Forbes Sec. 32. tp. 1 N., r. 1 E., A., $55.00. Wm. S. Turner Sec .07 A . $5.60. S3, tp. 1 N.. r. 1 lillz. Spencer Sec. 84. tp. A., $110.00. Tboa. C." Devlin Sec. 35. 1 N., r. 1 E. .85 tp. 1 N., 1 E., 1 E., 1 E. , .04 A.. $2.20. W. I. Dlsliman Sec. 83. tp. 1 N., .30 A.. $13.86. R. F. SJieohcrd See. 85, tp. 1 N., .09 A.. $15.40. , The Latirelhurst Co. Sec. 30. tp. 1 N.. E.. .013 A.. $1.64. M. O. Wilkin. Sec. 86. tp. 1 N., r. 1 E. A.. 1A.RO. r. 1 .10 H. A. Hennpman W. 8.68 acrea of lot lng N. of Whltaker Slough, .ec 7. tp. fit r. 2 E.. 7.18 A.. 13.08. H. A. Henneman Sec. 7, tp. 1 r. x 2.82 A.. 11.S2-. .. . . J. A. Fucate and A. Mscklln Sec. 17. tp. 1 N., r. 2 E., 21.15 A.. 111.44. Lulu M. l.eitic Sec. 21. tp. 1 N r. 3 E., 10 A.. $37.00. . Arnold Epeer Sec. 23. tp. 1 N-. r. 3 E., 1 Ol A XI 71. Portland Country Club and LlveiLoek AM'n.1 See 29. tp. 1 N., r. 2 E., 87.53 A., $1474.00. Antoti G. Broetje Sec. 81, tp. 1 N., r. 3 E., .05 A.. $3.30. 4 Warren J. Burden Sec. 82, tp. 1 N., f. 3 B., 8 A., $176.00. Jas. A. Bunnell See. 33, tp. 1 N, r. 3 fl., S hi 2.24 r. 3 B., 67 A., $1.76, L. K. Berai Sec. 83, tp. 1 V, r. 2 E A.. $55.0.1. Albert Jtasmussen Sec. 83, tp. 1 Jf., 2 20 A., $18.60. Warren M. and Rachel A. Edga See 83, tp. N., r. i a,., 1.1. a., i..o. Ella M. Edgar 8ec. 33, tp. 1 N., t. 3 B., 1.14 A., $7.70. W. K. Lewis Sec. 83, tp. 1 N., r. 3 A., $12.70. Sarah A. Pelton Sec. 25, tp. 1 N., . 7.49 A.. $12.06. Thou. W. Sniink Sec. 26, tp. 1 N., r. 8 S., 3 B., 20.44 A., Otto II. and Rr L. Kulper Sec. 27. tp. 1 E.. 10 A., $43.95. C. C'auipbell c. 2T. tl N., t. 3. t., Columbia Real Batata Co. 20. $19.80. " i 3 A.. 17.48. MntbxKllst Epl.. Chltreh Sec. 27, tp. 1 N r. 8 E., of Falrvlow, !. 1 A., $0.00. Napoleon Dnvia Sec. 27, 1.71 A.. $1.74. C. S. True Sec. 81, tp. 1 $1.61. Edgar W. flillet 8.C. 82, tp. 1 N., r, N r. I B., 8 E,, .45 A.. N. , tp, 1 N ( E., 18.17 A.. $39.18. Jacob Ernest Sec. 85, tp 1 N r. 9 B., 13.48 A:, $17.15. Charlotte Uttlnf Sec. 86, tp. 1 N r. $ E. ,3 A., 301. John B. Livingston See. 20, tp. 411 A.. $6.10. Martin Melson Sec. 81, tp. 1 I N., r, 4 E. N , r. i E., in A.. $4.47. Wm. L. Borthwlck Sec. 86, tp. 1 N. A 14.83. r. 4 B., Geo. Weatberby Bee, 10, tp. 1 41) A.. $9.70. r. 4 E., Daisy Phillip. Ilolllday Sec, S. ip. 1 N.. r. 5 K.. 40 A.. $0.50. . . McGowan ft Son.. Inc. Sec. 80. Ip. r. 5 K.. 13 A., $3.88. Westherb.v taaalgnee). lot 4, sec. T, tp. 1 r. 0 E.. 63.10 A., $4.62. Kdw. Quackenbuah and Ida It. l.inai, nna. V sec. 12, tp. 1 N., r. IS., 100 A., ao.ui. Alnsworth Nofl. Bank Sec. 14, tp. 1 W., r. 6 E., Frac. 160 A.. $3.12. Edw. Quackenbuah lnv. Co. Bee. 14. p. 1 r. 6 K.. 100 A., $5.01. Haller Wade Bailey Sae. 18, tp. 1 N., r. 6 E., Frac. 160 A., $1.70. American Bk. ft Tr. Co. .Beo. IB, tp. 1 6 15.: 80 A., $2.89. Mary J. Smith Sec. L.. to. 1 N, r. 1 W., .04 A.. Geo. 11. Kllton Sec 1, tp. 1 r. W., .9 A.. $4I 04. ... Amos M. Roberta, urs. bc. a, tp. A., $16.88. Va aec. 4, tp. 1 N. 1 K., r. B, 1 W., W. Frac. 29.188 W. G. Eaton Und. 112.80 A., $9.60. A. W. and Edith Bagley Sec. 10, tp. 1 V. r. 1 W.. 3.114 A., $1.32. Olive llenlow Sec. 12, 1 N. 1 W., .11 acre. $0.84. Jessie B. -.riummer Sec. 10, tp, 1 H., r. 1 W 60 A., $21.58. , Newton McCoy 9. tp. 1 r. 1 w.. A., $3.92. E. B. Gardner, nnd 2-8; John Klernan, nnd. 1-3; und. 1-3 Del., .ec. 4, tp. 2 N., t. 1 W., 40 A.. $3.02. A. W. Lambert Sao. X8, tp. 1 , r. 1 w.. 7 A.. $91.20. Janie. A. Gownnlock Sec. 2S, to. 3 N., r 1 W lu. fa) A.. $S.(W. Smith Wnirouer Co. Seo. 80, tp. 3 N., r. 1 W., A.. $1.88. Kate Mohola. and- Newton McCoy, and sec. 31. tp. 2 N.. r. 1 W., 10 A., $1.88. J. A. Fleck Sec. 81, tp. 3 N... r. 1 W., 43 A., $9.40. Newton McCoy Sec. 81, tp. 1 N., r. I W., 70 A.. 113.10. Wlldwood Sprlnir. Co. eeo. 1. tp. a w., 1. 3, 3, tp. tp. tp. tp. W., 444.74 A., $05.52. Wlldwood 8prlDK. Co. Sao. W., 320.29 A., $46.84. Wlldwood Spring. Co. 8.0, N., N.. N.. N.. W., SO A., Wlldwood Spring. CO. Sec. 3. W., 40 A., $8.24. Wlldwood Spring. W., 40 A., $7.21. Co. Seo. Co. See. IL tp. a Wlldwood bprln IKS 13. tp. a m .tr 1 o a tan or Luln M. Grldley Sec. 10, tp. 3 N., 3 W., 20 A., $5.00. The Teuce Co. Sec. 28, tp. 3 W.. 40 A., $8.2S. Joaeph Keefe Sec. 84, tp. 8 N., r. A., $19.57. SOUTTl ACREAGE. George A. Boas Sec. 1, tp. 1 0.. t. A.. $2145. T. M. Word Sec. 1. tp. 1 8., r. A., $06.00. M. C. aud L. A. Young Sei. 1, r. 1 K., .07 A., $6.82. M. E. Henika Sec. 1. tp. 1 S., .07 A., $8.58. Marv M. Gllman and Julia C. Gllm.n t. 3 W., 3 W., 160 1 E .080 1 E.f tp. 1 r. 1 .96 S., E.. nnd. H Sec. 2. tp. 1 S , r. 1 E., .13 A., $33.00. Wm. J. Pntlon Sec. 4, tp. 1 8., r. 1 E., .13 A., $8.80. . . . Patrick and .las. I.eavey Sec. 7, tp. 1 8.. r. 1 E.. 0 A., $9.2i. Olive J. Burrh Sec. 7. tp. 1 $6.18. Amy C. Hatch Sec. 7. tp 3 A.. $7.04. W. K. Smith. Snaan W. and 8., r. 1 E.. 4 A., 8.. r. 1 E., Walter V. Smith. each und. 1-3 Sec. 8, tp. 1 8., r. 1 E.. 11.73 A.. $212.68. Wm. Kirkm.n, 1-12: SM. Hlrach, Hr... 1-3: Miles Moore, 1-12; Flelscbner Real Eafnte ft lnv. Co., 1-3; K. L. Eaatham. 1-43 Sec. 8, tp. 1 S., r. 1 F... 160 A., $51.00. Jos. M. Healy Sec. 9, tp. 1 S., r. 1 E., 8 A., $."2.;o. O.-W. K. R. A Nav. Co. See. 9, tp. 1 8., r 1 E., frac. Ho. ,9 A.. $6.30.58. John Adair asd Mr.. B. A. Owens, nnd. Sec. 10. tp. 1 a., r. 1 B.. . A., n.oo Luclua Allen Lewln. Tr. Sec. 11. tp. 1 8., r. 1 E.. .04 A.. $4.40. Katlierine C. Voeirelein Sec. r. 1 E., .12 A., $32.45. John T. Mllner Sec. 11. tp. 11. tp. 1 8., r. .125 A.. 14.8i. Caudero Real E.t.te Co. Bee. 11. tn. 1 8.. r. 1 E.. 10.4(1 A.. $462.00. Mallnda A. Mitchell See, 13, tp. 1 E.. .224 A.. $4.40. Albert J. and Carrie H. Fauat Sec S , r. 1 E., .37 A.. $26.40. Chaa. 11. Hennon Sec. 12, tp. 1 8. 8.. r. 1 13. tp. I r. 1 K .62 A.. 135.75. C. F. and Nina Howe Sac. 18, tp. 1 1 8, r. 1 E.. 1.17 A.. $92.40. T. W. Clark Sec. 14. .03 A., $2.75. Edward J. Hyland Sec. .27 A.. 111.00. tp. 1 13, tp. 8, 1 .. 1 8., r. 1 B., Gold Mednl Sinale Co. Sec, IB. tp. 1 8.. r. 1 E., 1.13 A.. $74. SO. C. L. Gardiner Sec. IB, tp. 1 17 A.. $08.20. Jas. Peter Moffett Sec. 16, E .. 79.70 A . $277.60. Ellen Nielson-Sec. 16. to. 1 1 8.. r. 1 E.. tp. 1 B.. r. 1 r. 1 R., LIS Hra. , r. Flelscbner H,-K. ft lnv. Co. and Sol Hlrach, urn i -l.nd. H aec. 17. tp. 1 E.. f0 A.. $11.20 Francis M. De Witt Sec. 17, tp. 1 R r. 1 Eh 6 A.. $5.00. Isaac and (lienor. Babbitt See. 23, to. 1 B., r. 1 E.. .50 A.. $24.20. A. J. and Mary A. MrHaley Sec 24, tp. 1 S . r. 1 E . .30 A.. $8.80. erlst Henrlrksen Sec. 29. tp. 1 B., vt. 1 E., .50 A.. $1.18. Andrew and Inga Anderegg Sec. 29. tp. 1 8, r. I K . 5 05 A.. $8.68. Investment Co. Sec. 29, tp. 1 8., r. 1 E., 10 A.. $! 44. Investment Co. Sec. 19, tp. 1 8.. r. 1 E., 2 50 A.. $2.30. Tboa. F. Maginnla Sec. 31. tp. ,1 8., r. 1 E., 5 A., $3.24. ' Walter G. Cox and E. J. Daly 8ec. 33, tp. 1 S . r. 1 E.. .875 A.. $5.88. National Snretv Co. Sec. BB. tp. 1 8.. r. 1 F... 1.27 A.. $8.82. Beatrice Jones Fauta Sec. 80. tp. 1 8.. r. 1 I-".. .75 A . $5.15. Thos. Spillman Sec. 8, tp. 1 8., r. 2 E., fi.25 A.. 19.42. Portland Tr. Co. See. .4.', A.. $7.26. Portland Tr. Co. Sec. .60 A.. $5.17. Portland Tr. Co. See. tp. tp. tp. tp. tp. tp. tp. S., S., 8,. S.. 9.. 8.. 8.. E., 2 E., 3 E.. 3 E., 1.00 A.. $10.0' Portland '! r. Co. See. Co. Sac Co. Sec 47 A. $4.84. Portlsn.l Tr. .60 A.. $4.95 Portland Tr. 1 E.. E., E., .6j A., $3.03. J. 0. Alnsworth Sec. -B, .05 A.. $1.64. Hibernla Sav,. Bank Sec. .12 A.. $4.93. T. B. Whipple Sec. B. .32 A.. $8.80. T. B. Whipple Sec. 6, .34 A.. 18.80. r. 3 r. a r. 3 : tp. 1 8., tp. tp. 100 1 8., 1 S., r. 3 Richard Mion, IT. c ft. tax lot tec 1!. to. I S.. r 2 I- S., .35 6, $42.00. Lewis II. Deardorff Sec. 6, tp. 1 S., .00 A., S17.6C James Gladstone Howe Sec. 6, tp. 2 E.. .77 A., $24.20. Hattie Joy Sec 7. tp. 1 S., r. 2 E.. $18.70. C. A. Robb Sec. 7, tp. 1 B., r. 2 E., $8.80. 8., r. .60 A., .60 A., 8., tp. tp Walter A. Hick. Sec. 7, .28 A., $9.35. Frank . Ilollook Sec. 7, Frac. 1 03 A.. $8.47. Alei. McLeod Sec. 7, tp. A.. $14.30. Christine Johnson Sec. 8, .23 A., $4 40. Hnvld E. Johnston See. 8, 2.40 A., $12.87. J. E. Cormack Sec. 9, tp. A.. $40.48. 1 Betle Adde Bergm.n See. E., 6.95 A.. $26.40. A. E. Heard Sec. 10, tp. 1 8., r. 8 ., 1 8., 3 B.. 1 8., tp. 1 r. 3 B., .00 8., r. 3 B r. 3 B.. tp. 1 8 1 8.. r. 3 E., 9.86 0, tp. 1 8., r. 2 1 8. r. 3 E., 83.98 A.. $0S.6O. Jacob Kitrkhart, Estate of aec. 12, r. 2 E.. 2.60 A., $2 80. V. 0. McGrew Sec. 18, tp. 1 8., r. A $2.80 Warren Kllborn-See. 18, tp. 1 8., r. A.. $2.22. tp. 1 8., 2 B., .14 S B., .11 A. A. Hesaemer Bee. 17, tp. 1 8., r. 3 B 13 A., $4.40. Tina Ii. Kerr 8ee, 18, tp. 1 8., r. S B., .21 A., $7.70. Lena E. Murphy Sec. 18, tp. 1 8., r. 8 E.. 1 A., $20.36. ' R. R. aud F. F. Giltner end Martha M. Cook Sec. 19. tp. 1 8.. r. 2 E.. uud. 1-8, 4 A., $0.70. Wm. A. Rarne. Sec. 20, tp. 1 8., r. 2 E., 12.83 -A., $6.51. Nora IS. Stafford Sac. 20, tp. 1 8., r. 3 B., 1.50 A . $17.16, J. 0, Metxger See. 9, tp. 1 8., r. 8 EL, 2.2S A.. u.r. Ellis Davidson See. 10, tp. 1 S., r. 8 E., 1 A., $1.84. The Mt. Hood Co. Sec 10, tp. 1 8., r. 8 E .63 A., $7.00. v - - 1 ' Mabel A. and W. J. Ott Sec. id, tp. i 8., r. 3 E., .28) A., $8.36. Jane S. Only Sec. 10, tp. 1 8., t. $ E., .29 A., $8.08. M..D. Kern See. 10, tp. 1 8., r. 8 H.p .24 A. . $3.80. Samuel H. Kimball Sec 14, tp. 1 8.. r. 8 B, 10 A., 610.66. " Annie M. S. McCartney Sec. 21, tp. 1B., r. S B. . 40 A.. $8.70. I Geo. Butcher Sec. 2, tp. 1 8., r. 4 JB 80.47 A.. W.72. Ellsba l. and Ethel M. Kellog-gee, 1,' tp. 1 8.. r.:4 E., 10 A., $9.42.. 1. J. and Clara Cunningham See. 20, tp. 1 8., r. 4 E,, 4.60 A., $3.26, I ' . Eunice f . Douglaa Bee. 30, tp. 1 8., r. 4 : .l fa.av. -- ,- Amelia J. Connell Sec. 24, tp. 1 8., t. 4 E., J 30 A., $3.21. ........ . l.eo. w. Martin aec. it, p. a o., r. a,., 30 A., $3.21. Edgar C. La Follette Sec. 8, tp. 1 8., r. 6 B., 100 A., $17.06. STATE ASSESSMENTS OF PUBUO 8ERT1CB CORPORATIONS, Bridal Tell Lumbering Co., $2.29. Merchants Desoatch Trana. CO.. $1.79. ' T. M. WOR0,jw.v, Sheriff and Tax Collector. DETECTIVE SHOOTS AND KILLS COLORADO MINER Trinidad, Colo., Aug. 16. A crisis In the threatened strike situation in tha southern Colorado coal fields was pre 1 cipitated when Gerald Llpplat, 85, a United Mln Worker and former organizer for that organiiation, was shot and killed by G. W. Belcher, a belgian-Feltz detective, during a quar rel in the street. Before he was slain, Llppiat shot Belcher In the leg. Llpplat and five other miners met Belcher and Detective Belk on the street. Llpplat and Belcher quarreled and Llpplat drew a revolver and thrust It against Belcher's bodyj Bene kiyocked it away, causing It to explode and wound Belcher In the leg. Simultaneously Belcher drew a revol ver and fired two bullets into Llpplat's body, killing the man almost Instantly. Along the line of sectional furniture Is a new sectional cabinet for drugs, designed for stores. Professional and Business ACC0EDI0N PLEATING K. 8TEPHAN. hemstitching, accordion, aide and aunburat pleating; button, covered; good. .ponged. 83 Alder. Main 9373. AS8AYEBB MONTANA Aaaay Office, laboratory, ore teat ln. Mareball 2726. 189 Morrlaon. ATTORNEYS FREE Expert legal advice, divorce and bankruptcy. Addrea. A-9D. Jonrnal. AJTO PAIKTIMCt AMP PLATIWg . PORTLAND PLATING AND MANUFACTUR ING CO., 22d and Thurman. See auto column. BLAST. BOOS rAKEHS H0WB, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d at. Blank book manufacturera; agenta for Jonea Im proved Loose Leaf ledger, ee the new .u reka Leaf. A-3183. Main 183J BRASS AND MACHINE WORKS HAKPEU'S llraaa Vorka. braaa ca!lnf and ma chine work a. 106 6tb at. M. 3702. CASPLT CLEANIMO PLEASB give u. a trial. Oriental Houao Clean ing Works. Now open. First claa. pneu matic eleauere. 70 cent per hour. Phone. Main 0014, A-4.123. 443 (ilisan at. JOl'CE BKOS., Klectrlv Cieauiug ork, cr peta cleaned aud laid, refitting our apeclaltj. E. 440. H-llHKi. 2(4 .. H'tn at. r BLUE WAUON SKKV1CE doe. your work the beat. t:i Board of Trade. Main 6634. CARPET WEAVINO NORTHWEST BUG WORKS, nig. from old carpet.; rag ruga, carpet cleaning. 183 Union avenue, ncn. auiiuBi-u, PENINSULA Hug Worka, rug. to order. Carpeta. 1518 P.tton ave. Woodlawn 68S. CAKl'ET rug weaving. Warp furni.hed. Mra. L. K. Kurt.. 241 Hnaaell. CHIROPODISTS DR. IVKY treat, all ailment, of feet wltbonl pain; coma, bunlona. Ingrowing nails a apo claltv. 248A Morrlaon. Main 441. SPECIAL foot lnaaaage and all alluieut. of the feet ecienimcaiiy ireaieu. " Mar. fc80. CHIROPRACTIC PHT8ICIAMB DR. McMAHON, 121 4tb t. Bperlallat on 0 of dleeaaea. tlO.000 modern equipment. Ref erence.: BradatreoC.. bank. nd patient.. One fourth regular "trust" charge, for expert ad- jnatment and hatha. Phone 2Q8. DR. LEHMAN, 317 Ablngton hldg. Rheuma tlam, uervoua diaorders a apeclalty,. $10 a week. Expert chiropractic work. Main 871. DR. HELENA COM8TOCK, 31 14th.; nervoua, chronic dlaeaaea. 0 tieatroent. S. Main 6808. COAL AJID WOOD NOTICE ppr,SeaslonSLABWOOD URREN SHORT WOOD, $2.23 OKEKN 4 FOOT WOOD, 12.60 INSIDE UREEN SHORT, $3.60 DRY SHORT WOOD SAWDUST for Fuel and Beading The Portland Slabwood Co,, Main 3110. A-7001. Hiawatha $9 Ton Guaranteed bard Utah Coal East 303; C-2303. NEER & FARRft oak cord wood. Alao .awed to order. Prompt delivery PHAI Main 4506. A 4547. LUfAL FL'LTON Wood Co.. dealer. In dry and green alabwood. Try oa wh?n ordering good dry wood. 1200 Macadam at. Pbonca Main 78ti. AW, See Oregon Wood Yard nil, itl nil,' IVlVillk AVI, irnn lent AND COAL MAIN HU44 A-644.V DON'T BURN MONEY. Dry wreckage wood aawed, 1.75 per load. Eatt 4070. CHARCOAL DKL1VEKKD PROMPTLY Mara 8787. F. J. EVERTS. Foot Oirry atreet. PACIFIC SLABWOOD CO. Main 8709, A-7336. Green ahort wood, block., big ln.lde, .mall inside, dry alabwood. ahort; planer trimming.. DRY SLAB .ud box wood, cord wood and coal. Standard wooa uo., u; o-iwo. ALBINA FUEL CO. All klnda of green" and j 1 IFaaI. RrirtnffM flml MnnHnla CabI U , J . 1 ... -.. ... ... . . . PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood, $1.78 per load. F..JJ. Thiirmnti. Main U544. Holgate Fuel Co. Wood and coal. Sellwood 485. DON'T BURN MONEY Dry wreckage wood aawed, 12.76 PER- LOAD. EaBt 4970. DERMAT0L0OIST8 MOLES, wrinkle., acalp apeclallata. Mr.. Oou Ct rl eh t. 4M't Morrison. Mo In fl42. DESIGNERS AMD BUILDERS THE E. -M. MILLER CO. Dealgner. and builder., general contractors. 228 Shaver. Phone Woodlawn 2763. evening.. D0O AMD HORSE HOSPITAL PORTLAND VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 131 15th atreet. Main 7413; A-S683. Ill animal, given acjentlfla and pro .eaaloaal attention. EDUCATIONAL SAM0INO HEATH'S SCHOOL, 100 2d at., bet. Wa.h. and Stark. Leaaona Dally. Fancy and atago danc- Ina taught, walti and two-etep guarauteed In 4 Waaona. Cl. Friday evening, 8 to 10. DON'T be a wall flower. Learu to dance t Rlugler'a academy, Morrlaon at 2d. Claaa aud , .u. DRESSMAKIM0 AMD TA1X0RIM0 SCHOOL VALENTINE'S ayatem ladlea' tailoring, dreae roaklng taught, 16a Grand ave., bet. Morrlaon and Belmont. Patterna cut to nieaaure. JJU8I0 BCH00LB AMD TEACHERS BAOTIME Piano playing taught In 10 to SO leaaon.. Succea. guaranteed. Write for free b'klet. Cbrltenen'a achool, 20T Qoodnoughbldy RAGTIME piano playing I. ea.y and Inter. ..ting. We gnarantee to teach beginners in 10 to 20 leaaon.., 417 Filer, hldg. S. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 826 t leioner diu... jinrvoaii 1IT28. ELECTRIC M0T0EAHP DYlfAMOB WE buy, aell, rent and exchange new and aeo ond haiid '-n-J?Flrtw PclaJty. wearern r.ip '" , ar. " " ELECTRIC HOTOBa AMD DYNAMOS M0T01U9. generatort, Jmsgbt, aold, rented ! repaired. We do all klnda of repairing sod te wlndlngl Sll work guaranteed. H. M. H. ulT E WAYS TO MAKE One of theaGreatest Assets of a Man Is His Store of Words, . Money! Hera is 11 . way to make money that is not particularly hard. and entails an Initial outlay of only 98 cents In rash. What the returns will be depends on many things, among them being a faculty to spend a little time each day Increasing your vocabu lary. The scheme is one -that should appeal to every person, young and old who has a tongue and use for it and money. The Journal lias received another large consignment of New Kngllsh Il lustrated Dictionaries for distribution among its readers. There Is no need to slip dollar bills between the leaves of these dictionaries to dispose of them, because each book Is of sterling worth. Each one Is made up of 1300 leaves of tough thin Bible paper, and upon euch page Is printed words', definitions and facts which every person has use ELECTR0LY8IB MOLES, auperfluoua hair removed. Mra. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledper bldg. Main 8478. EXPERT ADDRE8SIM0 EXPERT addreaalng $1 'per 1000. Addreaaagraf ehop. room 2. Portland Truat bldg. EYE, EAR, KOBE AMD THROAT TREATMENT by .pecialiat. OlaHea fitted. Dr. F. F. Caweday. 418 Dekum bldg. Sd-Waab. FARM IHFLEXEMT8 AMD VEHICLES R. M. WADE ft CO.. S22 Hawthorne Wholeaale agricultural Implement.. FOUNDRY AMD MACHINE SHOP PHOENIX. Iron work., E. 8d and Hawthorne. General machine and foundry work. FURNITURE REPAIRING BOWERS ft PARSONS, 100ft Front. Mala T448. Furniture hoapltal; packing. GASOLINE ENGINES MARINE and etatloiary, marine hardware, GAS POWER ft SUPPLY CO., 188-172 Front at., between Morrlaon and Yamhill. GLASS AMD GLAZING TIM MS, CRE8 ft CO., M4-1R8 2d at. Prompt eervlce. Ring Main or A -202.1. HAT FACTORY EASTERN Bat Factory. 04-88 3d .L H.ta cle.ned aud blocked. Panama bat. bleached. Beat $2 bat on earth for men. Mail order, returned by parcel poet. LADIES, Oeiitleuieu'a hat. cleaned and blocked aatiafactorllv. Royal Hat Works. 248ft lat t INSURANCE M CA RG A II. Bate, ft Lively. 301 Yeoa bldg. Every form of Insurance, bond.. IROM WORKS PACIFIC IRON WORKS All Architectural iron Ca.tlnga. Beam., Angles, Cbannela. LANDSCAPE GARDENING BETTER landscape, and general gardening. SWISS FLORAL CO. Eaai 8870. PACIFIC Landevepe Uarujning company, 616 Rothchild bldg. Phone Marshall 2a08. LAUNDRY JAPANESE Eagle Laundry, cleaning and dye ing. 120 Ruaaell at. Eaat 3883. C-1794. LEATHER AMD FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., T4 Front. Leather of every description; Lin manufacture ra. flnd Inga. MACHINERY B. TRENKMAN ft CO., hydraulic and epeelal pipe, smoke stacks, oil tank., mining ma- ckb, on ta 104 N. 4th rninery, repaira. ENtilNKS, boiler., sawmills bought, gold and ench.nged. The J. K. Martin Co.. Portland. Or MATTRESS FACTORY MATTRESSES made over .n'l to order. Renp holatcrlng of all klnda. Call Marshall 2657. MESSENGERS HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night and day. Main 6:i. A-2163. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN KER, mortgager loans, rnauTancw 803 Yeon bldg. Main 9286. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. GKOVER P.raly.Is, nervcua and chronic dlseaaca. 70 Oregonian bldg. M. 8142. ORNAMENTAL WIRE AMD IROM PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS, 294 2d t. Architectural wire and Iron. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. LILLE BELLE PATTERSON. Specialist on nerves, acute and chroulc diseases. 416 Co, lumhla bldg. Main 8081. PAINTING AMD PAPERING PAINTING Paper banging, tinting, carpet cleaning, bottom prices. Mar. 2188; Sellwood 120;i r Sellwood 2182. TNTING, PAPERING Sr&ZZ GOOD work lu; m-'itu. A. Osliouru, 864 Eaat Washington. H 2107. Eat 4214. IOU best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane, a2. L. Wamiiigton. acnwooo nuo. JOHN BLIED Spring bargains In palutlug and papering. M. 1872; A 222.1. 129 11th at. PAINTS, OIL AMD 0LA8B PIONEER PAINT CO., 188 lat at. A-7043. Main 1834, RASMl'SSEN ft CO., "High Standard" paint. N. K. corner 3d and Taylor. M.-A-1771. PLUMBING AMD PLUMBING SUPPLIES BATHS, Tolleta. baalna. boilers, pipe, gen eral contracting. Jobbing, U. M2D7. 327 lat. PATENT ATT0RMEYS. PATENTS procured by J. K. MOCK, Attorney. at-Law, late of U. h. PATENT OFFICE. Book free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. PAYING COMFAMIES THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINC CO., Port land office 606 Electric hldg. PIANO FACTORY PIANO tuning, repairing, reflniahing. Estimates given. Bargalna lu used pluuua. C. Summer ft Co., 247 5th t. Mar. 1671 or cell. PIPE WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPBj CO. Factory and office near 24th nnd York at.. Main 8489. POPCORN C0NTECTI0NB STANDARD CRISP CO., now at 808 Popcorn Crl.p. Kornut. an lied nut.. Hoyt. PRINTING ARSLBY PRINTING COi, 260 Oak. M.ln 4871. Printing to Established 1902. ANDERSON Printing Co., T3ft Oak at., 2d fir. M. 4Hrw. Moaern piani; personal arteu n. PIUN11NG a. you want It. Price, right. Me tropoll'an Preaa. 211 Oak. Phone Main 1330. REFRI0ERAT0R8 AMD ICE BOXES BUILT to order, any 87.60 up. I'. Co.. 84 Union ave, H. Ea.t 243, C. Bed RUBBER STAMPS AMD SEALS ALSO atenclla, trad cheek., lira as sign. PAOIF10 COAST STAMP WORKS f.31 Washington, at. Main TlOj A-a7f0. STENCILS and pf flee atatlonery, tunnlngbaa Co., Sal StSfk, Mais 10I4 OM MONEY ARE NOT HARD for some time or other. The diction aries are bound In limp black leather, and are Just the slse for busy people who need a word book for ready refer ence. In addition to thousands of words and definitions each dictionary contains tables of facts and figures and glossaries of aviation, baseball, football and golf terms. The Journal wants every one of Us readers to have one. Every word has its value, and they, when properly used, will do much toward paving the way to success In business. That's why there is money In dictionaries. Get one and abstract potential currency from Its contents. Six dictionary coupon's, clipped from consecutive Issues of The Journal and accompanied by 98 cents, secures you one of these beautiful books when presented at The Journal business office. NEW RIOT AT MINOT, N. D., RESULTS IN ARRESTS (Special lo The Journal.) Minot, N. D., Aug. 18. Nine more Industrial. Workers of the World wers arrested and a number of . per sons clubbed when several agitators started a riot on the streets. Tha total number of arrestB now is 140. A carload of 100 I. W. W.'s bound for the west were rushed .through with guards to prevent any ' of the men landing. No serious results are ex pected from now on. Directory RyBBERJBTAMPB iujB SEALS 1 ALSO braaa aigna, office .applies, lithographing THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY 92 Fifth St. Main 312. A -1254. SEWING HACHIME8 REAL BARGAINS IN NEW machine., all makes, ' factory prlcea. Second hand 5 up. Macblnei rented and repaired. Hewing Machine Em porium. 190 3d. Main 9481. SHEET METAL WORKS JACOB LO8LI, .beet metal work., hotel, res taurant work roofing, general )ooMng. Main 1424. 810 First, bet. Columbia and Clay ete. SHOE REPAIRING SHOES REPAIRED AND MADU TO ORDER, OUT-OF-TOWN OR DERS SENT BY PARCEL POST. H. E. SMITH. 246 YAMHILL ST. SHOWCASES AMD FIXTURES THE- JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO. New and old showcaaes, cabinet., .tore, office. window fixture. 4th and touch. SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and .tore fixture, made to order. The Lutke Mfg. Co. TAILORING SCHOOL KI ESTER'S Ladlea' Tailoring College. dreaemaklng. tailoring. 143ft 11th. Leara TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN to we la dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 8th and Couch eta., $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co., Phonea Main 410, A -44 10. TRANSFER AMD STORAGE TEAMS ANO AUTO VANS FOR LONG DISTANCB MOVING 87-80 Front. Main 647 or A -2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 1870. Transfer and forward lnj agents. Storage, free trackage. Offices and storage, 474 Ullsaa t 13th and Gllaan. Main 89, A-11S9. ri REPROOF STOKAGbl PORTLAND VAN ft STORAGE CO.'S new fire proof warehouse Juat completed. Furnishes every facility known to modern warehousing. An Inspection will convince you. Houaehoid gooda -snipped at reduced freight ratea. Fire proof" warehouse 15th and Kearney. Commercial warehouse 13tb aud Everett atreeta. Main 6840, A-1620. C. O. PICK Transfer ft Storage Co. Offlcea and comniodloua four story brick warebouae with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. corner 2d and Pine ata. Piano and furniture moved and packed for ahipplrg. Special rate, made on gooda In our through rara to all domestic snd foreign points. Maiu M)H. A-IWO. Portland Transfer ft storagb co. Matu BIO. 208 Washington. A-1904 Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Reduced freight ratea on all gooda shipped in our through car. to eastern points. Storage. Iw Insurance. UNITED Trauafer Co. Storage aod general ha ullng. 251 Jefferson. Mar. 2894. A-49&8. TRUNK MANUFACTORIES MULTNOMAH Trunk ft Bag Co., 80-88 Baet Water, wholeaale mrga. trunk., .ultcaeea, etc. Special trunk. nd made to order. TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS, .lightly used. L C. Smith and all other makes at reduced prices aad easy terms. L. C. Smith ft Bros, Typewrllur Co., 280 Oak at. ALL make, routed, repaired, wild. .Co.. 231 8tark. Main 1407. Cunulughaoi WALLl PAPER MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d at., be tween Salmon and Main. WHITEWASHING AND TREE SPRAYING COLUMBIA Whitewashing Co. By machine, water painting, tree apraying. Main 7322. WHOLESALE JOBBERS EVERDING ft FARREI.L, produce and commie .loo merchant.. 140 Front at., Portland. Or. kPhone Main 179. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT window cleanera; employing only up. white help. Call tor prices. M .61)27. 272 Burnable , 1 , !"!B 1 1 PECIAUST Chronic and , Nervosa Dis eases readily succumb to my thorough and exhaus tive method of treat ment when they are carefully aud coualatently followed. Mlatakee are at a minimum, be cause 1 bav treated eucceisfully thousand, of exactly like year own. s It la an error not to seek- the advice of a Specialist who has bad isara of experience an,i give, excln.lve peraooal attention to the treatment of aucb esses. I am licensed to praciice In the atalea or Oregon, Wash. Isgton. California and Nevada. My office la thoroughly equipped with every electri cal and mechanical device necessary tot tb .ciantlfle treatment of your ailment, 1 dmluiter the World's latest lemedlaav f Treat Succeeafnlly: CHRONIC. NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN, BLADDER, LIVER and KIDNEY Dli EASES, RHEUMATISM. NEURASTHENIA ECZEMA, KORES. ULCERS, PILES aad ISTULA. , Consultation aud Examination PRES. 9 to 0 7 to Dallr; .Sundaya 10 to t J., J." KEEFE, Ph. C. M. D. Rooms 11-11 LAtaystte Bldg. 818ft WASHINGTON ST . COR. STB. , PORTLAND, OK. Journal Want Ads Get Results IKBmfMBHOvlrJJS DR. s 1. 1- V fi ' . 1 1 ' , I'.'.: