! . .. 73 ft A HI 4 jtl .THE OREGON-SUNDAY -JOURNAL, TQTtAWP,;-SPWDAY-MORWmQ;,rAV0ST;,;74 -, , F ' PS ' if- 77 if iff 17 I i 4 ;" My 1 r;,,sw;;i -; 9. 7 s v ), 1" V r I ... ,tJ : . CoovrUbt .bV, ttla North -A-uirlaB.o '1' VVAS the easiest lesson of the termB iici &ucn a simpie question. Leorge.;vyasnington crpsseatneeiawarer it for Bessi e. The restof the story, o!f 'die iwaii folio wine tfie: Dassacre of :tfie I)eiawarev remaineii untoWy-v Ijo i that day? .Vere - in i i y i hf1 I you the Villie.Jones? '.' V, ....;.