1 . copyright; 1913. y ;; Star ComBMnvJ .' ' T;V M';;:'fc 'i'' ..-w.-if.w -.i.m-.-5mhmi.,.-,',-.j jw.'5.. & 4 . ' . . . .. 11 1 - -- - ; -, . .. . . ?-. ... . '., ihiiwimhww I u J iwinwi'llm n linn iminium tmm wrmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmirimmmmmmmm ,n !. uiimwiw www m ' ' il;gy "' I WMaaa-wwwiaMlMaywHi'i ' Jr. , , :f r ,r , 1 i ' I k i1 l it if 'i.if- J&f -.--Hi, .. yJr .x- vfy "Mm saw" "TOs-sl f t. - p. :T ,k Ifi -4f f V ... a- .-r ( r- 1 J"- , 'i, .i ''"J 1 he 4 aasBB'' aSP ! ( A 7.'- S$ -r 'W? !..', ..1 i-v , 1 ' ' ,4 "JiTn II f .V' 7 i 4 7 7 7 w Baktt th Vry OHglnal O O Claude Debuts, Compoaep of O O abrleie D'Annunzle, Master of "7 f7 Russian Artist, Who Idol- Mytlal Harmonies, Who Word Magic, Who Wor Izef Ida Rublnstelri -.- Reveres Ida Rubinstein. ships Ida Rubinstein. Most Brilliant Artist, Most Original Musician and Most Talented Dramatist Bound Together in Adoration of tile Strange, Fiery Russian Daneer, Ida Rubinstein, Who fnsnira Their Finest t ui a. 1 Rubinstein Dressed as jC -Nun in One Scene of j TThe RancHaC Note the Carious Cba- '' : - trastef Her Demeanor )i V i vf dr4T . luinimi nm un ji 1 1 iiw in; i'.'. iwuiiih!iiij mjii wifi ihe. Pictare Belov. Drawing l j .1 a ... Ida Rubinstein, in the" Great Martyrdom Scene in "Saint , Sebastian,1' the Climax of the Last Remarkable Drama Written for Her by - D'Annunzio. Drawn by Her Idolater. Leon Bak 08 Parte. August 1. forced by fhem to forget rfiXj AI3 always absorbed In gossiping about tiie sonorous fasclaation J jj e woman, and Just no that womao Is Ma of the words. Then at Ir- Rubinstein. " other times the mystical f tfk mofinf rr t. hajmonlei of Debussy be- Everybody thinks -she Is the most intereetln woman com so haunting that In Paris, and ret everybody rpofeeses to be nuzzled to one forgoU both words V I If I II .IM 1 x in r-s i fey Leon Babt ;itrvf Hi ; -0 0 JL V 7 r. A The WonderfuT Luiminanng ocene in wwca' ' -." : : Ida!, Rubinstein. White' Dancing, Is Smothered to Death by Roses Heaped Upon Her by Negro Slaves. From The PisaneUa. or the Perrumed Death." D'Annunzios - Latest Dramatic Work Created for Ida Rubinstein. 1- 'M-'fri I If ft ; r j f. 'rtl- , r know why so many, brilliant men tod ter interesting. and scenery. Wherein lies her treat attractiveness? She is "What Is K that" attracts " these men sb power, and deprived them of the sentiments natural to man ? aot heaotlful. Her figure Is graceful, but -not re- ' ful,yT e ParlJ -to It the woman or her "The Pleanella- displays Ida Rubinstein Vth JL , .fc.vi- ' cv- 1. ... art?" Aathree of them are artists to the finger Ups, her iwlractlona and all her moods In a most amazine W Rubinstein in the degree. She Is full of fire, energy and temperament. but m thre of them ar also ensualiste of a bighly manner. It the prologue she is the poor Christian kye..01 b and dances with the fury of an Intoxicated savage. y ,uem . , unnmy senauai-, maide nor legena. wno is to marry tne King and save 1, . .... . . . lets, and even In the mrstloal music of Debuasv tha th nnniA f rvnma fmm miian sh u mm . rxor vnnsaan 10m 01 luts nivov rmiiai k.iuih mu in rang oro - - - - , devoted to her Leon Baket. Gabriels d'Annunito wltfve dlecern a most poignant appeal to the appealing and pathetic figure of poverty. mlT. M v, nA,- t, senses. In tne onenlns: scene sne Is tne slave offered to 7 - j. f sou vwuuo tuuro. vun w . .1 kr:u & MEiifr jtris- F- !,? a Cyprus and aA :Wifetr 7f L 1 . I r3 $ f if , VJ ' ji - .1.1 :j ; , : r Ik W " j K t 't"' f. ! I i J.v- that most exctte our emotlous-rdrawlng, the drama lrAnnunno became infatuated with Ida . Rnblh- tne htgneM bMlder on tne harbor front, a ragged cap . . ' ' i. ataln whan h h ik Ml. Mt.,la 1,w Hm wltli anna IiaiiiuI ' vn4 full nt Am diAinM mhi. - N-Jpius ai . ana musio. --v--- " ' .v. , . , , v. Save the PeoDle 1 y v, and tney nave just couaooraiea togetner on tne most XiJO oym v ug iuuiw kurmm wui m uivu vw o- ivi w j viuui i remarkable production of their lives for her gloryr Then they returned once more to Parle, tha maiden of legend, who Is to marry the Khjg and save j ' This -work Is "The Pisapella, or the Perfumed o6 life and the glamor of the theatre. . Thea we see her dressed as a nun. a most Impressive ' Death." that atrange drama In which poetry, sacrl- Since D'AhnunzIo's earlier courting of Wa Rubin; Picture, of pious humUIty, yet some how suggesting lege, music, ecenlo art and tnedlaeval learning are ( stein Leon Bakst, the Russian, had won recognition, that the Ptean courtesan lurks beneath the nun-like f totagled in a blaae of theatrical splendor r'Annuntto ' as the . most original dmtugliteman" in Paris. He . Here Incidentally, the King kills his uncle to t supplied the text, Debussy the accompaiyln music Joined the clirde of her adtoirer Then ' and Bakst the scenery and costumes. A syndpsls of the acknowledged leader of French coanppsers, conv All three artist have touched the height of their thrnv h AlrAadv been aiven in this newsnaner. pteted the trinity, '-.s powers In creating for her the'flnal scene, where the l 2 1 1 Misery . ITSV 9 by Leon Bakst. .1 it l .'j ! f W rut T, . k V - ' ?. ? .'i-M.' mmmLJ. k. :tv- If these men are pursuing the woman, why have Queen Mother ks her to a banauet to dance-and I nuniio the dramatic au"fe-s thprWliil cr H)llboratei with jtrlendly nnity.ln creaUng a -f-'w.to.imottered to. death with roses :r-.P-v'i atorfHhto drama, butany one who has eeen the . new masterpiece; for her t Should we not expect heaped upon her by negro slaves. Amid the roses V production "ItXif" that the two other ardsta have ' thenKto fight ;one another, artistically and struggle Ida Rubinstein's Uthe form is seen first dancing. r. ;j closely.vied with Wua in doing their utmost for Ida ; ?for,toer fevor,:wltt w&iE SZS'mtu r RiMtfefWeneiTJmd tha:.tumej,degned,;.i..to; lorert; Dpe M mew,$hat this strange woman nwd to provide a splendid mise-en-ecene for a pul ) ,k ,? t . , it .i J i.i'' A:r-AAri5ftir.'. i lit;; so nublio by Bakst ' are so . eplendfli thatjme Jis . sometimes has crapletely idominated themV mesmerlsedl. th,em . dancer. .Are they working for art or the womant " 1 1' Mill mbmiT " fammA jj.Vi.T,i),JW:ii.'i 4ttfcMMMw liBte'M . fc, wt.t ki": ' ,;r;"-:-v v ,-:.(. s. ,;f.V.'i.-,j'.--.'V'?.- i'-'M A' PI t'.( .:'("!";''!: ''i,, is:;' J i ! f K.t t. 1 .' r'H "'ti f 1