The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 17, 1913, Page 43, Image 43

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    1 ' , ,
Mr. Charles A. Shea and her two at
"traqtlv children, Maxlne and Charles A.
Jr., are sojourning at Newport, Or. They
- left' the middle of July and expect to re.
main tnrougn . August.
r" Mrs. Mark Gill and her two children,
Mary and Mark QUI Jr., accompanied
fey Adele Camilla Jones and Louise
jonea. tne augntera or Mr. and Mrs.
' Charles W. ' , Jones, left this morning
for a week'ff visit at the Schlmpp cran-
Ueiry rancn, Delowe Astoria.
Mrs. George F. Heuaner Is convales-
Ing from her recent operation,
Mrs. Benjamin F. Weaver left Wed
.necday jnornlng; for a. few weeks' -vis
it at Seaside. ,
Mrs. Katherine Daly . and her son,
Herbert Daly, of Hood Fiver, left Wed
nesday morning for a short sojourn
at Seaside.
. Mrs. W. P, iwllliM and daughter, Lucy,
and Mrs. Thomas E. Hulme and daugh
ter, Elisabeth, have taken the Daniel
cottage at Seaside or the month . of
August. '
- - w w
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Slaionton of Rose
City Park left Tuesday morning for
short visit at The Dalles. On their re
turn .they plan to motor through tho
illamette valley- -as far-aa Salem,
visiting en route fqr a week or 10 day.
Mrs. H, W. Orinneli of Seattle la the
house guest for a few weeks of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F.
h. Grlnnell, at their home in Irvlngton.
Mra. D. Brusha oWendleton ia pass,
lng the week in Portland the guest of
her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Irvine.
Miss Genevieve Thompson is visiting
at the summer home of the Misses
Lucille and- Elizabeth Parker at Agate
Beach. She will later Join her mother,
Mrs. D. P. Thompson, for an extended
visit at Uourhart.
Miss Sally Lewis left the latter part
of the veek to Join her mother, Mrs.
C. H. Lewis, at Gearhart Park, where
they wiil be guests of Miss Flanders
'at Ecola.
Mrs. Peter Kerr left Monday to pass
a few weeks at Gearhurt Beach, the
guest of Mrs. David T. Honeyman.
Mrs. Charles Johnston and her
daughter. Miss Suzanne Johnston, are
Seattle visitors in the city.
Mrs. John S. Klngaley and daughter,
Mildred Anue, are spending the remain
der of the season visiting friends and
relatives on Puget sound.
Miss Vella Winner is passing" three
weeks In Garfield, Wash., visiting
friends on their wheat ranch.
Miss Florence J. Gambell is visiting
at Wallowa Lake. She left. the first
of August and will return the first
week in September.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robinson left on
an extended trip visiting friends on
Pugit sound and Vancouver. B. C. They
will return to Portland about Septem
ber 1.
Mrs. Wilbur Huyden (Karle Read) is
the house guest of Miss Alda Broughton
at her summer home at Seaview, Wash
Mr. and Mra. Daniel J. Coman have
returned after an absence of thtee years
in Seattle and will reside in Irvlngton.
They have a wide circle of friends whj
will welcome their return.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Shaw re
turned home Saturday from a fort
night's visit with the latter'a father,
J W. Burkhart of Lebanon,
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldsmith and
their little daughter Mary htfve re
turned home from Seaside, where- they
have been visiting at the Moore 'hotel
for two weeks.
Mrs. William Fechhelmer, returned
home Monday from a two weeks' Visit
at Seaside with her mother, Mrs.
Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Fechhelmer
left Saturday for a Week's aojoum at
Sol Due Springs.
Mrs. Willis H. Cush of Pueblo, Colo.,
Is the house guest of Mrs. William Ev
ans Mrs. Cush is en route for her
home in Pueblo, after visiting her two
sons In Long Beach, Cat. She is ac
companied by hei younger son, Corvllle
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shorno
motored out to Eureka Lodge, the
mountain home of the William Killings
worths near Rhododendron, where they
will remain until the last of the month.
A number of delightful affairs are be
ing planned for their pleasure, among
them will ba a trip up Mt. Hood as far
as the snow line.
The many friends of Miss Helen
Minor, who is spending the summer
In Portland with her father and sister,
will be glad to hear that she is slow
' ly recovering from her recent operation,
-.and expects to return to her home in
Piedmont in the near future.
' Mrs. W. J.- Stlf e and her two daugh
ters. Ada and Ida, returned on Monday
from a two weeks' visit at Cape Horn,
Wash. They were the house guests of
, Mrs. Jerald Goodsell.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Baxter, Mra
Borthwlck, and Miss May Chalmers left
' the first of last week for a trip through
Yellowstone park. They will be away
about two weeks.
-: Mrs. W. H. Slusser and her daughter
Miss Ethel Slusser, left on the Potter
Friday for Sea View. They will be
guests at the Hackney "cottage for
about ten days.
- Mrs. J. Davenport "ias aa her guests
her daughter, Mrs. Emma Givens and
four children of Huron, South' Dakota.
They will visit in Portland for about
. - six waeRs. Mrs. Davenport entertained
informally for the pleasure of har
- daughter on Friday afternoon, It being
the birthday of both Mra. Givens and
' Mrs. A. L. Johnston.1' The rooms were
very . artistically decked In ' pink and
'white blossoms, and there were about
twenty of Mrs. Givens' old friends
".Little Miss Julia L. Smlthjaughter
of Captain and Mra. J. L. 8miitrf 1237
. Garfield avenue, was a charming host
" 24 Silk Hair Nets, 25c
- 118.00 French Cut Hair Switch,
3 separate atem. ............ .07.45
; ,115.00 28-inch, a separate stem
gray Switches .."S7.-I5
- 180 tth Bt asa Washington, ," -
" W match whfn others fall,
' Mall order carefully attended to. '
J . Mssa ssssw 1 , i I
ji mm
; 'Ssrn
Miss Rose Frledle; whose wedding to
of early
ess last week, when she entertained a
number of her little friends to cele
brate her fifm birthday. A delig-htful
afternoon was BDcnt in ulaylnar games.
and later a dainty lunch was served.
The dlnlns room was especially pretty,
being decorated with pink sweet peas;
and thu table was centered with a huge
artificial pink cake which concealed
dainty gifts tied with pink ribbons to
the place cards of ..each little guest.
Among those present were: Edith Doh
erty, Helen Glessner. George Leonard
Vosper, Beatrice .Bauer, Helen Bauer,
Donald Apperson, Ralph Apperson
Elizabeth Heljiel, Aileen De Lawter,
Catherine Faber, James L. Smith, and
Julia L. Smith.
Mrs. R. Apperson with hejt two child
ren and Mrs. George Balrer left on
Wednesday for Seaside. They have tak
en the Woodoock cottage for the re
malnder of August.
Captain H. A. Hegaman of the Twen
ty-flrst Infantry left Monday for the
target range at Proesbtel.
Captain and Mrs. C. Stacey gave a
dinner Wednesday evening, compliment
ing Mrs. Ingalls of Washington, D. C,
mother of Mrs. II. Taintor. The table
was very attractive with pink roses and
sweet peas. Those enjoying the hos
pitality of Cant'iln and Mra. Stacey
were: Mrs. Ingalls, Lieutenant and
Mrs. H. Taintor, Mr. and Mrs. Schmlt
of Portland, Lieutenant F. J. Riley and
Lieutenant L. Wheeler.
Lieutenant O. P. Robinson left Mon
day evening for Fort Leavenworth.
Mrs. H. S. Rogers, wife of Colonel
Rogers, is expected to arrive at the post
shortly to reside here for some time.
Lieutenant J. C. Fairfax, with his
company, left for the . target rang
Mrs. H. W. Hand, wife of Captain
Hand, left for New York 'city Tuesday.
Major A. 8. Fleming entertained
Major James Canby informally at lunch
eon Wednesday.
Mrs. A. H. Valentine and daughter
and Dr. Loulso Smith of Chicago, cous
ins of Mrs. C. Stacey. arrived Saturday
and will be Mrs. Stacey's house guests
until August 25.
Mrs. Adrian S. Fleming returned from
Seaside, Or., Tuesday.
7T " 3
Mr. and Mrs. Jay t. Welch, East
Forty-ninth street north, with their
daughter, Mrs. Mitchell and mother.
Mrs. . Morgan Of Kansas City, are at
Manhattan beach.
Miss Jane Hellman of East Fortieth
street north, and Brasee Is visiting
Located 22 miles east of Port
land, overlooking the Columbia.
; A cfiarming place to enjoy a
Cream Chicken
: -Dinner
View the Columbia River.
Ladies' Afternoon Luncheons
a specialty. -J
Phone Long Distance!
Corbett. Ask for Chantldler
Albert Glanelli will be an event
Miss Lilburn in Roseburg. Until recent
ly Miss Lilburn was one of the prom
inent young ladies of Rose City Park.
Mrs. Thompson of East Forty-fifth
street north, is in Victoria, B. C, for
three weeks.
Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mao
Lennan and Donald McLennan, 607 East
Fiftieth street north, with Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Prouty, East Fifty-fifth street
north, left foi a two weeks' outing
at Barview.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Darling and child
ren recently of Indianapolis, Ind. are
residing at 632 East Fifty-first street
Mrs. S. W. Thompson of Salem has
been the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
Franklyn Perry on, East Sixty-second
street north.
Elmer Lundber? isenJoylng a three
weeks' outing at Seaside.
Miss Treena Heerdt has returned to
her home at Eaat Fifty-seventh street
north, and Klickitat from a pleasant
visit in Seattle.
Mrs. V. M. C. Silva, 402 East Forty
ninth street north, presided over a
pretty little luncheon Wednesday after
noon which complimented Mrs. Ernest
DeMer of Seattle. The dining table was
centered with a large Japanese basket
filled with red sweet peas and each
place was marked with a nosegay of
the same.
The guests were Mrs. DeMer. Mrs.
W. S. Paige, Mrs. Charles Grafe, Mrs.
mmer u. jonnson ana Mrs. H. H. Duff.
Thursday Miss Mildred Timma. 378
East Thirty-sixth street, north, went
to Seaside for six weeks.
In an open space near Fiftv-second
street north and The Alameda, 10 or
12 families in the immediate neighbor
hood joined in a "corn roast" Wednes
day evening. A large camp fire was
made in which, the corn was roasted.
College songs, popular airs and atory
leuing gave pleasant diversion to the
novel occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Crawford are
now occupying their attractive little
bungalow at 699 East Fifty-fifth street,
Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Youngson and
children spent a portion of the week
at the Farrell cottage at Gearhart.
William Patterson East Fiftieth
street and Alameda Drive spent the
week end with his family at Seaside.
w w
Mrs. H. H, Wade and children, Mias
Florenceand Master John, have re
To Whom It May Interest
New Furs of every conceivable design and style may
ifijselected iiow at a .considerable saving to-..youtand
stored inour fire and motrWbof Vaults free of charge
until needed. A deposj)wlijsecure your selection.
Remodeling and Repair Work, attended to now
, , at Reduced Summer Prices
Phonet Main 24, A-2440
turned to their home at -441 -East
Forty-eighth street, north after enjoy'
lng several weeks at Ocean Park. -
Professor and ifra.J. ,W. MaoCormao
1428 Wisteria avenue, expect to go to
morrow to Trout Lake, Washington fqr
a lew weeks.
k "
Judge and Mrs. F. II. Whitfield, 1S92
rvr. Henry A. Whitfield Jr., of Roch.
ester,. N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs., Walter
ciarit wincnester or urand napkls,
Mich. Mr. Winchester, who Is ' a tim
ber man largely interested In Oregon,
is combining business and pleasure. ,
Dr. Whitfield and Mrs. Winchester
are cousins of Judge Whitfield. ,
Wednesday evening- August , a very
pretty wedding' occurred uniting the
Uvea of Miea Faith Lawrence and Wil
liam "Melville Hcrron. The Imnresslve
Vlng ceremony was performed by Rev.
w. v. Shank, pastor of the Baptist
church on East Ankeny, In the presence
of 24 guests who were immediate rel
Preceding the ceremony Mrs. F. H.
Whitfield sang a group of songs aitaong
them were Charlson d'Amone (Holl
than) and "Entreaty" (Carl J3ohn.) Mrs.
W. D. Palmer, the groom's aunt played
the Lohengrin wedding- march. After
the wedding repast Miss Henrietta
Strlckler sang several numbers.
The bride,' who. was unattended, was
beautifully . gowned in white embroid
ered charmauae. She is a daughter of
Mrs. Martha I. Lawrence and has been
a popular teacher In the Portland
schools for several years. Mr. Herron
Is a mechanical engineer, a gradusfte
of the O. A, C. and" a descendant of
one of the pioneer' Tamilie of Oregon,
hia grandfather, l. Gilbert, crossed the
plains In 1844. Ha la tho son of George
and Lulu Gilbert Herron.
The wedding occurred at the beautiful
new bungalow home of the bride and
groom which was artistically decorated
with pink roses, at 607 East Forty
sixth street, north, where the young
couple will be "at home" after Sep
tember 1.
A delightful 600 luncheon occurred
Thursday .afternoon at 1 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. R. E. Gehr, 1251 Brazee.
Luncheon was served at small tables
in tho dining and living rooms.
Mrs. Gehr had made the dining room
very attractive in combining yellow
and blue; the living room with green
and pink roses. Miss Margaret McDon-
! aid. Miss Aileen and little Penelope
Gehr assisted the hostess during the
afternoon. Miss Minnie Allen was the
fortunate winner of the first prize, and
Mra. Chafles Feenaugrhty the second.
The guests were Mrs. Phillip Kleider,
Mifcs Clara Smith, Mrs, John Collins,
Mrs. Jack Harrison, Miss Willis Ma
guire, Mrs. Ivan Burke, Mrs. John
Shaw, Mrs. Feenaughty, Mrs. Harry
Blsnell, Mrs. Morris Bromberger, Mrs.
Rollins Gtttens, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mra.
James Goodwin, Mrs. W. H. Gray, Mra
L. L. Langley, Miss Allen, Mrs.' E. G.
Jarvis, Mrs. Melvin Lewis, Mrs. Clyde
Meach, Mrs. John Curtis, Mrs. L. V.
Rawlins, Mrs. Mary Wilklns, Mrs. T. E.
Uodson, Mrs. L. L. Sharp, Mrs. F. G.
Freeburger, Mrs. Fred Marx, Mra.
Frederick Ortman, Mrs. W. Lincoln
Johnston and Miss Emily Johnston.
A pleasurable bridge and 600 party
waa given Friday afternoon at Rose
City park club house by the women s
department. Cards were played at 20
tables and a beautiful prize for the
winner in bridge and one for 600.
Beforg the serving of refreshments
Mlsa Verna Smith sang a group of
songs and Mrs, Charles Lindner gave
The rooms were attractively decor
ated with summer blossoms,
Mr. and Mrs. X. O. Barker 869 East
Forty-ninth, north are at Columbia
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Conley of
St. Paul are the house guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Calvin Lightfoot, 351
East Forty-ninth street north. Mr. Con
ley is the fuel supervisor for the North
ern Pacific R. R. and is well known
among business men. Mra Conley is
Mr. Llghtfoot'a aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris Fowler
with daughter Madeline are at Gear
hart. -
Mrs. F. Latham and daughter Lois of
Scappoose are the guests of Mra. E.
W. Beckey, 398 East Fiftieth street,
Thursday evening G. D. Stearns and
daughter Miss Alice, 388 East Fiftieth
street, north, had a dinner party com
plimenting Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Town
send of Waupaca, Wis. Places were
marked for Mr. and Mrs. Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Laughlln, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Brazure, Mrs. M. Brazure, Mlsa
Marjorle Stearns, Master Stearns, Mlsa
Stearns and Mr. Stearns.
Miss Daisy Dougherty, 888 East
Thirty-seventh street, north, will spend
the next fortnight at Saltair. Miss
Frank Doughprty leaves this evening
over the Great Northern for Duluth,
Minn., where she expeots to remain
until next spring. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Rawllngs and
children went to Seaview yesterday for
several weeks. Miss Alma Scharpf, 429
East Forty-sixth street, north, will be
their guest next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Erra Townsend of Wau
paca. Wis., are spending the summer
with their son and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Townsend, 700 East Sixty
first street, north.
Mrs. Catherine Conlin with her son
and daughter. Will and Miss Helen
.X ' '. '.'A'."
A tea party at the White Pouse during tho Inauguration of President Wilson, Including four of his little
nieces and nephews. The little
of Captain and Mrs.' Alfred M.
Conlin, 626 East Forty-first street,
north, expect to leave tomorrow even
ing via the C. P. R. for St. Paul. They
will atop at Victoria. Laggan and Winn
ipeg err-Toute.
Dr. and Mrs. Phllo Jones 492 East
Forty-eighth street, north, have re
turned from' a short, vacation at New
Wednesday eveninar the members of
Rose City Park Methodist church are
planning a basket supper to be held
in the grounds directly .back of the
Rose City Park club house.
A pretty luncheon was given by Miss
Gale Thursday at her home 493 East
i-my-flrst street, north, in honor of
Miss I' ern Horn who has been her guest.
The guests were Miss Horn, Miss Juan
lta Ferris of Seuth Dakota, Mra O. J.
Ferris, Miss Mildred Hurd, Miss Edith
Potter and Miss Grace McMinn.
The afternoon waa very pleasantly
spent with music and readings.
f '
i -
Mrs. J. H. Kendall was pleasantly sur
prised by her friends Thursday after
noon, August 14, at her horn 1174 Tag
gert street, it being her birthday. Mrs.
Kendall is president of -the Aid society
of the Clinton Kelly Memorial church,
so her friends and coworkers, seized
the opportunity of her birthday and
went with well filled luncheon baskets
to spend an enjoyable afternoon. An
elaborate luncheon was spread with
covers for 25 people. The following
ladles were present: Mrs. A. Altenanua,
Mrs. E. A. Armstrong, Mrs. A. J. Par
rlngton, Mrs. R. A. Lowther, Mrs. W.
R. Hawksley, Mrs. A. Bostock, Mrs. E.
Baker, Mrs. E. E. Southard and son,
Mrs. C. E. Brown and son, Mrs. C. R.
Smart Fall Coats
of delightfully soft fabrics, distinctly new
in style. The length garment will be
most in favor.
Of Corduroys, Broches, Glosas, Fla
comes, Matelasses, etc., in many charm
ing color combinations.
).. .
Coats range in price from a very effec
tive model at $17,50 to a beautiful Silk
Corduroy garment at $100.00.
Our 22 Windows Display tne New Fall Styles Authoritatively
Why not enjoy the convenience of a charge account? It coat you nothing
extra to remit for your purchases in small weekly or monthly payments.
No charge for credit. It's an additional courtesy to which you're entitled.
The Bit Credit
. A-.-vx'.x r .-m ... t .
Jl 1
girl to the right Ja Mlss Elizabeth Wilson of Portland, , the daughter
Wilson, who were guests at tho White House in March. V'vAvvjJ;
Borroughs, Mrs. A. E. Lacey, Mra. H. A.
Osborn, Mrs. N. H. Sugner, Mrs. M. E.
Macklnnon, Mrs. J. H. Kendall. Mrs. A.
B. Price, .Mra. J. M. Boren, Mrs. S, W.
On Monday evening Miss Bettle
Richardson entertained in honor of
Miss Nelle Polsky and Miss Jean Bern;
stern, who left Saturday morning- for
'Seaside, Or., to visit with friends. A
number of guests were present and a
pleasant evening was spent. Miss Bertha
Bernstein, Phil Polsky and his mother,
Mrs. A. Polsky and Miss Bettle Richard
son will leave the following Saturday
for a week-end at Seaside.
Mrs. J. S. Phelps entertained a num
ber of friends at her home, 2052 E.
Multnomah street, Friday afternoon. In
honor of her grandmother, Mrs. S. M.
Bancroft of Stevens Point, Wis. The
rooms were prettily decorated In pink
and white, roses, sweet peas and dahlias.
The afternoon was pleasantly spent in
social chat. Several vocal selections
were "rendered by Mrs. Nellie Pollock,
and piano selections by Mrs. Phelps.
A luncheon waa served by the hostess,
assisted by Miss Madge Cooper.' Those
present were Mrs. S. M. Bancroft, of
Stevens Point, Wis.; Mrs. Nellie Pol
lock, Mrs. Jane Van Norman, Mrs. Laura
Cox. Mrs! Emma Good In, Mrs. Josle
Starks, Mrs. Lizzie McTerrin, Mrs.
Marie Smith, Mrs. Catharine Bolton,
Mrs. Mary B, Miller, Mrs. Madge Coop
er and Master Walter Guy Cooper,
Tnere were four generations present
also, as follows: Mrs. 8. M. Bancroft,
her daughter,: Mrs. Mary B. Miller, her
granddaughter, Mrs. J. S. Phelps, her
great granddaughter, little Miss Maud
Louise Phelps.
The visiting Knights Templar of Can
ada were entertained the fore part of
the week with an auto trip over the
Are tne Autumn Modes and Fabrics in
omen s
August opens the portals to the new season wih a
mighty inrush of charming new apparel, in ad-"
vance and exclusively modeled Fall styles, gathered
thus early for the special benefit of the thousands
of - Eastern's customers, who are always first to
wear the newest.
These authentic styles represent the Very latest thoughts
of the most famous Parisian modistes, skillfully modi
fied to suit the more American taste and fancy.
Tke New Suits
how many refreshing changes of line and treatment,
and the fabrics are most original and effective. A col
lection of over 300 new suits, including many distiact"
novelties, indicative of Fashions trend .for Autumn.
The Fabrics include -.
Veloiur 'de Lane
Labrador blue seems destined to be the' most favored
shade. Copenhagen, mahogany, leather and copper col
ors, are immensely popular, tocft
Suits range in price $22.50 to $67.50, with a jJ0C t ti
specially attractive assortment at. ..w,...JPsj5lUU
Autumn Millinery
Choice of the latest Parisian and American
creations find expression in the Eastern's su-'
perb collection of Fall Hats.
-Every model shown' here-bears th mark f
refined style. The trimmings are rare and
beautiful, the color blending symmetrically
harmonious. The new Satin Sailors are charm
ing. Prettily trimmed with ribbon bews and '
-wings at , .fS.OQ to 812.50 ,.
Others, to as high as f 30.00
Medallions Given FREE Ask for
. ' -r.l.,y-" I I
1 )
Columbia river roads to Chanticleer Inn
where a chicken dinner was enjoyed. Af
ter dinner speeches were the order of
the day. The party consisted of tho .
following: Mr. and Mrs. Burdet, Mon
treal, Canada; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Par
rott, Saltoats, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. McArthur, Lancaster, Ont.; Mlsa M.
Montgomery, Reglna, Sask.; Miss M. tX.
Irwin, Reglna, Sask. ; Mr. and Mrs, J. W.
B. Wlllett, Moulton. N. B.; Mr. and M;ra, '
Charles H. Collins, Toronto, Canada;
Master Collins, Toronto, Canada; Rob
ert S. Farrell, Portland, Or.; Robert
Miller. Portland. Or.i John B. Treslddea. :
Montreal, Canada; Past Supreme Grand
Master, Knights Templar of Canada;
Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Why to, Montreal.
Canada; Misa E. A. Whyte, Montreal,
wva.wuM, Win, ... , I " J iHUUIICttt '
Canada; John Lander, Montreal, Can-:
ada; W. S. Miston, Unbridga. CanadaV
Phillip D. Gordon, Montreal, Canada,
P. Ryril, Toronto, Canada -r O J-Browne
land. Or.; J. E. Parrott, Winnipeg, Can-'
flfla.' T-T YlAat a tra r-A V a tr n o .flaab 11 a.',
Pettis, Portland, (r.; William Davlea.
Portland, Or.; Mrs. H. Weatagard, R
gina. Sask.; A. A. Campbell, London,
Ontario; J. O. Sweck, Portland, Or. .
On Thursday Captain and Mrs. M. A
Hackett aave a luncheon , to a nartv
of eight, as follows: Mra Walter Mc
Credie, Mrs. 1 O.-Ross, Mrs. Cy Rodg
ers. Mrs. E. A. Hackett, Stanley Hack
ett, Hattiebell and Margaret Hackett.
Miss Anna . Basler entertained Infor
mally Tuesday at her home in Irving-
Rader of Medford, who ia visiting In the
city. The diversion of the afternoou
was cards, .honors being won by Miss
Gertrude Hoeber. The guests Included:
Miss Lucile Rader,' Miss Emma Soren- '
sen, Miss Melba Westergard, Miss Flor-
(Continuad on following pa go.
Tailorecl Suits
Bedford Cord
Scotch Plaid, Etc
, at 10th Street
Tksn r