V...', . 1m' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY -MORNING, AUGUST- 17, -1913. '.V ' K V i i y v x.. ..." ...x .... ... - . ? ' ' ' ; I V' s , . ' I " f,VWW x X " - f ' v Vm II in. i ' ,1 - '' By Nona Lawler. FEW more weeks and September . A will be the signal for social hap .; j penlnga. Of unusual Interest there will be a number of early fall weddings and their compli mentary parties promise a gay season. , Mrs. W. J. Burns, Miss Anita Burns, Louise Burns and Jack Burns have , been passing the month at Gearhart by the Sea. The weddinK date for Miss Anita Bums and'C. Harry Davis Jr. has been set for September IS. . Thursday evening Miss Henrietta Falling and her sister, Miss May Fail ing; left for the east from where they will sail for a few months' sojourn In ' the British Isles and the continent. Their plans for the trip are indefinite, but they wit, probably remain abroad through September and October. Miss Alice Carey was hostess at luncheon Wednesday afternoon whn he asked a few. friends to her home on Riverside drive, In compliment to Miss - Ruth Wells,- the guest of Miss Margery Hoffman, and Miss Florence Harrison, ... who ia visiting Miss Cornelia Cook. In honor of Mrs. Fred Ball of Flaln fleld. N. J:, Mrs. Warren F. Houghton entertained Wednesday afternoon with V n informal tea, assisted by her daugh ters. Mrs. Marlon F. Dolph and Miss Claire Houghton. Those who passed the afternoon with Mrs. Houghton were: Mrs. Ball. Mrs. Bert Ball. Mrs. 'Charles F. Beebe. Mrs. Solnmon Hlrsch. 'Mrs, A. L, Maxwell, Mrs. W. C. Alvord. ' Mrs. Frank Watson, Mrs. Philip John son of Richmond. Va., Mrs. C Edwards Orelle, Mrs. J. Andre Fouilhoux, Mrs. J, Q. Csuld, Mrs. -Frank Hart. .... 4 Announcements have reached Port land from New York of the wedding last , week i that city of Mias Alta Kush, a popular society girl of Port ' land, to Herbert Kaufman, a well linown political writer of New York. The wedding was quite informal, only ' the-father of 'the bride, R. ' L. Rush, being present. Mr. Rush returned home Saturday evening and left with Mr. Rueh last Sunday on an ex tended motor trip to the Sound cities and . British Columbia. Miss Rush Is a gra duate from the Portland academy land was very popular in the younger set. Bhe devoted much of her time to the study of music, helnp poKsesxed of a beautiful Voice. For the past two years . the has been In New York, furthering her studies under the noted tfacher. Mr. Ryan. The news of the wudding came as a great surprise to her many friends here. After an extended wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman will make their home In New York city. Mrs. Rose Courscn Reed is now In I.os Angeles, a euent of her son, Harold E. tieea, aner spending a pleasant two weeks in Ban, Francisco with her sister, ,,Mrs. James T. Campbell, and Mrs. Er- ; nesi-maimer. sn will leave soon for Invitations - Announcements t Engraved Visiting Cards HurcTs and Crane's Fine Sta tionery At Home and Reception Cards'; f Mdnox'ram Stationery W. G. Smith S: Co. Society Card Engravers " Third Floor, Washington Building . .. . - Fourth and Washington 1 11$ J y lit fC ' - y - ' t l i J 't - ! I - 4 ? r t v 11 " """ f if I f j.? T " i j ill w x . Mil i It I 1; r Mf -!Hfc f r i Top Miss Edith Olda, who will leave the Utter part of the month for school in the eaet. Bottom Mlsa Eva Thomas of Salt Lake-the house guest of Mrs, Wil liam H Powell. New York to visit her daughter, .Miss Vlda Reed, who is now playing in 'New York. Miss Maud Bateham entertained Wed nesday afternoon with a delightful par ty, complimenting Miss Cully Cook, one of the most popular autumn brides-to-be. The affair was quite informal. Quests for three tables of auction bridge were invited, including Mitss Cook, Miss Hlldreth Humason, Mrs. 0. P. Johnston, Miss Mildred Moulton, Miss Roselind Kingsley, Misa Helen Peters, Miss Eleanor McClalne of 611 veiton, Or., Miss Margaret Hawkins, Miss Suzanne Johnston, Miss Mary Campbell, Miss Dorothy Sanford, .Miss Sally May Tillman of Washington, U C, and the hostess. Pink gladioli, roses and sweet peas were effectively arranged .to decorate the rooms. At a delightfully informal at horrie Thursday afternoon Miss Maud Bate ham received about 20 of the younger Boclety maids In, her apartment in the Wilmar. The . rooms were all decked in pink with sweet peas, roses and .on a daintily appointed tea table, a center of flaming gladioli with feathery' baby breath combined to make an unusually artistic effect Mrs. Charles P. John son of Seattle presided at the samovars. Miss Alice Morrow, who Is a much feted visitor' in the city, the guest of Major and Mrs. J. -J. Morrow, was the honor guest at a delightful function Tuesday given by Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch and her daughter. Miss Ella Hlrsch, Bridge 'was the diversion of ths after noon. Miss Morrow is a sister of Major Morrew and. her mother, "Mrs. James E. Morrow, is also visiting here. WW' About 49 guests, mostly ... Texsns, gathereflStWednesday evening at ths if.$Hrtund neV Lea Bruce. Men- t to bid fare well to Miss Menefee and Mlsa Edith Menefes of Denlson, Texas, who left Thursday evening to pass ths remainder of the summer at their summer home at Venice, Cal. The Misses Menefee have been passing; a month In Portland dividing their time Tsetween their moth- , r, and brother,,Mrs. E. V, Menefas and Lee Bruca Menefee, and their sister. Mrs. I. M. Standlfer. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Farrar of Hous ton, Texas, Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Rockwell also of Houstorr, who arrived Tuesday evening and are visiting in the city reg istered at the Multnomah; Mr. and Mrs. Mcitenaen of Chicago and C. F. Latimer of Chicago, who are registered at the Portland, were honor guests. The evening was passed informally, a feature of the entertainment being the 'singing of Miss Ruth Allen, a sis ter of Mrs. Lee Bruce Menefee, who but recently returned . from a four years' course of study in vocal in Berlin. Miss Allen has a charming lyric soprano voice of sparkle and power bordering on the dramatic. She gave a delightful program of operatic arias and simple English ballads which snowed a re markabe versatility and distinguished her as a rare artist. Mrs. Menefee ac companied her sister. Mrs. George Hoerti Jr., of Louisville, Ky.i and her mother, Mrs. Kampfmfller, also of Louisville, are the guests of Mrs. Charles W. Jones at her charming new home, 885 Alameda Drive. Mrs. Hoerts and Mrs. Kampfmuller are tha sister and mother of Mrs. Jones. Their visit has been the occasion- for much in. formal entertainment Wednesday night Mrs. Fred Bqffum asked guests to motor out to Chanticleer Inn . for din ner In compliment to Mrs. Hoerts, and Monday Mrs. Paul Froelleh enter tained, Informally, at luncheon, at the popular 'Columbia river 'resort. Mrs, Hoerti will leave', today for her home in Louisville, having vlsitSd hers about two months. Her mother will re main until October. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Corbett, and party of friends enjoyed luncheon at Chantl cleer Morttlay afternoon. - Mlsa Mildred Moulton gave a delight ful luncheon to- a party of friends at Chanticleer last Thursday. Ths table was beautifully decorated with glad oil as and maiden hair ferns. The guests were: Mrs, C P. Johnson, Seattle. Mrs. C. E. Moulton, Mrs. L. O. Ralston Jr. of Kalama; Mrs. Louy Metschan, Miss Busano Johnston,"- of Seattle; Miss Ruble Johns, Miss Hazel Ralston, Miss Ruby Ralston, Miss Maud Balcham, Miss Dorothy Sharpe, Miss Constance Sharpe. Enjoying the hospitality of Mrs. H. C. Wortman on her attractive launch the following guests passed Saturday afternoon with a cruise on the Willam ette: Mrs. William L. 'Jones of Los Angeles- guest of honor. Mrs. ,Kdwln Caswell, Miss Alice Louise Jones, Miss Louise Caswell, Miss Janet Noble, Mrs. Henry E. Noble, Mrs. Vincent Cook, Miss Elisabeth Jacobs and Miss Kather. lne Barton of Kansas City. Miss Eva Thomas, of Salt Lake, whose portrait is reproduced on the so ciety page, arrived Sunday from Cali fornia on the steamer Bear to visit Mrs. William H. Powell at her Irvlngton home for a month or six weeks. Miss Thomas has been visiting in California, where they have a summer home at L'klah. She has many friends in Port land, former school mates at Mills sem inary, including Mrs. Elwood Hender shott (Evelyn Bell) and Miss Ida Black ford. Miss Blackford is also a house guest of Mrs.- Powell. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Powell in vited about a dozen girls to pasa the afternoon informally sewing. Thursday evening she was again honored with an informal dancing party when Mr. and Mrs. Powell received about 20 guests. Mr., and Mrs. Powell will leave today for Seattle and Tacoma for a Week or ten days' visit, which will Include a trip through Rainer National Park. Miss Thomas will pass the time her with friends. For Friday afternoon, Mrs. Hendershott asked in a few girls for tea in honor of Miss Thomas. Mrs. Charles E. Rumelin entertained the popular Los Angeles visitor, Mrs. William L. Jones, with a luncheon for 12 Thursday afternoon at her home on Willamette Heights. Flowers were ar tistically arranged to deck the luncheon table and also In clusters about the room, in a color scheme of pink, with sweet peas and gladioli. The latter, part of the afternoon was passed with an Informal musicale, Mrs. Amadeo . Smith complimented Mrs. William L. Jones, Thursday after noon with a box party to see "Every Woman" at the Heilig. 'Mrs. Jones and her daughter. Miss Alice Louise Jones, may return to Los Angeles before they go east, where Miss Jones is to enter Barnard college, the woman's depart ment of the Columbia university irr New York. w w Mrs. A. D, Mclntyre -(Dorthy Josse lyn returned homo Thursday night with her father. B. S. Josselyn, who has been visiting in the east, to make her parents an . extended visit. Since her marriage she has resided in the east. The wedding of Miss Margawt C McKlnnon to Amos, Roy Bean will take place on the afternoon of August 23 at 4 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. Charles L Kamm, 215 Fourteenth street. No cards,' Miss McKlnnon is the sister1 of James McKlnnon and Mrs. McCal- mon. On account of the recent bereave ment in Miss McKlnnon's family the wedding Is to be very quiet. Among the most interesting notes of the week is the announcement of the marriage last Monday of Mies Helen Van Schuyvcr to George B. Hauppman In Los Angeles. The wedding came as a complete sirprise to the many friends of the bride in this city. Miss Van Schuyver is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van Schuyver and a sister of Mrs. A. E. Mackay and Wil liam O. Van Schuyver. Mr. and Mrs. Hauppman will make their home in Los Angeles. The following party motored out to Chanticleer last Thursday to view the sunrise and had breakfast at 6:30. Mrs. A. G. Klosterman chaperoned the party. Miss Gretchen Klosterman, Miss Mildred Moulton, Miss Dorothy Moulton, Miss Clarice Biles, Miss Kate Brazel, Otto Matthew, Oscar Clonsett, John Soott, Herb Brazel, F. W. Rogers. Friday evening at a large family dln der Mr. nd Mrs. Frederick Frledle an nounced the engagement of their daugh ter. Miss Rose Thressa Frledle, to Al bert L. Glanelli. Tho wedding will; be an event of September 10 to take place at St. Mary's Pro Cathedral at high noon. Archbishop Christie will read BOUGHT for several seasons, furs should be carefully selected from a reliable furrier. This institution has grown with Port; land, its success being due .to the personal attention it has given its cus tomers in theprop er selection and re modeling of their furs. treading Furriers 286 Morrison St. sr. new catalog will be ready bout TV. v -: ' crhX--- - X 3 v AT ArKr 4 JhS 'Ar H ' 1 f (A ' A. s&. Vs Jl Cf7 ?. V . I ( , f I kr o9 ' 1 , I , F Miss Helen McHugh of Seattle, who uncle, Mr., and Mrs. the ceremony and a nuptial mass will follow. Miss Nelle Beth Hlckey will be the maid of honor and Miss Louise Frledle will be the bridesmaid. Both Mlss.Friedle aud-Mr. Glanelli are popular local singers. Miss Frledle has been contralto soloist at the Cathed ral for the past five years. She is a clever musician and Is possessed of a beautiful voice, and charming person ality that have won for her hosts of admiring, friends both musically and so cially. Mr. Glanelli has a splendid lyric tenor voice 'and has been a well known soloist at both the St. Lawrence church and the cathedral. Harry Glanelli, a brother of Mr. Gl anelli, will act as best man. A pleasant dinner party motored out to Chanticleer on Tuesday. Those mak ing up the party were: Doris L. Desen dorf, Edith A. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Schalk, F. B. Dallam, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Marshall of Oakland, Calif., Sam Luders, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bruun, Mr. and Mrs. A. McCalman, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall. Invitations have been received for the wedding of Miss Alios Wehrung to Roy H. B. Nelson to take place at ths Portland hotel September 2. Miss Weh rung is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wehrung of-Portland and HlUsborj. The wedding will be at 8 o'clock and will be followed by a large reception at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Charles McGinn and her daugh ter. Miss Edith McGinn of Los Angeles, who have been visiting in Portland, guests at the Mallory hotel for the past two months, returned horns Sunday. Ths McGinns are former Portland people and were widely entertained by their THE REMOVAL offers WONDERFUL BARGAINS in exclusive patterns .of ' ROCK CRYSTAL CUT GLASS The very finest and best manufactured in artistic new design3 embracing a wide variety of water, winer liquer and-Champagne-sets-r-Cut glass vases,- candlesticks, bowl celery .dishes, ' sandwich trays and ice 'cream sets. Also odd pieces of original Bohemian art glass ware -vases, decanters, bon v, bon dishes, tankards, - liquer sets, etc., etc. Lines to Be Discontinued in the New Store at Closing-Out Prices Embracing- the best the maWcet - affords in their , v respective lines. Noteworthy ate, the interseting , "' price reductions now , made on Bronze and Marble statuary, mirrors in splendid bronze frames, as well as many btne.r art specialties of rare beauty ' and exceptional merit. " - . , Everything at RefJuceil Prices Except Contract Goods ' - ' " yy 1 Established 1868 . " .283-285 Washington Street, Between Fourth la the house guest of her aunt and James C. Costello, relatives and friends during their stay in Uie city. Mrs. McGinn Is the mother of Mrs. J. Francis Shea and Judge Mc- uinn. Miss Margery Hoffman gave a lunch eon Tuesday for the pleasure of her nouse guest. Miss Kuth Wells. A group or gins or tne younger set were invited. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Robert Berger entertained at luncheon with two tables of auction bridge following at her noma on Melrose urlve, overlooking; the Willamette. Covers were laid for eight on a charmingly decked table.- All the decorations wars .In yellow, with clus ters of the golden glow arranged about the rooms and centering the table, ex cept In the living room, where the blue hydrangea and red roses formed a happy contrast of color. The guests were: Mrs. V. Morris, Mrs. A. Lindsay, Mrs. G. A. Nichols, Mrs. Mas Nichols, Mrs. w. Wltsel, Mrs. Earl Goodwin and Mrs. Frank Johnson. Early last week Mrs. W. B. Ayers, Mrs. J. Jay Morrow. Mrs. James E. Mor row, and Miss Morrow had tea at Chan ticleer. Word has reached here of ths 'an nouncement In Baltimore, where Miss Frances P. Willoughby of Philadelphia is visiting, that she has announced her engagement to Professor Walter Hay den of this city, Ths announcement fs a great surprise to the many friends of the prospective groom in this city. Miss Jessie Wilson of Santa Monica, Cel.. Is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Spencer, at their home In Irvlng ton. Both Mr. and Mrs, .Spencer and1 y Miss Wilson are former college friends, all having .attended Stanford,; university together. Thursday eventm Mr, an Mra. William L. Flnley entertained for their guest, Jnvltlns a. few 'friends for an informal bonfire party at their -um-mer camp on the west ld of Council Crast. , . .' " VU' , v-A wedding whloh' Is of much interest to a wid circle of friends Is that, of Mlsa Ruth Maginnis to Joseph Donner berg to take plaos September 8 at the Madeleln chufth In Irvlngton. . Miss Maginnis is ths daughter of Mr. fcfld Mrs, C. II. Maginnis, She is a popular girl with many accomplishments. Sh Is a graduate from . St. Mary's academy where she especially distinguished her self: in her musio, both, in piano and cello. For the past - two years she 'has been organist for the Madeleine ohttrch. Th wedding -is to-rlnforfnalr-wMh -only a few Intimate friends and rela tives invited. Mies Margaret Maginnis will attend her sister and Frederick J Donnerberg will be the est man. Mr, Donnerberg la tho soa.of Mr, and Mrs. A. Donnerberg. Many affairs have been given during . ths past week for the bride-to-be. This week Mrs. E. H. Meyer gave a lunch eon for 12 Wednesday with a large tea following. The appointments were all' carried out suggestive of the wedding with decorations of Bride roses and whits ribbons. About 40 aruests called during- tha afternoon and . a handker- -chief shower was tendered the guest of honor as a final surprise. Thursday Mrs. John Maginnis pre sldsd at an informal afternoon .party when about 20 of ths younger girls called for tea and brought their sew ing. - Saturday afternoon Mrs. J. E, Cros by entertained tan guests at a box party at the Helllg with tea following, for the pleasure of Miss Maginnis. This wesk Mrs. W. A. Bennett and -Mrs. . Albsrtus Larrowe will ' be Joint hostessea in her honor Wednesday when they will give an informal at home at tha residence of Mrs. Bennett. f Miss Sallle Sterrett will entertain this evening with a supper party for the pleasure of Mlsa Alice Wehrung and Roy H. B. Nelson and their bridal party, of which Miss Sterrett Is to be one of the bridesmaids. The table and the decorations of ths rooms will be In yellow, ths golden glow being used. Covers will belaid for. ton. . Maynard Redmond, who had planned to be one of ths uahers, but who will leave be fore the wedding for California to live, will also- be an honor guest Mr. and Mrs. G.' L. Wade celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary Monday evening, with a charming ? o'clock din ner. The table was , very atractlvely decorated with sweet peas and maWeh r fair ferns. Covers were laid for four teen: Dr. and Mrs. Harriet N. Lacy, Paul Francis Lacy, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Dorsey Coale, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross, Miss Dorothy Ross, Miss P. Hart. Mr. Charlie Tlngley, Dr. and Mrs. Paul C. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wad.Jtfr. and Mrs. Wade received appropriate and" useful presents. w Mr. and Mrs. George C. Coo have re turned to Stanfield, Oregon, where Mr. Cos is a rancher and fruit raiser. They spent two weeks at Seaside, and as guests of their granamotner. Mrs. m. j. Cos and their father, Dr. Menry waiao Coe at tha family residence, 26th and LoveJoy street. Wayne and Earl coe were managing the ranch at Stanfield during tha absence of Mr. and Mrs. Coe. Tha mother of the visitors during weir stay here was engaged in Important suffrage work Jn the stste of Washing ton and at Washington, D. C. w Mr. and Mrs. Perry Stewart enter tained the Garden Home Hikers' club and their husbands Friday evening at thjplr country residence at Garden Home, with a "600" party. Tha guests In cluded: Mr. and Mrs. K, D. Farr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Mr. ana Mrs. John Magner, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Younger, Mr. and Mra. Charlea Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. McCormic. Mrs. Elizabeth van der Kloot and Miss Violet Stewart. SALE and Fif I'.: - 4 J ' i v.'-' yl th Streets . ' 1'-. 1 ,j ..I- ii'- i ' t. ' T. ' -r : II I