The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 06, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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r HIE -gerie ' drees here . eketobed,
J elrffply made TO showing MMp1
1 novel features. Is typical of ! the
.1 liter Mason models Jt is maa
of f Ine whit handkerchief linen,
with a deep border of effective solid
tiim. ambrolderV: bordered ' fabric
, ' h found amnog the semi
made robes 1b tha shops, and come wide
. enough for entire skirt lengths. In tha
minds of manjr men appera m po muj
one way of making these up tha ona
nay : being ' tha , time worn, aiereotypeu
rotthod of arranging tha,' bordar at the
lower edge of tha aklrt and Catherine
the upper plain edge to the belt. Plain
ly thl leave antirely-too much volume
to comply witn BKirie or present ianion
and. besides, you don't want obeolote
methods any mora wan tot next woman.
The problem can be solved In varloua
interesting ways, ona of which la dem.
onstrated ; In the pretty moaei or ine
In the aklrt tha deeply acallopefl edge
of the embroidery ta atitcbed amoothly
to a plain atrip of tha same quality iin
en, . that la hemmed -and trimmed with
an Insertion of filet lace. At the belt
there la an even Una of gathers, but It
ia made leas full by goring the width
in a line over either hip, from the
walsl 4n miM'-A lAntfatt th Ambroid
err wiU admit of without cutting into
it i Tha back, edgea are then stitonee
over the front and trimmed with row
of .white crochet 'buttons- :i H i
Tha round , necked blouse is finished
with 1 plaited ruffling and the short
eleevea that ara out In one with It have
the filet lace binding forming the low
er half.. ; The back of the blouse la
piain, put in ironi tne zuinesa irora me
sidea and below tha bust la draped in
even gathers along the aides of the em
broidered bib that rises from the belt
end which- (a merely one of the cut out
scallops of -.the design.
This is a suitable gown for garden
parties and for, Informal evening , oc-
Peter and Idttlo Miss PnxzjrtaJl Quit
K-'&Vf&ib Old 'Paatm'ifitv;:
By Thornton W; Burgess. ,
(Copyright, lilt, by J. a Lloyd.)
As soon mm little MIsa Fuasytall bad
agreed to go with him ta make ber home
in the' dear old briar patch down on
tha Green Meadowa, Peter Rabbit fairly
boiled over ..with lmpatienoe to atart
He had had ao much trouble in the Old
Pasture that be , wag anxloua to get
away. Besides, be was afraid that If
they waited too long- little Mlaa Fussy
UU might change ber mind, and if aha
should do that- well, Peter didn't
I know what he would do.
But Peter. Who always had been ao
happy-go-lucky,, with no ona to think
about but himself, now fait for the
firat time re-apons-1-blHty. That a
Embroidered - white ' lingerie frock.
caalons. . When worn with audh a hat
aa that shown In the aketch it will be
decidedly plctureaque,
'"'ta tn.xiibA that ' wntnan
described by the . old general In the
"Merry Widow,", aa , "Sooperrb (with
a diagram accompanying), aha would
have, in all probability, made them that
way. Therefore; the talk of the re
vival of tha old girdle corset with Its
one purpose to pull in the waist line
regardlesa' of common Sense or the. In
Jury to . health is groundless.
vv nvn vum tun, vviwwfc, v j
ble garment when properly fitted,? ac
cording to . the medical authorities ol
the country bad Reached its abuse in
an extreme model reaching to tha knees,
the fashionV auppliers, if such they
mieht be termed. Jumped to tha Other
extreme a girdle ; corset heralding tt
as something new to satisfy tha fickle
tastes of tha faddist. . ' -
A few fashion magaslnea, who cater
to me extreme Biyiaa neve oegun .o
whisper, faintly It la true, but never
theless they whisper, of tha revival of
:" the old girdle. v
. ; No matter now dtataaterui tne rasn-ion-Bubject
Introduced may be. the up
to-oate woman unowg sne muat listen,
eventually, so It la with dismay the
new freak of corset fashions baa been
heard. . ' ' , ' ., f'
Tha rumor is out of keeping with the
gowns and cloaks, ao has really no real
hold aa .yat,V..''V'-';?;(' -J-iakxKik'S
Tha best coraetlera of the city give
little credence to tha change and are
not shewing , tha , girdles. They have
convincing arguments' covering all the
view points of beauty, health and fit
ness as to why they ara a falsa alarm.
On tha contrary, tba newest things
shown in tba corset lint ara a, delight
ful almost boneless garment mad of
a pliable material of a weave not un
like elastic, which bids fair to banish
ing the -old idea of torturous corset
iiiff. - ' , ,
With the continued popularity of the
Kimono in au fta adaptations to modern
dressmaking the more - biaarre atylea
of the oriental dresa hav com into
popular; favor.' Prom tha orlentala we
had to get artistic hand embroidery aa
used in colore on silks, clothe and even
linen and batiste. The most pitlabU
waste of tlma and eye sight is evinced
in soma of pur attempts to seech an
artistic effect with ! hand embroidery,
Tet with only tolerable f Intah in tha
actual embroidery the oriental work Ic
beautiful and affective. They ambroid,
er ah groups the stlffest flowers, birds
or fruits Into the , most graceful de
signs. v'y,. .;.
v The resourceful dressmaker haa come
to realise thia and in the fashioning of
modiah gown v the insertion of stripe
of oriental embroideries,, often subdued
with chiffons, when the colors are par
ticularly vivid, is one of the most pop
ular vogues. , j '.
a Broadway shop where oriental
goods la sold exclusively, one of tha
newest things shown la a ahaded silk
kimono of a heavy silk crepe shaded
In robin's egg.. blue at the hem into
lighter tones until the top Is . white.
The embroideries ara exquisitely de
signed in tonea of the name hue., The
garment aa a kimono la a moat charm
ing morning robe, but Its moat effective
use would be In an afternoon, gown
wonted in with other fabrics and lace.
Chinese lacea are also shown. The
Bilk Maltese lace designed In scarfs,
collars, fichus, lace edgings and even
aummer wraps made In modish "cut
away" fronts and long; backs. These
ara especially pretty to "dress up" a
lingerie gown for afternoon functions.
i New Ideas or better we might eay
the latest blooming Ideas In tea, table
and luncheon decorations Is a matter of
some interest A florist shop on Morri
son atreet is now ahowlng quantltiee
of aatert In 1 aheli pink and lavender
shades. These In white and pink are
also the popular decoration for early
fall weddings. ; v
The vivid Pink gladlola, better de
scribed as watermelon pink, though
stiff .la growth, is delightful for table
deooration when , combined with the
dainty and feathery - white gypaophlU
popularly known aa baby, breath.
Remarkable to relate, there are still
some of the fragrant llliea of the val
ley to be found for corsage and table
bouqueta. -
. Cheesecloth holds great possibilities
for country house curtains, for It lends
itself splendidly to stenciling, and thua
a color BOheme' can be carried out t.
harmonise with the other decorations
in the room, . The curtain may be
hemstitched and edged with a email
eotton :ball fringe.''' .
Colored curtains of cretonne or eblnts,
uaed In conjunction with llrht ones.
ahould ahow. brightly flowered patterna
when tha room doea not get much aun,
anc cooler shade when it faces aouth.
This may also depend on : the color
scheme of the room, for when the wall
are-oovered with a flowing flowered pa
per tha outalde curtains should be of a
soft, shaded one toned material, While if
the walls are "solid" color a contrast
can be made with gaily patterned ma
terials for the curtains..
kittle Stories for Bedtime
bis- word, but It is a word that every'
body baa to learn the meaning of some
time.' Johnny Chuck learned tt when
he made a home for Polly Chuck in
Farmer Brown's, orchard, and tried to
keen it a secret, so that no barm wouiu
come to Polly. - It means , taking care
of other people or other people s things.
and feeling tbat you must take even
greater care than you wouia oc, your
self or your own things. So, while
Peter himself would bave been willing
to take chances, and might even have
made the journey down to the dear old
briar patch in broad daylight, he felt
that that wouldn't do at all for little
Miss FuxsytalV that be muat avoid
every posaible chance of danger for bar.
Bo peter - waited, for a care nignc
net too dark, you know, but a night
when there was no moon to make great I
patcnea or light, put oniy tne ainaiy
little star looking down and twinkling
in the friendly way they have. At
laat there waa Juat such a night. ' All
the afternoon little If laa Fussy tail went
about in the Old Pasture saying good
bye to her,; friends, and visiting each
one of her " favorite little paths and
hiding places, and I auspect at In
each one she dropped a tear or two, for
you see she felt euro that' she never
would see them again, although. Peter
had promised that he would bring her
back to the Old Pasture for a vlait
whenever ahe wanted to. come.
At laat It waa time to atart Peter
led the way. Very big and bVave and
atrong and important be felt, ana very
timid and frightened felt . little Mlaa
Fuszytail, bopping after, him close at
his heels. You see she felt, that she
was going out into the great wide
world, of which she knew' nothing at all,
"Oh, Peter," she whispered, "suppos
ing we should meet Reddy Foxl I
shouldn't know where to run or hide."
"we. are not going to meet Reddy
Fox." said Peter, "but If we should,
all you have to do ie to just keep your
eye on the white paten on tne aeat or
my trousers and follow me. I have
fooled Reddy Fox ao many times that
"m not afraid Of him. -
Never in all hla life had Peter been
ao watchful and careful. That waa
because he felt . hla e-apona-i-blllty.
Will Yoti Walk 4 Blocks
to Save SI OO?
a , - . i .
We will guarantee to save you on any grade piano you
may desire, ' ; ' " . "
Make Us Prove It!
. Direct from Factory to home You save the dealers' orofit.
Hint About tne Usee for Pride.
By Jessie Roberts.
It sometimes looks as though pride
were the most Indispensable quality.
The girl who comes to hsr lob even
in the warmest weather looking freeh
and trig is the girl with pride. And It
is pride, most often, that has set her
to earning her own living, rather; than
to be content to stay at home and allow
aome overburdened brother or father to
provide for her. And It la also pride
that makes ber lift her head and act
smart and brisk when aha la dronnlna
with fatigue, . The girl without pride
just groans and complains) and draga
about, like a moulting hen.
There is not a more inspiring sight
on earth than the streets of the city
at of the evening, or a little later.
wnen tne tide or the t workera seta
homeward, along the pavementa. How
cheerful, capable, and pretty these
young women, and even the older onea,
look aa they hurry along! How bright
and becoming ar their dresses, how
white and. neat the collara and cuffs
yet, most of these women must make
and wash their own things in auch time
aa they can anatch from their daily
work. . -
Pride ia also full of generosity. It
helus Its own. and tha. helo it elves
is tender and tactful, since it respects
pride in others.
I know more than one girl who toils
over hours to help a younger sister get
a business training, because of her
pride in that younger'e capalty and am
bition. ..
- Pride ia like salt. It keepa you sound
and sweet Pride keepa you from ac
cepting doubtful favors and attentions,
from running into debt or borrowing,
from shirking your fair ahare of ex
pense or labor.
The girl who. has both pride and
sweetness is the flower of her sex.
For there is a wrong, bitter, selfish
pride, a fake pride, the black shadow
of the bright and fine true pride.
There is no trouble telling the two
apart ;
VOSE & SONS Upright Piano t aa.
First-Class Condition.. iUU
In Sta.fteld.nd
Evelyn Nekblt Thaw insists that she
has "forever dropped" the Thaw end of
her name, and that 'hereafter' she is, and
must be under all condttlone just Evelyn
Kesblt "Miss Nesblt" went so far aa
to aay that she would not make her
lew York -appearance aa a dancer with
Jack Clifford, unless the poster billing
her aa. Mra. Thaw la changed.
Fannie Ward baa recently arrived
from Europe with a new play aald to
be real naughty, and which. Miss Ward
says, ahe will tone down sufficiently for
American presentation, v The new play
is called "Madame President." Miss
Ward formerly played. In "In the Bla-
Lhop's Carriage," and Still later made a
vaudeville tour In "An unlucky Star."
Margaret Anglln having expressed a
determination to return to the Shake
spearean and claaato drama exclusively,
saya ahe haa resolved to assemble an
organization of players that will render
the text of the plays and the delinea
tion of the characters In as nearly an
ideal manner as possible. For the pre
mier rolea In her repertory Mlaa Anglln
announcea Fuller Melllsh, Ian MacLaren
and Erie Blind. AH have had long ex
perience In Shakespeare. Mao Montesolo
haa been engaged for tha leading comedy
"i e, .;' (jj- ji':iA;''I,::;'-i;f
Joseph Coyne, who Is coming back to
the United States to play the adventur
ous American In "Gen. John Regan," haa
not : been here for five year, or since
Charles Frohman brought him over In
10 to play Tom Kent In "The Mollusc,''
That venture lasted only a few weeks;
and ' one of the results was; that the
play, which ran for a' year in London,
did not receive a Chicago performance
untU September, 1911, - when the late
Kyrle Bellew revived it in Powers' a
week or two before his death. Coyne
continues to be an Idol of London thea
tre J goers, although his rank In i this'
country waa never higher than that of
deputy-comedian. Oddly enough, despite
a personality that waa. and la, aggress,
ively American, hla popularity here waa
baaed entirely on hla acting of fops,
Johnnlea, and other slllv tvr. rnin
for the guardsman dialect, whose beat
exponent it Lawrence D'Oraay. ,
BEGINS tta forty-fifth echool year
, scrrtMBCR ie. ieia. . , .
mcrcc. Pharmacy.
Two-year Courses i aqricuv I
arts), forestry, commerce. Pharmacy
training, afriealtnre, domeetle science
and art. -.v .V . . ,
MUSIC, incledlng piano, atrimf, aai
. Instrnmenta and rotce culture.
"Tas ENaiatKXKT o B.xnu& Lnr" I
and av Cataioou will be mailed fret I
n appucanoa. m,
' Address YL VL Tamrairr, JUrJatraX,
itw-w mh) CorrallH, Ortgegw
Twnt7-fifU Taw Opens
eptrabez U, 191a.
Fits boy aad girls
tot E a a t a r a sad
Westera V Oelleges,
Well equipped lab.
eratorlea ia Chemis
try end Pkrelos. A
flynaaalaai lal
tbarge ef a skilled
director. Field aad traek atklattee. .
Tb Aeedemy iBelode rflmary aaa gran
su aebeol which reelT eoj aad girls as
Twin in aaa aoe in won ox ue graee
la hth yean, gmpbasl ea eueatiala. Pky.
leal tnlning sad tree play la Oysaaaalua aad
on play-ground.
All departaMBts ta rttrfe of tBcmghly
eaaUfled and experteaced teachers. Catalogue
v. .iyutuv, ' '
Belmont School
Belmont (dhool doea for Ita hnn I
thoughtful and careful parents moat wish to!
u uun. us toracro neyona ue aireralons
ana temptatlout of town or cltr. the fiaenese j
o n cumii. toe excellent! ex it muIdbm
and the irlrlt ef lta facultr mmhlna i
this- poulble. It Draoana bora fr thm Kmmt
eollegea and scbools of esglnterlBg and offers
in sddltloa aucb elective course a beys may
with wbo ar not planning for unlveraltr work
later. Write for catalogue flriag detailed la-
W. T. HEID, Hdaiu,r
OIUBKJIT y. lam, AMlitaat HeaAaaatea,
Addre Buperuiteiideat, Be In on t.
tt Mile Bontb ef aaa rranelVoe.
Christian Brothers
Business College I
. m T blUA AAil UavAUAdaVMAsV IT. ' I
x-hvu, nr nay ana young men. courses
of studies thorough jr- nttiioda modera aad
enliinment ecllint. -tBTblEI
E8UMEp TWMBAT, VZtT s, 111
student preeared for biulneH life; graduates
I U..M.UIW , puamuw WITB Dusinea
houaei, banks, railways and prafeaalooal men.
We reeelT more appllcatioD for young me I
kOIHIB V. AVOSIW1. JT. t. O.. Vrtsidwl
mmiwgaonmm MM Bini U-VXUB,
'tif.lTtSTa f:f?IT.tiiTitM3(il
enaHMMMlf .nMn&
Bor Clrto. Conducted by the SlSTtHaOIinioLVI
Ctllnt, Cm Mm!c Aft. glttsdea aad Ceaswr. I
. V..eid Mem sad
Every few Jumpahe would atop to sit
up ana iook ana listen. Tnen little
Miss Furiytail would nettle up cloaej
to him, and retere neart would swell
with happiness and he would feel oh,
so proud and important, t Once they
neard tne anarp bark or . Reddr Fox.
but it was a lonar war off and Peter
smuea, ror ne Knew that Keddy was
huting on the edge of the Green Foreet.
Once a dim ahadow a wept acros the
meadow graaa ahead of them. Peter
dropped flat la the graaa and, kept Per
fectly atilL and UtUa Mlae Fuasytall
did Juat aa h did, aa ahe bad prom
iaca ane wouia. v .
-What what waa it r. . ahe whla-l
pared. : : . f
"I think it - was Hootr the OwL"
Peter whispered back, "but he didn't
see us."' After what seemed like a
long, ; long tlm they heard Hootre I
fierce hunting call, but It came from
way back of them on the edge of the
old pasture. Peter hopped . to hie I
'Come on." said he. ("There's noth.
ing to rear from htm now."
so alowly and watchfully Peter led
tne way down aoroaa the Green Mead
ows while the little stare looked down
and twinkled In the moat friendly way,
and Juat as Jolly round red Mr. 8uo
atarted to kick, off hla bedclothes be
hind the Purple Hills they reached the
dear old Drier paten.
Here we are!" cried Peter.
Oh. I'm so glad!' cried little Mlae
Fuasytall, hopping along ona of Peter's
private utue paths. .
Next fitoryv-Sammy Jay Xs Curious
About New Mrs. Pater.
FoyjeTO Awmzi ' Clearance
WxM ..Mm. '
The adjustment Af stocks alter the hnsiesf-
before we can safely start an on the Fall and Winter campaign. ' The unusual demand for . odd
pieces.- chair, table or dresser from a suitelias left many incomplete' sets on hand; nd the
biggest reductions are revealed In lines of thia nature. Hundreds of pieces throughout the store
bear special price tags, showing wonderful savings. It is a most opportune time to buy the new
M A0AA9 ....
or BPEzoa Am zzr seadivo roa TKt
' ' Children wbe are (ailing beblad Is Ualr
grade becauM of deafaets taught Up read,
log and , enibled ta eueceed la bearing
acbooli. . Adult wha are Jumpered ao.-l.u7
and In bahiHM will be benefited. Studio
m TentrM bHe, Phone juYwhsiljie.:
Louis H. Boll
Will esatisae tMeking durtsg the suauset
: ; . , menthi. ..-'.
'i PP".'dsWeg faforabie date for tb
fail Una ahould apply aa sooa a possible.
1 -
.With panel back, sad-dle-ahaped
seat,, fin-
lsnea wax roiae
rax roiaen.
With high panel back
and box . frame con
etrudtlon. Fin lahed
-With a h aped lag
and claw feet. Haa
,wlde top panel, " very
atron gly eio 1 C
constructed PP 13
Upholstered In genu
Ine Snanlah leather.
Haa square - instead
Pun auarter. . sawed
atock. Genuine Span-
isn . ieatn r . aeat
tnernsn "Perambuutor,; on sale prn
130.00 Brown Perambulator, , tnohajr tj1 Q Qf?
hood, on gale at . . , ........ . ... . . , ; ipXOVD
$33.00 - Reed-Body . Perambulator, on J0 rjg
i227S Folding f Go-Cart, ' monTfrVhocr-Jjg "gg:;
-at Economy Pricea
$135 Green Go-Cart, solid sides, on sale 0g ,
$34.50, French GrayPerambuIator, mo- CJOI rjS
hair hood, on sale at,. ........v....' 4)relJ
$26.00 Nickel-trimmed Go-Cart, . auto CT Qf
hood, on sale t PX9;II
$6.73 Folding Go-Car t, now on sale at this
Complete Bed
Outfit, Special
Bms Beet, Supported
Spring, Felted Mattress.
. Come in . tomorrow and in
spect this wonderful, com
plete bed outfit It consists of
a guaranteed brass bed, with
heavy two-inch posts, and 10
filler rods and iron frame
spring with fabric top and heavy
cable edges," strongly supported
center, and a 40-pound, sanitary
layer felt mattress, covered in
heavy, grade of blue and white
art twill ticking. The " price
named is fir ; below what this
outfit would ordinarily sell for.
The quality of each piece is ab
solutely guaranteed by us.
ful fil I 1 II- I (,f,,"x( - y
$16 Was Regular Price
On Sale Tomorrow at
this ' pretty Crib Is finished la
Sold enamel, with, three brasa spin,
lee fitted at top Instead of acroll
aa shown. It has high drop sides,
with filler rode arranged very close
together, and Is very strong 'and
substantial. Fitted with a link fab.
rio aprlng that will not aag. i
A Gold Bronze Drop Side
Iron Crib Is Specially
Juat aa Illustrated, having con
tlnuous posta and drop sides. Close
filler rods and" good spring. Meas
ures two feet In width and four feet
In length and finished gold bronae. v
Our $12 High-Side Brass
Trimmed Iron Crib for
- Extreme value at thia nrlo" fln
lahed In gold broni. . Has .araaraa
teed aprlng, braas top ralle and
braas poat knoba. .The filler f rede
ara fitted closely together and
joinea to ran, oy pail connections.
Good aoft mattresses to fit at low
COSt..-'' .!' ' A- , . t
It's the kind of a table for which you have alwaya paid 14.80. Made
from clear white atook. with bina. drawera and kneading boards!
Very strongly constructed. : ;.-i-. , .- t ,:-,.: ... "j. ""T(
Foldin g Car J Tables
TV $4.50 Kind ; :
Ask for
This Offer ta iipnlAn.t
kind that ordinarily aell'for 14.60.
Tha tables are th
xney are
f . I!!cl!,J"qlJ?rei vrv etrongly built and top
vuT.iru wiin neavy green reit
compactly. One only to a customer,
They fold
Here Is a l
I nriia-
have Juit two "dozen to 'sell at this orice an4 the'V are th
values we hve ever ihown. Exactly as pictured, built of -selected Oak '
and finished fumed. The top measures 24x38 inchesand has a draw-
dj aj f . & . . f 1 gm , e m . Mm . a - .
er i incites in.wtum. x siats are nttea into the ends. The legs are
made of 3-inch stock. Th quantity will not last long at this special
A.k for .Creae'Traag'3l..: ; 7T'PS,
Hill Military Academy
Portland: Oregon
Send for Qlasbrated CataJogn.
w EE
i i
il " 1