LllJCIItAUDiNTHE SIUSUIW FOREST IS TO BE-OPENED Chisf Forester; Finds Acreaoo Adapted to Farming and Jhls 'Soori Jflay Be Filed ;i!ppn by Homesteaders, . Satisfied; that many tract of land 1 - tha -forest reserve ef atuslaw, I south western regon, e thoroughly daptwil to farming purposes, vmei r urw Henry 8. Grave returned to Portland this morning full f cptimlsm a to the . future of that rough and wooded coun. try. v "Settlement there will be hard Just like it. was In the pioneer days," said Mr, Grave," "But if the people want to go In there and try to mak some thing ef the land and of themselves, by i ginger, - they're going -to get all the , backing i can. give thm.N Mr. O raves, eeoompaniod by Aasist- ' ant District Forester Plory and evral others from the Portland office of tb nn.t unlM Uft last Mondav for tha Stutlaw country, whence had coma many appeals that the agricultural land be thrown optn. Us met the people who made the plea, saw the land tuey ' thought good for crops and stock and - became convinced that their contention was proper. Accordingly, be directed the squads gf surveyors previously at work la the. forest to run (heir lines "over the- agricultural; tracts at once. The surveyors are bow doing so. .Then, just as fast as the tracts are surveyed, the applications already on file for those tracts will be acted upon by the de partment, - i ' Immediate settlement is the idea, and Mr. Graves declares the people there are entitled te all the development o( ..which tha oountry is capable, i ome yeara ago the muslaw ' forest was closed by the secretary of agricul ture and never reopened until now, Sev eral rejections and other complication! were responsible for this. " Prior to that, however, most of the best land along the watercourses bad been settled, en 1 much is now patented. Throughout Uvtient to tell how, they are affected by muuuMiaa. nuwvvvr are uuwuvui i tract of bench lands end gentle slope.. I This ie partially grown to gecond-growUi urooer, zurai growius navwg own i swept long years ago by fires. Conae- : quently there la little prospect of tim ber sales because the growth is not large enough. Tha naonle down '. there saw my : potnt of view and I saw theirs." oontUu ued Mr. Graves, "we round our iaea were Identical that such land as was suitable for agriculture should 1 bi opened to settlement, and there waa no reason why this should not be done at . ones. And so tha settlement will begin : right away and continue as long as the surveyors find land that Is suitable." Mr. Graves expects to remain in Port land only a few days. He will take one - field trip, probably starting. Thuraday, but Into what part of tha northwest ho ' does not ret know. It may be Eastern Oregon or to the Walla Walla forest After that be will go' south, stopping la Arisona before returning tfi Washing , ton. y'.-,-Ch -,h- v.,--, v. . (TJalted Prtaa Iaaa4 wira.) Waahington, July II. The following statement was Issued this afternoon Xm rMHtv.ll.U.WlMM MVtAtfaw.-" t - "In spite " of repeated alarming re : ports, circulated by well known agents, regarding the precarious situation nf federal troops In northern Mexico, this embassy ! In receipt of official and ao ' enrate Information from It consul at Laredo, Texas, that the important col umn of General Telle and General Bulo Navaretta have effected a junc tion, rendering It certain that at an early date railroad and telegraphic communi- tauiuu paiwaan iareuo ana Mexico city .. will be reopened." It waa announced at conatltntloaal ...i headquarter that the rebel at Mate moras had received lOO.ooe round of ammunition and 1000 arms from abroad. VICE WITNESS GETS . (tWtod Ptm LtumT wira.t Xo Angeles, July Jl. Christine Neal. one of the star witnesses In the recent vie investigation here, made good a threat and escaped from the state re form school at Whit tier some time be tween midnight and daybreak today. Two other girls. Dorothy Swentsen and Madeline Hagen. accompanied ber. Mlas Neal was committed to Whlttier Upon her refusal to testify against J. P. : Hardlgan. a motion picture producer! who, was charged with contributing to her delinquency. E ER . (United Pre LetaM 7ra.l Vancouver, B. C. July Jl.Surpasa - Ing all previous drowning records for ...a week-end, last Saturday and Sunday '."vr t,..,., ,iu.u n iiiwur rec t ord,. no less than six persons losing their lives In this vicinity. Of this j, number two. were drowned while bath rlng. three were lost from email boots, i while a little girl slipped into the water accidentally while playing. All the bodies save one have been recovered and all bav been 'Identified. The un : recovered body will probably be found ,.' today, a the place of the drowning has no swift running current which would take the body out to sea. Bridge Worker Hurt. O. H. Parker, a steel worker on the i Bumalde bridge, was. slightly Injured yesterday by a fall. He was removed to the Bt. Vincents hospital. Super Intendent Murnane of the county bridges and ferries, reported to the county com missioner that the man was able to leavo tb hospital today. - . Demur to Breach of Promise Suit Attorney Haney and Joseph thU morning filed a demurrer in the 150,000 breaoh of promise suit brought by Oer t"' trud Oerilnger against Lloyd Frank, : of the Meier A Frank store, alleging that the complaint did not oontaln facta suffloient to form a basis, for suit MEXICAN EMBASSY. , SAYS HOERTA WINS AWAYIN LOSANGELES SIX DRQ D DURING HOLIDAY IN VANCOUV RULES WLATED E RR.V SAYS REPORT California Commission Blames Road and Three Employes, for Fatal" Wreck. . (Un!te Press basse W.lre.1 ,1 San Franclaoo, July 21. That respon- slfejlity tT the is,astru wrli PW Vloi0 an tha San SYno0 Nap, an yeustqga railway, lq which, 1 persons were killed and 26 were Injured, should b placed on the feompanr. 'a wall at on-tjMwenptJoyee Mae(e4 with th ill-fated electric train, la tha decision of the atat railroad commission, which asserted today that -there were 17 di rect - violations of thr company's own rules on the, day of th wreck. Conductor Richmond la censured for falling to eour clearane from the train dispatcher before leaving Valleio. Motorman Hough la eord for failure to obtain clearance orders from niohraond. Dlsnatohar OXoary la censured for vi ola tint the rule requiring him to first restrict the superior train before mot ins the Inferior train, . - "W WJ J "Ufa tO ntOrc US OWR rUl, The company la held culpable for its (United Prw Lmimw! Wlr. San yrancisoo, July ll, "We are con vinced that California, has solved the problem of workmen's compensation in accidents through the new Boynton law." said State Senator B. U White, chairman of a committee from the son ata of Missouri which is investigating workmen's compensation laws on the Pacific coast with a view of enacting similar legislation in Missouri. This comment was made by Senator White today after his committee had hold a session at which 20 employers and reDreaentatlvaa nf labor war rvrra mese laws, . .-There is no comparison " White said. "between California's compensation laws and the old common liability lawa under which w are still working In Missouri, and by which most of the profits are reaped by the lawyers. I know, because I am a lawyer myself, The committee will leave San Fran Cisco tomorrow for home via Oregon and Washington, In which states they win continue their investigations of workmen's , compensation measures. (Catted Prees Inn! Wlre.l -. Xenvcr, July ai.WUh' all license permitting Socialist and Industrial Workers of tha World to speak in the streets revoked. George Falconer, a Socialist announced here tbl afternoon thdt be had arranged for a street meet ing tonight and would bring a teat case' in the court.1 It la understood tha socialist national headquarter is back of . Falconer,, the tatter Intimating be may precipitate a case of national Im portance. Chief of Police O'Neill ha arranged for extra police to block any attempt at a demonstration; Ho trouble is anticl pated. .'.... - .,..:Mu-.-.;---- CALL RITCHIE "IAN OF " WEALTH" IN COURT (Onlted Press leased Wire.) San Francisco, CaU July 11. "Man of wealth," and not a "mere parrer," is the way in which Willie Ritchie, light weight champion, Is described here to day In an application In the superior court 'by William Kyne and Lawrence Meehan that a temporary injunction prohibiting their exhibiting picture of in Kiume-jKiver patue be set aside. Kyne and Meehan declare that Ritchie's claim tbat the fight picture will hurt hi theatrical exhibition 1 not well founded. No decision was bandd down. RISE OF DAIRYING MAKES GREAT DEMAND FOR HAY (Special to The Journal.', Independence, Or., July 21. A great demand is being shown at present for all kinds of bay. Large quantities are being harvested in the country sur. rounding this city, but the greater part of the farmers will store their hay In their own barns for winter feeding tu cow and horses. The dairy industry ha increased to such a remarkable ex tent In this section that it seems si most Impossible for hay buyers and liverymen to secure the hay at a low figure. . The fields throughout Polk county are dotted with hay shocks, but the crop, will bring a good price this season. Some think that properly cured vetch hay will bring til to fit a ton, although it Is diflcult to determine what th average price offered by the buy er will be. Over 200 ton Is wanted in this city now, and the liverymen have advertised to get their hay at the lowest possible bids. The yield of all kinds of hay' this season was. good, but 'the farmers, anxious to roll up their cream checks, may cause the price to go out of the reach of th average buyers. Indications seem favorable for the purchasing of a small quantity of cheat for horse feed. , RESERVOIR HILL SWEPT BY FIRE AT ROSEBURG (Special to The Journal.) Roseburg, Or., July 21. Reservoir hilllocated north of Roseburg, between this city and Edenbower, was swept by a fierce brush and grass fir at noon today. Considerable excitement existed for a time when it appeared a If the fire would reach the dwelling located near. As no flro plugs are near, men and boys fought the flame; with wet sacks and In that manner kept ' th fire from doing any serious damage. Arrested for 14tht Time. When C. B. Fsrle, 198 Thurman street, stepped before Municipal Judge Steven son this frtornlrig, ' if marked the four teenth time that he has been before the court on complaint of hi wife. It wa the old charge jof assault and battery. Judge Stevenson sentenced him, to 1 16 dsy on the rockpile, : ,t',-, COMMITTEE FAVORS THE mm PROVISION DENVER SOCIALISTS TESLSTREET TALKING THE4 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", 'PORTLAND 'MONDAY'' EVENING, JULY 21, HP, IE ARE VOTING ON STRIKE, 1 Operators ' Clajm They ' Can't Make a . uvlng- Since . tx press Business' Fell Offi , (Dnltd fttm teawa Wire.) ' . 8t Paul. Minn.. July 2i 8am John son, chairman of the Northern Faclflo telegraphers' grievance committee, aa mitted today that a atrlke of tha tele graph and telephone force -of t hat-rail road la possible. He said the employes are now voting on th quea,tion, Th road h refused Increases m ,f ge aggregating about 360,000 a year. , The telegraphers claim that their in come has been largely reduced tnrougn the working of the parcel pest, wanr telegraphers in-r smaller stations, be. sides being- Station master, received a commission on express business trans acted. ' These -commissions have been practically eliminated by tb, proel post, they elalm, and an increase ef al. ary la necessary aecvr , a . living wage.., :'r.-v-.i y..:f.'.v.:: Prince Henry, King George's Third Son, Is Coming In the Fall. (Baited Praa teiwa: Wlre.l , London, July U. Eton college, most famous and ancient of the exoluslve establishments called "public schools" In England, is preparing with mixed feelings for th arrival of Prince Henry, third sort of King George, who begins hi studies there this fall The college authorities, of course, proclaim their due sense of th honor done the school by the presence of a royal prince, but Jtev. Edmund Warro and Kev. and Hon. Edward LyUelton, respectively provost and head master, and the minor official are scared at th possibility of nines or injury to the young prince. The usual precautions agamat epi demics are being redoubled this sum. mer, and royal nitry expert bav turned the eld college upside down In their search for faulty drains, ate. The medical examination of returning scholars will be more severs than ever while Prince Henry is at Eton, snd to make doubly sure, the prince will begin each term a fortnight later than hi school fellows. In order to give the authorities an opportunity of detect, tng and Isolating infectious case. yrom tha point of view of the boy, a royal aohool mat 1 not an un. mixed biasing, for there I a feeling that a frlendahlp with the prtnee may bo condemned aa "sucking up to royl tv." In thla respect Etonian are very democratic, and the chosen friend of Prinoa Arthur of Connaught, the present grand duk -of Saxe-Co- 1 burg-Qotba , (then e duke of - Alba ny.) and the uattenoerg prineoa, received periodical thrashings from less favored school fellows to "keep them from getting too oocky" over the honor don them, viscount cnonton, trusted member of tha royal entourage, speak ing at a gathering of old Etonians the other day, admitted that at a boy m uaed to, Jook forward with dread to in vitations to Wlndor catle or fcTandrlng ham. He always was a favorite with Queen Victoria,, the late King Edward, and the Connaughts, but his school mates always gave him a beating aftor each visit. 200 ACRES OF 500 ACRE ORCHARD BEGINS TO BEAf (fpll tn The Journal. I Walla Walla, Wash., July II. Mote than 200 acre of the 600 aero Baiter Langdon apple orchard east of this city will come Into bearing this year and be tween 8000 and 10,00.0 boxes Of fruit will be shipped, according to J. W. Langdon, one of the owners. The va rieties will be Rome Beauties and John athans, and will oome from trees planted four years ago this coming fall. The remainder of the orchard was planted one year later and will not come Into bearing until next year. Extensive thinning Is being done on the 200 acres, which will produce a crop this season, tn some cases as many as many as 100 apples being taken from a tree. This Is being dona in order that the fruit will not cause the trees to grow out of shape. Only sufficient fruit to keep the limbs from bending to a great extent 1 allowed to remain. Many of the branches are being tied up. The orchard is cultivated by mean of a caterpillar traction engine and culti vators, wblob cover 24 feet, making a perfect mulch with one cultivation. The orchard ha been gone over thro time this season .and not a weed Is to be found. . ' - ., -,-! Youth. Drowned la Moll&Ua. Oregon City, Or., July 11. Tho swift Molalla river has claimed another life as toll for a log-drive. Robert Gray, only 18 year of age, lost hi life Sat urday af ternon while helping take a drive down the stream. He was out in the middle of th river, poling some logs through swift . water ? when he slipped from the log he wa standing upon and fell into the stream. In vain he struggled'to climb upon a log.vThe water wurvf swift and he was sucked under fia driv and drowned. Hi river mates' did all Xhey could to save hi life. j tut ! -without avail- ' They finally recovered his, body down stream quit a distance' from where he went under the.lOgS.:-:;fev:?i.,:',,.: V'f;V "WiX . , -,?V-. KA '( : j Young Hunter Shoots Himself. "Oregon City,; Or1 July il. While out sWtoting with a. 21 calibre rifle. In the wood along tba Abernathy Creek Sat urday afternoon, Glen Bird, the It year old son .of William H. Bird, of Oregon City, accidentally shot himself. , . Th boy was walking through : the woods in the search of small gam and had his rifle ready for Instant use. He tripped and fell and the gun was dis charged. The bullet entered the hunt er's leg- and lodged there. It was eas ily extracted and th wound will not prov erlous." ' Bulgaria Accept Conditions. Buoharest, July El.Officlal confir mation of reports that Bulgaria has accepted ' th conditions - laid - down, by Roumanla, and also has agreed to peace term with Bervla and. Greece wa re; ceived .here today, r-v ,-viff'rr LEGRAPHERS FARRF ' (1BR EN. BRIDEGROOM GRANT PRE POST BLAMED " i"."MV. I 1 ). : VISIT PRIHEVILLE vveabs rose glassb Proposed Line From Metollus to.Prlneville One Matter ' Taken Up,, " tRaeclal te Te JounU roil or mava tdii. j. u. jvarrau. a. n Cbrien, r. U fltanley, . a Miller, W, II, HurlhUrt, U A- O Reiily ef Port land and Colonel Oaoria B. TPUhg of Vgnoouvey arrived in prmevtu ai i:v o'clock today, after a tour of Inspection Of larm eondltlona in Crooked rivet and Ocboco vallaya.;i.The lobjeot of the trip was not mada nubile, but enough was attld to indicate that th propoged road to Prlnevllle from Metollus was one of the matters, receiving their conamera- ijon.. : , f (Pslted Phm Mated Wl,. . .' Waahington. July 11. "Maddep than a wtt ben,'.' sorltel the State qf wind her today of Representative Juliu Kahn of California, ' Reading ever the oongrtonai rec ord, the Calif ornlan dlacovered . the Democrats had "slipped one over" In the fight by th Repubiioaaa t air th Digg"Caminttl.whtt alav ease, Al thougn Kahn waa denied in opporU nltv last week of denouncing on th floor Attorney General McReyno'dft' o tioq iq the case, he found a .speech In the. reeerd by Representative Stephen ofSTexas defending the attitua oi tn administration. - f v Stephens' address was msertea under the "leave to nrlnt" privilege, -It was not delivered on th floor of the house. State Case Postponed. (United fiaaa Leaae Wlre.l Sacramento, Cal., July 21. The eae of P. Drew.Caminettl and Maury I. Dlasa okarsed with abandonment ef their minor children, set for today, will be postponed by Judge Hughes ber late today until after the men are tried en white lav charges In the federal court at Saa FraneUco, August I. TM an nouncement wa mad by th district attorney her today, 0LDTIME WESTERN SPIRIT SHOWN BY TOWN OF SHERIDAN (Continued From Pag On.) ner of South Bridge street and tb coun ty road. . v Demorat oV Co. hv rented two tores on the South aid f Main street, and are doing buainesa again, MsJt Gold man, general merchant. Is also doing business. The O. K. and Popular bar ber shop were la operation this morn ing on th south side of the river, The Sheridan Hardware company 1 undecided yet what to do. G. W. Epley of the Yamhill Drug company and G. Haa Bro. have re sumed business on the south side ef Yamhill river. H, D. Brtgbam, eonfeo tloner, will probably occupy quarter tn the Beckett v doughty store, O. Yoeen, oonfeetloner, will probably rent - w, T. ahw. furniture man. bas not determined his course. The tvle-Payn Hardware company re sumed business today In on of Its two warehouses, one wacehouae having bean burned, .the other, escaping. "Th Me MlnnvlUe Produce company i operating In the same warehouse. The lawyer and dootor are all in temporary quartera en the south aid of Tamhill river, George C. Hyde, proprietor of the Sheridan hotel, has taken over the Riv erside hotel, south of the river. The Sheridan Sun will have this week' issue printed In Portland and will go right on. Lights are all on again, except on the burned-out street The council haa established new street Unea'and is taking hold of the situation with a far-seeing ay on future growth. The bank and store safe all stood up under the fire, Th Paeiflo 8tates Fire Insurance company of Portland has already settled its losses; adjuster for other cbmpanlea are here thl forenoon. Persons who knew the old 8heridan will be surprised at tb new on after a month or two of construction. BENEVOLENCE NOT AGGRANDIZEMENT OUR AIM WILSON (Contlnuea From ." Page One.i whose Irrefutable logio 1 complete dom inance and ownership. When wo pay $3,000,000 for a canal right which Is of no earthly benefit or use to us w are paying that $3,000,000 under cover for other reason. . . "We might aa well be candid. The Central American . atataa are vastly wealthy in natural resource, : and the minute w begin establishing ' protec torates American cltlsen and capital wilt flow In and take possession and w will bav to protect them In all the minutest detail of government It will be with u there It Is on th English 4n India. W will b there never to depart Or else we will (imply -take over these states and make them part of 'th United States." ' Cement Bids Opened.. Bid on 10Q.00O barrels of cement for the Ble; Eddy were opened thl morning at 11 o'clock In the office of Major J. J. Morrow, corp of engineer, United States army, ' There were five bid and they ranged from $1.60 a barrel to $1.90 a barrel at the mills, om being lo cated in California and aom In Wash ifigton. The lowest bid ha not boon figured out yet on account of tb fejght rate wblob hav to b added, Tb ce ment is to be uaed'for th boat basin snd wall of th Pallee-CelUo canal at Big Eddy.-'.. . yj; .y,; ''- Tramp la Killed by TreinA' ;f . ' (Special to Tb ?Aa,osi. Aberdeen, WhJ July Sl-Whil topping from on track to another on which a train wa passing a tramp wa run down by a train coming In an oppo site direction tbl morning.; Th acci dent occurred between Hoqulam and Aberdeen. Parts of the body were scat tered along' the -trtefc-'T rW: HSvv-'..":r DERBY DESKS All Orad f or Hss Oaab or rms. .' ! E.RHALEYDESKCO -r r "a 1 T ' Vsv VVa 808-810 Broadway St, Bat. Taylor and KAHN'SCHOLER RISES r WHEN RIVAL SCORES iA.:,.A, , gauioa. Maia bb7. ,,',. M3. (United Preis laaaed Wlr 1 . San Franatspp. jujy ile vending lovely,", wa the smiling answer her this afternoon or u. a. urant, eldest son of th (at President Grant, to reports that h is at odd with bin children a a result ef his rnarrlag Jn P?n iDlegp recently to Mrs. .America Will. The millionaire arrived today with his bride on 'th taamer Yale, . v ; Everything I all right and I am tor given," declared Grant' and Mrs, Grant nodded corroboration. "W will leave "ser Wednesday on th Aoranglfor Au trails-. After a tour of th antipodes we will sail for South America, nd w do pet expect to return togauiQrnii uum vecemper, ivit, - .. ... T SAY: SO (Uqlted Pre aad Wi' ) ' Washington. July 81. r. Writing t Represeniaiive ICent of California, Seo retarf Homton served notice tpday that the department of agriculture will . re quire a label reading 'Doctored" on all adulterated sweet wipes.- The letter alpp declared that wine fortlflad Hh alcohol containing bentoat of goda must also be so stated on the label in order to protect California win grow ers, burdened by Increased manufactur ing coats because of th Underwood tariff. ' . Representative Kent orotested against th proposed tg on brandy used to fer tify California wines, , , , CITY EMPLOYES TO CUT WEEDS, AND CHARGE IT TO OWNER i , Beginning tomorrow men from the city engineer' effioe will be sent out to out weeds ndbruah on property where the owner bav received, fly days' notice to remove them, signs notifying about 100 owners tq this effeet were tacked up throughout the eity last Monday and Tuesday, but many property owner have failed to comply with tb order. The wages of those men frem th engineer's office will be a pegged against toe property owners not complying with th ordinance and wm ha entered ppoa th Hon docket w I ! I JUNE GRAND JURY " RETURNS TO LABORS Though pot scheduled to annear for another week the June grand Jury re turned to work thl morning and r busy eleaning up several small qrln. inai ease in whiob men are held in the county Jail. Deputy District Attorney M!fU,reA.,wh ,B P'esentlng tb cases said nothing was being done In tb po lice scandal and that he did qqt ex pect the grand Jury to take It UP , at thl time. He said he did not think the grand Jury would b in session more aaw nay. : AMUSEMENTS ' lT aim moxkisow m .hoaes stain L A-UM CONTINUOUS tTil t "KOXIOsT P10TUKJCS James K. Uackett in' "Ta frUonaf ef Tresd Jaaa and Pies Citee BarsalB Prloe, js mmms Broadway aad Aider Strsata WEES JUXT tl Emma Carat, Broadway' Fa vorite Mnaloai Comedy Star) Kiohola asd the Croix Biatersl Bill, Charrr aad Hill) Paatage soopej Allied Latell and lila Vokaat El Cotaj Orobaatra. Popular priosa. Xatiaaa daily, 16o. aaiH ana iirai row paiooiiy raaervwa. vurtaui 8:80, Tla and 9:10. LYRIC WEEK JTJXT tl A gig comedy soraam, 'Tine gia'a Tronblaa," a oomady show, a musical kit. Tuesday night, athletic oontestt Friday nlfht, ohorua girls' ooatast Prioa,- aigbts, lto, 85 o matiseea, any seat, Uo. COLUMBIA THEATRE SIXTH AV9 WASRHrOTOy BTBEETI OPEN It A.M. TO 11 P. X. "The Secret Formula introducing tb Sen satlonal Fox Bunt: "Dnrtng the ltound-Up," Biograph Drama; "The Hidden Bank Boll," La bia Comedy; "When alary Married," Lubln Comedy. Matt Dennis, popular baritone, and Professor Karp's orchestra in special muaical features, v, 10 ADHTS8I0K' lOo. Big Pre BUI at Portland's ': Amuaement Park """ v ' i 8:80 and I p. m. Bossl's Boyal Italiaa Band. Italian Street Sinters In classical, comical and inualcal songa. - Owens and Fine. The two charming soubrettes back again. Charles Hasty "The HoIai Bo , A veritable rlut, Batklag Tickets 96e ineludlug admlssloa at gates -; Oars at rirat and Alder - , ' , Xauaoa.es Xorrtaoa Bridge. . u BASEBALL! '&?. RECREATION f PARK Corner Vaughn . and 84th Sts. - ' ' July 1, a, 19, n, to, sir, 0ama begin week day Sill p. an. gnn. day at Ii30 p, m. i ; LADIES': DAY , FRIDAY Boya under, 12 free to bleach era Wedneadav!;K'vHK SODfJER RESOHTS EXCELLENT EISHINGNOW AST aALMOlf AltTEB Tata rfallr Atrm NT A AW. at is 2d at. .Three hours' ride to BALMOV ama eebots. Aa ideal piac for a few j,,, or a month's outing. Deacrlptire pamphlet and foil InformaUon. Call or pboaa Main BOoo, DOCTORED WINES MS A Mil. 0 nil SAME Attempt, to Get, Reduction ' ; Fails! Following Ois- - ' Desptt attempt of Vrs.' pens' B. Morrow and relative pf E, E. C, yon Klein, hi ball will remain at $B(0Q cash or l,H0fi seourltle and .he will remain tn the cpunty latl awaitipg trial before Circuit Judg Mprrow on 9eptmbr 2. Following the disagreement Of the jury Friday i Inhe tyial- f o -grand - lareeny every effort has been mad to bveJthe bair reduced, to no avail, .Th bail on tne - larceny ; charge 1 84B00 cash or moo. seuurWy On tb polygamy oharg it is 15000 cash and 110,000 security, , Miss Ethel Newoomb. whose Jewelry Ven Klein Is cliargad with' baring stolen apd whont be Is alleged to have married polygameusly, will remain in Portland for Von Klein'a ; retrlMt ; Mr C. Weber, the Kama City woman who has been her attending tb trial and 1 anxious to see Von Klein convicted, Is also her and may remain throughout the summer- Mrs.' Morrow was at. the courthouse Saturday trying o secure a reduction of th bail but did not appear thi morning. .Following the trial she announced that she would return to CbloegP to be with, Voh Klalp'a parents, PUTS TOWN IN PANIC (Unite Pmss lieased Wlw.) ' Lot Angeles, July !, The village Of Cucamenga, near here, was thrown Into a panio today by the capture there of jeae Ansa, suspected oi peipg a eper, who escaped two week ago from a health officer at Cblno. Constable Rupp. - who found Arlsa living in the Mexican quarter of Cuoa mpnga, Jed him through tb streets by a oanthooito an automobile truck, upon whiqb the guspeot wa taken. to an isolated but, where be will be gliarded. Officer, prisoner an truck driver sat a far apart a th truck, would Upw, PURCHASING AGENT INSTALLS DUPLICATOR J. R. Wood, munlcloal Durohaain agent, has installed In hi office a re volving duplicator which will b used to get out all circular letter or other work, that require a large number ef Copies. He has sent to th beada of th various city department and bureaus a latter informing them of th installs. won or tn new apparatus and that It is at their disposal, Mr. Wood hope to sv considerable time' an4 espn , through tb ua of tbl duplicator. HOTELS AND SUMMER RESORTS WWW Kst ejlAKKE. sWJWf I HOTEL OREGON ABPLVT11ZT 9JMnwQ0TSJ:S.l ' ' Sr-S .Portland's Newest and Most Megnlfiosnt Hostelry, ' v'iv Opened March 4th, jl$, ,:.v fvH- ; . Fire hundred elegantly furnished foomai, 1 nearly - -all with private bathsi 100 specially equipped sample-room for the commercial trad, Located on feroedwsy, right la MM mm me Besri pi toe cuy. .. . wjuasrx-McxnrgoaT xotxs, ao , , When In attl. ttep atb motel 0attl; THE 'Ill hmmm 1 " rpHE Ferry Meets ;Vou at Garibaldi. DiWaliriPATX ' The bus carries you from the 'dock r.W VtvftJlA . to the hotel. Your room is ready. YjArnements or complete, rest awajt your xnioTBisuon, raws, raaai inions as tu werxtasa QITIO, TJP cerpstt IBuildtnf, both phonaa, or any S. p, X, K. Afaat. . ' I ... Jti IK Phese Bed MU .: gteam iiaat, Hot and Cold Watar. WA 8UINQ1QN JIOTEL girlt Claaar vSverytb4vf New aad Clean. , jr koome T6o aad tTp. , , Spaclal Kate, by the tVaes., 1 4 , US JACK, Proprietor, Waahington at., bet. First and Beyond. : . - THI DAtXES, . OBEOON Sol Due Hot V.: Springs Hotel Vt th heart of tb Olympic. Por decrlptiv literature, adores th Manager, . Sol cue, giaiiam County, PORTLAND SLAVER IS .' 1 HELD.1N SAN FRANCISCa . i "n zrs'.jvi ' Unlteil I'ra I,um WI.V ; syl ' San. Franciscq, Jily. f lPpndinjf tbd reeelpt of advlpe from Portland, Or where it I believed be ly wanted as a white slaver, Jiarry petersj alias Allan, arrted here for-thaftii held . at the police station. - Peterson bad la -bi possession, when, taken lu charge, two suitcase belonalns: to IJarrv Smed. ley and George Smlthi visitor from ' . 1 ' 1 ' " J try Lpoaj pqiiq effioisis ey fy knuf uotljlpg of '.large agalnat Ptrpn, , tEntiroXbantjc The American Beauty Kevije :', CdQ'ros ln' ntw v sony. tMevS V1 tiona-r-thrpe performsncep r g H " day (Ju,rjngff Jwneh,Si dirineri and after; the ' theatre.; , rM PALtiNQ in iova ; . WITH YOWV . St Mist Ruth- Bigelow and' t Chorps-v.':';:: ' ' Miss Hilda Joy ? v "Oh ! , What : Know Aboul You," Miss Saba J-iwIpf -"Heaven Will Protect Workingr GirP - J Y; ; Miis Grace Frederiek X , ; ; In Comdy. - , "Island Roses and Love" Miss Evelyn Gilbert gnd ??. American Beauty Rmt : , ' . Piorw" . " 'Vfttrt the Edelweiss Is ; - Blooming" ' Miss Evelyn and ' WHian Gilbert -' "Venus WlU" Miss Ruth Bigelow "Thg Morning Alter tbt Night Befor" Miss UHian Gilbert, in Corned Final) ( Thst'e How I Need Vp American Beauty Rsrue . .-.. .Chorus MERCHANTS LUNCH IN THE RATHSKELUR, 50 The cpojest plaf in the lty HOTEL OREGON The Wright Pleklnsea l?otet Oe., Prep. Chgs. Wright, U, C,-Pickiqson, Waoagtpg -... Plrector, V 00 rpoms , i, ; , . .$1,50 per dy 200 rpomg, witli bath fZpQperdy JOO rooms, with, bgtlt 7S0rdsy Add f 1,00 per day to abot prit ei when two occupy on room. , VBRV ATTRACTIvi PRICKS fOR PERMANENT CUEST3 , ' . . ..,! H. C BOWBHS, Mansgey, 4 OAIXP TWOPICrl, Asst. M-rr. r, Noted for the Excellence . HOTEL 'GIRMEIIIJ HOUSE OF WELCOME,: ' ' PORTLAND, OR. In the theatre and (hopping district one block from any carllne. Rates, $1.00 per day and up; with bath. $1.50 pef day and up. -. TAKE OUR BROWN AUTO-'BUS, C. W. Cernclius, Prop.; H. E, Fletcher, Mgr. rt Only Beat Menntaia Beor erttb . - a PaU wiw etyy-!-.,. Mount Hood DOBRKT B.MXTOV .':.'' Travel Bntaan. - 's'y-'-'.". eS PITTK BTm pobtxabd, oa.f , TeUphone Marshall 1978,''.:.;;,,.' ;..' J. Ml -Itl y .1 Jt, il - a TO .0 it ,d A :il j 1 " .R5 i 7 fitt Y'Vi 1 "- '. 'ft ft" ;' wt'.! waahington. ,,V,'.:;..y.' '.f. f. '". '.V; ;viwi,T.r5 .i;:tf: $ ' If 14