The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 65, Image 65

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fegfe - By MRS. HENRY SYMES " . : V V aMggji
f.,-' - tnurt not be allowsd to wwnt, -a fUy tY rT ' II 1 f A i '
' -v i : :"-!- ' " ' therefore tt to nooaoonry to change thaw - " 1 fW.mVt1 Nt '""Nf . w -; ..' 7i )
. ' , V " v- After they bare been - r V Jrh V' lam f NNvYt w- " -
VV .. VM TL f' - tlnued for fifteen to twenty wftitg the ' JJtft-VSr ' II II ' vt
I cSAhXkf dried by dabbtnc, ' WVT'Jy'lA' ? I I m 1"
I not rubbing, with a .oft towJTaai &yrl7 If I I . " Jvc
..,. W ueted with toll powder. Feltowtng Xf(lZ IU f , ' ' " Ywfcv ' .
I"- fV v 5 I mm i , VjX v awfl I t I II If itv " 'M
, 'M Oil of kbiMnte..- .. UtLnt, VTlTy ' : il il IV 4 !1
1 ,,v. kJ..-;iVyr ' ' i VK pow Jnt mortw Miioh Ua DM TVff-y Py If a . t ' V Wlf Afllf
.t I : ' K I ' blin water. VfOr fraduaJlr dd t oubcm (lAflJ. -.: Tf A ;l I w 'ff
xi'feif.v I f VVi . M rttfuooilr lr th mbrtBra nitll a X. KWA A ViLM 1
1 O) 1 .lilw U oML . J'tj, , I M A VmJJ I
1 ' H '-S7 , . Thta (ma I Mrtlotil naofnl - 1 r'"xr. " I .
Evmr OOOD wjoy 0! la Ch
m r th rivw, tat maar f '
AsUlra Cb effeou th port om
tbma l-v tMbind But nmr'
lot tbM lotarftr with yowr plMurar'
for tbr r mwir prcutlMu en mT
t&k tht wlU offwt cJm 41agTHabt
features. .
A Mtitfeotory ana qt ut to kM '
th.,wvUr from reaching t&o balr U to
make cablo of atocJdaf tX twtotlny
It. round and round tad paotlnf ,tt
around tha lbad, Jt la eaty to fatten '
tho tookln to the hair by xfMau of i
nairpwt, ir yon rear tnat tno Knot wiu
fall , to bold oiirely. , . i
Sirery yaar ther la-ooraftthnf nwr
off erod in tho lino of batMnf caps, but .
omatlmM th4r beauty detract from '
their protective powera, o It Is well
alwayo to slip ft plaia ticfct cap orer
the cable before dennlna? the fancy oap.
If yo are ft persoa who tnust need
eare your cap from one year to another,
let me Whleper that if you sprinkle tal
cum , powder ftU over the oap before -put
tin k away, there will be UtUe
. dancer ef Its rottfne; or spUttln-,
A woman must have well-defined 1
features If eh to to look attractive la
a bathing cap, under which all her
pretty tresses are tucked. It la not
every one's food fortune to have ft
jcameo face, so to enhance the beaoty,
Nfeite garbed In the bathtog coetume.
It would be well to don artificial bangs.
These can be bought by the yard at
ay. eetaollahment where hair good . '.
REPUES to letttTa sent to the
writer of this department will
be printed In regular order; but
no replies in print may be expected
In less than three or four weeks.
Correspondents desiring immediate
replie to queries may get them by
- inclosing a stamped self-addressed
envelope. Personal inquiries will re-
eelve prompt attention if accompanied
by a stamped and self-addressed envelope.-
. ,,-','-fv,
Superfluous Hairs
Deal- Mra Symee.--::',''!'""''. ' " ,
Will you kindly toll tne what I eea de
, to remove euperftuous hairs frem nyllt
Following Is the recipe for a deplla-
- tory which grou can use: . - .
A SepUatory-
Miphlde ef kfrda or eaialum sul-
' Chalk ......N 1M greins
Mix thomufhly' end- keep, ery in' well
eorked bottle untM wanted for uae. Take
enough te eevr the part te be ' denudxt v
aal add rm weiar to tt nnttl the propar ,
eoiMlatenor Is eeoured. Spread . over the
hairy eurface and allow ta remain foe
from on-to Ave mJoutea, aooorfline to the i
nature ef the STvth and the euaceptlWUty . -of
the ekliti then eerape o wltti a plunk v
Made- paper kttlfa, for example, w it -
- should be removed, at in every eaae with
ftapiUtory, when the burning eenaetioe ;
i produoed. - Too lonr contact With the";
Mela should be avoided, and immediately ,
after the hair haa btn ramevad the da
nudad surface thould be nUy waalted with -warm
watar end a cold cram or a b)Bd
ell ejpplled te prevent irrttatloe.
the hairs for only a short time, when
they will return again. The electrlo
treatment Is the only thing which will
remove them permanently, ' ' ; '
Gray Hair -
Wna II tne mer ww w oanrr
It to
already, turnuut gray ana am very muoe
Whet is a sure for watenrr-a t '
' Tour hair may be in need of nourish-
ment. I advise you to , massage the
a in ailv. rubbin Into it a little Coal
oil and then brushing the hair to evsnly,:
uiauiHuvv wi.v. . -Li.'.-j. .
you enou d consult yenuw ,ew2
ana nave your eyes exsuaineu. uy--il;
ere most Hkely In a weak condition. '
A Disinfectant
Wiftly5i Iffdlr eli aw the Wat dlafnhftael :K
fat a atcx rwar .-i tauai iuasa
ia unear of earboHe acid Disced ttear';:
aropen window wU disinfect the room ,
ta loms extent This, of course, should ,.'
i . , " swawewseesssnswsaBaBsai
i'be labeled in some Way so that It wOl .TTT
. not be mistaken for anything else. The t;-.i"?:-:-.:.?."-- ? " -'t'-'-
.a.a haaltW In vail r-lt-m will a r...?1
(ml tit m. thoroua-n rtiainrartion or tne
house after a contagious disease.
r. A Di
A Dfy Shampoo
l. xmaiy ten me wna ie
dry Shaat-
'tkt beugbt awitok
at. year aye sad
Ffe pint tortio. t ' " p 1 if
are sold. If yoq like, you can bm( oangs
t ft different color (rem your netnrel
heir, end thereby conceal your identity.
Thle would be ft cood fact to bear ta
: mind wben dresstng aathe bathls
Ctrl :ttr ft ina4uerade party.
eomeefthe worst after-batolng effect
axe euttpurped : seek and - shoulders.
These can prove moat painful if they
taeo. ' To save yourselt nnneceseary
ftcbea. It might be. Well to wear a rather
heavy lawn gulmpe or chenUsetta bay
ng ft collar - with your, bathing euit
An ounce of preventkmia surely worth)
a. pound of cure m title case. .
There are eome peraoaa whose figures,
through lack: of exerclee or Indulgence
In good Uilnge to eat, ere meat uaat
traotive when dothed only la a batbtpg
uit;' peraona wbo are Tulgarly (at
hould wear eoraeta, out those who are
eomewbftt eltmmer, and yet 40 not have
Arm muscles, can aubeUtnta braasterea
for eoraeta."" ; -i-"
, It ta absurd for nay on whose skin la
affected oy the sun end water to t
Into the sea orttrer without applyine;
ersem and powder to the faoe and arma
if tb latter are exposed. - Put ft liberal
application of the cream on the akin.
Repeated exposures ef the akin to the
sun for treat length ef time tend te
ak coarse tha texture of the aMn.
Whan the akin (baa been burned, fre
quent applications of ft dusting powdav
will prove eooHng. it the irritation to
severe ftpply cloths wet with cool
water or water oontalnlng m tablespoon-.
paid m tor it. It U turning a little red
new. Is there a brown dye T eould nie on ,
i. Onto root end cornmeal, equal
parts of each, make a splendid dry
ehempoo. Sprinkle the mixture over
the hair and then brush the ealr
CnoroucMy. , . fl - ,
I. roliowing Is the reolpe for a dye
which can be used on your switch;
Brown Hair Stain '
Oreen walnut sbeDs.. ....... ....... I eoneea
Aium Uoublo
Pure oil.......... 4 eunoee
Beat tarather In a water bath until the
watar haa aaaa completely evaporated. Thee
express, flltar and perfume.-
" ? FtuffyHair '
rr K ra.-By m ea.
Will yeq preaae tell me how to max
my hair flu fly t
wW" b,lSonBtah:sBt, r. wTr0w
The only thing yoa can do to make
your hair fluffy ip . to arrange It on
curlers for a time.rif your hair Is tlfe
leea. you can Improve this condition by
xnaaeaging the scalp and bTusblpg the
hair thoroughly every day.
. Lamon Juice or diluted peroxide of by-
wMeacUhb,Si Jn!0Ur t "
CeerMre. fymes.
.'aJi-fi5?,'.lv5 5?ttta recipe tor e good
a Pii r,.v ne one tor whka bair. .
V Tu edviae frequant waabine wbeft
ne is suffjrlwr win JaadruBT liaJr eonloa, la a eotorlMr weed
e Is W the drug that colore Ihe tonlc,
v lfjlowinrftre the reatpea for the
Iialr tonlea. too quinine mixture la
the one to be used on the bair which
requires no oil, and the recipe contain
ing resordft is to be used a the white
bair. 1 t
i i iv; Quinine) R!r Tonlo -
, gulphete of quinine. .,.: dram
Hoaawatar lounoee
; gllutad Sttlphurto acM..........MH l Minima
ReaUfled lirita .................. I eunoee
; Mix, then further addt CHyearin. U euaeei
essence ef royale of aaaance cuuakT er 4 -..minima
' Astute until aoiutioft ecmpiete.
rm .,T" . i"r fwr. , i oaaire one
wrrr iwif wwmg vy.
Hair Toaia
paaorole a
j nature et antnanaee........M, leunoe
oil rfeini ........................... i drama
v., ... ir gmw
say rum, add eumdent te make., tounoae
a. wreouent eheuspooiiiaje are very i
rood when there is ft tendency to dan- v
druff, provided care le taken to dry the U
bair thoroughly. A shampoo with tap
-ITLS-ZZ'-.'J'-X: ::".T"'r"JC "'.
"d M";.
' ' r-'iy'
Desires Long Hair
pearVre. Hyme.
: i. watt
eaa I
da. ta
make my Sa
hut abort
lonrt It ie very thick' but short.
t. What eaa
a 9 m, kiiat i '
r m. wnn eaa i ee
te Inereaae theudee
my buat ' alao my 1-ceT
How eaa I k-i from a
i. a. How eaa
from stammaylngf ;
I. tTo' Increase the length, et yowr'
ef NMwe-ier atid 1 ounce ec wltoh
ana Mauoailv atw th mlTtnra umi
: etnuMoe la (armed, end erUrwerd Until the
BUiture is aevl eold.
; Talf cream ,ia particularly useful to
beat sore or etretohed eUa. - ,
If yon will follow, the above advice
K will, not be necessary for yon to
"hang your clothe on ft hickory Umi)
and not go near the water." , -
Iialr brusb It thoroughly for ten or fif
teen minutes every day. Cutting an
Inch from the end of tne hair once
every three jnonths will also Increase
Ite length, v. .
1 To Increase the site ot the bust X
ad viae you to-massage dally with ooeoft
butter and to breathe deeply. In con
nection wfttv this- talcs the Vauoalre
tonie,, forwhloh;I am giving you JUie
tealpss;- .. ':'J.
Dr. yancftfrrt Bemedy for Ota Bust
liquid extract of ealege (oaU- ; ' .
- rual Ifl. er.
raoto-pboaphnta of lima IM sraJna
aimtii- i.rti n lauaar and water -
dk iann-1. ..... .
It minims
f to I).,.;, U4 ounees
, Tbe doeV ta.B aoupapoonfuls with water
! Doctor Vauoalre alee advises the drink
I tne ef malt extract ourlng ratals.
Exercise la tfce bast possible method
of enlargftng the lege. JLong waJka
will soon produoe results. A gymnastlo
feat whlob is said to be ft certain en-
larger for the lower Umbo Is to stand
on one foot, and, with the other leg
held out as nearly at a right angle
to ths body aa possible, try to touch the
knee to the floor. -... v
J. A splendid way to overcome stam
mering s to speak slowly and pro
nounce each Word distinctly. It Is ad
visable to' read aloud in one's own
room for a certain length of time every
day until the habit la broken. r
Chapped Lips
Dear Mrs.
' Will you
dlr ttdl ml
what tede
D. r.
for Use whlob ohap eaallyt
Before going out m any ; wind yon
ahould Anoint the 11 pa with cold cream.
Of course, remove the supsrfluoua
cream wttu absorbent cotton. Every
day apply cream to the lips until their
softness and. smoothness have been, re
store! f . . .4,wa'v-
Callous Spots
Deer Mra ftrmee.
:. . vuu tail ma wna
what .U
do far ealleae
spots oa the test,
First of all vou must discard all shoea
having thin soles. After the dally bath,
rub anndpapes over the hardened spot,
remove the loose skin, then rub cocoa
butter, well Into the foot. , ,
Dear Mrs.
' X ehail be moat grateful tf yevi win rive
ana tha raoipa for a brilltantlna whlob I
may use to sive my nair a aioas and te
.4 keeo it In Place.
' f : A : very .. eatlsfaotory
made 0fiV'-'?.y-!;;j,
brilliantine la
Sweat almond eO
I llntd etineee
4 fluid oun ie i
l fluid ouaoe
ef rose geranium ....., u arops
1 " ! j
? :, I II il I IE 111
. ....... . , --. .: f . 1
; ; ' ' - ;
' II- -
II I ill? Ill - 1
-tg-aiielei- gfafj "Trfalatfaf
OiWWOeSsrSjaroy OTsaWSMSBftr
Jit .
If a personal reply is desired', ft'self-
stamped envelope should be
W i
rHEN a atranger 1a ' Introduced
a woman In bet own boms
he should rise to greet bim -
and offer her band. Tba usual ae
knowledgment to corrsot "I am nappy ,
to meet you. Mr. Blank," or "It to
Indeed ft great pleasure to bare you
with us," Is easily . remembered and
ft very graceful way to put the stran
, ger at' his eaae.''-:';;tf.';..;:V":0
A young lady ' need ' not exprese to j
any enthusiastic way bar. pleasure at
meeting a man. It Is sufficient to say,
"How do yoa do, Mr. Blankr' The
nan has a greater freedom when he
la introduced. He can say. '1 am yery
happy to meet' you, miss Brown.-,
It to not necoasary for any one but
boatase to offer ft band at an rntro-
ductlon at any .formal affair. A aUght
inclination of the head, ft smile and
, the repeating of the name will, con
.... vey a formal recognition of an lntro
v ductlon. In a email group, especially
of near friends and when the stranger
will be associated with them in great
' degree, a woman ' may show her cor
diality by offeringr a hand, i j-; v
Should you rfc to receive an intro
duction? A If Vou are a trosteea. yes.
- To man or a woman this Is a mark
' of hospitality that a hostess should
extend to al who enter Jier borne.. A
woman who la ft guest does not rise
to receive an fntroduoUon - to -
r stranger unlssa be be a person eon-
slderabiy elder or one of. extreme Hs-
tlnction. ;" -f-" ' ; . i' A:-'
Another lnltano would be if ft guest
'. te seated by bar hostess. Sb houldr
e "m urn
rise when the hostess rises, as a nark
of courtesy to ber entertainer.
Men, of course, should stand when
others are Introduced to them' sepa
rately or In a group. Men usually
hake hands with each ether when in
troduced. It Is a duty to listen attentively to
the name of one who is Introduced.
Avoid all mistakes by asking politely
for the name that you have not beard
or that haa been mumbled by a thought- . '
less Introducer.
"Will you tell ma again your nsmst
X was not quick; enough. to hear it,"
la e. graceful little way of correcting an '
error. By an meana do not guess at ft;..
mm: tin. A A tinl; ea a MM
and woman who , enter a room and, are
Introduced together axe necessarily mar
ried. This la not an unusual irastaJray
and I think is Inexcueable. '
last of an, let ms impresa on my
readers the fact 'that ft guest haa n
right to refuse an Introduction under
the, roof of ft boatess who baa Invited
many pereona whose privevte feelings are
naturally unknown to bar. A court eoua
ftcknowledgment, even between un
friendly ones, la due your, bootees. Afte
i the polite, formal acceptance of an in-
troduotlon ,rtf. b
But dont forgt to aave oth.rj tb. , o
bauraaament of fta Ill-bred disDlar of
personal feelings. .
Solutions to Social
Problems '
- .'.Tit Ptrtf Cnurt
DkkUI Mra Adama,
I Whan a dinner beam with eno'
atiSuld this eouree be en the table
- bafrire the (nita ara aaaJT
Where should the rolls be r'w"
,( iNiuAi ivicina,
gruoata are 0fted. ; I xv
asA each gucat'a pmf.aooJi.te
fiat plaite on which to felded ft napkin,
.holding a roJL These things the gueeta
.'remove when they are seated, so that
ihe servant can set the platee contain
ing .the soup on tie flat plates.
ITM Proper press
Dnr Mta. idaaa. , -...
Kiadty. Infana aae ae te-wut la the prrver
eoume for a woman to mac vaaa baatina
' both la tuaoar and fall. 0. 0.
' The proper costume consists' of ft
haUt of black, dark blue or bottle green .
or gray pxford mixture. The ekirt is ..
made so that H falls Just a trine ever
the feet When she sits In her saddle; a
Close-fitting waist. of goods that matches
, the (Skirt, cut with short or Ion tails.
-as m may orefer. but buttonlne very
v toigh atad Opening with small revecs un
der the ohln, ,to reveal a straight white
hnen .oolmr and black satin or white
silk He. jTreouently in place of the
. collar and tie ey stock tie of white pique
lav- worn, i-ne nair is areaiea low esq
ft email derby te worn. HUrh. laced
, . ehoea or patent or aoft-Aniabed leather
boots should cover the feet; heavy
- ,Trown or gray giovee drees the hands.
la summer straw saHor hat la worn
. In place of the derby, a shirtwaist re
, pmees the cloth bodice and eerge or
. Ught covert aklrt the heavy wool or
broadcloth garment. Any Jewels, save
cuff links end a neekUe pin, are quIU
out of keeping with this atUro.
Tie Proper Course',
.Daar Mra. Adama. . f
, A elqr (riand of. aiae wee surrM eat leaf
ato aaeT sow-aba live la aa auarUnaat bouM.'
eno au awra me awarai tmue
ear and I as aaiioua te) to.
'? to the man at tha
- 1 to fear apartmtat. If har hiubaad ahould ee
j area
Mr m ana anotua inusauca sua o aa '
haw iUa I sckaowladaa tha tntmduction f
f ' Tea ahould laava vaih" m.m f tf
dalr mnit It Im .lain, a ult.1 Ma-
caution to write on tne card mnt nn to
frted Uvln, to i hotel or ipe'rtm.nt
'houss.tbe name of the person for whom
it is jntendd. when- tha clerk aacer
rlaIni,W';f.thf.P yur .oetess is at home
. . ao aoanowisoge tne introduction it la
avfllclent to any. "How do you do. Mr.
- " ' ' ,r4'
Introductions ; V
' Dear Mra Adams. '
'to aach other which one should be Intra-'
daeed tb the ether f K. p.
Where there is palpable difference' '
, In the ages of two women, the younger
is Introduced to the elder. ''Mrs. Brown,
1st me present Mrs. Smith." Mra. Smith
la supposedly the younger. An un
married woman is Invariably present-
ed to a rmatron, unless the former - is
. very evidently 'much the elder person.
NO distinction drawn when two
women are of the same age.
A young man or bachelor is present-
ed to an elderly gentleman, and a mm
pie eUlsen to a senator, governor, etc
The Day at Home :
Deer Mrs. Adsma ..
When a woman calls on e friend en at-
heme days should she leave bar canir
WboU the call la the first of the sea
son, a woman leave her card, and if
she 'end her howtees are married, she
- leaves two of her hue band's cards.
Thereafter during the season, ehe need
; not again leave er own card, when ,
ber eubeequent calls are made on tne
friend's day at home. If the call Is
made In return, for any entertainment
, to Which she and her husband have been
: Invited, she leaves two of bis card. ,
Two Calls
-. a friani at mine baa
Vua l.Ma
called to e-a me
' 'taSaa aiut both tlmaa I waa out.
VI watt' (or bar to eaU aaala before going te
cell en'aert .v. . . k -
Ufi you sM tmdero ration to ber
and ehould hftve callod oa her after
V her, ftret .call. - yl-'l. kti: ' ' '
, , 1 ' 'A Luncheon
-.' Dear Mra Adame. , - !
y-- I eacect to entartahe e large number ef ,
: frtanda" at a luncheon. . My dining room,
tabla will not be laraw enotwh for them
ell to be seated at eoee. aa I wondar If ,
' It would be proper to eoatter email tablae :
' throushout the dining room and living hall.
1 These rooms 'ere eonwnunloating. What
time ehali I serve the maeJT . . K, la
"Very often the small tables are used
. tmder the olrcumetences you mention.
' The hour for the luncheon may be set
at 1 or l o'clock, .
, Vsing the Fork1., ''
Dear Mm. Adama, . ''.
j ' Kindly slve me full data" concamlng
:'tha propar oe of tha fork. Yv M n hnl it
ahould ba Hi2 la to convey f t t thi
mouth. ato.f A h c A Vt ru
uld ba YxSi la to convey I i t. jne
The fork is bold In the rk-M-t hand to
convey food to the tnoutii, and eave ,
for email veK?talle, euch ae peas,
beans, etc.. It ie not ut..i,.'4 bikkwiwIso
for - paxeu ' '
fsVrT ), i f
Of th- fir!t. I
he fool to tne inoutn.
h 1 It tAn the r.ronr
, c f't 411 tho liniia
t in iir wt"-i t"e
1 i r ft s.-.vr.i I
id f ' -1 't
o coote and ire
Brfore (oinf I
fnoiue life aa.cara
fcnd haf him dirol
or When pausing In the prooase of eat
ing, refrain from rcefine; the tip of the
knife and fork on the plate's edge and
their handles on the clotih. When these ;
utensils are not in uee, they must re
main wholly on the plate, and at the
conclusion of a course they should be v
placed together, their points touching
the center of the plate, tbetr handles
resting on the plate's edge. 'v- ' ' J '
The Best Man
I Iear lire. Adams.
i Doaa the best man make hie
ranreraante about going to and from the
ehuroh oa the day ot tha wedding?
i What are the bride's expaaaeeT
.1 T.M.U,
The best man leaves the question of
conveyance to and from the church in
the. hands of the cn-oom. The latter
may wieh the former to drive wltb him :
to the ceremony, after they have lunch
ed together, and If thie k not the case.
the beet man will . And ft carriage at
his dispoeal.
. The bride or her parents have the
following expenses i The engraving, ad
dressing and posting of invitations or
announcement cards; every detail of .;
the bride's wedding dress; the muslo
and flowene and awning at the church;
the oarriagee that convoy the bride
and brideemaide to the ohurcb, and the
reception . or break feet following the
ehurcn ceremony. . -
The Maid of Honor,
Dear Mrs. Adama -
... Pleaaa tall me what are the duties ef ft
maid of benert . t v. Q.
The maid of honor holds the bride's
bouquet end glove when the ring is tot
.be placed on her finger, and these she
restores at the cloee of . the service.
When the service is finished sftie ad
vances ft Kttle to meet the best man.
who offers her his . arm. In it she
places her left band, and the two follow)
ehe bride and bridegroom out ef - the
church,' -. ';;. f'X;-:,rf;;- ;;:
Sending Invitations
.Dear Mrs. Adama. -.'
la an Invitation te a formal flanee hv -eloeed
In on or two envelopeaT XTHBIa
A written InviUUon to forwarded bw
post or messenger, sealed, and under
cover of one envelope. An engraved in
yltetlon, if delivered by a messenger,
is also sent under a single cover. II .
she same invitation is poated, H l put
Into two envelopes; the flret bears the
-name only of the person for whom It
is Intended and Jo left unsealed'; and the '
' second Is sealed ' and beers the reelp
.tent's full name and address. , .
Hot Food ,
" -AA. . .. . .. - '
.tfcJnS Yo" don.TaTuTn.r"; JOT
laintad food la the mouth t .. HUGENBl '
i , The moat graceful thing to do- le to
X ojuletly eiecthV TotreVi on therk e?
spoon, whence it pan be quietly laid oa
tne piate or into a comer of the nap-
s-" ' r t Not aThome , ' v
Dear Mrs. Adama -- 1 r .
riua iat ma Know weet la uta proper '
, inina to so when one calls oa a woman
and nnds one I not et bona XMILT. .
One ehouid leave the requisite number
ef - cards with the person giving the
Information., . . , r .
WhetTCalling rr '
' Deer Mrs. 'Adams. -;" "i'.i'V ' ''r!:'::'i'
8hauM a Iti.n ramnw. 1,1. mmhu.1 la Wa '
kail Irafore he, ascertains whether the woman
oa waom he la celling is et feomaf
TJo; be ahould retaJa bis overcoat on
til the maid brings bira en answer. II
ber reply Is favorable, he may then re
move his coat, putting ft In the hall, and
. wait in the dravrinf room) tor the
young lady's Arrival.- When she enters.
' tie should go forward .to meet her, en4
; ataqd unUl ehe has seatodj&oroolf.
Not a ' Friend
Deer Mrs, Adama . 1 y
' What ahould one whan at aa eveaa '.
,. ng reception and the boatase latroduca
foTSn'r ai"
v If would be most impolite to refuse
recognition of the introduction. Xou can
. 'bow politely a If meeting ths young
man for the first time. Further inter
course can be tactfutly avoided. . :
Before a Funeral
'Dear lire ''Adama1' - v '."-: A A
When Aaiiin at a Kiuvia -haa aaatt a.-. i
visited, ebould the caller . leave bl-a. ,
,. bordered eerdsf .v IN DOVBT. v .
Not unlssa the caller is in mourninf, ,
' ' Entering' the Dining Room ' ;
Deer Mrs.. Adams, "-;'';':' "-'v'-'- '
.1 .
wnen a dinner party ie given te faia
brate a wedttm annlvarsary, aheuld tle
, buaband.and wife eater the dlnlpg room
' toeethart i,.,;v -.,'... 'r' H. y.
, Because of-the sentiment of the oo
j caslon t la quits proper for the bus-
( band to lead the way to the dinlnf
" room with his wlfs on bis arm and for
' . her to occupy a seat at his right baml.
' as she may have done at their we1dln ,
'Y feast of long ago, However,1 this 4s
not compulsory if the husband and
v wife wish to carry out the usual pre-
' cedence at dinner parties..
Opening the Gift
' Tr Mre, Adam.
" When a yim m.-iK frlnre a '' 0
of oaady Shuutvl . t in t ' ?'
- encef . . A ,iii.t
.' Tee, anil Invite !.!. to shtte I'i
I- t.
f 9