;. '.;'. . THE .'OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY.' MORNING, JULY. 1V 1913.' . ".-..! ' . -4. H. Savage Landor 'v' 1 -'v A.'"V-'1; V'.' : :'' ".y it'.."'... -'"I "V IWi 'V !' ''ff . .l.;.'f .( tMIV.i t;. 1 v.,v"0 , i i i. ui.ii. II in in M'MUiiutui..ji.'niiu nAvmti,mw,,p,niimmmwv-mw'' ui n-i 1 . ; Vi....-!,' ". ..y '. v '"Si..' ' IV.'i:,l.' ' L. 'X''''v' v. ' v. : ' -.v : r : ':::::::::: : I - ' v :;: v::;; :.':::-:!:y::: :-;.:y:y - .f- v-y . ,. v v., : m ot U aUrn Mtto Grow laid bofor nd Ured In hnU llk human balngi. collected round them, tiachin them f- for tome 500 mllee and then atrlke due the two men from- Araguarr. ' Thy had one faaclnaUng problems moat dlffloult ' The Bowroa ; believe" In evil aplrlta. rloulture and all kind of naeful.tradea, weat, aoroaa ,the 'Arlnos-Jnruena rlver ,manr, fault of their own, but,hey hJ to aolve, "and an Infinite field for'apeo-" Bom . of theae, they-aay, Inhabit the The entlenea of 'the fatberi toward and proceed weitward to the Madeira ever proved I theniaelrea t baVaxtreor. illation.', All tended 'to ahowthat tef- other are invisible. The Invle- tnt Xn sdmiraMe, and they arc river, I had then sufficient provisions dlnarlly plucky, nd to t certla decree riflo volcanlo activity j of Inconceivable lw 0B- ar lnvoke)j by them e, apeo- worshipped by the few native that were for eight months more. , faithful,' '. ' , , -' iTndeur ; accompanied by '' deluges" of w nalvWual Cttned ths barlh, or medl- 10 b0 foun n those Tglonsf . My mm beeam; very dissatisfied and ; WamanUnoso .called, because 41a-. rain. on a , scale beyond all, conception Cjnl man,, ,houtlng at the top of his I was again greatly disappointed not homesick. They worried me incessantly, monda were, plentiful In the neighbor-' mus nave taken place In those region xoloM. wnlle gazing skyward, and offer, to be able to obtain single extra man saying we were going to sure perdl- hood, and are still today tOjba found lnages long; gone by, .. 4nC t, meat, fish, and bread to to Join my expedition, although ' the tlon.: With considerable patience I kept there was a. deolat village, away and As,7W irode along .over 'tJ'l-the spirit invoked. The batlh eventually friars tried hard to Induce several In, them 'going, and we had traveled some cut off from everywhere. There. Were oampos, or prairies, ana across thin for. pretend1 tbmt tn, ,plrtt nai ,nteMa nU dlans to accompany me. The Indians 300 miles north f at. we surrered from., another pest, the yaBa ll, then begins to devour the were timld.nd nothing In the world ony. when I was : piun, tiny, mtle gnat iwhich J f00d himself 'In order to appease the would V persuade them ) to leave 'their hardly 'any, food- region. Indians 300 miles north front the Saleslan col- few traders who stayed there' because Informed' that w had of 'the ,rub;be huBlnesavr,'. , t- ; left; The men;, con- prices of all iftecessltle were high,' fessed they had thrown away Into the one-pound' Una of the commonest French Tha wlfetot the barih, who, on those Seeing the , absolute futility ef fur-river some aays previously nost of the salt butter fetching- 18 shillings each; 1 A M ItlhaBMhla all . Jam ,-: a MIL. . ' . , y ' : ,! . 'ttuui- hda.vors to Mtrensthen mv cxoeV, UDDllea I carried, and ther had wasted rlna .and flour. 4 ahllllnea a ootind: aar- creac i vicionanesa. ' Each atinar ift yvw.M' """, o ana- TT . . . . . . s, skin. The lrrltatitin. ru Kea 1 partake or tne meal, but "", u juv i -, - v.., m"r , m ...tow. "vi -r trying1 Th i wlT Wer the barlh has half-chewed the known at once from this place. I, there- further. They thought -that was. the 10 shillings a small- tin: i chickens, 10 , !v ;.'V en tnof varjou, meats and gracefully takes thW fore.' altered my course duo 'north to-" best way to bring me back also. ; ' shillings each, and so : on.'";.' ; J ea your eyes, - your . .. . .. .. .. ..a n., v. .J .v. vi.- nr iii'.iu.jin x...'ti,. cn. t ,...it.i. & witn 1 nis xinger zrom nis mouth and ru cu .ici v .. aui . ..ujr wdbu m i, am ikuyvaoiww v-,s in placea , them between the expecting lips river. ' :i ra Asul the Blue mountains -a :magftlf. mantlno. I was about to abandon most of bis better' half. , She omtini mC4t.. We were traveling entirely by ; com- Iceht- chain of high hille- of a glorious of my heavy baggage in order to start " black spot upon the skin. The irritation' caused was ,'most ;u uruioa- emerea ' your eyes, your ears, daahed ; up your nose, and, when-' error yon opened it. Inside your, mouth.. s-Then- came the carrapato, (the1 Mel ophagus Ovinus), a large, repulsive look. cepts, sometimes not; all according to her appetite, I suppose, and perhaps the lng Insect, which found Its hanolneaa In Inserting Its head under one's kln. The tem!porr3F- terms which she Is that' tiny carrapatlnhos were miniature 1 re- dar wit"h"-?lll""al: v' production of and had similar habiu to 0ne of the chief chaaacteristlcs of the ' the carrapatoa They clunr in hundreds Bororos,- and of most Indians of Cen wlth" all . their - might to our legs and tral Brasli, Is the fidelity with whloh arms,' and gradually swarmed alL over they keep Secrets. - They are all reet US. They, oould not be removed until loss nomads, and can never settle any halted and made our camp, and eould where. They are great hunters and flah- waan ourselves off with some powerful ermen, and show: great skill with their disinfectant ,or. with a strong solution bows and arrows. ' They are not quarrel of tobacco Juice. , 7 . . some;-on the contrary, they are disnl- After crossing several ranges .form- fled and gentle, and always avoid fiaht- ing the watershed of the waters flowing lg. It Is only ,when; they are driven to north' Into the Amason and south Into It r when they are hunted down or at the. Paraguay rivers, we traveled over tacked lhat, naturally, they try to de sweeping undulations of great magnl- fend themselves. " This has brought upon 1!H .' Ipfl.CJieJl' iA U is? t- --f, tx(f ,s ! " v "i . sT ... t' in) - -; . WaiW WW!' Jil'ejV'yy yrvw, WyW fr 4 nfr HICrHEST POINT ON'WUICU'f UHOOR ON HORSEBACK CROSSCM THE. AMDta. Up and down over . undulating coun try, partly forest, partly campos, or prairies, we met many streams, all with clear, crystalline water. .There were wonderful flowers and butterflies. My troop of white and gray animals went along gaily. We crossed the Tapira puana river, 80 yards wide. Dense fol- ' lags extended right down to the water oh both-banks. The; Fahrenheit thermometer regis tered SO or 90 degrees in the shad and 108 to' 110 degrees in the sun, but aa . we constantly had a northeasterly breesei with a velocity averaging 100 yards a minute. It was never unpleaa antly hot Beautiful fan palms, over 10 feet high, were abundant, but, barring . insects, which were innumerable and rendered life a burden, there was no animal life. , We had many misfortunes on the road. MUles lost mules disabled, , riots . among the men, and on several ocoa slona once while aaleep I escaped by miracle being shot by my men. I had , to be extremely patient with them, as they were quite uncontrollable. Al thovgb their greed for money wa in satiable, yet you had no hold over them with money. For a stupid fancy they would throw up everything ' and He down, wishing to be left there to die. A mere angry word at them, and you produced a mutiny, or they refused to; come on at alU So there was only one way of dealing with them with ex treme kindness and patience. I could in no way trust any of them. ' I always . took the precaution to alter ' the position of my camp bed under my tent a precaution I took every night after they had gone to sleep in their hammocks some distance outside. One . night on of my followers had . fired . -. j . evidently aiming where he thought my Thirteen days' journey from Goya bead was resting. As I had turned my bed we reached and crossed the great Ara round the bullet passed Just over my gnaya river at an elevation of 1190 feet ankles, doing no more damage than per- above sea leveL f orating the canvas of my camp bed. The Araguaya waa a beautiful water I naturally came out of my tent to course, placid looking; although the our se what was. the matter, and W the rent wa fairly strong and swift Ths man with ths rifle In his -hands. , river wa 200 meters wide where we "Why did you shootf I Inquired, as " crossed .'It The -water waa beiuUfully the man, evidently surprised to see me clear, the trees and clouds were re standing before him, ejaculated dlscon- fleeted In it with mirrorlike precision, nected words. Tn fl'hlng was excellent. One night I aw a huge onca," (a Jaguar) "It w caught an enormous pirarara welgh was there. I saw its' two eyes shining la Pounds, " and some huge plralba ifc. ... . - - -. r -fi- -- ill t r . ,jr-,.(vx f bb u -jL-,n mrw. r a-r r i ,i Tk r a. lia i m n .a : ..... ": lf4C i "$m& ffra 'pWPf' '1 ' '"I t-2 V A.K. LANDOH - TA.ItTlNO ON Ml CXFEOITlON iOW- INQr COSTVMt WORN .T f Arie , A IN 1 LONDON.; cobalt blue. As I refused to go back off again with the only .two faithful my men mutinied and took to their men,", when two of tho deserter! returned rlflts. Patience was required, and, and begged to be reemployed. They had threats or no threats, we continued our found living at their own' cost rather' Journey northward for several days, expensive. In.; an outburst Of devotion Eventually, however, In order .to avoid they exclaimed; disaster, which was inevitable, I decided "We will come you have only to tell to fall back upon the ancient little vll- us and we will murder anybody yov 'lage of Dlamahtlno, where I would get like for you." , , x, rid of everybody and get fresh supplies The Brazilians 6t that class think o: and, pt possible, fresh mn. ... s; : nothjng else but klllin. They were re So we altered our course from north, employed on the express condition tha to southwest, and after traveling about they should murder no one while the: 200 miles, we eventually reached that Were with ma - ; o Place. Here everybody left roe except TO BB3 CONTINUED NEXT 8UNDA. PETTY PILFERING MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS END By Irene North. complete paralysis .of the moraLquall- WANT to say bmethlng- to you to- t,e which should be so many effectively day - about petty pilfering those working signals for ber safe guidance.: small thefts which do not mean .Again, while we ar on the subject, much in actual material gain to the' . l not only this small pilfering culprit but whloh hav an lncalcu- otl!a P?01" oovla to b. reckoned. lable bearing on mind and character. V," K,u,"lu'. ' t m inmKina; mis matter over, l. nave like ftra" , - "Pld you kill the cacaf . ' "No, It leapt away." ' I. advised the man, patUng him pa - tlently on the back, not to startle every body again, ii he .should fee another d pintados, some tuburao (Squalus -arcnarias the Utter a small fish with' a, long; pointed head like a bird's beak and several mandl, a yellow fish with araasing vitality. We experienced cold weather near the or wcowia:': j?y .iiu. r " war r i? ..r a V aTwia onr. h had better coma to I did AracuarA liver. th thermometer drop- . ' . 'a. . a . Sll.i DlCsT ' tO Kft drMhsl ' VskMuL.U ..s-. not wiin my men w owiti wwi - . uunm NAnD'VHIiiVy Has it ever occurred to you that you your plac LAM DOR 3IX MEN PPNVETYIMa CANOe XOOO IN WEIGHT ACROSS A. FOREST fPR ONC Mlkt AND. A. rVXkT,' come to the conclusion that many of us T. JL Tii? oacawaras , in your - ... k- . .i crvareae , wnen you tut i BbM which stolen fruit had for us in our S:Ki?fcMtoltto,8--youthful days. Perhaps -stolen fruit" VrneS bf Shelr iL.T00 ,,M is rather a strong phrase to fit to all "JremYl 7il?L. ' ' case .Let u. say, rather, that w. .toll I'tftJb'Jiy1. yield to the -something for nbthlag- Jtyn VTlVglll fW ?n ? Potent Jn th9 to. the railway than, your ticket entitle when a blackberrylng expedition was, y0u to T I , T pass and sextant over jfhnost deserted i, nd I, k , kW - J you tnouht what It means to country. Barring a few Indiana . a " l . v" IZ " "1" If !r"e" .Tnen 7 unscrupu. . - -" "-" wu u ui oiMier ox returning nooks. after dSV Wlttinuf rn...ln .V,n. wnslnv tn Aon. n.v.a: Ana. a.k. . . ..... . . . "? . . .. . . weni aay arter day without meeting a those growing in your, own never; pos- when you, resort to some llttl trtcker oul, although all the country was sup- "essed. .-. " to obtain a Ucket or card for aom posed to be Infested by terrible tribe But those days re divided from; toes coveted occasionT Of cannlhala lu" Wiuc, wiu uiguwajr w af. uii uuuga may DO aon Wit - ---, n.o, 0 - nr Ka oemr We crossed the Rio des Mortea or Then, in the high spirits of f roUcsbme f found out is concerned. But yon eaa river of Death an imm.. 1Hk.... youth, to desire a thing meant only to "over, get awaz irom. tn very real dls . .. 1 e"1". n immense., tributary . ,A, ,t w. vnn K.tT., JT- grace which you hava vaura.ir mrii;. TMROUGrM WHICH Wt TOOK THE CANOK. or me Araguaya, which, flow roughly r oilht to. Wa know that tha thins-. W on. your souL in a northessterly dlre.c,tlon. ifWe. wer itself, the wished. for object, whatever ou have atooped, you have. lowered there In a region of amazing "beauty and u my be, Is of small importance : com- y(ou"' Prlde to take something, oven If . Interest almost aehf Ai C k..- Pare with the effect that gratifying- L De only an advantago, to which you interest, almost each.r,y, oh hqur. J unfcwful wlBtt wiU bavev dn Our.vnav,no right, and ths. only hope for giving fresh and vivid surprises In the .elves , " H "p'" Ui complete realisation of S' way of fantastlo Scenery.,' extraordinary We are no longer Irresponsible. bablest. R"?.?Jt?na' 1)0 I?1 ,,un ni -rivers, geological problnrid . meteor- thinking creatures to Whom the r." "i. '"J'i a2", tn Inr'' ological phenomena 'We wer. traveling -Ponsiblllty for our own ve. ha. been , tte burt ' on the highest part of. the plateau of ri titlt m.ans - he Immaterial, so far a. - .. - BBnuui nrrnnaa tr nak a , i -s - - '."LL1!!-.! But you" concerned" wit Matto Orosso. and we. -wer constantly when one tt Klantloni hlw..n'HA ..J ailnii a... Yttt V...r. rr nnta mil.r n.rhana . .. . " ' viuwrma W1M j : timid young girl..' I sald.ta- T wanted the night In flood tim. the water of tud. with beautiful graxlng upon them. them the reputetlon of being barbarous w, experlenced cool Lth.r at ght 'rom notel 'o"&Po'ttlnfc" hlik to'th. "otof .X to be abl to tell people in Europe that th vr rose a. much a. 20 feet W. crossed the river Da. Corgo which and ferocious savagea the temperatur. being' freauently down 45fW a deceived by the amallneas of the of- fense as it affects other people. Limits of Science. Edmund B. Wilson In Science. a special tired and worn aoroaa th m.ii,K .. hn..wa;. witli both hands' at the do not aubt tht with advancing basket and then cremated. -The ""ashes traiiieaa emietn. call of so tiny a temptation! - ' knowledge we shall In time come to look esKrkaif U'hu tViAri . An. mm ' torimsrl ' ftA Taking a caravan of animals by then nf tn flina- aelf-reanect. indeoendence. Brasllians were brave and hoble., . . V range could be "JT' . " "ZTL VS Z, . ; TU Un rtU" 0f th Bor0r' t0 48 Fahrenhelt.We came upon : which U iunrtt. Tiring In such a fashion,, indlscrim- . aiswnoe, with oonl- " " " " "r psouuar. wnen a woman aies sne is iminenM fiMure. ln the 'earth's crust, benefit of everyone using the hotel. Inately." I explained to him, -you might cl ummit rising, slightly, above the be1' DUt covered elsewhere with a thick; Duried pro ten. The process of denu- and deep canons, caused, oerhana bv I will grant that-in material value - iriiUA n. of ; vour cmnan rM- Ther It wm that the Araauava oeposit or gray ano yenow voicamo a.tlon having been siren . ample time -,ii h. ,. these things are nJt worth -troubling ' ... ... Hv kail (a lilli , ..., .. .- ... . . .i nh . . . .h.a l.nllll a. tA ,, . . .. . . - - . inn,! - TJow. so to sleep like a gooa rei w.m.; xaoKing; norm, tne " ' "-r- " f i leave tne aneieton ciean, ner none. tvutJt . ' '. . ., Miin. .v..1.... . . . Vi. T..1l.n. nail nnaanlana .wlMaa . ......... . . - -. mr,A An not firs aaln." i v ' "- w.umjj-j ai.' v v . - are coiiectea anu piacoa in ; ; vHavtnif. eroiiithj.Ar:' rtduced to- grtnulandlttoti... hkukt and then cremate of ways, never o Wbmit ltttai.wB.'.tllroTlac Matt 0roo. Eventually, we cro-sed. the Bio. Bar- .cattered to the wind, and so are precipices ahd swift, foaming, rockr tor- roy rora"..tack o thoutht and 'T pr?nt """ f - IV: w-i 'k- W' vNtwltliiwvtJt.tha Siuni relros. where thl river Jolned th Rio .,i h.r ciothea, ornaments, chattels snd I.!!. 'V .L. f rc. r tor! understanding. It la.certalnly not done rudand nalva Discovery In mm sinwevt . ' 7 -0oV. , ... oawsi.a a swift tributary 104 varda Z a . .Vi- ' t irw iiretcne. ax uno6nolously s r anyone win ..grant wis great Held of research has made aa t4;that; toUt..':ta' wthratli;,pjr Flri? ' ' f p0" -7 s,.f. '"T. fo0d- Evn fow1"' ' ,h?, P0M"ed stunted vegetaUon. whera lijwaa neces- ,who has noted the side glances and n- approach to its limit. Wt progress in head.Nor did : if evef, tetany at the aesslon-against all principles of boun- ' AJrafW. u ,,-'. r-taaia. ; destroyed. Usually they are mir t0 out a way for thy animals to aay appearance of anyoh committing the future, Is cartaln,: ,. But If you ask other men Into my confidence When th,r we et the first Indians; Mten lustily by her friends, " i ' pa., thfbugh, was not at all easy orlc Bom "uch ea acttpnu J whether w may hop to reach at last a j. w nm. ui mi. ib utai axuiauntiuii v . dddidihh nr r i Tin niiivinn ar ma. amu am rear the answer must b, i of soleno should be the that science can not attain te understanding of . any. explanation of any phenom- uneovers new phenomena be a atiii demand expisnatlon, guocssslon: and suh is. the The maa. hWlnf W"a in his hands, river s Science does not aim at ulti. tnrsw.nunssit upon pis , nammoca. an open as wa want aiong.sW eame acroa , wln. to tha ttmfdWaf tha" . -h . w inKhLt .-i.l .!....: i .1 ... aom vtact, owing to tne timidity or the USIKU W bvw : : . ma , , TV1VWUH WVWliaia UAaHl ,DE' HRUltia .. . ... .... ... . - ." i . v. -.... '. u :. . i . . . . uaject measursa, out wnicn aisciosea and sobbed nntll the morning muoh to formation. and w traveled foriiava ant . - .. 1 ... " . . WARTaskinA '.i tAV1VIMa -i axT V It. 11. m 1. nr in HOrora iriDI. 1 X .WMii ani IA nni I ' - - .bout. rtold tnenW gage roll down te. thl.-bom of th. ; Uh had fired at ja Jaguaf, and ytna, Jaguar r .geograpnicai vaiyision :Between;,the w i-...... v' . k an wilder. The country was prac- chasms. But we evidently had a guar- IWfaet realisation of h. -v sensltivo first to admit ...... ... -i ft ; i; fa.ry.:r. SVtwa' nrovlnaai formed br.thasraatAra.ba reproduced; here,' but which wlU . b, . . nA ,. , ..i. . beauty of our own souls. of thevvalu. to a compiei 1V mrrir-CiZn;i:m , ' uhli.h.d' laterV0n lns book: form.; to. 1 ' rr .":...'"::." VMU mumV . w"" WVT profound and immeasurable, of Justice, thing. The Thara.ua oniy tone etieouvf weapon -"feii J' '" ,.;'? W ., V . .i, ..hronoi1w-Bororo W1M 6 ro oooay unui. ansr were the suy accwentaj many were th and rlght-thlnklng. in r self-deaUiJt .', enon only you can vse with scoundrels. It is tM'-r.-.!.'.!.,:! m,,- VHWa.V TTT. " . i "' . ; . 4 traveling over jtrea.f unauiations ana animals Injured, but apt one , was act- Th woman who gets any sort et aat- ninant tn ..I. .a r.V 5 ', gioal date of. muohjnterest .v f'..i J, ; ,.... . ta.. APw..iAw. ; !.. - ,.: J'i- s Isfaotlon :-from: th fact tth'at she1.' h In endless morning muoh to formation, and we traveled for Uay'a and the Inconvenience ox everybody in camp, days over immense deposits of red and s,V across Immense ; campo ; and ; countered we kept up 4 good pace and U a woman who lis succeeded in deal- ' mate, explanations; and could we find of lava, w eventually arrived at covered areat dltanoe dally. Naturally vA her oul-volcwaiVs4 teem, " would b empUed of Us iuL'JVi,. e.i.... w.k.m a ' :!.:!... . . : ' These persistent littl monitors would-Interest .to the investigator, t ,,t- . remarkable evidence In support of a the' the colony of the Baleaian rather,. the animals suffered a great ileal. Bom otherwise- ery out to ;hsr.3 Continually, i 'v ...in- .v. i ." Aitnoun a am not a iwiunu iatnoiio, YTOiau, vi-i.su- invuu .were wax. muw mr x wn wpiy par nnit:,;v .i.,.;.;fi,... ill" Atesw r , ory I have long neia regaraing th; Or-. - . '- , , - fc.-viJi-. -...v v. raanaet at th. annarant eatlmatlon . at i i'rW'l'W.-1 tii...v ... i" C.L;. i C V'iJJIS naesna wrijnrjuia1y . una j vmvh.i w ua futa wuai- ' - . ii h . m .ill ii ' ii. ;'' "" imm.u"i a v In the eomnsssand aatnnoWnal " '' r lv .;": .V f 7MT oaroer nas iert in wy; - . . urn ntntii in i iowic .Doaiuini 'Uin "Vmia.m v.,...ir..i T"- ' r-, .,,.1.. I. av.a ...l.u la ....k aliuraat Ana ; an i .. 1 .- 1. "... ... a. xl !, . - " "-.-- to him .truggle-ibut when he was rivers treat" flow., of T solidified lav - .T ; " 'r abl. They' : aa Via. dail haan with a rrav ntnnln aah.i Vll..).... .... ' a wB .. - . . , thoaaf Inhabitants. r sever attack of rneumatmra whioli had, aiea. over siretones or lava pellets and, -i f,.-li '"m." hoapltabl to ma iTh work they have aver aAawi-v-' i: taiiiir.''-'.Y . ... 'i..f haanttmt . rvataia V 'miW- .1-,-. .Ta Bororos preceded ln;in .h s '.,1v .. . . , r 4- . t in'-that ragioh is remark-; observations. :,begany to' be sorry, they' the most suppltent begrgar. in the land ;' "Treat he bad W try In to '! ' " have cultivated t great had 'come,ntl ?Would( have -certainly her, sense of. Justice ha faUen l:o V bottle of hair tontn f r th i and. buut Wall meteoro. tuyad bacjc If Utr tenant Ll'vZZ . ; ' - ju ,. the nAMmi nn. nn , mv tnat tnktt st not aware of being looked he walkedrWera, frequontly exposed, pattiouiarlr in 13-1- , 7 itratchw of land. - si win m sinvntHiT r . ja raw navsi inn nvar Dana. . -: . .1 . - 1..1 ..VaMaM r s.AI,i,. . h,ahb a swaistiii sa inns , - r ..,: v ' -v.-'.. l . . . . . . . . . later ha-4erted, ' ' Jhg f tudjr ot tb ceoloflcal XormatloQ er Urn war J2umaa,,.wri aMa.to.peak,i tb ladlan. anumbsr oC rhota they had It waatnz Inteotloawto n.duajiortb can ge nothing ahead or bar but "th -man,": -tit i ' V ; ' ! ,f . jThf tudjr OH tb teoloirlcsJ formation 7tlm war. Juman.,,wrj aMCto.peak.i th lad! !'i " I v y (I