cwrtfbt, mif i m k c. Hu fi jENmse. electricity for al i most everything for sweeping,:' for washing, for 'lights, for phono graphs, for cooking, for heating, for transports- iion -and they don't know what elec tricity is, and they don't understand its Workings. . . ; , j Only a few days since a great electrical tyranny, , . ' ' pxpert, testifying in a patent suit, ex Andrew Jackson, the great Democrat, ; plained that a certain electrical machine, is praised because he smashed the great did certain things to the Hertzian waves, central bank, They tqld him " that tha jHe didn't really know; how the machine tank was entitled to a certain' .represent "did it or what went on inside of the ma- tation In congress, andhe said,"B'ythe chine. , And' hfimight have added that eternal," that if anything; jrtthe country neither hejor:Hy5dy else Uvlng. knows "could compete with the: government in what tlje ( Hfft?lan wave really Is, or any- that way he would kill it arid he did IhJng fundamental ihout electricity. kill it. . . .. ' ' ; ' Now the descendants of his own Demo We explain our Ignorance concerning cratic party are proposing a banking electric power -by paying that we - have scheme which gets as near to a central tonquered electricity only recently and government bank as it dares to get. fiaven't had time to get acquainted with it. The managers are to be chosen in part ,' ' by the owners of private capital and In ' " part by the government of the United But what about money? States. - ..- J We have beeti using money for many And private capital is to make 5 per - jt dreary century. We have worked for cent prof itwhich, by the way, does not it," begged for it, bargained for it, fought tempt private capital at all, for AMERk for it, married, and murdered to get it CAN private capital is a pretty hungry 'AND. STILL WE KNOW NOTHING capital and is used to rich food. . ABOUT MONEY. . The fathers of this new system praise I We have used, as "money," slaves, 11 the" beneficiaries of the old system "shells, the skins of beasts, from which curse it. Stocks first hop up, then fall comes the word "pecuniary"; we have .'down;, the people, as ,a; whole, do not used wampum and gold, silver and copra know what it is all about,, andjhe capi--eyerything that men held valuable they - talists and the lawmakers .know, just as have used as a token of value, "of as" little the -peppier r--7-u.r. .. - J'moneynd w? don't know anything really about money today. TluVgreatest country in the world is About the actual inside workings of trying tajearrange itsV'financial system," money we know as little as we do about and all the doctor! of finance and all the the .nature, of electricity.. lawmakers and "business men are just' as .' But with tthey, as with electricity, we ignorant concerning the great trade protk can watch EFFECTS'. PRODUCED ; we lem as were the first savages that ever ex- can know where the power Is and apply changed 4 shining sea shell for a dead fish, it wherein Is 4 needed, ' - ' ' ''. ; ' " ' -"We know about money that the lack' .I'7 - ' ; 4 of'U ii'a-.curse.prevcnting'development. 4 Onet financial, man says that" the gov:; 'And an oversupply of it, artificially made, ernment.must haye a great bank and' run is. a worse'eurse, causing paralysis and the country's; finances; and another says 'panic V "V ' 'r, that such a system would mean destrucv .And timidity the raiuds'ot moneyr GREED (mmVARICE Are His Two High PriestsMd All Men Worship theGod. Men Worship Money iyet Mow Nothing About It - ; V : 4 ; ; ; Money and Electricity Are the TwoMy$teriesfffl WeKnoiv:That the GovernmentMust Control the Money GqdandlkndltsPowerDtrect totht People : tian, centralization of financial power -and owners, however, inspired, causes hoard-" ing and chills the business world. . ; ' We know that money Is to'cornmerce,. industry and manufactures and to mate Vial development what, water, is to the crops and knowledge to the mind. We know thatthe world of finance is the feeding-ground of; the most cunning, useless and pitiless sharks that the' human race develops, from' the pawnbroker who - charge a sick mother, twenty-five percent for a loan on her baby's clothing, to the eminently respectable, banking firm that charges a sick railroad in such a fashion, , as to put it in bankruptcy. ' We know that we have In this country more than'20,000 different bankers, every one of them a middleman PROpUCING nothing. ' ' " Every bank means that there U a presi dent of a bank, an intelligent man,, who spends his days shaving notes, PRODUC ING nothing, ; ' A cashier and Assistant cashier, a vice president perhaps, tellers - of .different kinds, arc all NQN-PRODUCERS. The "farmers who do produce wealth and create it pay an average of eight per cent for the money they borrowwwhich - is criminal usury. - -- -' - - And business men are bled most se verely when their needs are greatest. ; , And when- money is needled to move the crops, it cannot be had in sufficient amounts, although It is lying Idle,. piled up In vaults. ' ; ' -' And our stupid banking system com pels every bank to keep stored away, UN USED, a great part of its golden machin ery that ought to be at work which : means thai! hundreds of, millions lie idle, .all, the .time., A system compelling a farmer to 'keep in his barn three! mules doing nothing, for six' mules on the road, .would be no more stupid than our bank ' feserve system. '!- ; , :VCy." v The new system, the new financial egg which is laid by the Democratic hen, is a complicated attempt to solve the unsolv- ' able, a feeble sort of an effort K check -the' hopeless private bank system, com-" bined with the equally, foolish effort to ; lift one's self by-the boot straps.; v t The banks are to loan money On what is called good security. And that eood security is. the; backs' assets,; And-the PLE OWE THE BANKS. ' - Therefore, we call it the public debt, an asscV.andl loan money on DEBT, in? Stead of calling actual property "an asset and loaning money on actual property. : What is going .to he done in the long run ? 4Nor you, nor I, nor nobody knows',; as the children- used to sing. ' -r ; But this much B certain: , A WAY WILL BE FOUND IN THE END TO ENABLE THE GOVERNMENT TO. LOAN DI RECTLY TO TH B CiTI ZENS, .NOT, LErDINti TO( THEM THROUGH BANKS, ON THEIR DEBTS, BUT DIRECT ON THEIR PROPERTY. -;( ; . -V, , ' , The government is destined to temore , and more a central pool of wealth," toward which the country4 moneywlll flow" and from which It must be pumped hack again into the pockets of -the people, v; ' , The parcel post," which will be lntelllv: gently and usefully developed eventually, will ;pouit$ tens hd;h lions annually Into the government pock etbook, giving to the government all the ' vast ( revenues that the private - express ' companies haye collected and more;' ; And the postal banking svstem. which will also be popularly developed In such a way as to make the total deposits amount to hundreds of millions, will put yast.capl tal in"governmeot' hands. w ' - "Before my of us are very much older government ownership of public monopo lies (railroads, telegraphs and telephones Especially) will bring other hundreds of - millions into the national gqlden poql tartdalRttuit must be pumped out again and. scattered wisely, just as water ;tha ?keeps running back to the ocean is taken up. by. the sun's, rays, and scattered in clouds and dropped upon the soil agaim . , . . t K v The a government today, scatters its money in this way: . ' ,v It giveV the money to' private bankers, estimate gentlemen individually, but po lite and "legal" usurers in reality. . "r. the Hnker owns i government bond,t ufwwtikkihe government pays him 3 . or 4 per cent. . And igalnst this : bond which pays him interest the government permits him to issue currency, which" is REAL MONEY, And the banker loans this currency to the business man for s or (J per cent, and to the farmer for 8 or to or ,13 per cent, so that he gets 3 or 4 per cent from the government on his own money Invested in bonds, and at the same time he .gets. from the government the right to duplicate the fconds In the shape of currency and to loan it out at usurious rates to the public , ' It may not be possible for the mind of man to understand money and its mean-; ing, But the mind of man; which is not able to understand electricity, is a-t least able to USE it intelligently. . . And .man ..will 'eventually use 4noneyV! intelligently, and the people will borrow from the government (that is to say, from' themselves direct) at a fair rate of inter-' estf and get away, from the' systemUf v twenty-odd thousand , bankers, - each-1 one personally a very honest; estimable blood sucker, getting all 1he interest and profit: )osslble in times of prosperity, and . first o yell murder and shut bis front door in times of panic. , : , .;.,' We don't know anything about" elec tricity, but we know how, to get it out; of Niagara Falls and send' it : where it is. needed.- ? '-'u -: ,i'r'" J ' We don't know anything about money.' But we OUGHT to know enough to' get it-out of 'the centralpool of. credit and gold, which is the government, and send: it where it is needed