mr nl 1 . "' " r : ' ' i ' t-' -.rt-...-,1 , J -"'VT '...I . .-v. -j -wm f -,'-: .-':Xiva Chen rr Drltsla Rights iRttetvci. 1 i t ' ( V 1 I " f i f 1 3 X TO) , fetf.-, r; v:-n.-,., . . . . , Xbsf ames; and MrsiT?homas;;. yl';X ; v.- ; : Ant istiei;Tempenamenf i -T '- A(; PPvS r;-v ,y V, WorjdeR- oociets .Upset! ; 4 I t - , 1 V 1 ( s - i . -f.A , , fc ; w a mm vi; v. -.- ... f of S 1 A. V , gloom 'ltbtOVf1itBCS.tJkNanrr fport ( eolool ?,' . VHr-dot (Try . v fflBb,oth.loiiy'lookfwor rt!btkU4GoeItJtQMtMltfArtMrt A-. 4riwJklJMC 'Uk oibTAa4.. wty'4oM " otward ftpparaocn Newport w fcTrrjethfv'V morr;; brUltenfy mm; ' Dmmm rv.MbolMl to flU vnr,bonr ,af ,WT dy:uaUJ 8ptmbr.Vtb6r UeTwy- bUtViHior It'iTovlaitktUrTvry! talnate. V - addalrb&kg.tiltXleft I kifjffriuiUokay tvotr Un)i to ib airTfttrby at tbc'Mot Y Uim doeMi6idneyCotfor4 stop to tb ' mMofnwOowttbtb.uuiy HrfctHtnrr C1w and beda.t.bAk:br tb alrf Wbydoes Mr. Cralc Blddla-itop lvtb vafrMt of jrlklnf oroM eb.UwuTet ( JJ k J ft Jk . lW W ... K3t . .r ' . ,vsi4 , Ur Ankii ; . V V. .; iUugbty CwtuM , w.Ciitm. ' vv ;n --jr. bwhAndBomjhMbwjd'ubtloJdotjr fcftuk) and .'poll ' ItfraatJcally t Wbr, th.wby'thMiiciu1oniJflftititl Ob01oom!( i RKMColfeipfrt: f ' Biddlr.Md i ll tb!(othri nwibirt V of tbc Clraai 8at r7 f tetag tb 1 diogeiVof (tb f Tarkey ; Lag (andiMrfcyTbomaa'aiartlsU Umparamant).; j ':. .. Wbal" Is tbaTrtWrItT Andywty dlsata tbat follows ' oontinoad - idmaclag of - ths'.Turtsy'Trot Ueaaa,tba tegs?to j stUren,.mstbjtbTob"plnfally tad i1' ' In tlms;wUlmaionalaK?7aw?Bh0itr. . Y G v . ' fivfcn$ -. .. --d : aw ism '"I " . .cst? j " , -fii;- (iff n : - Y . . ! " . .. ..., ft 0 lv o I R 1 ft 4 1 A f I IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIWIIIMIIHI i II I h'w '-'i Y't " ' . j Mil : IVv lY-' i 4 , i i ; btblng Sldrt b Aaofbariaf.NMparaaWarriM., t i 'V 1 CsjTom tnuglas Newport'golni tbnragb Ui:aplltwin"stop,7- ' ' 4 ' Ufa on one legT Can ona lmaglns'New-' ' Newport toworrled. It UveiliTobaBtss lOTts,swDxowdsrsd fAoo always waarlmr fiar'thsl, sonioooB?sdbsQiibartottbo ; , ' a grinaoe of palsTUdeed na bescbSwfll , aawl;Mr.Coiurtoek!sJcsidvOt - . "Would yoa svold tba tttrke leg." would : tolMfaadUlwalaaoryiywlib,'' f''J you stoW goln through Ufa with one leg ; tbatbottlUjat(thtJioayt b lbop -f ; tlg."ildttbedoctora.' "Or; If : As. Ust reaort tba teadera , hara urged V Wu!taett you must sbabs' your, legator; tbVlbeautlfui'KMraY1! ' ' una4.'ss'oflB sa" possible- ;n.lj,f '.i!to0,,,,8,Lba 'Y ' i And tbie'socounu for' tba vary Peculiar i able tolbrtilpeslto.Newport'a.wonled k isi 4 v ( ootnlgbt ;saMdaJouaotlona :of: souL ! .; -v.T'., .Yf.V.'V V ! " , " tti Circus; 8et Tb xatJiiger1JwlM)'Jii- BuOhela oofTbe;TttTtoyTLsg'ls, ' turesj lato tbaiCaslno or t bo' flndtblielf '. okd. tba' aausbty' bathing 'aldrt 'is1 worssj'. ooapting (tba botpltslity ) of tbei colony bui'Mra-lxaalomas'staitlstiotam must not be surprised at anything be aeea ment is tha worst. . Mra.Thomaa. who was .i.l-'.-k. f-. j ..i. : . . .,.J..J..j .'.' But, there mora. The. Turkey Leg Is Blanche Oelrfchsand' Is, one of J tba. pret.' , BOA tbs' only I worry tbat, causes ; gloom Uest young mstroni In Newport, baa taken ' Tbsleg,ls;bad.,tut tha spllUlOrt basins toi psintlngBnaJbasbsd'sW WddodjU': - ' oostume Is worsa jThere are bathing oa- tober.homa."ajjd.aTery)day',sbo palntsx'-.V ti tkUassiOJtpiayad.oniUe beacb. dally i tbat Rhikmi n" rkim' riH.n. tsh' ontd(m&kjit AnUionvtm!A.kVrTfh in '.kJ-L ..kLL';.'.. .. . T . i wm i. , -w. iviw kuvuj i'i7wiMra,tTva w OAueys -i ii ., colored glsssaa Beach, where . no camera has t arer baas TT crowning I reatoreTof. LhlTMncht .' vvia . .v. oW;ebllstotb; , spllt: .Wraomssdol'ng something far worss'f-' i , f rMt"IttWX .Sbs'lspaintmg'tbo forms'iugbt ' 1 ' It Is sTJ armstter of dsrlnsTanrwafl The mn-t.M. .ut. J i . m aw - . 'a. j i-1. ,-i waa eu tras 'im as iduus f bliv wua s lis mmm " !!. k dumpy, fst womaadoaa'DtnTwaai iuawraa,V' ' rbomsawaar; It iv y-M P-PlKtl ber:aletta"'sjd brush.. C " Sidaav 'Cetfofi m Charming PotuihU Victim I -; ; - , " ."T" "T'V T 7 i) ---, un UTaoJonfrvworui:nTin ror inese Y;oJ.itot; BlanchaTboms; !i--i'ji; SA'.ba"i baach'1 tlkrbtbaloyZ thsrstwaa W?,i-Zvtl.f-tiJ- .miW." ki.,' V: "'.- .A. ' ' K " ;.;,,;:tfCarteril 'ottdiHYtbatshs;baslidyTrlnte fsH't:; !bUilfig(shlrtYwas J),wtfvomMrtbrmti. ' :WMAhoB,r " ' tnatroniOlrtlrig''wtthIittian:t nrorrr . mnrm : jinar )'PP$ lo ttita and i pretty! ,,.:7cZ'- 'rg ' .:immiff -.:':?s'K n I i';':. Vtula . Tbsro aow b:aosa sucb.eoa. . No. tre V oothtr T A ',v: at ua -inrnwy bas-