The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 55, Image 55

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. Rights and scenes at blue and gray; reunionon Gettysburg battlefjeld
PBjtiSil 1 1 c JlilPll 1 III . "iWiti
-, 4 ' , -4f.r.;y lift,,; fiferf Ps'h:" - .eamttjss ,,
(Continued From Preceding Page.)
) tlielr demand art oomptlad with.
The rallrobda tnvolvtd , aMrt that
granting of tha demanda would add $17.
; U0O.O00 t their payrolla. ,.
, Arbitration at Boston haa averted a
thratnd atrlka or oartnea on tha al
eratad railwaya. Tha men want mora
pay and batter working conditions and
their demanda will be oonaldared by tha
V mploylng company. ; ' .
"'- Caaualtlea reaultlng from the labor
3 jtroubie tn tha Rand gold mlnin die-
una pi, ovuin Ainu r tBiimtlta II
f ii ? &hiverv OompeWf prealdent t'o ?".th
M,Antanoan reaerauon or ladop, wiu ap
Vpea'r: iuly 25 before the' senate lobby
committee' at : Waahlngton. A aubpena
'.haa alao been issued for John Mitchell,
former head of the Vniud Mine Wdrk
, erai. Other witneeaea ( will be George
Pope and J. P. Bird, geheral manager of
i' the National Aaaooiation of Manufaot-
urar It la aald that all the "labor
I Waa" for the paat 10 year are to be
f invii4a or vvnejreae, una mai ine
, inside ,hlatory of many great, attike
f wlU bdbrouBht W light, t
x - In ah addreaa at Seattle before the Na
'tioflal Conferenoa of Chart tiei andCor
I recUon ln-aeseton there. Mra. Ahna T.
',,Reed a.aootoiogioai eitpart ot that olty,.
declared : that 4he minimum1 w&er'e haa
; lit tlo or 'no, effect upon younr working
i alrlo. : Aha aald that every decent work-
mg girt would reaent tha aaaumption
I that aha was moral on a week aad
lmiriuiKl un fv m, una. on puiawt out
i' ited to domestlo aervlce- aa ahown , by
federal investigation. , j ' , j (
j :!: General NW9 aSm?,
' W AC1SON PARK, a : Seattle auburb, j
i lYI waa visited last Sunday Afternoon
1 1 ' by a youn tornado,. It awept the
I , roof ' from the' park pavilion,' damaged
iama.ll houaea and left A . trail of -flat.
tened fence And ruined treea.
f FredA Raamuaaen, the only-daughter
i ;of Mr. and Mra. P.: Raamuaaen of Oak-
ral I'm.. j).na,n.4 Bi(H.,l L.
1 1 Bacratnento river while - her helpleaa
i mathor atood upon the bank. ; ;
t f "7 James1 Smith fell . Monday Into ei.' vat
I j of glue at Loa Ahgelea, and was advlaed
J iby FraDk" Oulmer, A felloworkman. to
, , "stick around : a whllA" Smith then
i aelied Oulmer and dragged him into the
'.vat. with Jha reault that when the. men
: were reaoued the clothing of both had
f''to bo cut apart.: ,i
i ' rire Monday at Cue ton, . Waah. ft
( helper enttine itntlon on the Nortliern
-Paoififl, destroyed 11 of Ua la buU
Vt. C, H. rnflcM, aft elderly pliyal.
rlrtn rt f '.Kkane, Wash., dropond dnad
: . " '
1 it
- .... :
lVlCA President and Mffl.' MArshall were interested vlsltorn. . "
a Veterang reading hariiee oa the battlefield . monument' - ' , .
t Blue And gravy iha ting .hands over the f Anions : "Dloody ' ABgW,M
r 5 7' here General Pickett ; lost 3000 of his 6000 men. ,' ; -
4 BretkfABt n ctmtt,:f -; J - ? " ' t , " T'
'6-i-SecretArof;Wr Garrison and General Liggett looking oyerv bat
y:!?J'f'tlefleld;,f! '"Vi ! ; . .' . 1, .
8 Heat overcoirie 'soMetoJj thg "Old Boys. ' '.Here .Is one being; car-
rled ;tOi an emergency hospltAl. " . ' '
7-Governor, Sulser and wlf with group of veterans, - z ;
8 Mock duel brlnggback strenuous days of 5 0 years ago. f ; :
9 Mtdnlht, and they are'sttll telling war stories., 1 '
10 Recalling incidents of engagements in the peach orchard.
ence of Mrs.' Zetta Jonea, whom it was
to marry next fall. V He' bad lived. At
Spokane tl Teara., v. ft:"
Senator Chamberlain haa 'accepted An
invitation to ' deliver the ' pnnclpal sd
dreaa before' the United irlah societies
in Chicago August aS.-.1 ::."';r;
An automobile aocldent on the McKay
creek' grade y near Pendleton, . Or, - re
sulted in serlou Injurte.. to Otto
Houaer. a high school student, and Misa
ITlorenc Bakef .of .BattlA; Jtf:
Lieutenant Loren Call of the United
States army ' waa killed. Tuesday In a
fall at the military aviation field neat
Houston, Texas." Me la the tenth army
aviator to lose his life in Aerial.. ex
perlmentA ' ' ' 1
, It 1 announced at Lincoln; Neb., that
the -Commoner; William J. Bryan's pa
per, will be changed from a. weekly to
monthly publication.
While playing with a small target
rifle at Eaker. Gerald Moody, the 1-year-old
' Bon of Oreon 'Moody av wealthy
heepman, waa accidentally ahot through
the heaf' and instantly killed.", 1 - .
Mr. Klimbeth Warner, 10S years old,
J 1 v " ' " JLvir.3 rsrsua..whousa Pnu
modore Perry enter Erie, Pa.. ISO yaars
ago. to superintend the building ot itis
fleet She rode Tuesday ; at .the head
of ,13,000 school children at Erie to cel
ebrate his 'Tictdry. V.;.
R. Lewis Cchearer, It years. old. was
instantly killed Thursday In the elevator
shaft of A local muslo. house At Seattle.
Me 'was captain-elect of ,the Lincoln
high school' footbAll:"tam.,'f--:.Tv-':t 'i
' About 1500 regular soldiers and 1000
state militiamen were uaed in fighting
A fierce brush fire on Mount Tarnalpala,
California, Much, damage waa done by
the flame before they could be con
trolled after aoveral days of oxhausuag
warfare. - The town of .Mill Valley was
for a time endangered. ? -
Jack London, the noveliat, underwent
an operation for appendicitis aft an Oak
land, Cal., hospital. While he had paaaed
a reatlesa night laat Thuraday, hla con
dition 1 not considered serious by his
phyalclana, - 1 V? A,v: '
Colonel C. 0. Ruggof Taooma died on
the train while Washington veterans
were returning from Gettysburg. Me
claimed to have fired the first shot of
the historic .battle And-was-A-prlsoner.
for many months at Andtrsonrille.
' Charlea Miller, It years old and "a
prominent Democrat, died recently at
hi home near Jefferson, Or where he
naa resided e year a Bt wan a pioneer
' Rube Waddell, former' star pitcher of
the Philadelphia American v baseball
team, . distinguished, himself At Tower,
Minn, by diving to the bottom of a
lake and recovering the body of .Km
mett . Oary who .was drowned. He la
there on a camping trip,. -. ,.
A,' flat oar crowded with, members of
the: Coast Artillery was wrecked .10
miles southwest of Manila, P. X., and
six men were killed. About 9 others
were injured, several of them fatally.
Andrea . Tomasetti, a timber worker
near SUverton, Or waa Instantly killed
Tueaday when struck y. a branoh from
A targe fir tree, crnahliig hl akull. :
The American gunboat ' Annapolis
reached , port at San Diego Wedneeday,
carrying II refugee from Topolobam
bo, Mexico, And reported that J 00 others
are waiting at Maaatlln for an Amerlonn
warship to resoue thw,'- yA:-:'.'A
About 600. eltlsens met Thursday night
at Bandon, Or., to formulate plans for
checking the threatened agitation of the
I. WV W., Whose troublemaker are led
f W. F. Sdgeworth. ' deported " from
Marahf laid. After tb meeting?,. 00m
mittee waited upon Dr. B. K. Leach, who
edits a paper known aa Justice, and or
dered him to leave town bcea-ue of hi
alleged sympathy with the L W. W. ele:
raent : ' 'i"'"--;.('A.
fprofessor 3, Bushnell haa resigned
a head of the sociological department
of Lawrence college at Appletoh, Wia,
an old Methodiat Inatltotlon. to become
president of Pacifio university of For
est Grove, OT. A..?---VV-r'.(.,v'i,:J,'..,,v;?.
. Aubrey . Bouclcalt, actor and play
wright, died of pneumonia Friday at. A
Nw ;Tork hoplui. 't "
Grand ria Withheld. 1 ,
Paris, July The Inatltut . of
Franco haa decided not to award the
largest of all,' the great Oslri prise, of
$10,000, this year..- The prise 1 in the
terms of the legator's wllL "to reward
the most remarkable discovery -or work
in science, literature, art, induatry, or in
jJiA"hlia Interest generally." The In
stitute considers that nothing ha been
done In any of these directions In
Prance for the past threo years to mer
it such ev reward.
'.; 'fgpeeul to The eeatt4'';9U.-:
Centralis, Wash.. July la.The Mon
arch Coal company, tha . latest conoern
to enter the Lewis county coal fields,
haa purohaaed 1(0 acre of rioh coal
land a few miles east of CentrallA and
la taktng . Immediate step toward de
velopment of the property. .The Incor
porator are O. T. Wedtnark, a Centralia
attorney and Frank Anderson, . D. B.
Lofgren, C. P.. Olaon and P. M. Lone
gren, of Portland. . . - .v i-,'.;;va.iS
What may develop into a substantial
addition - to the payroll of . Wlnlock 1
the discovery of a 11-foot vein of coal
at a ' point four mtles . south of that
To Look and JFttl
''. 1 , Bright lii Hot Weather
(From The Woman' Beautiful.) i ;
Thia is- the sesaon when she who
would have a rose-leaf complexion, lily
white nook and hands, should turn her
thought to. marooliaed wax, the firm
friend of the summer glrL Nothing so
effectually overcomes the soiling effects
of suhAWlnd, dust and dirt The wax
literally : absorbs the scorched, discol
ored, withered , or , coarsened eutlole,
bringing forth a brand new akin, clear,
aof t and girlishly 1 beautiful, It also
unoloss the pores, removing blackheads
and increasing the akin' breathing ca
pacity. An ounce, of marooUsed wex,
obtainable 1 At 1 any drug store. Applied
nightly Ilk eoia cream,' And Washed off
morning, - will gradually Improve the
worst complexion. :V'i! V'.': 'E-fi:;.
When depreaaed by tno neat and you
want to freshen .up for the evening,
bathe the face In a lotion made by dis
solving an ounce ot powdered saxotite in
a half pint wttcn nasei. xou 11 find
this mor refreshing than an hour's
rest 4 It. is fin , for smoothing out
wrlnkleav even the deeper, one. Av,
town. A flow of artesian -water, in which
are evidences of oil, was also struck, A
company backed by Senator J. A. Veness
Is taking ateps toward development of
the property, , ' v , :
,'; V.K'', , - ii.i-fW.Saf.aaessaaawa ' ."Ji
JBerlln;tjuiy ItlJThe fight .'for':rth
oil trade in the Oerman market which
has hitherto been carried on by - the
Standard Oil company's Oerman branch
and a domestic corporation, controlled
by the Deutsche bank, comprising Ger
man, Austrian and Roumanian Interests,
haa now become a three-cornered eon
test I;,'- j-. ,:,.,: -..)
The latest competitor is the so-called
Royal Dutch group, which derive it
aupplle from the Dutch and Brltlah
East Indies, Rouraanla, Russia, America,
Kgypt and Mexico. -';'
Its . oapitoi is said, to aggregate ' A .
quarter of a billion dollars, and it
threaten to offer the Standard ; Oil"
company competition worthy of the '
ham A ' r.-;;'i ' ' S'i'.i,
Steel f Bridge for Catherine Creek
'x; T':r;rtOalted't'ta4-:'wmi'f';
Union, Or July ltMembera of th
county court accompanied by i. ateel
bridge expartA today examined the alt -of
a bridgs over Catherine, creek within
the llmlta of the city of Union, and will
erect a steel bridge with a walk on ack '
side, covering the entire street is '
0x60 feet with concrete abutment, to
cost about $450. This bridge Is to take
the place 6f a wooden bridge damaged
by high water a few weeks ago,
I f v
Wl fc..