THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY, MORNING, 'JULY , 13, 4013. in ii in' Mil t - - , ' t i ',"" it ' " 1 1 ' l I 1 r Glasgow. ' The wedding I to be iri Rose City Park Presbyterian ohurcn. ' "Th Sunday school of St. Michael' Episcopal cnurcn pionicna mu , Par Tuesday. Tby went on th - launch. "Th Qrahhamona." Boating, gmm, race and luncheon wrs enjoyed. About J00 attended. - Mr. and Mr. J. J. Small who have resided at Tillamook and Thirty-elf hth , street,, north, hart "left for Vancouver, . B. i, to resiae. tioiore ineir aepn ura. they spnt several day at the horn of Mr and Mr, Stephen neiaen racnt;i:i.i;'iiii;.i. - , Th Fourth of July party at the Rose City Park club houfio for tb club and guests was a very pleasing airair. a moat enjoyable program was presented , by Dr. Leon Hyde, Mr. Hurd, Mies Ger trud Hoeber and Miss Laura Shay fol lowed with dancing- and cards., Mn. C. H. Steele and Mr. Cowen were the for- tunate prlsa winners. ; . Keat--Friday evening1 an Informal dapoa and card party will be kiven for club member. .Mis Irene Saunders of Philadelphia arrived Friday evening to he me guest ef .her mother, Mr. Edward Saunders, a East Forty-eighth street,: north, and . slaters, Mr. C. J, esaiaeni ana rs. George Raymond. , The Ladies' Aid society of the Rose City Park Methodist church held their regular monthly meeting unurroay i tsmoon with Mrs. Fred Tebbln, 0J East Fifty-fifth street, north. About 18 were present: Mrs. Harry Dickson presided. ' The regular data ia the first Thursday of each month, but because tif the Fourth, the tneeUng waa . postponed on week. . Next Wednesday Mrs. W. B. Mahoney, . East SlJtUeth street, north, : and Fre montr with . her little daughter, Bose siaxy. and Mrs. William Graham and daughter, Coral, leave on the steamer 1 Beaver for an extended trip. They ill visit Los, Angeles. Long Beach, the desert and 'other places returning jteta about September first. ' Mr. H. G, Strayer, 2 East Fiftieth atreet, north, daughter Alma and Miss Laura, Shay leave tomorrow tor New port. Mrs. ' Strayer and Aim "will spend the entire season; Miss Shay will, return in two or .tare wees. Th Women's Department of the Rose City Park Iub will give a Japanese tea Wednesday afternoon at the club haua for memoers ana guesw. . mrw v. M. C. Sllva is chairman of. com' mittae. assisting her are Mrs. Elmer Johnson, Mrs. McDonald ana rs. w. a. Levett. While these social functions are to-- be given fortnightly . tor tb benefit ef tho . treasury. Mrs. Samuel J. Bllverman was elected secretary at th business meeting Monday atwrnoon- Saturday evening June twenty-eighth, at th home of Mia Elsie Braun. 1083 TlUanook street, the Sunday school class cf Mrs. J. W. McMlobael front the Bos City Park Praabyterian church, gava their, dosing class party for tb year. ' The usual large attendance en joyed a program consisting of Instru mental numbers by Mrs, MoMichael, Mlsa Braun. Miss Penolope Oehr. Mis RiUtla Shaw, -vocal palecUons- by . Mis Allsan Oehr, Customary yearly prties wero won by Miss Margaret Suclcan for best -church attendance and most new scholars obtained. Second won by Mis Ernestine Shellenberger. This is so or. ganlsea class ' and ia known as tne "Faithful Daughters of th King." . About 26 of the young ladles were In tha parade H the Fourth, dressed la the class colors, yellow 'and white, and carried a beautiful band decorated banner which Gleason Bishop presented to them. . In honor of their guest, Glenn W. Van Anker of Los Angeles, Mr,, snd Mrs, Harry Allen Anderson, (l East Forty first street,' north.' entertained at dinner last Monday evening. The previous Sat urday evening Mr. Van Auker waa hoit at a dinner and theatre party for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Miss Piatt Tuesday evening the Andersons again gave a dinner party for their uncle and aunt, Mc and Mrs. Edward Franklin Ervinger of Chicago, who are making an exten sive coast tour. Thuraday afternoon at the homo ef Gertrude Houk, f65 East Blxty-sixth street, north, several little girls with tb assistance of Mrs. Houk, formed a sewing circle to be known as the "Ruby Class." Th names of the clasa are Gertrude Houk, Rose Mahoney, Dorothy Perkins, Helen, White, Helen Goughler, Dorothy Lyon, Harriett Murton, Eu genia Eba and Harriett Johnson. - -f Mr. and Mrs. M. Goughler and daugh ter Helen left yesterday for Seattle. Mrs. Willis Magulre, (37 East Forty-third street, north, with her daugh ter,'.; Mrs. Ivan C Burke of Hanf ord, Cat,' will go to 6eattle tor the Potlatch. Mrs. Mary Heerdtf 735 East Flftjt seventh street, north, entertained at " intimate friends. The dining room was : profusely adorned with beautiful clus ter of Caroline Testout and Frau Karl Druskt roses. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Matthelson, Mr. and Mrs. Breit hart. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Finkhausen, Mr. and Mrs. Hoeber, Mr. , snd Mrs. Tohhansen, Mr. and Mrs. Blaestng. Mr. Bestland, Miss Elsie Mayer, Miss Trudle Felgler, Miss Oer- trude Hoeber and Miss Trecna Heerdt, Dr. and Mrs. Wheat who have resided In Roc City Park for sometime, are leaving to make their home in Astoria. . Honoring her daughter, Mrs. Ivan C. Burke, of Hanford, Cel.. Mrs. Willis Ma gulre, 827 v East Forty-third street, north, was hostess Thursday afternoon ' at sn elaborate bridge and 600 luncheon. Baskets and vases of pink sweet peas 'i and ' Caroline Testout roses decorated the 'room. Luncheon was served at seven small tables ' which were later used for cards. Each table was cen tered; with a distinctive flower: They - rose's,' psnsleS, . pink sweet peas and ' baby's breath, 'naaterttums, yellow rosea, : panisles, ping sweet peas and red ereranium. Bridge was played at ' three tables.',:- Instead . of ' progressing, the ladies at eh table pivoted one at - each table winning a prize. Mrs. Jnmes Goodwin,- Mrs. Charles Mathts and Mrs. Morris Bromberger iWer-- the . fertun- ate ones. At the other four tables EOQ was played, Mrs, Phillip Cleider taking first prise, Miss Aileen Gehr, second. Theme -who .enjoyed the pleasures of th afternoon were M rs. Burke, Mrs, John Fellerman, Mrs. Roland Gittings, Mr. R..E, Gehr. Mr. Clyde MeacU, Mrs. Msm J, Sllvurwan. Mrs. Fred Marx, Mrs, Marshall Atapsugh, Miss Minnie Allen, Mrs, John Harrison, Mrs. Melvln Lewis, Mrs.1 Harold Joiies. Mrs. ;John Collins. M r. Fred , Ort man, . Mrs. Clslder, . M iss Gehr, Mrs. Good win. ' w rs,; Matni, m rs. Hrotrberger, -Mrs,, fcdwsrd Frsley.'Mrs. ,'ImU FJtcli.' Mia Harper Gray,; Airs, - Chester Uooley, Mr. ? Charles O.: Fee-1 Mughtr, Mrs. IJarry. Bissell, Mrs. Wal-"; Miss Helen Dunham sad Dumont ter Mogulrel Mrs. Lincoln Johnston and Mrs. Thomas Dodson, - ? Mrs. . Msguir waa aslsted . by : Miss Gehr and Miss Kuth-Peebles. - . WEDDINGS On of ' the i prettiest June weddings took place at the University Park Con gregational church at half past three on th afternoon ef Monday, June thir tieth, when Miss Helen- Mason Standlah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Standish, was united in marriage to eatnuei praper ; Duniop, son or Mrs. Simpson Dunlop of Oak Park,' Illinois. Th ceremony was performed by Rev. David JB. Gray. Th church waa decorated In pink and green, pink being the color not of th wedding throughout.. Sprays of pink Canterbury bell and fern were tied at th end o -east pew -and .pink roses were used1 also on the pulpit, against a Dacagrouna or masses ,oc ferns snd palms. .- " ' v Just before the bridal -party came in, Philip Standish, cousin of the bride, ang, "Oh, Promise Me," -to the organ accompaniment of Mrs. Harley . Trow- bridge. To the strain 1 of Lohengrin Wedding march the bridal party en- terea. mis Annie Dunlop, sister of tb groom, ws th single bridesmaid and wore white crepe voile, a picture bat of pale blue silk with pink, rosebuds. Sh carried pink sweet peas, Mrs. Wil liam Garfield Dunbar, matron of honor, wore embroidered white voile, a hat oi pink chiffon and pink rosebuds and car. rted Pink carnations. The bride entered on the arm of her father. Her gown was white charmeuse. en traine, and she wore 4 full tulle veil. Her only or, nament was a crescent of pearls, the present of . th groom. She . carried a shower, sqfuquet of Bride roses. John Rankin Dunlop-. brother of the grom, acted a beat man and P.' F.- Standistt and H. G. Trowbridge a ushers. Th ceremony- was followed by a din ner at the Hotel Portland for th bridal party and immediate family. - Among th out-of-town guests were Mrs. Simpson Dunlop, Miss Annie Dun lop and John Rankin Dunlop of Oak Park, Illinois; Mrs. Henry T. Kimball of Salem, Mrs. M, Evans, P. F. Standish and Mr. and Mra. Harley G. Trowbridge of Estacada. A pretty home wedding, with the res idence of th groom, ff Roaelawn av enue, this city, as the scene and in the presence of a tew select friends, took place on Wednesday afternoon, ; July 2nd, the contracting parties being Miss Maude Alice Irwin of Bault Ste Marie, Michigan, and A. R. Mills of Portland. Miss Irwin Is one of Michigan's fair sTaaugnter ana made the trip across the - continent to outfill a romance started aeveral years ago. Mr. Mills Is prominently Identified with lodge cir cles of Portland. The Rev. Mr. Walker of the Clay Street Presbyterian 'church, officiated. After a wedding . repast the newly married coupJe left, for a brief wedding journey to -seaside and other coast resort and after the 16th Inst, will be at Jiome to their friends, 44 Boseiawn avenue. "WW Chicago, 111., July 9. The marriage here of Roy S. Comln of Greenevllle, Mlch and Miss Oliver of the Oliver Millinery firm , of Portland, took place July 8. w In their newly furnished home at 1485 Moore avenue, in the presence of quite a company of Immediate relatives, Jos eph W. Stevenson and Alice M. Sleeper were married by the "Rev.. Delmer H. Trimble, D. D.. of Centenary MethodUt churcn. Mr. Stevenson Is secretary of 1Mis iNadlno fohtautler.'who.:' ccle brated her thirteenth ?, birthday j,Ust ;Woek; I i " i ' ' ''" tsBWBBSSS ' ' Photos by Aun. Potter Lmb, , whose engagement; Is the Columbia Abstract and Trust com pany and has been in the city for about two years. Mrs. 8teVenon was a pub lio suhool teacher In an ' eastern city, coming out to Portland to be married at tho close of her school year, , .... Albertus De wltt ,'hltlng wa nr. ried Wednesday at Walla Walls, Wash., to Miss Vlviorie Morris, at the horn bf Senator John L. Sharpatetn. Mr. WhUing is with th Pacifte Light and Power company at Dayton, Wash. 108 . East Taylor street was th scene of a very pretty wedding last Friday, July th Fourth, at 4:80 p. m., when their " son, George Herman was mar ried to Miss Magdelena Rents, both of whom are very popular and well liked among? a . large list of acquaintances. They are spending their honeymoon in California and will return in the courae of few weeks te the home of, Mr. snd Mrs. Herrman at 608 ,East Taylor tree! After the wedding a puncheon wa served on the lawn to the follow lng guests: Mr. and Mra Chart Herr man, Miss Flora Herrman. Mia Ellen Herrman, Mr. and Mra. Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Olat B. Argaard. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Craln, Faliva Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Utter. Miss Ella Utter and Albert Utter, Mr. and Mra Edward G. Hoehappel, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stretcher, Mr, snd Mr. N. Olsen, Mrs Lottie Swan ion, Miss Florence Swanson. Carl Nel- son, austave Johnson. Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Olsen, Miss Julia Kane, Miss Ida ReigeL Mrs. N. J. Carroll, Hean Hfndrikson, Miss Anna Sepmeyer, Mrs. G. Maggorlni, Hans Uurn, Miss Freda Jenson. Mr. and Mrs. 8, C. Mitchell, Miss Ethel J. Carroll. Charles M. How. ard, Mr. and Mra Speller, Mra. Clara Yipsy, Mr and Mrs. Splidsboel, Mr. and Mrs. C. Beck. Mlis Anna Christiansen, LA. Thlm," Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Northrup, rWUlam H. Barton. Mr, and Mrs. John son and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Nel son S. - EberV Miss Annie Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Mathelsen. Mr. and Mra George O. Leo, Will B. Bradley, Harry Howard. Albert T. Hoppe, Mr. and Mra Charles Oman, Mr. and Mra Dahlgreen. Mra. James P. Dahlgreen, ' K. .Elilers, Mrs. Lena Palmer, Mr. and Mr. N. B Haughey, Mr. and Mr. H. C. Christian sen, Mr. and Mra Ben Faldores, Mil ton Reader.., William Deliverer. Jos eph Roberts. Miss Alice Durbln, Mrs. Sandquist, Miss Jenni Sandquist, and Mr. and Mr. Kllngel. Mr. Herrman 1 an employe of th Portland Gas snd Coke company. One of Washington county's prettiest wedding took place at th home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Livermore at Aloha, Or egon, when Mis Vida May Livermore, their daughter, was united in marriage to E. R. Wlschnofske of Blodgett. Or. Th wedding ceremony . took place at 12 o'clock July 8. The wedding march waa played by Miss Iva Livermore. Rev. a. k. norner ot Beaverton oinoiatea. , The brid was beautifully go wnfcd in whit and carried a bouquet of car nations.. Miss .Gertrude Wlschnofske of Blodgett, was bridesmaid, with Lyle Thurman of Blodgett, as best man. The house was beautifully 'decorated with evergreens and flowers. In one end of the spacious sitting room , the wedding ceremony took plac under a large belt mad of evergreens and sus pended Trora th celling. The gifts were numerous and beautiful. , Wedding din ner waa served immediately after the ceremony. Among those present were: Miss Thresa Wlschnofske of Blodgett, Or.; Miss Thurman of Blodgett, Or.; Mr. and Mra Shirley Livermore of Port land; Mr. and Mra. F. W, Livermore of Beaverton; Mia Iva Livermore, Fran cis Livermore, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Livermore or Beaverton: o. w, wens or Beaverton; Roy Wells of Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker of Beaverton; Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Wlschnofske will be at home at Blodgett, Or,, after July 12. 1918. ' Chicago, 111,, July 9. Announcement is made of th engagement of Mis Anna Cole of Chicago, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole, to Dr. Richard Charles Mylliolland of Portland, Or. Miss Cole is an accomplished singer. having attended the American Conserv atory of Music. Dr. .Mulbolland 1 a graduate of the Illinois Dental college, The marriage will occur next month, v On Wednesday evening, the ninth, 8. H. McElfatrlck and Miss Alms Walker, both of this city, were quietly united in marriage by- Rev, A, L. Hstohlnson of Third Presbyterian cnurcn. xn cere mony took plac in the cosy flat where the bridal party will make their home, at 4 iast Fourteenth street. The groom's parents were present from; St Louis, mo. Th otner guests were me bride's . fsmll. ; and relative, with ' a couple of the groom' Intimate friends. Floral decoration were abundant; Re freshments were served and' mfislo en- iivencu uie occamon, . .. '' ' ' - w'' " 'SS''v - '';'' James D. Smlui and Miss Maud X Rainey were married July 8 by Rev. John A. Townaehd at their bnma 13S7 "Vlllard . avenue. Nc cards. X u ,, . 'The afternoon of July 10 at the home of Mra. U H. Blaks, Montgomery apart- ments, tne wedding or 0. Herbert Ray to Miss Aimed Beesort was solemn Ised. Rev. Dyott of the First Congre gational church offMated, and the left for a wedding trip; At home after Octo ber 1. at .401 .Third, street.-,, A;;; ;K A pretty home 'weuttlng took place at the resident) of IMr. and Mrs. ' E. B. KhoaJeS. 1525' Milwaukla ratrt. mi a o'clock Wednesdsy. evening, .June Si, when 'their daughter, Eva Isadora, was married to Rene B. Wright of Omaha, Neb. . v , . t The houss ws artistically decorated with Carolina' Testout roses, syringe and t rv.-M'-,..- ":.;!; Vf'' ; .- - tPreeeding the ceremony Miss Dorothy Lowe sang "I. Love You Truly." ' ; ' Mis Hedwlg Kasper 'played Lohentl grin's wedding March, and during th Imprssslvo ring ceremony, which was read by . the Rev,-J. K. Hawkins of the Sellwood Methodist -church, Lauge'i, Slower Hong' wa softly played. The ' brid was attractively gowned In . white orepe meteor i draped with shadow lace, and carried a shower bou quet of? Bride rosea.' The full-length veil wai'caught back 'with spray of or ange blossoms. Her only ornament was a diamond and. pearl 'brooch, the. gift of f ine groom. mr-i ';:??:. :K"." i-i yi- ', Mis Louise' Mayer, in attendance a bridesmaid, was oharming in. a gown of Pins; '. vrep ue Chin and carried a shower bouauet of sweet peas, , Forrest Lows 'acted as best man. j, i After the ceremony th Misses Anna and Agnea Chamber an J Ida and Adrian Mtuaniei served ices and punch, .i ! . ' Mr. and Mrs. Wrlsht left immediately for a short trip, and will be at home after July 15 at 876 -Bldwell avenu, . : On JTuesday evening. July 8. at 8 n. m.. at th home of H.-C. Elliott, 441 East Forty-third street -North, Rossmere, Portland, i Florence '8." Coburn. second daughter 'of -J. ; W and Mrs. Coburn, BU Petersburg, Fla., was united In marriage to A. J. Cecil Parsons of Llllooet, B. C, oldest son of Alfred J. and Mra Parsons of Kenora, Ont, Can., bjyRev. Dr. John Boyd of the First Presbyterian church, The bride 1 a petit blonde,' and was prettily gowned in whit charmeuse trimmed with rare old lace, and carried I a bouquet of white swset peas and Bride roses. . The rooms were arUetlcaJly dec orated . with ferns and rosea After the ceremony the -guests adjourned to the dining' room, wher a dainty buffet luncheon was served. The groom Is s brother of Mra. H. C BlllOtt,-- -.5-" " " ' 7Tr----:-"- Th wedding was quiet, only a few In timate friend being present, ' Mr. and Mra. Parson left on the 11:18 Northern Pacific train for their home In Llllooet, B, C. " tV TV A recent announcement has been made of tho marriage ot Miss Clara Jeannette Rebe, daughter ot Mrs. Magdalins Rebo, and Jesse L. SumralL assistant United States attorney. Tha ceremony was per formed June - , at th Presbyterian church at Seventh and Marshall street. Mr. Sumrall ia a native Oregonlan, and is a'craduate of th Portland High school. Mr. Sumrall. who was born In Mississippi, has been In Portland sev eral years. He wss appointed deputy to B. A. Johnson when Mr, Johnson was United State attorney, and reappointed by C. L, Reames a few weeka ago. Mr. and Mrs. Sumrall will be at home after September 1 at (4 Lucretla, Court - W. Id Kuilsch and Miss rfelen Orpha Palmer were married at th hbm of tb brid's parents. Mr. and Mr. C. C Pal mer. 7063 Powel Valley Road, July . 1913.' The' groom is a prominent young business man of the firm of Kuilsch Bros. Th bride is a popular young musician and a Washington High school girl. Both are well known, and win b at horn to their friends after Septem ber 1 in Portland. Th young couple left for a trip to Long Beach. Rev. Voght of Oregon City : officiated. ly.'-"-ji-ji1""""1 EVENTS OF THE WEEK . mat mere is one iaay in ine isna proud to tell her age can be attested by a number of friends and relatives who were invited to the home of Mr. and Mra A. a Ellis at (62 Gllsan street, Sunday, to celebrate the seventieth an niversary of the birth of Mra. Eleanor F. Griffin, an aunt of Mra, Ellis. Mrs. Griffin, flushed with an early auto mobllo ride from her horn near Beaver ton, aat in . state and received th con gratulations of guests assembled. Mrs. Eleanor F. Griffin waa born at Springfield, Maine, In ,1843, coming with her parents to Minneapolis, Minnesota, in early pioneer day, and later to Or egon. , Although facing many hard ships incident to pioneer life she is a three score years and 10 and enjoyed being th guest or honor a heartily as though she were in her teens. .The occasion brought together many who, although living in and near Port land, had not been together for a de cad te enjoy th reunion of old time friends and relatives. After a bountiful repast and Jovial time, and amid a shower of well wish ing for many happy returns of the day, Mrs. 'Griffin was whirled back to her bom in Beaverton. - ' Among tb guests were: Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Barnes, Mr. and Mra. .J. W. Barnes, L, S. Barnes, Miss Bernlce Barnes, Mr. Jennie Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Barnes, Mrs. Melissa F. Tullock, Lew Tullock, Mrs. Martha K. Barnes, J. O'Connor. Vivian O'Connor, Mrs. E. II. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Briggs, Mr. and Mra E. T. Falting, Ben H. Briggs, Frank Briggs, Shepard Briggs, . Mr. and Mra A. A. McLeod, Mrs, Lula ; Williamson, Mrs. Lotta Schloth, Frederick snd Wil ls rd Schloth, Mr. and Mr H. E. Cole man, Naomi Coleman, , Dorothy Laws, Victoria Robinson, 'Roy Briggs. . t '. h ''' , . A successful . fancy dress surprise party was given at the home of Mrs. John Mackay, Grand - avenue, South. Saturday. June 6,. complimenting Miss Berry of Edinburgh, Scotland, who is making a tour of the world.' , Mrs. Dur and and C, Burton carried off the prise honors tot1 the best sustained char acters in point of originality. The following-guests were present:, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. J. Stewart Mr, and Mra Durand, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O. Tait, Mrs. Cor mack, Mr. and Mrs, C Burton.' Mr, and Mra W. M. Clist Mr. and Mrs. Alex Runclman, Mr. and Mrs. Dick, W. Tait and Misses Talt, Miss Lawson, Misses Burns, . Miss 8. Berry, Miss ; Laurie, Mlaa L. Stewart. Miss M,,;Scrltfoneler, Miss McEwan, W. M. McEwan, J. Law son, V. Black, D. Jack. A. Jack, E. Pil lips, J. Albinson, W, C - Mackay, A. Mackay, and Master C. Stewart ; Mrs. Neil ' McLauKhln pf ' Tacoma, Wash., who was visiting her ' sister, Mra J, . J. . Dorney during the past week was cn tcrtalncd Wednesday eve ning by Miss Elisabeth Hahn at her home, 900 Milwaukl avenue. Refresh ments, munio and cards were the feat ures pf the evening. A surprise was tendered July 9. to Miss Calsnthe Wendliok, the (laughter of Nr.t and Mrs. J. P. Wendllck of 3 West Sumner strcot and presented with a beautiful locket In honor of her elev enth birthday by the members of Ca- lanthC lodge No.-11, of P. ' Those present were: E. F, Snclder, - Jamos Bacon, 11. W. Fox, H. T. J. Nlcklee, D. W. Wendlkk, James H. Rodda. Charlos Burgy, D. G. Brunger, Ous Weideman. Georg Pray, Calaaths Wendllck, Dau W I ! ii il 111- i : f v ; a v - ' ; I 'v. . k U . if . ' x V:-; v:VAiV,-l;, Croup' of-guests at a fancy dress ball sivon for Miss Berry of 8oUand',-3"j-"'V.-;'-Vf', ' . ' - -,.v :,. - . ' '... ". 1 . ' r- Unruh.' F A. Champarla, D. Mu'Uon, M. O; Mackley, ,J. E. Taylor, J, IL Brelter. J. Croaker. Miss Josephine Lovett, Miss Myrtle wendllck, Mr. and drs, J. Wtndllck '. - -f':V"iX-''a Mr. and Mrs. H. A. King, Mr; and Mra A, Lehndorff. Mr. and Mrs. E. Winter, Mrs. Theodore Trautman and Mrs, A Rahn were royally entertained on Sun day afternoon on board th Hamburg American (earner Saxonia, by Captain Neuman, with a delightful dinner. . The Misses Zeta Ausman and Mar guerite O Shea entertained Tuesday at th horn of th former, 804 Height ave nue. A pleasant evening was spent in games and music, after which refresh ments were served. The' honored guests were Marguerite O'Shea, Charlotte Da laney, Zts Ausman, Ruth Wltsl, Esther Pearson, Alios Brown, Esther Larson, John" Donovan. Mr. -Toung, Clement Ausman, George Delaney, Clar enc Stewart Fred Brace, Lynn Stew art and Frank Rierdon. One of, the events of -the week In Bella Crest was a surpris party given in honor of H. M.- Terry's birthday, Tuesday evening. July 8. The room wer tastefully; decorated In pink and white. Th evening was spent la play ing 800, after which a birthday dinner was arranged by Mra H. M. Terry. Th honor at 600 were won by W, W, Terry and Mra. George Miner.' Thos present were Mr. and, Mrs. Will Cooper, Mr. and Mr. Georg Miner, Mr. -and Mra W. w. Terry, Mr. and Mr. Charie Phillips, Mr. snd Mrs. Walter Phillips, Mr. and Mra B. F. Holt Mrs. K. L. Griffith, Mra Lottie Gibson, Miss Irene Phillip and Miss Margaret Stowaaser. Mr. Terry received a beautiful oak rocker. . ... , , Mt Mabel B. Warren asked In a few of th W. H. 8. June, '12 class Wed nesday afternoon, , for Miss Beatrice Gsylord. . a member of the class, now residing at Tillamook, Or. Miss Rbx anna Wommelsdorf rendered violin solos, accompanied by Miss Warren. ..... ..-v For their, guest Miss Marvik-Evahs, of Spokane, Mr. and Mra W.. J, Brand- ergast of Portland entertained ' at an old-fashioned bonfire on Tuesday eve ning at Long Beach, Wash., where they are passing tha summer. Toasted marsh- mallows,, roasted potatoes, snd biscuits were served In the beach way, without napkins, tables, ior knives and forks. FRATERNAL NOTES On the seventieth birthday of J, Huestlss his wife entertained the mem- bers bf the Ben Butler U., A R. ' post and ; ladles of the Ben Butler , Relief Corps of Sunnyside at" their country home at Huber, 14 mile from Portland. There waa a flag raising In honor of the occasion, with singing of patriotic songs and short talks by the veterans. which wer replete' with snappy war stories and anecdotes. A rear country dinner, beginning with chicken and end ing witn wild blackberry pi was not th least of the pleasant features- of the day. --Those present wer: ' Mr., and Mra J. H. Huestlss, Mr. and Mrs. H. Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Pyle, Mr. and Mrs T. C. Shreve. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. 8peftr, Mr, and Mrs. . H.. 8. Llllagare, Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Gray, Mr. and Mrs. F, B. Spear, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kelly. Mrs. A. 1 John ston, Miss Hasel C. Johnston. Mra He bert. Miss Mildred Hebort. Mrs. Carl, Mra Curt iss, Mrs. Erlckson, Master El mer Erlckson, Master Herbert Erlckson, Miss Edith Spear, Master Richard Spear, Miss Grace Graves, Miss Claire Pyle, Master Frank Pyle, Mrs. Kate E.'Mc Whitter, Z. D. Bryant and Master John Gray Jr. -. ' Monarch circle No. 744, Women of Woodcraft installed the following of ficer Friday, July 11: Past guardian, Mary A. Hamilton.: guardian neighbor, Anny V. Dunn: adviser, Ada Worth; banker, Sena Ockerman.' clerk, Nellie J. Lettrlts; magician, Elisabeth Wise; cap tain of guards. Ora M. Allen; attendant Allle Lister; inner' sentinel,' Florence Tobln; outer sentinel, Harry F. Boyd: manager. Florence Hanlon; ; musician, Jennie Blumenthal; installing y officer, Emilia George. ' v . 't:-':' . , . ' ' Tha Busy Gleaners of 'Russellvllle grange held theh-weekly nea" at the residence of Mrs. Alice Welhes on Buck ley avenue Thursday, July 10. Plans for tha women' work in connection with th Russellvllle grange exhibit at the Gresham fair were discussed. A social time wa hejd and lunch ' was served. - Those present weres , Mr. Alio Welhes. hostess: Miss Mabl Nlckelson, Mrs. W. H, Addis, Mrs. ' J. W. Mills, Goodwin Corsets Tlie most perfect . Corset ! ," made graceful lines, com ' bincd with comfort. ' For iuDeBlancheJfS?' ;' vf- LADIES;:'.TAiLOR Globe " Bfdg, 408 Washington St. HANDSOME SUITS AT MID v :;; SEASON PRICES n'-s Mra Charts Wlcklander. Mrs. T. D. Pol lock, Mrs. J. Miller. Mrs., M. Hasar, Mra C. . R. Parmenter, Mra. M. Cooper, Mrs. F. N. Wirt and Mrs. B. B. Decker. Mra Gantenblen, The next meeting will oe neid Juiy at at the noma or Mra J. Miller on the Base Line road, two blocks from the and ot th Montavilla cat line, - Mrs.' Fannie. Smock entertained the Rose Social club at her home. 1414 Oswego street Thursday afternoon, July .suKoyai neighbors were i"1" Portland CouncU No. 78. Knlshta of uoiumnus, win give an outing at Bonne villa, July 27. A special train will leave th union depot at i a m. All kinds of games and . amusements ' will be pre viaea ana a good urn is assured, . Th La Hea club has laaued a 11m ited number -of cards for a moonlight pivnio ana aun to D nia nXl 1 nurs day owning, July J7. at Council Crest Th larg skating rink will b .put In first class condlUon for dancing. Re freshments will be served. Next' Thursday vnlng at 8 o'clock th steamer Kellogg will leave the Washington street dock tor a moon light dancing party and excursion, to be given by th Bachelor Buttons' club. Reservation can be made at the east side Woodman- hall Tuesday evening. in return win be made at 11:46, 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS air. ana Mrs, -Louis Peterson sn nounc the marriage of their daughter, Lilly, to Paul H. Wyman. educational director of the boys departmenV Y. M. C, A th" wedding to take place Wed nesday evening, July 0 at their home 4310 Fifty-second street, southeast. Mr. snd Mrs, XJQBnV'A..1j4ordeen' an nounce the engagement of Hheir daugh ter, Inette Therese. to Carl John East manof Minneapolis, Minn. - The wed ding wilt take place in the talk , .Mra Anns Baker "announces the en gagement of her daughter, Hakel, to E. 1 Soule of 711 East Seventieth -street, north. The wedding, will" take place in the early fall ., . - Mr. and Mrs: 'Henry Hartja of 636 East Twenty-first street, north, ar be. lng congratulated oh the arrival of a daughter, Friday morning. Mr. Hartje ts a wen known attorney. vv V'.' '-'.! "' : r. Mr, and Mra I. J. Greenwood an nounce the engagement of their daugh ter Vivian M. Greenwood ,-to ,Roy A. Baynard of Salem, Oregon. Thetwed dlng will Uke plac in the fall.' Fleming's Select Orchestra. B-2602. .1 PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Harry L. Torrenc who wa op- ("brated on for appeudeclti at St, Vin cent's hospital June 10th. , ia aettinc along nicely and will (An be able to return to her horn.- , V Mra Louis B. D Rock (Mlgnon Dip pold) and her little daughter, Alberta, returned to their home in the Nebalem valley; after a week's visit here with relatives and friends.": '-- . , ;.' .v Miss. Marls Roberts bf this city, while Diamonds 4 0FF Jewelry; Watches y4 OFF 294 I .', ' AAIIIIIA Vl, -' ' . I Oar ;y'.'.::,y fcooation visiting In Seattl, was soloist at a large reception given by Mrs. F. Ar Stafford at her beautiful residence on Sixteenth avenue in honor of Mrs. Grant Fuller of southern California, who has Just returned from a visit in Winnipeg, CP, Chamberlin of Portland Is a : guest at th Hotel Wolcott, New York city. He arrived from Europe on Sun day, July .::yr-:-. -t . Miss Georgia Edrls of Spokane is a ; house guest of Miss Dorrls Clark at T6I East Taylor street She will be her for a fortnight . v , Mr. D. K. Cliff and Miss Best from Portland are tb guests at Vine Maple cottage, th home of Mrs. C. A. Wool, folk ot Cannon. Beach, and are having a delightful time. , . - , Mr. H. Rostad ha returned from a visit of several months "with relatives In North Dakota.. Th Misses Jennie and Bertha Gold teln left. Portland Friday to spend th summer visiting relatives and friends In Saa Francisco and Oakland. While' there, they will visit a number of the larger cities in California, - 1800 TOOK 1913 OREGON TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS '. (special t Th Jeerssl.) ' : Salem, Or., July 12. A check of the papers ot those who took the spring ex amination for. . teachers' certificates -show that 1S00 persons took the ex- . smlnatlon. Thss is 800 more than ever took the examination at one time before in th state. Many of those who took, it were new applicants for licenses. The ' papers have been , graded and the re- suits will b announced jnt,x week.. .. Naval Officers Wanted. Paris, July II Th dearth of, offi cer for French dreadnought is caus ing much discussion. Th naval author ities find it Impossible to make up a staff of officers for the new ironclad Jean Bart, -now ready, for service. , FOR THE NECK - AND SHOULDERS A Free Prescription That Instantly Obliterates Blemishes, Tan, Freckles and the Marks eft by ,7 High Collars. v. The Dutch neck and th evening gown , too often expos the discoloration and IlI -ilSiImIi J.S A Sllsrh it 1 1 fl fM rtl hat Sl fsAta. UlWliilBTlCB VI ITTb " vvt'tttrB fjr "xtlQ-'VK tJCta"' of tan and freckles. It la easy to over-, come these conditions - and make tb , neck beautiful and whit and soft and smooth to overcome, in other words, every blemish and mske th low neck a ' attractive as It 1 comfortable. Thia preparation can also be used on th shoulders and face, and it ia marvelous ly effective to beautify the hand and arms. . - . If you want to try it, go to your drug gist and get a one ounce bottl of Kulux Compound.- Pour the entire oontents into a two ounce bottle, add auarter ounce Witch haiel.'then fill with water. Prepare this at your own home. One application will delight you;. It is de- lictousiy cool and soothing, and it is not effected ty perspiration. It will not rub off. ' if one side of the neck and - note the dlf ' ference. you will see th wonderful cnange u manes insiamiy. jni results are immediate and continued use ot this Drenaration-will keep your skin as aoft and smooth aa a child'. ", '. ARONSONS 4 .).- '.J- ,' ' '.i.'i.V-i.f') vi n'i '," ., ' .-i,U.',.;m',j vi'i' i, Removal Sale SAVES YOU M-0-N-E-Y We cannot emphasize this im portant fact too much, as you have seldom Had . this oppor tunity to save considerable money big, round dollars on our large and fine stock of Diamonds, Jewelry and ' Watches. Remember, you absolutely' save from one fourth to one half on every thing you buy during our Re moval Sale. 1 " ' ARONSON'S Washington BROADWAY and wAsmiwoTOjr