t ; , THE ; OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 13.' 1913 " I . f 1 lit' " - ' ;r vv - t J - ' ' . ' ' "J If X t ' ' ''''' hi ' f mm Iho Gray home is on the cast bank ot the Willamette at Courtney station. Miss " Jean Uray left last Wednesday with si Mrs. Ony Howard of New York and her - daiifher. Mlsa Helen Howard, . for a three months' tour of Japan. They sailed . from Seattle last Thursday. Mrs. How ard and her daughter, who were house , guests of Captain and Mrs. Oray, this . Bprinc are en route for a two years' tour of the orient and Europe. Mrs. Robert Berger was a hostess at a cnarmtngly appointed dinner for eight . guests Wednesday evening at her home on Melrose drive, overlooking the Wil lamette. The table was artistically dec orated with a beautiful Centerpiece of dytuft and sweet jasmine, arranged iri ' a huge crystal bowl. Dainty hand painted place cards in the form of but terflies, marked the places and were Scattered over the board with strays of fern. Mrs. Verger's guests included Miss Metha Nichols, Miss Frlede Evans, ' Mls Clara Wold, Miss Vella Winnej. V4vlan Brown, James Roberts, J. KraU i and Iloscoe Spencer. Last Saturday Mrs. C. Edward Grelle gave a luncheon of eight covers for the pleasure of Mrs. Whitley of Salt Lake, who is spending-the summer here with her sister, Mrs. James A. Daugherty. Mrs. Charles Fremont Bunker enter . talned with four table at auction bridge last Wednesday afternoon for the pleasure of Mrs, William Gustavo Uonald, who is the guest of Mrs. H. T. Burntrager. The houso-, was prettily decked with quantities of pink Canter bury bells and fenu The highest honor was held by Mrs. V. Bingham.. The .. guests ineiuuea sirs, ueorge u. uurxie, Mrs. D. Bingham, Mrs. .Alan Xangdon ' Leonard, Mrs. A. Tichner, Mrs. E. M. ' Baker, Mrs. Charles R. Thompson, Mrs. Oliver P. Season. Mrs. Elbert C. Mor - gaj), Mrs. Alexander MacPherson, Mrs. . William B. ' Mersereau, Mrs. Warren Koelor and Mrs .Joseph Webber. E t-Governor John i T. Morrison oi Boise, Idaho, and Wb 'son. John T.; Jr. . were visitors In the city this week when they were entertained Informally by Mr, and Mrs. P. 11 Flynn. Mrs. Morrison, - . who Is n accomplished musician, will be a Portland visitor later in the sum. iner. ono win do extensively entenainea iuy tint many iriends here. ' Mrs. Theodore Senn and daughters Agnes And Katharine and son Carl have . moved to their cottage at Seaside; where tney will remain during ' the warm weather. . . r Mrs. Kiel McLaughlin of Tacoma, ,. Wash., has been the guest of her Sister Miss Louise Heunner haa Mlsa Helen t Dan 'Sommer.'muyor of Elgin, with , Mr. Sommcr. la m ttnt kt th& Wauh. ,i ingtOQ ilill. -J.'fi-;? " ' ft?.' , ' Miss Helen Cochrane of San Fran- 1 rlsco was tha guost of Miss Myrtlu . Bingnani K wnen she - passed through ' Portland en route fof an Alaska trip. 1 She expects to remain here a few days j on her; rttttnr lMTir$&tyn,$$' j Mrs. Rose CoursenKeed. H. H. Frouty j and D". D. T. Kerr of the Maiama party i that left Portland July i got home. sow to aivwri winnttei, akb row ; to amors ihik nr it xaraxu J ' Bring tsli ill f . oBMortloj t to 8 p. m.er writ. lactone So tBP for bnolt Irt $awntad.'A'' Office , ;, wcond flow ; SSH JA'athlngtoa st.'. PortUnd, Or. Tftcne Vila r"V Agent wtnted. ' Territory for Ikie; ; V ; JTEO-PLASTiaUI AOENCt SOCIETY PERSONALS j It f f J r X WW 1 W-, Top Mrs. Harold 'Rtyner (Mis Ida Louise Wllllami), a brido ot tho past week. ' Bottom Miss Margaret Mears, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Max- weU Mears, who were bosU at a dance In her honor Wednesday evening. ' Tuesday hlr-ht. havina- walked from Ne halem to Seaside, after leaving the main party. At Ecola thef party was fortu nate in meeting Rodney Oltsan, a broth er. Maxama,. who kindly piloted them to the, entrance df. the old Indian trail across Tillamook? head. v Mrs. J. CouIien'Hare returned Wed nesday night from -; a i fortnight's ' visit at ner country place at Ashdale, Or. ;vy . iv! - Mrs. W. T. Gardner left during the week for a few weeks -visit In Seattle, and British Columbia. . - ... -; : ; k "" - D. P. Nason. Who realdea at IhM Whatl. don Annex, has returned from a very de ugnwuii? view .10 Tacdink jan4 Seattle. Mrs. Nason , will r.maln Xn Seattle for the "Potlatch," later iolnin Mr. Nason at Oak Grove, where they are stopping witn ir. ana Mrs. 1 Brandt, before re turning, to .Portland. ; ; r-iv.- i:v.v..V'.'iJ'?:' ; l' Mre. J. N. Casey end her two sons. Edward and Charles, are visiting at the country , home of her sister and brother n-law, Mr; end Mr. K. P. Casey, neat' Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Llvmeston Ken. nedy of New Brighton. Statan island, are that gueata of the Rev. Roy Kdgar Remington at his residence in North weaty-nit n-atraav ' Mr. and Mrs. R H rtaaoad f tttr. mtngham. . Ala., are visiting the! V son, R. W. Ha good of The JoumaJ at his residence in Laurelhurst Mr.' and Mrs. iiagooa were last in vPortJujid during the summer of 1(0(. They will remain here throughout the . summer season in the sou tli, probably returning to Blrm Ingham the first of October. , . Mrs. R. Percy Knight Is passing the week at aayocet .-v . v ... . w. w- . Mrs. C. W. Whitley ot Rait Lake end her. two small children, who are spend ing the slimmer here with her sister, Mrs. James Dougherty, wilt Join . Mre. Dougherty at. Gearhart early next week for the remainder of the season. Mrs. Martin Smith end her two chil dren. Miss Thelraa ana Francis Smith, left Wednesday for Sacramento to nuli six weeks' visit, with Mrs. fznlth's parents.' : " . . , ' ' -.it ir.j : '--'' ' Mr. and Mrs. James fj. Farrelt and Miss Helen Karrell hs' returned honut from s short vialt If! ew Tork, -. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Ward (Mlsa Alloa Dougherty) rve returned home from Banff, wh-;e . they spent' their honey moon. a ::,fV Mr , and Mrs. Robert Koble are In the' new home at .'-1 ( OT . East Salmon vest, where they will be at home to .heir friends. . y Miss Helen Phut of Salem. Ohio, ar rived last, Saturday: to; be the house guest ef her sister, Mrs. R. T. Btreet Kiss Piatt will remain here until about Auguat 1. passing part of her time with her cousin,. Mrs. W, L. 8treugh, A num ber of smart affairs are planned by Mrs. Street end Mrs. Straugh for their guest : Dr. De Laualeres, who has been so journing in Los Angeles for the last nine months, will pass the summer va cation in Portland, returning to resume his school duties In tne fall. .1 . Congratulations are being received by Mr. ana Mrs. waiter k. Kossmann on the arrival last Thursday, July 10, of a son. . . . Word -has been received from Judge and. Mrs. 'William D. Fenton from Cologne dated June 30. They haye Just isaen ino tmp gown ine Knine and are planning to tour' Holland and to be in London, July, 8. , ju.:.... Mrs. Charles Kalin has as her house guests two cousins from Boston, Miss Flora Gump and Miss Dora WeiL They win remain until next Wednesday , Dr.i and Mrs. Ray w. Matson have moved from, their home at 675 Northrup and are staying at the Alexandra Court for the summer. They plan to leave earjy, in the fall , for Europe. Mr! and Mrs. Irving R. 'Stearns have taken a lease on he Matson house. Miss Christina Icconnell sailed July 10 on tne Baltic for a two months' so. Journ in Europe. She was Joined in New York by Mrs. Bmma Lewis Bingham, wno win accompany her oir her trio. They plan vto pass most of their time in aingiana ana acouana. miss McUon nell will be remembered as the Chemis try ' teacher in the bid Portland high school for many years.' She will re turn to Portland early in the fall. if it "y Dr. and Mrs. A. L, Walker and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Noble, who have been motoring through California for the past months have returned, after a delight ful trip. Miss MUJred Scott. Lester Brlx, Miss Marian Morgan. J. O'Shea. Louts Serr end Frank cronan were a group of Port land young people who attended the re gatta in Astoria, chaperoned by Mr. Serr's sister, Mrs. George Dyer of As toria. Mrs. Dyes presided at an elabor. ately appointed dinner in their honor. Mrs. I, P, Mccarren of Minneapolis end Miss Jane McCarren of Iowa , are the house guests of Mrs. James McCar ren, 622 H Halsey. street-Miss-May Davensoo of Kentucky is spending some time as the guest of Mrs. Appleby on Carney street. Miss Harriet Wood of the public library taff is tn Salt Lake City at tending the National Educational asso ciation. : Colonel Noble ot San Francisco waa a distinguished visitor In the city Satur day when he passed through Portland en route to American Lake, where he re i viewed the troops. I - - Mrs. PaXHne Tost Beler has opened her cottages at Seaside for the season. Mrs. A. C. Cooke and family are visit ing her. The cottages will be occupied later by Mrs. Hermann and Mrs. Laf ferty. Mrs. Charles F. Beebe with her son and a party of friends returned last Sat urday from a three weeks' auto trip to Victoria and Vancouver.. Two large tour ing cars carried the. party end the trip waa much enjoyed., : Miss HUds Whltmore, who will be. re memberedias the much feted house guest of Mrs. David 'TV Honeyman, has writ ten friends in the city from Victoria, where she Is visiting friends. "".w,u. pass a month or more in British Colum bia before returning to her home in Eng. lan'd. Miss Carra Coleman and her brother, Robert Co'eman, of San Francisco, ar rived Friday to .visit st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. the guests of Miss Louise and Alden Burrell for about two weeks. Miss Coleman and Mr. Coleman are the daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louis Coleman of Birmingham. r PIEDMONT , - I-,. - .mmmm. 1 - 1 1, . , MM U.. I.L 1 . 1 . " . jvmi cimcny nn inmiory avenue, fiai as Ber house guests Mrs. James Frv and her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Runyon of Letts. Iowa. Mrs. Fry is a sister of Mr. Epperly. Mrs. E. Q. Haisted of Osden. Utah. who has been visiting her mother. Mm Kegler, left on Friday for California. where she will visit In Oakland u( 8a n Francisco before returning to her home. Mrs. Alex Donaldson and Mrs. Geora-a M. Cornwall leave this week for Se attle to visit Mrs. John Docker. They will remain until after the Potlatch. Miss Leah Slusser. a popular bride- elect, was the .honor guest at a verv attraettvu miscellaneous shower given at the borne of Miss Pearl and Grace Berkey on Williams avenue. The living rooms were a bower of pink-and white blossoms, and the dining table was cen- TAKE CARE OF YOUR FURS NOW! Store them' in our cold, dry air vaults on the premises, the only sanitary and safe condition for the care of furs. All furs submitted to a minute ex . amination' by ; experienced furriers who understand the necessary care and treatment of furs. . REPAIRING AND REMODELING DONE DUR ING . THE SUMMER ; AT , ESTABLISHED EXCLUSIVELY FURS MAIN 24 SHI IilEBES "JPrPLAdEMNN;managervll CORBETT BUILDING, Mrs. M. L. Millgard (Miss Helen M event of tared with a large pink banket with a number of .dainty gifts for the bride- elect Those who enjoyed" the Misses Berkey's hospitality were: Miss Leah Slusser, Miss Estelle Compling. Misses Esther and Elinabeth Chalmers of Hills boro. Miss . Ann Cooley, Mr Harrison Whitney, Mrs. Sweetland, Miss Jennie uweetiand, ! Mrs. waiter Slusser, Mrs. William Slusser, Mrs. McKtenzie, Mrs. Berkey, and the Misses Grace, May, and Ethel Slusser. ., . . - , ; . . An event of Wednesday evening waa very pretty wedding which was . sol emnized at St. James English Lutheran church on West Park -and Jefferson streets, -when Miss Clementine Cutler became' .thW 'brWe' or Theodore . ; WiK llama, Rev. Lees officiating Mrs, Harry Johnston presided t .the organ and .r- fore the ceremony Miss -Florence' Avery ef Hood River sang "Oh. Perfect Day," and "Because." ..... Th. hrfrln was vrv . AttrftnttvA In a white brocaded ducheas .satin gown with princess lace trimmings, worn with a full length veil edged with meculln lace, and carried Bride roses and white sweet peaa. She was attended by-Miss Elsa Koerber as maid ef honor, who wore yellow satin and carried white sweet peas and yellow coreopsis. The bridesmaids were Miss Olive Donnell and Miss Hasel Wlghtman, and they were dressed in dainty white frocks with touches of yellow and carried yel low coreopsis. Este Brosius of Hood River was groomsman, and the ushers were Arthur Grom, Re. A. Turner of Salem, Willis Cocnell end Roland Chat field. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. W. S. Cliuer. lwus union aven u ft north, to which about 200 guests were bidden. In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. W. Cutler. Mr. and Mrs. David L. McCarrison; Miss Elsa Koerber and Este Brosius. Mr. and Mrs. Williams will be at home after August ' first at 962 East Ninth street, north. r GARRISON 'NEWS Perhaps one of the largest crowds ever assembled at Vancouver barracks was that on Friday, July the Fourth, in .the athletio fields to witness the mil itary events. An elaborate- program waa prepared and carried out, the lat ter taking up the entire afternoon. The parade during -the morning through the principal streets of Vancouver, was considered better than any previous A - REDUCED PRICE FIFTY YEARS r'. 1 . ?V A-2440 ;"iVt!l'i; 9 ''''::' 288 MORRISON ST. Z7' Sullivan), .Whose wedding "Waa an June 24. T ""1 : ' event. Colonel George 8. Young headed the march followed by the entire regi ment of Infantry.' the Elks' and other bands, the '"Spanish .. war veterans and the Nurses' " club. -The boy' scouts were very much in evidence end, received much applause. i ;-- . : . One of the most pleasant events of last weak 'was the reception by Lieuten ant and Mrs. Oliver P, Robinson when they complimented their cousins,. Lieu tenant and Mrs. Lane of the Thirteenth Infantry; who were married on June. t the seventeenth, in New Tork city. I i ilock orange . blossoms and roses formed a pretty Combination in decora tidns. Lieutenant and Mrs. Lane sailed ' f er the: Iplande tAy 6, from Saa Fran cisco. .1. .V.j '.. . '""'"'Ca'ptaln v'F,red,:;W.' Bugbee left on Tuesday far Santa Crux, California. . Lieutenant A) p. Robertson and Ueu teneTnt Charles Harlow, leave-about Au gust t0-for-Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, to attend tne school of line there. Mrs. Herbert C. Glbner gave a din ner on Saturday night In honor of Chap lain and- Mrs.' Lloyd who left next day for their new station, Fort Byard, New Mexico. A Jolly party from the cost went to Tne Dallee on 8unday. Cantain and Mrs. H. C. Glbner, Captain Van Deman, 1 . ... ' r- . ,,-.,,..-'. I1' '. ' J..'. . -l' ? OF OUR STOCK, OP USED PIANOS An opportunity to secure good piano values at very low. prices and ion convenient terms. t; , THIS IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST 1 USED UPRIGHT PIANOS Hallet & Davis, Rosewood, excellent tone. V... $150 Wellington, large size, oak; as good as new, . .5 5195 Decker & Son,ebony, large size.. ....... iJ170 Clarendon, fine, mahogany used but little, .. .! 5220 Ludwig, mahogany, beautiful design, refinished S 5315 Kreiter, oak, almost new, big tone ..S215 Cable, walnut, fine condition ...S1245 Conover, walnut; first-class th roughout ........ $205 USED GRAND PIANOS Steck, mahogany, medium size, good tone. Packard, mahogany,, art case, as good as new. Steinway, mahogany, parjor USED PLAYER PIANOS Ludwig, mahogany, 88 note j . ! Kurtzmann, mahogany, 88 note .... . .. .. .. ! Farrand Cecihan, mahogany, v,aaiuac, manogany, 09 note Kingsbury, mahogany, 88 note , .'. ; . . . . , . ; .4 ... 8500 A. B. Chase, walnut, 88 noc. S650 Any time, within three years we will ' accept any of used Upright and Grand . ' : , : , Pianos In echanee for a Steinway. - ,f allowing thg full purchase price paicW i's .'V;v''''f ike, v.',.'S V, '';.;. bherman Hanoi Player Planoe Victor Talking Machines 11 If- Mc: at ixl! Tcri!- Ueutenant and -Mr. Tt 8. Hartx, Mrs, Percy eaandcrs. Lieutenants .'. Uvusa, Riley anu Snydor. ; Lieutenant and Mrs. John F. Richard sou left on Thursday for Santa cru. California, where Lieutenant Rleherd son is detailed as Instructor of the nia litia. , . - . . . . - A good sum was raised In the post on July the Forth, by the women sell ing army relief tags. . , ! ' . V J ROSE CITY PARK Clare Wilson, U East Fiftieth street,. north, who has been in the east he's returned home bringing his mother with: him, , ,, ' j ' Mr. ' and Mrs. Sidney C. White and , daughter Helen are spending the weeic end, at Ocean Park, North Beach. ' " I: ", . ' -if.. Reverend and Mrs, W, W. Toungson and children are moving to their n home - -on East Sixty-second ' Street,' The arrival of a baby boy last Sat-1 urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. .i Ncy, 600 East Fifty-third street, north, has brought much happiness and . many-congratulations. -. . . 'it w Mr. . and Mrs. Jay V. Welch, 69 . East. Forty-ninths street, north, are spending a few. days at Astoria, an J Seaside.'.. . . .4 v ,' 1 , . ; . it ."it . .- . . Mr. and Mrs. E. V. . Capen and chil dren; logo Schuyler street, are, visltln -at. the Splllraan. farm 'near Sandy.' Mr. and, Mrs. Carl .Christehsen end son,' Mr. and Mrs.' ' Fred Brooker,. Fred t Brooker Jr," and, Mlsa brace" Brooker motored to Cherry ville yesterday and '. win return home tomorrow. '" Wednesday 'evening '-"Mr.'r-and' Mrs. Charles L; Lindner (Wanda Ralston re turned'' from their honeymoon and are at their home, 663 East Sixty-first street, north. ' " ' c:.V , ' - Monday morning a party of boys be longing to the Peurle club of Rose-City v Park. Presbyterian church,- with Rev. Boudtnot Seeley, left on his launch for Ocean Park," where, they will camp tor two weeks. . ; - The party consists -of Russell Pat terson, Arthur Ostrom, Rush-Menden . hall, Roy Keenan, Paul Wiggins, ' Clarke White, Paul Schoento and Earl ' 8ears. . " ' - .-- a, it Frank Beauman who has been the guest of ' Mr. and Mrs. Pltford,". East Thlrtyseventh street, north, aid Han cock, has returned 1o his home In Nash ' ville, Tenn. '' , ' '.-"? ir'it': v'--: i -t Mrs. Catherine Conlln. 62 East Forty.' first-street north,' entertained" at din ner last Sunday evening for her. nephew William; C Schmitt and his bride, from" Leavenworth, Kansas. Mr. . and Mrs. Schmitt arrived the previous evening-' and, have taken an apartment In the Armay Court. Mrs. -Conlin'S 'brother-in law, J. F. MeMann and wife of Huron, 8. t., were her guests the same eve ning. ' , t Mr. and Mrs. James Dougherty, 3SJ East Thirty-seventh street. north. have been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kee ber and daughter, Rosalia, from Mount AngcL- , . , .. - , . Miss Erllne Piatt, B37 East Forty-see ond street, norths who- has been visit ing Jn Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. and Seattle, la now at home.- .' . Mrs. C H. Parish and daughter of Nawberg have been the guests of Mr, , and Mrs. A. S. Auterson, 680 East For ty-fourth street, north. , ,. , f -. ,, , v Dugald H. Grler of Rose City Park expects his slater. Miss Margaret Adam Grler . from Glasgow. Scotland, in a week or Id days. Shortly after her ar rival she will be married to William Grove of Vancouver,' B. Cw formerly of ,-. (Continued on Following Page) grand, exceptional 1500 560 5575 88 note. . . . . . ............ . O rG'G"0. I! 1 S385 S575 SG50 -1? u.