The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 50, Image 50

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2 -'-r--llSJ' Y ' ;'' .JV ' ;rHE-; OREGON r.'SUNDAY JOURNAL.' PORTLAND; 'SUNDAY - MORNINQ.' .JULYIS, ,1913. v, t V, s - - t - . '
i) Vv2J v ' Co? i f
' .. ' , f -' -J ' ' ' " ' bine4 with heavy black lao. ." " ; " "V . ' V'I.ZW -7.- -
I ' ' fT ' . 1 1 I I : tlMa with, charmingly appointed . , . ilf J0 v .
- - r - f I 1
1 -7
til , .j m n , I . I I
' '." X '
' By Nona" Law ler, '
OR Mrs pleasyr of her nelcc,' "Mlsa
Helen Ldd, Mrs. Helm Ladd
Cerbett cave a i Jarg 4an;lnc
party at Waverljr Country - club
Friday evening-, entertaining about
: 500 hundred of th younger sat Mrs.
.-. Coi-bett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Corbett
' ;. and Mrs. Corbett'a brother, Alfred Hoyt,
of New Torlc and Ml n Helen tdd re-
ceired the gueata. ... t
alias ldd presented a charming plo-
ture In her dainty gown of white Frenoh
embroidered batlate . with. . cluatera of
- plnlc rose buds. - ,
Among the many delightful affairs
' planned for Mies Calleta Stout of Chi
,' oago, the guest of Miss Ruth Teal, la
: th. luncheon and theatra party to be
I given Wednesday by Miss Helen Ladd.
V Luncheon at Mlsa Ladd's home
and the guesta will then attend the!
.. Uelllg- to see "Aa a Man Thinks.":
At the Waverly Country club Wednes
day night two rtiarmlng affairs "were
enjoyed, thft dinner dance for Mlsc
; Anita Burns and her fiance, C Han J
- -uiivia jr., hi wmcn Mr. ana wrs. a. c. i
:.8hevim presided, and the dancing party
;i given by Mr. and Mrs, Samuel M. Mesrs
for their daughter. Miss Margaret
wears, who la home for the summer
months from school at Dana Hall, near
Mr. and Mrs. - Sbevlln had 28 gucsta
of the youngej set. The long dinner
lanje waa beautifully decked with clus
ters of the Dorothy Perkins roses.
Mlsa , Mears entertained about 70
guests, young peopls sub-debutante set
iancing ior oom arrairs was enjoyed
: v in the ballroom In the south wing of
if? tha clubhouse. Here again the dainty
It pink ramblers were used for decorations
j; with clusters of p4nk gladlolas.
if:' :
JJ Cards have been received for a large
J, tea next Monday when Miss Harriet
Pomeroy of Ban Francisco, who is tha
y house guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas
I. Scott Brook, will entertain In honor of
; Miss Ruth Zeile and Miss Beatrice Nick
; ' el of flan Francisco, who are visiting
n Miam isveiyn carex ,
For the guests of Miss Evelyn Carey.
;:"Miss Ruth, Ziele and -Miss Beatrice
Nickel of San Francisco. Miss Malsle
MacMaster gave a charming at home
Thursday afternoon, receiving informnl
; ' ly on the spacious verandas. Mrs. Peter
i Korr, Mrs. Arthur Murray Sherwood and
; Mrs. Klrkham Smith poured. About 30
; ,gtrla called during the afternoon.
, ' William Mpman has sent out cards
; -;fora party Tuesday, July 15. in honor of
,hl niece. Mrs. Slgfred Heyman of New
4 York, who Is passing the summer with
: : her granamothcr. Mrs, 8. Llpman, at
; her home In Ct. Clair and Wayne streets.
The nature of the entertainment Is left
; - as a au:prise t the 40 guests who are
: ' bidden to call at the Llpman home next
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. .
r.'"; vj. iVs-
For . the pleasure of Miss Callsta
. Btout. :who is the .guest of Miss Ruth
Invitations - Announcements
Engraved Visiting ' Cards '
Hurd's and Crane's Fine Sta.
; " . tionery
At Home and Reception Cards
Monogram Stationery ; J
V. G. Smith & to.
dttcMy Curd Lnsravers . '
TMnl VUwfl, Vashinffton Building
hHln ldd, Mra, Helan Laddl H " III
Corbett ve Jarg 4am;lng:L B i r, 1 J I 1
i ' if . I Mva -Dairo . wmm hlaolr satin lOffi I ' I ,1 ' " . r &wWWJBrT- SV-.wX'S'.'jn;'; I
WZ :
Ill " x - V ' ' ' - 4 f
' -'iW ' - "'-V'" vl
Top Mis Joaephln Cronan, whose wedding to Harry Humphrey . will
b an evant.or the early falL .. ? . . : . . , " -Below
Mlsa Mart aret Malarky, a charmlnr young hostess of the week.
Teal. Mlsa Cornelia and Miss Cully Cook
entertained with an informal tea Mon
day afternoon at . their delightful
Portland Heights bom. The guests were
received informally on the porch, which
was a ' bower of climbing rosea, the
dainty pink Dorothy Perkins rambler,
Miss Cully Cook " served Ices. About
to girls passed the afternoon With them.
Mrs. Frederick . A. - Jaoobs, who with
her sod, Fred A. Jacob Jr., left' early
In June for the east to attend the grad
uatlon of her daughter, - Miss Kllsabetn
Jacobs from Dana Hall, : returned horn
last Saturday. ' Miss Elisabeth has as
her house guest, her . this ; summer,
a school friend, ' Miss Kathavlne Barton
of Kansas City. Mo., for month or six
weeks. Mrs, J. C. 'Cochran,' also' of
Kanas City, Is at the Jacobs hems, the
guest; of Mr. Jacobs, for about a month.
Mr. and Mrs. - William, P Slnnott re
(uraed horn. Wednesday morning after
an extended" trip south.. For . the past
three months they have ' 'been -traveling
in southern California, Mexico, Panama
and the southern states.' They went
from Ban Franclaco by steamer to Pan
aroa, making many Interesting stops en
route In Mexico, and. returned home by
way of New Orleans, making side trips
to Florida and other points of interest.
through southern California stopping at
coronado, Del Mont . ana . Lake Taho.
en rout. .n: tw' -VMr-W''!ry
Ml is Margaret McOe ofteganaport
Ind., is the house guest of. Miss Alice
oirong - Many .cnarmins; 1' arrairs - are
planned in honor of Mln MoQe. ''Baf
urday Mrs. Wells , Gilbert gave an- In.
formal luncheon 1n her 4ionor(: when tb
aaaiuonai rueats were Miss Btronsr. Mrs.
J. K.. Gamble and' Mrs. Undaey of Hono.
iuu, wno is tne nouie guest or ner sis
ter, Mrs.:. Kimball, v r,t. , t
Tuesday evenln Ulss Mariorle Hoff
man entertained with an Informal "rag
picnic'1 at the Hoffman . country place
west of town, complimenting hericuest.
Miss Ruth Wells. - of Hanover. N. H.
About 100 guest attended. ' t ; : , , H
- .- v.- ,-,-.- - .'-M .. ja .. .:. ' V.' ,' ...1 ;
MIbs ' Margaret MaUrkey., whose;' pic
ture appears on the society naaa. Is one
of the younger girls of the smart sat,
wno has recently returned With her
mother, Mrs, Daa J. Malsrkfy, from '
six months" tour of Kurope. Prior to
going abroM. ahe was In .a fashionable
Xinishlna- snnool in the east: - .
.. Wednesday ' afternoon" Miss .Malarkey
entertained for. the pleasure of Miss
1 Callsta Stout. f Chicago, the house
gTiest of MUs Ruth Teal, with an at
borne. ' . h
; About 75 glrla of th sub-dobutante
aet called during the afternoon.' - The
rooms were gay ly' arrayed, with flowers
in vivid contrast, yellow Coreopsis ana
the blue " delphinium. 'Clusters of th
flowers were arranged in artiatio effect
In Indian, baaket. -Miss Cully Cook ana
Miss Helen Ladd poured. tea,'ehd Miss
Esther Tucker and , Miss Mary Stewart
Smith cut the Icea . , Assisting about the
rooms were Mrs. Herbert Hollman, Mis
Alice Smith; Miss 'Virginia Burns, Mis
Allot Tucker and Miss Virginia Mene-
. V ...... , ,. ..,;..,-.... .;
' Mr. and Mr. George -R. Sailor are
receiving congratulations on the arrival
of a son,; who will be called for his
father, Oeorge.R. Sailor, 3t-.a,
Mrs. Jdn 'Twohy,; Hiss,- Mary snd
ItlM Ethel Twohy of San Jose, Cal
art the house aruests of Mr, and Mrs.
John D. e Twohy , (Oenevleve Fish) at
their home in Irvlngton. After a few
days visit; here, they plan' to . sojourn
on the sound and in British Columbia,
later returning , here for -av short visit
before returning borne. , t
'For the pleasure of Mr. Martin, wife
of Colonel Martin, Commander of th
O. N. a.. Mrs. David A. Bhindler received
Thursday afternoon ' With' a delightful
tea at her borne on the Heights. Mrs,
Fred Page Sr.,.receitved with her daugh
ter and Mrs. Martin. C-erdeo flowers in
riotous: profusion decked the rooms and
the tea table, where Mrs. Gordon Voor.
hies, Mrs. J. Frank Watson, Mrs. J. N.
Teal and Mrs, James Dr Hart prestdsX
Punch waa served in the. living room by
Mrs, Zera Snow, and Mrs. Norman Lang.
XHirlng the afternoon about 100 ladies
called.'-'1 -..-V-!:-. ,.;-,., .i',:
;;Mra. Martin wa stttrJ In white chif
fon-with satin pin strip of pink and
trimmed with lace. AV .-'
Mrs. Shlndler. wis gowned In white
embroidered crep ria5 on mofllsh, lines,
' Mrs. Pag wore black satin
blned with heavy black lac. . ;
- Mrs. William O. Van Behuyver enter
talned with a. charmingly appointea
brldg tea Thursday afternoon. , Seven
table at cards were played, and a num.
ber of additional guests called, for tea.
Attractive pnlses were given at each ta
ble tor the highest honors. - '
.The house was beautifully decorated.
In the drawing room and reception hall
large baskets of bright blue delphinium
wer used with cluster of long stemmed
thistles of th soft gray ton. Th din
ing room - waa decked in old fashioned
Miss Alice ' Andrew, whose - engage
ment to Arnold Roth wen has been an
nounced, received with Mrs. Van Schuy
ver..' Assisting at the- table and serving
punch were Miss Martha Hoyt, sirs.
Robert Lewis. Mrs. Adrian Flomming,
Mrs. A. A. Morrison and Mrs. J. 3. Mor
row. "',' , '
Mlaa Lottie Hatfield. Miss Maud Hat
field and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Augur
have Just returned from a horseback
trip into the mountains on their mounts
Cricket," "On , Time,? "Lassie" and
Bettle." one hundred and nrty mues
were covered on the trip and stop wer
mad at Marmot, Welches and Govern
ment camp. Side trips were made to
the summit of Huckleberry mountain,
to Chapman' altltudlnous ranch on on
of th spurs of Zlgtag mountain, over
th ZiOst Lake Trail ana some aisianoe
down the , rangers' trail leading soutJi
from the eastern slope of Mount Moo a.
Bom rain was encountered, but never
theless the trip was very enjoyable and
th party returned without accident to
man, woman or hore. v a
Mr. and' Mrs.- C. Iewis Mead and
Master George Mead -will spend a month
at Yellowstone National park and othnr
tiMM nf inivit Thv lnft the nd
of lasf week, : ' " ' '.-
Caotain and Mrs. Gordan Veorhle
will be dinner guests at th Golf club
text Tuesday .evening. v;;. l
Mlsa Georgia jetn presided at a
dinner for 18 at the Waverlyciub last
night, .. ' - . '. ;V' 1
... ....... M. ; -
Miss Rhoda Rumelin will entertain at
an Orpheura party Tuesday for Mlsa
Stout, with tea following at the Port
land. ;": ;
Miss Jean Morrison has ' sent out
cards for a tea next Thursday, which
she Is giving for the pleasure of Miss
Margaret McCall of Boston, who I ta
house guest of Miss Zola Parker.
, - - -
Wednesday evening at the First Pres
byterian church Miss Ida Louise Wil
liam and Harold Rayner wer married
at 8;0 o'clock, by Rev. John H. Boyd,
pastor of the church. Miss Williams is
th daughter of Mrs. Emma L. Williams.
She is an attractive girl of the blond
tjpe. blue-eyed and fair-haired. She la
very popular In the younger set She
was attended by Miss Marcla Parksr,
its maid of honor, and Miss Shirley
Flake, as bridesmaid.. Th church cere
mony was attended by a large gath
ering or friends, but the, recepUon fol
lowing was for the relatives and Inti
mate Mends' only. - "? "' ':
' The church wss deeorated with splen
did effect vi the' mock orange blossoms
and Oregon grape. Miss Shirley Flsk
led the wedding procession. She la a
handsome brunette, and wore a becom
ing gown of blue charrheuse, made en
train, with white lace trimming and a
glrdl of Dresden lilk ribbon. She car
ried an arm bouquet of vivid pink sweet
peas. Miss Marcia Parker, with her
crown of lovely tltlan hair, was beauti
fully gowned In apricot hued ehar-
meus trimmed In flowered chiffon in
the copper tones and elaborated with
Venetian lace. She carried a shower
bouauet of Dale olnk" sweet peas.
The brfde, with her petite blondness,
was in striking, contrast to her two at
tendants,' and made a' charming picture
in her wedding dress of ivory white
oharmeuee and soft tulle wedding veil
falling to the tip ef her long court train.
Her gown was " fashioned with high
waist, and made on sirapl lines, with a
beaittlful drape of prlneesss lace over
one shoulder and one side of the skirt
and whits chiffon draped the other
shoulder. Her veil was caught to the
hair with a delicate Shaded coral' cameo
pin, and was made la Juliet cap effeot
Her only ornament was a pretty lav-
alter in tiny rose buds carved' in coral,
the gift of the groom. She carried
handsome shower of bride's roses and
lilies of the valley, and bandkerohief
of princess lace, made for her by her
- The best man was Bennett Williams,
and the usher were Oliver Hutehlne,
Robert Fithtan. J. ' . Coffey and Lloyd
Wells. ' " ...
Mrs. Williams received with th wed
ding party, and was, attired ;ln ame
thyst toned brocaded charmeusa, com
blned with plain charmeus of th earn
shad, and trimmed with whit lac.
Th house was artistically decorated
for the-reception. In the drawing room
white syrlnga and carnations were com
bined with greens of. fern and Oregon
grape. In the dining room the yellow
coreopsis was' arranged, most' effective
ly, wlth streamers of yellow chiffon
ribbon. Here Miss Dorr! Byford, Mis
Mable Riggs and Mlsa Grace Bingham
assisted in serving.
.The bride's bouquet was caught by
Miss Shirley Flake.
Mr. and Mrs. Rayner left for a short
Wedding trip, and will' be at home after
July 20 at 657 Pettygrove for the sum
mer months. : ' -
Mice Shirley Flake gave an Informal
garden party for Miss Louise Williams
Monday afternoon at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Ambrose Cronin, at Gar
den Home.- The surprls of th after
noon was a shower, for the bride-to-s.
Refreshments were served In ., ths
Summer house. The 'guests were Miss
Dorri Byford. Mis Maurin Campbell.
Miss Grace Blnvham. Miss Harriet Har.
low, Miss Mabel Rlggs. Miss Marcla
Parker, Mrs. Fred Martin and Miss Wil
liams. . -
About 100 aruests thronsred the jtome
of Mrs. John T. McDonnell Wednesday
afternoon when ber daughter, Miss Mir-
, .--jfc.yfrii...
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Mrs. Harry E.'Chfptnao, who for.
of sotial committee
lam McDonnell, received from I until I
O'clock in honor of Miss Flora Jessop.
whose , wedding to Theodore Jennl n gs
will be an event of next month. Miss
McDonnell Is to'bs'one Of the bride's
maids. The . house was a bower of
fragrant flowers. in the hall -were
quantities of red rosea and palms ef
fectively arranged to screen the - or-
chestra which played in a reoess. The
drawing rom whra the receiving line
stood and, th living; ; room were 'also
aecked in rea. roses, rerns and - palms.
Pink was th -keynote of 'the decora
tion in th dining room, whar artlstla
cluster -of, pink iweet'.peas wer used
Willi l)iiU1HI'imf aim,... - ' ir,.
Mrs wnilam Jssod and Mrt Me
and' hwboneY gusstf 'TSsA J?nt .
MfssMcDonnell wti, attired In vnlla
grenn eharmeuse With oltboratlohs ef
rr old r paint Brussejfc'i;". f carrlfl
pirtk tt.;liviiL$-'J,Xi ,;;.v.v.vvi
Airs., wesson ,wor a iDiacs crepe met
teor gown trimmed witVblack phantUly
and held an arm .bouquet of red tosos.
Miss 1, McDonnell . was- attractively
gowned -Klftx aflame W hued . harmeuse
trimmed In white la?e, and chiffon of
the same tones.) Sh. carried . ai bouquet
of bright red sweet peas' to Match" he?
gown. ' -v- f. i . I y,
Miss Jessop wor aeldn4roWn velvet
mad with a creata Jac-bodia artd she
carried an arm; .full if black-eyd
Susans, ;?!;-'fc. t&'f.-j-.-.; ..:
In tha dining-room Mrs. John Twohy,
Mrs. Lynn Coovert.. Mr John Majnnin
and Mrs.. James Sheehy presided at tj
table.'-. ..; sk-t'-t'i'-imi,
Assisting about th rooms weri i-MIsa
r iVl McDonnell. . Mis Ball McDbh.
neli, JUiaS Jean Maxwell,; Mis Mary Jes
sop and Miss 'Margaret Bheehy. vAt the
punch bowl Mrs. William Ma)ony. Miss
Alta Cox rand Mlsa Maud - -. Maloney
served., f-V'" 1 i',-"!: '
inursday night at tne Norton la hotel
Miss Ida 0Day of New Tork city, who
Is playing here In th Orpheum bill- this
week, was the honor-guest at a dinner
party given by Dr. and Mr. J. C'O'Day.
juag ana Mr. mora U'Dey were ad
ditional guets."Though the party Were
an of one name, they are not related.
Miss O'Day l. a ewslety girl' In New
xork wner her people are very prom
inent 6n Is a niece) of Danieu O Day,
who will be remembered as the first
promoter of the Standard 'Oil company
before the Rockefeller interests : wer
known. ; .' -.'-.--.--,' s-,-:4.-. .
Mrs. Richard Dunmire was pleasantly
surprised with - a dllghtf ul luncheon
party Monday afternoon given by Mrs.
T. IL Edward. .Mrs. Dunrair met Mrs.
Edwards by appointment on- th messa
nlne floor of the hotel at 1J o'clock' to
be confronted with the assembld guests
tor luncheon. iThe table - was very prt
L Holliday
m Alder St.,5Cor.'"Park
, h i ONLY
White Suits
and Dresses
Of the Better Class
. 1 t
the past two -ycara has been chairman
of the wofflatt'a club.
tlly decked -with flower. By th plat
ef tha honor gust a beautiful basket In
Venetian glass wa filled ' With: pink
Sweet peas, a gift from th guests. Each
place was marked with a corsage of
flowers. 'The guesta were Mrs John
Stoneroad, Mrs, Harry Cake, Mrs. Alice
Btrowbridge,. Mr. James a. Kldwell,
Mrs. J. P. Jaeger and Utile Virginia Bd.
warda -
fMlsg f Anne 'Shannon Monroe,' - the
magaxlne writer and - novelist, , who is
how rfesidlng ,ln Portland, was th
guest of ' honor at a reception . s1vn
ln.-t. Shakespeare club tent at Gla.i
tojl Park Chautauqua by th women's
Press fc-hib: Friday from 7to Mrs.
Coital sDewling, prsldntof tli Wo
men's Press? club assisted receiving.
J Vv.if y -r 'ia$ .v
; The engagement of Miss Helen Dun
ham,; only daughter -ot Mr. and Mr.
George A. Dunham "and a graduate of
Portland Academy has been announced
tq Ddmont . Potter Lamb, formerly of
Boston Mas., and a graduat f the
Worcester Polytechnic .- institute, now
with Jam D, Lacey fc Co f this city.
, The wedding will Hake . place In Sep-
teipber.- :- .-.-.-.;.. y'v
Mrs, .Martin J. She enterUlned . at
luncheon . Thursday afternoon, compli
menting Mrs, Willis Rosa Shaw of St
Paul. who . Is the nous guest of her
daufhter-ln-law. Afr. LOUl F. Shaw, at
ber , horn In Irvlngtoji. . Ther , were
hovers, for eight at; lwncheon, and auc
tion priag wa piayaa aurjng ins aiter-
noon. The rooms -wer prettily ar
rangeil with clusters of the pink ramb-
1 1 .11 .1 mi-
D 1 iver,
jjj n - 7. ?
',-vFidenielffllri litotk represents the 'Vefy.stjhe;
jft?i; of the world afford-Hthe namef;i'Feiden-7 -J
helmer's on ; ari ; article la
and thU - sale - makes possible the - world's beit at rlrr
-f.yprlcea astonisliingly jower
? 1.' -: : : .-: ,. ' ',',.'' ..- n ' :
' 'K' Special attention' i "directed ,to J the iinuaual !valu 1 In ;
,.7 ,.t ' ... ";;'7.'::.7''-v" ii'i'"''"" .;i:'-";7?7
; . , , exclusive ;aesigni in :cut giass;, 01 .aupenor, ..quality, r.'-r;-ey.
;f TrpujHiorit the ; efttlf
i-vf':epte:' the ihrewd fcuye'X7 fir
;;;7y a''-v, : f7 ','"'7',1J i':'"' v '7,:''''' -'",''li ;""7'' '7 ,,; f.' '' 5f
v'" a V.' ' 7 t '.' -''' v it ' h " ' '"' " " ' ' '' v.'i 7'-''' . '.y v' 'rf v' Vf''" ?fr ,f-'J nTr
.283-285 Washington St.,
b rfl b nib rflb rub n b nib rfl b nl b nib nl r- n 7-
ler roses.. Mrs. J. C. Cosfello won th
highest honor at brldg.' v..
- Th-quests were Mr. "Shaw, Mrs.
Louis -'TV ShaWt. Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare,
Mrs. R. A, Wallls, Mrs. J. C. Costello,
Mrs. ,W. v A, Campbell and Miss Rernlc
Rogers. ' Miss Rogers sang a number of
delightful .songs during the afternoon.
-.'. "..1V'W''V,!-J:V. 7. -..":;ri'vu,;,. ,-.- -;
. Mfss; Corneliar and Mis Cully Cook
gave ; a. charming inrnrmali dinner
Thursday evening'at Chanticleer Inn on
th banks of -the Columbia River near
Rooster Rock, v for th pleasure pf Miss
Ruth Wells of "Hnovr, N. H.- who is
tbe houee guest of, Miss Marjorl Hoff
man.. - ine , 10110 wing guests enjoyed
th; Misses - Cook' hospitality, y. Miss
Florence Harrison of Minneapolis, the
house 'guest ot v Miss Cornelia Cook.
Miss Hoffman, Harold Wells, Frits
uenrenas,: Maurice crumpacker, Leittct
xiuaaon, anurirtwia A. MCArtnur,
.Th reception tendered to MlsS Anne
Shannon Monroe by the Members of the
State Woman's press club Friday after
noon at th Shakespeare headquarters,
Chautauqua, proved to b one of the
most popular of the social events held
on the Chautauqua grounds this season.
Miss Monro; shared honors with N
Poon Chew and Mrs. Eva Emery Dye.
hotn - or whom1 gave most Interesting
talks. Mrs. Dy spoke of her early ac
quaintance with Miss Monroe, which be
gan during ber Investigations of his
torical data for ber well known book,
The Conquest." Jt proved that th
treat ' grandfather of 1 Anne Shannon
Monro was a member of the Lewi and
Clark expedition, hence much Valuable
information waa upplld by Miss Mon
ro and her mother. i. -i :,
Miss Monroe wa then called upon to
take up the thread of the story; and re
sponded with a brief sketch of her re
cent work.
The hostesses of tne afternoon . were
Mrs. Collsta M. Dowling, president: ot
the Stat Woman' Press olub; Mrs.
Julia C. Le Barre, Mr. Townsend, Miss
Sarah I. Lyman, Mr. F. B. Gpttshall,
Mrs. C. D. Joslyn, Mrs. B. ,T, Toorholsti
Mrs. Ingham, Mrs. Nathan Harris, with
other members of - ths organisation; pre
siding ; the punch bowI.' 'Twv l J-r
The weddlns? of Miss Pearl Bard t
Isam Masonek took - plac Thursday
evening at the home of th bride's Par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, M. Bard. Mr. Ma
sonek, who . is from Milwaukee. Wls4
arrived 'with his father and mother.
Mr, and Mrs. Lou I Masonek, th Utter
part t last wk. . Th i Wedding was
quiets r only th ' intimate mends
and relatives being Invited.. Miss Jsetta
Barda was the maid of honor for her"
slater, and Mlsa E'sthar . Levitt Vss
bridesmaid, v Th ' ceremony; waa read
at 7:30 p. M.,' and a email reception fol-
lowea. i '.-.-t
7 The" alumnae Vof the kappa -Kappa
Gamma fraternity entertained at lunch
eon in th Arcadian Garden at the, Mult
nomah Thursday for th ectl mem
bera of the Oregon chapter and' their
gaeats. ThoSe V present werei Misses
Florence Avery of Hood River j Olga
Poulsen, Josephine Bracons, Gladys
Mace, Harriet Lae, Florence ICjtapp,
Mary Lott of Nwbrg Gladys Cart
wright, of Saleras Hasel VVIghtroan ot
Orohardst Wash; r 'Marguerite Behse,
Ruth Uardle,.- Olive Donnell. vLoretta
Showers, Eva Roche. Helen Holbrook,
Msdama Orlando. Davidson, Hugh
Hsnry, Will E. Jon. .
Invitation are out -for the golden
wedding anniversary of . Dr. and Mr.
David I Klbi waneasy, juiy i.
A reception will b held at th bom
of their daughter, Mr. J. C, Elliott
King, at . Mount Tabor., followed, by a
family reunion dinner. -
All the children ana grandchildren
will be present: Mrs, Carl W. Sohovel
of Cortland, N. T.l Miss Florence Klehle
and Dr. F. A. Klehl of Portland, Misses
Hachel , and Constaac - King, . David
Utchard King, and, Frederick Oilman
Secret - '- . v -., ', . '
Mr. and Mrs. ! rank Kerr hav taken
the country home of Captain and Mrs,
James T. Gray for the summer month.
(Continued on Following Page)
Diamond - ;
S t r 1 iin g ; .
tc; h tc.c
, guaranty
tKaixa "the : regular;, figures.;
-v- " v '- !'" T", ' ' '
Bet. Fourth and Fifth St.
ri p , . ' j , 4 r ,,
.'7 5TU ;
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