The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 48, Image 48

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    ' 'I
Back Page of Section 1 This Paper Details Remarkable News tof Ow Semi Annual Clearance Sales Savings for You Tomorrow
Travelers "Roll-Ups" and Pullman Aprons Rubber LinedRegularly 25c to $4.50 tor Clearance at !A Off first Floor New Bldg.
w3iAy Sale pffflpaefRffia
... i,
, I i
I EARTY response .will be evidenced tomorrow" in our remarkable
July Price-cutting or Toilet Requisites and Drugs, its a weii-
. known fact that we are never undersold, which accounts in a large
:( measure for the tremendous: volume of patronage our Toilet Goods
. -Section "enjoys.
- This is an event of note and offers economy to you so pronounced
that thrifty men and' women will not neglect supplying every need
for the toilet table and medicine chest tomorrow or balance of
t the week. ' " rTy"'rT ' ' . 'W ' .
, w We . reserve . the , right to restrict quantities 'that all ' bona-fide cus-
r Vomers will be supplied. . ' ; ;''' f j. ;.;
"Spun Cold" Shampoo, Bottle 50c
- "Spun Gold" Shampoo and Tonic are Vege
table Compounds, absolutely harmless and a
great 'boon to blondes. Cleanses , the hair
thoroughly and imparts a beautiful color tone
without bleaching,' enlivens the roots tjfl
and keeps the scalp moist. The bottle y UC
'Try-Ne-Le" Vibrator Reduced
THose rnarVelboS little health-giving ma
chines, working hand in hand with na
t u'r e, stimulating,, invigorating and
strengthening. Now at these remarkable
reductions: $25.00 Type A, f 14.95.
$35 Type C, large and more powerful
than Type A, 19.95.
, Hanson-Jenks ."English Tub Soap" is
absolutely pure.;, Made of .Vegetable Oils,,
with "no Animal Fats it' n ideal' Bath
Soap. It's shape is oval purposely made
to . tit the ' hand-nd a ; more sweetly
scented Soap would be hard to find. The
bar25.,.',:.. ,f , t ( .
" ' 50c Parisian Ivory Nail Files, Cu
ticle Knives and Shoe Horns--finest
qualities extra ' large -handles.; ; Very
special 25ct !V' :'Cf' ' ,
SSrfeSt :
$1 and $1.25 Boxes of Crane's Fancy Gold Edge, Stationery, 'in the Jnewf iints4ntelopi 1
Orchid,: Pink,apoleon,JBuff,;etc,f Special,, the. oV. .?
;?Anof ,Uie Fancy. Statibriery Stamped With ; - C.VKf-,,v'" ' t
Oc Highland i,b. Paper-Flight or heavy,41e
ii .envelopes, to snatcn . . i u ; , rmz. xs,v
50c Crane's Gold and ' Silver ' Edge Corres-
usiness Envelopes-5-incht sp'l box, 25
25c Pkg. Paper Plates all sizes sp'l pkg. 19
10c Pkg. Sariitary Drinking Cups pkg. 8
5c Rolls Wax Papery : ,3 rolls 1,0
50c Doa. Fancy Crepe, Paper Almond -Cups
iV'S.all colors.. , . . . . ..,..... Doz. 3,
lDc Fancy - Shelf -" Paper 10-yard i' pieces--
y wniiepinjc, yeiiow etc.. opeciai,' pkg .
Dennison's, .Fruit yLabela, folk preserves.
-A tic-ii ; v. i i; ; . ,'.v v r i" ; i '..Sheet , IS,
; Dennison's lSc,Pper,A Napkins plain'
rv-:?-; white. ;iwVii"; r.-''', On e Hundred 11
10c Bridge and Score Pada.-. ..Each 4
35c Pack Gold Edge Playing Cards Den
nison'swi . ;i , ,.;.".; ..i':.1;Pacfc"' 21
mnt rioor xw BttUdliiffiKMU Ordats UId
Cathrine Countiss Writes
, "I found the use of Sempre Gior
vine .very beneficial to my skin. In
fact, superior- to ; anything . 1 have
ever used before." . -
'Sempre Giovine is conducive to
the health and beauty 'of the skin,
has a , dainty fragrance, and restores the natural smooth
ness to dry, harsh, rough skin. Is indispensable to the
men-folks after shaving. Put up in dainty and S)fin
convenient cakes. : On sale at,. each ....... . Ls
i o EGYPTIAN FACE : POWDER imparts to the skin a smooth
healthy appearance and that, quality that bespeaks an air of delicacy and
refinement in three shades Roseate Brunette OC-, Ofl.
White and delicately perfumed. - Sizes
...... .lUl and
Facial Creams (D Lotions
50c Dr. Chas. Flesh Food . . . r 29
35c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream..... 26
50c Elcaya Cream .....39
50c Dr. Berry's Freckle Cream. . '. . . . . , . ;.39
25c Willow Theatrical Cream. .15
50c Graham's Kosmoa Face Cream . . . . . .29
50c Krank's Pink Blush........ .....39'
$1.50 Gourard's Orienul Cream.. ...... ,.. 93
' Magical Beautifier.
25c Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lotion... 19
75c Madga Cold Cream, Mb. tins. . . . . . ; .49
Venus Extract of Cucumber and Witch Hazel
Cream . ". . . ........... . . . . .50
50c Derma Viva Liquid Whitener.......r,25
$1.25 Creme Simon , .98
35c' Hazeline Snow .23
Proiietary Medicines
6 oz.' Rose Water and Glycerine r. . i . ...10i .
2 oz. Salts of Tartar, for removing fruit stains; 7(
25c Lily Charcoal Tablets'Hv. .v; , :t '. .
5 oz. Compound Licorice Powder. . . ...110?
25c Lily's Castor Oil Capsules...., ...... .10
2 oz. Cocoanut Oil--best grade .. ..... .... .7 s
6 oz. Rose Water, Glycerine and Benzoin. . 10
1 pint Witch Hazel, full strength. ;. v. 15
15c Lily's Lime (for making lime water)... 10 !"
8 oz. Bay Rum, in glass stoppered bottle. . .15 ,
Regular 25c Chamois Nail Buffers at 10c
With leather back and strap, removable attachment.
4 inches long, very special .......... .10
foilhe Skill, Bottle S0c
To-gradually bleach the skin in ia healthful man
ner, try Melba Astringent. Twill remove spots
from the skin and is wonderfully healine for burns. -
vcuts or bruises. It: has an-astrincrent action uoon
the expanded pores and at the same time invigor
ates and tones the skin. It's splendid to use after '
a massage. v The !. bottle, 50. ' r
Melba Skin Cleanser an 'oil substitute for Soap f
is healthful, soothing and healing. It refines
the texture of the skin, besides being a per- rA" '
feet cleanser. Try it! The jar....4......!)UC
50c Graves' Tooth Powder. .23t
25c Lyon's Tooth- Powder, two
4 .for. ,.25
' 25c Peroxide Tooth Paste, two
' for 25
25c Berset Tooth Paste, 2 25
25c Sanitol Tooth Paste, 2 25
25c Sheffield .Tooth Paste, two
. for. ,4'e... .... ,, ; JS5, ;
25c; Woodbury's , Tooth ; Powder,-
2 for ...........25
" 25c Rubifoam liquid, 2 bot 25t
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste; 3 50t '
15c Euthymol Tooth Paste, two
v for .....25
Many women, have - gained
strength and beauty through
r the use of Vaucaire Galeea
Tablets. They act as a tonic
ratherhan a medicine and are
S comparable for building Up
e .tissues, developing the
bust and neck, and enhancing
the natural, beauty of the body.
Guaranteed to be harmless. 63
Tablets in the box, at 79
A FIcsh Builder and Tonic
A Perfect Massage & Toilet Cream
Composed of , the purest and
finest ingredients, Melorose
Beauty Cream has a cooling
and soothing influence on an
inflamed and irritated skin, is
pleasant as well as beneficial
for a massage, and is excep
tionally good for chapped
hands or face, sunburn, black
heads, etc. It's famous, the
world over, among the most
noted 1 Beauties. Put tip " in
light aluminum jars. Jar 39
Are the Results
To Thousands Who
Use Fonche Rosecn
Why not have a beautiful com
plexion? Fouche Roseen is a mar
velous ' beautifier, making the skin
white and velvet'like and exuding a
most fragrant perfume. A farorrte with thousands of women.
Put "up in glass jars. , Sizes, 25" and 50.
Fouche Roseen Freckle Cream is splendid for removing
freckles, tan, liver spots and other discolorations, besides -. n
whitening and softening the skin. The jar . ....... . DUC
. - ' ' ''A ,.
'-' ...... 4 "',1
Hair Tonics
50c Hay's Hair Health 37$
50c Seven Sutherland'' Sis
ters Hair Grower. . .37
50c Parisian Sage. . . . .37
$r Scheffler's Colorine 59J
25c Sanitol Hair Shampoo,.
$1 Mary T.;poldman's;Hair
j l" Restorer '. . I , ''-79
50c Onriah Superfluous Hair
Remover ........ ..39
$1 Pottervs Hair Stain 79
25c Marvelous Shampoo'
Fluff 18
cess" Shampoo
If you would have your hair soft, silky and lustrous,
try Mme. Hatten's famous "Princess" Shampoo. It's
guaranteed to be absolutely pure and most satisfac
tory, for. oily 9r rough hair, leaving it fine and soft,
after using. The Shampoo can' be washed out with
-cold water'The bottle 50. ( ,,,,
; MME. H ATTEN'S MASSAGE CREAM is valuable for
massaging and removing lines from the face. Put up fZ(n
in Aluminum box. Price ................. UU
to the skin nourishing and building up depleted tissues.
Absolutely pure. Put up in Aluminum box ..j P-I
Brushes & Combs
35c Tooth Brushes...... ..,19.
25c TooA Brushes. . . . . . . t5
25c Nail Scrubs. . ,19
15c Vegetable Brushes?. . , .91
35c Pearl Handled Nail FUes 19V
50c. Hair Brushes . . . . . . , ;35r,
$L25 and $U0 Hair Brushes 98ft' uiu nair xrusnes,'i.
for.......... $1.98
25c Pocket Combs.. vi....vl8J
All Hair B r us he s
Reduced 25
The Soaps
Maxine Elliott Buttermilk Soap, 6 cakes 50
And one cake Oriental Tar Soap Free.
15c Bourjous' French Almond Soap, cake 9
15c Kolynos Skin Soap, cake. .......... .9
10c Jergen's Benzoin & Almond Soap, ck. 6?
10c Jergen's Lily Cream Soap, cake 5
10c Jergen's Almond Cocoa Oil Soap, ck. 6
10c Jergen's Old Fahsioned Oatmeal Soap 6
5c Jergen's Sterling Castile Soap, 2 cakes 5
10c Lilac Rose Glycerine Soap, cake... . . . .5 .
5c Lifebuoy Soap, cake . .3
5c Fairbank's Glycerine Tar Soap, cake. .3
65c Pure Castile Soap, (Green) made in Spain,
large cake 494
10c California Medicated Soap, cake ...... 5
10c Portland Rose Glycerine Soap, cake.. .6
An Effective Freckle Remover
klf inorcliorv'c given away free for theask
linS5PCry 5 jng, while any remain out
of the two gross we have for
that purpose, a full 50c size bottle of Kingsbery's Freckle
Remover will be given to Adult Patrons who ask for it.
You'll find it invaluable for removing freckles, tan and all
discolorations from the skin. It comes in four different
strengths No. 1, 50c;'No. 2, 75c; No: 3, $1; NoM4, $1.25.
Kmgsbery's Iron Rust Eradioator, once tried, will always
be kept in the house. 'Twill remove rust, coffee, chocolate,
tea, fruit, wine, ink stains, etc., in a short time with- )Cn
out the slightest injury o fabric. Bottle . . . . : . MO
Face Powders & Talcums
50c Java Rice Face , Powder all shades 23
50c Egyptian Face Powderall shades. ,39
. 50c Pozzoni Face Powder all shades. . ;27
50c La Blache Face Powder all shades 29
25c Satin Skin Face Powder aU shades 18
25c Swansdown Face Powder all shades 10
25c Woodbury's Face Powder all shades :18
50c Babcock's Corylopsis Face Powder 39
15c Armour's Talcum Powder. . ll
15c Babcock's Cho Cho San Talcum.....
25c William's Talcum Powder, 2 for..", .25
15c Jap Rose Talcum Powder, 2 for.....25j
15c Red Cross Talcum' Powder.. 10
' 25c Lehn & Frick Riveris Talcum 19
15c Jergen's Violet and Rose Talcum. . 11
,10c Jergen's Oriental Talcum Powder... ;7e
Pompeian Massage Cream
For women who desire a smooth, youth
ful skin, free from, blackheads and all im
purities, nothing can surpass Pompeiian
Massage Cream. It gives a clear, clean
skin, soft as velvet, because it removes the
dirt from the pores and stimulates the
circulation. If used faithfully for a short
time, the result wili be marvelous. Put up
in attractive glass jars, specially priced at
29tf, 49S 67.
oyoa oh" Ttlctim Powdtr H abKoTuteJv ifin l
uiirsi, iinesi ana purcm or an laiciinis. with the
quainter of the best of Face Powder and fineit
of Perfum combined. Its odor ts bewltchingly
weet and it's of a soft peach-like color. It corner
In attractive glass jars, which are airtight and en.
able It to, keep its rare franrance. The Jar
I Passage creak
I 1.' Z.
. . s
Patent Medicines
S0c Lavoris 33
50c Phenolax Wafers ......
50c Murine ....... .29
25c Peroxide of Hydrogen. 15
15c Insect Fodder ...... ..10
10c Bromo Seltzer ...... 7
$1 Sal Hepatica.... ,7S0
25c Tokaloa Carbolic Salve 15
25c Tokalon Corn Remedy 15
50c Tokalon Beef, Wine
and Iron -.1. . .... .. . . .33
50c Cuticura Salve ...... ..33
50c Canthrox .......... ,..20
25c Seidlirz Powders .....17
25c Celery King Tea., .,,.,17
50c Papes Diapepsin ...,'.29t
25c Blackberry. Cordial .'.'..15'
50c Pond's Extract ,Ointm't.25
50c De vilblis Atomizer Freo
With Each $1.00 Bottle of Charmona Toilet Water
Charmona is one of the achievements of the famous
Riker ft Hegeman Laboratories, the products of which
are used extensively in-New York City now introduced
here1 for the people, of Portland
Riker'a Violet. Cerate is a pare, .wholesome Face
Cream, contains ho grease and is a true nourishment for
the skin. It keeps tbe skin in perfect condition, prevents
roughness sunburn, freckles, etc., and is splendid to use
before automobilmg, Bottle, OUfi
A few other famous Riker products, are Riker's Cold
Creapi, 10. 15Y 25S 50t. Riker's Septone Hair
Tonic,., Riker's Theatrical Cold Cream Riker's Powder.
25c, Size "Geraldine' Farrar" Perfume FREE with
each purchaser f Riker's or Mary Garden Toilet Arti
cles. This perfume is the sister -odor toJMary Garden's
Perfume by Rigaud of France. . , '
Absolute Parity
In Colgate's
' Thousands of people are becom
ing devoted users of Colgate's Toi
let Articles, knowing that they can
be depended on for Purity, Extra
ordinary : Quality and -Reasonable
Prices. Each year, as they
become more and more, popu
lar our sales increase accordingly
making it necessary to constantly
increase our stock, until we have
acquired the largest and most com
plete assortment of Colgate's Goods
to be found on the Pacific Coast. :
, Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream
is unexcelled 'for cleaning and
preserving the teeth and purifying
the breath. Is as delicious as ef
ficient, and comes out as a OA
ribbon to lie flat oh the brush -SaiUC
' Colgate's "Monad Violet" Toilet
Water a deliciously fragrant Toi
let Water of true violet odor with
exceptional keeping qualities.
ored. B
Colgate's "Eclat" Toilet Water
has a mild, sweet odor nf li'nrer.
ing ) faintness thatV suggests, the
breath of flow- r7j? : or
ers. The bottle I.OC and OC
Colgate's "La France Ross"' Tal
cum Powderis the quality of ,t1ie
other talcs ' produced .by Colgate;
but.with, a. rose odor equal to the
best French Perfume, The - f?
box ........... . . 4 ..JL'tJ'w
IT irAtMAo fit Tnf-V 114 -ri-vm am nOA.liim
vu-j vm, i vt vjanu vv vi u -w u yk u w-t-sms (ii
Aubry Sisters' Beautifier most delightful
and productive of splendid results. Ap
plied with a moist sponge it takes the
nines ( TirmrAmr aiA itm ,4h e1n
clear and lovelv. You'll find it absolutely,
,zntt skin. Does not rub off Jar 25
md aOf. -
Alihnr Ristr' Pniirr. Innn-l.
Cheeks. -hos and fimzcr nails the rnlnr
Irue to, nature;' cannot be detected and
does not rub off,: Givis -a perfect tone
to an otherwise colorless fate. Tvfro nizci','
and 50f. .,' -
Miscellaneous Specials
23c Amolin Powder Deodorant.'. '. . ....t7V
25c Eversweet or Mum Deodorant.. ..2 for 25
25v- Renewable Buffers.. .10
15c imperial Nail Polish ,,;10f
50c Uarnish Narl Polish.
25c Lustrite Manicuring Specialties . ...
iuc nmcry tioarqs
....... . . 4 i
t. 'fM
10c Genuine Orange Sticks. . .
.. 10c Wool Powder Pads .........
1 A- t!J-J T.--..J . T....1? '
;iw oivcrgown rowqer ruirs.
.... '', .,?
' ..
, Filled tt
at These v
PnrM ? r.2..;-
25c Eidefdcfwn Powder Puffs, in filkf- draw-string
' baits .;;."i.v...'iVi .. ....ti.jjv t-.? B-
t $1.25 and $1.50 CHAMOIS-extra large, for auto'-Uf
'm'"$ ;: ' ' ' f.'.-'5 . ft-. i
A Manicuring Help Is u Alabastrine
, .Beecham's . Alabastrine is the
most perfect preparation for use in
the manicuring o the nails, keep
ing the hands beautifully white and
soft, and the skin in a healthy con
dition; , If you've never used Ala
bastrine, buy a ! iar tomorrow its
results; will please.;you.V ?jar?65c.;
- vaurciae iiumiics f prut use per-
, spiratioii and 1 eliminates offensive
odors,t and is very-effective in the
sick-room;! Twdsizes; selling f or
ouc ana i.uu. v . , ,
Stbr&Opch&Tonw 8:30 A;M.
Closes TomorrMM