' :t.5'i ::v':rv.:rf!:V'f V-'''- -":' ' A'l'-'i "'i; ";; '"-A' V-i1- ''.A ' ,;'' -.V ?;t'V'A"A-.-''J A 1 v ' ' '.A :':-; ' ' v;--' SUNDAY. MORNING, JULY:' 13, 1813. ; I GORGEOUS NATURAL SCENERY DELIGHTS; EYE OF BEACH VISITOR I Ik , j " - ; - v -I II 8 - s . i SI I 'N.-1 I BIS-''. tsiS 111 - I lilt " Sll . I I - II f. ' i 1 IMJ-i I f : 7 U I lit: ill II. - ... I -5 w I III Ml 1 I II i III I . . 111:1 I' lit zzr7 :,rx i i ii r it i ii vi i r hi ; efr- -riOT 1 ' " J-" ti yniKT ri 1 I v 1.. .1 I 'SSIoK 1 .-- h 11 .11 1 1, a ,.11 .' . n 1 1 - Neah-kah-Nie Mount Faces - Ocean Surf, Affording Ma jestic View of Sea; Forests ; of Fir. V, , v ( Neah-Kh-Nl taOunUIn IiM iher, -f high face of rock et falnt th imu Before it the water U deep. Th team- - ahtpa pai br within asy ylew and thy .' alenal their nearneaa br nrvd ban ners of amok. Tha aurt pounda oeaie- leaaly Jn againat the rock; and at tha baa of tha cliff a canturiea of aotlon hava worn ocean cavea. urn treat and aoma amalL . It la a rugged headland . that deflea changa. It domlnatea tha landacaoa . Befor tha whit men cams Indiana had for It a auperatltloua fear : ' Naah-Kah-Nia mountain baara en Ita back, that reachea In a long alopa back from tha praclpltona front, a forait of ftr. On tha aaat neatlea the Tlllaga of Nahalem. The Bay of Nahalam la a long arm that raaebea in from tn ocean on tha south. Swift, clear atraama carry . , ' tha Water of the mountain aldo Into tha ; bay. .h,:-- .- MonAtala aotaaa Utr. - " Tha fir foreat that elothaa tha raoun- . tain nearly oonceala the tralla and roada But in open apacea tha waya to ' ' the top appear. Tia Tlew la the mora v ' kplandld whan tha top la reached be. M'oanaa It 'la so atartllng coming out from thartraaa to Ylew ao auddanly the - i great aweep ox aaa ana eoaat. . ' 1 Thua Neah-Kah-Nl mouDtain la Jnat- Iy famoua Before tha railroad It waa , , v- mora Ilk myth than fact .to many, pee pla It la about SO mllea aouth of Sea ' ' ' , aid. -'It la soma 10 mllea north of Til : lamook. But. now 1 tha ' railroad runa -within a few mllea.- Tha track of the ' Paoifio Railroad at Narlgatlon company loads down tha Nahalenr rlvar, having l croaaad tha JDoaat range mouatalna on , tha way from' Portland, and skirts tha bay At Wbaeler or Hohler thar ara - launch ea to taka tha trareler qrer. tha . . ' . watar to Nehalem ' or Maah-Kah-Kio hotel. Th world may than ba shutout Tha stay may b for a 'week or a month ' or a, summer In a homo for tha summer . on a sua whr tha view passes dascrlp - ! . rmty VraQs Xm.- " 'J' But th mountain, dominant as it la, high as it la the highest point on tha coast between Tamalpala at Ban Fran v claoo and British Columbia la not all. Thar la a rich, agricultural country, a -"- r great outreach of untouched forests,' ' myriad of fairy trails a never-to-be-forgotten variety of Tlaw. i Small wonder that Neah-Kah-Nle and Nehalem Uv In . memory with the hope of return. - , - Trains- go from , Portland over.- th Southern Paclfla .linea r to Ulllsboro, - " thence over tha ' new road, . over the - Coast range, down ' the f Salmonbarry river to Nehalem. thenc to the. coast , .And this la alao an experience that will '. - be difficult to match. , CJovenunent Camp Boad. .L ' ' , A. M. Orilley. physical director of the f ... ' e "Plrktaa" ftookj, Keah-'kah-nlb mountain. '. New road . being- built around rnountain -Jg , ghown? flpot Is at , " arawiTa point for aummer resortori. . T. M. S. Jl, has returned from a climb to Mt'Hood via the road past ToU Gate, sayln that tha road la. the reaerve be tween Oovernmentr Camp and Toll Gate has bean' Tara . much Improved durtfig"" tha oast rear and Is reallr the beat sart of the route between Portland and the mountain. v ., i ,x.s& , ' Strango Fish. Fishermen off Tillamook beaches have Enjoy It Now Your VICTROLA Pay Later in Easy Payments . 'You can afford a Victrola. Perhaps not the $200 style, -hut the genuine Victrola comes in styles at $75, $40 $25 and! even $15 . We are very liheral in our terms) "spreading easy payments over a numher v of months, so that paying for your Vio trola is forgotten in this pleasure you and your family derive. Why be deprived ? longer? Come in and select it and have . it-delivered at once. PIANOLA PIiATER PIANOS VICTOR TAUcivo uimrma STBINWAT. WEBER AND OTHER PIANOS ' Morrion at Sixth, Pdrtland, Opposite Pbstoffice nported the finding of a Strang flsb whloh carries Its young la a pouch like a kangaroo, ;. On fish .will; tarry. 60 or a fry in this way. ' mmmmmm 4 . SHfcilt i Large Airibuntrof Money Spent " by Owners to: Beautify Agate BoacH -Is becoming- known ' as the "'Summer. City of the Pacific Coast.' It comprises a thousand acres of ,yaqul. na Head, nearly all of Taquina Head, In fact.'. -that Is not taken by the govern ment, is, Just nortlTof Nye Beach and some mllea 'north of ' Newport t It la reached, as is Newport, by way of the C6rvallla & Bas.ter0, navlng left Port land oik the " Southern . Pacific and chahged. car either t Albany or Cor vajils. Thr.. also la fin v mountain roadg leading to Agate Beach from, all parte of western Oregon.:-'.- ', The owbera of Kte Beach have been spending , a large ' amount of money "In Improvements. A feature of the reaort la tha ' splendid .. autpmobile drivk that aklrts the oeean''forvaeveral mllea The sprf bathing via equal to'atiy on the coast, tha view la of aurf and sand and sea and passing rfhipa. Tent or; cottage life,' la equally pleasant... Accommoda tlona that are. praised by alt who have been there are- furnished by the Agate Beach Inn,' pretentloua etructur. j. r -' children find joy in th sands, their elderaj have delight In the aurf. - Camp fires on the beach at. night mualo and soclaL. intercourse make life at ' Agato Beacrfy very happy.; : A beginning' of a colony of folks of artiatio and literary taatea baa been mada1 " 1 AgaU Beach takes Ita )iam from the variety' of semJ-preclous stone that are cast upon th beach by th tide. These are eagerly sought' t RAILROADS THREATEN FOR BEACH STAGES .The building of. railroads along the coat threatena the extinction of one vacation feature that waa alwaya much more picturesque than comfortable. The auppjylng , of railroad- trananoriAtinu causes th Old beach "Daaaena-er trains" also- the "frelght trains" to immediately uiBapier. i nese were tne wagons used as stages, drawn .by six and aometlmea eight horses.- that mad tha ht,n between the railroads, and the coast re- yi . . in oeacn "Trelght trains" were the burros that carried nsrk. . atmtat as large as themaelvea. In som of the more Isolated resorts they are atlll s Common sight.''. ' t m T.HnnnTnnc IIIUUMI IIUUU IU 1 hi I . 1 ILLUMINATED JULY 21 Mt Hood will seem to be -on fire on tBe night of July 21"lf,ta plana if a party of Portland men r Carried out. ' Effort, will be made td reproduce, the , red that eofored the mountain when It was an vactlve . volcano. Headed by, A, M, GrUley; physical director of tha Y M. C. A., a party of business men will . carry, a great quantity of red-fire to ' t'he very peak of the mountain, prompt ly at 10 o'clock on the nlghf of July si : they "will sat It off. They expect the, blKr to be distinguished ..easily, from. Portland. ' ' '"'.) v , 1,-tKS BEST LOTS : ton tn ixqitet Pripe $4Sv asuiJBB a.uu 7 ' " poinr ' aa.oo m if o. si ''' ava wianni 1 intA 11.-. ti.l'-i-Si i.'....;.- 1 18 'n ''"e.i0' ?r.eSLulureY'10Pmni mat make BIO rsOTZTS. IT M .. AH XDEAI. PXJLOS TO XXTIU As an Investment It is surely worthy of your careful consideration You realise what other beach property has oone' . w - , i . . ' 'J"- ' r;." wjtt xjbt Avar orromrwyzTT, xzu,. xxf snun : ' m.SrlHS.Lli. "JS? Prominent people of' th northweaf ar (nreatlng In , aH,KaJU3rB. : Why not youf - v-.. .a. :T r.. , Nota-W furnUh a warranty dd and abstract without any additional coat J v. , ' -' ..- - , .:, ., Call at ojir, of fie or writ for free booklet, .f 1 , - WE L. GR AH mc6; .Ploaa Wis MIT. : ' v -y 610 XZTHXT SXAd. , Luncheon at the Beach Is Delicious When served with a cool bottle of beer Jat Is' mild in flavor: and pur Int J a case u on:that-week( A DELIGHTFUL COMBINATION Of . MOUNTAIN AND; SEA ' NEAR NEHALEM BAY THE NEAREST AND MOST ACCESSI BLE 'PCEAN RESORT TO THE CITY OF PORTLAND' f : is-- AN IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER'S OUTING. ' : ALt CONVENIENCES ARE OFFERED , " IN bUR UNIQUE HOTEL, WHICH WA$ DESIGNED FORTHE COMFORT V AND EASE, OF GUESTS. 1 4 A -i Sujpjp1iesfrom Own Ranch ' V'7 -i. "comf6rtable cottages for -.. .:.'.'.;... fc" ,, t'tv, 'i ill.,.;)- SUMMER HOMES THIS'-PROPERTY! HAS NO PEER ON i the"6rego''coast.'-- .vi:;:U"i:,oA.' FOR INFORMATION AND PARTICUv -'i j." '.i'ijS.?:; vy'tARS .. iV;; sm .. , "'J'i t :. - . ,. " ' ' " ' ' "y" a' " i' 1 I ' I ' ' f nl ' .).' ' ' " ' - ' "' ,..';, vmsmm 1111 I H " v . t . i bh ii .' ..'- ' , ss m , r 'IT i i sr . . .a... : 1 1 i a . a j r - ;.iV 1 ? r'," ';i Comnanv hi..'.',. f-"w v.'i im ' - - '.V Spend Your Vacation oil Villi VV: We have a strictly firsciass hotel 'at Barview.-' Good, wholesome meals are served irr a bnght, clean dming-room. . The hotel is 4 .surrounded by a wide. veranda overlooking the ocean and amuse-, raent park; i in the park we have only the most acceptable amuse- ments. No liquor can be sold ' on the. resort. In the park are. , swings and benches. If you are I Contemplating a lengthy stay at f Barview we have turmsned tents with all conveniences. You can ;. take your automobile to Barview. .We have safe rowboats and ca noes for hire on both the Make and the bay at Barview. The c large dance ; hall, pool hall and it fowling alley are appreciated and patronized by many. : The, drills ' of the lifesaving crew, the clam- , 1 bakes, the beach . bonfires , and . .deep sea fishing excursions are only a "few of the Tnamr good things Barview has to offer you. , ' Pure swing water system alrea'dy established. Before planningyour : vacation; see us Good Building ''Lots ' v a5i60tea$20Q On Your; Own Terms ; Land .. '. V. Hi' FAILING BUILDING, CORNER THIRD phone Your order ' ; v WASHINGTON STREETS) PORT. , i Portland Brewing ! Gb. LAND, OREGON, or . I -(' IL E JACKSON, AGeq ON THE GROUND i '.i'i ('