The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 19, Image 19

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I . w' C'
that she has aver tried.'" She recom
mends It to those who want to prepare
and cook for lo hours. At the and ot
an hour and' 40 minutes add 11 clams
that have been cut up in a quart of
milk. Season to taste. The addition of
It durti-Jf their stay at the seashore.
Here la the recipe: Three good alsed
carrots.' three good si sad potatoes, one
good1 alsed onion: o ver well with water
little bacon or salt pork is desired by
good many people. . .
s-7 -
i r
' 1 ' ' i I '.. j ' . , I
Grand Climate, Fine Hotels,
Gorgeous Scenery, Abun
dance Amusements. Among
; : Features Jhat Delight;;; V4
' ' '4 !y . , ' 11 ' i'
' s Portland Tla' been 'named th "Sum-
.. mer Capital or Amerloa.- it is Becoming-
as widely known oy this name as by
that other.- also sugg-estlva of beauty" and
attractiveness. "The Rose City," Thou
sands of tourists have been, la; Portland
this summer. When they o,-H H to,
spread the f am ). of Portland aaV the
premier ummer. resort i Of the United
States. This Is hecausamd other city
has Portland's setting or climate. -.;-'
The weather1., is never extremely -Hot
In Portland nor unpleasantly oplA The
air Is sweet, the .water pure. ..On ail
Ides are mountains save' JCor the "Valleys
- where the rivers have made their -.way.
The city Is like a great park, for, Ms
' streets ara shaded with trees and ( Its
wide green , lawns aire' brightened with
ever blooming roses .and r- uncounted
other varieties of flowers, ,
The city parks are retreats' calculated
to suit every mood. Maoleay parkr la as
nature made it, with a' canyon depth
that defies the sun and holds imprisoned
the ' refreshing breath of mountain
hreese. Washington park at the bead
of Washington street embodies . the
orderly expression of the best landscape.
architecture. . Mount Tabor-park on the
east side of the city Is half wild, half
Buuuuea ana ' wnouy, aeiignirui. AX
roninsuia par uiNorta; poruana la; a
sight not to beforgotten. Thousands of
Mia twahllH'MM nla.f.' twn Vnar. a .
. In the great sunken gardens.:-. These
have matured and now. are blooming In
, an Intricate, and ? bean t if ul ' pattern of
red and white and Dink. On. one aid a
. fringe of fir trees and on the other the
wide green where the boys, play baseball
nil th fthlMml frnlln anI-"1' lunk.
ground is the recently completed com
munity building. It is a charming spot.
5"f ' Xaay naa Xotela. - ?M-:f ':
And no city anywhere Is better sup-
"r piled with accommodations for the com
fort Of; the city's guests. The hotel ca
pacity tiaa been doubled in the past
'. three years. Millions of dollars havo
been spent for new fireproof structures'.
' There are hotels that Invito a stay of
months, others eauipped ' for service
whether of hours, days or weeks. The
wide lobbies' of the .Multnomah; the
evening orchestral concerts of the Port,
land, the glittering dinners of 4he Ore
gon and the. friendly hospitality of the
Imperial will not soon- be ; forgotten,
.while the" Perkins. Seward, Cornelius
and othera have each, their distinctive
claim. , ' . : :;;; v: r;'.r',i
Most of the summer resort' cities try
, to have all 'their, entertainment within
. thp iitn'-Not- so- Porttandr"!vltli " all
that captures fancy in a highly organ
lxed, wonderfully modern city; Portland
that nature in her .most rugged and ma
Jestlo oxpression can offer. An after
, breakfast or luncheon ride bf a . few
1 hours and one Is acoordin to direction
taken In the mountains or at the sea
snore or among valleys, of vivid green.
, ; Ooeam Beeohes Are Vearby.
Many lines lead 'to the toast. Korth
; Beach via the O.-W. 1L & K. vessels.
Clatsop Beach by the Astoria & Colum
bia River division of the & P. & 8., Til
lamook, Nehalem and Neah-Kah-Nle by
. the Southern Pacific and Paclflo Rall-
' roaa & Navigation company: Newport
Agate Beach, Yaqulna Bay and vicinity
by the Southern Pacifio and Corvallls St
Eastern. As many ways of getting Into
the mountains are provided. The gorge
of the Clackamas,-or Sandy and Bull
Bun rivers via the lines of the Portland
Railway, Light A Power company. The
gorge or the Columbia by either the 8.
P. 8. or the O.-W. B, & J. ,. ,
Auto Trips Vomerou. : '
- In all directions are roads that temnt
" the automobile and among the mountain
trails that are Irresistible to the hiker.
Foaming deep among the canyons and
gorges are crystal clear rivers where
trout await the fly or the spinner. "
' Portland is set between the Cascade
-i and Coast Range mountains. The peaks
of the Coast Range are wooded to their
. tops. Th Cascade range haa uptowerlng
volcanoes, long since extinct ' and
' shrouded in the white of eternal snow,
, all of which are easily seen from Fort
land, Including , Mount Hood, Mount
Adams, St, Helens, Rainier, Jefferson. .
The rivers have oome to possess their
, population of motor boat: enthusiasts.
- At places the banks are lined, with boat
. houses where life the summer through
; is a constant round of outdoor pleasure.
- Racing, fishing, bathing are words that
lametta and Columbia. ' , ;
. ' V:-t
j". Trout In Clarkamag. , 7 1 A.
One of the most fished streams In the
stacada and Casaderot Frequently loi
or more fishermen will be found along
its banks on Slinrta Ann, r,r .,
fish, others do not. Veterans Jn' the art
, of. angling say, however, that fllllnr the
Creel Isn't i mttr in murh
- or number of. fish In the stream, but
or Knowing - now.' ; tv one nshermaa : In
Portland who goes out frequently, says
the Clackamas Is the "fishiest" stream
in the state and that the bungling ef
- forts of the 1 amateurs but? make the
port' or catcning them moreexclting.
Opium Traffic. w,;ShanghaJ.,?1'?
i - ' ' .From the Atlas News. '- ;
v We understand that some American
cltling in . Shanghai are preparing" a
Written protest against the present die
regard or t iM Hague opium conven-
. tlon by tne authorities: of the interna
tlonal settlement of Shanghai, v It wyj
'be sent to tne American government at
Washington.. - . ", ..",-'!' , .
Licensed opium shops have increased
.. . from 8U .in 1911, to S74 in 1012. and
actually to 449 In .1913. This Is the
case despite Chinas strong prohibition
of the retail trade,! and is direct con
.. traventlon of article 1 of The Hague
- convention-signed by the powers.
The question will, of course, haye to be
taken up oy tne governments concerned
It may be taken for granted the govern
ment will not ignore a protest signed
by Americans living 'In Shanghai and
. supported with facts and figures which
are Inooateatlble,- The Ilague conven-
tlon was assembled afrthe invitation of
the United States, and It goes without
saying that it; was hot the intention of
the United States that it should prove
ineffective, a mere farce. Develop
ments will, oa, awaitca witn inwresi..
-f' " fnXni' ; '"aT5?S', ' " start' in the right direction ,
v v , WHERE THE AIR 1$ PURE, . V - -
-$0 ; -" y THE WATER; PURER ; -; f .
1 V IXVx WlTHEBREEZESCOO.;; ; ; ; :?
::"4.Vv '4 y':: i r 'f -AOT WOO MGJiTAND DAV:. t,?
r' ;i''' ! 'I ' " ' 1 "' '"'j'''"1-
hifsillililB!! .a, fwl ' im ifi'
j ;
i :r-: . ilr it - J , Wv - . - . .rA'
I - - v - ; .j 4.. tf r- y '-v . :wwf , fv.
III IIIT'- I . 1 - " ' -x . . . . j.
k I II I
ts rsot wv
Above "Brldg of U Godi, on'
Score of . Portland
Erecting Rummer Cottages,
ISome of Them Costly.
Portland eopm la gr jkter i number
than aver bef jra ar" ouildinf -gunimer
cottages at Oearhart Park. During the
last 0 days more than I) well known
Portranders have nought' summer home
sites overlooking the ocean north of the
hotel. Several -liaidSMue cottagM, in
soma -: Instances w represent! r.g tovest
menta of 14009 each, haa I,cj a arreted
and are now occupied lv the.'r '-wnera.
Some of tne raceni lot Dayir at uear
hart are Arthur 8. Kibbet,. Mr. R. Shdt-
; People
COLU MB I A llSiCdiCflli
. adds zest; A. ': mi
v ...
. ' ; '..V , ... ". '.f'l ;."' 'J. ':
lagBB vnstto Co.
ColumW rlTetJIBelow, left to rlght
well, A. a Buggeri JSfea Anderson, J.B.
RogersTH. lu jTaotblo tt K. H, Plum
mar; A, C. Johnaon.vSophia A. lurence,
J. S. Davis. Frank Watklns, Hannah
R. Lang, Boyd H.; Hamilton nnd W..C.
Walker.--vwr -.t.X. . i.-
Harrf I,. Hamblatt haa Just complet
ed two expensive cottages north of the
hotel oa ocean avenue, one of which he
aold to Oskar Huber and the other he
will occupy himself, w Mrs. Laud and
W. DV Walker have cottages now tinder
construction. Mrs, ' Sue Elmore Ilara
don haa just completed and is now oc
cupying one of the most attractive bun
galowa on the entira Oregon beach..
The management at Oearhart las ie
cently expended considerable money in
improving the golf links In anticipation
of the advent - of a. large" eumber of
golf enthusiasts , during , the - present
beach season. So far the weather has
not been conducivei . to sending large
numbers ef people .to the-beaoh resorts,
but with the coming of warm weather
during the past few days Hotel Gear
hart and other beach hotels are rapidly
filling up with fecreationlsts. Mana
ger Mitchell of tha Gearnert Hotel an
ticipates the usual overflow crowd, from
now until late la September.
II 'la I aV(r v-1 I
- Multnom'alL Fll8840 feet In heigut
, ;.: ;-.v.-i
' A large number of Portland business
men are planning to spend their vaca
tion this year, in "the vicinity, of Kla
math, Falls. Thcywlll combine . 'de
velopment enterprise with pleasyr. The
annual meeting of the Central Oregon
Development ' league is to be held In
Klamath Falls, August 18-21. ' The trip
to the southern Oregon town will be by
automobile from-Bend.- ': - . .;,-
Special entertainment features will be
. "Oregon's Famous
variety; of .attractions
I : tionist than any pther
v Golf,
iFkrilno "and hiintln tr.
equipped hatatprium
- n wiiu ii e .11 ii
4. ;t.,
" - " Everybody else is. Lots $200 and up-rterms . 1
ef ' P ' V Hotel. Gearhart is modern in every respect
steam-heated; beautifully funishe&EyeryM
i -thing to, eat that the market ajfords s:, h ; :
"J : . For hotel reservations address.
2 A; C MITCHEl Gesrhart, Or.
VPbrtlan'a' Office
Bank road.
provided. ! The Journey Itself is through
some, of, Oregon' grandest scenery, Kla
math Falls Is near Klamath Lake, one
of the best fishing resorts, in the coun
try Jt is possible that a visit to Crater
Lake will be Included In the Itinerary.-
Among the aa foods none is more
delicious "t&an Clamrehowder if properly
prepared.' A Portland woman haa a
recipe which she say Is superior to all
Resort" offers a greater
to the Summer recrea- -;;
Pacific Goast , beach. V r .
The hrp-est and;bestV'.fe's'i';?
.on .the: orth"' Pacific ;
ii iir.i in jiiil ai aa.a.i iiai a. t
Fourth St.
V .'",.J;,V: '
;h a vij y,o;U v,er;.
Agate Beach Inn A Horiie
; mosphere of Rest
fr' .
it ,
Agate Beach Land .Co.
';-," 212-213 BoariJ of Tra3e Building r
...y -
Seashore Limited 0 sl. m. Daily.
Arrives Beach . Points' for
Luncheon. Returns After Din
ner. "
Daily Evening Train 6:30
Saturday ;;to MooJaV iTrips J.
Season; (Round Trip);
, Ticket Office. '
' Fifth and Stark
... . . "
if f i m'i I'll : '
1 v . V
of Comfort' That Has an At
and Refinement,
1 f'
Week-End Special 2 p. nu Sat
urday Only, Arrives Beach
Points Ji orV; Dinner, Returns
Monday 'Morning. ' w '
TI r