. THE! OREGON ' SUNDAY ' JOURNAL', ' PORTLAND, sSUNDAY MORNING,' JULY 13, 1913. w- j.-l A L ill . UL. IK LAKE IS MAGNET FOR RESORTERS v NORTH BEACH, ATTRACTS MANY RESORTERS Famous Strip of Sea Shore Offers Much to While Away J? Jdle.Hours.' v'C. f I a . o BEACH IS .,- ,; ; -- i i .'!, .-..t. , , m $ YZ ' ' . . . . CV , ,x j , Mrao FCROWDS V i ii rm inn? I Li . ... l. v ? 3 -! J I 12 i)uij,mw 5 iirtmr4 :vXr , North Beacb,' Justly amou for -lt level tretch of clean, ocean sancV ex tending a. 'distance o( 20 miles In tralht, unbroken line, It th ,Mecoa for thousands of .summer reporters. Crowds at vthe ' various resorts which Include Seavlew, Long Beach, Breakers and Ocean Park, are , Increaslns; daily, Hotels and cottages are filling up -and the round of ocial pleasures, surf hath ling, clam digging, crabbing, axe In full Wast, t , ;v., i" At mgnt urn. the beacn i ligbted up with ' scores of 'bonfires around which the reaorters while away pleasant hours. Nature has done her part in preparing th grassy swards and verdant hills for the 'reception of tourists. -Crowds are dally visiting -the fishing rocks. Beard's Hollow and the life saving stations at Fort.-.Oanby and Kllpsan Be6.cn. "The new 'government ,' wireless, station at North Head is a favorite point, of vin- icrmi. iu qiBuun is one oi ma noil powerful of its kind on the Paclflo coast.?' -5; ;v ..;... . -v Construction work on the north Jetty Is. sr new item of interest to the beach dwellers. Ilwaco, with - its fishing boats and aalmon nnnnrtu. la a tint her Jpopulas place which is within a few minutes' ride -rrom Beaview and uns View of Oswego lake, attractive and popular place of recreation, lying within 35 minutes' ride from Portland. ' f Beach. At Nahcotta, which is the term ...... . .. ' ...'. . . .v V . , lHnus of the O.-W. B. A N. company's raw iiume reeiaenoe , aistncv 01 rowi ucn moso wuw ueeirw m cumo (branch Hhe on WllltDa Bay. the visitors Oswego lake has t a surprise for the lovers of the beautiful in nature. But three and a half miles from the city limits, going south, it , Is ' reached by Sopthern Pacific: trains in- 5 minutes. Jt is two miles and a half long, half mile wide on the average and 20 to 10 feet leep, : V. ' Fed by numerous , springs and the Tualatin river, the level of Oswego lake . never lowers. Fishing, boating, bath Ing are added '-to the scenlo beauties which are making It -a resort and sum- lug popularity, A launch recently put Into service on the lake has taken passengers to points wnere charming .views are, to be had. The tinting of the hills,- the curve where lake meets . land, and the 'Lake View park, climax of the launch ride, are things better realised from seeing than descriptions at Lake View park every arrangement 'for the comfort of picnio parties has. bsen: made.- On a warm day the shade is cool and the breese from the lake refreshing. ..Train service I oown ana spena tne evening, specauy 1 rlna pleasure M inspecting the oyster on Sunday, may do so. ' o boata The broad bay luelf offers ex- ror several years pas. aii ine uoa eellent .boating facilities. ; Trout fisher, surrounding the Jake wss In private men find delight In "theWatersvof the ownership and none offered for sale, Nasel and adjacent streams that empty oui aunng xne present summer-' an xin- into the . boy. " j,,t ,-;' . usually attractive suburban - home site . The - railroad ' company has put on was platted, and many of - the buyers extra trains, .which,, together -with the are making permanent - improvements, nlarht and day boats which run between It is predicted - that Oswego lake as a Portland 'and Megler, give Norths Beach summer resort-wm equai in popularity 1 the best, transportation it has ever en many vi imiiw wiucijr . uycuoo4 1 joyea.' j places, : FOR CAMPERS' BENEFIT NEWPORT; OREGON, HAS ITS ALLUREMENTS People who have built cottages, by the sea shore and have returned to them year after year' become attached to the resorts of their choice. They acquire a home feeling for them and loyalty. . So If you meet a man who goes to New port every year, or any of tbe members of his family, you may at once expect to spend so-long as your time or inclina tion permits hearing the praises of that oldest of Oregon coast resorts sung. ' . Newport, you' will be toM. is reached from Portland byf he Southern Pacific, changing to ,the CorralHs A Eastern at Albany or Corvallls. Once there, the re cital wlU continue. There will be asso ciation, with -thousands who come from all parts of j the northwest to enjoy a climate that does - not - change, a sun shine, that Is never uncomfortably warm, - a.healthfulness of environment that. Is contagious. You will be asked to sayjf.tbejre II anywhere where more variety of sea coast enjoyment can be had. Tour attention will 'be called not only to the surf bathing, but the surf ' iwlll hr a-lvnn nnnortunltv in nxnlora tha fishing, for cod and kelp bite and fight (nooks and caves of the coast, and you " sainiw .trout or mo orei 1 wyj De entirely guaranteed against hav bass. Even the ambitious to get rlchlinr tim hxho- th iut bit h.viiv on quick will be lured with tales of tbe (your hands.- agates, the moonstones and Jaspers jJewtiort has thus become one. of the found 011 the beach after the lde has I most established communities of the eoDea. ar in tne oeeDS or tne -ooean 1 ,., rh. nnmi ii n maa seems . to be a 'treasure house of gems I tween those who live In hotels and those that waves gather specimens from dallylwhn h thir awn rntta y, hv and 'th children, especially have the year the summer population grows, for "i , w" . w iwuaunj excu7 1 there ,are excellent building opportun- x our attention, too.: w111.De called to me irip or xaquina joay, tne runner I t j u i..n... 4n..vt. 1.-. Journey Intothe Silets country ! where J.: I. Vhi, - iwr..t. Z. J, th huntintf -.nd .M .r. wih.,5 1 DT the interstate commerce com peer In.Oregon.-.you. will b. invited to ml",?.n-, mor haa "O0B wer !. loin a Dtrtv for rtann fl.hlno. . 1 nm v , Much as you have heard people talk about xamplng, did you ever hear any one have anything to say about what they .had to eat while they were oat T Tou will hear, wonderful descriptions of star lit nights that were part sleep and partly the muslo of wind in branches and rushing stream, , but the fate of tbe breakfast, pancakes will always be a mystery and the trout's flavor .will not be discussed because, for some rea son, there were na trout , -' Now cornea the. extension division of the Oregon Agricultural college with a book by Ava B. Milam and Kuth Mo Nary Smith, " entitled 'Camp Cookery,? The book doesn't suggest that the rea son for silence.-usually, on the" subject of camp cooking is the Inexperience of. the cook, but It does suggestVthat "No phase of : cookery presents : more Inter esting aspects than is offered, in the preparation of f ood jn .camps." ; An .ex4 pression1 that 'almost J any camper or former camper will recognise as very true," Is added: ' ' ? ' ; ; ; ; ; i "When one considers the significance Of food and its relation to the efficien cy and comfort 'of ,tho human body," the importance of "the knowledge of food values and, the preparatino of the food Becomes apparent..: , xt . utiou iw K 1 L - t 1 :'".s;:i;-i iin rnwiffi r lirtmJM- Scenes typical of North Beach. Co ttsge shown in picture wag made out j ',of beach driftwood. Party of clam diggera la shown. ' AT. ' . -.--.' ' - - - before S any camping . expedition is started, the .amount "of food that .will be needed and, the varieties, be syste matically, determined, a 1 ; " -., The; "Camp., Cookery" book tells, 'for Instance,, how. much food, will -be neces sary .for - a man iwho . roes out' for a month ,lf he carries it on his back; also how, much . will be necessary ' If he has a pack animal. It seems that, he needs more food If he has a pack animal to carry it. There are' also contained the government tables on how muob to Plan for each Individual in a camping party over various Intervals. Directions are given aa ' to securing camp equipment. Mos Important of all, the book elosea with a lot. of recipes for camp dishes' that ought to prevent a lot of the "out door indigestion' , IJfe Is Just one fool thing after an other. Borne people's breakfast la noth lng but a cereal story. LAICE VIEW VILLAS High-Class Suburban Home Sites Within 30 Minutes' Ride of PorUand o Few people in Portland realize that within a half hour's ride of the city we have a beautiful lake 2 miles long and averaging from 20 to 60 feet deep, where the lovers of nature can either enjoy the water privileges, or noam through the; beautiful groves which adorn its shores. You will find good boating, bathing and fishing. Large strings of bass, croppies and trout are caught in the lake each season. Approximately 1700 people enjoyed Decoration Day at Oswego Lake and fully as many went out on the Fourth. Very few of these have ever seen the upper end of the lake and the only way to really appreciate the rare beauties of this spot as a homesite is to take a tour of the lake on our new launch "LOTUS." BUY TICKETS TO BRYANT' STATION E LA mm . i h suouruan tracts ever Jaid H - -9 M sBssssaflssll ' J BUY TICKETS TO BRYANT STATION LAKE VIEW VILLAS is undoubtedly one of the most attractive out adjacent to Portland. Development work lias been going on lor the last year, and we now offer for sale parked acre tracts, with water to be piped to each tract, electric lights, sidewalks, graded roads, elettrlc trains promised vthis Summer, two stations on the property. All this within 3J4 miles of the city limits. If you have not seen this property since the new development work has been done, it will be well worth your while to take the family out there and spend the day in Lake View Park, the new .picnic crounds. at the west end of the lake. . Acre Tracts and $400 up Quarter Acres' $150 and $200 ,'Kf 1 Lake Front Lots from $250 up o o y In St. Paul, Minn., every one who can afford it has Summer home at White Bear Lake In Minnespohs everyone builds at Lake Minnetonka, Lake Harriet or. Like of the Isles. In Port land we spend half a day or more getting to the seaside; and stay but a few days, because we have never had any Summer resort closer. Now, we offer you beautiful homesltes, right at Port Rand's door,. where you can stay all Summer and still work in town. ? V. About one-third of the first platting has been taken up by homebui now oomsr development work on their lota. Cnm in and let u axhAw vah h nirtnr. t cs Lake and Lake View Villas. V - - ' " h 7X7 V tZ' . ; : '" OVER $30,000 WORTH OF THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD, in the last 60 days! it one-third of the first platting has been taken up by homebuilders, and many of them are uviii6 wcvciuuiuciii worn on tneir lots, wome in ana jet us snow you tne pictures 01 Oswego and Lake View Villas. ; V: 'AW kI,.W;. ':'. -. ..! w 4 i c I ViV.- ;iiieiiiSKlil There is no place in or around Portland where the fish are so plentiful, of the mountain brook variety, as are to be caught near Estacada, upon the O. W. P. line,; and Bull Run on the Mt Hood division. 4 rJ Hundreds of lovers of fishing seek the streams near these points, and are invariably successful in catching the finest specimens of trout in this region of Oregon. : , -. -, Estacada and Bull Run are ideal recreation points. Each has a hotel of excellent accommodations. . Estacada has a natural park , in which rest and enjoyment can be ; obtained. -" There ; is boating in the Clackamas for those who wish to indulge. ; . i ;: - For a few days of rest and pleasure Estacada and Bull Run afford me Desi 01 accommouauons. , ; . , i , sT , , , V- Special Rates for Sunday Over the Interurban: Week-end Tick- ets are also sold.: r - - t t 4i Tdke cars at First and Alder Streets. i 1 PORTLAND The ATGHISON-ALLEN Co; R A TT WAV LIGHT" & POWER CO. A. A JLf 11X A Ml ,n Jt ft f ,1 Mi in ,V:',:V.'',:J.V,J'.' V -.