The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 13, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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, . summer RESORTS
tV l
. PORTLAND, OREGON,; SUNDAY, .MORNING, i JULY' 13, 1913. ' : , ,V .
Advance Fashions Dy Special Arrangement With Iiome Journal Pattern co. we liave Inaugurated a Special vveehly Pattern Service Issued Every Rionocy
Special 25c Lunch Served Dally In the Daseraenl-Manicuring and Ilalr Dressing Parlors Second Floor--Furnllore. Carpets, Rugs and Draperies on Third Floor
rr ... . ' . "mmlJ,. . .. , ' . . .-J
. i
Sole Portland agents for.
Fowfies Bros.' Kid Gloves ,.
for women. Supreme i in i
uality for over 131 yearn.
buying, buy townes, 4
All Oregon Electric Car. '
stop at our doors, , Out- 'I
t of-town folks ere -invited
to make headquarters here ;
- Parcels Checked Free. '. j
X-v '.C':'-Reliable Merchandise-Reliable Methods
' Sttor. Jtoars i30 to BiSO Sally. Xzept atuflay.
v- Bator day' How tfloJuHVi to f:30 P. H.
-Rest Rooms, Retiring
Rooms, Writing Rooms,.
Emergency Hospital and
Nursery for mothers with
small children. 2d Floor,
A delightful Luncheon is
served daily' in our beau
tiful 4th Floor-Tea Room.
Unexcelled cuisine and the
prices are very reasonable.
$1.00 Black ToIIeta at 89c
MAIN' FLOOR Special one-day offering; of
36-ipch;Black Taffeta Silk in i splendid weight
and quality' for Bathing', Suits, 'Dresses, QQp
Waists; etc.; $1.25 quality 98o-4L00 fltuLVy V
60c Fancy Ribbons for 33c
MAIN FLOOR 5000 yards of Beautiful Fancy
Ribbons on sale -tomorrow at about half price.
i A -'wonderful array" of . tW. very newest QOi
effect. Widths to 5)4 ins.;'65c vala, yd 1
$1.00 Fancy Neckwear 48c
MAIN 'FLOOR Showing the season's .most
popular styles in Fluffy Frills, novelty collar ef
fects, etc., in lace and cotton crepes, etc-JQf
Excellent values in this lot, up to $1.00, at V.
$7.00 Cowhide Suit Cases, 24-Inch, 85.48
Dept. on ,4th Floor
-24-inch High-Grade Cowhide Suit Cases with sewn ring
handles, large leather corners, two straps all around, brass
locks and catches, cloth lined, and : has. shirt flJK A Q
folds. - Regular $7.00 value. Special at tPeJ.tO
$17.00 Traveling Bags for $3.98
Black Seal Grained Goat Leather Traveling Bags. Extra
well constructed with large leather corners and leather '
lined. Bags that will last a lifetime, Note the low prices:
Regular $5.00 14-inch Traveling Bags now at only $3.08
Regular $5.50 15-inch Traveling Bags now at only f 4.48 ,
Regular $6.00 16-inch Traveling Bags now at only f 4.98 :
Regular $&50 17-inch Traveling Bags now at only f5,48
$1.75 Matting Suitcases at only 1.36L$3.00 grades at only f 2.48 $3 JO grades only f 2.08
BmMef-ji (GFjecM : Tradliiigf Sttairros
. . -i: r-y v. t : Tomorrow on Women's Apparel and Millinery 2d Floor ' ' t 's S ?
With all cash purchases of Women's Suits, Coats, Waists, Dresses, Petticoats, Sweaters, Bathing Suits or Mil
linery made tomorrow (Monday), we Will give Double "S. & H.". Green Trading Stamps, Checks must be
presented at Stamp Booth day purchases are made in order o get double stamps. Supply vacation needs Monday
Great Half -Price Sale Women's Suits
' ' f . Mwmmm wwi mvc 2 mi rm rm n mr m m i - i
$ SUIT DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Here's an attractive Suit offering that should prompt hundreds
i of Portland women to visit this store tomorrow. Smart Tailored Suits from our best selling lines grouped for
a quick clearance at just Half Original Prices. Plain tailpred or fancy models m Ratine, Repps, berges, Fancy
Stripes,-Novelty Suitings talso White Suits and white with hairline stripes. Several models in combination styles
with serge and novelty skirts, Skirts have finished waist band with pleats or draped effects. All the season's
newest styles. Note the range of prices: . ,
Women's $30.00 Tailored Suits special at only f 15.00
Women's $32.50 Tailored Suits special at only 16.55
Women's $35.00 Tailored Suits special at only f 17.S0
Women's $38.50 Tailored Suits special at only 819.25
Women's $45.00 Tailored Suits special at only 822.60
Women's $47.50 Tailored Suits special st only f 23.75
" ft, v - c, f
Women's and Misses' Coats Specially Reduced
$15.00 Coats Now 511.25 548.00 Coats Now $36.37
GARMENT DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR Hardly a day throughout the Summer but what you will need a
wrap of Some sort This timely offering of women's and misses' Coats brings to hand a splendid opportunity to
save. '- A wonderful variety of styles in plain tailored effects or fancy draped effects in Silk Moire,' Silk Poplins, Bro
caded Silks, Fancy Pongees, Silk Messalines, Silk Crepe and Two-Toned. Bulgarian Silks. Also a superb line of plain
and fancy Wool Coats in an excellent line of sizes. for both women and misses. Remember, these are from our regu
lar stock, and consequently are the best in style, fabric and finish. Double Trading .Stamps on Cash Pur- (gQ Q7
i -If''
i' lit
' I ' r-C.V 'Reg.
; ' i - - .
Women's $50.00 Tailored Suits special at only f 25.0O
Women's $520 Tailored Suits special at only $26.25
Women's $55.00 Tailored Suits special at only 827.50
Women's $58.50 Tailored Suits special at only 829.25
Women's $670 Tailored Suits special at only $33.75
Women's $870 Tailored Suits special at only f 43.75
chases in this department tomorrow; $15.00 to $48.00 Coas now selling at $ 1125 to
Women's One-Piece Silk and Wool Dresses at V Off
Full Line of Women's and Children's Bathing Suits
mi.'" - j
Special Sale
Trimmed Hats for
White and Colors
SECOND FLOOR Visitors to Our
Millinery Department tomorrow will
find a rare bargain awaiting them.
We have picked about 200 of our- best
trimmed hats and grouped them in
one big lot for quick clearance, and
the price we have put upon them
barely covers cost of materials alone.
This season's very latest ,IJO CQ
styles, choose tomorrow, ea. V"Oi
Choose from this special group of Silk and Wool Dresses
tomorrow at a clear 'saving of 25 per Cent. -Popular4 Rus
- sian Blouse models or Combination styles of Foulards and
Charmeuse- 'Over 250 Dresses, in vthis special of fering,
Materials include Wool ' Sercre. Bedford Cords. Ratine:
Black and Whit Checks, Wool. Challies snd all the pop-,
nlar silks. Double Green .Trading Stamps with purchases.
0.00 Dresses $15.00
27.50 Dresses 820.63
2.50 Dresses 24.38
5.00 Dresses $26425
Reg. $5
40.00 Dresses $30.06
420 Dresses $31.88
45.00 Dresses $33.75
OLOQ Dresses $37.50
for the" Beach? Don't overlook our stock, of Bathine
Suis; fof we carry , the largest and most complete line in ;
the'.city. Styles to be worn with bloomers or: tights.?. AU;
paca, Mohair, Taffeta, ' Moire;' Satin,' etc,' trimmed with
Bulgarian collars and cuffs, fancy braids and silk pipings.
Great many different styles to select from, flOK ((
and all sizes. Priced at $2.75 up to tPU.UU
CHILDREN'S BATHING SUITS in Flannel. Brilliantine
and Jersey. Plain or trimmed. Ages 2 to 14. $1.25 to $7
BATHING SHOES CAPS, ETC Full assortment plain
and fancy Caps, Shoes, Water Wings, Suit Bags, etc., etc
Silk Petticoats
. -Messaline, ,Taf feta. and JersejrTop
remcoais in newest coiors -some in
popular changeable effects.''; With of
without underlays. Spe- JJO 4Q
cial tomorrow at W&rkJ
low neck, long or short sleeves. Many
attractive styles and full line of sizes.
Hfstory-Maldng Sale of Corsets
Grades Selling Regularly at
From $6.50 to $25.00
Special Tomorrow
$2.85 ;
SECOND FLOOR Tomorrow will usher in
the greatest sale of Corsets ever held in the
Northwest It will be launched with a firm
determination of making this our banner week
in the Corset Department. - Every woman who
studies the fashions will readily appreciate the
unusual saving, opportunity this sale presents. -On
account of the extreme low price put upon
these Corsets it will be impossible for us to
fit them during this sale. Included in this sale
are the famous Mme. Mariette Corsets which
sell regularly at $6.50, $10, $12, $15, $18.50 and
$20 a pair, and our entire' stock of Mme.- Hclene
Corsets which sell regularly .at CO CK
$10, $12, $18, $18.50 and $25, atVO0
NEW TODAY New "Mermaid" Corsets for
bathing, beach and general athletic wear,
priced at $1.00, $140 and $2.50. All sizes.
"Baby Week" Sale Infants' Wear
SeCOnd ---"K. SECOND. FLOOR Experienced
. Aj'n'SV saleswomen, wno Know worougajj
flOOr fZLWky the needs of children, are here to
help, you ; make ,; jour : q selections. :'
Infants' Qaal-lLIsde Slips
Made plain Bishop style or- with r
dainty yokes. Very test materials.'
, ;Ji,Regular J?.00 $U,speciaI r$l."35
Kegular 2.SQ Slips, special jbx.vt
Regular $3.00 Slips special $2.00
Regular $45 Slips, special $2.94
Regular $5.00 Slips, special $3.34
Nainsook Bishop Slips for 491
Infant's Yoke Style Dresses 79
Hand Emb. Piue Buggy Robes,J
Cassimere Sacques, Robes, J4 OFF
Infants' Sacques, slightly soiled,
inportant Sale, in Women's Blouses
I Second Floor
LOT I Women's and misses
! igh-grade Blouses, dainty lingerie,
viiles snd crepes, ; styled : with
"hg of short Sleeves; and high Or
low ' necks. Attractively trimmed
wth,'pr.etty laces, embroidery, pin
Micks, pleats, fancy frills, etc A
?tw; models have fancy lace, and
net yokes. Ordinarily these would
j.ell , at i $5.00 to $6.(XX CO f Q
Your choice, tomorrow VOrxtJ
v Second Floor
LOT. 2 Charming styles . in the
daintiest of sheer materials for
warm weather ' wear. Lingerie,
Voiles, Cotton Crepes, Batistes,
etc Beautifully .trimmed , with
clusters of fine tucks, pleated frills,
fine laces, hand embroidery, etc
High,' or 'soft roll 'collars,' long or
elbow' sleeves. Front or back fast
enings, 7 and all sizes. OA fJQ
Special tomorrow at ... . P I v
Second Floor
LOT 3-Dainty sheer Voiles,
Crepes, Batistes, Lawns, Marqui
settes, etc., in scores of beautiful
new models. - Many of them trim'd
with hand embroidery, while oth
ers have fine tucks, Cluny, Val. and
Irish Crochet Laces, Novelty But
tons, etc .; High or low neck, long
or short sleeves some with soft
roll collars. All sizes. Of Qff
Priced for tomorrow at tPv.5eJ
Mid-Summer Sale Men's Clothing
Our Entire Stdclk ol Fancy Suits at Reduced Prices
MEN'S STORE, MAIN FLOOR, MORRISON-ST. WAY About this time every year we hold Our
Annual Sale of men's and boys' Fancy Suits. It is our aim to reduce the lines to the lowest possible
level in order that we may start each season with bright, fresh merchandise. We don't believe you'll find
a finer assortment of styles, fabrics and patterns in thj city to choose from and tailoring of very best
IDeUt; 2d flli.
I Floor : j
All Men's $12.50 Fancy Suits on sale at 9 8.38
AH Men's $15.00 Fancy Suits da sale at $11.25
All Men's $18.00 Fancy Suits on sale at $13.45
All Men's $20.00 Fancy Suits on sale at $14.95
All Men's $25.00 Fancy Suits on sale at $18.75
All Men's $30.00 Fancy Suits on sale st $22.50
All Men's $35.00 Fancy Suits on sale at $26.25
Boys' Regular $ 5.00 Fancy Norfolks at $ 3.75
Roys' Regular $ 7.50 Fancy Norfolks St $ 5.6Q
Boys' Regular $ 8.50 Fancy Norfolks at $ 6.35
Boys' Regular $10.00 Fancy Norfolks at $ 7.4S
Boys' Regular $12.50 Fancy Norfolks at $ 9.35
Boys' Regular $15.00 Fancy Norfolks st $11.25
- Boys' Fancy snd Blue Serge Norfolks.
Buy ,
: "Central Needle'.
$i wnx uat ruv
If you have'nt been told or shown what
a Standard Central Needle Sewing .Ma
' chine will do, you don't know the possi
bilities of a.GOOD machine. We have
' - an expert -sewing . machine woman in
charge of our department and-she will
be pleased to personally instruct those
'who buy their machines at this store.
Remember a lifetime guarantee goes with
every Standard .Sewing ...Machine. 'i&v-
Sole Agts. Richardson's Irish Linens
Table Linens and Domestics, Main Floor
This is "Opportunity Week" in the Domestic Aisle Hundreds of
special bargains in household needs of all kinds. S. & H. Stamps. '
Haie neavy liinen Tame uiotns
Blse 66x72 Inches, spec'l $1.48
Sise 66x90 Inches, spec'l $1.78
Size 66x108 Inches, sp'e'l $2.25
Mercerized. Table Linens. Full
line of All eolors. Extra fine qual
ity. Priced at only, the yard 75eV
Towels, Sheets, Pillow Slips Rednced
Bed Spreads $2.25 Full bed size
with beautiful raised patterns. On
special sale now at $2.25 each.
Bed Spreads $1.18 Large size
Crochet Spreads in fancy patterns
Dresser Scarfs 38 size 22x67-
inch hemstitched." Extra heavy.
Tea Cloths, 78 Fancy Em
broidered Linen Tea Cloths , in
several designs. Special 78e each.
Guests' Bath Towels, special 38V
Colored oath Towels, spec'l 5f
Large Size Sheets special st 58
2-yd. Wear-'U-Well Sheeting 21
2-yd. Wear-U-Well Sh'fg 23
Sheets, Sheetings, Cases Reduced
2000 Wash Goods Remnants 12 Price
derful opportunity to buy the Summer wash materials 9t just half price. Short , lengths
of dainty wash fabrics, lawns, batistes, crepes, ratine, dimities and novelties of every de
scription for dresses, waists, underwear, children's wear, etc.; all at HALF PRICE
$5 to $10 Lace Curtains $2.48
DRAPERY DEPT THIRD FLOOR To dispose of several
hundred odd pairs of Curtains, we quote a drastic reduction.
Irish Points, Cluny, French Nets, Brussels Nets, CO A Q
etc Regular values from $5.00 to $10.00, at only, pair WAi.flO
$3.50 Shirt Waist Boxes for $1.98
$2.00 Fancy Pillow Tops 48c
v Entire Stoclc
Irish Laces
MAIN FLOOR Tomorrow we offer
our entire stock of Real Linen Cluny
and Irish Laces at exactly 14 off the
regular marked prices. ; An immense
assortment of styles in edges and In
sertions. Choice for one fa mr
day only at .......i. Vll
$1.25 Enihrold's C8c
MAIN FLOOR-r27-W Swiss Floiinc
ings in all ' the newest designs. Reg
ular values up to $1.25 a yard. Q,,
Special one day only at.....; UOl
Fancy Covered 'Shirt Waist
Boxes. Great ' many different
designs. Reg. $3.50 vals. $1.98
Tapestry land Velour Pillow
Tops in richest of colorings.
Values up to $2, at 48 each.
9x12 Crex Grass llugs Spec'l $7.25
$4.00 Carpet Samples Now 98c
9xl2-ft. "Crex" Grass Rugs in II Royal Wilton Carpet Border
reen and brown, with fancy II samples, bound, in lyi-yard
rders. Special, $7.25 each, lengths. Worth $4.00 a yard.
At the., seashore "j or; mountains, ; or
wherever you go on your vacation,
you'll want to take with you a supply
of toilet needs, j . Wei guarantee ; Mau
rine Preparations money back if not
satisfactory in every way. Free, full
treatment given in the Rest Rooms
on . the ; ..: Second l Floor v tomorrow.
Men's S4-S5 Shoes at S3.35
. : nigh or Low Cols, All Sizes
MAIN FLOOR Special one-day sale of men's
Shoes and Oxfords ' at . a decided reduction.
This includes our entire stock of $5 tan Oxfords,
in lace or button .styles, and High Shoes in tan
calf, brown vici,1 gunhietal and velour calf.
Burt & Packard's famous $5.00 Shoes also to
go at sthi price, Men's $4.uu-$3.uu vj jr
Shoes - on sale tomorrow ai
Women's Linen Boots $2.C9
Regular $3.50 Grade v
MAIN FLOOR 1500 pairs women's .White Uniti
Boots In all the .popular lasts, with Cuban' heel.
Regular: $3.50 -grade everywhere. . All CO JQ
sizes. ; Special, the pair . , . t . 4 .' . t . 1 . . ... Pm.U
Wit i
Sale Motor Shawls
Steamer Robes
: At Special Prices 7
THIRD FLOOR your traveling outfit is
. not complete I without one of these Wool
Motor Shawls or Steamer Robes. Tomor- .
rowWe jrice them at a great saving.? Plain
colors ,ir fancy plaid effects. Heavy grades. ; i
I g-50 Wool Shawls or Robes now $ 4.75
$ 7.50 Wool Shawls or Robes how $ 5.25
$ 9.00 Wool Shawls or Robes now $ 5.95
$12.00 Wool 'Shawls or Robes now $ 7.95.x
$15.00 Wool Shawls or Robes now $ 0.95
: 17.S0 Wool Shawls Or Robes how $11.75
"' $Z0.00 Wool Shawls of Robes now $13.75 ' i
Spscial Sale of Enameled Cooking Utensil
Department Third Floor
, '( High-Grsde Extra Heavy Gray Enameled WsVe ;
Blue and White Triple-Coated Ware '
- Best Pure White Enameled Ware
40c 13x9x2-in. Gray Enameled Biscuit Pan, special at 32
12c 16-inch Bastinsr Spoons f ood heavy grade, special
12c3-inch Gray Enameled Solid Ladles.yspecial only 9
20c 1-pint Gray Enameled Funnels special now, only 18
No. 80 Enameled Tea Kettles for 59
40c 2-quart Coffee Pots special at 32
38c lj-qt. Enameled Coffee Pots 27
45c 4-qt. Cover'd Berlin Sauce Pan 34
50c 6-qt Covered BerUn Kettles at 40
70c 2-qt Enameled Double Boilers 56
75c 8-qt Straight Sauce Pans only 59
35c 8-qt. Lipped Pres. Kettles at 28
13c 2-qt. rudding Pans, deep, only 7
40c 10-qt, Enameled Dish Pans at 32
35c 10-inch Seamless Collanders at 27
13c Wnch Deep Pie Plates now at 9
55c 10x13 in. Seamless S. Pan 42
18c 9HxSy, Deep Bread Pan at 12
niue and White
55c 3-Dt. Covered Berlin Kettles at 43
65c 5-pt. Covered Berlin Kettles at 50
47c 8-pt. Lipped Preserving Kettle 36
60c 14-pt. Lipp'd Pf eserving Kettle 48 .
95c 2-pt Double Boilers special at 75
$U5 4-pt Double Boilers only $1.0O
25c 3-pt. Lipped Sauce Pan. special 20
33c 5-pt. Lipped Sauce Pan, special 26
tl.50 No. 8 Enameled Tea Kettle $1.20
$1.20 21-qt. Enameled Dish Pans 90
95c 2-qt Seamless Coffee Pots at 75
85c lJ4-qt Seamless Tea Pots st 67
27c 2-qt. Deep Pudding Pans now 20v
35c 9-ln. Deep Tubed Cake Pans st 27
White and White
11.10 5-qt, Covered Sauce Pans st 68
ilJO 6-qt. Covered Sauce Pans $1.04
U3 8-qt Covered Sauce Pans $1.21
U.00 lH-o,t. Covrd Lipped Sauces
il.10 2-qt. Lipped Sauce Pans st 3
!2.15 7-at. Enameled Tea Kettle $1.73
$U0 10-qt. Seamless Water Pail at K.s
$1.10 2-pt. Enamel'd Double Boiler f
90c 2-qt, II ilk Kettles special now
55e 6-in. Enameled Soup Strainers !"
75c U-in. Enameled Collanders at
22c 9-in Enameled Pie Plate now 1' C
23c 9-in. Jelly Cake Fans tr" hi it 1 ' '
C5J 6-qt. Lipped Preservirj i.f